Tuesday 21 February 2023

Putin says West's goal is to tear historical regions away from Russia

Putin says West's goal is to tear historical regions away from Russia

Putin says West's goal is to tear historical regions away from Russia

©Sergei Karpukhin/TASS

The West's project to create an "anti-Russia," which is now being implemented in Ukraine, aims to tear away from Russia the historical regions that are now called Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin said in his State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly on Tuesday.

The project to create an "anti-Russia" that the West is now implementing in Ukraine is "not new," Putin stressed. "Let me reiterate that in the 1930s, the West actually paved the way for the Nazis to come to power in Germany, and now they have started to turn Ukraine into an anti-Russia. The project, in fact, is not new. People who know even the least bit of history know perfectly well, this project goes back to the 19th century," the Russian president noted.

"It was nurtured in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, (it was nurtured) by Poland and other countries with one goal: to tear away from our country these historical territories, which today are called Ukraine. This is what this goal is all about, there is nothing new here, no novelty, everyone repeats things," the president stressed.

According to Putin, the West expedited this project by "supporting the 2014 coup" in Ukraine. "After all, the coup was bloody, anti-state, anti-constitutional, but it was as if nothing had happened, as if this is the way," the president pointed out. "They even reported how much money was spent on it.

The president made the comments in a major State of the Union-style address focused on the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, the broader global security crisis, and domestic social and economic issues.

Russia spent many years seeking a constructive dialogue with the West, and proposing an indivisible, equality-based system of joint security, but received only a "hypocritical" reaction - NATO's expansion to Russia's doorstep, and missile defense umbrellas across Europe and Asia, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Speaking to lawmakers during his address to the Federal Assembly on Tuesday, Putin accused the US and its allies of playing the "same double game" in the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine as they had in the years and decades prior in other countries.

"This disgusting method of deception has used many times before. (The West) behaved just as shamelessly, duplicitously, destroying Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria. They will never be able to wash themselves clean of this shame. The concepts of honor, trust, decency are foreign to them. After many centuries of colonialism, dictate, and hegemony they have become used to everything being allowed to them, have become accustomed to spitting on the entire world; and it turned out that they treat the peoples of their own countries in the same way," Putin said.

"We were open and sincerely ready for a constructive dialog with the West. We said and insisted that both Europe and the entire world needed an indivisible system of security based on equality for all states. For many years we offered to discuss this idea with our partners and work together on its implementation. In response, we received an indistinct or hypocritical reaction," he said.

The Russian president recalled that as late as December 2021, Moscow "officially sent NATO drafts of an agreement on security guarantees, but received a direct refusal on all points. At that time it finally became crystal clear that the go-ahead for aggression had been given."

The draft security agreements referred to by Putin included provisions aimed at dramatically deescalating tensions between Russia and NATO, including legally binding, written guarantees not to deploy troops, aircraft, warships and missile systems in areas where they might be seen as a threat to the national security of the other side, and a formal request by Moscow that NATO scrap plans to advance into Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics. The US and NATO dismissed Russia's proposals and stressed that the Western bloc wouldn't budge from its "open door" policy for new members.

Ukraine Crisis

Putin stressed that Russia was not at war with the people of Ukraine, that "the people of Ukraine are now hostages to the regime in Kiev and its Western masters," and that thee country is being used as a "tool" and a "launchpad" for a conflict against Russia, complete with foreign military bases and military biolabs on its territory.

"Even before the start of the special military operation, Kiev negotiated with the West on the supply of air defense systems, aircraft and other heavy equipment...We also remember attempts by the Kiev regime to acquire nuclear weapons. After all, they talked about it publicly," Putin said.

"Even before the start of the special military operation, Kiev negotiated with the West on the supply of air defense systems, aircraft and other heavy equipment...We also remember attempts by the Kiev regime to acquire nuclear weapons. After all, they talked about it publicly," Putin said.

Recalling the former German and French leaders' admission that the 2015 Minsk peace deal aimed at bringing the crisis in the Donbass to an end was a mere "bluff" aimed at rearming Ukraine and preparing it for war against Russia, Putin blasted Western officials for behaving "as if they are proud of and revel in their treachery, calling the Normandy format a performance."

