Saturday 13 May 2023

Dearborn mayor brings Muslims into the mainstream

Dearborn mayor brings Muslims into the mainstream

Dearborn mayor brings Muslims into the mainstream

City of Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud with wife, Dr. Fatima Beydoun, and daughter, Maryam.

Dearborn mayor Abdullah Hammoud won’t compare himself to US President John F. Kennedy who battled bigotry in the 1960s to gain acceptance of his Catholic religion. Hammoud said that the key to success for any leader was to ensure that government fairly reflected the diversity of its community. Dearborn is a city in Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan.

Since his election as Dearborn’s first Arab and Muslim mayor, Hammoud has achieved public acceptance of Muslims by ensuring that everyone is treated equally and that their needs and interests are addressed equally and fairly.

Hammoud convinced the city’s powerful unions through negotiations to grant all city employees paid days off for the two Muslim Ramadan holidays, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha, similar to the paid religious holidays granted to Christians and Jews.

“We found out that was a first when we did it. When we were negotiating with our union sisters and brothers in the collective bargaining agreements, we offered Eid Al-Fitr, the Eid after Ramadan, as well as Eid Al-Adha, the Eid that commemorates the returning of the pilgrimage, the conclusion of the pilgrimage both as paid holidays. I think it is important because when you have a diverse workforce you want to ensure you are addressing the needs of this diverse workforce,” Hammoud said during an interview on The Ray Hanania Radio Show, broadcast on the US Arab Radio Network and sponsored by Arab News.

“The city has always given Easter, Christmas Eve, Christmas, other holidays that are entrenched in other faith traditions, every single year. Now that you have a growing Muslim workforce, many of the majority of the residents who happen to come to City Hall are going to be coming that day because they are busy doing the Eid functions. We thought it wise to offer those two days, and the news broke we were the first to do it, but that really wasn’t the intention. I remember entering that table with the unions and it was just like, I’m not coming in on Eid; you want to come in on Eid? And the collective answer was many of our union members are also not coming in because it is a relative, faith holiday for a big chunk of our city.”

Hammoud added, “That’s literally all it took, was just recognizing the diverse workforce that we had and that growing concentration of Muslim Americans within the city administration but also in the city itself.”

Not only is Hammoud the city’s first Arab and Muslim mayor, he is also the youngest person to serve as mayor in Dearborn, a city that is the seventh largest and fastest growing in the state of Michigan. Dearborn, Hammoud said, has always had an immigrant population, which continues to grow and prosper.

“We have proliferated as a community because of the immigration refugees who have settled here or resettled here in the city of Dearborn. Obviously, with the Afghani refugees that have come in, they have been stationed at the border between Dearborn and Detroit,” Hammoud said.

“But what we found was many of the Afghani refugees would love to be permanently resettled in the City of Dearborn because of our welcoming nature and the fact that we were once home to Italian immigrants, the Polish immigrants, Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi, now Afghani. And so we are really known in that respect. If you look at our small businesses that are proliferating, it is largely immigrant-owned businesses that are proliferating. It has only added to the vibrancy of the city of Dearborn, so we welcome it.”

Asked if he saw similarities with the challenges that John F. Kennedy faced when he became the nation’s first Catholic president in the 1960s, at a time when Catholics were subject to bigotry and discrimination, Hammoud called it a natural process.

“I think once you achieve that milestone, it kind of is great and we just keep moving on. We never ran to be the first, we ran to be the best. I wouldn’t compare myself to JFK. But what I would say is I think there is understanding, at least in the city of Dearborn and in many pockets across the country, that what matters is not the direction that an individual prays. What matters is the direction which an individual leads,” Hammoud said.

“And hopefully that is what leads to stronger, growing communities. It hasn’t been an issue. It has been welcomed and embraced. But we always have to keep our ear to the ground. The important part of government is making sure that you build pathways of trust with your residents because that trust is what allows you to maneuver, to advance, to advocate for. So that is what we are trying to do.”

Hammoud said that discrimination was not a major issue in Dearborn, although it did exist in pockets throughout the city, the state and the country, and must be addressed.

