Thursday 15 June 2023

Target Shin Tae-yong Laga Timnas Indonesia Lawan Argentina

Target Shin Tae-yong Laga Timnas Indonesia Lawan Argentina

Target Shin Tae-yong Laga Timnas Indonesia Lawan Argentina

Pelatih Timnas Indonesia, Shin Tae Yong di sesi konferensi pers. Sumber: Laman Resmi PSSI

Pelatih Timnas Indonesia, Shin Tae-yong, merasa sangat bingung saat ditanya target ketika melawan Argentina yang berstatus sebagai peringkat nomor satu Shin Tae-yong malah melontarkan candaan saat ditanya mengenai target lawan timnas Argentina pada FIFA Matchday oleh awak media usai pertandingan melawan timnas Palestina, Rabu malam, 14 Juni 2023.

"Kalau ditanya target saya sangat bingung karena kita melawan FIFA ranking nomor satu," kata Shin Tae-yong, Rabu, 14/06/2023.

"Saya malah ingin tanya ke wartawan, targetnya ingin seperti apa?” ucap Shin Tae-yong lalu tersenyum.

Pelatih asal Korea Selatan itu mengungkapkan bahwa melawan Argentina sangatlah tidak mudah. Sebab, La Albiceleste yang kini diasuh Lionel Scaloni saat ini menduduki peringkat satu dunia dan baru saja meraih gelar juara Piala Dunia 2022 Qatar. Sedangkan Indonesia kini di rangking 149 dunia.

Shin Tae-yong mengaku belum memiliki target spesifik untuk laga timnas Indonesia lawan Argentina di FIFA Matchday ini. Meski begitu, ia tetap akan berupaya menyiapkan tim asuhannya agar bisa tampil terbaik, tak peduli siapa pun lawannya.

Timnas Indonesia akan menghadapi Argentina dalam laga FIFA Matchday, hari Senin, 19/06/2023. Pertandingan berlangsung di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Senayan, Jakarta.

Namun Shin Tae-yong akan perlakukan pertandingan itu sebagai laga serius. Indonesia bisa mengambil banyak pengalaman.

“Tetapi saya pesan ke pemain agar selalu berusaha semaksimal mungkin, Saya akan tetap memberi instruksi ke pemain untuk menunjukkan permainan kita yang terbaik," kata Shin Tae-yong. Sebelumnya, Shin Tae-yong, pelatih Timnas Indonesia, telah ditetapkan dengan target yang besar menjelang pertandingan melawan Timnas Palestina dan Timnas Argentina dalam FIFA Matchday bulan Juni 2023 ini.

Target ini menjadi tantangan yang signifikan bagi Timnas Indonesia.

Erick Thohir, Ketua Umum PSSI, menyatakan bahwa Indonesia memiliki target untuk mencapai peringkat 100 besar dalam peringkat FIFA.

Hal ini menunjukkan ambisi yang tinggi dari timnas dalam meningkatkan prestasinya di level internasional.

Pertandingan ini menarik perhatian pecinta sepak bola Tanah Air meski sang mega bintang, Lionel Messi disebut-sebut tidak ikut serta. Sementara bagi skuad Timnas Indonesia tentu saja menjadi pengalaman yang sangat berharga.

Untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi timnas Argentina, rombongan timnas Indonesia langsung pindah ke Jakarta pada Kamis, 15 Juni 2023, mengakhiri pemusatan latihan di Surabaya yang sudah digelar sejak 6 Juni lalu.

Sebelumnya, Timnas Indonesia sudah melakoni satu pertandingan FIFA matchday kontra Palestina, hari Rabu malam, 15/06/2023. Bermain di Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya, skor berakhir 0-0.

Tahun Depan Tak Semua Orang Bisa Beli Gas LPG 3 Kg

Tahun Depan Tak Semua Orang Bisa Beli Gas LPG 3 Kg

Tahun Depan Tak Semua Orang Bisa Beli Gas LPG 3 Kg

Kementerian ESDM menyampaikan bahwa gas LPG 3 kilogram (kg) tidak bisa diakses semua orang mulai tahun depan. (Foto: Ist)

Salah satu upaya Pemerintah agar penyaluran subsidi tepat sasaran adalah subisdi gas LPG 3 kg. Untuk itu, pemerintah mulai menyiapkan sejumlah langkah agar mulai tahun depan tak semua orang bisa membeli gas tabung melon.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan mulai tahun depan pembelian Elpiji 3 kilogram (kg) tidak bisa diakses dengan bebas oleh setiap orang.

