Saturday 28 January 2023

Russia Will Turn All Western Weapons Sent to Ukraine 'Into Scrap', Kim Jong-Un's Sister Says

Russia Will Turn All Western Weapons Sent to Ukraine 'Into Scrap', Kim Jong-Un's Sister Says

Russia Will Turn All Western Weapons Sent to Ukraine 'Into Scrap', Kim Jong-Un's Sister Says

©Sputnik Screenshot

Praising the fighting spirit and might of the Russian military, Kim Yo-jong also criticized the West's support to the regime in Kiev.

North Korean politician and diplomat Kim Yo-jong has announced that Pyongyang will continue to support Moscow amid the current crisis in Ukraine.

In a statement disseminated by North Korean media, the also sister of the country’s leader Kim Jong-un said that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will always be standing “in one trench” together with the people and the army of Russia who “rose up to defend the honor and dignity of [their] state, sovereignty and security of the country.”

She also criticized the United States’ decision to supply M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine, and suggested that such initiatives will not help Kiev.

“I have no doubt that any armaments the US and the West are so proud of will be burned to cinders and turned into scrap before the unyielding fighting spirit and the might of the heroic army and the people of Russia,” Kim Yo-jong declared. Earlier this week, both the United States and Germany announced their intent to supply M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 battle tanks, respectively, to the regime in Kiev.

While the United States and its allies funneled vast quantities of weapons, munitions and military hardware to Kiev since the beginning of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, they had so far been reluctant to supply Ukrainian forces with heavy weapons such as tanks – until now.

Russian forces tighten grip on Ugledar in Donetsk advance, top brass reports

Russian forces continued their offensive in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas, tightening their grip on Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Friday.

Russian tankers of the Western Military District destroyed the position of the Ukrainian military, approaching it at a distance of 200-250 meters

"In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, units of the battlegroup East continued their offensive operations, taking new advantageous sites and inflicting damage by firepower on the troops of the Ukrainian army’s 72nd mechanized brigade in the area of the community of Ugledar, and also the 108th territorial defense brigade near the communities of Prechistovka and Novosyolka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in those areas in the past 24 hours amounted to 65 personnel, one tank, two armored combat vehicles, a D-20 howitzer, three motor vehicles and two US-made AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radars, the general specified.

Russian forces delivered a massive strike on January 26 on Ukrainian energy sites related to Ukraine’s military-industrial sector and transport system, Konashenkov reported.

"On January 26, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a massive missile strike by long-range air-and sea-based precision weapons and also by unmanned aerial vehicles against the energy sites providing for the operation of enterprises of the Ukrainian military-industrial sector and transport system," the spokesman said.

Video of the work of the tankers of the Southern Military District on the strongholds of the Ukrainian troops in the Zaporozhye region

The goals of the massive strike were achieved, the general said.

"All the designated facilities were struck," Konashenkov stressed.

In particular, the massive strike disrupted the deliveries of armaments and ammunition, including NATO-supplied weapons, to the Ukrainian military in combat areas, the spokesman said.

"The operation of the production capacities for the repair and recovery of Ukrainian military equipment was disrupted," Konashenkov reported.

Russian artillery struck Ukrainian army units in the Kupyansk area, eliminating over 30 enemy troops in the past day, he said.

Video of the battle during which Russian paratroopers destroyed a group of Ukrainian saboteurs

"In the Kupyansk direction, artillery of the western battlegroup inflicted damage by firepower on the personnel and equipment of units of the Ukrainian army’s 103rd territorial defense brigade near the community of Peschanoye and 14th mechanized brigade near the settlement of Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region," the spokesman said.

The strikes eliminated over 30 Ukrainian personnel, two motor vehicles, a US-made M777 artillery system and a D-20 howitzer, the general specified.

Russian forces struck two Ukrainian army brigades in the Krasny Liman area, killing and wounding about 40 enemy troops over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

‘In the Krasny Liman direction, army aviation aircraft and artillery of the central battlegroup inflicted damage on units of the Ukrainian army’s 24th and 92nd mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements of Ostrovskoye in the Kharkov Region and Stelmakhovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic. The enemy’s total losses amounted to 40 personnel killed and wounded, three armored combat vehicles, three motor vehicles, a D-20 howitzer and also a US-made M777 artillery system," the spokesman said.