“Dearborn is obviously a multi-ethnic community. I wouldn’t say being Arab or Muslim is not easier because the mayor is (Arab and Muslim), but Dearborn has always been that welcoming place. There are certainly challenges that arise out of being Arab or Muslim. That always happens,” Hammoud said.

“Oftentimes what happens is people might think you are pushing one sub-sector of the community more than the other without validation or justification, and just because of perception. What I try to do is make sure I have a very diverse administration to look like the community we are serving. And that the agenda that we are rolling out impacts all the residents in all four corners of our city. That is really what we are trying to do.”

“In the immediate post-9/11 era in which I grew up in, you obviously saw that bigotry at an all-time high. I would tell you that in the city of Dearborn we really don’t see much of that within our boundaries. Certainly, there are still elements where that does happen. And oftentimes, maybe not just toward the Arab-American and Muslim community, to other communities as well, that we try to address and tackle collectively.”

Hammoud said that his priority, and the public’s real priority, was to see the services that the public needs delivered, and he continues to work in that direction.

Those priorities during his first 14 months in office include securing $30 million in federal funding to address the effect of the devastating floods that hit Dearborn in 2021, addressing the pressures of rising property taxes, providing parks for families and children, expanding mental health care services, and working on a health care needs assessment for the city’s residents.

“We have been able to accomplish all that we set out to accomplish but there is a whole host of issues that takes some time to tackle,” he said.

No novice to politics or public service, Hammoud previously served three terms in the Michigan State General Assembly from January 2017 through his mayoral election. He was only 26 years old when he ran for the state house.

You can listen to the radio show’s podcast by visiting

Exclusive: G7 summit statement to target China's 'economic coercion'

Exclusive: G7 summit statement to target China's 'economic coercion'

Exclusive: G7 summit statement to target China's 'economic coercion'

Police officers riding motorbikes patrol near the venue of the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' meeting, in Niigata, Japan, May 11, 2023. REUTERS/Issei Kato

Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries are set to discuss concern about China's use of "economic coercion" in its dealings abroad as part of their larger joint statement next week, according to a U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

The statement, a likely component of the overall communique that will be released by leaders during the May 19-21 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, is expected to be paired with a broader written proposal on how the seven advanced economies will work together to counter "economic coercion" from any country.

The main G7 statement is set to include "a section specific to China" with a list of concerns that include "economic coercion and other behavior that we have seen specifically from the [People's Republic of China]," the official said on Friday.

A separate "economic security statement will speak more to tools" used to counter coercive efforts from any countries responsible, including planning and coordination, the person said. In each case, the statements are to expected go further than prior statements by the G7.

U.S. President Joe Biden has made China a focus of his foreign policy, working to keep the tense and competitive relationship from veering into one of open conflict, including over self-ruled Taiwan.

The G7, which also includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom, is closely tied economically to China, the world's biggest exporter and a key market for many of the seven countries' companies.

Last month, China called a statement by the G7 foreign ministers that touched on similar topics "full of arrogance, prejudice against China," and lodged complaints with this year's G7 host, Japan.

Under Biden's predecessor, President Donald Trump, G7 statements often offered only a cursory mention of issues involving China. The Biden administration has pushed for more direct statements.

The joint statement issued by all the G7 leaders every year is intended to signal that the powerful countries are aligned on a range of political and economic issues.

G7 members will also hold out the prospect of further cooperation with China on areas like climate.

"We're not for decoupling the U.S. and Chinese economy, we are for de-risking, we are for diversifying," said the U.S. official. "That principle is very unifying."

Negotiations over the precise language of the leaders' joint declarations are still subject to diplomacy and adjustment before they are released during summit.


The G7 meeting will be a test of how much the members, all rich democracies, can agree on a common approach to China, the world's second largest economy.

The China terms have been a major subject of the talks currently underway by G7 finance leaders in Niigata, Japan, where they have focused on reducing "over-reliance" of their countries' supply chains on Chinese manufacturing, including by partnering with low- and middle-income countries.

