Tuesday 6 June 2023

Menko Airlangga Resmikan Wiraraja Industrial Park Nilai Investasinya Capai Rp 12 T

Menko Airlangga Resmikan Wiraraja Industrial Park Nilai Investasinya Capai Rp 12 T

Menko Airlangga Resmikan Wiraraja Industrial Park Nilai Investasinya Capai Rp 12 T

Menteri Koordinator (Menko) Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, dengan peresmian Wiraraja Industrial Park akan mampu mendorong perekonomian serta mengukuhkan rantai pasok global.

Dalam sambutannya, Menko Airlangga menyatakan bahwa Indonesia telah berhasil menjadi salah satu negara anggota G20 yang paling sukses dalam pemulihan ekonomi. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada kuartal pertama tahun ini mampu mencapai 5,03% (yoy). “Keberhasilan ini menjadi bukti bahwa Indonesia telah mampu mengatasi dampak pandemi dengan baik,” kata Menko Airlangga.

Selain itu, Menko Airlangga juga berharap agar Kepulauan Riau ikut mengalami kebangkitan ekonomi dengan menargetkan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik. Salah satunya di sektor pariwisata. Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Kepulauan Riau ditargetkan meningkat dari 800 ribu orang tahun lalu menjadi 2,9 juta orang pada tahun ini.

Dalam upaya mengatasi inflasi, Indonesia juga berhasil menurunkan tingkat inflasi dari 4,33% (yoy) menjadi 4% (yoy) pada bulan Mei lalu. Dengan target inflasi tahun ini sesuai Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) sebesar 3% dengan toleransi plus minus 1 persen, bisa dikatakan telah tercapai.

“Sementara negara-negara lain masih berjuang melawan inflasi, Indonesia justru berhasil mengendalikan inflasi dengan baik,” ujar Menko Airlangga.

Wiraraja Industrial Park saat ini telah mampu meraup investasi senilai 800 juta dolar Amerika Serikat (AS) atau setara Rp12 triliun dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja untuk sekitar 13.000 orang.

“Di samping itu, saat ini sedang dilakukan hilirisasi pasir silika di area industri ini, yang membutuhkan energi yang besar, perlindungan lingkungan yang baik, serta pasar yang baik,” kata Menko Airlangga melalui keterangan resminya, di Jakarta, Senin.

Hal itu ia sampaikan saat secara resmi Grand Opening of 6 Companies di Wiraraja Industrial Park yang berlokasi di kawasan Kabil, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Senin.

Menko Airlangga menyampaikan tentang pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) di kawasan tersebut. Pembangunan PLTS itu telah diberikan fasilitas sebagai Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN).

“Selain itu, Indonesia juga sedang dalam pembicaraan dengan pihak Singapura untuk penggunaan dan ekspor energi ini ke Singapura. Hal ini diharapkan menjadi perubahan penting dalam sektor energi di Batam, terutama setelah memiliki Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus di Nongsa,” ujar Menko Airlangga.

Menurutnya, saat ini Indonesia telah berhasil menjadi salah satu negara anggota G20 yang paling sukses dalam pemulihan ekonomi pasca COVID-19.

Hal itu tercermin dari pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pada kuartal I-2023 yang tercatat 5,03 persen secara tahunan (yoy).

Selain itu, Menko Airlangga juga berharap agar Kepulauan Riau turut mengalami kebangkitan ekonomi yang sama dengan menargetkan pertumbuhan di sektor pariwisata. Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Kepulauan Riau ditargetkan meningkat dari 800 ribu orang tahun lalu menjadi 2,9 juta orang pada tahun ini.

Lebih lanjut, Menko Airlangga menambahkan, dalam upaya mengatasi inflasi, Indonesia juga berhasil menurunkan tingkat inflasi dari 4,33 persen yoy, menjadi 4 persen yoy pada bulan Mei lalu.