A group of Russian intelligence officers, having secretly approached the positions of the enemy, liquidated the stronghold of the Ukrainian troops in the Avdiivka direction

In addition, a Ukrainian artillery ammunition depot was wiped out in the area of the settlement of Shchurovo in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the general added.

Russian forces eliminated over 80 Ukrainian troops in their offensive in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, over 80 Ukrainian troops were eliminated as a result of successful offensive operations by the southern battlegroup," the spokesman said.

Over the past 24 hours, Russian forces also destroyed one Ukrainian tank, three infantry fighting vehicles, three pickup trucks, one D-20 howitzer, two D-30 howitzers, one Msta-B howitzer, and also a US-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery gun and a US-manufactured AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar, the general specified.

The Russian T-80BV tank, put into service in 1985, surpasses the latest Abrams modification in terms of power density and driving performance.

If the T-80BV drives up a snowy hill without visible effort, then the most modern version of the Abrams could not overcome a similar obstacle.

Russian forces destroyed a Grad multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) and a US-made M777 howitzer in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson direction, a Grad MLRS, a US-made M777 artillery system and a Ukrainian artillery ammunition depot were obliterated in the counter-battery warfare," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroyed a radar station of a Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system in the Kharkov Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the past 24 hours, operational-tactical aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 79 Ukrainian army units at firing positions, and also manpower and military hardware in 102 areas. In the area of the settlement of Senkovo in the Kharkov Region, a position was uncovered and a radar station of a Ukrainian S-300 surface-to-air missile system was destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane near Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Russian air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 plane in the area of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic. In the past 24 hours, they also destroyed 11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Berestovoye in the Kharkov Region, Proletarka and Malaya Kardashinka in the Kherson Region, Mirnoye in the Zaporozhye Region, Kremennaya, Oborotnovka and Barannikovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Ugledar, Novomayorskoye and Nikolskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, Russian air defense systems intercepted 14 rockets of Olkha, Uragan and HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems in areas near the settlements of Popasnaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Vladimirovka, Valeryanovka and Komsomolsky in the Donetsk People’s Republic and Radensk in the Kherson Region," the general said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 380 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 204 helicopters, 2,967 unmanned aerial vehicles, 402 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,644 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 991 multiple rocket launchers, 3,932 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,191 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation, Konashenkov reported.

Special operation, 27 January. The main thing:

On January 26, the Russian Armed Forces launched a massive strike with missiles and UAVs on the energy system of Ukraine, all goals were achieved, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

▪️as a result of the strike, the transportation of weapons and ammunition to the areas of hostilities, including those supplied by NATO countries, was also disrupted, the department noted.

The Ukrainian military lost more than 80 people in the Donetsk direction, about 70 in the Kupyansk and Krasnolymansk directions, and up to 60 in the South-Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, the Russian Defense Ministry reported

▪️The Russian Foreign Ministry, in the light of arms supplies to Ukraine, said that NATO is "fully involved" in the confrontation with Russia, this confrontation is on the rise

▪️Supplies of Western tanks to Ukraine will not change the situation in favor of Kyiv, but they will bring the confrontation between the West and Russia to a new level, the Russian Foreign Ministry noted

▪️The White House stated that the US and NATO are not directly involved in what is happening in Ukraine, and stressed that this is a conflict between Moscow and Kyiv

Delivery of Abrams tanks to Ukraine will take 'many months', White House says

▪️Zelensky said that if Abrams tanks arrive only by August, it will be too late

The Minister of Defense of Germany, commenting on Kyiv's desire to receive fighter jets, said that their deliveries were out of the question

The United States noted that they have nothing to say yet about the supply of fighter jets to Ukraine, but Washington is in contact with Kyiv on the issue of support.

