Friday 24 February 2023

Alasan Sri Mulyani Copot Rafael Alun Trisambodo dari Pejabat Pajak

Alasan Sri Mulyani Copot Rafael Alun Trisambodo dari Pejabat Pajak

Alasan Sri Mulyani Copot Rafael Alun Trisambodo dari Pejabat Pajak

Menkeu Sri Mulyani mengutuk keras tindakan keji dan penganiayaan dari salah satu anggota keluarga atau staf DJP, Rafael Alun Trisambodo. (Foto: Tangkapan Layar)

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati resmi mengumumkan pencopotan Rafael Alun Trisambodo dari tugas dan jabatannya di Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP). Nama Rafael diketahui viral setelah anaknya, Mario Dandy Satrio melakukan penganiayaan kepada putra pengurus GP ansor. Mario juga suka pamer barang mewah.

Sri mengatakan, telah menginstruksikan kepada Inspektorat Jenderal untuk melakukan pemeriksaan harta kekayaan Kabag Umum Kanwil DJP Jaksel, utamanya soal kewajaran dari harta Rafael yang mencapai Rp 56 miliar. Pada tanggal 23 Februari yang lalu, lanjut Sri Mulyani, Inspektorat Jenderal telah melakukan pemeriksaan kepada yang bersangkutan.

Rafael Alun Trisambodo, ayah dari tersangka penganiayaan Mario Dandy Satrio, dicopot dari jabatannya di Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) Kementerian Keuangan. Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengungkapkan alasannya.

Sri Mulyani mengatakan, pencopotan ini dilakukan dalam rangka pemeriksaan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan terhadap harta kekayaan yang dimiliki Rafael Alun Trisambodo.

"Saya sudah menginstruksikan Inspektorat Jenderal mengecek harta kekayaan dari saudara RAT (Rafael AlunTrisambodo). Pada 23 Februari lalu Inspektorat Jenderal kepada yang bersangkutan. (Jadi) Di dalam rangka Kemenkeu melakukan pemeriksaan," kata Sri Mulyani dalam konferensi pers di kantor pusat DJP, hari Jumat, 24/2/2023.

Karena itu, Sri Mulyani mengatakan maka status Rafael Alun Trisambodo di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak akhirnya dicopot. Pencopotan dilakukan mulai hari ini.

"Mulai hari ini RAT (Rafael Alun Trisambodo) dicopot dari tugas dan jabatannya. Dasar dicopot sesuai Pasal 31 Peraturan Pemerintah mengenai Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil," katanya.

Adapun isi dari aturan tersebut ialah:

"Untuk kelancaran pemeriksaan, PNS yang diduga melakukan Pelanggaran Disiplin dan kemungkinan akan dijatuhi Hukuman Disiplin berat, dapat dibebaskan sementara dari tugas jabatannya oleh atasan langsung sejak yang bersangkutan diperiksa," bunyi Pasal 31 Ayat 1 aturan tersebut.

"Pembebasan sementara dari tugas jabatannya sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berlaku sampai dengan ditetapkannya keputusan Hukuman Disiplin," bunyi Pasal 31 Ayat 2.

Seperti diketahui, selain terkait kasus penganiayaan, netizen juga menyoroti gaya hidup tersangka Mario Dandy Satrio yang kerap memamerkan kendaraan mewah di media sosial. Buntutnya, Harta kekayaan Rafael Alun Trisambodo sebagai sang ayah juga mendapat atensi.

Berdasarkan Laporan LHKPN terakhirnya, Rafael Alun Trisambodo tercatat memiliki harta kekayaan mencapai Rp 56 miliar. Atas sorotan masyarakat tersebut, Kemenkeu akhirnya melakukan pemeriksaan harta kekayaan terhadap Rafael Alun Trisambodo

Mengutuk Keras Penganiayaan Putra Pejabat Pajak, Sri Mulyani Sebut Tindakan Keji

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani mengakui penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh Mario Dandy Satrio, anak pejabat pajak Rafael Alun Trisambodo terhadap David, putra petinggi GP Ansor cukup keji.

Ia karena itu atas nama Kementerian Keuangan meminta maaf. Ia juga mendoakan agar David segera sembuh.

