Sunday 21 May 2023

LSI Denny JA: Airlangga Hartarto Cawapres Terkuat

LSI Denny JA: Airlangga Hartarto Cawapres Terkuat

LSI Denny JA: Airlangga Hartarto Cawapres Terku

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto/Net

Sosok Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto menjadi kandidat calon wakil presiden 2024 terkuat versi survei LSI Denny JA.

"Indeks cawapres tertinggi Airlangga Hartarto," kata peneliti LSI Denny JA, Adjie Alfaraby dalam survei bertema 'Capres Pertama yang Lolos Putaran Kedua dan Empat Isu Lainnya', pada hari Jumat, 19/05/2023.

LSI Denny JA menggunakan lima variabel penentu pilihan cawapres, yakni berdasarkan tambahan elektabilitas, status ketua umum sebagai tiket cawapres, tokoh dari ormas besar, pengalaman pemerintahan, dan jaringan sumber dana.

Dari kelima variabel indeks tersebut, Airlangga urutan pertama yang memenuhi tiga variabel, yakni sebagai ketum partai, pengalaman di pemerintahan, dan jaringan sumber dana.

Sementara cawapres peringkat kedua ditempati lima tokoh, yakni Sandiaga Uno, Mahfud MD, Erick Thohir, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, dan Muhaimin Iskandar. Kelimanya sama-sama memenuhi dua dari lima variabel.

Adapun indeks cawapres peringkat ketiga ditempati Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) dan Said Aqil Siradj yang sama-sama hanya memenuhi satu dari lima variabel.

Survei ini dilakukan LSI Denny JA pada 3 sampai 14 Mei 2023. Jumlah sampel yang diambil ada 1.200 responden melalui metodologi multistage random sampling.

Adapun tingkat kesalahan atau margin of error survei ini sekitar 2,9 persen.

Waketu MPR - Partai Politik Harus Mampu Jadi Institusi Pengasah Nalar

Tujuan pembangunan dapat tercapai dengan melibatkan dialektika antarinstitusi, partai politik, dan pemerintah daerah. Di mana partai politik harus mampu mengedepankan budaya berpikir kritis dan menghadirkan kebaruan berbasis keilmuan dalam proses pembangunan.

Hal itu diungkapkan Wakil Ketua MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat, saat membuka acara Bimbingan Teknis bertema Sinergisitas Partai Politik dalam Pembangunan Daerah di Solo, Jawa Tengah, hari Sabtu, 20/05/2023.

Hadir pada acara tersebut para bakal calon legislatif kabupaten/kota dan provinsi se-Jawa Tengah dari Partai Nasdem dan pengurus DPW Partai Nasdem Jateng sebagai peserta bimbingan teknis.

Hadir pula Ahli Perencanaan Daerah, Dr. Zulkifli, dan Ketua DPP Partai Nasdem Bidang Kaderisasi dan Pendidikan Politik, Ahmad Baidhowi AR, sebagai narasumber.

Pada kesempatan itu, Lestari mengungkapkan bahwa telah terjadi perubahan pandangan terkait konsep partai politik dari waktu ke waktu.

Wakil Ketua MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat/Ist

Pada 1770, Edmund Burke seorang filsuf sekaligus ekonom, ungkap Rerie sapaan akrab Lestari, merumuskan bahwa partai politik adalah sebuah kelompok, beranggotakan laki-laki dan perempuan, yang bersatu atas dasar gagasan politik yang sama, untuk memajukan kepentingan nasional.

Kelompok tersebut, masih mengutip pendapat Edmund Burke, memiliki nilai, minat dan latar belakang pemikiran searah yang mengakomodir perbedaan dan persamaan untuk berjalan bersama menuju satu tujuan.

"Namun, pada awal abad XX, memasuki abad modern, konsep partai politik bergeser menjadi sebuah organisasi elite dengan seperangkat sistem politik yang kompleks," ucap legislator dari Dapil II Jawa Tengah itu, dikutip Kantor Berita RMOLJateng, hari Sabtu, 20/05/2023.

Padahal, tegas Rerie, dalam konteks pembangunan daerah, partai politik juga harus mengakomodir kepentingan nasional yang direalisasikan selain dalam bentuk pembangunan fisik, juga sumber daya manusia.