▪️ London plans to deliver Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine at the end of March, the British Ministry of Defense said. By the end of March, Kyiv will be able to receive German Leopard tanks, the German defense minister said. Canada is also going to donate 4 Leopard 2 tanks

▪️ Training of the Ukrainian military to work with the Marder BMP will begin in the coming days, the German Defense Ministry said

▪️ Western arms supplies to Ukraine indicate their direct involvement in the conflict, and it is growing, Peskov said

▪️ energy facilities in the southern, central and southwestern regions of Ukraine were damaged as a result of explosions on Thursday, high-voltage equipment was destroyed at one of them, Ukrenergo said

Friday 27 January 2023

9 Warga Palestina Tewas Selama Operasi Israel di Kamp Pengungsi Jenin

9 Warga Palestina Tewas Selama Operasi Israel di Kamp Pengungsi Jenin

9 Warga Palestina Tewas Selama Operasi Israel di Kamp Pengungsi Jenin

Unarmed Palestinians take shelter from Israeli gunfire and tear-gas canisters during Thursday’s attack on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. (AP)

Pasukan Israel membunuh sembilan warga Palestina, termasuk seorang wanita tua, dan melukai 20 orang, empat di antaranya serius, dalam serangan di kamp pengungsi Jenin pada Kamis, kata Kementerian Kesehatan Palestina.

Sementara itu, Youssef Muheisen, 22, tewas setelah ditembak oleh tentara Israel dalam bentrokan di Al-Ram, di gubernuran Yerusalem, menambah jumlah korban tewas hari itu menjadi 10 orang.

Pertumpahan darah, yang menandai hari paling mematikan di Tepi Barat dalam lebih dari setahun, menjadikan jumlah total warga Palestina yang terbunuh tahun ini oleh operasi Israel menjadi 30 orang.

Pasukan keamanan mengatakan mereka memasuki kamp untuk menangkap tiga militan Palestina dari organisasi Jihad Islam yang, menurut informasi intelijen, berniat melakukan serangan signifikan terhadap sasaran Israel.

Bulan Sabit Merah Palestina mengatakan para pejabat Israel pada awalnya mencegah petugas medis memasuki kamp, sehingga sulit menjangkau korban luka, empat di antaranya berada dalam kondisi kritis. Dikatakan pasukan Israel telah menembakkan tabung gas air mata di Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Jenin, yang mengakibatkan cedera pernafasan di kalangan anak-anak.

Perdana Menteri Palestina Mohammed Shtayyeh meminta PBB dan organisasi hak asasi manusia internasional untuk "segera campur tangan untuk memberikan perlindungan... dan menghentikan pertumpahan darah anak-anak, pemuda dan perempuan." Dia menambahkan bahwa pasukan pendudukan terus melakukan pembunuhan dan eksekusi tanpa hukuman.

Tor Wennesland, koordinator khusus PBB untuk proses perdamaian Timur Tengah, mengatakan: “Saya sangat khawatir dan sedih dengan berlanjutnya siklus kekerasan di Tepi Barat yang diduduki. Kematian sembilan warga Palestina hari ini, termasuk militan dan seorang wanita, selama operasi penangkapan Israel di Jenin adalah contoh nyata lainnya.”

Dia mendesak otoritas Israel dan Palestina untuk mengurangi ketegangan, memulihkan ketenangan dan menghindari konflik lebih lanjut.

Pemogokan umum dilakukan di Tepi Barat untuk meratapi kematian. Kerumunan besar menghadiri pemakaman sembilan korban, di tengah seruan untuk balas dendam. Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas mengumumkan tiga hari berkabung, di mana bendera akan dikibarkan setengah tiang.

Secara terpisah, sembilan orang terluka dalam bentrokan yang pecah antara puluhan warga Palestina dan pasukan Israel di dekat Bethlehem dan Ramallah, di mana peluru tajam dan tabung gas air mata digunakan untuk membubarkan massa yang melemparkan batu.

Seorang pejabat Uni Eropa di Yerusalem menggambarkan situasi di Tepi Barat sebagai kompleks dan mengarah ke kurva yang berbahaya. Pejabat itu menambahkan bahwa UE secara konsisten menyerukan penyelidikan segera terhadap operasi militer yang mengakibatkan korban sipil dan agar hasil penyelidikan tersebut diumumkan kepada publik.

Kementerian Luar Negeri Palestina mengatakan: "Jika komunitas internasional dan pemerintah AS tidak bergerak sekarang, ketika kejahatan brutal ini dilakukan oleh pasukan pendudukan, lalu kapan mereka akan bergerak?"

Mayor Jenderal Akram Rajoub, gubernur Jenin, menggambarkan operasi Israel di kamp di sana sebagai “yang paling berdarah dan paling kejam dalam lebih dari setahun.”

