Saturday, 18 March 2023

Russia open to proposals on resolving Ukraine issue, says diplomat

Russia open to proposals on resolving Ukraine issue, says diplomat

Russia open to proposals on resolving Ukraine issue, says diplomat

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian foreign Ministry press service/TASS

Moscow is open to serious proposals on resolving the Ukrainian crisis but will not accept ultimatums, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement on Saturday.

When commenting on Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba’s remark about the importance of Zelensky’s "peace formula," she said: "Unfortunately, it is another attempt by the Ukrainian authorities to mislead the international community and its own people."

"Zelensky’s so-called ‘peace formula’ has nothing to do with peace. It is just a list of ultimatum demands for Russia, which are detached from reality. The plan particularly demands that Russian troops be withdrawn from Russian regions (the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions and even Crimea), Russia pay reparations and even plead guilty at international tribunals. The goal of the Ukrainian ‘peace formula’ is to make Russia surrender with Western help," Zakharova noted.

"We have repeatedly stated that we are open to really serious proposals from the West and Ukraine on finding a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis but we will not accept the language of ultimatums," the Russian diplomat emphasized.

"In order to ensure sustainable peace, there is a need to demand that the provision of weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine should come to an end, military activities should stop, Ukraine should restore its neutral status, and the new situation on the ground, which stems from the right of peoples to self-determination, should be recognized at the international level. In addition, the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine need to take place, all threats coming from its territory need to be eliminated and its non-nuclear status needs to be guaranteed along with respect for the rights of Russian speakers and ethnic minorities," Zakharova said.

However, "the Kiev regime has long turned into a tool that the US and NATO use in their standoff with Russia." "They aren’t at all interested in finding a peaceful solution to the Ukraine issue," the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman noted. She specified that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had made it clear that the US was determined to continue providing Ukraine with weapons instead of engaging in a diplomatic process with Russia in order to resolve the crisis.

Zakharova recommended that all counties who wished to contribute to resolving the situation direct their calls for peace towards Kiev and "its Western puppeteers, who have been dragging Ukraine into the dangerous whirlpool of a global confrontation.".

The Netherlands undecided on where to send Scythian Gold amid Russia’s op — Crimean envoy

The Scythian Gold collection from Crimea remains in the Netherlands because the country has not decided yet where to send it amid Russia’s special military operation, Crimea’s Deputy Prime Minister and Permanent Representative to the Russian President Georgy Muradov said in an interview with TASS.

"The collection, which is the priceless heritage of the Crimean people, remains in the Netherlands for the time being. Although a decision was made to hand the items over to Kiev - and I would like to point out that it is the property of Crimea’s museums - the Dutch don’t know where and how to send the collection and how it will end because our special military operation is underway in Ukraine," he said.

Muradov believes that "the Scythian gold issue will also be resolved" once the special military operation’s goals are achieved.

The Scythian Gold collection of over 2,000 items was on display at the Allard Pierson Museum of the University of Amsterdam between February and August 2014. After the peninsula reunited with Russia in March 2014, uncertainty over the collection arose as both Russia and Ukraine claimed the exhibits.

In this regard, the University of Amsterdam suspended the collection’s handover until either the dispute is legally resolved or the parties come to terms. In late October 2021, the Court of Appeal of Amsterdam ruled that the Scythian gold collection should be handed over to Ukraine. In January 2022, Russia filed an appeal against the decision with the Supreme Court of the Netherlands.

Golkar Institute Siap Fasilitasi Alumni yang Minat Maju Pemilu 2024

Golkar Institute Siap Fasilitasi Alumni yang Minat Maju Pemilu 2024

Golkar Institute Siap Fasilitasi Alumni yang Minat Maju Pemilu 2024

Penutupan Executive Education Program For Young Political Leader Angkatan Ke-11 Golkar Institute, di Kantor DPP Partai Golkar, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, Sabtu (18/3)/Ist

Golkar Institute terbuka bagi siapapun yang ingin bergabung. Di Golkar Institute, para peserta pendidikan akan mendapatkan materi pilar ekonomi, pilar politik dan pilar kepemimpinan.

