Wednesday, 12 October 2022

US Jobless Rate of 5.5% a Fair Trade-Off For 2% Inflation - IMF Chief Economist

US Jobless Rate of 5.5% a Fair Trade-Off For 2% Inflation - IMF Chief Economist

©AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon

A 5.5% unemployment rate would be “a fairly benign outcome” for returning US inflation to the Federal Reserve's target of 2% per year versus the current rate of above 8%, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Economist Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas said.

The unemployment rate, which stood at 3.5% at the end of September, is expected to grow by two percentage points between 2023 and 2024, Gourinchas said in forecasts made during the World Bank/IMF annual meetings in Washington this week.

The Fed defines a jobless rate of 4% and below as “maximum employment.” Gourinchas also said inflation will not return to the Fed’s target of 2% by 2023, although the US central bank will be closer to the target in 2024.

Inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) grew by 8.3% in the year to August, moderating from a four-decade high annual growth of 9.1% in the 12 months to June.

“The fight against inflation by central banks will last until 2024,” he added. The Fed has said that a robust labor market and wage growth were among the major factors contributing to inflation hovering near four-decade highs.

The labor market has been the juggernaut of the US economy, spearheading its recovery from the two-year long coronavirus pandemic.

Joblessness among Americans reached an all-time high of 14.8% in April 2020, with the loss of some 20 million jobs after the COVID-19 breakout. Since then, the Labor Department’s non-farm payrolls report has reported hundreds of thousands of job additions every month. US average hourly earnings have risen without stopping since June 2021.

Since March, the Fed has raised interest rates by 300 basis points in its bid to fight inflation and is expected to add another 125 basis points to rates before the end of the year.

3.200 Aparat Polri-TNI Dan Satpol-PP Dikerahkan Amankan Demo Buruh Di Sekitar Patung Kuda Hari Ini

3.200 Aparat Polri-TNI Dan Satpol-PP Dikerahkan Amankan Demo Buruh Di Sekitar Patung Kuda Hari Ini

3.200 Aparat Polri-TNI Dan Satpol-PP Dikerahkan Amankan Demo Buruh Di Sekitar Patung Kuda Hari Ini

Ilustrasi aksi demonstrasi di kawasan Patung Kuda, Monas, Jakarta Pusat. ( Winanto)

Sebanyak 3.200 personel gabungan Polri dan TNI dikerahkan untuk mengamankan aksi demonstrasi menolak kenaikan harga BBM yang dilakukan Partai Buruh sert berbagai serikat pekerja di sekitar Patung Kuda Arjuna, Jakarta Pusat, pada hari Rabu siang, 12/10/2022.

Kapolres Metro Jakarta Pusat Kombes Pol Komarudin menyebut ribuan personel tersebut meliputi unsur TNI, Polri dan Satpol PP.

"Kita siapkan hari ini ada 3.200 personel gabungan, TNI, Polri dan Satpol PP," kata Komarudin kepada wartawan, hari Rabu, 12/10/2022.

Komarudin menyarankan kepada massa aksi untuk menggunakan area silang Barat Daya Monas sebagai lokasi aksi demo. Saran tersebut disampaikan agar tidak mengganggu aktivitas pengguna jalan.

"Mana kala ini bisa diikuti maka tentu tidak perlu ada ruas jalan yang kita tutup atau kita alihkan," katanya.

Di samping itu, Komarudin juga mengimbau peserta aksi dapat menyampaikan aspirasinya secara damai.

"Kita juga menjaga hal-hal yang tidak diingankan, jadi seluruh aktivitas baik penyampaian aspirasi maupun aktivitas masyarakat bisa berjalan dengan tertib dan aman," imbuhnya.