Dia mengatakan kesedihan, rasa sakit, dan kemarahan yang luar biasa terjadi di kota dan kamp tersebut, dan serangan Israel yang berulang kali melemahkan peran dinas keamanan Palestina dan Otoritas Palestina.

Seorang petugas keamanan Palestina di kamp Jenin, yang meminta untuk tidak disebutkan namanya, mengatakan kepada Arab News bahwa sebuah truk susu dengan plat nomor Palestina telah tiba sekitar pukul 7 pagi pada hari Kamis. Di dalam, ada sekitar 30 anggota Pasukan Khusus Israel. Ketika pemuda penghuni kamp melihat kekuatan tersembunyi itu, mereka menyerangnya dengan rentetan batu, katanya. Kemudian bala bantuan tiba, termasuk lebih dari 80 kendaraan militer Israel dan buldoser, serta drone untuk memantau kamp.

Dia mengatakan operasi berlanjut selama lebih dari empat jam, di mana pasukan mengepung rumah-rumah dan menargetkan mereka dengan tembakan senjata berat dan roket.

“Kamp itu seperti medan perang dan mengingatkan kami pada apa yang terjadi pada tahun 2002,” kata sumber itu.

Menyusul operasi di Jenin, pasukan Israel di Tepi Barat dan di sepanjang perbatasan dengan Gaza disiagakan tinggi di tengah kekhawatiran akan pembalasan Palestina, kata pasukan pertahanan Israel.

Nabil Aburudeineh, juru bicara kepresidenan Palestina, menggambarkan pembunuhan itu sebagai "pembantaian" dan mengutuk kebisuan komunitas internasional atas insiden semacam itu, "yang mendorong pemerintah Israel untuk melakukan lebih banyak pembantaian terhadap rakyat Palestina dan melanjutkan kebijakan eskalasi."

Abdullatif Al-Qanou, anggota Hamas, organisasi yang memerintah Gaza, mengatakan: “Perilaku pemerintah pendudukan ekstremis, peningkatan kejahatannya, dan pelanggarannya terhadap rakyat kami pasti akan membawa kami ke pertempuran Yerusalem untuk mempertahankannya. tanah kami, keluarga kami dan kesucian kami.

Daoud Shehab, seorang pemimpin senior Jihad Islam, mengatakan: “Kamp Jenin adalah alamat tantangan dan ketabahan yang paling menonjol di seluruh Palestina, dan Jenin menegaskan bahwa perlawanan terus berlanjut meskipun ada arogansi dan kejahatan pendudukan.”

Jihad Islam adalah kehadiran yang kuat di kamp Jenin, di mana ia mengoperasikan “Brigade Jenin” yang terdiri dari sekitar 300 pejuang terlatih yang berkoordinasi dengan semua militan Palestina lainnya di kamp. Menteri Luar Negeri AS Antony Blinken akan mengunjungi Mesir, Israel, dan Tepi Barat akhir pekan ini di tengah meningkatnya kekerasan Israel-Palestina dan kekhawatiran Amerika tentang pemerintahan baru sayap kanan Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

LIVE UPDATES - Russian forces push forward in southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

LIVE UPDATES - Russian forces push forward in southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

LIVE UPDATES - Russian forces push forward in southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas


Russian forces continued their offensive operations in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Thursday.

"In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas, units of the eastern battlegroup continued offensive operations and inflicted damage on the enemy by firepower in areas near the settlements of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Pavlovka and Levadnoye in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

The enemy’s losses in those areas in the past 24 hours amounted to 60 Ukrainian personnel, three armored combat vehicles and two pickup trucks, the general specified.

Russian artillery struck amassed manpower of two Ukrainian army brigades in the Kharkov Region and the Lugansk People’s Republic, eliminating over 20 enemy troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk area, artillery of the western battlegroup inflicted damage by firepower on amassed personnel of the Ukrainian army’s 14th and 92nd mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka and Timkovka in the Kharkov Region and Novosyolovskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

The strikes eliminated enemy manpower and equipment, the general said.

"Over 20 Ukrainian troops, an armored combat vehicle, a pickup truck and a D-20 howitzer were destroyed," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces struck two Ukrainian army brigades in the Krasny Liman area, killing and wounding about 70 militants and destroying four American M777 howitzers over the past day, he said.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, operational-tactical, army aviation aircraft and artillery of the central battlegroup struck units of the Ukrainian army’s 25th airborne and 95th air assault brigades near the community of Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and in the area of the Serebryansky forestry," the spokesman said.