Begitu dikatakan Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Erwin Aksa, saat memberikan sambutan pada penutupan Executive Education Program For Young Political Leader Angkatan Ke-11 Golkar Institute, di Kantor DPP Partai Golkar, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, hari Sabtu, 18/03/2023. /p>

“Kita melakukan sekolah ini tidak secara eksklusif. Sekolah ini sekolah inklusif. Dari berbagai kalangan bisa hadir di program ini,” ujar Erwin.

Erwin juga membuka peluang para alumni Golkar Institute yang ingin mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota legislatif. Menurutnya, Golkar Institute merupakan salah satu tulang punggung pemenangan Golkar pada Pemilu nanti.

“Golkar Institute juga merupakan salah satu bagian yang menjadi pilar bagaimana memenangkan Partai Golkar di Pemilu besok. Kalau kita menang Pemilu, kader-kader Golkar Institute punya kesempatan besar untuk aktif di dalam kegiatan eksekutif atau kegiatan legislatif,” tuturnya.

Bagi para alumni Golkar Institute yang ingin mencalonkan diri sebagai calon legislatif, Erwin mengingatkan untuk dapat memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai intrumen dalam kampanye.

“Saya kira semua tokoh yang sekarang sedang popular tidak lepas dari media sosial. Karena jangkauannya lebih luas, lebih murah, dan yang paling penting bisa terukur,” terangnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Dewan Pengurus Golkar Institute, Ace Hasan Syadzily menyampaikan bahwa seluruh rangkaian pelatihan terlaksana dengan baik. Partisipasi peserta sangat baik dan bersemangat dengan tanya-jawab berkualitas.

Lewat Golkar Institute, Ketum Airlangga Komitmen Hasilkan Generasi Muda Terbaik

Golkar Institute membuka pendidikan politik angkatan ke-11 dengan tema Executive Education Program For Young Political Leaders.

Ketum Golkar Airlangga Hartarto menyebut partai Golkar sebagai sekolah politik yang terbuka untuk siapapun.

Acara tersebut digelar di DPP Partai Golkar, Slipi Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat, hari Senin kemarin, 13/03/2023.

Dalam sambutannya, Airlangga mengatakan bahwa pemilih pemula sangat penting.

“Tentu untuk Golkar Institute saya berharap pemilih pemula ini menjadi sangat penting dan kita masuk dalam bonus demografi. Bonus demografi ini 10 tahun ke depan, Korea tumbuh hampir 4 kali, dari hampir 2 ribu per kapita menjadi 17 ribu dalam setahun,” ujar Airlangga saat sambutan.

“Tidak banyak negara yang bisa melakukan lompatan 9 kali, sekarang Indonesia 4 ribu dan kita berharap dalam 10 tahun bisa melompat 3 kali menjadi 13.500,” sambungnya.

Airlangga mengatakan seluruh peserta Golkar Institute merupakan pemilih sekaligus pemimpin masa depan.

Dia berharap peserta Golkar Institute dapat menjadi pemimpin dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun mendatang.

“Oleh karena itu PR-nya adalah seluruh peserta Golkar Institute, karena Anda adalah pemilih dan pemimpin masa depan,” kata Airlangga.

“Tetapi masa depannya tidak terlalu depan, masa depannya saya berharap dalam 10 tahun ke depan, masing-masing memimpin lingkungannya masing-masing karena ini akan mengakselerasi pertumbuhan Indonesia,” imbuhnya.

Airlangga mengatakan pertumbuhan tidak boleh meninggalkan aspek fundamental.

Dia berharap pendidikan politik Golkar Institute ini dapat mengedukasi masyarakat bahwa ilmu merupakan aspek terpenting dalam menghadapi perubahan dan tantangan.

“Jadi kembali lagi, transformasi boleh, melompat boleh, tapi fundamental tidak boleh ditinggalkan. Oleh karena itu, berbagai kesempatan yang ada termasuk dalam Young Political Leaders, program pendidikan politik nanti di daerah, workshop, dan essay competition ini yang terus diapresiasi agar masyarakat tau bahwa ke depan fundamental ilmu itu salah satu yang sangat penting untuk membawa perubahan atau menghadapi berbagai tantangan,” tutur Airlangga.

Airlangga menyatakan komitmennya untuk menghasilkan pemuda yang terbaik lewat Golkar Institute.

Dia berharap pekerja politik muda dapat menggerakkan politik Indonesia.