Sehingga, partai politik juga harus mampu menjadi institusi pengasah nalar politik melalui pembelajaran berbasis visi dan ideologi, mengedepankan budaya berpikir kritis, menyajikan kebaruan berbasis pengetahuan ilmiah.

Selain itu, partai politik juga harus menjadi wadah kesadaran sosial akan kepentingan nasional dengan mengedepankan masyarakat sebagai pemilik kedaulatan atas negeri ini.

Russian Forces Take Full Control Over Bakhmut

Russian Forces Take Full Control Over Bakhmut

Russian Forces Take Full Control Over Bakhmut

©Sputnik / РИА Новости / Go to the mediabank

The hotly contested Bakhmut (Artemovsk), located north of the city of Donetsk, has been the center of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine for months.

Head of Wagner Group Yevgeny Prigozhin said on Saturday that Russian forces had fully gained control of Artemovsk.

"On May 20, 2023, today, at noon, Artemovsk was entirety taken," Prigozhin announced in a video posted on Telegram.

Prigozhin's press service showed footage of the hoisting of the Russian flag over the liberated Artemovsk

According to him, from 25 May Wagner will start withdrawing its units for rest and retraining. The group's fighters will also create "necessary defensive lines".

Control over the city will be handed over to the Defense Ministry, Prigozhin explained. He thanked Generals Sergei Surovikin and Mikhail Mizintsev, who "made it possible to carry out this difficult operation".

"And thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for giving us this opportunity and the high honor of defending our homeland," Prigozhin stressed.

On May 19, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Ukraine lost up to 130 military and mercenaries in the Donetsk direction, and over 70 soldiers in the Artemovsk direction in the past 24 hours.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on May 5 that a bridge near Chasov Yar, which the Ukrainian military had used in attempts to supply soldiers in Artemovsk with ammunition and deploy additional troops, has been destroyed.

Artemovsk is north of the large city of Gorlovka. The city is an important transport hub with many crossroads for Donbass and served as a vital center for supplying Ukrainian troops stationed in the region at the beginning of the military operation launched by Russia in Ukraine over a year ago

Putin congratulates Wagner assault teams with liberation of Artyomovsk — Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated assault teams of the Wagner private military company and Russian troops with the liberation of the city of Artyomovsk, the Kremlin’s press office said in a statement on Sunday.

"Vladimir Putin congratulates Wagner assault teams as well as all Russian troops, who rendered the required assistance and shielded the flanks, with the completion of the operation to liberate Artyomovsk," the statement reads.

"Everyone, who distinguished himself in the battle, will be recommended for the state decorations," the statement added.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced earlier in the day that the city of Artyomovsk (called Bakhmut in Ukraine) has been completely liberated in the course of the special military operation in Ukraine.

©Mikhail Klimentyev/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS

"In the Artyomovsk tactical direction, the assault teams of the Wagner private military company with the support of artillery and aviation of the southern battlegroup have completed the liberation of the city of Artyomovsk," the ministry stated.

Artyomovsk is located in the north of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and it served as a major transportation hub for the Ukrainian army’s supplies in Donbass. Fierce fighting to liberate the city started on August 1, 2022.

The battle for this city is one of the largest battles during the liberation of Donbass since 2014. Some 72,000 people lived in Artyomovsk before the battle started.

Russia’s special military operation

On February 21, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow was recognizing the sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). Russia signed agreements on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance with the DPR and LPR leaders. Moscow recognized the Donbass republics in accordance with the DPR and LPR constitutions within the boundaries of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions as they existed at the beginning of 2014.

Prigozhin's statement on the liberation of Bakhmut (Artemovsk)

Putin announced on February 24, 2022, that, in response to a request by the heads of the DPR and LPR for assistance, he had decided to carry out a special military operation in Ukraine. The DPR and LPR launched a joint operation to liberate their territories that were under Kiev’s control.

From September 23 to September 27, 2022, the DPR and the LPR as well as the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions held referendums on joining Russia, in which the majority of voters opted to join Russia.

On September 30, 2022, Putin and the heads of the DPR and LPR, and of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions signed treaties on their accession to the Russian Federation. Later, the State Duma (lower house of Russia’s parliament) and the Federation Council (upper house) approved legislation on ratifying these treaties, as well as federal constitutional laws on the accession of the four regions to Russia.