"Kejadian ini sama sekali tidak dapat dibenarkan dan kami mengutuk tindakan keji dan penganiayaan yang dilakukan oleh salah satu putera dari jajaran Kemenkeu DJP," katanya kepada wartawan pada hari Jumat, 24/02/2023.

Menteri Keuangan atau Menkeu, Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengecam keras tindakan keji penganiayaan dari salah satu anggota keluarga atau staf Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu), dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal Pajak ( Ditjen Pajak ). Hal ini disampaikan secara virtual saat konpers Kemenkeu soal anak pejabat pajak yang menganiaya putra PP GP Ansor.

"Kami semuanya menyampaikan dan memanjatkan doa untuk saudara David (putra PP GP Ansor). Mendoakan semoga saudara David dapat segera mendapatkan kesembuhan," ujar Sri Mulyani dalam konferensi pers secara virtual di Jakarta, pada hari Jumat, 24/2/2023.

Pihaknya juga meminta maaf dan juga menilai bahwa kejadian ini sama sekali tidak dapat dibenarkan. "Kami mengutuk tindakan keji yang dilakukan oleh salah satu putra anggota DJP. Tindakan tersebut adalah sebuah masalah pribadi, tapi telah menimbulkan dampak yang sangat besar terhadap persepsi Kemenkeu dan DJP," ungkap Sri.

Maka dari itu, pihaknya melakukan sejumlah arahan terkait beberapa tindakan korektif yang kredibel. Pertama, bahwa jajaran Kemenkeu yang memiliki gaya hidup mewah telah menimbulkan sebuah persepsi negatif dan erosi kepercayaan dari seluruh masyarakat terhadap Kemenkeu dan dalam hal ini juga DJP.

Selain mengatakan keji, ia juga mengecam haya hidup mewah Dandy. Untuk itu, ia mencopot Rafael dari jabatannya untuk mempermudah pemeriksaan terkait kasus penganiayaan dan pamer harta yang dilakukan Dandy tersebut.

Pamer harta tersebut salah satunya ditunjukkan Dandy dengan mengendarai Rubicon. Termasuk, saat ia menganiaya David.

Perilaku tersebut, menurut dia, jelas mengkhianati dan mencederai keseluruhan jajaran Kemenkeu.

"Yang saya juga yakini mereka semua sebagian besar telah dan terus bekerja secara jujur, bersih, dan profesional," ucapnya.

Dia menegaskan bahwa tindakan-tindakan yang mengkhianati dan mencederai reputasi dan kepercayaan masyarakat kepada Kemenkeu maupun DJP tidak dapat dibenarkan.

"Oleh karena itu, kita akan terus melakukan langkah-langkah korektif untuk menegakkan integritas dan sekaligus menindak mereka yang ditengarai telah melakukan penyalahgunaan kewenangan dan posisi, termasuk memperkaya diri sendiri," katanya.

"Saya perintahkan Inspektorat Kementerian Keuangan memeriksa harta saudara RAT (Rafael Alun Trisambodo), 23 Februari lalu Irjen telah memeriksa harta yang bersangkutan. Dalam rangka Kemenkeu mampu melaksanakan pemeriksaan, maka mulai hari ini saudara RAT dicopot dari tugas dan jabatan," katanya.

Sri Mulyani mengatakan pencopotan Rafael didasarkan pada Pasal 31 ayat 1 PP 94 Tahun 2021 mengenai Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil.

Penganiayaan keji dilakukan oleh Mario Dandy Satrio terhadap anak petinggi GP Ansor, David pada awal pekan kemarin. Penganiayaan dilakukan terkait masalah teman wanita.

Akibat penganiayaan itu hingga kini David belum sadarkan diri.

Pengamat: Elektabilitas Airlangga Unggul Karena Bukti Kinerja

Pengamat: Elektabilitas Airlangga Unggul Karena Bukti Kinerja

Pengamat: Elektabilitas Airlangga Unggul Karena Bukti Kinerja

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto/Net

Kinerja sebagai Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian yang baik, menjadi salah satu faktor mengapa elektabilitas Ketua Umum Partai Airlangga Hartarto kian positif.