Dengan adanya target inflasi tahun ini sesuai Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) sebesar 3 persen dengan toleransi plus minus 1 persen, maka bisa dikatakan telah tercapai.

“Sementara negara-negara lain masih berjuang melawan inflasi, Indonesia justru berhasil mengendalikan inflasi dengan baik,” katanya lagi

Wiraraja Industrial Park sendiri telah mampu meraup investasi senilai USD800 juta atau sekitar p12 triliun, dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja untuk sekitar 13.000 orang. “Di samping itu, saat ini sedang dilakukan hilirisasi pasir silica di area industri ini, yang membutuhkan energi yang besar, perlindungan lingkungan yang baik, serta pasar yang baik,” jelas Menko Airlangga

Menko Airlangga juga menyampaikan pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) di Kawasan tersebut. Pembangunan PLTS ini telah diberikan fasilitas sebagai Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN).

“Selain itu, Indonesia juga sedang dalam pembicaraan dengan pihak Singapura untuk penggunaan dan ekspor energi ini ke Singapura. Hal ini diharapkan menjadi perubahan penting dalam sektor energi di Batam, terutama setelah memiliki Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus di Nongsa,” ungkap Menko Airlangga.

Menko Airlangga juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak karena Indonesia mampu bertahan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi yang kuat. Juga disebutkan bahwa ekspor dari kawasan industri Indonesia telah menjadi contoh yang baik dan memberikan kepercayaan bahwa rantai pasokan (supply chain) dari Indonesia dapat diandalkan setelah masa pandemi Covid-19. “Banyak negara kini melihat potensi Indonesia sebagai mitra yang handal dalam rantai pasokan,” jelas Menko Airlangga.

6 Perusahaan Baru di Kawasan Industri Wiraraja Batam yang Baru Diresmikan

Presiden Direktur Wiraraja Industrial Park Batam, Akhmad Ma'ruf Maulana mengatakan, peresmian enam perusahaan baru di kawasannya memiliki arti penting baik secara nasional maupun lokal Provinsi Kepri.

Selain membuka kesempatan lapangan kerja yang luas di Kepri, juga turut mendukung daya saing industri nasional.

Ma'ruf menyampaikan, di luar enam perusahaan yang diresmikan pada hari Senin, 05/06/2023, saat ini di kawasannya terus dilakukan pengembangan. Beberapa industri saat ini tengah dibangun.

Khusus enam perusahaan yang diresmikan pada Senin, kegiatan operasionalnya sudah ada yang berjalan bahkan sudah ada yang melakukan ekspor.

"Apollo Solar Indonesia misalnya, sudah ekspor ke Amerika. Lima perusahaan lagi sedang tahap renovasi, dan komponen- komponennya sudah masuk sebagian," katanya.

Ma'ruf menjelaskan sekilas kegiatan usaha enam perusahaan yang diresmikan.

PT. Apollo Solar Indonesia, bergerak dalam bidang usaha manufaktur solar modul (solar panel).

PT. Marubeni Global Indonesia, perusahaan asal Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang pembangkit, transmisi, dan pendistribusian, dan penjualan tenaga listrik dalam satu kesatuan.

PT. Tynergy Technology Group, bergerak di bidang usaha manufaktur, semi konduktor dan turunannya.

PT. Wiraraja Yunan International, bergerak dalam bidang usaha manufaktur stretch film.

PT. Alpha Solar Indonesia, memproduksi panel surya polikristalin solar cell silicon. Merupakan perusahaan terintegrasi dari hulu ke hilir

PT Jaya Electrical Energy, bergerak dalam bidang usaha Manufaktur solar cell dan industri mesin pendingin.

"Alpha Solar Indonesia merupakan PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) Singapura, Jaya Electrical Energy merupakan perusahaan Amerika, Marubeni Global Indonesia merupakan perusahaan asal Indonesia sendiri. Dimana nantinya di perusahaan ini ada konsorsium yang akan melakukan kesepakatan dengan beberapa negara, tapi kami belum bisa ekspose di sini, tapi kami nanti akan tindak lanjuti ke Kemenko Bidang Perekonomian dalam waktu dekat," katanya.

