Tuesday, 18 July 2023

Ragam Tradisi Kegiatan Sambut Tahun Baru Islam di Tanah Jawa

Ragam Tradisi Kegiatan Sambut Tahun Baru Islam di Tanah Jawa

Ragam Tradisi Kegiatan Sambut Tahun Baru Islam di Tanah Jawa

Kirab Kebo Bule, merupakan tradisi masyarakat Solo dalam menyambut Tahun Baru Islam. (Instagram @puspita_nagari_)

Tahun Baru Islam adalah salah satu hari penting keagamaan yang dirayakan umat Muslim di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Dalam rangka menyambut perayaan Tahun Baru Islam, ada berbagai macam kegiatan masyarakat yang masih dilakukan sampai saat ini sebagai tradisi.

Indonesia memiliki aneka ragam tradisi Tahun Baru Islam. Tak hanya beragam, berbagai tradisi kegiatan menyambut Tahun Baru Islam di Indonesia ini memiliki keunikan masing-masing dan makna yang mendalam.

Perayaan Tahun Baru Islam di Indonesia, ada berbagai kegiatan masyarakat yang masih dilakukan sampai saat ini sebagai tradisi.

Berikut ini beberapa kegiatan masyarakat yang menjadi tradisi unik menyambut Tahun Baru Islam di Tanah Jawa yang perlu diketahui:

1. Tradisi Pawai Obor

Di sebagian besar daerah di Indonesia, pawai obor kerap dilakukan dalam rangka memeriahkan kegiatan menyambut Tahun Baru Islam.

Masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan akan kompak mengenakan pakaian muslim sambil berpawai memegang obor. Biasanya masyarakat akan melakukan pawai obor sambil melantunkan sholawat dan pujian kepada Rasulullah SAW.

2. Tradisi Membuat Bubur Suro

Masyarakat Jawa Barat dan beberapa daerah di Jawa Tengah menyambut Tahun Baru Islam dengan Upacara Bubur Suro. Upacara ini dilakukan untuk menyambut datangnya tahun baru Islam.

Dua bubur ini disajikan secara terpisah lalu dibawa ke masjid. Nantinya bubur akan disantap bersama-sama. Makna dari acara ini adalah untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi.

3. Tradisi Kirab Kebo Bule

Kegiatan menyambut Tahun Baru Islam selanjutnya ada tradisi Kirab Kebo Bule. Sebagian besar orang Jawa menyebut Tahun Baru Islam pada 1 Muharram dengan 1 Suro. Di sejumlah daerah di Jawa digelar tradisi Malam 1 Suro, termasuk di Solo.

Sejarah tradisi 1 Suro di Jawa ini berawal dari Sultan Agung yang menyebarkan Islam melalui ajaran dengan tradisi Jawa. Di Keraton Surakarta, Solo, Jawa Tengah setiap malam 1 Suro digelar Kirab Kebo Bule untuk menjaga pusaka milik Kiai Slamet, tradisi ini juga kerap disebut Kirab Muharram.

4. Tradisi Tapa Bisu

Kemudian ada juga tradisi Tapa Bisu untuk masyarakat di daerah Yogyakarta. Tradisi Tapa Bisu ini biasa digelar oleh masyarakat pada 1 Muharram. Tradisi Tapa Bisu merupakan ritual keliling benteng keraton.

Ritual tersebut dinamakan Tapa Bisu karena kegiatannya dilakukan tanpa mengeluarkan sepatah kata pun saat mengelilingi benteng keraton sejauh 7 kilometer. Sejarah ritual ini diprakarsai oleh Paguyuban Abdi Dalem Keprajan Keraton Yogyakarta.

Pelaksanaan ritual Tapa Bisu tersebut biasa dimulai dari halaman Keben melewati beberapa ruas jalan di Yogyakarta. Selain rombongan dari para abdi dalem keraton, ritual Tapa Bisu juga biasa dilakukan masyarakat secara sendiri-sendiri atau berkelompok.