"The U.S. wants to get something hard on paper down in terms of agreement and the other countries are interested, but they're not as interested in putting specifics down on paper on these various instruments and economic statecraft tools," said Josh Lipsky, senior director of the Atlantic Council's GeoEconomics Center.

In particular, some G7 members are skeptical about signing on to controls on outbound investment in China.

The policies are being drafted partly to help deny China's military access to tools it could use to gain technological superiority, and many in the Biden administration see them as complementary to export controls restricting access to some semiconductors that have the same goal.

"Of course, each member of the G7 is to some extent going to carve their own path on China and yet there are also a set of kind of principles that unite the G7 in a common approach to China," said the U.S. official.

Traveling for the G7 finance meeting in Japan, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday that China had clearly used economic coercion with Australia and Lithuania.

Hanging over the meeting was a lack of progress in resolving the U.S. debt ceiling stalemate. A scheduled meeting on Friday between Biden and top lawmakers was postponed until early next week as Biden's Democrats and Republicans seek a compromise to avoid a catastrophic default.

U.S. officials, nonetheless, expect the president to attend the two-day summit as planned, followed by trips to Papua New Guinea and Australia also aimed at shoring up Washington's approach to the China-dominated Asia-Pacific region.

G7 Finance Ministers Confirm Commitment to Financially Support Ukraine as Long as Needed

G7 Finance Ministers and Central Banks Governors confirmed on Saturday their commitment to support Kiev "for as long as it takes" and address urgent financial needs of Ukraine and its neighboring countries.

"We reiterate our unwavering support for Ukraine for as long as it takes and are united in our condemnation of Russia’s illegal, unjustifiable, and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine," they said in a joint communique released following the three-day meeting in Japan’s Niigata, adding that they are "strongly committed to continue addressing Ukraine’s urgent short-term financing needs, as well as supporting its neighboring and other severely affected countries."

The participants of the G7 summit also reaffirmed their support for international cooperation as a means for solving global economic problems, adding that they reject "Russia’s repeated false narrative" about the negative impact of sanctions on food and energy security.

"We, together with the international community, have increased our commitment of budget and economic support for Ukraine for 2023 and early 2024 to 44 billion US dollars, which enabled the approval of an International Monetary Fund (IMF) program for Ukraine amounting to 15.6 billion US dollars over 4 years," the communique said.

The allocated funds, the G7 finance ministers believe, will help to restore Ukraine's critical infrastructure and ensure the normal functioning of its government, the provision of basic services and the economic stabilization. Besides, the G7 member states' representatives confirmed their intention to maintain the anti-Russian sanctions regime.

"We reiterate our unwavering resolve to impose and enforce sanctions and other economic measures to further undermine Russia’s capacity to wage its illegal, unjustifiable and unprovoked war of aggression. We remain committed to countering any attempts to evade and undermine our sanction measures," the communique said.

The parties also intends to continue closely monitor cross-border transactions between Russia and other countries, as well as analyze "the effectiveness of the price caps on Russian crude oil and petroleum products to ensure the measure delivers on its objectives."

IBIK Kolaborasi dengan UiTM Malaysia Perkuat Usaha Batik Khas Bogor

IBIK Kolaborasi dengan UiTM Malaysia Perkuat Usaha Batik Khas Bogor

IBIK Kolaborasi dengan UiTM Malaysia Perkuat Usaha Batik Khas Bogor

Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan (IBIK), bekerja sama dengan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia, memperkuat usaha batik khas Bogor.

Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan (IBIK), bekerja sama dengan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Malaysia, memperkuat usaha batik khas Bogor.

Kerja sama ini dilakukan sebagai kolaborasi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dengan lokus Kampung Batik Cibuluh, Kota Bogor.

Dalam program tersebut, kedua belah pihak melatih sejumlah kelompok UMKM Kampung Batik Cibuluh pada Jumat, 5 Mei 2023.

Mengusung tema “Community Empowerment Through Assisting in Production Costs, Digital Business, Governance and Cultural Product Tourism (Batik)’.

