The Russian Defense Ministry mentioned that the Ukrainian forces continued to make attempts to conduct offensive operations in Donetsk, Krasny Liman and Kupyansk directions. The Russian military repelled nine attacks in Donetsk and four attacks in the Krasny Liman directions, the ministry added.
The Russian armed forces launched a concentrated strike at sites of temporary deployment of military personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries, as well as at storage sites of Western armored vehicles in Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.
"[On Wednesday night], delivered a concentrated strike using sea-based long-range precision weapons at sites of temporary deployment of personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries, as well as at places of storage of foreign-made armored vehicles. All assigned objects were hit. The target has been reached. The strategic reserves of the enemy suffered significant damage," the ministry said in a statement.
The Ukrainian forces have lost up to 385 soldiers, one tank, two howitzers and two self-propelled gun in the Donetsk direction in the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry stated.
“During the day, up to 385 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, three armored combat vehicles, eight vehicles, two D-20 howitzers, as well as two Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery guns were destroyed,” the ministry said, adding that Kiev lost up to 165 soldiers in South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions.
Ukraine launched its long-advertised counteroffensive in early June after multiple postponements. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian troops continue to try but are failing to advance in three sectors: South Donetsk, Artemovsk (Bakhmut) and Zaporozhye, with the latter being the primary focus.
Russia Returns 45 Soldiers From Ukrainian Captivity After Negotiations
Russia has returned 45 soldiers from the Ukrainian captivity after negotiations with Kiev, the Defense Ministry said.
"On July 6 this year, as a result of the negotiation process, 45 Russian servicemen were returned from the territory controlled by the Kiev regime, who were in mortal danger in captivity," the ministry said in a statement, adding that the soldiers will be taken to health centers for treatment and rehabilitation.
Watch Russian Army Destroy Ukrainian Formation With Preemptive Strike
In recent days, the Russian Army has destroyed dozens of pieces of Ukraine's expensive hardware, including motor vehicles, artillery systems, counter-battery warfare radars, and drone control stations in Kherson area.
Russia's Ministry of Defense has published footage that shows soldiers of the Dnepr group destroying Ukraine's troops and military equipment. This operation thwarted the enemy's attack in Kherson.
Kiev's long-announced counteroffensive started a month ago and as yet, has not reached its goals in any of the directions. Ukrainian militants ran into stalwart Russian defenses and lost numerous troops and combat vehicles, including overhyped Leopard 2 tanks.
According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, this failure testifies to the skill of the Russian army and shows that Ukrainians had “inflated expectations” about Western weaponry.
Don't Mess With This Alligator! How Ka-52 Attack Helicopter Compares to AH-64 Apache
The ongoing Ukrainian conflict, among other things, has helped to highlight a simple fact – Western military hardware is not necessarily superior to the weaponry designed and made by Russia.
In particular, Russia's Ka-52 “Alligator” attack helicopter has proven to be an extremely powerful and versatile weapon, capable of inflicting serious damage upon enemy armored units while at the same time being able to take a beating from air defenses and still return to base.
The following infographic provides a comparison of the characteristics of Ka-52 and AH-65 Apache, a helicopter adopted by the US military in 1984 that has since become the workhorse of several countries.
Uji coba terbatas LRT Jabodebek yang akan melibatkan masyarakat segera dilakukan. Dengan tarif Rp 1, masyarakat umum bisa mencoba naik LRT Jabodebek saat soft launching yang rencananya akan dilakukan pada 12 Juli 2023.
“Jadi nanti 12 Juli sampai 15 Agustus 2023 kami akan soft launching,” kata Manager Public Relations LRT (Light Rail Transit) Jabodebek Kuswardojo saat ditemui di dalam rangkaian LRT Jabodebek, Kamis, 06/07/2023.
Kuswardojo menuturkan, masyarakat yang ingin menggunakan LRT Jabodebek selama masa soft launching harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu. Pendaftaran akan diinformasikan melalui media sosial Instagram @lrt_jabodebek.
“Masyarakat bisa lihat di sana (media sosial LRT Jabodebek) bahwa kita akan menyematkan link pendaftaran,” ucap Kuswardojo.
Hanya masyarakat yang sudah mendapatkan konfirmasi resmi boleh mengikuti uji coba terbatas. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi informasi megenai jaddwal keberangkatan dan pilihan stasiun.
“Karena nantinya ada tiga pilihan stasiun yang mereka bisa pilih tergantung dengan posisi mereka terdekat di mana,” ucap Kuswardojo.