As far as the ongoing military operation in Ukraine is concerned, Putin said that "step by step, we will carefully and consistently solve the tasks facing us."

"Since 2014, the people of the Donbass fought, defended their right to live on their own land, speak in their native language, fought and did not give up under blockade and constant shelling, undisguised hatred from the Kiev regime, and believed and waited for Russia to come to the rescue," Putin said.

"I would like to reiterate this: it was (the West) that unleashed the war. And we used force and are using force to stop it," Putin said, recalling how, in the days before Russian forces began the operation in Ukraine a year ago, Kiev poised a massive group of forces in the Donbass in preparation "for another bloody, punitive operation" akin to the 2014-2015 civil war.

"Those who planned new attacks on Donetsk and Lugansk understood clearly that the next goal was a strike on Crimea and Sevastopol. And we knew and understood this. Today, such far-reaching plans are being talked about openly in Kiev. They have opened up, revealing what we already knew perfectly well," Putin said.

The Russian president said that the conflict in Ukraine was about "protecting people's lives, our home, while the goal of the West is unlimited power."

Guns Over Butter

Western countries "have already spent over $150 billion aiding and arming the Kiev regime. For comparison, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the G7 countries allocated about $60 billion to help the world's poorest nations in 2020-2021. It's clear, yes? $150 billion for war, but for the poorest countries - which are supposedly constantly cared for - $60 billion - and under the well-known demands of obedience on the part of aid recipients. And where has all the talk gone about fighting poverty, about sustainable development and the environment?" Putin asked.

Munich Betrayal

Putin also addressed the recent accusations against Russia made at this year's Munich Security Conference, suggesting that he got the impression that the whole point of the event was to make everyone forget about the West's crimes before the world. ""It was they that let the genie out of the bottle - who plunged entire regions into chaos," Putin said.

The Russian president recalled that according to the US's own calculations, since 2001, US wars have killed nearly 900,000 people, and turned 38 million into refugees. "And today they are trying to erase this from the memory of humanity, are acting as if none of this happened," Putin said. But neither Russia nor the world have forgotten, he added.

"They do not take into account the loss of life and tragedies, of course, because trillions of dollars are at stake - the ability to continue to rob everyone, while hiding behind words about democracy and freedom, to plant neoliberal, inherently totalitarian values, to label entire countries and peoples, to publicly insult their leaders, while suppressing dissent in their own countries, creating the image of an enemy, diverting people's attention from corruption scandals," Putin said.

One Year Anniversary of Special Military Operation

Putin's speech to the Federal Assembly - a State of the Union-style address typically given by the president annually, comes ahead of the one year anniversary of last February's escalation of the long-burning Ukrainian crisis into a full-blown Russia-NATO proxy war. On February 22, 2022, amid fears of an imminent Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass, Moscow recognized the pair of breakaways as independent republics. Later, in the fall, the Donbass republics, as well as Russian-controlled areas of Zaporozhye and Kherson, voted in referendums to become part of Russia.

Russia kicked off its military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, citing the need to "demilitarize" the country "de-Nazify" its leadership. Moscow has since outlined terms for ending the conflict - including security for Crimea, the Donbass and other territories, and rock-solid guarantees that Ukraine won't join NATO. The US and its allies actively sabotaged peace talks, and forced Kiev to reject peace with Russia last spring, resulting in the conflict's escalation, and the deaths of tens or even hundreds of thousands of additional Ukrainian and Russian servicemen and civilians.