“Golkar Institute berkomitmen menghasilkan pemuda terbaik, berdaya saing, berwawasan global, dan tentu setelah kegiatan ini saya berpesan, pemilu di depan mata dan tentu dengan partisipasi yang ada, kita berharap bahwa generasi muda nanti bisa dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran dan juga tindakan dari para pekerja politik muda. Pekerja politik senior tentu kita berharap lebih produktif lagi,” kata Airlangga.

Airlangga kemudian mengatakan partainya merupakan sekolah politik. Dia mengatakan hampir semua kader politik merupakan alumni Partai Golkar.

“Bagi yang belum bergabung dengan Partai Golkar silakan bergabung ke Partai Golkar. Partai Golkar adalah partai terbuka dan kalau diperbankan, Partai Golkar adalah sekolahnya politik, hampir tidak ada kader partai politik yang bukan alumni Partai Golkar, tapi lebih hebat lagi kalau terus menjadi kader Partai Golkar,” ujar Airlangga.

“Kalau tadi wayahna (waktunya) Kang Emil bergabung, kalau sekarang wayahna Partai Golkar merebut kembali kemenangan,” sambungnya.

Hadir pula Wakil Ketua Umum Golkar Bidang Pemenangan Pemilu Ridwan Kamil, Wakil Ketua Umum Golkar Bidang Penggalangan Strategis Rizal Mallarangeng, Sekretaris Jenderal Golkar Lodwijk F Paulus, Bendahara Unum Golkar Dito Ganinduto, dan Ketua DPP Golkar Ace Hasan.

Aksi Perampok Bank di Lampung Digagalkan Karyawan Pemberani

Aksi Perampok Bank di Lampung Digagalkan Karyawan Pemberani

Aksi Perampok Bank di Lampung Digagalkan Karyawan Pemberani

Bidik layar video penangkapan perampok di BPR Artha Kedaton Makmur, Bandar Lampung, hari Jumat, 17/3/2023.(DOK. warga)

Aksk Perampok Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Arta Kedaton Makmur, Bandar Lampung, pada hari Jumat, 17/3/2023, yang sempat melepaskan enam tembakan lewat dua senjata yang ia bawa. Namun, aksi pelaku tersebut digagalkan oleh aksi heroik Rendy dan para security.

Pasalnya, saat penyerangan terjadi, pelaku yang menembak menggunakan air soft gun.

Ini terjadi usai pelaku berinisial HG mengambil tas berisi uang.

Mereka berhasil menggagalkan perampokan dengan cara menghadang dan membekap pelaku dari belakang serta merebut senjatanya saat akan berusaha kabur.

"Iya reflek aja tadi itu. Cepat kejadiannya. Posisi tadi itu panik semua," ujar Rendy, hari Jumat.

Dalam rekaman CCTV, Rendy tampak menerjang dan membanting pelaku. Ketika pelaku terjatuh di lantai, dia dan sejumlah karyawan lain langsung memiting pelaku.

"Pas jatuh langsung saya tindih supaya nggak gerak, karyawan lain juga bantu memegang kaki pelaku," ucapnya.

Meski HG memegang senjata, Rendy mengaku bertindak karena ingin menyelamatkan rekan kerjanya. Dia juga mengaku tak sempat memikirkan pelaku bersenjata.

"Tadi nggak sempat mikir, yang penting pelaku ini ketangkep dulu, itu juga karyawan lain ikut bantu," ungkapnya.

Kapolresta Bandar Lampung, Kombes Pol Ino Harianto pada hari Jumat, 17/3/2023, mengatakan, bahwa perampokan bermula saat satpam Bank Arta Kedaton bernama Tito Alexander bersama seorang teller, Agnes berjalan menuju Bank Mayora yang lokasinya bersebelahan.

Mereka akan mengambil uang sejumlah Rp 300 juta karena ada nasabah yang ingin tarik tunai uang.

"Jadi satpam Bank Arta Kedaton Makmur dan teller ini hendak mengambil uang di Bank Mayora senilai Rp 300 juta," ujar Ino.

Saat itulah pelaku membuntuti mereka. HG kemudian melepas tembakan ke arah mereka. Mendengar tembakan, AGN, Tito, dan Kismanto langsung berlari ke dalam Bank Arta.