Pilihan stasiun yang dapat dipilih saat masa uji coba terbatas yaitu Jatimulya, Harjamukti, dan Dukuh Atas. Bukti konfirmas dapat ditunjukan kepada petugas yang berada di stasiun.
“Apabila tidak mendapatkan konfirmasi, mohon maaf tidak bisa mengikuti perjalanan soft launching. Konfirmasi nanti kami akan kirimkan melalui WhatsApp atau SMS,” tutur Kuswadojo.
Selanjutnya, bagi masyarakat yang sudah mendapatkan komfirmasi jangan lupa membawa kartu uang elektronik yang masih aktif. Kartu tersebut nantinya akan digunakan di stasiun dengan biaya yang terpotong Rp 1
Pihaknya bakal membuat link pendaftaran dan akan disebarkan melalui media sosial LRT Jabodebek. Link tersebut dapat diakses masyarakat mulai 10 Juli.
"Masyarakat dari Dukuh Atas akan kita antar kembali ke Dukuh Atas. Rp 1 itu untuk perjalanan pulang pergi. Linknya nanti tanggal 10 Juli kita pasang," kata Kuswardojo kepada awak media ketika menumpangi satu trainset LRT Jabodebek dari Stasiun Dukuh Atas ke Stasiun Jatimulya, Kamis (6/7).
Dia menegaskan, tidak ada syarat khusus untuk menjajal moda transportasi terbaru ini. Masyarakat hanya perlu membawa kartu elektronik untuk melakukan tap in dan tap out.
"Kami LRT Jabodebek menyediakan link untuk masyarakat, bisa dilihat dan dipantau di medsos kita. Masukkan nama, alamat, dan stasiun keberangkatan nanti masyarakat yang daftar dapat konfirmasi dari kita," terang dia.
Adapun selama masa uji coba berlangsung, LRT Jabodebek menyiapkan empat rangkaian kereta fan empat perjalanan dalam sehari. Sekali perjalanan LRT Jabodebek akan mengangkut 150 penumpang. Sehingga total penumpang dalam satu hari diperkirakan mencapai 600 orang.
"Dalam sehari kita siapkan 4 perjalanan dengan 150 penumpang setiap perjalannya. Jadi kurang lebih ada 600 orang dalam setiap perjalannya," ungkap dia.
Banjir bandang yang terjadi di Kabupaten Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra) menerjang 15 kelurahan dan desa yang tersebar di 7 kecamatan. Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) melaporkan sebanyak 1.151 kepala keluarga (KK) ikut terdampak.
Menurut data BPBD Kolaka, ribuan KK yang terdampak banjir tersebut tersebar di 15 desa/kelurahan yang terbagi dari tujuh kecamatan di kabupaten tersebut.
"Untuk jumlah jiwa, saya belum data untuk jumlah jiwanya, baru per KK yang kami catat," kata Kepala BPBD Kolaka Akbar melalui telepon dari Kendari, Kamis.
"Banjir di Kolaka terjadi di 7 kecamatan dan total kepala keluarga terdampak sebanyak 1.151," kata Kepala BPBD Kolaka Akbar dalam keterangannya, hari Rabu, 05/07/2023).
Data yang diterima dari BPBD Kolaka, 7 kecamatan yang terdampak yakni Kecamatan Kolaka, Wundulako, Baula, Pomalaa, Tanggetada, Watubangga, dan Polinggona. Banjir terparah terjadi di Kecamatan Polinggona yang berdampak pada 675 KK.
BPBD merinci desa dan kelurahan yang terdampak banjir di kabupaten tersebut diantaranya Kelurahan Polinggona, Desa Puudongi, Wulunggere, Polenga, dan Desa Lamondape di Kecamatan Polinggona dengan warga terdampak sebanyak 675 KK. Selain itu, kurang lebih 40 hektare sawah terendam banjir.
"Di kecamatan ini, jalan umum, jembatan penghubung, rumah ibadah, yayasan pesantren, fasilitas pendidikan, dan fasilitas air bersih, rusak berat," jelasnya.
Selanjutnya satu kelurahan di Kecamatan Kolaka yakni Kelurahan Sabilombo dengan jumlah terdampak yakni 17 KK. Berikutnya di Kecamatan Wundulako yakni Kelurahan 19 November dengan satu KK terdampak
Kemudian di Kecamatan Baula yakni Desa Puroda dengan warga terdampak 1 KK dan kurang lebih 20 hektare sawah terendam banjir. Lalu di Kecamatan Pomalaa yakni Desa Huko-Huko dengan warga terdampak delapan KK.