City of Artyomovsk completely liberated — Russian Defense Ministry

The city of Artyomovsk has been completely liberated in the course of the special military operation in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Sunday.

"In the Artyomovsk tactical direction, the assault teams of the Wagner private military company with the support of artillery and aviation of the southern battlegroup has completed the liberation of the city of Artyomovsk," the ministry stated.

©Valentin Sprinchak/TASS

Artyomovsk or Bakhmut is located in the north of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and it served as a major transportation hub for the Ukrainian army’s supplies in Donbass. Fierce fighting to liberate the city started on August 1, 2022.

The battle for this city is one of the largest battles during the liberation of Donbass since 2014. Some 72,000 people lived in Artyomovsk before the battle started.

Saturday 20 May 2023

Air strikes hit Khartoum's outskirts as Sudan's war enters sixth week

Air strikes hit Khartoum's outskirts as Sudan's war enters sixth week

Air strikes hit Khartoum's outskirts as Sudan's war enters sixth week

A man walks while smoke rises above buildings after aerial bombardment, during clashes between the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and the army in Khartoum North, Sudan, May 1, 2023. REUTERS/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/File Photo

Air strikes hit outer areas of the Sudanese capital Khartoum overnight and on Saturday morning, as fighting that has trapped civilians in a humanitarian crisis and displaced more than a million entered its sixth week.

The fighting between Sudan's army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has led to a collapse in law and order with looting that both sides blame the other for. Stocks of food, cash, and essentials are rapidly dwindling.

Air strikes were reported by eyewitnesses in southern Omdurman and northern Bahri, the two cities that lie across the Nile from Khartoum, forming Sudan's "triple capital". Some of the strikes took place near the state broadcaster in Omdurman, the eyewitnesses said.

"We faced heavy artillery fire early this morning, the whole house was shaking," Sanaa Hassan, a 33-year-old living in the al-Salha neighbourhood of Omdurman, told Reuters by phone.

"It was terrifying, everyone was lying under their beds. What's happening is a nightmare," she said.

The RSF is embedded in residential districts, drawing almost continual air strikes by the regular armed forces.

Eyewitnesses in Khartoum said that the situation was relatively calm, although sporadic gunshots could be heard.

The conflict, which began on April 15, has displaced almost 1.1 million people internally and into neighbouring countries. Some 705 people have been killed and at least 5,287 injured, according to the World Health Organization.

Saudi- and U.S-sponsored talks in the Saudi city of Jeddah have not been fruitful, and the two warring sides have accused each other of violating multiple ceasefire agreements.

In recent days ground fighting has flared once again in the Darfur region, in the cities of Nyala and Zalenjei.

Both sides blamed each other in statements late on Friday for sparking the fighting in Nyala, one of the country's largest cities, which had for weeks been relatively calm due to a locally-brokered truce.

A local activist told Reuters there were sporadic gun clashes near the city's main market close to army headquarters on Saturday morning. Almost 30 people have died in the two previous days of fighting, according to activists.


The war broke out in Khartoum after disputes over plans for the RSF to be integrated into the army and over the future chain of command under an internationally backed deal to shift Sudan towards democracy following decades of conflict-ridden autocracy.

On Friday, army leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan removed RSF chief Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo as his deputy on the ruling council they lead. He replaced him with former rebel leader Malik Agar.

In a statement on Saturday, Agar said he had accepted the position in order to help secure peace and support for the upcoming agricultural season, whose failure would spell widespread hunger.

He said his message to the army was that "there is no alternative to peace but peace and no way to peace other than dialogue."

"My message to the RSF is that there is no way for stability except with one united army," he added, but it remains unclear how much influence he will have on either side.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced late on Friday more than $100 million in aid to Sudan and countries receiving fleeing Sudanese, including much-needed food and medical assistance.

"It's hard to convey the extent of the suffering occurring right now in Sudan," said agency head Samantha Power.

Among the many looted buildings in the capital are several churches, including the Virgin Mary church in downtown Khartoum, according to a church official. Armed men gave the bishop a week to vacate the church’s premises, after which they looted it before setting it up as their base, he said.

Church leaders have said they are not sure if attacks are targeted or part of the overall "chaos" gripping Khartoum.