The enemy lost as many as 70 personnel killed and wounded, two armored combat vehicles and four US-made M777 howitzers in that area over the past 24 hours, the general specified.

Russian forces gained more advantageous positions in their Donetsk advance, eliminating over 40 Ukrainian troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, units of the southern battlegroup took more advantageous frontiers and positions in their offensive operations. In the area of the settlement of Konstantinovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a Ukrainian artillery ammunition depot was wiped out," the spokesman said.

In the past 24 hours, Russian forces destroyed over 40 Ukrainian troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, two Grad multiple rocket launchers, a US-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery gun, two D-20 and Giatsint-B howitzers, and also a US-manufactured AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar in that area, the general specified.

Russian forces destroyed two US-made radar stations and four howitzers in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

Shturm-S self-propelled anti-tank missile system crews in action during the special military operation (video courtesy of Russia's MoD)

"In the Kherson area, three D-20 howitzers, a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and also two US-made AN/TPQ-37 and AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radars were destroyed in the counter-battery warfare," the spokesman said.

Russian forces also destroyed four Ukrainian ammunition depots in areas near the settlements of Dudchany and Tokarevka in the Kherson Region and Chervonogrigorovka in the Dnepropetrovsk Region, the general added.

Russian fighter aircraft shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 plane near the community of Andreyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russia's “Marker” combat robot will be sent to the special operation zone and is set to destroy Abrams and Leopard tanks

Russian forces destroyed a radar of a Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system in the Nikolayev Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the past 24 hours, operational-tactical aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 83 artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 119 areas. They destroyed a radar station of an S-300 surface-to-air missile system in the area of the city of Ochakov in the Nikolayev Region," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroyed two Ukrainian army fuel storage sites and three artillery ammunition depots in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Zaporozhye Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the areas of the communities of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Chervonoye and Kantserovka in the Zaporozhye Region, two sites storing fuel for military equipment and three artillery ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army were destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane near Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Russian air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 aircraft near the community of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They also destroyed eight Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Kremennaya, Zhitlovka and Novokrasnyanka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Nikolskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novoprokopovka and Dorozhnyanka in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

In the past 24 hours, Russian air defense systems intercepted seven Olkha, Uragan and HIMARS rockets near the communities of Kremennaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Kuibyshevo and Valeryanovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novouspenovka in the Zaporozhye Region and Chaplinka in the Kherson Region, the general said.

In addition, a US HARM anti-radiation missile was shot down near the community of Kostogryzovo in the Kherson Region, Konashenkov reported.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 379 Ukrainian warplanes, 204 helicopters, 2,956 unmanned aerial vehicles, 402 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,634 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 990 multiple rocket launchers, 3,921 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,180 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation, the general specified.

Latest statements by Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov:

  • Zelensky ceased to be a possible opponent for Putin when he failed to deliver on his commitments under the Minsk agreements, and instead prepared for a war;

  • Changing the status of Russia's military operation in Ukraine due to the West's decision to supply tanks to Kiev is not on the agenda;

  • Moscow considers the Western arms supplies to Ukraine as evidence of their growing direct involvement in the conflict.

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

▪️In the Kharkov region and the LPR, artillery inflicted damage on accumulations of troops from the 14th and 92nd Mechanized Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers, an armored combat vehicle, a pickup truck and a D-20 howitzer were destroyed.

▪️In the DPR, artillery strikes inflicted damage on units of the 25th Airborne and 95th Airborne Assault Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Enemy losses per day in this direction amounted to: up to 70 troops killed and wounded, two armored combat vehicles and four M-777 artillery systems manufactured by the USA.

▪️Russian troops in the course of offensive operations in the DPR took more advantageous lines and positions. A warehouse of artillery ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed. During the day, over 40 Ukrainian troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, two Grad MLRS, a US-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery mount, two D-20 and Giacint-B howitzers, as well as a counter-battery radar were destroyed in this direction. made in the USA AN/TPQ-50.

