Thursday, 29 June 2023

Masjid Istiqlal - Distribusi Daging Kurban Kini Lewat Yayasan Terverifikasi

Masjid Istiqlal - Distribusi Daging Kurban Kini Lewat Yayasan Terverifikasi

Masjid Istiqlal - Distribusi Daging Kurban Kini Lewat Yayasan Terverifikasi

Pelakaana tugas (Plt) Ketua Harian Masjid Istiqlal Laksma (Purn) Asep Saepudin di Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta,hari Kamis 29/06/2023.(

Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Ketua Harian Masjid Istiqlal Asep Saepudin mengatakan, distribusi daging kurban akan dilakukan secara ketat dan hanya kepada yayasan, bukan perorangan. Ini dilakukan untuk menghindari penerima daging fiktif.

"Ada tahun lalu kami temukan, (penerima) itu fiktif. Nah, itu sebabnya (distribusi daging) pakai yayasan," kata Asep seusai Shalat Id, pada hari Kamis 29/06/2023.

Yayasan atau lembaga dhuafa yang ingin mendapatkan daging juga akan melewati proses verifikasi pengajuan proposal, baik administrasi dan juga fisik.

"Pernah pengalaman juga, jadi yayasan atau panti asuhan dan panti jompo, kirim proposal, kemudian kami verifikasi. Setelah diverifikasi secara fisik, no (tidak ada), tapi suratnya ada," ucap dia.

"Nah, itu sebabnya kami ada tim audit. Jadi setiap melaksanakan, kami periksa dan cek," sambung Asep.

Adapun, Masjid Istiqlal juga memastikan tidak ada pemotongan hewan kurban pada Hari Raya Idul Adha, hari Kamis, 29/06/2023. Prosesi penyembelihan hewan kurban itu akan dilakukan hari Sabtu, 01/07/2023.

"Pertimbangannya supaya masyarakat itu antusias menikmati hewan kurban dulu dari tempat masing-masing," kata Asep.

Pertimbangan lainnya adalah karena pihak Masjid Istiqlal ingin fokus dengan pelaksanaan shalat Id supaya berjalan tertib dan nyaman.

Selain itu, penyembelihan di hari Sabtu dilakukan karena di hari Jumat waktunya lebih pendek, mengingat waktu penyembelihan akan terpotong dengan pelaksanaan shalat Jumat.

"Penjagal juga bisa menyiapkan dirinya untuk hari Sabtu. Kami inginnya full dari pagi sampai sore dan alhamdulillah sebetulnya hari Sabtu, Minggu dan Senin, masih Hari Tasyrik (hari yang jatuh pada setelah Idul Adha di hari ke 11,12 dan 13)," ucap Asep.

"Dan kalau hari Sabtu itu juga banyak yang meminta kepada kami, supaya yany mengirimkaj sapi itu juga bisa menyaksikan (proses penyembelihan hewan kurban)," sambung dia.

Pihak Masjid Istiqlal sendiri sudah menerima total 43 ekor sapi dan 8 ekor kambing per Kamis ini. Pihaknya juga masih menerima sapi dan kambing untuk warga yang memang ingin berkurban.

"Sampai tiga hari ke depan, kami panitia masih stand by," imbuh dia.

Wapres Ma'ruf Amin ajak masyarakat mampu untuk tidak lupa berkurban

Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin menunaikan shalat Idul Adha di Masjid Istiqlal, Jakarta Pusat. Usai shalat Idul Adha, Wapres Ma'ruf Amin menyerahkan sapi kurban miliknya dan Presiden Jokowi ke Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta, Kamis, 29/06/2023.

Momen Idul Adha, Presiden shalat bersama masyarakat Yogya

Presiden Joko Widodo melaksanakan shalat Idul Adha 1444 H di halaman Istana Kepresidenan Gedung Agung Yogyakarta, hari Kamis, 29/06/2023. Dalam momentum itu, Presiden beribadah bersama masyarakat sekitar.

Presiden Joko Widodo bersama Ibu Negara Iriana Joko Widodo melaksanakan shalat Idul Adha 1444 Hijriah di halaman Istana Kepresidenan Yogyakarta pada Kamis, 29 Juni 2023. Presiden Jokowi menempati saf paling depan sementara Ibu Iriana menempati tempat yang telah ditentukan bagi jemaah wanita di sebelah kiri.

Presiden Jokowi mengenakan kemeja putih, sarung warna hitam dengan corak putih serta kopiah hitam. Presiden Jokowi duduk di samping Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) Anwar Usman, yang juga ipar Presiden.

Sebelum shalat Idul Adha dilaksanakan, takbir dan tahmid terus dilantunkan dipimpin oleh Maulana Hasbulloh sebagai bilal.

Shalat Idul Adha dimulai tepat pukul 06.30 WIB dipimpin oleh imam Jauhar Mustofa yang sehari-hari bertugas sebagai Kepala Bidang Urusan Agama Islam di Kantor Wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Kementerian Agama.

Adapun khotbah juga disampaikan Jauhar Mustofa dengan tema "Semangat Berkurban dan Ketaatan Nabi Ismail AS".

"Hikmah dari disyariatkannya Idul Adha dan berkurban yang dapat diambil dari kisah nabi Ibrahim dan Ismail dalam menjalankan perintah Allah adalah pertama menjaga totalitas dalam beribadah dan menjaga syariatnya, totalitas dalam menjalankan ketaatan dan menaati perintah Allah dan rasulnya," kata Jauhar.

Pelajaran kedua adalah menambah keimanan dan ketakwaan kepada Allah SWT, menambah keyakinan dan rasa berserah diri kepada Allah SWT kepada takdir ketentuan Allah.

"Ketiga keyakinan kepada Allah SWT pasti akan mengganti harta yang kita gunakan untuk berkorban dengan yang lebih baik, lebih banyak dan lebih berkah. Keempat, berbagi dengan kaum duafa, masyarakat lingkungan dengan dilandasi bahwa segala sesuatu adalah milik Allah dan semua akan kembali kepada Allah sebagai pemberi rezeki dan kenikmatan," ungkap Jauhar.

Pelajaran kelima yaitu, harta hanya titipan dan amanah dari Tuhan yang harus dijaga, dikelola, ditunaikan dengan sebaik-baiknya bagi kemaslahatan umat. Keenam, semua manusia sama di hadapan Allah SWT hanya kadar keimanan dan ketaatan yang membedakan satu dan lain.

"Ketujuh, adanya syariat haji, kewajiban haji dan berkurban bagi yang mampu secara materi fisik dan kesehatan adalah ketetapan rezeki dan rahmat karunia-Nya yang tak terhingga untuk menambah rasa syukur kita," tambah Jauhar.

Selain dihadiri oleh Presiden Jokowi dan keluarga, ratusan masyarakat umum juga mengikuti shalat Id dengan khusyuk.

Selesai menunaikan shalat Idul Adha, sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB, Presiden Jokowi dan Ibu Iriana kembali ke Gedung Agung. Sambil berjalan, Presiden menyempatkan menyapa jemaah di beberapa saf terdepan.

Pada Idul Adha tahun ini, Presiden Jokowi juga menyerahkan 38 ekor sapi ke 38 provinsi dengan bobot bervariasi antara 900 kg - 1,2 ton.

Pilgrims reach Mina, perform stoning ritual at Jamarat Bridge

Pilgrims reach Mina, perform stoning ritual at Jamarat Bridge

Pilgrims reach Mina, perform stoning ritual at Jamarat Bridge

This year’s Hajj pilgrims reached Jamarat Bridge on Wednesday as they advanced through Mina for the final rite, the stoning of the devil, on the first day of Tashreeq.

About 2 million pilgrims made their way to the massive multistory complex in Mina from Muzdalifah, where they had camped overnight. After dawn (Fajr) prayer they carried out the ritual, which involves throwing 21 pebbles at the three large columns.

It is here that Muslims believe the devil tried to talk the Prophet Ibrahim out of submitting to God’s will.

Traditionally, seven pebbles are thrown at a post representing the devil. But since 2004, it has been replaced by walls to accommodate the rising numbers of pilgrims

Security guards sprayed the pilgrims with water as they braved the searing heat to reach the Jamarat complex. This year’s Hajj pilgrimage has seen temperatures as high as 45 degrees Celsius.

The pilgrims arrived en masse to take part in the stone throwing. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
The pilgrims arrived en masse to take part in the stone throwing. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (SPA)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)

The huge crowds lined up to perform the rite, many holding umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun. Clad in the ihram — a seamless pieces of white cloth — the pilgrims said, “Allah-u Akbar” (“God is the greatest”) each time they cast a pebble.

The ihram symbolizes equality, religious unity and pursuit of spiritual renewal.

Hamoon Naimi, a pilgrim from Afghanistan, told Arab News: “This is my first trip to Saudi Arabia. Jamarat is very busy but I did my rite. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and I enjoyed it.”

Ahmad Zia, from Canada, said: “Today is a good day as a Muslim to complete four phases of the Hajj at Mina, Arfat, Muzdalifah and Jamarat.

“I came from Arafat to Muzdalifah and to Mina. I hit the big devil at Jamratul Akbar, will do the sacrifice, then cut my hair and change my cloth. The next day I will come back because this is the history of Prophet Ibrahim.”

Indian pilgrim Mohammad Salim Basha said his experience at Jamarat was “very pleasant” and that he hoped to return to Makkah next year for the Hajj.

After finishing the stoning of the devil ritual, male pilgrims traditionally shave or cut their hair and change out of their ihram. Women cut a lock of their hair.

Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)
Pilgrims take part in the stone throwing at pillars in the Jamarat Al-Aqaba which represents the stoning of the devil. (AN Photo/Huda Bashatah)

The pilgrims then return to Makkah to do Tawaf, the circumambulation of the Kaaba.

Hajj lasts for five days and officially begins on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah, soon after the dawn prayers, which are performed in Makkah. The pilgrims then travel to Mina, which is about 8 km away

They spend the day and night in Mina praying, reciting verses and praising the Almighty. They then make their way to Arafat and on to Muzdalifah, where they spend the night out in the open and gather pebbles for the stoning ritual.

After dawn prayers on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, the pilgrims leave Muzdalifah and proceed to Jamarat, where they stone the three pillars representing the devil. Women and older pilgrims can delegate this responsibility to a male in their spiritual journey.

Protesters burn AlQuran at Stockholm Mosque on Eid holiday

Protesters burn AlQuran at Stockholm Mosque on Eid holiday

Protesters burn AlQuran at Stockholm Mosque on Eid holiday

Police officers intervene after people's reaction as demonstrators burn the Koran (not pictured) outside Stockholm's central mosque in Stockholm, Sweden June 28, 2023. TT News Agency/Caisa Rasmussen/via REUTERS

A man tore up and burned an AlQuran outside Stockholm's central mosque on Wednesday, an event that risks angering Turkey as Sweden bids to join NATO, after Swedish police granted permission for the protest to take place.

Police later charged the man with agitation against an ethnic or national group.

A series of demonstrations in Sweden against Islam and for Kurdish rights have offended Ankara, whose backing Sweden needs to gain entry to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Sweden sought NATO membership in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. But alliance member Turkey has held up the process, accusing Sweden of harbouring people it considers terrorists and demanding their extradition.

Turkish foreign minister Hakan Fidan condemned the act in a tweet, adding that it was unacceptable to allow anti-Islam protests in the name of freedom of expression.

Hakan Fidan tweet :"I condemn the vile action in #Sweden against our Holy Book, the Holy Qur'an, on the first day of the Eid-al-Adha! It is unacceptable to allow these anti-Islamic actions under the pretext of freedom of expression. To condone such atrocious acts is to be complicit."

Some 200 onlookers witnessed one of the two organisers tearing up pages of a copy of the Koran and wiping his shoes with it before putting bacon in it and setting the book on fire, whilst the other protester spoke into a megaphone.

Some of those present shouted 'God is great' in Arabic to protest against the burning, and one man was detained by police after he attempted to throw a rock.

A supporter of the demonstration shouted "let it burn" as the holy book caught on fire.

After the burning, police charged the man who set fire to the Koran with agitation against an ethnic or national group and with a violation of a ban on fires that has been in place in Stockholm since mid-June.

While Swedish police have rejected several recent applications for anti-Koran demonstrations, courts have overruled those decisions, saying they infringed on freedom of speech.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said at a press conference on Wednesday he would not speculate about how the protest could affect Sweden's NATO process.

"It's legal but not appropriate," he said, adding that it was up to the police to make decisions on Koran burnings.

One of the two people who took part is Salwan Momika, who in a recent newspaper interview described himself as an Iraqi refugee seeking to ban the Koran.

Representatives of the mosque were disappointed by the police decision to grant permission for the protest on the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, mosque director and Imam Mahmoud Khalfi said on Wednesday.

"The mosque suggested to the police to at least divert the demonstration to another location, which is possible by law, but they chose not to do so," Khalfi said in a statement.

Up to 10,000 visitors attend Stockholm's mosque for the Eid celebrations every year, according to Khalfi.

Turkey in late January suspended talks with Sweden on its NATO application after a Danish far-right politician burned a copy of the Koran near the Turkish embassy in Stockholm.

Video shows the moment a man tore up and burned a Koran outside Stockholm's central mosque, an event that risks angering Turkey as Sweden bids to join NATO, after Swedish police granted permission for the protest to take place

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Russia can’t give up goals of special military operation in Ukraine — Lavrov

Russia can’t give up goals of special military operation in Ukraine — Lavrov

Russia can’t give up goals of special military operation in Ukraine — Lavrov

© Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

Russia can’t give up the goals of its special military operation in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

The minister said Russian President Vladimir Putin "in the past few days has spoken at length to give an assessment of the current situation, especially stressing that, as we overcame the attempted mutiny, we haven’t made the slightest concessions with respect to the goals of the special military operation and haven’t lost any positions on the battlefield...."

"It’s impossible to give them up - the goals that have been set," Lavrov said on Channel One.

The minister said that Russia cannot change its approaches to the conduct of the special operation as long as the West is purposefully creating threats to Russia’s security, funneling lethal weapons into Ukraine, and as long as "the destruction of all things Russian in Ukraine continues to be their stated goal."

Russia can no longer rely on agreements with West, Sergey Lavrov says

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called the relations between Russia and the West a "fight of worlds," because Moscow can no longer rely on previously achieved agreements, including legally binding ones.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has said it repeatedly that we are open for cooperation. But, in regards to our former Western partners, we can no longer rely on agreements with them, including legally binding ones. It is a ‘fight of worlds,’ of sorts," the minister said on Russian TV Wednesday.

The Minister noted that, after the speech of the Russian representative to the International Monetary Fund Alexey Mozhin, many countries started asking a question of "what if the Americans dislike our behavior tomorrow?"

According to Lavrov, these thoughts will make any self-respecting nation that wants to live by its traditions to follow Russia’s example and to fight for sovereignty in key areas that functioning of states depend on.

Lavrov says he had no hope-inspiring communication with West recently

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday said he had held no conversations with Western officials lately that he saw as inspiring hope.

"No, I have had no such communication," he said to a question on the subject on Channel One television.

As an example, Lavrov recalled how then-Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades requested a meeting with him last year during a UN General Assembly session, but then backed out of it.

"We confirmed the meeting, but then they apologized to us and said that the EU advised against him meeting with me," he said.

Lavrov said there were two other similar requests from ministers that he declined to name, who ultimately didn’t go forward with the meetings.

"So, it seems to me, there is some kind of a ban there," he said.

Lavrov said Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto is the exception as they have met and spoken by phone multiple times.

Russian Forces Strike Oil Refining, Fuel Storage Facilities in Ukraine

Russian Forces Strike Oil Refining, Fuel Storage Facilities in Ukraine

Russian Forces Strike Oil Refining, Fuel Storage Facilities in Ukraine

©Russian Ministry of Defense/ Go to the mediabank

The Russian armed forces have carried out strikes at oil refining and fuel storage facilities that support Ukrainian troops in Donbas, all designated targets were hit, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday.

"The Russian Aerospace Forces carried out strikes with high-precision weapons at oil refining and fuel storage facilities to ensure the Ukrainian armed forces' grouping in Donbas. All designated facilities were hit. The purpose of the strike was achieved," the ministry said in a statement.

Decimation of Saboteurs

An Ukrainian sabotage group has been destroyed in the Kherson direction during an attempt to enter the Antonovka island, the Russian Defense Ministry added.

"In the Kherson direction, skillful actions of Russian troops and artillery fire destroyed an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance unit while trying to land and secure the northern part of Antonovka Island,” the ministry said in a statement.

Fruitless Counteroffensive Efforts

Russian troops have repelled five attacks by Ukraine in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours.

Ukrainian troops continued to attempt offensive operations in the Donetsk, South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions over the past day, the ministry added.

"In the course of active defense in the Donetsk direction, units of the Southern Group of [the Russian armed] forces successfully repulsed five enemy attacks in the areas of settlements... in the Donetsk People's Republic," the statement read.

As a result, Ukraine lost 240 military, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, as well as a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery system, the statement read.

Additionally, Russia repelled two attacks by Ukrainian troops near the Vremevka ledge over the past 24 hours, the ministry said, adding that Kiev lost 235 soldiers, two tanks, three armored vehicles and other pieces of military equipment in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions.

Destruction of Ammunition Depots

The Russian military has destroyed a Ukrainian military’s ammunition warehouse in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), the Russian Defense Ministry added.

"A warehouse of missiles and ammunition of the 47th artillery brigade of the armed forces of Ukraine was destroyed near the settlement of Novopavlovka in the Donetsk People's Republic," the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry stressed that Russian forces hit point of temporary deployment of command personnel of the 56th motorized infantry brigade of Ukraine in Kramatorsk.

Watch Russia's UR-77 Meteorit Vehicle Clear Way Through Minefields Toward Krasny Liman

The UR-77 'Meteorit' was nicknamed 'Zmey Gorynych' for the noise it creates when used and for the monstrous force of the blasts it inflicts. 'Zmey Gorynych' is a mythical fire-breathing dragon and one of the main characters in Russian folk tales.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released a video showing a UR-77 Meteorite mine clearing vehicle working in the special op zone.

The clip depicts the moment Russian forces are passing through minefields toward Krasny Liman using the UR-77 'Meteorit' self-propelled mine-clearing rocket launcher. The enemy's stronghold was also destroyed, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Moscow reacts to Kiev’s claim that missile hit pizzeria

Known also as 'Zmey Gorynych', the vehicle uses mine-busting charges to clear out a 90x6m booby-trapped area, so that the tank can pass through. One vehicle is capable of carrying two charges.

Russian officials have denied claims that its military targeted an eatery full of civilians in the city of Kramatorsk. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to the accusations from Kiev by stating that Russia does not attack civilian infrastructure.

Ukraine has blamed Moscow for killing at least ten civilians and injuring more than 60 in a missile strike on Tuesday evening in the Kiev-controlled city of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klimenko claimed that two Russian missiles hit downtown Kramatorsk, with one projectile destroying a pizzeria and causing a large number of casualties.

According to Ukrainian authorities, ten civilians, including three girls aged between 14 and 17, were killed in the city as a result of the strikes that they have blamed on Russia, while more than 60 others were injured.

Talking to journalists on Wednesday, Peskov asserted that Russian strikes “target only objects that are connected to military infrastructure in some way.”

In its daily briefing on the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry reported striking a location in Kramatorsk, which it described as a temporary base of the 56th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Ukrainian security service, SBU, said it had arrested a local resident, whom it suspects of leaking intelligence to Russia before the alleged strike. The agency alleged that the man had sent photos of cars parked near the eatery and suggested that the goal of the strike was to kill civilians en masse.

Since the beginning of the conflict in February last year, Kiev has repeatedly accused Russia of deliberately striking civilian targets. Moscow has denied the allegations, saying that its military makes an effort to mitigate damage to civilians as it works to diminish Ukraine’s military capability.

Russia has also accused the Ukrainian government of launching “terrorist attacks,” including the deadly bombing of the Crimean Bridge last year and multiple assassination attempts against civilians.