In a statement, Qatar said that its embassy was the latest in a string of looted embassies.

Ukraine's Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of 'Environmental Disaster

Ukraine's Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of 'Environmental Disaster

Ukraine's Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of 'Environmental Disaster


Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev warned on Friday that a radioactive cloud was heading towards Western Europe following the destruction of a Ukrainian warehouse storing British-supplied depleted uranium ammunition.

Sputnik News spoke with Dr. Chris Busby, physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, about how the West’s decision to provide depleted uranium (DU) ammunition to Ukraine has potentially caused a continent-wide ecological disaster. Below is his answer in full.

Recently, several web media outlets provided videos of an enormous explosion in the town of Khmelnitski, located to the West of Kiev, and about 200 km from the border with Poland. There were two major explosions which produced a massive roiling swirling fireball which, like an atomic bomb, developed upwards and formed a mushroom cloud, which was black.

I have represented nuclear atmospheric test veterans in the Royal Courts of Justice in London and have seen many films of nuclear explosions: this was not one. A nuclear explosion is characterised by an immediate intense white light which wipes out the camera film or detector.

So, what was it? It was suggested by several commentators that an arms depot that had been hit contained the Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons sent by the UK to the Ukraine for use in the British Challenger tanks as anti-tank penetrators.

That the explosion was one involving the burning of the DU in the fireball. Since I am a scientific authority on Uranium and its health effects, but have also examined its dispersion and behaviour in the environment, I will comment on what I believe happened, and why it is important.

I was a member of the UK government Ministry of Defence Depleted Uranium Oversight Board (DUOB) in 2000-2005, and also the UK government Committee Examining Radiation Risk from Internal Emitters (CERRIE) 2000-2004.

I am Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) which is an independent NGO that provides advice on risk from ionising radiation.

My main research interest in this area is Uranium and health, particularly the DU particles, which are so small they act as a gas and move over very large distances once they are created by the burning of DU. I found them in England in 2003 after they had come from Iraq. I found them in 2023 in England after they came from the Ukraine war. So that is the first thing: the material is able to travel very large distances.

Therefore, if the Khmelnitsky explosion was a DU one, the material would move with the wind direction and should be detectable at monitor sites downwind.

First, we need to say that DU has a gamma signature, it releases gamma rays. The UK and USA governments lie about this. They point to the fact that the U-238, that remains after the fissile U-235 is removed in the centrifuges (and is sent off for nuclear weapons and reactors), is a weak alpha emitter.

They say that alpha radiation cannot penetrate skin and so the DU itself is harmless. That it cannot be detected by a Geiger Counter and the alpha particles don’t make it through the window. There is, of course, a health problem if the post-impact particles are inhaled and pass into the body through the lung into the lymphatic system or directly into the digestive system, but essentially DU is harmless.

What you need to know is that Uranium 238, when it decays with its alpha emission, turns into Thorium-234 and Protoactinium-234m which then turns into Uranium 234. Thorium 234 is a beta and gamma emitter delivering 6% of its decay energy as a gamma ray. Thus, large clouds of DU particulate aerosol will be detectable by gamma detectors.

When I visited Iraq with Al Jazeera in 2000 I went to the south and examined the corpses of the tanks that had been hit by DU in the first Gulf War. Some of the A-10 DU penetrators were still lying around. They gave off an intense gamma ray signal, and the holes in the tanks were highly gamma ray active. So much for only an alpha emitter.

I am a yachtsman: examination of the UK metereological weather pressure maps tell us that at the time, and for days after the explosion, there was an anticyclone to the North of the explosion site and winds were weak but from the South East blowing North Westerly around the high-pressure area. So, the plume would move towards Poland. If the winds were about 5km/h they would reach any Poland detectors 250 km away on the 15th.

After Chernobyl, the European Union set up a Europe-wide gamma radiation detector system that used to give gamma readings in real time. I went to look. But astonishingly, all the data was blocked. The web- based system, administered from Germany, (EURDEP) would not provide the detector maps that are normally available. Luckily, there were some location maps on the web and some that had been already downloaded by colleagues of mine before the system stopped working. I obtained maps from Poland. One of these I show below.