Hanya masyarakat yang terdaftar dalam data Pensasaran Percepatan Penghapusan Kemiskinan Ekstrem (P3KE) yang bisa membeli gas tabung melon bersubsidi tersebut.

Dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VII, Tutuka menjelaskan, pihaknya bersama dengan Pertamina telah melakukan pendataan, pencocokan data hingga pencatatan transaksi LPG 3 kg sejak awal 2023.

Dia mengatakan, pendataan untuk wilayah, Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara ditargetkan rampung Juni 2023. Sementara, untuk Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi ditargetkan Juli 2023.

"Implementasi di Jawa, Bali, NTB yang ditargetkan selesai Juni 2023 yang mencakup 138 kota kabupaten. Kemudian dilanjutkan implementasi di Pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi ditargetkan selesai Juli 2023 yang mencakup 273 kota kabupaten," terangnya.

Dia mengatakan, pihaknya menggunakan data P3KE sebagai acuan penerima LPG 3 kg karena datanya terus diperbaharui.

"Kenapa kita memakai P3KE karena di P3KE mempunyai satgas updating dan P3KE ini sebenarnya bersejarah. P3KE dulunya namanya dari data BKKBN, jadi panjang histori pendataannya," ungkapnya.

Diakuinya, awalnya data yang akan digunakan adalah Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS). Namun, ia melihat data DTKS ada beberapa hal yang harus diperbaiki. Tutuka mengatakan, pihaknya kemudian memutuskan menggunakan kedua data tersebut.

"Kemudian kami gunakan dua-duanya aja dengan P3KE. Sekarang kalau kami lihat DTKS juga membaik, membaik dengan updating itu, jadi kami menggunakan dua-duanya. Kita tidak mempunyai basis data lagi antara dua itu," jelasnya.

Rencana implementasi kebijakan pembatasan di tahun depan itu dikonfirmasi Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) Kementerian ESDM Tutuka Ariadji.

"Ya kurang lebih begitu," ujarnya saat ditemui di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, hari Rabu, 14/06/2023.

Nantinya, masyakarat yang berhak dan telah terdaftar dalam data P3KE tersebut hanya perlu menunjukkan identitas alias KTP apabila ingin membeli Elpiji 3 kg.

Tutuka menuturkan, mulanya data yang digunakan adalah Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS) dari Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos). Namun, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperbaiki dalam data DTKS, sehingga pemerintah turut melibatkan data P3KE.

"Kami memakai P3KE karena di P3KE mempunyai satgas updating, dan P3KE ini sebenarnya bersejarah, dulunya dari data BKKBN, jadi panjang histori pendataannya," papar dia. Ia menambahkan, tujuan pendataan ini untuk memastikan penyaluran Elpiji 3 kg bisa tepat sasaran. Terlebih, konsumsi gas subsidi tersebut trennya terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.

Pada 2018 realiasinya tercatat mencapai 6,53 juta metrik ton (MT), di 2019 sebanyak 6,84 juta MT, 2020 sebanyak 7,14 juta MT, 2021 sebanyak 7,46 juta MT, serta 2022 sebanyak 7,80 juta MT.

Sementara realisasi di tahun ini, hingga Mei 2023 penyalurannya sudah mencapai 3,32 juta MT. Realisasi itu setara 41,6 persen dari kuota yang ditetapkan pemerintah untuk 2023.

Untuk tahun depan, Kementerian ESDM telah mengusulkan kuota Elpiji 3 kg sebanyak 8,2-8,3 juta MT. Kuota itu naik dari yang ditetapkan dalam APBN 2023 sebanyak 8 juta MT.

"Kami sebenarnya ingin satu, yaitu jadi tepat sasaran. Jadi kalau banyak mengalir untuk warung makan besar, itu kita ada menduga beberapa (disalurkan) ke tempat seperti itu. Soalnya kayaknya kok kurang terus Elpiji-nya," ungkap Tutuka.