Selanjutnya Desa Tondowolio dan Desa Lamedai di Kecamatan Tanggetada dengan warga terdampak sebanyak 75 KK serta kurang lebih 50 hektare sawah terendam banjir. Selain itu di Kecamatan Watubangga yakni Desa Peoho, Kukutino, Kelurahan Watubangga dan Kelurahan Wolulu dengan warga terdampak 374 Kepala Keluarga.
Hujan dengan intensitas tinggi pada hari Selasa, 04/07/2023, memicu air sungai di daerah tersebut meluap sehingga menyebabkan banjir di 15 desa dan kelurahan yang tersebar di tujuh kecamatan.
"Tapi saat ini sudah tidak ada lagi air. Tidak ada warga yang mengungsi dari banjir tersebut," ujarnya.
Akbar mengatakan saat ini banjir di daerah itu sudah mulai surut, namun dia mengimbau masyarakat agar tetap waspada terhadap cuaca tak menentu yang berpotensi terjadi bencana susulan.
"Kondisi banjir bandang di Kolaka mulai surut, seluruh warga yang terdampak mulai membersihkan rumah masing-masing," kata Akbar.
Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Al Zaytun Panji Gumilang saat memenuhi panggilan Bareskrim Polri terkait kasus dugaan penistaan agama, di Kantor Bareskrim Polri, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (3/7/2023).( WIRYONO)
PPATK (Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan) telah memblokir rekening dari Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Al Zaytun, Panji Gumilang.
Tujuan pemblokiran seluruh rekening dari Panji Gumilang itu menurut PPATK, untuk melakukan analisis data lebih lanjut terkait kasus yang menjerat Panji.
Ivan menyebut tindakan yang dilakukan PPATK sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku, yaitu berdasarkan Pasal 44 Ayat 1 huruf (i) Undang-undang Nomor 8 tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (TPPU).
“Semua (diblokir) yang kami analisis. Masih dalam proses semua ya,” kata Kepala PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis, 06/07/2023.
Menurut dia, pemblokiran dilakukan dalam rangka proses melakukan analisis. Namun, Ivan tidak mau memerinci total rekening yang diblokir.
Namun, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD sebelumnya menyebut Panji memiliki 256 rekening, sedangkan Ponpes Al Zaytun memiliki 33 rekening.
Kepala Biro Humas PPATK M Natsir Kongah juga membenarkan soal adanya pemblokiran terhadap rekening milik Panji.
“Rekening yang diblokir sesuai dengan yang disampaikan oleh Pak Mahfud,” kata Natsir.
Sebelumnya, informasi terkait ratusan rekening milik Panji tersebut awalnya disampaikan Menko Polhukam Mahfud MD. Dia mengatakan, ratusan rekening milik Panji terdaftar dengan enam nama yang berbeda.
Kendati begitu, Ivan tidak merincikan berapa besaran nominal yang ada di rekening Panji Gumilang tersebut.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) mengungkap bahwa telah menelusuri ratusan rekening dari pimpinan Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Al Zaytun, Panji Gumilang.
"Masih dalam proses ya. (Nominalnya) besar sekali," kata Kepala PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana saat dihubungi VIVA, Rabu, 5 Juli 2203.
Ivan menegaskan penelusuran rekening Panji Gumilang itu dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur dan kewenangan dari PPATK.
"Ya kami melaksanakan tugas dan kewenangan kami sesuai UU 8/2010," ucap dia.
PPATK terus berkoordinasi dengan tim penyidik kepolisian untuk menelisik ratusan rekening dari Panji Gumilang apakah ada indikasi pencucian uang atau tidak.
"Koordinasi dengan penyidik terus dilakukan secara intensif," kata Ivan.
Panji Gumilang resmi dilaporkan ke Bareskrim Polri oleh Forum Advokat Pembela Pancasila (FAPP). Pelaporan itu dilakukan pada Jumat malam, 24 Juni 2023.
Panji dilaporkan atas kasus dugaan penistaan agama. Adapun, laporan Ihsan tercatat dalam Laporan Polisi (LP) Nomor: LP/B/163/VI/2023/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri tertanggal 23 Juni 2023.
Dalam laporan tersebut, Panji disangkakan Pasal 156 A Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) tentang Penistaan Agama.
Sementara itu, Bareskrim Polri resmi menaikan status kasus dugaan penistaan agama terhadap pimpinan Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Al Zaytun, Panji Gumilang, ke tahap penyidikan.
Adapun keputusan itu setelah tim penyidik menyelesaikan pemeriksaan terhadap Panji.
"Kami sampaikan selesai pemeriksaan penyidik telah gelar perkara bahwa perkara kita tingkatkan dari penyelidikan ke penyidikan," ujar Dirtipidum Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Pol, Djuhandhani Raharjo Puro kepada wartawan, Selasa, 4 Juli 2023 dini hari.
Djuhandhani menegaskan, pihaknya akan melakukan upaya-upaya untuk melengkapi barang bukti guna memenuhi unsur tindak pidana yang telah ditemukan.
Kiev had hoped to launch its military pushback against Russia much sooner, but was hampered by a lack of Western-supplied weapons, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview released on Wednesday.
Speaking to CNN, Zelensky admitted that Ukraine's counteroffensive, which has been running for about a month, has been “slowed down” by strong Russian defenses.
Zelensky noted that he had told European leaders that Ukraine would like to start its campaign “much earlier,” but needed “all the weapons and materiel for that.” In some areas, he said, Kiev’s troops cannot “even think of starting” attacks because they do not have “the relevant weapons.”
The Ukrainian leader explained that Kiev knew the delays would result in slower progress. “Everyone understood that if the counteroffensive unfolds later, then a bigger part of our territory will be mined. We give our enemy the time and possibility to place more mines and prepare their defensive lines,” he added.
Zelensky went on to reiterate calls for deliveries of US-made F-16 fighter jets. While Kiev’s Western backers have already started to train Ukrainian pilots to fly these aircraft, earlier this week Admiral Rob Bauer, chairman of the NATO military committee, warned that the issue of shipments “will not be solved in the short term for this counteroffensive.”
The Ukrainian leader noted that F-16 deliveries are “not even about the Ukrainian advantage in the sky over the Russians” but rather “only about being equal,” adding that the jets will provide cover for Ukrainian troops, enabling them to more easily move across the battlefield.
Kiev started its long-anticipated counteroffensive in early June, attempting to breach Russian defenses along several sections of the front. However, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, all Ukrainian attacks have failed, with heavy losses.
Numerous Ukrainian officials, including Zelensky, have acknowledged difficulties on the battlefield, with the Ukrainian deputy defense minister Anna Malyar urging the public last month not to measure Ukraine’s successes by recaptured territory.
On Tuesday, Aleksey Danilov, Ukraine’s national security chief, claimed that Kiev’s priority is “the maximum destruction” of the Russian military rather than territorial advances.
However, a Financial Times report last month indicated that Western officials have been unimpressed by Ukraine’s battlefield performance, with the paper’s sources claiming that long-term Western support for Kiev would be contingent on the eventual outcome of the offensive.
People carry their belongings on the street after the Israeli army's withdrawal from the Jenin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on July 5, 2023 [Ammar Awad/Reuters]
Israeli air strikes and ground operations in the occupied West Bank targeting the Jenin Refugee camp and killing at least 12 Palestinians may prima facie constitute a war crime, UN experts said today.
“Israeli forces’ operations in the occupied West Bank, killing and seriously injuring the occupied population, destroying their homes and infrastructure, and arbitrarily displacing thousands, amount to egregious violations of international law and standards on the use of force and may constitute a war crime,” the experts said.
Israel’s assault on the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank this week, which killed at least 12 Palestinians including five children, might constitute a war crime, UN experts said on Wednesday.
Houses, apartment buildings and other infrastructure were damaged during two days of raids on Monday and Tuesday, and more than 4,000 Palestinians were forced to flee.
Israel’s actions amounted “to egregious violations of international law and standards on the use of force and may constitute a war crime,” said Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, and Paula Betancur, the special rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons.
“The attacks were the fiercest in the West Bank since the destruction of the Jenin camp in 2002,” they added.
Albanese and Betancur highlighted reports of ambulance crews being denied access to the refugee camp, thereby preventing injured people from receiving medical assistance.
“It is heart-breaking to see thousands of Palestinian refugees, originally displaced since 1947-1949, forced to march out of the camp in abject fear at the dead of night,” they said.
Special rapporteurs are part of what is known as the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council. They are independent experts who work on a voluntary basis, are not members of UN staff and are not paid for their work.
Albanese and Betancur denounced Israel’s “counterterrorism” operation and said there is no justification for such actions under international law.
“The attacks constitute collective punishment of the Palestinian population, who have been labelled a ‘collective security threat’ in the eyes of Israeli authorities,” they said.
They also expressed “grave concern” about the weapons and tactics deployed at least twice over the past two weeks by Israeli forces against the population of Jenin.
“The Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are protected persons under international law, guaranteed of all human rights, including the presumption of innocence,” Albanese and Betancur said.
“They cannot be treated as a collective security threat by the occupying power; all the more while it advances the annexation of occupied Palestinian land, and displacement and dispossession of its Palestinian residents.”
Israel’s operations in Jenin represent “amplifications of the structural violence that has permeated” the Occupied Palestinian Territories for many years, they added.
“The impunity that Israel has enjoyed for its acts of violence over decades only fuel and intensify the recurring cycle of violence.”
The UN experts called for Israel to be held accountable under international law for its “illegal occupation and violent acts to perpetuate it.”
They added: “For this relentless violence to end, Israel’s illegal occupation must end. It cannot be corrected or improved in the margins because it is wrong to the core.”
Palestinians defiant and angry after Israel's Jenin raid
Palestinian militant fighters paraded in Jenin on Wednesday and angry crowds confronted senior Palestinian Authority officials, accusing them of weakness, after one of the largest Israeli military operations in the occupied West Bank in years.
The two-day operation, which the Israeli military said targeted infrastructure and weapons depots of militant factions in the Jenin refugee camp, left a trail of wrecked streets and burned-out cars and sparked fury across the Arab world.
At least 12 Palestinians, most confirmed as militant fighters, were killed and around 100 wounded in an incursion that began with late-night drone strikes, followed by a sweep involving more than 1,000 Israeli troops. One Israeli soldier was killed.
"We stayed inside the house, but then they cut off the electricity then the water," said Mohammad Mansour, a resident of the camp where armoured bulldozers tore up streets to expose roadside bombs, cutting power cables and water pipes.
force on Tuesday evening, leaders of Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad and other armed factions claimed victory, and the mood among residents returning home to the camp appeared defiant.
"We ended up running out of bread and supplies ... I've never been through such days."
At a funeral for 10 of the dead, thousands of mourners, including dozens of gunmen, confronted three senior Palestinian Authority leaders, chanting "Get out! Get out!" They forced them to leave under protection of guards who used tear gas to push back the crowds.
The Authority, which exercises nominal governance over parts of the West Bank, protested against the Israeli operation, which it called a war crime, but was unable to do anything to halt it.
Following the withdrawal of the Israeli force on Tuesday evening, leaders of Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad and other armed factions claimed victory, and the mood among residents returning home to the camp appeared defiant.
"They did not get what they wanted, thank God. The youths are fine, the families are fine, and the camp is fine," Mutasem Estatia, a father of six, said after what he described as two nights being kept away, one of them in Israeli detention.
"There are 12 martyrs and we are proud of them, but we expected more damage."
Israeli forces detained 150 suspected militants, seized large caches of money, guns and roadside mines - including an arsenal under a mosque - and destroyed a command centre, the army said. It said all the Palestinians killed were armed fighters. Islamic Jihad claimed eight as members, with Hamas claiming another.
As the troops withdrew overnight, Israel reported a volley of rockets from the Gaza Strip, another Palestinian territory, which is run by Hamas. The rockets were shot down and Israel's air force struck targets in Gaza, causing no casualties.
In a further sign of violence spilling over from Jenin, a Palestinian rammed his car into pedestrians in Tel Aviv and went on a stabbing spree, wounding eight people before he was shot dead. Hamas claimed him as a member.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Tuesday the Jenin operation was unlikely to be a "one-off" and said it would be "the beginning of regular incursions and continuous control of the territory".
In turn, the spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Islamic Jihad, said "every alley and street will soon turn into clashes and fighting fields."
The scale of the Israeli operation, one of the biggest in 20 years, pointed to the growing strength of the militant groups in Jenin, where Israel estimates almost half the population is affiliated to Islamic Jihad or Hamas.
"War rooms, explosive devices, planting powerful but primitive mines based on solar water heaters or similar objects - these are things we faced 20 years ago in Gaza," said Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, a former army general."
"Only then they were buried in the sand and now they had to be buried in asphalt."
The operation also underlined the weakness of the Palestinian Authority, set up some 30 years ago after the Oslo peace accords, which has been unable to impose itself against either Israel or militant groups in Jenin or nearby Nablus.
Both cities have been traditional centres of Palestinian resistance, but their semi-detached position from Palestinian Authority control has become more pronounced as a wave of violence has swept the West Bank over the past two years.
In Jenin, footage circulating on social media showed hundreds throwing rocks at the wall of the Palestinian Authority governor in the early hours of the morning.
Israel has been fiercely critical of the Palestinian Authority and its president Mahmoud Abbas, 87, accusing them of failing to rein in the militant groups.
PA officials in turn say Israel makes it impossible to exert control by deliberately undermining their authority and blocking any attempt to create the basis for a future Palestinian state in the West Bank, which Israel seized after the 1967 Middle East war.
Surveys show almost 80% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign but without any designated successor and with no elections held for almost 20 years, it remains unclear who might replace him