5. Tradisi Sedekah Gunung Merapi

Ada pula tradisi Sedekah Gunung Merapi oleh masyarakat Desa Lencoh, Kecamatan Selo, Boyolali, Jawa Tengah. Tradisi menyambut Tahun Baru Islam ini digelar oleh masyarakat setiap tahunnya bertepatan pada tanggal 1 Muharram.

Tradisi Sedekah Gunung Merapi ini dilakukan dengan melarung kepala kerbau di wilayah puncak gunung. Masyarakat biasanya bersama-sama mengarak kepala kerbau dan berbagai hasil bumi.

Puncak kegiatan ini adalah dengan makan dan berdoa bersama agar di tahun baru mendapat keberkahan dari Allah SWT.

6. Tradisi Ngadulang

Selanjutnya ada tradisi unik oleh masyarakat Sunda, yakni tradisi Ngadulang yang dilakukan dalam rangka menyambut pergantian Tahun Baru Islam.

Salah satu daerah yang masih menggelar tradisi tersebut adalah Sukabumi.

Tradisi Ngadulang merupakan acara yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah Sukabumi untuk merayakan Tahun Baru Islam. Kegiatannya meliputi aksi menabuh bedug. Saat momen ini juga digelar lomba tabuh bedug yang bisa diikuti masyarakat.

7. Tradisi Berziarah di Gunung Tidar

Kebiasaan masyarakat di sekitar lokasi wisata Kebun Raya Gunung Tidar, Magelang, memiliki tradisi berziarah yang digelar setiap malam 1 Suro.

Masyarakat akan beramai-ramai menyambangi makam para leluhur untuk berziarah.

Dalam pelaksanaan ziarah di Gunung Tidar, masyarakat juga biasanya mendaki gunung tersebut untuk berziarah di makam Syekh Subakir, Kyai Sepanjang, dan Kiai Semar yang dulu ikut menyebarkan agama Islam di Tanah Jawa.

8. Tradisi Tabuik

Kegiatan masyarakat dalam menyambut Tahun Baru Islam di Pariaman, Sumatera Barat ada tradisi Tabuik. Masyarakat akan menyambut Tahun Baru Islam melalui gelaran upacara yang dikenal dengan sebutan Tabuik atau Tabut.

Tradisi Tabuik oleh masyarakat Pariaman juga biasa dilakukan untuk memperingati Hari Asyura pada tanggal 10 Muharram. Upacara ini dilakukan untuk mengenang gugurnya Imam Husain Cucu, Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Tak hanya itu, tradisi serupa juga terdapat di Bengkulu yang dikenal dengan nama Tabot. Tabuik diambil dari bahasa Arab yang berarti peti kayu.

Tradisi ini dilakukan dengan serangkaian pembuatan Tabuik dari tanggal 1 Muharram sampai tanggal 10 Muharram. Pada tanggal 10 Muharram, Tabuik diarak bersama masyarakat dan kemudian dibuang ke laut.

9. Tradisi Nganggung

Untuk masyarakat di kawasan Pangkalpinang, Bangka, memiliki kegiatan tersendiri dalam menyambut Tahun Baru Islam pada 1 Muharram yang disebut Nganggung. Dalam acara Nganggung, masyarakat datang ke masjid dan membawa dulang berisi makanan dan lauk pauk untuk dinikmati bersama.

Selain sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur, tradisi Nganggung juga diselenggarakan sekaligus untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi dan kekeluargaan. Dengan momen makan bersama, masyarakat bisa sekaligus berbincang soal banyak hal.

10. Tradisi Mabit di Masjid

Tradisi menyambut Tahun Baru Islam di Indonesia yang tak kalah sering ditemukan yaitu kegiatan mabit di masjid. Mabit juga salah satu kegiatan rutin yang digelar masyarakat Jakarta saat menyambut Tahun Baru Islam pada 1 Muharram.

Mabit merupakan singkatan dari Malam Bina Taqwa. Biasanya kegiatan Tahun Baru Islam ini diisi dengan ceramah agama dengan tujuan untuk melakukan refleksi diri selama berdiam di masjid. Masyarakat juga bisa memperbanyak ibadah saat di masjid seperti mendirikan sholat sunnah, sholat fardhu berjamaah dan juga memperbanyak zikir.

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Russia Retaliates for Ukrainian Terror Attack by Wiping Out Fuel Infrastructure Facilities

Russia Retaliates for Ukrainian Terror Attack by Wiping Out Fuel Infrastructure Facilities

Russia Retaliates for Ukrainian Terror Attack by Wiping Out Fuel Infrastructure Facilities

©Sputnik/Russian Defense Ministry / Go to the mediabank

Overnight, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack on Crimea using 28 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) was thwarted, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday. The failed attack had come in the wake of Ukraine's terrorist raid on the Crimean Bridge.

Russia's forces unleashed surgical strikes targeting facilities in the Odessa Region where the Kiev regime was plotting future terrorist attacks with use of unmanned boats against the Russian Federation, the Defense Ministry has announced. Their manufacturing sites were also laid to waste.

In retaliation for Kiev's recent terror attack, Russian forces also used naval-based weapons to wipe out fuel storage facilities in the area of Odessa and Nikolaev, with a total volume of around 70,000 tons, that provided Ukraine's military with fuel.

All the targets were hit, said the MoD, adding that the ensuing blazes and blasts were recorded after the strikes.

Earlier on Tuesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced it had thwarted an attempt by the Kiev regime to commit a terrorist attack on Crimea using 28 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

Seventeen Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed by air defense systems, said the MoD. Eleven more drones, suppressed by electronic warfare means, crashed without reaching their target.

No casualties or damage resulted from the botched attack, the ministry added. Earlier, Crimea Head Sergey Aksyonov, also reported on Telegram that a drone attack on Crimea’s east had been thwarted.

This latest attempt by Ukraine to target objects across the peninsula with drones followed the terrorist raid on the Crimean Bridge on July 17 using two maritime surface drones. The roadway of the bridge linking Crimea with mainland Russia sustained damage, while the bridge's structural underpinnings remained firmly in place, according to the Transport Ministry.

Ukraine's deadly raid took the lives of two adults, while their daughter, now an orphan, sustained serious injuries.

Later in the day, Russia's Foreign Ministry issued a statement, condemning the attack on the Crimean Bridge by Kiev. The decision to target the critical infrastructure had been taken by Ukrainian officials, their military, and with the participation of American, and British intelligence services, the ministry added in a statement.

Ukraine Loses Up to 400 Soldiers in Donetsk Direction - Defense Ministry

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 400 troops in the Donetsk direction in the past day, with Russia repelling 12 attacks, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) said on Tuesday.

"During the fighting, the enemy's losses in this direction amounted to 400 soldiers, two armored combat vehicles, three pickups, a US-made M777 artillery system, three Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery units, a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, two Msta-B howitzers, as well as D-20 and D-30 guns," the ministry reported.

Russia also repelled six attacks in the South Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia directions, while Ukraine lost over 200 servicemen, the ministry added.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the Kherson front destroyed a Ukrainian opornik with a loitering ammunition "Lancet": the camouflaged object was completely disabled.

Earlier, Western media wrote that the RF Armed Forces are quantitatively and qualitatively superior to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the use of drones, and the Lancets are one of the most effective means

Ukraine lost several armies during ongoing conflict — Russian mission to UN

"The enemy's losses in these areas during the day amounted to over 200 soldiers, a tank, two armored combat vehicles, four pickups, an Msta-B howitzer, as well as a D-44 anti-tank gun," the statement said.

According to the ministry, Russia repelled two enemy attacks in the Krasniy Lyman direction, suppressed the actions of a Ukrainian sabotage group, Kiev lost up to 100 soldiers.

Ukraine has lost more than one army and almost all of its weapons ever since it refused to engage in negotiations, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said at a Security Council meeting.

"The Bucha provocation created the necessary smokescreen, which the Ukrainian leadership used to cover the fact that they chose armed confrontation with Russia instead of peace," Polyansky pointed out, "And the Western countries, instead of stepping up diplomatic efforts, chose to double their support for Ukraine and arms supplies."

"The price of this fateful decision for Ukraine was hundreds of thousands of dead and injured young Ukrainians, whom the Kiev regime now continues to throw into the meat grinder on the eastern and southern fronts, trying in vain to prove to its Western curators that Ukraine can win," the diplomat said, "Since the beginning of the conflict, the country has lost several armies and has practically run out of its own weapons."

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Europe's sweltering summer could send tourists to cooler climes

Europe's sweltering summer could send tourists to cooler climes

Europe's sweltering summer could send tourists to cooler climes

People walk near the Colosseum during a heat wave across Italy as temperatures are expected to rise further in the coming days, in Rome, Italy July 17, 2023. REUTERS/Remo Casilli

Soaring summer temperatures across southern Europe could prompt a lasting shift in tourist habits, with more travellers choosing cooler destinations or taking their holidays in spring or autumn to dodge the extreme heat, tourism bodies and experts predict.

European Travel Commission (ETC) data shows the number of people hoping to travel to the Mediterranean region in June to November has already fallen 10% compared to last year, when scorching weather led to droughts and wildfires.

Destinations like the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ireland and Bulgaria have meanwhile seen a spike in interest.

"We anticipate that unpredictable weather conditions in the future will have a greater impact on travellers' choices in Europe," said Miguel Sanz, the head of the ETC.

A report by the trade body also shows 7.6% of travellers now see extreme weather events as a major concern for trips between June and November.

Among them are Anita Elshoy and her husband, who returned home to Norway from their favourite vacation spot of Vasanello, a village north of Rome, a week earlier than planned this month as temperatures reached around 35C.

"(I) got a lot of pain in the head, legs and (my) fingers swelled up and I became more and more dizzy," Elshoy said of her heat-related symptoms. "We were supposed to be there for two weeks, but we couldn't (stay) because of the heat."


Demand for travel has soared again this summer as tourists leave behind years of pandemic restrictions, and travel companies say the heat hasn't caused many cancellations - yet.

Britons in particular have booked fewer holidays at home and more in the Mediterranean, often many months in advance, as they continue to crave post-lockdown beach escapes, said Sean Tipton of British travel agent group ABTA.

But that balance could shift as heatwaves are set to become more gruelling. Scientists have long warned that climate change, caused by CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels, will make weather events more frequent, severe and deadly.

Meteorologists predict that temperatures in the coming week may surpass Europe's current record of 48.8 degrees Celsius (119.84 Fahrenheit), set in Sicily in August 2021, raising fears of a repetition of last year's heat deaths.

Stories of tourists being airlifted off Italian beaches or ferried away in ambulances from Athens' Acropolis have flooded European media in recent weeks.

"Our recent research indicates a decline in the number of people interested in travelling in August, the peak month, while more Europeans are considering autumn trips," Sanz said.


Tourists in Rome told Reuters they would think twice about booking a trip there again in July as they struggled to drink enough water, stay cool and find air-conditioned spots to rest.

"I would come when it's colder. Only June, April," said Dalphna Niebuhr, an American tourist on holiday with her husband in Rome this week, who said the heat was making her visit "miserable."

That's bad news for Italy's economy, which thrives on busy summer traffic.

Italy's Environment Ministry warned in a report this year that foreign tourists would in future travel more in the spring and autumn and choose cooler destinations.

"The balance will be negative, also because part of the Italian tourists will contribute to the flow of international tourism to less hot countries," the report said.

Some hope that the change will simply be a shift in traffic, not a reduction.

In Greece, where international air arrivals were up 87.5% year-on-year between January and March, overcrowding in the summer has plagued tourist hot spots like the island of Mykonos.

Increased travel in the winter, spring and autumn months could ease that problem and make up for a potential summer slowdown, according to the Greek environment ministry.

Greek authorities closed Athens' ancient Acropolis during the hottest part of the day on Friday to protect tourists.

In Spain, high vacation demand is expected in coastal destinations in the north of the country and on Spanish tourist islands, where summer temperatures tend to be cooler, according to a report from national tourism association Exceltur.

Spaniards Daniel Otero and Rebeca Vazquez, who were visiting Bilbao, said they might move their holiday to June next year, when it would be cooler and more comfortable.

For Elshoy, summers in southern Europe may be a thing of the past. She said she will consider holidaying in her home country of Norway instead, adding: "I don't want to have a holiday where I have a headache and am dizzy again."

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Muslim World League chief’s sermon writes a new page in India’s Jama Masjid’s history

Muslim World League chief’s sermon writes a new page in India’s Jama Masjid’s history

Muslim World League chief’s sermon writes a new page in India’s Jama Masjid’s history

A standing-room-only congregation heard the first sermon in 400 years at the Jama Masjid. (Supplied)

"Muslim World League chief delivers 'Khutbah' at Jama Masjid, says Islam has no place for extremism"

Built by the Mughal Empire some 400 years ago, the Masjid-e-Jahan Numa in the Indian city of Delhi, popularly known as the Jama Masjid, is among the largest, most beautiful and most cherished places of worship on the Indian subcontinent.

Although the complex can accommodate 85,000 worshippers, it was standing room only when Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, secretary-general of the Muslim World League and chairman of the Organization of Muslim Scholars, delivered the Friday sermon last week.

According to the MWL website, it was the first time in 400 years that a religious figure from outside India had delivered a sermon at the mosque. Al-Issa did so at the invitation of its imam and with a warm welcome from worshipers.

Emperor Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal ruler in India, presided over the completion of the Jama Masjid in 1656. Since then, the mosque has shaped the popular memory of the people of Delhi and the wider Indian nation.

“Its foundation stone was laid on Oct. 6, 1650, under the supervision of Saadullah Khan, the prime minister, and Fazil Khan, the head of Shahjahan’s household establishment, at the cost of ten lacs of rupees,” wrote Sadia Aziz, a research scholar at the University of Delhi’s Department of History, in her 2017 essay “Mosque, Memory and State: A Case Study of Jama Masjid (India) and the Colonial State c. 1857.” (A lac is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to 100,000.)

It was built on a hill called Bhojla Pahari 1,000 yards from the Red Fort, the palace-fortress of the Mughal empire in their newly established capital, Shahjahanabad.

The mosque measured about 261 feet long and 90 feet wide, its roof surmounted by three domes decorated with stripes of black and white marble.

Jama Masjid has three entrances, the northern, southern and eastern, of which the last was the Shahi gate, reserved exclusively for the emperor, who would arrive in a procession with princes, nobles and their retinue from the Red Fort every Friday and on Eid days.

The mosque is known by two names, the first of which is the royal one bestowed upon it by the emperor: Masjid-i-Jahan Numa. “Jahan” means “world” and “Numa” means “visible,” signifying, figuratively, a structure that commands a view of the entire world.

The second name, Jama Masjid, meaning “collective or congregational masjid,” emerged out of the social consciousness of the people and over time became more popular than the formal name.

MWL chief Sheikh Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa. (Supplied)

When the city of Delhi was taken over by the British in 1803, leaving the Mughal emperor in place as the ritual imperial head, colonial authorities assisted with the repair and renovation of the mosque.

However, such efforts by the colonial authorities to endear themselves to the local population came to an abrupt halt during the uprising of 1857, known as the Indian Mutiny or the First War of Independence.

When colonial authority was restored in mid-September 1857, the Muslim population was specifically targeted, as the British perceived the uprising as being a Muslim conspiracy against them. Consequently, numerous mosques in Delhi were demolished.

Various options were discussed by the British as to the fate of the Jama Masjid. The plans ranged from demolition to conversion to a church or secular college. In the end, a plan was hatched to turn it into barracks for Sikh soldiers from Punjab.

After this initial planning, however, the colonial authorities softened their approach and instead tried to use the mosque as a bargaining chip to win over the Muslim citizenry of Delhi. After much petitioning, the mosque was returned to the inhabitants of the Old City on Nov. 28, 1862, with the imposition of several rules and regulations that were to be followed by worshippers.

Given the Jama Masjid’s long and checkered history, it was therefore a moment of great significance to have the head of the MWL deliver the Friday sermon and lead prayer before a congregation that reflected the diversity and unity of modern India.

the complex can accommodate 85,000 worshippers. (Shutterstock)

Al-Issa arrived in the city on July 10 at the head of an MWL delegation, following an official invitation from the Indian government. During his trip, he met Indian President Droupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Minority Affairs Minister Smriti Irani. He also held meetings with senior Indian Islamic scholars and religious leaders of various faiths.

His visit was designed to promote fraternal and friendly dialogue, to enhance understanding and cooperation, and to discuss many topics of common interest between the faiths, officials said.

“The visit of His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa enhances the relations between the two countries as well as relations between Muslims and followers of other faiths in India,” Mohammed Abdul Hakkim Al-Kandi, the imam of Jama Masjid, said in a video message for the MWL.

India is home to 1.4 billion people, including about 210 million Muslims who constitute the largest Muslim-minority population in the world. The majority of Indians are Hindus. Other minorities include Jains, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists.

More than 75 years after India gained its independence, the country has generally managed to live up to the ideals of a society in which the followers of many religions can live in harmony and practice their faiths freely. However, intercommunal conflicts have routinely flared, leading to calls for mediation and dialogue.

Religious leaders who were present at Al-Issa’s sermon and other events during his visit said they hoped it would further encourage interfaith harmony.

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Curhat Pengusaha Pempek Kesulitan Tembus Pasar Ekspor ke Wamendag

Curhat Pengusaha Pempek Kesulitan Tembus Pasar Ekspor ke Wamendag

Curhat Pengusaha Pempek Kesulitan Tembus Pasar Ekspor ke Wamendag

Palembang (ANTARA) - Kuliner khas daerah pempek Palembang sudah demikian terkenal di Tanah Air, tapi sayangnya hingga kini hanya segelintir produsen yang mau merambah pasar ekspor.

Sejumlah pengusaha Pempek di Palembang mengutarakan keinginan mereka untuk dapat menembus pasar ekspor. Pasar di luar negeri utamanya di kawasan Asia diyakini masih sangat berpotensi untuk digarap. Hanya saja keinginan tersebut tidak gampang diwujudkan lantaran terganjal perizinan dan regulasi lainnya terkait dengan standar kemasan, kesehantan dan keamanan produk.

Pengusaha pempek mengeluhkan masalah perizinan dan regulasi lainnya terkait dengan standar kemasan, kesehantan dan keamanan produk sebelum mengantongi stempel ekspor

Jimi Depaten, pemilik usaha pempek ini dihadapan Wakil Menteri Perdagangan Jerry Sambuaga menjelaskan sejumlah kendala yang dihadapi pengusaha untuk mengembangkan usaha hingga ke mancanegara.

"Kami sebetulnya pengen ekspor tapi syaratnya sulit sekali seperti harus melewati uji ketahanan dan linnya," katanya, Selasa, 18 Juli 2023.

Selasa pagi Wamendag Jerry Sambuaga berdialog dengan sejumlah pengusaha UMKM makanan, Songket, Jumputan di Sentra pengrajin "Griya Kain Tuan Kentang" di kawasan Kertapati, Palembang.

Menurut Wemendag ada beberapa regulasi yang mutlak dipenuhi oleh para pengusaha untuk dapat menembus pasar global. "Untuk itula nanti ada tim kami di berbagai daerah termasuk di Palembang untuk melakukan pendampingan," katanya.

Tim yang dimaksud salah satunya unit pengembangan perdagangan dalam negeri. Untuk di luar negeri, kata Jerry, pemerintah memiliki 46 perwakilan dagang.

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