Senat AS memulai debat tentang RUU pertahanan besar-besaran, menargetkan China, Rusia

Senat AS memulai debat tentang RUU pertahanan besar-besaran, menargetkan China, Rusia

Senat AS memulai debat tentang RUU pertahanan besar-besaran, menargetkan China, Rusia

Bendera Amerika berkibar di luar kubah Capitol AS di Washington, AS, 15 Januari 2020. REUTERS/Tom Brenner/File Photo

Senat A.S. secara resmi memulai debat pada hari Selasa tentang Undang-Undang Otorisasi Pertahanan Nasional 2023, kebijakan penetapan tagihan $817 miliar yang harus disahkan untuk Pentagon dan termasuk ketentuan untuk bersaing dengan China dan Rusia dan meningkatkan Taiwan dan Ukraina.

Teks versi terbaru NDAA tidak segera tersedia, tetapi para pembantu Senat mengatakan itu akan mencakup unsur-unsur RUU untuk secara signifikan meningkatkan bantuan keamanan untuk Taiwan yang disahkan oleh Komite Hubungan Luar Negeri Senat pada bulan September.

NDAA juga mencakup pendanaan baru untuk Inisiatif Bantuan Keamanan Ukraina, otorisasi untuk sistem senjata baru dan sejumlah ketentuan lainnya.

“Kita harus memastikan bahwa Amerika Serikat dapat bersaing, menghalangi, dan menang melawan saingan yang hampir setara. NDAA ini menghadapkan China dan Rusia dengan berinvestasi penuh dalam Inisiatif Pencegah Pasifik, Inisiatif Pencegah Eropa, dan Inisiatif Bantuan Keamanan Ukraina,” Senator Jack Reed, ketua Komite Angkatan Bersenjata Senat, mengatakan dalam pidato Senat.

Undang-Undang Kebijakan Taiwan yang disahkan oleh panel hubungan luar negeri termasuk miliaran dolar dalam pembiayaan militer untuk Taiwan dan program untuk mempercepat penjualan senjata dan meningkatkan koordinasi militer.

Karena itu adalah satu-satunya undang-undang utama yang disahkan Kongres setiap tahun, NDAA diawasi ketat oleh industri dan kepentingan lainnya karena menentukan segalanya mulai dari pembelian kapal dan pesawat terbang hingga membayar kenaikan pasukan dan bagaimana mengatasi ancaman geopolitik.

Senat keluar dari sesi sampai setelah pemilihan paruh waktu 8 November, tetapi Reed kembali ke Washington untuk secara resmi memulai debat untuk memudahkan jalan agar RUU itu disahkan akhir tahun ini. Reed mengatakan dia yakin itu akan berlalu.

"Selalu ada gesekan tetapi kami akan menyelesaikannya," katanya kepada wartawan.

NDAA telah disahkan setiap tahun sejak 1961.

NDAA fiskal 2023 harus melewati Senat dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat akhir tahun ini sebelum dapat dikirim ke Gedung Putih untuk ditandatangani Presiden Joe Biden menjadi undang-undang.

Lavrov Mengatakan Banyak Bukti Pertarungan Militer AS dan Barat 'Di Lapangan' di Ukraina

Lavrov Mengatakan Banyak Bukti Pertarungan Militer AS dan Barat 'Di Lapangan' di Ukraina

Lavrov Mengatakan Banyak Bukti Pertarungan Militer AS dan Barat 'Di Lapangan' di Ukraina

Bukti bahwa personel militer Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara Barat lainnya telah mendarat di Ukraina semakin meningkat, kata Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergey Lavrov, Selasa.

"Prajurit reguler tentara Amerika, serta tentara dari sejumlah negara Eropa terus-menerus bekerja 'di lapangan,' termasuk membantu dalam perhitungan kompleks senjata, sistem roket peluncuran ganda HIMARS buatan AS, membantu menggunakan mereka dalam permusuhan militer," kata Lavrov kepada penyiar Rossiya 1 Rusia.

Menteri menekankan bahwa Moskow tidak memiliki bukti 100% dari informasi ini, tetapi buktinya berlipat ganda dan Barat mulai menyadari bahwa mereka melangkah sedikit lebih jauh dari yang mereka inginkan.