Disampaikan Ma'ruf, perusahaan yang saat ini berada Wiraraja Industrial Park memiliki bidang yang cukup luas dari hulu ke hilir.

Minta Izin Dipermudah

Presiden Direktur Wiraraja Industrial Park Batam Akhmad Ma'ruf Maulana berharap kepada pemerintah dan pemangku kepentingan, baik nasional maupun lokal untuk mempermudah perizinan, terutama dalam proses penetapan wilayah usaha.

"Kami berharap kepada pemerintah terkait, baik itu BP Batam, Pemprov Kepri, maupun kementerian untuk mempermudah segala perizinan terutama pada proses penetapan wilayah usaha dari Kementerian ESDM," katanya.

Pada kesempatan sama, Ma'ruf menyampaikan keluhannya kepada Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian RI Airlangga Hartarto terkait penjualan gas masih menggunakan mata uang dollar.

"Kami berharap dapat juga bagaimana melakukan cutting cost untuk industri-industri kami, dan kami menemui kendala bagaimana hasil gas kami, gas yang ada di Indonesia kenapa hasil dijual pakai dollar. Ini yang membuat cost kami tinggi, padahal itu hasil dari perut bumi kita," katanya.

Ma'ruf berharap gas hasil eksplorasi di Indonesia dijual ke Indonesia juga dalam mata uang rupiah.

"Supaya kami punya budget dan limit harga yang sudah ditentukan mata uang rupiah," katanya.

OPEC is being ‘proactive, preemptive,’ Saudi energy minister tells CNBC

OPEC is being ‘proactive, preemptive,’ Saudi energy minister tells CNBC

OPEC is being ‘proactive, preemptive,’ Saudi energy minister tells CNBC

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Energy Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman arrives for an OPEC meeting in Vienna, Austria, June 3, 2023

Defending the decisions made by the oil producers’ alliance, Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman stressed the need to “trust OPEC+” which he described as “the most effective international organization” working to restore market stability.

Talking to CNBC International’s Dan Murphy on Sunday, the energy minister said the voluntary oil output cuts announced by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies including Russia, also known as OPEC+, were precautionary measures.

“It was just our sensibility, if you will call it, that the environment was not sufficiently allowing confidence to be there. So taking a precautionary measure tends to put you on the safe side. And it is part of the typical rhythm that we have installed in OPEC, which is being proactive, being preemptive,” Prince Abdulaziz said.

Oil prices rose by more than $1 a barrel on Monday after Saudi Arabia pledged to cut production by a further 1 million barrels per day from July to counter macroeconomic headwinds that have depressed markets.

The voluntary cut is on top of a broader deal by OPEC+ to limit supply into 2024 as the group seeks to boost flagging oil prices.

OPEC+ pumps about 40 percent of the world’s crude and has cut its output target by a total of 3.66 million bpd, amounting to 3.6 percent of global demand.

Commenting on the Saudi decision, Prince Abdulaziz said: “It is icing on the cake.”

The Kingdom has kept the option open for an extension to the voluntary cuts depending on “how things really work.”

The Saudi energy minister told CNBC that the oil producers’ group is considering new baselines to ensure equitable and fair production quotas for all members in the group according to their capacities in a transparent manner.

OPEC+ now intends to have three independent analysts — IHS, Wood Mackenzie, and Rystad Energy — study the individual capacity of each group member.

“Hopefully by mid-year next year, we will have new baselines and a way forward that makes it more equitable, more fair for everybody to assign for them production levels that are going to be commensurate with their capacities in the most transparent way,” the minister said.

When asked about trusting OPEC’s ally Russia, Prince Abdulaziz responded in the affirmative.

“Absolutely. But I always like President (Ronald) Reagan’s line: trust but verify.” He said, noting the instrumental role of independent sources in assessing production.