▪️Continuing offensive operations in the Zaporozhye region and the DPR, Russian troops inflicted a defeat on the enemy. The total losses of the enemy in this direction amounted to 60 Ukrainian troops, three armored combat vehicles, and two pickup trucks. In addition, two storage facilities for fuel for military equipment and three storage facilities for artillery ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

▪️In the Kherson region, three D-20 howitzers, a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, as well as two US-made AN / TPQ-37 and AN / TPQ-50 counter-battery radars were destroyed as part of counter-battery combat. Four warehouses with ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were also hit.

▪️Russian aviation, missile forces and artillery hit 83 artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 119 districts. In the Nikolaev region, the radar station of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed.

▪️Russian aviation shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 in the DPR.

▪️Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 near the Ugledar settlement in the Donetsk People's Republic. Also, eight Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

Jalan Suryakencana Ditutup Pekan Depan

Jalan Suryakencana Ditutup Pekan Depan

Jalan Suryakencana Ditutup Pekan Depan

Kapolresta Bogor Kota, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso

Jalan Suryakencana, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor akan ditutup selama pagelaran Bogor Street Festival (BSF) Cap Go Meh (CGM) yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 05 Februari 2023 mendatang.

Tak hanya jalan, gang-gang yang akan melintas ke Jalan Suryakencana sendiri akan ditutup untuk menghindari kendaraan yang lewat.

Kapolresta Bogor Kota, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso mengatakan penutupan sendiri akan dilakukan sejak pukul 13.00 WIB.

Bogor Street Festival (BSF) Cap Go Meh sendiri dijadwalkan akan berlangsung dari mulai 15.00-00.00 WIB.

“Jadi untuk ruas lalu lintas kami akan melakukan rekayasa apabila dalam kota sudah terlalu padat, kami akan melakukan rekayasa di Interchange,” kata Bismo seusai menghadiri rapat koordinasi lintas sektoral pengamanan Bogor Street Festival (BSF) CGM 2023 di Mako Polresta Bogor Kota, pada hari Rabu, 25/01/2023.

Seperti, lanjut Bismo, di Interchange Jogorawi, pihaknya akan melakukan pengalihan melalui pintu keluar bogor selatan atau sumarecon.

Sehingga tidak semua kendaraan yang akan masuk ke Kota Bogor itu melalui beranangsiang, tetapi itu sifatnya tentatif.

“Kita melihat situasional dan kepadatan arus lalu lintas yang ada di dalam kota khsusunya sepanjang jalan otista dan jalan pajajaran,” ucap Bismo.

Sebelumnya, Ketua BSF CGM 2023, Arifin Himawan menjelaskan berbagai persiapan sudah dilakukan, diantaranya adalah kurasi peserta yang akan tampil dalam kegiatan pesta rakyat BSF CGM 2023 bersama Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan (Disparbud) Kota Bogor, konsep panggung, fasilitas tenaga kesehatan, petunjuk tempat beribadah untuk melaksanakan salat Ashar dan Maghrib serta rangkaian acara.

Dia menekankan, event yang sudah diadakan sejak tahun 2000 ini bukanlah kegiatan keagamaan, melainkan pesta rakyat kebersamaan dalam perbedaan.

Dalam kegiatan itu nanti juga nantinya akan diadakan doa bersama oleh para pemuka agama dari masing-masing agama.

“Kita bersama-sama gabung dari berbagai latar belakang, masyarakat dari berbagai elemen akan hadir, kemudian kita juga ada berbagai penampilan seni budaya tradisi, kolosal, komunitas budaya, pelaku UMKM,” katanya.

Berkaca dari tahun sebelumnya kata Ahim, keberadaan CGM juga meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan ke Kota Bogor dan tingkat okupansi hotel yang berada di Kota Bogor.

Tak hanya itu, menurutnya masyarakat pedagang kecil dan UMKM pun mengalami kenaikan omset penjualan.

Thursday 26 January 2023

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Troops Enter DPR City of Ugledar

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Troops Enter DPR City of Ugledar

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Troops Enter DPR City of Ugledar

Russian troops have entered the city of Ugledar and entrenched its outskirts, Igor Kimakovsky, adviser to the acting head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), said on Thursday.

"They entered and gained ground along the outskirts (of Ugledar), thereby blocking the enemy's forces. Our artillery is attacking the enemy, who is trying to counterattack," he said.

Currently, the main task of Russian forces is not to attack Ugledar head-on, but to take the city "in pincers" similar to how they did in Soledar, Kimakovsky said.

"This tactic is paying off," he added.