Pada 24 Februari, Rusia memulai operasi militer khusus di Ukraina menanggapi seruan bantuan dari republik Donetsk dan Lugansk yang memisahkan diri di tengah agresi intensif rezim Kiev. Negara-negara Barat menanggapi dengan menjatuhkan sanksi komprehensif terhadap Moskow sementara juga meningkatkan dukungan militer mereka untuk Kiev.

Pada akhir September, referendum untuk bergabung dengan Rusia diadakan di republik Donetsk dan Lugansk dan sebagian Ukraina yang dikendalikan oleh pasukan Rusia. Semua wilayah ini terintegrasi di dalam Rusia berdasarkan hasil referendum.

Pemimpin G7 Akan Memberikan Dukungan ke Ukraina untuk 'Selama Dibutuhkan': Pernyataan Bersama

Para pemimpin negara-negara Kelompok Tujuh (G7) pada hari Selasa mengadakan pertemuan darurat dan meyakinkan Volodymyr Zelensky dari Ukraina bahwa mereka akan terus memberikan negaranya dukungan militer, keuangan dan lainnya "selama yang diperlukan" di tengah operasi militer khusus Rusia di sana.

"Kami meyakinkan Presiden Zelensky bahwa kami tidak terpengaruh dan teguh dalam komitmen kami untuk memberikan dukungan yang dibutuhkan Ukraina untuk menegakkan kedaulatan dan integritas teritorialnya," kata G7 dalam sebuah pernyataan bersama. "Kami akan terus memberikan dukungan keuangan, kemanusiaan, militer, diplomatik dan hukum dan akan berdiri teguh dengan Ukraina selama diperlukan."

Kelompok ini juga akan terus mengoordinasikan upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan militer dan peralatan pertahanan Kiev.

"Kami akan terus mengoordinasikan upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mendesak Ukraina untuk peralatan militer dan pertahanan," kata G7 dalam sebuah pernyataan bersama.

Menurut pernyataan bersama, G7 sedang menjajaki cara untuk memastikan upaya rekonstruksi Ukraina didukung dengan dana dari Rusia.

"Memastikan pemulihan dan rekonstruksi Ukraina, termasuk menjajaki jalan untuk melakukannya dengan dana dari Rusia; mengejar pertanggungjawaban atas kejahatan Rusia yang dilakukan selama perang," kata G7 dalam pernyataan bersama.

Pada saat yang sama, G7 bersumpah untuk terus membebankan biaya ekonomi lebih lanjut pada Rusia.

"Kami telah dan akan terus membebankan biaya ekonomi lebih lanjut ke Rusia," kata G7 dalam pernyataan bersama setelah pertemuan darurat di Ukraina.

Dalam pernyataan bersama kelompok itu juga mencatat bahwa anggota G7 "sangat terganggu" oleh kerusakan yang disengaja yang disebabkan oleh pipa Nord Stream 1 dan 2 Rusia dan menyambut baik penyelidikan yang sedang berlangsung atas masalah tersebut.

"Kami sangat terganggu oleh kerusakan yang disengaja pada jaringan pipa Nordstream di perairan internasional di Laut Baltik dan sangat mengutuk setiap gangguan yang disengaja terhadap infrastruktur penting," kata G7 dalam sebuah pernyataan bersama. "Kami menyambut baik penyelidikan yang sedang berlangsung."

Para pemimpin G7 mengadakan pertemuan virtual pada hari sebelumnya sebagai tanggapan atas serangan rudal paling intens Rusia dalam beberapa bulan di Kiev dan kota-kota Ukraina lainnya pada hari Senin. Rusia melancarkan serangan sebagai pembalasan atas apa yang diyakini sebagai serangan Ukraina Sabtu lalu di jembatan yang menghubungkan Rusia dengan Krimea.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Russia Supports, Values IAEA’s Work, Putin Says at Meeting With Grossi

Russia Supports, Values IAEA’s Work, Putin Says at Meeting With Grossi

Russia Supports, Values IAEA’s Work, Putin Says at Meeting With Grossi

©Sputnik/Pavel Bednyakov/Go to the mediabank

Rusia mendukung dan menghargai pekerjaan Badan Energi Atom Internasional (IAEA), Presiden Vladimir Putin mengatakan kepada Direktur Jenderal IAEA Rafael Mariano Grossi pada hari Selasa.