Perwakilan Humas IBIK, Hendra Setiawan mengatakan, seringkali usaha industri rumahan (home industry) mengabaikan biaya depresiasi produk.

“Sehingga pada saat peralatan yang digunakan dalam proses produksi perlu dibeli kembali, justru memberikan biaya tambahan pada biaya produksi,” katanya.

“Oleh karena itu, berbagai perhitungan inti seperti biaya bahan baku, biaya jasa pengerjaan batik, persediaan, serta penyusutan/depresiasi yang diberikan dalam seminar, menjadi sangat penting,” lanjutnya.

Tidak hanya pelatihan, IBIK juga mengimbau agar ada studi banding para pelaku UMKM, untuk berkunjung ke tempat usaha batik lainnya.

Hal itu dilakukan agar ada referensi, dalam menentukan cara yang efisien, khususnya pada bagian produksi.

Sehingga, dengan adanya perhitungan yang baik dimulai dari biaya inti produksi, tentunya dapat mempermudah para pelaku UMKM dalam menentukan harga jual yang sesuai, untuk produk-produknya.

Juga mengurangi resiko kerugian di masa yang akan datang, dikarenakan adanya biaya tambahan yang belum diperkirakan.

“Apabila harga jual produk telah ditetapkan, para pelaku UMKM hanya perlu memperkirakan bagaimana produk tersebut dapat dipasarkan,” jelasnya.

Perwakilan dari Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Maslinawati Mohamad mengatakan, masalah pemasaran produk, tentu tiap pelaku UMKM harus melihat pasarnya masing-masing.

Jika produknya batik, maka para pelaku UMKM harus melihat batik apa yang banyak disukai oleh pasar mereka. Atau target pembeli mereka.

“Sebagai contoh, ada banyak batik Indonesia yang dijual di Malaysia dengan menggunakan warna-warna pastel karena pasar Malaysia didominasi oleh kalangan anak muda yang cenderung menyukai warna-warna yang tidak terlalu kuat,” tambahnya.

Batik juga, kata dia, identik dengan sebuah filosofinya. Penjelasan mengenai filosofi batik itu sendiri, bisa menjadi daya jual lainnya.

“Misal coraknya gambar apa, penjelasannya terkait filosofi gambar tersebut juga harus ada, sehingga pembeli tahu, bahwa batik itu punya nilai lebih,” tandas dia.

Golkar Kota Bogor Optimis Menangkan Pileg, Pasang Target 10 Kursi

Golkar Kota Bogor Optimis Menangkan Pileg, Pasang Target 10 Kursi

Golkar Kota Bogor Optimis Menangkan Pileg, Pasang Target 10 Kursi

Golkar Kota Bogor memasang target bisa meraup 10 kursi di DPRD Kota Bogor dalam Pemilihan Legislatif (Pileg) 2024 mendatang.

Hal itu disampaikan Ketua DPD Golkar Kota Bogor Rusli Prihatevy, saat mendaftarkan 50 bakal calon legislatif (Bacaleg) ke KPU Kota Bogor, Jumat 12 Mei 2023.

Ia mengakui, hal itu tidak mudah dan pekerjaan berat. Namun, Rusli Prihatevy optimis Golkar Kota Bogor bisa memenuhi target tersebut.

“Sesuai rumusan, tugas berat tapi akan kami ikhtiarkan. Para Pemilu 2024, kami akan coba 10 kursi,” tegas Rusli Prihatevy, Jumat 12 Mei 2023.

Ia juga meyakini banyak masyarakat yang rindu akan kemenangan Golkar. Sehingga, kemenangan itu akan disambut dengan pengabdian dan menyenangkan warga Kota Bogor.

“Kita maksimalkan 7 bulan ini, sudah dimulai kerja politik untuk mendapatkan kursi,” tukas dia.

Golkar Kota Bogor datang ke kantor KPU Kota Bogor pada 12 Mei 2023, tepat pada pukul 16:00 WIB alias jam 4 sore.