Untuk diketahui, realisasi penyaluran LPG 3 kg alias LPG tabung melon bersubsidi terus mengalami kenaikan. Kondisi tersebut berbanding terbalik dengan realisasi penyaluran LPG non subsidi yang terus mengalami penurunan.

Tutuka menyebutkan, realisasi penyaluran LPG 3 kg tahun 2018 sebesar 6,53 juta metrik ton (MT), tahun 2019 6,84 juta MT, tahun 2020 7,14 juta MT, tahun 2021 7,46 juta, dan tahun 2022 7,80 juta MT.

"Dan 2023 hingga Mei penyaluran 3,32 juta MT dari kuota 8 juta MT," katanya.

Sementara, realisasi penyaluran LPG non PSO pada tahun 2019 sebanyak 0,66 juta MT, tahun 2020 sebanyak 0,62 juta MT, tahun 2021 0,60 juta MT, dan tahun 2022 sebanyak 0,46 juta ton.

Kemudian, realisasi hingga Mei sebanyak 0,15 juta MT. "Adapun penyaluran LPG non PSO Mei 2023 sebesar 0,15 juta MT," katanya.

Kapal Api Group Indonesia Open 2023 - Ginting Jojo ke 16 Besar

Kapal Api Group Indonesia Open 2023 - Ginting Jojo ke 16 Besar

Kapal Api Group Indonesia Open 2023 - Ginting Jojo ke 16 Besar

Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti saat bertanding di babak 32 besar Indonesia Open 2023 di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (14/6/2023). (Istimewa/Tim Humas dan Media PP PBSI)

Hari kedua Babak32 besar Kapal Api Group Indobesia Open 2023, wakil Indonesia, di tunggal putra, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting dan Jonatan Christie, ganda putra, Ahsan/Hendra dan Pramudya/Yeremia, nomor ganda putri, Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti, ganda campuran, Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari dan Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti lolos ke babak 16.

Ganda campuran Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti ke babak 16 besar usai pasangan berjuluk Honey Couple itu menang atas wakil Malaysia, Chan Peng Soon/Cheah Yee See dengan skor 21-16, 21-9.

Pertandingan berlangsung di Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, hari Rabu, 14/06/2023, Praveen/Melati yang runner up Hylo Open 2021 itu mengaku tidak menyangka bisa lolos ke 16 besar turnamen BWF Super 1000.

Pasangan gannda campuran yang berakronim 'Pramel' di Indonesia Open edisi tahun 2022, pasangan ini urung tampil seusai Praveen mengalami cedera di bagian punggung. Saat itu Praveen/Melati mundur di babak 16 besar saat menghadapi wakil Malaysia, Cheng Tang Jie/Valeree Siow.

Tidak heran dengan kemenangan ini, runner up Indonesia International Series 2022 disyukuri oleh keduanya.

"Tidak menyangka bisa meraih kemenangan di laga ini. Pada Indonesia Open 2022 saya mengalami cedera," ungkap Praveen dikutip dari keterangan resmi PP PBSI setelah pertandingan.

"Sebelumnya kami juga sudah pernah bertemu mereka. Jadi sudah mengetahui kelemahan dan kekuatan mereka masing-masing," tambah Praveen.

Senada dengan Praveen, Melati juga bersyukur dengan kemenangan yang diraih. Pemain kelahiran 28 Oktober 1994 itu menyebut kemenangan yang diraih berkat persiapan yang telah dilakukan selama ini.

"Bersyukur bisa meraih kemenangan. Kami sebelumnya juga meraih kemenangan saat di Spain Masters 2023 silam," tambah Melati.

Dengan hasil ini, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti berhadapan dengan wakil Hong Kong, Tang Chun Man/Tse Ying Suet. Runner up Indonesia Masters 2021 itu maju ke 16 besar Indonesia Open 2023 seusai mengatasi perlawanan wakil Korea Selatan, Kim Won Ho/Jeong Na Eun dengan skor 21-8, 14-21, 21-10.

Menghadapi 16 partai besar, juara All England 2020 itu bertekad meraih hasil positif mengingat sedang dalam performa terbaik.