"Dear director general, I am very pleased to welcome you to St. Petersburg, Russia. Since the establishment of the agency, Russia has always not only supported, but stood at the origins of the agency since 1957, and has always supported the agency’s work. We are actively working within the agency to this day and attach great importance to the work to which the agency dedicates itself, and you, as the general director, dedicate your life," Putin told Grossi during the meeting.

Russia has always advocated that all countries had equal access to the benefits of peaceful atom, Putin also said.

"We have always advocated that all states have equal access to the benefits of peaceful atom. And at the same time, we believe, we believed before and now, our position is that everything must be done to limit the spread of military nuclear technologies," Putin emphasized.

The Russian president also said that elements of excessive dangerous politicization of nuclear activities can be seen, and such rhetoric should be reduced

Putin proposed to Grossi to discuss the situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant during the meeting, adding that Moscow is "ready to solve all issues.".

Hungarian PM: Ceasefire in Ukraine Should Be Negotiated Between Russia and US

Hungarian PM: Ceasefire in Ukraine Should Be Negotiated Between Russia and US

Hungarian PM: Ceasefire in Ukraine Should Be Negotiated Between Russia and US

©Olivier Hoslet

An immediate ceasefire in Ukraine is necessary and negotiations will have to be held with the United States for this purpose, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in an interview with German media published on Tuesday.

"We need an immediate ceasefire. That's what the Pope says, that's what (former US Secretary of State Henry) Kissinger says, that's what (German philosopher Jurgen) Habermas says. An immediate ceasefire, and then we must start negotiations," Orban said in an interview with the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung and with Cicero magazine.

Orban also said that the ceasefire should be reached between Russia and the US rather than between Moscow and Kiev, as the Russian side has many resources, while the Ukrainians are limited to what the US supplies them.

"They can fight indefinitely just because the Americans support them," Orban added. According to Hungarian PM, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel could have prevented the conflict, as she had previously shown herself to be a strong leader, who was able to prevent a war in 2014.

Orban also added that US President Joe Biden's policy had strayed too far from making peace with Russia.

Since Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, Western countries have been providing Kiev with military, financial and humanitarian aid. On October 4, Biden told his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, that Washington would send another security package with additional weapons and equipment, including High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, to Ukraine, worth $625 million.

Russia puts Meta on its list of extremists and terrorists

Russia puts Meta on its list of extremists and terrorists

Russia puts Meta on its list of extremists and terrorists

©Peter Kovalev/TASS

Russian financial watchdog Rosfinmonitoring on Tuesday placed US corporation Meta (deemed extremist in Russia) on its list of extremists and terrorists.

The corporation is listed under the name of Meta Platforms Inc., the watchdog said on its website.

In March, Moscow’s Tverskoy Court declared the social networks — Instagram and Facebook — owned by Meta, extremist and banned them across Russian territory.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is owned by billionaire Mark Zuckerberg and in March earlier this year, it was found guilty of “extremist activity” in Russia by a Moscow court. The case was filed after Meta was accused of allowing posts that called for violence against the Russian military in Ukraine.

Zuckerberg is already on the list of individuals who were barred by the Russian foreign ministry from entering the country back in April. The tech billionaire was part of a list that include US Vice President Kamala Harris, EO of LinkedIn Ryan Roslansky, and more than 900 other American citizens.

In the official statement, Rosfinmonitoring said that Meta has been biased towards the western countries in the coverage of the Ukraine-Russia crisis. They said that the company is “discriminating” against Russian news outlets and have restricted user access to outlets like Sputnik and Russia Today.

Kremlin : West Condemns Russia, Does Not Notice Ukrainian Crimes

Kremlin : West Condemns Russia, Does Not Notice Ukrainian Crimes

The West condemns Russia’s actions but does not notice crimes committed by the Ukrainian leadership, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

"No, it was for real, they are going to continue to blame everything [on Moscow], to condemn Russia … not noticing the crimes of the Kiev regime … completely ignoring what the Kiev regime is doing with people who live in those territories that are already part of the Russian Federation," Peskov told reporters.

US supplies of air defense systems to Ukraine "will make the conflict longer and more painful for the Ukrainian side, but will not change our goal setting and the end result." Russia intends to achieve its goals in Ukraine efficiently and effectively, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said

Putin, Erdogan to Discuss Ukraine in Astana on Thursday

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, will discuss the situation in Ukraine during a meeting in Astana on Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.

"Of course, there is understanding, the topic is clear, it is, of course, Ukraine, and bilateral relations, which are also very, very multifaceted, and, in general, an exchange of views on current affairs," Peskov told reporters.

Putin, IAEA Head to Discuss Ukraine, Security of ZNPP at Meeting on Tuesday

Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss Ukraine, including the security of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) at meetings with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on Tuesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

"Yes, indeed, Ukraine's (topic) also appears there, and the president highly appreciated the mediation services on very, very sensitive issues provided by the United Arab Emirates in this context. Well, in fact, these and other issues, both bilateral and regional problems, and Syria, all of them will be on the agenda. And also, of course, issues related to the safety of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant will also be discussed," Peskov told reporters.

Putin is holding talks with UAE president

Putin is holding talks with UAE president

Putin is holding talks with UAE president

United Arab Emirates President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin
©Pavel Bednyakov/POOL/TASS

Russian President Vladimir Putin has started talks with United Arab Emirates President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in St. Petersburg where the Russian leader had been staying for the past few days, the Rossiya-24 television channel reported.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said the one-on-one format was chosen for the conversation.

The Kremlin hasn’t announced the issues to be discussed at the talks. According to the UAE government newspaper Al-Bayan, the agenda includes issues of friendly relations between the UAE and Russia, and some regional and international issues that are of mutual interest. The UAE Foreign Ministry said the president’s visit aims to achieve "effective political solutions" for the crisis in Ukraine.

President Putin’s main statements made at his meeting with the UAE president:

  • Russia is grateful for the mediation efforts in resolving humanitarian issues;

  • Moscow is aware of the UAE’s concern about the development of the situation in Ukraine and its desire to contribute to a settlement of the crisis;

  • This desire makes it possible to use the influence of the UAE to resolve the situation;

  • Putin confirmed that he was aware of concerns about the Zaporozhye NPP, and promised to discuss everything in detail;

  • OPEC+ decisions are not directed against anyone;

  • All OPEC+ actions are aimed at creating stability in global energy markets;

  • The presidents also discussed the Syria issue

Russian Armed Forces Continue Massive Strikes on Ukraine Energy System & Military Command - MoD

Russian Armed Forces Continue Massive Strikes on Ukraine Energy System & Military Command - MoD

Russian Armed Forces Continue Massive Strikes on Ukraine Energy System & Military Command - MoD


The Russian military began large-scale precision missile strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure, military communications and command posts on Monday, in retaliation to Saturday's terror attack against the Crimean Bridge and other acts of terror attributed to Kiev.

Russia is continuing its campaign of precision missile strikes on Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense has indicated.

"Today the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continued to conduct massed strikes using high-precision, long-range air and sea-based weapons at military command and control facilities and the energy system of Ukraine. The goal of the strikes has been reached. All designated targets were hit," MoD spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement Tuesday.

Earlier in the day, Ukrainian media reported that a nationwide air alert had been issued, and that a series of explosions occurred in Kiev, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Rovno, Krivoy Rog, Zhitomir, Khmelnitsky, Nikolayev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, and Lvov. Explosions were followed by power outages in some areas.