Begitu dikatakan Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Digital Democracy (IDD) Yogyakarta, Bambang Arianto mengomentari elektabilitas Airlangga yang tercatat 22,7 persen dalam survei Laboratorium Suara Indonesia.

"Unggulnya Airlangga Hartarto sebagai Capres 2024, karena adanya bukti kerjanya nyata dalam mengatasi perekonomian pada saat Covid-19," kata Bambang kepada wartawan, pada hari Kamis, 23/02/2023.

Bambang menilai, masyarakat telah merasakan manfaat dari program prakerja, bantuan UMKM, dan pelatihan digital teknologi yang dirancang Airlangga sebagai anggota Kabinet Indonesia Maju.

Ke depan, kata dia, menjadi tugas Partai Golkar untuk menjalankan kerja politik menjaga momentum elektabilitas Airlangga untuk dikonversi menjadi kemenangan di Pemilu 2024.

"Timses Golkar harus melakukan kerja keras dalam mempertahankan elektabilitas Airlangga sebagai capres agar menang di Pilpres 2024," tandasnya

Survei Litbang Kompas Elektabilitas Golkar Meningkat

Hasil survei Litbang Kompas periode Januari 2023 menunjukkan angka positif bagi Partai Golkar dengan menduduki peringkat kedua menggeser Partai Demokrat dengan mendapatkan elektabilitas sebesar 9 persen.

Partai Golkar tak hanya mengalami peningkatan secara elektabilitas, namun juga dari sisi popularitas mampu menempati peringkat teratas di atas partai-partai nasional lainnya. Secara popularitas, Partai Golkar tertinggi yakni 86,3 persen.

Hasil survei ini membuktikan bahwa Partai Golkar memiliki daya tarik dan nilai politik yang cukup kuat di mata publik.

"Saya melihat ada dua faktor naiknya elektabilitas Partai Golkar yang dilakukan oleh Litbang Kompas. Pertama karena kinerja dari Ketua Umumnya sendiri Pak Airlangga Hartarto dan kedua karena antara lain masuknya sosok populer seperti Ridwan Kamil dan nama-nama lainnya sebagai kader," kata Dosen Ilmu Politik UIN Sjech M Jamil Jambek Bukittinggi, Heru Permana Putra.

Heru menilai, Airlangga Hartarto sebagai Menko Perekonomian dan juga Ketum Partai Golkar rajin melakukan safari politik. Pemberitaan di media massa dan media sosial terkait Airlangga juga memiliki efek di mata masyarakat bahwa Partai Golkar adalah partai yang terbuka terhadap komunikasi ke semua partai dan ke masyarakat.

"Tentu saja berita-berita seperti ini akan sampai di tengah-tengah masyarakat, apalagi ketika safari politik yang dilakukan Airlangga Hartarto selalu membawa gagasan visi-misi atau ide-ide kebangsaan untuk membuat Indonesia semakin maju," ungkapnya.

Kemudian, kata Heru, faktor selanjutnya karena masuknya sosok populer seperti Ridwan Kamil sebagai kader Golkar. Hal ini memberi dampak positif bagi partai, terutama bagi masyarakat Jawa Barat yang merupakan daerah dengan pemilih terbesar.

"Ridwan Kamil selama ini memiliki popularitas cukup bagus di tengah-tengah anak muda, belum lagi sosok Pakde Karwo yang juga mantan Gubernur Jawa Timur, dan tokoh anak-anak muda, terus terang ini akan jadi semacam sarana sosialisasi politik juga bagi Partai Golkar," katanya.

Selain dua faktor penting itu, Heru juga menyampaikan ada faktor pendukung yang membuat elektabilitas Partai Golkar naik yakni kinerja kader-kadernya.

Kinerja Airlangga Hartarto yang menjabat sebagai Menko Perekonomian dan kader Golkar lainnya tidak menimbulkan kegaduhan, dinilainya berbeda dengan kader partai lainnya.

"Faktor inilah yang kemudian membawa kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Partai Golkar, hari ini sedikit demi sedikit mulai tumbuh, dibuktikan dengan kinerja kader Golkar dalam pemerintahan yang memang fokus bekerja untuk membangun bangsa dan membantu pemerintahan Jokowi," tutupnya.

Seymour Hersh explains why US blew up Nord Stream

Seymour Hersh explains why US blew up Nord Stream

Seymour Hersh explains why US blew up Nord Stream

Journalist Seymour Hersh talks to Afshin Rattansi
©Going Underground/screenshot

US President Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines in order to make sure Germany could not change its mind about sanctions against Russia and weapons shipments to Ukraine, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said in an interview with ‘Going Underground’.

Earlier this month, Hersh published an article that blamed the US and Norway for the series of explosions that disabled both Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2, the pipelines under the Baltic Sea built to supply Western Europe with Russian natural gas.

In an interview with Afshin Rattansi this week, Hersh said the US intelligence community hatched the plan “in late 2021,” before the escalation of hostilities in Ukraine. When Biden and Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland both publicly spoke about “stopping” and “ending” Nord Stream 2, however, Hersh claimed the spies were upset, “because it was supposed to be a covert operation.”

“The people who did this thing in the intelligence community, they initially thought it was a great idea,” Hersh told Rattansi. According to his story, the bombs were planted in June, during the scheduled BALTOPS 2022 naval exercise off the Danish island of Bornholm. The bombs went off in late September, as Ukraine was facing “a serious issue” on the battlefield.

“It’s not going to help the war. What he was doing it for, was to prevent Germany and Western Europe, in case the winter came quickly, from opening up the pipeline,” Hersh said.

The rationale for the mission was “to make sure that Europe keeps on supporting NATO and keeps funneling arms into what is clearly a proxy war against Russia that’s being fought right now,” he added.

Asked whether Moscow had somehow missed the American involvement, and focused on the UK instead, Hersh said he had not spoken to anyone in Russia. One thing he could say is that it would be “absolutely insane” for Russia to blow up its own pipeline. Just about everyone in the pipeline business agrees with that assessment, he added.

The White House, the Pentagon and the State Department have all disavowed Hersh’s article as “fiction” and denied all accusations of US involvement in the attack on Nord Stream. Russia has called for an independent UN investigation into what it described as an act of international terrorism.

Why the US media is silent on Seymour Hersh’s Nord Stream bombing revelations

It has been 10 days since journalist Seymour Hersh reported that the Biden administration carried out an act of international terrorism directed against Europe’s civilian energy infrastructure. The Nord Stream pipeline was built to deliver Russian gas directly to Germany. Hersh wrote that US Navy divers planted the explosives that detonated the pipeline on September 26, 2022.

Seymour Hersh is a Pulitzer Prize journalist, who played a central role in some of the most important exposures of criminal activities by the United States government, including domestic spying, the My Lai massacre and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal.

But his revelation, published on Substack, that the United States directly destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines is perhaps his most significant report to date.

It is all the more telling that, to an extent greater than any of his previous stories, Hersh’s report has received effectively no coverage in the major US print and broadcast media.

Hersh’s original report included a response quote by Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, who declared, “This is false and complete fiction.”

These blanket declarations have been repeated multiple times by the White House, combined with ad hominem accusations against Hersh accusing him of making false assertions, which are never specified, in the past.

Beyond these blanket denials, the US government has not responded in any substantive way. Despite the multiple, concrete details reported in Hersh’s article, the Biden administration did not attempt to disprove a single one.

Beyond these blanket denials, the US government has not responded in any substantive way. Despite the multiple, concrete details reported in Hersh’s article, the Biden administration did not attempt to disprove a single one.

The Biden administration’s silence has been aided by the US media, which has deliberately suppressed any discussion of the story. This silence, more than anything else, serves as a confirmation of the fundamental correctness of Hersh’s assertion.

The New York Times, Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have not carried a single article devoted to the story.

The closest thing to a serious response was an article that appeared in Snopes “debunking” Hersh’s article, under the title “Claim That US Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines Relies on Anonymous Source.”

The central argument of the Snopes piece is that the article cannot be believed, because Hersh bases his reporting on the statements of a single anonymous source. The problem, however, is that the single most incriminating piece of evidence pointing to US complicity in blowing up the pipelines is the US government itself.

On February 7, ahead of the invasion, US President Joe Biden declared publicly, “If Russia invades … there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

In congressional testimony in January, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said, “I think the administration is very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now, as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”

Russian forces wipe out six Ukrainian ammo depots in DPR — top brass

Russian forces wipe out six Ukrainian ammo depots in DPR — top brass

Russian forces wipe out six Ukrainian ammo depots in DPR — top brass

©Russian Defence Ministry

Russian forces destroyed six Ukrainian ammunition depots in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Thursday.

"Six ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army were destroyed in areas near the settlements of Razdolnoye, Bogatyr, Ugledar, Razliv and Vodyanoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the railway station Uglesborochnaya," the spokesman said.

Russian forces struck Ukrainian manpower in the Kupyansk area, eliminating over 50 enemy troops

Russian forces struck Ukrainian manpower in the Kupyansk area, eliminating over 50 enemy troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk area, army aviation and artillery of the western battlegroup inflicted damage on the enemy manpower in areas near the settlements of Krakhmalnoye, Peschanoye and Berestovoye in the Kharkov Region and Novosyolovskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

The strikes eliminated enemy manpower and equipment, the general said.

"The enemy’s losses in that area amounted to 55 personnel, two pickup trucks and a D-20 howitzer," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces inflicted damage on Ukrainian manpower and equipment in the Krasny Liman area

Russian forces inflicted damage on Ukrainian manpower and equipment in the Krasny Liman area, eliminating roughly 85 enemy troops over the past day, he said.

"In the Krasny Liman area, active operations by units of the battlegroup Center, air strikes, artillery and heavy flamethrower fire inflicted damage on the Ukrainian army personnel and equipment in areas near the settlements of Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Stelmakhovka and Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminated enemy manpower and equipment during the battles, the general said.

"About 85 Ukrainian personnel, an infantry combat vehicle, two armored combat vehicles, a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed in that area in the past 24 hours," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces eliminated over 210 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk area

Russian forces eliminated over 210 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk area in the past day, the general said.

"In the Donetsk area, over 210 Ukrainian personnel, six armored combat vehicles, four motor vehicles, a Grad multiple rocket launcher and a D-20 howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of offensive operations by assault volunteer teams with the support of units of the Pskov Airborne Force formation and strikes by aircraft and artillery of the southern battlegroup," the spokesman said.

In the area of the community of Avdeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a Ukrainian ammunition depot was obliterated, the general added.

Russian forces eliminated over 100 Ukrainian troops in the southern Donetsk area

Russian forces eliminated over 100 Ukrainian troops in the southern Donetsk area in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the southern Donetsk area, operational/tactical aircraft and artillery of the battlegroup East delivered a massive strike on the Ukrainian army units in areas near the settlements of Vodyanoye, Ugledar and Dobrovolye in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the railway station Uglesborochnaya. The enemy’s losses in that area in the past 24 hours totaled 105 Ukrainian personnel," the spokesman said.

Russian forces also destroyed a Ukrainian tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, three armored combat vehicles and also Msta-B, D-20 and D-30 howitzers, the general specified.

Russian forces destroyed two Ukrainian Msta-B howitzers and a D-30 howitzer in the Kherson area over the past day

Russian forces destroyed two Ukrainian Msta-B howitzers and a D-30 howitzer in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson area, two Msta-B howitzers and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed in counter-battery fire," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian air defense radar in the Donetsk People’s Republic

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian air defense radar in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Krasnoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a 35D6 low-altitude air target detection radar was destroyed," the spokesman said.

Missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 97 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions and also "manpower and equipment in 128 areas" in the past day, the general said.

Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack aircraft in the Kherson Region

Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack aircraft in the Kherson Region and destroyed nine enemy drones over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 plane near the settlement of Kizomys in the Kherson Region. In addition, nine unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 387 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 210 helicopters, 3,222 unmanned aerial vehicles, 405 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,994 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,038 multiple rocket launchers, 4,189 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,501 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Thursday 23 February 2023

Mike Flynn Lauds President Putin's Words on 'Family & God as Strong Values West is Destroying'

Mike Flynn Lauds President Putin's Words on 'Family & God as Strong Values West is Destroying'

Mike Flynn Lauds President Putin's Words on 'Family & God as Strong Values West is Destroying'

©Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabank

President Vladimir Putin in the course of his address to the Federal Assembly on February 21 accused the West of waging an aggressive information and culture war against Russia, and said the country would protect its children from Western-style spiritual “degradation, degeneration.”

Former Donald Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed admiration for the values supported and promoted by Russian President Vladimir Putin in opposition to the ideology of the West.

Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn went on Twitter to underscore that it was “fascinating” to hear the Russian leader discuss "the strong values the West is destroying”.

While delivering his annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly on February 21, Vladimir Putin had deplored the kind of spiritual “degradation and degeneration” that has already befallen many Western countries.

“They can’t help but realize that it’s not possible to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and so they are carrying out ever-more aggressive information attacks against us. The chosen target is, first and foremost, our young people, the younger generations. And here again they lie constantly, distort historical facts, engage in non-stop attacks on our culture, on the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religious organizations of our country,” Putin said during his speech to the Federal Assembly.

He continued:

Look at what they’re doing to their own peoples: the destruction of the family, of cultural and national identity, perversions and abuses against children, up to pedophilia, are declared to the norm, the norm of their lives, while clergymen and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages.”

The Twitter post on Putin's words made by Mike Flynn, who was the 24th US National Security Advisor during the first 22 days of the Donald Trump administration, prompted many on the internet to weigh in. Some remarked that Putin "seems genuine" while "everything about Zelensky seems manufactured."

Others agreed that the support for traditional family values expressed by the Russian President were "exactly the words we should be hearing."

Earlier, Twitter users similarly commented on Putin's speech after a post made by a user under the name of @stillgray, who asked what tweeps thought of his words about "the culture war."

This set off a thread, where people commented that the Russian leader's words "ring very true of the sad state of America."

Gempa 7,2 magnitudo terjang Tajikistan

Gempa 7,2 magnitudo terjang Tajikistan

Gempa bumi berkekuatan sekitar 7,2 skala Richter mengguncang Tajikistan pada pukul 08:37 (0037 GMT) pada hari Kamis di kedalaman 10 km (6 mil), lapor televisi pemerintah China CCTV, mengutip Pusat Jaringan Gempa China.

Pusat gempa berada sekitar 82 km dari perbatasan terdekat dengan China dan sangat terasa di beberapa daerah di wilayah Xinjiang barat China, termasuk Kashgar dan Artux, lapor CCTV.

Pasokan listrik dan komunikasi tetap normal di Kashgar, lapor media pemerintah Xinhua.

Departemen kereta api Xinjiang menghentikan kereta penumpang yang berjalan di bagian Aksu ke Kashgar dari jalur kereta api Xinjiang Selatan, kata media pemerintah.

Pihak berwenang setempat sedang memeriksa jembatan, terowongan, dan peralatan sinyal, kata CCTV.

Lokasi tepatnya terjadi di dekat perbatasan antara Daerah Otonomi Uyghur Xinjiang China barat laut dan Daerah Otonomi Gorno-Badakhshan yang bergunung-gunung di Tajikistan.

Kedutaan Besar China di Tajikistan mengatakan pada hari Kamis bahwa pihaknya belum menerima informasi tentang warga negara China yang terluka atau meninggal di Tajikistan akibat gempa hingga saat ini.

Layanan kereta api dari Aksu ke Kashi telah ditangguhkan karena departemen kereta api di wilayah Xinjiang memeriksa jalur kereta api, jembatan, terowongan, dan peralatan sinyal di seluruh jaringan regional. Sepuluh kereta telah terpengaruh pada pukul 08:37.

Beberapa netizen dari kota Kashi dan Shache, serta Kabupaten Otonomi Taxkorgan Tajik di Prefektur Kashi memposting di Sina Weibo yang mirip Twitter di China mengatakan bahwa mereka terguncang dari tidurnya dan sangat ketakutan. Ada juga netizen yang mengatakan bahwa mereka sangat merasakan gempa di Kota Artux dan Kabupaten Akto di Prefektur Otonomi Kizilsu Kirgiz.

Menurut CENC, ada 10 kota besar atau menengah dalam jarak 300 kilometer dari pusat gempa dengan kota Khorog terdekat, sekitar 162 kilometer jauhnya. Ketinggian rata-rata dalam jarak 5 kilometer dari pusat gempa adalah sekitar 4.655 meter.