"Kami sudah pernah sebelumnya berhadapan dengan mereka. Saya sedang dalam kondisi terbaik di sini dan siap memberikan hasil yang terbaik untuk besok," pungkas Praveen.

Sementara tunggal putra Indonesia, Jonatan Christie hanya membutuhkan waktu 39 menit untuk lolos ke 16 besar. Jojo menang mudah 21-17, 21-10 atas Tsuneyama di Istoran Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, pada hari Rabu, 14/06/2023.

"Puji Tuhan bisa kembali ke Istora dan bermain di rumah dengan atmosfer yang luar biasa dari suporter," ujar tunggal putra yang karib dipanggil Jojo itu dinukil dari Antara.

"Setiap pertandingan awal pasti ada ketegangan di Indonesia Open 2023. Saya juga merasakan itu. Lalu saya lebih enjoy lagi menikmati gim kedua dan menang," imbuh Jonatan.

"Sebenarnya tadi di awal sedikit cukup terbawa pola main Tsuneyama yang mainnya satu-satu dengan tempo pelan dan bola-bola saya banyak yang membuat posisi Kanta enak melakukan serangan," ungkap Jonatan.

"Pada pertengahan gim pertama, saya mencoba untuk tidak memberikan itu, dan membuat Tsuneyama sedikit kewalahan."

"Pada gim kedua, saya berusaha untuk lebih percaya diri lagi, menikmati pertandingan, dan saya mendapatkan momen-momennya," kata pebulutangkis nomor tujuh dunia tersebut.

Di babak 16 besar nanti, dua ganda Indonesia akan saling berhadapan, Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan akan berhadapan dengan Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan.

Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan melaju ke babak 16 besar usai mengalahkan wakil Inggris, Ben Lane/Sean Vendy di babak 32 besar turnamen bulutangkis Indonesia Open 2023.

Berlaga di Istora Senayan, Jakarta pada hari ini, hari Rabu, 14/06/2023, The Prayer, sebutan Pramudya/Yeremia menang lewat pertarungan rubber set dengan perolehan skor 21-15 di set pertama, 13-21 di set kedua, dan 21-14 di tim terakhir.

Sedangkan ganda putra Ahsan/Hendra lolos ke babak 16 besar usai mengalahkan wakil Thailand, Supak Jomkoh/Kittinupong Kedren dengan straight set, dengan skor 21-16 dan 21-17 di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, hari Rabu, 14/06/2023.

"Ini jadi pertemuan pertama kali melawan pasangan Thailand. Tidak mudah untuk menang melawan mereka yang punya pertahanan rapat,” kata Hendra.

“Kami bermain dengan sabar tidak mau terburu-buru dalam menyerang lawan,” ujar Hendra.

Rekap Hasil Babak ke 32 Besar Kapal Api Group Indonesia Open 2023

West very afraid new, large-scale war will break out, Lukashenko says

West very afraid new, large-scale war will break out, Lukashenko says

West very afraid new, large-scale war will break out, Lukashenko says

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko ©Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

Despite its latest steps, the West is very afraid about the possibility of a new large-scale war or a nuclear disaster, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with the 60 Minutes talk show on Rossiya-1 television.

"I have met with people playing an important role in this, who make radical, drastic and final decisions in the event of an `if’,’" Lukashenko said. "What they fear most is a nuclear disaster, and they have been sincere about this. They are afraid of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. It’s only natural," he added.

Minsk does not want things to play out that way either, Lukashenko assured. "We are not seeking that either, and we, too, are afraid. Because this, experts say, could cause a global catastrophe, and this planet may deorbit, if all these weapons explode," he maintained.

According to Lukashenko, Russia may use nukes, if the enemy invades its territory or if this act of aggression threatens the existence of the state. He urged talks as long as there is an opportunity for them, but the West, he said, has been banning Ukraine from engaging in any.

"I am confident and I have it on good information that the overwhelming majority in Ukraine, including the military who has been fighting and getting killed over there, would like to stop this war now," the Belarusian leader maintained. "But then there are those hyped-up top-level officials led by [Ukrainian President] Volodya Zelensky. He is a `hero’ now, touring the globe. He is being kissed, hugged and all that. I thought he was smarter," Lukashenko lamented.