Most Asian countries oppose NATO expansion in region, says Chinese diplomat

Most Asian countries oppose NATO expansion in region, says Chinese diplomat

Most Asian countries oppose NATO expansion in region, says Chinese diplomat

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin
© AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Most countries of the Asia-Pacific region are against bloc confrontation and NATO expansion in the region, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a briefing on Monday.

Commenting on statements by representatives of Indonesia, Singapore and several other countries that they do not want to see a new Cold War and do not want to be forced to choose between China and the US, the spokesman said: "The position of most countries in the region is very clear: they oppose the merging of various military blocs in the region, they do not welcome NATO's expansion into Asia, they do not accept the transfer of bloc confrontation to Asia." Wang Wenbin pointed out that regional states "will not allow a Cold War or a hot war in Asia."

He added that Asia is "the region with the greatest potential for growth and development in the world." According to him, Asia should be a large arena for mutually beneficial cooperation and should not be divided into "closed and exclusive small" blocs.

"Some countries say they are free and open to maintain peace and prosperity in the region, but in reality they are constantly chipping away at various military blocs and trying to push NATO into the Asia-Pacific region," Wang Wenbin said.

Representatives from Indonesia, Singapore, and several other countries expressed their reluctance to see a new Cold War at the Shangri-La Dialogue international security conference, held June 2-4 in Singapore. There, Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu unveiled China's new security initiative. In his speech at the forum, he noted that the creation of NATO-like military alliances in the Asia-Pacific region would lead to a series of conflicts.

US-China Handshake Fails to Stem Fears of Conflict in Asia

Austin used his speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue to chide China over its refusal to meet unless the US lifted sanctions on Li, saying that “a cordial handshake over dinner is no substitute for a substantive engagement.” The remarks came as a Chinese vessel harassed an American warship transiting the Taiwan Strait, drawing attention to the biggest potential military flashpoint between the two powers.

Li fired back on Sunday, accusing “some big power” of creating divisive alliances, bullying other nations, spurring an arms race and seeking to contain China with its support for Taiwan. China’s military “will not hesitate for a second” to move on Taiwan if necessary, he said, while dismissing questions about near-collisions in disputed waters. Competing militaries should stay away and “mind your own business,” Li said.

Other countries at the event, meanwhile, repeatedly spoke of the dangers posed by rising US-China tensions and the need to prevent anything like Russia’s war in Ukraine from occurring in Asia.

“There was a real sincerity and urgency that what happened in Ukraine must not happen in Asia,” Singapore Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen told reporters after a lunch that included all of the most senior defense officials at the event. “Many ministers have said if you have a simultaneous war in Europe and Asia it’s catastrophic globally.”

The back-and-forth between the US and China at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue was always expected to be fraught, particularly after President Joe Biden’s administration declined to remove sanctions placed on Li in 2018 over his role in purchasing a Russian missile defense system. It was also the first major defense forum since then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in August prompted China to conduct unprecedented military exercises surrounding the island.

Despite the lack of a US-China breakthrough in Singapore, signs are emerging of increased communication ahead of key summits later this year — the Group of 20 in India and the APEC forum in San Francisco — that will place Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping in the same room.

CIA Director William Burns made a secret visit last month to meet intelligence officials in Beijing, and a senior US Treasury official last week met with China’s new envoy to the US. Daniel Kritenbrink, the top US State Department official for Asia, is set to travel to China this week.

And while Li didn’t formally meet Austin in Singapore, the Chinese defense minister sat down with nearly a dozen other delegation heads — including his UK counterpart, Ben Wallace, who emerged from the hour-long conversation saying talks were productive and that he looked forward to visiting China soon. Li also said he had “pretty good” talks with Yasukazu Hamada, the defense minister of Japan, another staunch US ally.

Still, the Singapore meeting underscored growing divisions between China and the US over the basics of the global order. And no issue was more conspicuous than the response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, which helped spark a surge in defense spending around the world.