Setelah mengambil uang dan dimasukkan ke dalam tas, tiba-tiba pelaku datang dari arah belakang berusaha merebut tas yang satpam Tito bawa.

Satpam Tito lalu masuk ke Bank Arta untuk mengamankan uang tersebut.

Namun, pelaku mengejar dan mengeluarkan senjata air soft gun. Tito berinisiatif menyelamatkan tas yang dibawa AGN.

"Saat mengejar itu, pelaku mengganti senjatanya dengan senjata api rakitan jenis revolver. Sebelumnya, dia menembak menggunakan air soft gun jenis glock," tuturnya.

Saat itu pelaku berhasil merebut tas berisi uang tersebut dan berusaha kabur, namun berhasil dihadang oleh karyawan Bank Arta bernama Rendy dibantu oleh Karyawan lain bernama Hence.

Dengan dibantu nasabah, karyawan dan warga sekitar pelaku berhasil diamankan.

Di sisi lain, walaupun aksi perampokan ini berhasil dihentikan, namun beberapa pekerja bank yang berusaha menghadang pelaku juga ada yang menjadi korban.

Adapun korban penembakan terdiri dari dua orang satpam dan satu orang karyawan.

Korban pertama bernama Kismanto, security dari Bank Mayora yang dua kali tertembak dan mengalami luka gores di bagian tangan.

Korban kedua atas nama Tito Alexander yang merupakan sekuriti Bank Arta Kedaton.

Kemudian korban ketiga atas nama Hance Chandra, karyawan Bank Arta Kedaton yang tertembak pada dada sebelah kanan.

Sebagai informasi, pelaku perampokan tersebut yang berinisial HG kini telah ditangkap polisi.

Akibat perbuatannya, pelaku terancam hukuman penjara seumur hidup atau paling berat hukuman mati.

Russia, Iran can start visa-free group tours this year — economy minister

Russia, Iran can start visa-free group tours this year — economy minister

Russia, Iran can start visa-free group tours this year — economy minister

Russian Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov
©Alexander Astafyev/POOL/TASS

Russia and Iran plan to implement a visa-free tourist travel agreement between the two countries in 2023, Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov said on Friday at the MITT exhibition, Russia’s premier B2B travel and tourism trade show.

"We plan to shift toward implementing the agreement for visa-free group tourism. The list of tour operators intending to organize such groups among Russians [accommodating up to 50 persons for a tour length of up to 15 days - TASS] has already been approved," the minister said.

"This document has already been passed on to [our] colleagues in Iran. We are now waiting for a similar [list] from you so as to let the tourist exchange process get underway," Reshetnikov said, addressing his Iranian counterparts.

Lavrov, SCO chief discuss aspects of Iran, Belarus’ accession to organization

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and visiting Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Zhang Ming discussed procedural aspects of Iran and Belarus’ accession to the organization, the Russian foreign ministry said on Friday.

"The sides discussed putting into place decisions made by the SCO summit in Samarkand on September 16, 2022, preparations for the upcoming top-and high-level meetings this year. Special attention was focused on procedural aspects of Iran and Belarus’ accession to the organization, as well as the process of formalizing relations with new dialogue partners (Bahrain, the Maldives, Myanmar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates)," it said.

Syria wants more Russian troops

Russia’s military presence in Syria should become permanent, President Bashar Assad suggested in an interview with the RIA Novosti news agency on Thursday. He made the comments after meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow the day before.

Assad said he would welcome any Russian proposals to set up new military bases and boost troop numbers in the country, adding that Moscow’s presence in Syria is “a good thing” and does not need to be temporary or limited to just fighting terrorism.

“The war against terror is today’s topic, but it is temporary,” Assad said, adding that “Russia’s military presence in any country should not be based on anything temporary.”

Instead, the Syrian leader pointed out that the issue is about “international balance” and that Russia’s presence in Syria “is important in terms of the balance of power in the world as a country located on the Mediterranean Sea.”

He added that, in his opinion, superpowers today cannot defend themselves or fulfill their proper roles on the world stage if their presence is limited only to their state territories. “They should work outside of [their territories] through their allies in the world or through military bases,” Assad said.

“We believe that if Russia has a desire to expand the bases or increase their number, then this is a technical or logistical issue. If there is such a desire, then we believe that the expansion of the Russian presence in Syria is good,” Assad told RIA.

He noted, however, that the topic of bases has not been discussed by the two sides “from a military point of view” and that announcements on this kind of cooperation are rarely made due to the inherent secrecy of military issues. But he stressed that both Russia and Syria have a common view on the topic in both political and military terms.

Moscow and Damascus have had close ties since the Soviet era. In 2015, Russia sent its military into Syria to help Damascus fight against Islamic State and Western-backed jihadist groups opposing Assad’s government. In 2017, Russia deployed a navy logistics center in the city of Tartus for 49 years, which in the future is expected to be able to host up to eleven Russian warships, including nuclear vessels, at the same time.

LIVE UPDATES - Video of Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Destroys Ukrainian MLRS

LIVE UPDATES - Video of Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Destroys Ukrainian MLRS

LIVE UPDATES - Video of Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone Destroys Ukrainian MLRS

A Russian Lancet kamikaze drone has destroyed a Ukrainian multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) with a high-precision strike in the Avdeevka direction, the Russian Defense Ministry says.

The ministry released video footage on Saturday of a Czechoslovakia-produced RM-70 multiple rocket launcher getting hit and subsequently destroyed by the Russian loitering munition.

"The combat vehicle was discovered by UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] crews in the Avdeevka direction in the zone of the special military operation. After that, it was destroyed by high-precision loitering munition (Lancet)," the Russian defense ministry said.

The ministry added that the Russian loitering munition is effectively used to destroy the military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, such as artillery pieces, tanks, armored vehicles, and air defense systems.

Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet" with an ultra-precise strike destroyed the Ukrainian MLRS in the Avdeevka direction (video of the Russian Ministry of Defense)

Earlier this month, an informed source told Sputnik that Russian loitering munition Izdeliye-52 (Lancet) had been modernized based on the experience of using it during the special military operation in Ukraine. The basic version of the drone has been significantly upgraded and now has a more powerful warhead, a new optoelectronic guidance system and a control system with new software.

Special operation, 16 March. Main:

▪️Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to report on the creation of a state fund to support participants in the special operation by March 30;

▪️Peskov redirected to the military the issue of raising the American MQ-9 drone from the Black Sea and noted that it would be removed if it was necessary for the interests and security of Russia;

▪️White House spokesman Kirby said that the United States does not want Russia to get a drone that fell into the Black Sea, but are not overly worried that the UAV will still be raised from the sea;

▪️According to him, the United States and Russia did not communicate about the crash of the American drone after the video of the incident was made public, it is possible that there will be no such contacts;

▪️The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized as terrorist and banned in Russia the Ukrainian "Legion" Freedom of Russia ";

▪️In the Donetsk, Kupyansk, Krasnolimansk, Yuzhnodonetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson directions, Kyiv's losses per day amounted to 520 soldiers killed and wounded, the Russian Defense Ministry said;

The Russian military destroyed a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group that was trying to force the Kakhovka reservoir, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The security forces also prevented a terrorist attack in the Zaporozhye region.

▪️Pushilin said that the Russian side sees no prerequisites that Ukraine is going to withdraw troops from Artemivsk, adding that the situation there will remain difficult;

▪️Ukrainian troops have stepped up on the Zaporozhye sector of the front line, but all their attempts to attack are being thwarted, Rogov said;

▪️Poland will hand over the first four MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine in the coming days, President Duda said;

▪️The White House said that Poland's decision to transfer MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine does not change US plans for the possibility of supplying F-16s;

▪️Estonian Prime Minister Kallas discussed the increase in military assistance to Ukraine, as well as the lowering of the price ceiling for Russian oil, according to her, Western countries should not get tired of supporting Ukraine and should not underestimate Russia;

▪️Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said that he had discussed with Blinken the acceleration of the supply of artillery ammunition.

Special operation, 17 March. Main:

▪️Enemy losses in the Krasnolimansk, Kupyansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye directions exceeded 330 people, the Russian Defense Ministry reported;

▪️Russian forces already control up to 70% of Artyomovsk in the DPR, Pushilin's adviser said;

Burning Ukrainian infantry fighting vehicle near Kremennaya. The car was destroyed by cannon fire.

▪️Pushilin said that Russian units are moving towards the center of Artemovsk, knocking out the Ukrainian military in the northern and southern directions;

▪️Peskov said that the supply of fighter jets by Poland to Ukraine will bring additional troubles to the Ukrainians themselves;

▪️Putin signed a decree appointing Major General of Justice Alexei Naidu as military prosecutor of the Joint Group of Forces;

▪️Putin and Xi Jinping during negotiations in the Kremlin will discuss, among other things, the conflict in Ukraine, Ushakov said;

▪️The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation called for the preparation of an international judicial body “to bring war criminals in Ukraine to international criminal responsibility”;

▪️Bastrykin instructed to conduct an audit in connection with the illegal issuance of warrants by the ICC against citizens of the Russian Federation, as part of the audit, specific persons from among the judges of the ICC who made illegal decisions will be identified.

Absurd ICC 'Warrant' Under US Aegis Proves Russia 'Faces Implacable Enemy It Must Defeat'

Absurd ICC 'Warrant' Under US Aegis Proves Russia 'Faces Implacable Enemy It Must Defeat'

©Sputnik/Maxim Blinov

The International Criminal Court (ICC) deliberately picked the issue of children for its "emotional impact" when it issued "warrants of arrest" against Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and his children's rights commissioner, said international criminal lawyer Christopher C. Black, commenting on the ICC's move.

The "absurd" statement by Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim A.A. Khan KC., on the issuance of "arrest warrants" against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova and US support of the ICC decision are further proof that Russia "faces an implacable enemy it must defeat," Christopher C. Black told, an international criminal lawyer with 20 years of experience in war crimes and international relations.

The Hague's "warrants of arrest", made public on March 17, accuse Putin and Lvova-Belova of illegally deporting children "from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation" from 2022 onward, in a reference to Moscow's special military operation in Ukraine, launched in February 2022. Russian officials and diplomats havealways specifically highlighted Moscow's efforts to relocate civilians, including children, away from front line areas, amid indiscriminate shelling attacks by Ukrainian forces on civilian infrastructure.

Firstly, the absurdity of the ICC's "warrant" lies in the mere fact that the prosecutor's office has "done no independent investigations on the issue raised regarding children," underscored Christopher C. Black.

"He has interviewed no one in Russia or the Donbass on the circumstances and conditions… Of course, they have chosen the issue of children so it has the most emotional impact," the commentator on international affairs said.

Furthermore, the legal expert echoed the statements made by Russian officials, underscoring that the so-called "arrest warrants" issued by The Hague carry no legal weight.

"The ICC has no jurisdiction over Russia or its officials. Russia is not a party to the Rome Treaty, nor is the USA and China. The ICC has no jurisdiction to issue a warrant against a Russian official," stated Black. However, he added:

"They will argue that a letter that Ukraine sent to the ICC in April 2014 in which Ukraine stated it acceded to ICC jurisdiction, even though not a member of the Treaty, gives it jurisdiction. But the legitimacy of that letter is questionable since it was sent by the NATO imposed coup regime just after the coup of 2014 in Ukraine so any lawyer would argue it had no legitimacy since it was not filed by the legitimate government of Ukraine but a NATO puppet government."

At this point, the legal expert was making a reference to the US-led and inspired color revolution – the Euromaidan coup in Kiev in 2014. The events had resulted in the ousting of then-President Viktor Yanukovych, and erupted into the eight plus year old conflict in the Donbass, when Kiev authorities launched a military operation against the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, which refused to recognize the new central government that came to power after the "revolution". It was those events that eventually prompted Russia’s decision to start its military operation in Ukraine on February 24 last year.

The actions taken by the ICC are not those of an independent body, as Washington has its "assets inside the ICC at several levels," emphasized Black. This is "clearly done under the aegis of the USA," he told, as the main objective is to "prevent any negotiations for peace, whatsoever."

"They have now branded President Putin, etc., as criminals. They did the same to President Milosevic of Yugoslavia and Saddam Huseein of Iraq. They both were executed by the Americans, Hussein hanged, Milosevic murdered as was Ghaddafi. That is clear," the international criminal lawyer stated.

He added that the current move by the ICC also appears to be timed to try to disrupt the meeting between Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, scheduled for March 20-22.

"There is no going back now for the west with this. The Americans will state any attempts to support or negotiate with Russia are assisting criminals and there will be consequences. Russia faces an implacable enemy it must defeat. It has no choice now," Christopher C. Black concluded.