Lukashenko outlines how Belarus could enter Ukraine conflict

Belarus is prepared to join the conflict in Ukraine if the republic ever becomes the target of aggression, President Alexander Lukashenko declared on Wednesday. He noted that his country had enough power to respond to any serious intervention.

Speaking to the Russia 1 TV channel, Lukashenko explained that his country was peaceful and had had enough wars throughout its history. However, he also warned that it would not hesitate to respond and “strongly enter [the conflict] if aggression is committed against us.”

“We have enough power to respond,” the president said, adding that he will not allow the ten million Belarusians and three million Russians who live in the country to be torn to pieces. “That’s 13 million people. I am responsible for them,” he noted.

When asked to define what he meant by “aggression,” Lukashenko clarified that his primary ‘red line’ was a full-scale incursion into Belarus, adding that he believes such an attack could potentially come from Poland, Ukraine, or any of the Baltic states.

Minsk had previously accused NATO members bordering Belarus of keeping an excessive number of troops in positions that could indicate preparation for an attack.

The president noted, however, that he did not consider attacks such as those committed by Ukrainian saboteurs on the Belarusian Machulishchy air field and Russia’s Belgorod Region this year to be genuine acts of aggression and called them mere “provocations” that were being dealt with.

“This is a very tangible, strong provocation, where we are not doing enough. But now we have begun to address it and have delved into this nasty, unpleasant problem,” Lukashenko said, noting that the saboteurs are “already afraid of coming in groups.”

The Belarusian leader also pointed out that he had never been asked by Russian President Vladimir Putin to participate in the military operation in Ukraine.

Elsewhere in the interview, Lukashenko also explained that the deployment of Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus was done at the “friendly request” of Minsk and was not in any way imposed by Moscow. He stated that he had asked for the weapons as a deterrent and warned that Belarus would not hesitate to use them if it was attacked.

“Nobody has ever gone to war with a nuclear state, and I don’t want anyone to go to war with us," he said. "Is there such a threat? Yes. I have to counter this threat."

Sri Lanka, Russia’s Rosatom to Build Nuclear Plant Together - Ambassador

Sri Lanka has reached a deal with Russian nuclear giant Rosatom to build a nuclear power plant that may run two reactors and generate 300 megawatts of energy, the Sri Lankan ambassador in Russia said Wednesday.

"We will go for a nuclear power plant … There are options actually … two sources, 300 megawatts," Janitha Abeywickrema Liyanage told Sputnik on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The ambassador said that having its own power plant would allow the Indian Ocean island nation to overcome the energy crisis. The government will speed up the approval process to begin the construction in the near future.

"There is a proposal and there is approval to follow the procedures from the Sri Lankan cabinet, and the International Atomic Energy Agency is also now looking at it, and they have set up certain working groups. Rosatom has set up four working groups in four different areas," she said.

Russia not to extend grain deal unless agreements enforced by July 17 — Lavrov

The extension of the grain deal is out of the question unless the package of agreements is enforced, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the 46th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), according to a statement released on the ministry’s website.

"I have to state again that any further extension is out of the question unless the Istanbul package [of agreements] is enforced as it was initiated by UN Secretary-General [Antonio Guterres], by July 17," he said.

Meanwhile, Lavrov noted that the package of agreements signed on July 22, 20222, is still being implemented only regarding the supply of Ukrainian grain. "Part of the package on the Russian ammonia is not working," he said, adding that "there is no progress either in the implementation of the Russia-UN memorandum aimed at ensuring the real withdrawal of Russian agriculture products and fertilizers from illegal unilateral Western sanctions."

The Ukrainian part of the grain deal has long been turned into a commercial project, with only around 3% of grain flowing to poorest countries, Lavrov stressed. "The Ukrainian part of the Black Sea initiative turned into a commercial project long ago. The statistics of the Joint coordination center shows that only around 3% flow to poorest countries," the minister said.

LIVE UPDATES - Kiev Loses About 7,500 Troops In Attack In Three Directions

LIVE UPDATES - Kiev Loses About 7,500 Troops In Attack In Three Directions

LIVE UPDATES - Kiev Loses About 7,500 Troops In Attack In Three Directions

©Russian Defence Ministry/TASS

The Ukrainian military has lost about 7,500 troops killed and wounded since June 4 in its attempts to attack in the south Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Donetsk areas, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Wednesday.