“Sesuai dengan nomor Golkar Nomor urut 4. Itu jadi kebanggaan kami. Hari ini juga hari Jumat, mudah-mudahan berkah untuk menyongsong kemenangan Golkar di Pemilu 2024,” pungkas Rusli Prihatevy.

Daftarkan Bacaleg, Golkar Kabupaten Bogor Target Menangkan Pemilu 2024

Partai Golkar, menargetkan memenangkan Pemilihan Legislatif (Pileg) 2024 di Kabupaten Bogor, dengan meraih minimal dua kursi dari enam daerah pemilihan (dapil) di Kabupaten Bogor.

Ketua DPD Golkar Kabupaten Bogor, Wawan Hikal Kurdi mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah mendaftarkan 55 bakal calon legislatif (bacaleg) untuk mengikuti Pileg 2024 di Kabupaten Bogor ke KPU Kabupaten Bogor, hari Jumat, 12 Mei 2023.

“Semua dapil terisi 100 persen. Targetnya memenangkan Pemilu 2024. Kemenangan menjadi priorita bagi bacaleg yang akan bekerja di setiap dapil,” kata lelaki yang akrab disapa Wanhay tersebut.

Menurutnya, ada beberapa dapil yang akan mendongkrak raihan suara Golkar. Seperti Dapil 5 dan Dapil 3. Di mana dia memprediksi Golkar akan meraih tiga kursi.

Partai Golkar, menargetkan memenangkan Pemilihan Legislatif (Pileg) 2024 di Kabupaten Bogor, dengan meraih minimal dua kursi dari enam daerah pemilihan (dapil) di Kabupaten Bogor.

Ketua DPD Golkar Kabupaten Bogor, Wawan Hikal Kurdi mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah mendaftarkan 55 bakal calon legislatif (bacaleg) untuk mengikuti Pileg 2024 di Kabupaten Bogor ke KPU Kabupaten Bogor, hari Jumat, 12 Mei 2023

“Semua dapil terisi 100 persen. Targetnya memenangkan Pemilu 2024. Kemenangan menjadi priorita bagi bacaleg yang akan bekerja di setiap dapil,” kata lelaki yang akrab disapa Wanhay tersebut.

Menurutnya, ada beberapa dapil yang akan mendongkrak raihan suara Golkar. Seperti Dapil 5 dan Dapil 3. Di mana dia memprediksi Golkar akan meraih tiga kursi.

“Target kita realistis minimal dua kursi dari setiap dapil. Sehingga target meraih 12 kursi dapat tercapai. Pada intinya, sesuai arahan ketua umum, semua kader harus bertarung dengan solid untuk mencapai target,” kata dia.

Scott Ritter: Ukraine's Shelling of Defenseless Donbass Town Constitutes ‘War Crime’

Scott Ritter: Ukraine's Shelling of Defenseless Donbass Town Constitutes ‘War Crime’

Scott Ritter: Ukraine's Shelling of Defenseless Donbass Town Constitutes ‘War Crime’

©Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy/ Go to the mediabank

The Ukrainian government staged a deliberate attack against the innocent, defenseless residents of the town of Gorlovka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) on May 11, aimed at demoralizing the civilians, military analyst Scott Ritter said.

Shelling of the civilian town of Gorlovka in Donbass by the Ukrainian Armed Forces using Grad multiple-launch rocket systems constitutes a “war crime,” Scott Ritter told Sputnik via his telegram channel.

The shelling of a civilian area could not be "legitimate" under any military terms, said the former US Marine Corps intelligence officer.

“So there could be no doubt that that the Ukrainian shelling of Gorlovka constitutes a crime under international humanitarian law. There is literally no military expediency behind this kind of action… It’s a purely terrorist action designed to demoralize the citizens of Donbass, of Gorlovka," he stated.

He went on to point out that it also could not be a shelling “by mistake,” as the Ukrainian government receives very accurate intelligence from the United States and NATO regarding the disposition of Russian forces. There are no Russian forces stationed in Gorlovka, or in the vicinity of the strikes by the Kiev regime, pointed out the ex-UN Weapons Inspector.

This was an act of terrorism, and the international Criminal Court (ICC) should investigate Ukraine’s actions targeting this city, said Ritter.

Ukrainian forces scaled up the intensity of attacks on Gorlovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic on May 11, shelling it 57 times during the day from 08:00 Moscow time. As a result, one civilian was killed and at least six others were wounded.

The targeting of Gorlovka is nothing new, as the Kiev regime relies on terror, and has consistently shelled civilian areas in Donetsk.

Both the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics have been subjected to heavy shelling by Kiev since 2014, when the legitimately elected president of Ukraine was forcibly toppled by the violent US-backed opposition and neo-Nazi paramilitary groups. The mostly Russian-speaking people of Donbass did not accept the February 2014 coup d'etat in Kiev, refusing to knuckle under and go along with the junta's Russophobic agenda and banning of the Russian language.

On April 7, 2014, the Republican People's Council declared the sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). Shortly after, on April 27, the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) was proclaimed. On May 11 of the same year, referendums were held in the Donbass region on the status of the republics, with the majority of the population backing the DPR and LPR's independence from Kiev. Since that time, the Kiev regime has hounded the Donbass with relentless attacks, claiming numerous civilian lives.

After efforts to end hostilities via the Minsk Agreements fell through, in February 2022, Moscow launched a special military operation aimed at demilitarizing and de-Nazifying Ukraine in order to protect the Russian-speaking people from a campaign of extermination unleashed by the Ukrainian leadership.

In October 2023, the Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson regions officially joined the Russian Federation following a series of referendums.

Ukraine Terrorizes Donbass Civilians Since It Cannot Win on Battlefield

The Kiev regime relies on terror and continues to shell civilian areas in Donetsk, Makeyevka, and Gorlovka, Yuri Knutov, military historian, publicist, and director of the Air Defense Forces Museum, told Sputnik, denouncing attacks on historically Russia-speaking regions as genocide.

On May 12, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) struck Donetsk, Makeyevka, and the village of Golmovsky, firing a total of 22 shells of 155 and 152 mm caliber. Gorlovka, a city in the Donetsk region, was attacked by Ukrainian Grad multiple rocket launcher (MRL) systems, as the Donetsk People's Republic's (DPR) representative office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to War Crimes of Ukraine reported on Telegram.

This is not a mistake by the Ukrainian military, but a deliberate terror tactic, according to Yuri Knutov, military historian, publicist, and director of the Air Defense Forces Museum.

"If we talk about the [Kiev regime's] shelling of civilians, social infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, of course, this constitutes a war crime," said Knutov. "Moreover, it can even be considered as elements of genocide against the Russian-speaking population."

The Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics have been subjected to heavy shelling by the Kiev regime since 2014, when the legitimately elected president of Ukraine was forcibly ousted by the violent US-backed opposition and neo-Nazi paramilitary groups. The mostly Russian-speaking people of Donbass did not accept the February 2014 coup d'etat in Kiev, or the junta's Russophobic agenda and banning of the Russian language.

On April 7, 2014, the Republican People's Council declared the sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). On April 27, at a rally in Lugansk, the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) was proclaimed. On May 11 of the same year, referendums were held in the Donbass region on the status of the republics, with the majority of the population backing the DPR and LPR's independence from Kiev.

Meanwhile, the Odessa massacre of May 2, 2014, and the Victory Day bloodbath in Mariupol of May 9, 2014, prompted Donbass civilians to take up arms.

Moscow's effort to end hostilities via the Minsk Agreements approved by the multinational Normandy Four format was snubbed by the Kiev regime and its Western backers. In February 2022, Moscow launched a special military operation aimed at demilitarizing and de-Nazifying Ukraine in order to stop the eight-year-long extermination of Russian-speaking people by the Ukrainian leadership.

In October 2022, the Donbass, Zaporozhye, and Kherson regions officially joined the Russian Federation following a series of referendums.

Nonetheless, the Kiev regime is continuing to push ahead with its Russophobic policies, rejecting the will of the population of former Ukrainian regions, according to Knutov.

"[The Ukrainian leadership] is carrying out a constant mobilization, they grab everyone they meet on the street," Knutov said. "And first of all, they are trying to carry out mobilization in the Russian-speaking regions, that is, these are the Central and Eastern parts of Ukraine. Thus, the Kiev regime commits another crime: it forces ethnic Russians to kill Russians. Russian-speakers kill Russian-speakers. This is where the policy of genocide of the Kiev regime manifests itself."

In addition, the Kiev regime places emphasis on terror against dissenting Ukrainians and Russian-speakers, according to the expert. He noted that the Ukrainian military is intentionally striking residential areas, hospitals, social infrastructure facilities, and schools of the new Russian territories to cause panic, havoc, and discontent.

According to Knutov, the major goal of the Kiev regime was recently formulated by Ukrainian Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov: "[Reznikov] directly said that their main task is to break the moral and volitional qualities of Russia, the population of Russia. The Kiev regime is well aware that it is not capable of achieving a military victory over Russia today."

The expert noted that Russians should stay strong and withstand provocations from the NATO-backed Ukrainian regime aimed at sowing panic and discord within Russian society. Knutov has no doubts that Russia will prevail.

"We have a multi-layered defense, we have different equipment, we have the T-90M Proryv, we have high-powered bombs, adjustable, guided, and capable of flying 40 kilometers and hitting a target with an accuracy of 10 meters, other means of destruction (…) We have every chance to prevent the enemy from breaking through, wear him down, bleed him dry and move forward ourselves. Therefore, the most important thing now is the mood that exists in our society. It should be realistic, sober, and reasonable," Knutov concluded.

'Nazism is Disease': Texan Came to Donbass to Protect People & Tell the Truth About 8-Year Long War

SEA Games - Tim Perahu Naga Indonesia Gemilang Dulang Emas

SEA Games - Tim Perahu Naga Indonesia Gemilang Dulang Emas

SEA Games - Tim Perahu Naga Indonesia Gemilang Dulang Emas

" 🎼
Nenek moyangku seorang pelaut
Gemar mengarung luas samudra
Menerjang ombak, tiada takut
Menempuh badai, sudah biasa

Angin bertiup, layar terkembang
Ombak berdebur di tepi pantai
Pemuda b'rani, bangkit sekarang
Ke laut, kita beramai-ramai

Nenek moyangku seorang pelaut
Gemar mengarung luas samudra
Menerjang ombak, tiada takut
Menempuh badai, sudah biasa

Angin bertiup, layar terkembang
Ombak berdebur di tepi pantai
Pemuda b'rani, bangkit sekarang
Ke laut, kita beramai-ramai 🎵"

ilustrasi boat race. (AFP/PHILIPPE LOPEZ)

Indonesia berhasil menambah raihan medali emas ke-52 pada SEA Games 2023 lewat cabor Traditional Boat Race atau Perahu Naga, hari Sabtu siang WIB, 13/05/2023.

Kepastian itu didapat setelah Indonesia berhasil menjadi yang tercepat pada final Men's 12 Crew U24 di Kampot City, Prek Kampot, Sabtu siang.

Tim Traditional Boat Race Indonesia sukses mencatatkan waktu 1 menit 2,852 detik. Sementara di posisi kedua ditempati Kamboja yang berhasil mencatatkan waktu 1 menit 3,779 detik. Kamboja pun harus puas meraih medali perak.

Sampai dengan pukul 12.52 WIB, kontingen Indonesia menambah medali emasnya menjadi yang ke-52 dari tim Perahu Naga. Selain itu ada sumbangan medali perak dari Elaine Widjaja/Holly Victoria Halim/Kristina Natalia Yoko di cabor golf beregu putri.

Sementara medali perunggu disumbang Amadeus Christian Susanto/Jonathan Xavier Hartono/Randy Arbenata Mohamad Bintang/Rayhan Abdul Latief dari tim golf beregu putra.

Hasil ini membuat kontingen Indonesia masih bertengger di urutan keemat klasemen perolehan medali SEA Games 2023 dengan raihan 52 medali emas, 43 perak, dan 62 perunggu.