Key points from Putin's address to Russia's Federal Assembly:

  • Russia suspends its participation in the New START treaty

  • Donbass republics believed and expected Russia to come to their rescue

  • No other country in the world has such number of military bases abroad as US, there are hundreds of them

  • In 1930s, West practically paved the way to power for Nazis in Germany, and now they turned Ukraine into ‘anti-Russia'

  • Anti-Russia sanctions are just means, while West's goal is to make Russian people suffer

  • Russia was rebuffed every time it asked for security guarantees, and it became clear that the threat [from the West] was growing every day

  • Russia is not at a war with Ukrainian people, who became hostage to the Kiev regime

  • West not abandoning attempts to ‘incite' post-Soviet states

  • West is directly complicit in Kiev's attempts to conduct strikes on Russian strategic objects

  • West has already spent $150 billion on military assistance to Ukraine

  • As a result of the wars that the United States has unleashed since 2001, almost 900,000 people have died and more than 38 million have become refugees

Russia’s MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

  • Russian air defense systems destroyed 15 Ukrainian drones;

  • Russian forces destroyed 100 Ukrainian military personnel near Krasny Liman (DPR);

  • Russian forces destroyed up to 50 Ukrainian military personnel, one tank and three vehicles near Kupyansk (Kharkov region);

  • Russian troops destroyed over 115 military personnel in Donetsk direction;

  • Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-27 aircraft near the city of Izyum in the Kharkov region;

  • Russian forces destroyed up to 60 military personnel in the Donetsk direction and in the Zaporozhye region.

Special operation, 19 February. Main:

  • High-precision missiles hit the deployment point of the UAV regiment of Ukrainian troops;

  • In the Krasnoliman, Donetsk, Yuzhno-Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson directions, the losses of Kyiv per day amounted to over 530 soldiers killed and wounded;

  • Kyiv fired 40 rockets from MLRS at Donetsk, the city center was under fire, 11 people were injured, one died;

  • The US administration demands offensive operations from Kyiv to justify the assistance provided, Politico reports;

  • Containers with radioactive substances were delivered from Europe to Ukraine for a provocation with the aim of blaming the Russian Armed Forces, the RF Ministry of Defense reported;

  • The Russian Defense Ministry denied reports of the "dismissal" of officers of the 1st Donetsk and 2nd Luhansk corps;

  • It is to be expected that Putin will pay much attention to the special military operation in his message to the Federal Assembly, Peskov said;

  • Head of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, Wang Yi, said in Munich that China does not want the Ukrainian crisis to prolong and escalate, and believes that all parties should think about how to achieve a ceasefire;

  • Blinken said the United States is very concerned that China is allegedly considering the possibility of providing Russia with "lethal" military assistance, warned Beijing of the consequences.

BPJN tegaskan kejadian di Kabupaten Kupang bukan gunung bergerak

BPJN tegaskan kejadian di Kabupaten Kupang bukan gunung bergerak

BPJN tegaskan kejadian di Kabupaten Kupang bukan gunung bergerak

Foto udara longsor di kabupaten Kupang yang menutup jalan trans pulau Timor. ANTARA FOTO/Kornelis Kaha

Balai Pelaksana Jalan Nasional (BPJN) wilayah X menegaskan bahwa bencana yang terjadi di jalan trans pulau Timor, Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur bukan merupakan gunung bergerak atau berjalan tetapi murni longsor.

"Beredar video di media sosial bahwa itu adalah gunung bergerak sehingga menutupi jalan, tetapi setelah diteliti murni karena longsor," kata Kepala Satuan Kerja Pelaksana Jalan Nasional Wilayah I BPJN X Azhari di Kupang, Selasa.

Dia mengatakan hal ini berkaitan dengan beredarnya video yang kini semakin viral. Video tersebut menjelaskan soal gunung bergerak atau jalan.

Dia menambahkan bahwa pihaknya sudah meneliti soal hal itu dengan menerbangkan drone hingga ke puncak bukit tersebut untuk mencari tahu penyebab mengapa sehingga bisa longsor dan menutupi jalan trans pulau Timor.

Pihaknya menemukan di puncak bukit warga yang memiliki kebun, membuat semacam embung sekitar dua embung dengan menampung air pada saat hujan.

"Sehingga beratnya air yang tertampung membuat sisi lereng bukit itu pun terdorong sehingga terjadi longsor dalam jumlah sangat besar," ujar dia.

Belum lagi tambah dia, curah hujan yang tinggi membuat resapan air di pori-pori tanah di puncak bukit itu semakin lembek sehingga memudahkan area perbukitan itu longsor.