During the last 24-hour period, Ukrainian troops made unsuccessful attempts to attack in the south Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Donetsk directions and continued sustaining heavy losses among personnel and military equipment, the general told a briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine.

"In all, Ukrainian troops have lost about 7,500 personnel killed and wounded at the frontline alone since June 4, without counting soldiers destroyed in strikes by Russia’s long-range precision weapons and aircraft deep into Ukrainian territory," Konashenkov said.

Russian forces hit Ukrainian army reserves, mercenaries’ sites by precision weapons

Russian forces delivered precision strikes by seaborne and airborne weapons targeting Ukrainian army reserves, mercenaries’ deployment sites, foreign arms and equipment depots in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"At night, Russian forces delivered multiple strikes by seaborne and airborne long-range precision weapons against the amassment areas of the Ukrainian army’s reserves and foreign mercenaries, and also foreign-made ammunition, armament and military equipment depots. All the designated targets were destroyed. The goal of the strikes was achieved," the spokesman said.

Russian forces neutralize three Ukrainian subversive groups in Kupyansk area

Russian forces neutralized three Ukrainian subversive groups and destroyed roughly 30 enemy troops in the Kupyansk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, the activity of three Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance groups was thwarted near the settlements of Sinkovka, Berestovoye and Artyomovka in the Kharkov Region by strikes of attack and army aircraft, artillery fire and active operations by units of the western battlegroup. As many as 30 Ukrainian troops, an armored combat vehicle, two motor vehicles, a US-manufactured M109 Paladin motorized artillery system and a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery gun were destroyed in that direction in the past 24 hours," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminate Ukrainian saboteurs in Krasny Liman area

Russian forces eliminated a Ukrainian subversive group in the Donetsk People’s Republic in the Krasny Liman area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Grigorovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance group was eliminated," the spokesman said.

Aircraft and artillery of Russia’s battlegroup Center inflicted damage on the enemy units near the settlements of Nevskoye and Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Terny and Torskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Serebryansky forestry, the general specified.

"As many as 60 Ukrainian personnel, an infantry fighting vehicle, two pickup trucks, a Gvozdika motorized artillery system, a D-20 howitzer and a Grad multiple rocket launcher were destroyed in that area in the past 24 hours," he said.

Russian forces destroy over 205 Ukrainian troops in Donetsk area

Russian forces destroyed over 205 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"During the battles, the Ukrainian army’s losses amounted to over 205 personnel, two armored combat vehicles, seven motor vehicles, and two D-20 howitzers," the spokesman said.

In addition, Russian forces destroyed ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army’s 45th artillery and 57th motorized infantry brigades near Seversk Maliy and Chasov Yar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the general reported.

Russian forces repulse Ukrainian attacks near Vremevka in DPR

Russian forces repulsed attacks by two Ukrainian motorized infantry companies at the Vremevka salient in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"At the Vremevka salient near the settlement of Makarovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the attacks by two Ukrainian motorized infantry companies supported by four tanks and 11 armored combat vehicles were repelled by self-sacrificing and professional actions of defending units from the battlegroup East, air strikes and artillery fire. Four enemy tanks and seven armored combat vehicles were destroyed in the battles," the spokesman said.

Near the settlement of Prechistovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Russian forces successfully repelled attacks by two Ukrainian company tactical groups. The enemy’s losses amounted to five tanks and five armored combat vehicles, the general reported.

"In areas near the settlements of Rovnopol in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Levadnoye in the Zaporozhye Region and the Oktyabr state farm, Russian forces destroyed five enemy tanks," he said.

Kiev loses over 800 troops in Zaporozhye, south Donetsk areas in past day The Ukrainian military lost over 800 troops, 20 tanks and two US-made howitzers in the south Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day, Konashenkov said.

"In all, the enemy’s losses in the south Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions in the past 24 hours amounted to over 800 Ukrainian personnel, 20 tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, 15 armored combat vehicles, two US-made M777 artillery systems, a Msta-B howitzer, a D-30 howitzer and a Grad multiple rocket launcher," the spokesman said.