The US and its allies warned of the risks of allowing Russia to keep territorial gains, with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorious saying a Putin victory would send a message “that aggression and unprovoked use of military force are acceptable, can be successful.”

“This is a war where the global rules-based order is on trial,” Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles said. “What happened with the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a complete breach of the rules-based order where a large neighbor invades a smaller neighbor, not by reference to the rules of law, but by reference to power and might. And that can’t be allowed to stand in the world today, in Europe or in the Indo-Pacific.”

Chinese officials, by contrast, blamed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for helping trigger Russia’s war while warning that US alliances in Asia, along with newer groupings like the Quad and Aukus, would similarly destabilize and divide Asia. They accused the US of selectively applying international rules and norms — a point underscored by the fact that Washington hasn’t punished Indian officials for buying the same Russian weapons systems that made Li subject to sanctions.

“Its so-called rules-based international order never tells you what the rules are, and who made these rules,” the Chinese defense minister said. “It practices exceptionalism and double standards and only serves the interests and follows the rules of a small number of countries.”

Some representatives at the meeting appeared sympathetic to China’s viewpoint. Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, who plans to run for president next year, unveiled a new peace plan for Ukraine that would freeze troops in place and create a demilitarized zone. Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, who also attended the meeting, said it “sounds like a Russian plan.”

Prabowo also warned that new technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing raises the stakes in any potential fight between the US and China. “If there is a nuclear war, the difference between those directly involved and Indonesia is we will die a slower death,” he said.

Austin, the US secretary of defense, sought to temper fears of a war, saying “I don’t think that conflict is inevitable, nor do I think at this point that it’s coming.” He denied the Chinese claim that the US was seeking to create a version of NATO in the region and said that American policy toward Taiwan hadn’t changed, adding that a war “would affect the global economy in ways that we cannot imagine.”

The next day, China’s defense minister said Beijing was willing to back up its claim to Taiwan “regardless of any cost.”

To underscore his point, Li referenced a song called My Motherland, written for a 1956 movie about the Korean War that showed a heroic Chinese victory against American and South Korean troops.

“As the lyrics of a well-known Chinese song goes, when friends visit us, we welcome them with fine wine,” he said. “When jackals or wolves come, we will face them with shotguns.”

Monday 5 June 2023

Kiev Failed to Achieve Goals During Attempted Offensive, Lost Up to 300 Troops - Russian MoD

Kiev Failed to Achieve Goals During Attempted Offensive, Lost Up to 300 Troops - Russian MoD

Kiev Failed to Achieve Goals During Attempted Offensive, Lost Up to 300 Troops - Russian MoD

©Sputnik/Go to the mediabank

Kiev did not achieve its goals during an attempted large-scale offensive in the South Donetsk direction, losing up to 300 military, 16 tanks and 26 armored fighting vehicles over the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

"On June 4, the enemy made an unsuccessful attempt at a large-scale offensive in the South Donetsk direction... The active actions of the units of the Vostok group of troops, air strikes and artillery fire in... the Donetsk People's Republic and in... Zaporozhye region, the enemy suffered significant losses. Up to 300 Ukrainian military, 16 tanks, 26 armored combat vehicles, and 14 vehicles were destroyed in this direction in a day," the ministry said in a statement, adding that Ukraine has "failed to achieve its goals."

In total in the Donetsk direction in the past day Ukraine lost up to 425 military, a German-made self-propelled gun Panzerhaubitze 2000, two howitzers and two ammunition depots, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"In total, during the fighting in this direction, up to 425 Ukrainian servicemen, an infantry fighting vehicle, 14 vehicles, a German-made self-propelled artillery unit Panzerhaubitze 2000 and D-30 howitzers were destroyed during the day. Also, two ammunition depots of the 24th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian military were destroyed in the area of the settlement of Toretsk [also known as Dzerzhinsk] of the Donetsk People's Republic," the ministry said.

The Ministry added that the Russian armed forces and border guards have thwarted a new attempt by Ukrainian military to penetrate the Belgorod region.

Kiev continues attempts to carry out terrorist acts against the civilian population of the border regions of Russia, the ministry said in a statement.

"[On Sunday], units of the armed forces and the border service of the FSB of Russia thwarted an attempt by two groups of Ukrainian terrorists to penetrate the territory of the Belgorod region near the settlement of Novaya Tavolzhanka, Belgorod region. At about 13:00 Moscow time [10:00 GMT], under the cover of intense artillery shelling of civilian targets, the terrorists tried to cross the Seversky Donets River and land on the outskirts of the Novaya Tavolzhanka settlement in the Belgorod Region" the ministry said.

The Ukrainian military were destroyed by air strikes and artillery fire from units covering the state border of the Western Military District, the statement read, adding that over 10 Ukrainian military, two boats, one armored car were destroyed as a result.

Two Tu-95MS Missile Carriers Fly Over Neutral Waters of Barents, Norwegian Seas - Russian MoD

Two Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers conducted a planned flight over the neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian seas, they were escorted by MiG-31 aircraft, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

"Two Tu-95MSs strategic missile carriers completed a planned flight in the airspace over the neutral waters of the Barents and Norwegian seas for about five hours. Fighter escort was provided by the crews of the MiG-31 aircraft of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Northern Fleet. Long-range aviation pilots regularly fly over the neutral waters of the Arctic, the North Atlantic, the Black and Baltic Seas, and the Pacific Ocean," the ministry said in a statement.

All flights of aircraft of the Russian aerospace forces are carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace, the statement added.

Video: Russian 2S5 Giatsint-S Howitzer Destroys Ukraine's Self-Propelled Gun

The Russian military's 2S5 Giatsint-S self-propelled guns have been pounding enemy positions in the Ukrainian conflict zone, providing support to the infantry during Moscow's ongoing special military operation.

Crews manning Russia's "Giatsint-S" self-propelled artillery system have destroyed a Ukrainian self-propelled gun in the Zaporozhye region.

Russia's Ministry of Defense (MoD) has published a video from the special operation zone, showing the powerful self-propelled howitzer (SPH) in action, wiping out the enemy's weapon, which had been used to target civilians.

Capable of firing a wide range of ammunition, the 2S5 Giatsint-S tracked self-propelled howitzer is designed to provide long-range fire support for ground troops. The fact that it is able to move swiftly to new firing positions renders it difficult for enemy forces to locate and target.

Russia considers retaliatory steps after Japan introduces new package of sanctions — MFA

Russia considers retaliatory steps after Japan introduces new package of sanctions — MFA

Russia considers retaliatory steps after Japan introduces new package of sanctions — MFA

©Sergey Karpukhin/TASS

Moscow is considering retaliatory steps to the fresh batch of anti-Russian sanctions by Tokyo, and will not let them pass without a reaction, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko said on Monday.

"Indeed, at the end of May, a new package of sanctions was published, which we took very negatively, of course. We are currently considering retaliatory steps, this will not remain without a reaction," the deputy minister said, answering a relevant question from TASS.

The Japanese government has expanded sanctions against Russia due to the situation in Ukraine. According to the Japanese Foreign Ministry, 24 individuals and 78 entities have been added to the sanctions list.

The sanctions in particular stipulate that if any assets from these individuals are found in Japan, they will be seized. Among those affected by the sanctions are representatives of the command of the Russian Armed Forces, general director of the Almaz-Antey concern Yan Novikov, journalist Olga Skabeeva, the National Wealth Fund, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Japan also decided to impose export restrictions on 80 Russian entities, including the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, the Lavochkin scientific development and production center, PJSC KamAZ, MegaFon, the Skolkovo Foundation and Skoltech.

Rusia, China, 34 Negara Lain Ikut Latihan MNEK di Indonesia

Rusia, China, 34 Negara Lain Ikut Latihan MNEK di Indonesia

Rusia, China, 34 Negara Lain Ikut Latihan MNEK di Indonesia

Angkatan Laut (AL) dari 36 negara memeriahkan pembukaan latihan bertaraf internasional Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo (MNEK) 2023 di Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel), dengan mengusung tema Partnership To Recover And To Rise Stronger.

"Suatu kehormatan kegiatan persahabatan ini dapat dilaksanakan di Kota Makassar," kata Panglima TNI Laksamana TNI Yudo Margono,saat membuka kegiatan tersebut di Makassar, Senin.

Awal pembukaan acara tersebut ditandai dengan pagelaran tari kolosal etnik Bugis Makassar yang menggambarkan kepiawaian moyang Bugis Makassar mengarungi lautan.

Kapal dari 36 negara, termasuk Rusia, China dan Amerika Serikat menghadiri upacara pembukaan Latihan Angkatan Laut Multilateral 2023 Komodo di kota Makassar, Indonesia.

Tamu terhormat dari 36 negara termasuk Rusia, AS, China, India, Inggris, Australia, Brasil, Jepang, Korea Selatan, dan Kanada hadir pada upacara tersebut.

Para peserta yang terlibat dari 36 negara ini akan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang berlangsung muai 5-8 Juni 2023 itu, di antaranya Ice Breaking, International Fleet Review (IFR), International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS), City Tour, City Parade, Fun Bike, Admiral Lunch, Bilateral Meeting. Welcome Dinner, Maritime Exhibition, dan Gala Dinner.

Selain itu juga kegiatan bakti kemanusiaan, di antaranya engineering civic action programme (ENCAP) dengan membangun monument MNEK di Centre Point Indonesia (CPI), lorong wisata, perbaikan atap SMP Lae-Lae, dan perbaikan sarana jalan di Lanraki. Kemudian kegiatan medical civic action programme (MEDCAP) dengan melaksanakan pengobatan gigi, khitanan massal, dan operasi katarak.

Perwakilan kapal negara menandatangani nota kesepahaman dalam kerja sama dalam penguatan dan pemulihan bersama, tambah badan itu.

Selama upacara pembukaan, beberapa negara peserta menunjukkan kemampuan pesawat tempur mereka dalam pertunjukan udara, seperti pesawat tempur Rusia Sukhoi 2730 (SU-27), Canadian Thunder Flight dan Bonanza Indonesia, lapor kantor berita Indonesia.

Penyelenggaraan MNEK ini merupakan latihan nirmiliter (non perang) dengan mengedepankan kerja sama maritim di kawasan regional, penanggulangan bencana, serta operasi kemanusiaan guna mempererat kerja sama antara TNI AL dengan negara-negara sahabat.

Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Muhammad Ali mengatakan, latihan persahabatan ini untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman antarnegara.

Ia menambahkan kegiatan MNEK tersebut untuk saling menguatkan dan mendukung pascapandemi COVID-19, dan khusus AL Indonesia dikerahkan 24 kapal perang untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut.

"Kesuksesan kegiatan ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari dukungan masyarakat di daerah ini yang mengedepankan kearifan lokal," katanya.

Sebagai bentuk komitmen dalam MNEK 2023 perwakilan AL dari 36 negara menandatangani nota kesepahaman (MoU) dalam kerja sama dalam penguatan dan pemulihan bersama.

Buruh Demo Kawal Sidang ketiga MK Dicabutnya Omnibus Law

Buruh Demo Kawal Sidang ketiga MK Dicabutnya Omnibus Law

Buruh Demo Kawal Sidang ketiga MK Dicabutnya Omnibus Law

Foto: Ratusan Buruh melakukan aksi unjuk rasa meminta dicabutnya Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja. Aksi ini mulai berlangsung sejak pukul 11.30 WIB dari depan IRTI Monas. (CNBC Indonesia/Ferry Sandi)

Ribuan buruh yang dimotori partai buruh melakukan aksi unjuk rasa meminta dicabutnya Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja. Aksi ini mulai berlangsung sejak pukul 11.40 WIB dari depan IRTI Monas. Semula, Buruh berencana melangsungkan longmarch menuju Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) untuk menghadiri sidang ketiga dicabutnya Omnibus Law.

Namun, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat sudah ditutup oleh aparat keamanan sudah menutup Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat tempat melintasnya buruh menuju gedung. Alhasil, buruh hanya melangsungkan aksi di depan Patung Kuda. Perjalanan dimulai dari depan IRTI dan memutar balik di depan Gedung Balai Kota DKI Jakarta.

Selama perjalanan di depan IRTI menuju putaran balik, buruh memakan sekitar 2/3 jalan. Mobil hanya mendapat satu bagian untuk berjalannya satu mobil. Bahkan ketika melintasi depan Gedung Balaikota, buruh memakan sepenuhnya jalan, hanya satu motor yang bisa melintas, itu pun hanya lewat trotoar.

"Rapihkan barisan kita, dirapihkan barisannya. Mobil tahan dulu, motor jalan aja," kata pimpinan aksi, Senin (5/6/23).

Sementara itu Presiden Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia sekaligus Ketua Mahkamah Partai Butuh, Riden Hatam Aziz menyebut bahwa aksi ini merupakan awalan dari banyak aksi lainnya di berbagai kota dan provinsi.

"Saya meminta Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk membatalkannya, saya kira udah berulang kali sampaikan. Aksi ini akan berlanjut ke daerah lainnya," kata Riden di depan IRTI.

Kemacetan lalu lintas terjadi di ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (5/6/2023) sekira pukul 12.00 WIB.

Kemacetan lalu lintas terjadi di ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (5/6/2023) sekira pukul 11.47 WIB.

Kemacetan terjadi imbas longmarch ratusan buruh dari titik kumpul di IRTI Monas menuju ke kawasan Patung Kuda, Jakarta Pusat.

Para buruh tampak membawa berbagai atribut Partai Buruh.

Mulai dari kaus, bendera, dan banner berbentuk memanjang bertuliskan berbagai tuntutan dari partai nomor urut 6 di Pemilu 2024 itu.

Barisan buruh memenuhi hampir seluruh ruas Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan.

Hal tersebut membuat arus lalu lintas sejumlah kendaraan yang berada di belakang barisan longmarch tersendat.

Bahkan, kemacetan panjang terjadi hingga di depan Kantor Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat.

Ratusan buruh ini melakukan longmarch dari kawasan IRTI Monas menuju ke Patung Kuda, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (5/6/2023) sekira pukul 11.40 WIB.

Unjuk rasa yang dimotori Partai Buruh dan sejumlah serikat buruh lainnya dilakukan terkait sidang kedua uji formil Omnibus Law Undang Undang (UU) Cipta Kerja, yang sebelumnya diajukan oleh Partai Buruh ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK).

"Kita akan menuju MK dalam rangka kita memastikan kepada MK terkait dengan Judicial Review UU Nomor 6 Tahun 2023 tentang Omnibus Law Cipta Kerja," kata Ketua Mahkamah Partai Buruh Riden Hatam Aziz, saat ditemui, Senin ini.

Riden mengatakan Partai Buruh meminta MK untuk membatalkan pengesahan UU tersebut.

"Kami minta kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk membatalkannya," kata Riden.

Meski tujuan utama aksi digelar di depan Gedung MK, Riden belum bisa memastikan hal tersebut terealisasi.

Polisi telah memasang border atau blokade untuk membatasi barisan massa aksi, di Patung Kuda.

"Ini arahnya ke MK. Cuma saya enggak tahu ditutup atau enggak. Biasanya diborder. Kalau diborder sampai (gedung) Indosat, sampai Patung Kuda mentoknya. Tapi sasaran kita MK dan Istana," ucapnya.