Radiation Levels in Poland in May
©Photo : The Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) group of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission

You will see that a very highly significant increase in gamma radiation occurred at this detector, north west of the explosion site almost exactly when it would be expected on the basis of a distance of 250km and a mean wind speed of 5km/h. The increase, from 60nSv/h to 90nSv/h was highly statistically significant about 50%. Other detectors all across Poland showed an increase*, as the plume passed over them, the increase being weaker the further away (due to dispersion of the plume).

Later, the Poles measured the increase at the Marie Curie Institute in Lublin, but their map was a more sophisticated one and needed some expert interpretation. The Polish map gave gamma increases split into two natural isotopes, Bismuth and Thallium, also total gamma and cosmic ray gamma.

From the map, we are to assume (and this was the implicit message) that the gamma peak was due to Bismuth. Enter Sherlock Holmes. Bismuth 214 is a Radon daughter. The natural background radioactive gas Radon (Rn-222) is always present, since it is produced from Uranium and Radium in the ground.

If there is a sudden change in atmospheric pressure, or when it rains, there is a gamma peak from Radon, which shows itself as the Bi-214 peak. So, the Poles seem to be implying that the increase in gamma radiation is normal and nothing to get scared about. Many have picked up on the Bismuth spectrum. But the way in which the Polish graphs are presented is misleading.

The problem with a radon argument is first that the gamma increases go up all across Poland at a time scale that identifies a plume from Khmelnitsky and second that there was a stable anticyclone weather system and no atmospheric pressure changes that might pull radon out of the ground. I checked all that. There was only some light rain over Lublin.

There is, however, an additional possibility. Very fine particles attract Radon: you get a slight increase in gamma from Radon near factory chimneys that emit fine particles.

The European radiation detector system web map came back online on May 18. The map type had been changed and everything we saw in the downloads had disappeared or had been smudged out by data analysis averaging. Why? This, and the early blocking of access to the site suggest panic and cover-up.

So taken all together, what we see is a massive explosion which is thought to be DU, and reports of a spike in gamma radiation near the site. Uranium oxide is black, and the black plume moves north west slowly, the weather pattern is stable and the wind blows to Poland.

The Polish EU detectors all show gamma radiation increases at the expected time of arrival of the plume. The EU detector system is shut down rapidly, but not before we have obtained data from several sites. The Poles provide a detector result that identified Bismuth as the cause of the increase, but do not go so far as to formally state that it is (in case of later blowback).

One final piece of evidence. We see videos on the internet of the Ukrainians clearing up the explosion site using Robot vehicles, not ordinary firemen. Why do they need Robot vehicles? The last times we saw Robot vehicles clearing up was in the ruins of Chernobyl and Fukushima.

If I am right, there has been an environmental disaster, and the DU particles will travel across Poland, Germany and Hungary, and will end up in the Baltics, probably later the whole of Europe including the UK (after all, the Chernobyl Uranium particles came to the UK).

They will deliver genetic damage and death like that seen in the Balkans and Iraq. Cancer, birth defects, miscarriage, infertility, lung damage, mental problems (Gulf War Syndrome) and so forth. The scientific and epidemiological evidence on this has been clear since the Gulf War.

It is all there in the scientific literature—but the governments in the West and the military ignore it, deny it and cover it up. In the case of the UK coroners court finding for Stuart Dyson, the jury found that DU caused his fatal colon cancer. But when the coroner wrote to the health minister (as he had to by UK law, Rule 43) the reply was: we disagree. This stuff can be measured, but no one will measure it, or if they do, they will be attacked and their arguments dismissed.

Even if I am wrong, and there is some other explanation for the gamma peaks, DU must be banned. It is a weapon of indiscriminate effect and kills civilians, the enemy and your own troops (well, Ukrainian troops).

It is much worse than a war gas, like Sarin, or phosgene, mustard gas or all the other chemical agents banned by civilisation. This stuff destroys the genetic basis of life itself. And no one does anything. Those who use it base their action on obsolete science supported by dishonest epidemiology carried out by dishonest scientists and obsolete and fantastical risk models.

Those who provide the weapons, the UK government in this case, are morally bankrupt. Unless it is their intention to destroy the Ukrainian people. Who knows anymore? The world has gone mad.