Russian forces thwart Ukrainian army attack in Zaporozhye area

Russian forces thwarted a Ukrainian attack in the Zaporozhye area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Zaporozhye direction, strikes by assault aircraft foiled an attack by units of the Ukrainian army’s 128th mountain assault brigade near the settlement of Zherebyanki in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

Near the settlement of Novoandreyevka in the Zaporozhye Region, an artillery ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 65th mechanized brigade was obliterated, the general reported.

Russian forces destroy Ukrainian air defense radar in Zaporozhye area

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian air defense radar in the Zaporozhye area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Near the city of Zaporozhye, a P-18 aerial target detection and tracking radar was destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 50 Ukrainian troops, artillery gun in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 50 Ukrainian troops and a motorized artillery system in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson direction, as many as 50 Ukrainian personnel, nine motor vehicles and an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of damage inflicted by firepower," the spokesman said.

In the past 24 hours, operational/tactical and army aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groupings of forces struck 107 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 137 areas, the general said.

Russian air defenses intercept two Storm Shadow cruise missiles in Ukraine operation

Russian air defense forces intercepted two Storm Shadow cruise missiles, four rockets of the US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and shot down 20 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities of the Russian Aerospace Forces intercepted two Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles and four rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system," the spokesman said.

In addition, Russian air defense systems destroyed 20 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Sladkaya Balka in the Zaporozhye Region, Zhovtnevoye in the Kharkov Region and Valeryanovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the general reported.

Russian forces cripple over 5,100 field artillery guns in Ukraine operation

Russian forces have destroyed over 5,100 Ukrainian field artillery guns and mortars since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, the general said.

"In all, the following targets have been destroyed since the start of the special military operation: 442 aircraft, 238 helicopters, 4,605 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 surface-to-air missile systems, 9,982 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,124 multiple rocket launchers, 5,111 field artillery guns and mortars and 10,947 special military motor vehicles," Konashenkov reported.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Russian soldiers seize American Bradleys and German Leopard (VIDEO)

Russian soldiers seize American Bradleys and German Leopard (VIDEO)

Russian soldiers seize American Bradleys and German Leopard (VIDEO)

Credit: The Russian Defense Ministry

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage which it said shows Russian troops in Zaporozhye Region inspecting NATO-supplied armor that they captured from its Ukrainian operators.

The video released on Tuesday appears to show an excited Russian soldier circling several damaged pieces of equipment, including a German-made Leopard 2 main battle tank and US-produced Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. He remarked that some of their engines were still running.

“This [explicit] hardware is not as scary as it seemed,” the man is heard saying.

The ministry, which shared the clip on social media, called the Western vehicles “our trophies” and argued that the condition in which they were found “indicates the rapid pace of the engagement and the abandonment of the battle-ready hardware by the Ukrainian armed forces.”

As Kiev was preparing for its counteroffensive against Russia, Western nations supplied it with dozens of armored vehicles, including main battle tanks. Ukrainian officials, including Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov, touted the donated “panzerfist” as a gamechanger in the conflict.

The operation was finally launched last week and has so far failed to bring any dramatic changes on the frontline. Moscow says it has thwarted all Ukrainian attempts to break through its defensive lines.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the losses of the Ukrainian army “impressive” and blamed the country’s government for taking actions that pushed the situation to the current “tragic” state.

Russian Missile System S-350 Destroys Real Target Automatically for First Time

Russian air defense complex S-350 Vityaz has automatically destroyed a real air target for the first time ever, during combat operations in the area of Moscow's special military operation in Ukraine, Russian Industry Minister Denis Manturov told Sputnik.

"Just recently, [Russian metallurgy and heavy machine-building] Obukhov Plant has announced that the S-350 Vityaz anti-aircraft missile system, hit a target in the area of the special operation [in Ukraine] in automatic mode for the first time in the world, using artificial intelligence without the participation of the human," Manturov said.

Russian air defense systems are currently the only systems in the world capable of destroying hypersonic missiles, which, again, only Russian armed forces have at their service, the minister added.

In late May, a source familiar with the matter told Sputnik that Vityaz had performed fully automatic detection, tracking and destruction of Ukrainian combat aircraft and drones in the area of the special operation for the first time ever. The automatic mode was implemented through the principle of non-interference by humans in decisions made by AI, the source added.