Tak hanya itu area perbukitan yang sudah gundul akibat penebangan pohon oleh warga yang membuka kebun baru, juga memperparah longsor tersebut.

Karena itu dia berharap masyarakat bisa mencerna berbagai informasi yang ada di media sosial dengan baik, sehingga tidak menimbulkan persepsi yang berbeda.

Saat ini ujar dia proses pembuatan jalur alternatif masih terus dilakukan oleh BPJN X NTT dengan harapan agar kendaraan dengan berat di atas lima tonase bisa melintas.

Sebelumnya beredar rekaman video dengan narasi gunung bergerak menutup jalan viral di media sosia. Peristiwa ini diketahui terjadi di Jalan Trans Pulau Timor, Km 73 Kecamatan Takari, Kabupaten Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).


Takari- Soe, jalan terputus

♬ suara asli - Batuhun

Seorang perempuan yang merekam peristiwa itu, mengeluh harus melewati jalan mana. Tak hanya itu, perekam video juga mengatakan sebuah tronton terkubur dalam gunung tersebut.

Terlihat dalam video itu, warga berkumpul di depan gunung tersebut. Para warga heran dan bingung, mengapa gunung tersebut secara mendadak berada di sana (jalan).

Tak hanya itu, para warga juga bingung untuk melakukan aktivitas karena akses jalan yang tertutup rapat oleh adanya gunung itu.

Akibat itu, kendaraan yang seharusnya akan melewati jalan tersebut, akhirnya harus berputar balik karena belum ada akses jalan untuk melewatinya.

Video di media sosial itu memperlihatkan gunung bergerak sehingga menutupi jalan, tetapi setelah diteliti murni karena longsor, ujar Kepala Satuan Kerja Pelaksana Jalan Nasional Wilayah I BPJN X Azhari di Kupang, Selasa, 21/02/2023.

Dia mengatakan hal ini berkaitan dengan beredarnya video yang kini semakin viral. Video tersebut menjelaskan soal gunung bergerak atau jalan.

Dia menambahkan, pihaknya sudah meneliti hal tersebut dengan menerbangkan drone hingga ke puncak bukit untuk mencari tahu penyebab longsor yang menutupi Jalan Trans Pulau Timor.

Pihaknya menemukan di puncak bukit warga yang memiliki kebun, membuat semacam embung. Ada sekitar dua embung yang menampung air pada saat hujan.

Sehingga beratnya air yang tertampung membuat sisi lereng bukit itu pun terdorong dan terjadi longsor dalam jumlah sangat besar, katanya.

Enam helikopter dikerahkan untuk evakuasi Kapolda Jambi

Enam helikopter dikerahkan untuk evakuasi Kapolda Jambi

Enam helikopter dikerahkan untuk evakuasi Kapolda Jambi

Lokasi helikopter yang ditumpangi Kapolda Jambi dan tujuh korban lainnya jatuh, Selasa (20/2/2023) (ANTARA/Tuyani)

Evakuasi terhadap Kapolda Jambi Irjen Pol Rusdi Hartono dan tujuh orang lainnya di kawasan hutan Tamiai, Batang Merangin, Kabupaten Kerinci dilanjutkan Selasa pagi sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB dengan mengerahkan enam unit helikopter.

“Ada 6 heli, terdiri dari 2 helikopter Baharkam, 1 unit helikopter PT. WKS, 1 unit helikopter di Polda Sumsel, 1 unit helikopter dari Basarnas, 1 helikopter dari TNI AU yang standby di Jambi,” kata Dedi Prasetyo di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, pada Senin, 20 Februari 2023.

Menurut Dedi, proses evakuasi melalui rappeling itu pukul 13.30 WIB dengan dua orang anggota Brimob turun. Selain itu, dua dari kedokteran Kepolisian juga ikut turun untuk melakukan perawatan medis atau memberi pertolongan pertama pada korban, khususnya Kapolda Jambi.

“Pak Kapolda mengalami luka yang cukup berat dibanding yang lainnya,” katanya

Evakuasi terhadap korban kecelakaan helikopter ini tetap diupayakan melalui jalur udara menggunakan helikopter karena sulitnya menggapai lokasi melalui darat.

Tim evakuasi udara berpacu dengan waktu karena berdasarkan informasi BMKG, kawasan Kerinci itu akan mengalami kabut saat menjelang siang sehingga evakuasi terbaik dilakukan pada pukul 09.00-12.00 WIB.

Kabid Humas Polda Jambi Kombes Pol Mulia Prianto di Jambi, Selasa, mengatakan enam unit helikopter yang dioperasikan berasal dari Basarnas, TNI AU, Baharkam Polri, Polda Sumsel dan helikopter milik perusahaan di Jambi.

Ia menjelaskan, proses evakuasi menggunakan helikopter ini membutuhkan ruang terbuka sekitar 15 meter persegi agar hoist yang diturunkan tidak terganggu dan tidak ada partikel-partikel kecil seperti ranting yang mengenai korban.

Skema evakuasi ini nantinya, para korban akan diikat menggunakan tandu kemudian ditarik menggunakan hoist ke dalam helikopter.

Setelah Kapolda Jambi dan rombongan berhasil dievakuasi, selanjutnya akan dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Jambi.

Adapun helikopter yang akan digunakan untuk mengangkat Kapolda Jambi dan tujuh korban lainnya adalah helikopter Super Puma milik TNI AU dan helikopter miliki Basarnas.

Selain itu, dijadwalkan Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo akan ke Jambi Selasa siang guna memantau evakuasi Kapolda Jambi dan tujuh korban lainnya pada hari ketiga ini.

Sebelumnya helikopter yang ditumpangi Kapolda Jambi Irjen Pol Rusdi Hartono bersama tujuh orang lainnya terjatuh di Desa Tamiai, Batang Merangin, Kabupaten Kerinci, Minggu, sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB, setelah mendarat darurat di lokasi tersebut.

Dedi Prasetyo mengatakan, bahwa bantuan untuk kegiatan evakuasi helikopter yang ditumpangi rombongan Kapolda Jambi Irjen Rusdi Hartono mendarat darurat sudah mulai berdatangan pada Senin, 20 Februari 2023.

Ia menjelaskan, tim evakuasi darat sebanyak 12 orang yang dipimpin langsung Kapolres Kerinci AKBP Patria Yudha Rahadian melalui jalur masuk Desa Jembatan Payung, Batang Merangin, Kabupaten Kerinci.

“Sekira Pukul 02.00 Wib, Tim evakusai mengalami trobel sebanyak 3 orang yang mengalami keram kaki, dan dilanjut 9 orang menuju Titik Helly dan rombongan Bapak Kapolda yang mana pada saat itu jarak menuju lokasi sekitar 2 Km lagi,” ujarnya.

Sekira pukul. 04.00 Wib, kata Dedi, Tim Evakuasi Darat berhasil menemukan rombongan Kapolda dan memberikan Bantuan MTP, selimut dilanjut dengan Suplay Air serta MTP melalui Helly Direktorat Polisi Airud.

“Saat ini Tim Evakuasi Udara yang dipimpin Wadansat Brimob Polda Jambi AKBP Boi Sutan Binaga Siregar sedang dalam perjalanan untuk menuju lokasi evakuasi Bapak Kapolda. Selanjutnya, direncanakan untuk evakuasi sementara menuju Rumah Sakit Sungai Penuh Kabupaten Kerinci sebelum diterbangkan menuju Rumah Sakit di Jambi,” ungkapnya.

Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Jambi, Kombes Pol Mulia Prianto memastikan rombongan Kapolda Jambi, dan rombongan dalam keadaan selamat usai pendaratan darurat.

Helikopter yang ditumpangi Kapolda Jambi mendarat darurat di sebuah Bukit Tamia, Muara Emat, Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi pada Minggu, 19 Februari 2023. Irjen Rusdi Hartono bersama rombongan hendak menuju ke Kabupaten Kerinci. Mereka dijadwalkan melakukan kunjungan ke Kerinci untuk meresmikan gedung baru SPKT Polres Kerinci pada Minggu.

Putin to deliver address to Federal Assembly at Gostiny Dvor

Putin to deliver address to Federal Assembly at Gostiny Dvor

Putin to deliver address to Federal Assembly at Gostiny Dvor

Russia's President Vladimir Putin
©Mikhail Metzel/POOL/TASS

Russian President Vladimir Putin will deliver his address to the Federal Assembly on Tuesday, February 21. The ceremony will take place at the Gostiny Dvor venue in Moscow at noon, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Traditional format

The Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly on the state of affairs in the country, on the main directions of the state’s domestic and foreign policy, is the foundation for setting strategic goals, priorities of social and economic development, and ensuring Russia’s national security.

The event’s format is traditional, it is cemented in the Constitution, but, in a way, it could be called long-awaited.

Last time, the Russian leader delivered his address to the parliament in April, 2021. First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Kiriyenko noted that this is the president’s right, which he may implement "whenever he considers it necessary."

Putin himself explained the absence of this event in 2022 by the fact that the situation was unfolding rapidly and it was difficult "to register the results and plans for the nearest future at any given moment." Instead, the president repeatedly voiced the most important points in his video addresses to the nation and other speeches.

Main topics

The key points of the upcoming speech have not been disclosed. However, Peskov said that the President will make one of the main emphases on the "current situation" - on issues related to the special military operation, to economy and social problems.

"Our entire life spins around the special op issue. And the special military operation influences our life in one way or another, influences the life on the continent. Therefore, of course, it would be reasonable to expect that the president will pay a lot of attention to the operation," the spokesman said. He added that "everyone is waiting for the address, hoping to hear the assessment of the affairs, the assessment of the special military operation, the assessment of the international situation and the president’s vision of how we manage it and how we will develop in the future."

Deputies of all five State Duma factions also believe that the special operation will become the main one in Putin’s address. They also expect to hear points on the main directions of development of the country’s economy, on ensuring its defense capabilities and security, and, per tradition, on the measures of social support to the Russian citizens.

They also expect that the address will touch upon the integration of the new region to Russia’s legislative field, and upon the issue of ensuring Russia’s national interests within the international context.

At least an hour long

Federal TV stations have allocated one hour for the broadcast of the presidential address. However, according to the spokesman, "this is only a formality," and the president may speak longer.

For example, in April 2021, the speech took 1 hour and 19 minutes. In 2018, the speech was the longest and took 1 hour 55 minutes. In 2004 and 2005, Putin delivered his shortest speeches of 48 minutes each.

The event’s format does not provide for invitation of foreign guests and it is aimed at the domestic audience. Usually, about a thousand guests are invited: lawmakers and senators, members of the government, high-ranking employees of the presidential administration, heads of the Prosecutor General’s Office, Constitutional and Supreme Courts, heads of regions, other senior officials, as well as heads of the main religions. This year, participants of the special military operation will attend the event as well.

As for the media, the Kremlin decided to invite only Russian reporters and reporters from friendly countries. According to Peskov, foreign reporters from unfriendly states have not been accredited, but they "will be able to work by watching the live broadcast on a TV channel of their choosing.".

NATO 'Carrier Killer' and 'Killjoy': What is Russia's Hypersonic Kinzhal Missile?

NATO 'Carrier Killer' and 'Killjoy': What is Russia's Hypersonic Kinzhal Missile?

NATO 'Carrier Killer' and 'Killjoy': What is Russia's Hypersonic Kinzhal Missile ?

©Russian Defence Ministry / Go to the mediabank

Moscow has already successfully used Kinzhal missiles in a combat situation amid the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

Russia's Rostec state corporation head Sergey Chemezov announced on Sunday that his company had further increased the production of the Kinzhal (Dagger) hypersonic missiles.

He said: "Such a large quantity of this weapon was not [initially] required," but that the Kinzhals’ production has been increased since the beginning of the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

So what is the Kinzhal missile and can it be referred to as a state-of-the-art weapon? Sputnik answers these and other questions.

What is the KInzhal?

The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal (NATO reporting name "Killjoy") is a Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic ballistic missile, which has a range of more than 2,000 km (1,200 miles) and is typically launched from the Tu-22M3 bombers or the MiG-31K multi-role fighter interceptors at altitudes of about 18 km (11 miles).

The warplanes fitted with the Kinzhals have been deployed at airbases in Russia's Southern and Western Military District.

How Fast is the Weapon?

The Kinzhal missile is capable of travelling at least five times the speed of sound, or Mach 5, which is the definition of hypersonic. The missile can reach a speed of up to Mach 10 (12,250 km/h or 7,612 mph) while also performing evasive maneuvers, which helps the Kinzhal to be virtually invulnerable to enemy air missile defense systems.

With the weapon’s advanced maneuvering capabilities, high precision and hypersonic speed, some sources refer to the Kinzhal as a "carrier killer" due to its purported ability to disable or possibly even sink a hypothetical 100,000-ton aircraft carrier with a single strike.

What is the KInzhal Missile Designed for?

The missile aims to target NATO warships and missile defense systems, as well as the alliance’s land objects close to Russian borders.

A Kinzhal missile. File photo
©Sputnik / Alexey Kudenko / Go to the mediabank

The Kinzhal was reportedly designed to tackle any current or planned NATO air defenses, including the MIM-104 Patriot, Terminal High Altitude Area Defense and Aegis Combat System.

The overall design of the weapon is shared with the Russian-made short-range ballistic missile Iskander, which has a hypersonic speed of 2100–2600 m/s (Mach 6–7).

When Did 'Carrier KIller' Enter Service?

After the Kinzhal entered service in December 2017, the MiG-31Ks armed with the Kinzhal missiles conducted 89 sorties over the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea a year later.

Subsequent years saw more such sorties in Russia, with the Kinzhal missile being used during the ongoing Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

Lieutenant-General Sergey Kobylash, commander of the long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, said that during the special operation, the Kinzhals "had repeatedly been used to destroy ground targets" of the Ukrainian army.

He was echoed by Valery Gerasimov, the head of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, who revealed that Ukraine’s air defenses had failed to tackle the Kinzhal missiles, which, he said, were used for the first time in combat conditions in Ukraine.

"The Kinzhal aviation missile system has shown high efficiency and invulnerability to Ukrainian air defense systems," Gerasimov underscored.

US President Joe Biden confirmed Russia's use of the Kinzhal missile last year, describing it as "a consequential weapon with the same warhead on it as any other launched missile."

"It doesn't make that much difference except it's almost impossible to stop it. There's a reason they're using it," he added.

Pope Francis wants to visit Leopard Park in Russian Far East — Union of Old Believers

Pope Francis wants to visit Leopard Park in Russian Far East — Union of Old Believers

Pope Francis wants to visit Leopard Park in Russian Far East — Union of Old Believers

Pope Francis kisses a wooden crucifix as he he visits the Cathedral of Palo in Tacloban, Philippines, Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015. (AP / L'Osservatore Romano)

Pope Francis has expressed a desire to travel to Russia’s Far Eastern city of Vladivostok after his trip to Mongolia, to visit the Land of the Leopard National Park, Leonid Sevastyanov, chairman of the World Union of Old Believers, told TASS on Monday, referring to a personal conversation with the pope.

Earlier Sevastyanov told TASS that Pope Francis had given a name to a Far Eastern leopard from Russia's national park. He named him Martin Fierro, after the main character of the same name epic poem by Argentine writer Jose Hernandez.

"The pope expressed a desire, if possible, to visit this park, to see what the Russian leopard habitat looks like. He said he could do it on his way from Mongolia, where he will be this spring. On his way from Mongolia, he could stop over in Vladivostok to visit the Russian leopard park. He is ready to fly under favorable conditions," he said on Monday.

Sevastyanov said the pope was impressed by the national park's success in restoring the population of the nearly extinct predator. Within 10 years, the number of leopard species has increased from 30 to almost 150, Sevastyanov explained.

The park was created 10 years ago. Since then, its territory has been constantly expanding to the current area of about 300,000 hectares.