Menggugah semangat belajar lewat program Kampus Mengajar

Menggugah semangat belajar lewat program Kampus Mengajar

Menyimak alasan Fisipol UGM beri kesempatan selebritas mengajar

Prilly Latuconsina mendapat kesempatan untuk mengajar di kampus Fisipol UGM Yogyakarta. Sebagai selebritas, ia memberikan materi tentang pengalamannya di dunia akting di hadapan para mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi. Kehadiran Prilly di kampus UGM ini, merupakan bagian dari program Praktisi Mengajar yang mengulas perihal media hiburan. (Imam Prasetyo Nugroho/Rayyan/Rinto A Navis)

Mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember (Unej) Muhammad Taruna Aji menjadi salah satu peserta Program Kampus Mengajar angkatan keempat bersama lima kawannya yang mendapatkan tugas mengajar di SMP Negeri 2 Sumberjambe di Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur.

Banyak pengalaman yang didapat mahasiswa yang biasa dipanggil Aji tersebut saat mengemban misi untuk mencerdaskan anak bangsa di pelosok desa, bahkan terkadang harus mengelus dada dengan perilaku anak didiknya yang mengancam keselamatan jiwa.

Seperti yang dialami saat mengajar di SMPN 2 Sumberjambe, ada siswa yang sengaja membawa senjata tajam di dalam kelas dan memainkan golok tersebut dengan gaya menantang siapapun yang akan menjadi lawannya berkelahi.

Setelah ditelusuri, ternyata peristiwa pelajar membawa senjata tajam di dalam kelas bukan yang pertama karena sebelumnya ada pelajar yang hendak berkelahi dengan kakak kelasnya, menggunakan senjata tajam di sekolah.

Tidak hanya itu, mahasiswa asal Banyuwangi itu juga miris saat menemukan banyak siswa yang tidak melanjutkan sekolah setelah lulus dari jenjang SMP karena mereka memilih langsung bekerja atau menikah bagi siswa perempuan.

Kemampuan finansial keluarga yang terbatas menjadi penyebab utama masalah tidak melanjutkan sekolah ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, sehingga jangan berbicara tentang prestasi, sudah sekolah hingga jenjang SMP saja menjadi "kemewahan" bagi masyarakat sekitar di Kecamatan Sumberjambe.

Mengetahui kondisi itu, para peserta Kampus Mengajar tidak langsung melaksanakan programnya, melainkan memilih melakukan pendekatan kepada siswa, orang tua dan warga sekitar untuk menekankan pentingnya pendidikan bagi anak-anak.

Para mahasiswa itu berusaha menempatkan diri sebagai kawan ngobrol dengan masyarakat dan tidak menggurui, sehingga jangan sampai sebagai mahasiswa memandang masyarakat lebih rendah. Cara tersebut berhasil, sehingga siswa yang awalnya antipati, mulai mau menerima keberadaan mahasiswa yang menjalankan program Kampus Mengajar.

Selain membantu proses belajar mengajar di SMPN 2 Sumberjambe, Aji dan kawan-kawan juga mulai melaksanakan berbagai program lainnya, seperti melakukan sosialisasi dan penyuluhan tentang bahayanya pernikahan dini, kemudian pencegahan kekerdilan (stunting).

Beberapa siswa mulai akrab, bahkan menganggap para mahasiswa sebagai kakak mereka, sehingga tidak heran saat Aji dan kawan-kawan mengakhiri masa pengabdian mereka dilepas penuh haru, bahkan hingga kini hubungan baik dengan siswa, guru, dan warga berlanjut.

Pengalaman berharga mengikuti program Kampus Mengajar angkatan keempat tersadari betapa beruntungnya anak-anak mahasiswa bisa menuntut ilmu hingga bangku kuliah.

Aji dan kawan-kawan juga tersadar bahwa masih banyak anak-anak untuk melanjutkan sekolah ke jenjang SMP saja sudah menjadi sebuah perjuangan yang luar biasa.

"Bagi kawan-kawan sesama mahasiswa, boleh diskusi dan penelitian hingga demonstrasi, namun Indonesia membutuhkan aksi nyata untuk mencerdaskan bangsa. Kalau bukan mahasiswa lantas siapa yang akan menjadi penggerak pendidikan, dan kalau bukan sekarang lantas kapan?” katanya, dalam perbincangan dengan ANTARA.