Tuesday's strikes were the second straight day of attacks targeting Ukrainian electricity infrastructure and command and communications systems used by the Ukrainian military. Monday's strikes hit targets across over 1,000 km, destroying or damaging multiple military facilities, and causing widespread power outages. Ukrainian media reported that 11 people were killed and over two dozen others injured, and that as many as 200 missiles were used.

President Putin said that the attacks were a response to Ukrainian attacks targeting Russian territory, including Saturday's attack on the Crimean Bridge, which killed three civilians, the TurkStream gas pipeline, Russian electricity and transport infrastructure, and the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, among others. Putin warned that "if attempts to carry out terror attacks against our territory continue, Russia's responses will be tough and will correspond in scale to the level of threat posed to the Russian Federation."

Ukrainian officials boasted about Kiev's responsibility for the Crimean Bridge attack on social media and to the New York Times. However, a senior Ukrainian official responsible for sabotage operations tricked into speaking to Russian pranksters accidentally revealed that Washington "has the right to veto all of our operations," and that Kiev couldn't "move forward" with an attack on the Crimean Bridge unless US officials approved it.

Until now, Russia has generally avoided targeting critical infrastructure in the course of the special military operation in Ukraine, keeping in line with the goals outlined at its outset, which President Putin characterized as the "de-Nazification" of the government in Kiev, and the "de-militarization" of the nation's armed forces to halt attacks on the Donbass.

The escalation coming in the wake of the Crimean Bridge explosion threatens to intensify the conflict, with Western media reporting that the Zelensky government has reiterated its demands for longer-range missiles to enable it to strike deep into Russian territory.

Moscow has repeatedly warned the United States and its NATO allies against sending advanced weaponry to Ukraine, saying such deliveries threaten to expand the crisis, and that part of these arms - including things like portable anti-aircraft weapons which could shoot down civilian airliners, could end up on the international weapons black market and in the hands of terrorist groups.

The Russian military and militias and officials in the Donbass and other border regions have also indicated that the Ukrainian side uses a major portion of its Western-sourced heavy weaponry to launch indiscriminate attacks against civilians.

Russian MoD briefing:

  • In the Kupyansk direction, the enemy, using two companies, made an unsuccessful attempt to attack the positions of Russian troops;

  • In the Krasny Liman direction, two Ukrainian company tactical groups again tried to cross the Zherebets River. Up to 20 Ukrainian servicemen and four pickup trucks were destroyed;

  • In the Zaporozhye direction, the enemy carried out counterattacks with three company tactical groups. All attacks were repelled. More than 30 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, and three armored fighting vehicles were destroyed;

  • In the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction, Russian troops, supported by artillery, dispersed the enemy and pushed them back to their previous positions. About 150 Ukrainian servicemen, six tanks, and 14 vehicles, including armored fighting vehicles, were destroyed

  • Two fuel storage bases for Ukrainian military equipment were destroyed near the cities of Dnepropetrovsk and Pavlograd in the Dnepropetrovsk region;

  • In the Dnepropetrovsk region, the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopter

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's latest statements:

  • Biden's words about meeting with Putin are more for media consumption than for real politics;

  • Sweden's statement about not admitting Russia to the investigation into terrorist attack on the Nord Stream pipelines amounted to "double standards";

  • Russia does not refuse to conduct talks with the US on the sidelines of the G20 summit;

  • Putin and Erdogan will be able to discuss Turkey's mediation in the negotiations in Astana;

  • Russia's ban on the case of the Nord Stream terrorist attack is a double standard;

  • The West condemns Russia for strikes on Ukraine, but turns a blind eye to the actions of Kiev;

  • Saying that Russia has not responded to a request for negotiations is a lie: there was no request in the first place

Germany to 'quickly' send air defense systems to Ukraine

Germany to 'quickly' send air defense systems to Ukraine

Germany to 'quickly' send air defense systems to Ukraine

Germany is set to deliver the first of four high-tech air defense systems within "days." The rush to move up the delivery comes after heavy Russian missile strikes hit major Ukrainian cities including Kyiv. German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht on Monday said Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian population centers highlighted the urgency of delivering air defense systems to Kyiv's forces.

The long-promised systems, which are capable of protecting an entire city, were originally slated to be delivered at the end of the year. Monday's deadly strikes, however, have now sped up the delivery timeline.

What did German officials say? Lambrecht said the Russian barrage underlined the need for the vehicle-mounted Iris-T SLM systems to be delivered quickly.

"The renewed missile fire on Kyiv and the many other cities show how important it is to supply Ukraine with air defense systems quickly," the defense minister said in a statement.

"Russia's attacks with missiles and drones terrorize above all the civilian population," Lambrecht said.

She added that the first of four high-tech air defense systems will now be "ready for the effective protection of people in the coming days."

Chancellor Olaf Scholz had promised to provide the air defense systems to Ukraine in June.

What can the air defense shields do?

The IRIS-T SLM can defend from approaching missiles at an altitude of up to 20 kilometers (12 miles) and a distance up to 40 kilometers.

According to Scholz, the defense system makes it possible to protect "an entire major city from Russian air attacks."

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Monday that Germany would do "everything it can" to help quickly bolster Ukraine's air defenses.

"It is despicable and unjustifiable for Putin to bombard large cities and civilians with missiles," Baerbock wrote on Twitter.

During the Monday morning missile strikes, the German Foreign Ministry said, a large building housing a German consulate in Kyiv was damaged. However, it added that the office had not been in use since the war broke out.

Rayakan Maulid Nabi Muhammad, Raja Maroko Ampuni 672 Terpidana

Rayakan Maulid Nabi Muhammad, Raja Maroko Ampuni 672 Terpidana

Raja Maroko, Mohammed VI/Net

Di hari peringatan kelahiran Nabi Muhammad, Raja Mohammed VI memberikan pengampunan pada 672 narapidana di Maroko pada hari Senin, 10/10/2022.

Kementerian Kehakiman Maroko mengumumkan daftar tahanan yang akan menerima pengampunan kerajaan, termasuk sembilan orang di antaranya merupakan terpidana kasus ekstremisme dan terorisme.

"Lima akan dibebaskan, sedangkan sisanya akan mendapat pengurangan hukuman. Para tahanan ini diberikan pengampunan setelah mengubah orientasi ideologis mereka," kata kementerian dalam sebuah pernyataan yang dimuat The New Arab.

Tahun ini terdapat 2.000 narapidana di penjara Maroko yang memperoleh pengampunan dari kerajaan, termasuk mereka yang dihukum dalam kasus terorisme.

Sementara itu, seruan untuk mengampuni tahanan pemberontakan Hirak Rif belum juga terdengar.

Pada tahun 2016, gerakan Hirak Rif pecah di wilayah Rif Maroko, menyusul kematian penjual ikan Mohcine Fikri di sebuah truk sampah dan di hadapan pihak berwenang.

Sejak insiden itu, protes meningkat, dengan bentrokan keras antara demonstran dan pasukan keamanan. Lebih dari 50 anggota gerakan ditangkap dan dijatuhi hukuman hingga 20 tahun penjara, termasuk ketua Hirak Rif, Nasser Zefzafi.

Rencana Maroko Selesaikan Masalah Sahara Menurut perkiraan para aktivis, delapan tahanan dari Hirak tetap berada di penjara Maroko, terutama Nasser Zefzafi dan Nabil Ahamjik, yang keduanya dijatuhi hukuman 20 tahun atas dakwaan merencanakan agenda separatis dan berkonspirasi untuk membahayakan keamanan negara.

Sejauh ini, Nasser Zefzafi menolak pengampunan kerajaan, dengan alasan bahwa itu akan membuatnya terbukti bersalah hanya karena memprotes ketidakadilan sosial di wilayahnya.