According to the official, currently, the main task of the Russian forces is not attacking Ugledar head-on but enveloping it in a pincer movement "as it was successfully done in the vicinity of Soledar and is being done now in the vicinity of Artyomovsk." "This strategy has worked very well indeed," he noted.

American Abrams tanks vulnerable even to Soviet-era weapons, says expert

American M1 Abrams tanks that Washington has decided to hand over to Kiev as military aid have weaknesses that allowed wiping them out with Soviet weapons, including T-55 tanks, during the conflict in Iraq, armor expert, Candidate of Military Sciences, retired Colonel Sergey Suvorov told TASS on Thursday.

M1 Abrams tanks can also be hardly repaired in field conditions and are weakly suited for operation on dusty terrain like in Ukraine, the expert added.

US President Joe Biden announced on January 25 that Washington would hand over 31 M1 Abrams tanks to the Kiev regime. Earlier, Germany and Poland made the decisions to supply German-made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. It was also reported that the United Kingdom would transfer Challenger 2 tanks to Kiev.

Abrams turret pierced by T-55’s shell

Abrams tanks repeatedly demonstrated their vulnerability during the hostilities in Iraq, the expert pointed out. "As the Iraq combat experience shows, they went up in flames. The tank turret was pierced by a 100mm armor-piercing blunt nose projectile fired by a T-55 tank. There were instances when Abrams vehicles were struck by automatic guns of both Bradley and our BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles," he said.

Instances are also known when the American tank was destroyed by the first Soviet modifications of T-72 tanks firing old shells "that were withdrawn from operational use even before the Abrams concept was devised," Suvorov said.

The expert also pointed to the instances when Abrams tanks were wiped out by RPG-7 anti-tank grenade launchers.

An extra powerplant installed in the rear part of the turret to power modern electronic systems is another weak point of later American tank modifications, the expert said. "It was covered with the armor that can withstand assault rifle bullets but is vulnerable to a 12.7 mm DShK machine gun. It was hit by a DShK and its motor was smashed, oil and fuel went ablaze and spilled down to the main engine located below. The main engine went ablaze and then the tank itself went up in flames and burnt out," he said.

The American tank almost has no chances, if it engages in a duel with Russian tanks, the expert said.

"If an Abrams emerges at a long distance, a T-72 or a T-90 crew will fire an anti-tank missile and we can say that the Abrams will even have no chance to fire a shot as its range of fire won’t allow it to do that," he explained.

However, the US tank’s final efficiency depends on the commander’s skills to operate it and trained crews, the expert said.

Structural and operational flaws Apart from the need to fill Abrams tanks with clean jet fuel, they also have more serious operational flaws. In particular, they cannot be repaired in field conditions, the expert said.

"Repairs are a major problem. If something breaks down in the powerplant, it has to be pulled out of the tank, taken to a special repair workshop with skilled personnel, disconnected from the gear box and only then repaired," Suvorov said.

The air intake system of US-made Abrams tanks is yet another vulnerability, the expert pointed out. "They feature an air filter that operates similar to the equipment installed in motor vehicles: if it becomes clogged, it has to be taken out and cleaned. Meanwhile, all of our tanks are equipped with cyclone dust collectors that are quite smart devices," the expert said, adding that an Abrams filter sufficed for just 15 minutes of the tank’s movement along dusty terrain during the Iraq campaign.

This may be a major hurdle in employing Abrams tanks in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine, the expert warned. "It is still possible to operate in winter but summer in Ukraine is quite dusty," he said.

The Abrams rate of fire falls after the first three or four shots due to its separate loading system. Secondly, its principle in the American vehicle is inferior to that in other Western tanks and will further cut the crew’s efficiency, the expert pointed out.

"In a Leopard tank, a loader stands straight whereas the Abrams designers sought to reduce the tank’s height and a loader inside the vehicle operates bent low, which is not quite comfortable," he explained.

Kemarin Hawa dingin yang parah melanda seluruh Asia

Kemarin Hawa dingin yang parah melanda seluruh Asia

Kemarin Hawa dingin yang parah melanda seluruh Asia

Cuaca dingin yang luar biasa dan tekanan rendah ekstrem melanda Asia minggu ini.Salju tebal menyelimuti sebagian besar wilayah Jepang pada hari kemarin, Rabu, 25/01/2023. Sementara di Indonesia turun hujan disertai suhu dingin.

Hujan salju dan angin kencang di Jepang, memaksa ratusan pembatalan penerbangan dan mengganggu perjalanan kereta api. Satu orang meninggal akibat badai di sana.

Penjaga pantai mengatakan dua orang tewas dan sembilan hilang setelah sebuah kapal kargo tenggelam di barat daya Jepang pada Rabu pagi di tengah angin musim dingin yang ganas.

Ini adalah sekoci dari kapal yang tenggelam yang ditemukan saat pencarian korban berlanjut.

Di Afghanistan, setidaknya 124 orang tewas dalam suhu beku awal pekan ini, menurut laporan media.


"Cuacanya terlalu dingin, kami mengalami cuaca yang sangat dingin. Orang menghadapi banyak masalah, tidak ada air, tidak ada gas, orang berusaha mengatasi tantangan ini."

Di China, CCTV penyiar negara menunjukkan rekaman sepeda beku.

Sementara pekerja kereta api di kota Yantai timur bekerja membersihkan salju tebal dari rel kereta api.

Suhu di Mohe, kota paling utara China, turun ke rekor -53 derajat Celcius - yaitu -63 derajat Fahrenheit, pada hari Minggu.

Salju lebat dan angin kencang juga melanda wilayah selatan Korea Selatan.

Di Jepang, maskapai penerbangan domestik membatalkan 450 penerbangan, sementara 490 area jalan raya diblokir dan 57 layanan kereta api ditangguhkan secara nasional, kata kementerian transportasi.

Cuaca pahit tersebut diperkirakan akan berlanjut hingga hari Kamis, 26/01/2023.

Turis berpose untuk foto di depan termometer yang menunjukkan -11,3 derajat Celcius (11,6 F), di Otaru, prefektur Hokkaido di Jepang utara pada 24 Januari 2023.

Tens of millions of people across East Asia braved a severe cold snap Wednesday as subzero temperatures and heavy snow brought travel chaos during the Lunar New Year holiday, with climate experts warning that such extreme weather events had become the "new norm."

South Korea has issued heavy snow warnings this week as temperatures in the capital Seoul fell as low as minus 15 degrees Celsius (minus 5 degrees Fahrenheit) and plummeted to record lows in other cities, officials said.

On the popular tourist island of Jeju, harsh weather led to the cancellation of hundreds of flights while passenger ships were forced to stay in port due to huge waves, according to the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters.

'Norma baru'

Yeh Sang-wook, seorang profesor iklim di Universitas Hanyang di Seoul, menghubungkan gelombang dingin ekstrem di Semenanjung Korea dengan angin Arktik dari Siberia, menambahkan bahwa gelombang dingin di Korea Selatan tahun ini sebagian disebabkan oleh mencairnya lapisan es Arktik dari iklim yang memanas.

"Ada rekor pencairan tahun lalu dan tahun ini," katanya. "Saat es laut mencair, laut terbuka, mengirimkan lebih banyak uap ke udara, menyebabkan lebih banyak salju di utara."

Saat perubahan iklim memburuk, kawasan itu akan menghadapi cuaca dingin yang lebih parah di masa depan, katanya.

"Tidak ada (penjelasan) lain," katanya. "Perubahan iklim memang semakin dalam dan ada konsensus di antara para ilmuwan global bahwa fenomena dingin semacam ini akan semakin memburuk di masa mendatang."

Kevin Trenberth, dari National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) AS, setuju bahwa "peristiwa cuaca ekstrem adalah norma baru," dan menambahkan, "kami tentu dapat memperkirakan bahwa cuaca ekstrem akan menjadi lebih buruk daripada sebelumnya."

Ia juga mencontohkan siklus pola iklim El Niño dan La Niña di Samudera Pasifik yang mempengaruhi cuaca di seluruh dunia.

La Niña, yang biasanya memiliki efek mendinginkan suhu global, adalah salah satu penyebab cuaca dingin saat ini, katanya.

“Memang ada variabilitas alami yang besar yang terjadi pada cuaca, tapi… kita sering mendengar tentang fenomena El Nino dan saat ini kita sedang dalam fase La Niña. Dan itu tentu mempengaruhi jenis pola yang cenderung terjadi. Dan itu juga pemain," katanya.