Sementara itu Koordinator program Kampus Mengajar di Universitas Jember Banun Kusumawardhani mengatakan terdapat 391 mahasiswa dan 60 dosen yang sudah mengirimkan berkas pendaftarannya untuk Program Kampus Mengajar dan jumlah tersebut berpotensi bertambah mengingat pendaftaran program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan Keenam, baru akan ditutup pada 28 Mei 2023.

Minat mahasiswa dan dosen Unej yang mengikuti program itu sangat luar biasa. Buktinya, jika pada angkatan pertama diikuti oleh 306 mahasiswa dan dua dosen, maka jumlahnya bertambah di angkatan kedua menjadi 395 mahasiswa dan 41 dosen.

Kemudian pada angkatan ketiga ada 436 mahasiswa dan 50 dosen, kemudian melonjak menjadi 606 mahasiswa dan 46 dosen di angkatan keempat. Sementara di angkatan kelima ada 466 mahasiswa dan 54 dosen.

Diharapkan mahasiswa di kampus Unej bisa memanfaatkan dengan baik kesempatan dalam progam Kampus Mengajar karena akan bermanfaat ke depannya.

Secara langsung maupun tidak langsung peserta yang mengikuti program Kampus Mengajar akan mendapatkan softskill, seperti daya kreativitas, jiwa kepemimpinan, mendidik kemampuan solutif dan pengalaman berinteraksi dengan dunia nyata yang tidak mungkin didapat di dalam kampus.

Agen perubahan

Kampus Mengajar merupakan program Kemendikbudristek melalui Ditjen Dikti sebagai bagian dari program Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) karena melalui program tersebut, mahasiswa diajak menjadi agen perubahan di bidang pendidikan.

Hingga pelaksanaan program Kampus Mengajar angkatan kelima tercatat ada 91 ribu lebih mahasiswa dan 15 ribu lebih dosen dari 800 PTN dan PTS se-Indomesia yang turut bergabung membantu proses belajar mengajar di sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) di seluruh pelosok Nusantara.

Tangkapan layar: peserta Kampus Mengajar dari mahasiswa Unej mengajar di SDN Botolinggo 3, Kabupaten Bondowoso, Jawa Timur (ANTARA/Zumrotun Solichah)

Tahun 2023 Ditjen Dikti kembali membuka pendaftaran program Kampus Mengajar angkatan Keenam, sehingga Universitas Jember menggelar kegiatan Sosialisasi Program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan Keenam di Gedung Auditorium kampus setempat pada 6 Mei 2023 untuk menjaring mahasiswa dan dosen berpartisipasi dalam program itu.

Program Kampus Mengajar dan Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka memberikan softskill bagi mahasiswa dan berpotensi menjadi penggerak pendidikan Indonesia.

Program Kampus Mengajar dimulai sejak tahun 2021 dan sudah puluhan ribu mahasiswa yang terlibat untuk menjadi penggerak pendidikan Indonesia dengan mengajar di sejumlah SD dan SMP, bahkan memasuki angkatan keenam tahun 2023, Ditjen Dikti melibatkan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) sebagai lokasi pengabdian.

Mahasiswa dan dosen peserta program Kampus Mengajar melaksanakan tiga tugas utama, yakni membantu proses belajar mengajar di sekolah, mendukung adaptasi TIK di sekolah, serta membantu administrasi sekolah.

Umumnya para peserta ditempatkan pada sekolah di pinggiran atau lokasi terpencil dan mulai angkatan keenam atau tahun 2023, Ditjen Dikti menambah SMK sebagai lokasi pengabdian. Ditargetkan di angkatan keenam akan diikuti oleh 21.500 mahasiswa dan 2.150 dosen sebagai pembimbing lapangan.

Program ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh dinas pendidikan di daerah untuk bersinergi sehingga potensi program Kampus Mengajar sebagai penggerak pendidikan Indonesia dapat maksimal. Setiap tahun mahasiswa dan dosen yang berminat mengikuti program Kampus Mengajar sangat banyak, namun kuotanya terbatas.

Mahasiswa sebagai agen perubahan tentu tidak boleh tinggal diam melihat masih adanya masalah pendidikan, khususnya di pelosok desa, sehingga diharapkan dapat berpartisipasi dengan menjadi peserta Kampus Mengajar yang dapat menjadi penggerak pendidikan Indonesia untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa.