Saturday, 22 July 2023

Airlangga Hartarto Akan Hadir Jika Ada Surat Undangan Dari Kejakgung Sebagai Saksi Kasus Dugaan Korupsi CPO

Airlangga Hartarto Akan Hadir Jika Ada Surat Undangan Dari Kejakgung Sebagai Saksi Kasus Dugaan Korupsi CPO

Airlangga Hartarto Akan Hadir Jika Ada Surat Undangan Dari Kejakgung Sebagai Saksi Kasus Dugaan Korupsi CPO

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto. (ANTARA/Aprillio Akbar)

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto mengaku siap hadir apabila mendapatkan undangan pemeriksaan dari Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) sebagai saksi dalam kasus dugaan korupsi pemberian fasilitas ekspor minyak sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil/CPO).

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto menyatakan akan memenuhi panggilan kedua dari Kejaksaan Agung. Namun, ia menekankan asal dirinya sudah mendapatkan undangannya.

"Sesudah ada undangan saya akan hadir," kata Airlangga di Hotel Grand Indonesia Kempinsky, Jakarta Pusat, hari Kamis, 20/07/2023.

Kejagung sendiri sudah melakukan pemanggilan pertama terhadap Airlangga pada Selasa lalu. Namun, Airlangga tidak memenuhi panggilan tersebut. Ia juga enggan menanggapi pertanyaan terkait ketidakhadirannya itu.

Rencananya, Kejagung akan kembali memanggil Airlangga pada Senin (24/7) pekan depan.

"Tentu saya akan hadir aja karena tentu sesuai dengan undangannya aja," ujar Airlangga.

Pada hari pemanggilan pertamanya di Selasa kemarin, awak media sempat bertemu dengan Airlangga di Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Jakarta Pusat.

Airlangga meninggalkan kantornya pukul 15.00 WIB. Saat ditanya apakah ia akan ke Kejagung memenuhi panggilan pukul 16.00 WIB, dia berdalih mengatakan akan ke agenda lain.

"Ada agenda. Agenda sendiri," kata Airlangga saat ditanya awak media apakah akan ke Kejagung.

Kejagung sebelumnya menetapkan tiga perusahaan sebagai tersangka kasus dugaan korupsi izin ekspor CPO dan turunannya periode 2021-2022. Ketiga perusahaan itu yakni Wilmar Group, Permata Hijau Group, dan Musim Mas Group.

Partai Golkar akhirnya buka suara usai Ketua Umumnya yang juga merupakan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto, dipanggil Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung) terkait kasus dugaan korupsi pemberian fasilitas ekspor minyak sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil/CPO) atau kasus minyak goreng.

Wakil Ketua Umum Golkar Erwin Aksa mengatakan pemanggilan itu merupakan risiko yang harus ditanggung Airlangga sebagai pejabat publik.

"Ya, kan kita negara hukum, kita hargai hukum. Kita harus ikutin proses hukum dengan baik artinya sudah sebuah risiko pejabat publik," kata Erwin ketika ditemui di Jakarta Selatan, hari Kamis, 20/07/2023.

Erwin kemudian mengungkit kasus korupsi Bulog Gate yang sempat menjerat mantan Ketua Umum Golkar Akbar Tanjung. Pada saat itu, kata Erwin, Golkar memutuskan untuk tidak segera mengganti Akbar Tanjung.

Oleh sebab itu, dia meminta semua pihak menunggu proses hukum yang sedang berjalan saat ini.

"Ini kan pemanggilannya saksi, dulu Pak Akbar Tanjung pun ditahan tidak diganti. Jadi tergantung, seperti apa situasi hukum kan kita tidak tahu juga karena itu masalah hukum kita harus hargai," ujar Erwin.

Lebih dari 40 negara tertarik untuk bergabung dengan BRICS

Lebih dari 40 negara tertarik untuk bergabung dengan BRICS

Lebih dari 40 negara tertarik untuk bergabung dengan BRICS

BRICS akronim dari Brasil, Rusia, India, China dan Afrika Selatan,pada awalnya bernama BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India dan China, merupakan kerjasama kolektif mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi global pada tahun 2050

Lebih dari 40 negara telah menyatakan minat untuk bergabung dengan kelompok negara BRICS, kata diplomat tinggi Afrika Selatan yang bertanggung jawab atas hubungan dengan blok tersebut pada hari Kamis.

Anil Sooklal dan pejabat dari departemen luar negeri berbicara kepada wartawan di kota komersial utama Johannesburg, sehari setelah Afrika Selatan mengonfirmasi bahwa Vladamir Putin dari Rusia tidak akan menghadiri KTT BRICS yang akan berlangsung pada 22-24 Agustus.

Pertanyaan tentang seberapa jauh dan cepat untuk memperluas klub yanv berpusat di sekitar Brasil, Rusia, India, Cina, dan Afrika Selatan, menjadi agenda utama di KTT negara-negara yang berusaha mengimbangi hegenomi Barat yang dipimpin AS dalam urusan global.

Selain dari 22 negara yang secara resmi meminta untuk bergabung, Sooklal mengatakan ada "jumlah negara yang sama yang secara informal menyatakan minat untuk menjadi anggota BRICS ... (termasuk) semua negara utama dunia selatan".

Brazil's Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, South Africa's Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor and Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attend a press conference as BRICS foreign ministers meet in Cape Town, South Africa, June 1, 2023. REUTERS/Nic Bothma/File Photo

Pejabat Afrika Selatan ingin BRICS menjadi juara dunia berkembang, dan Argentina, Iran, Arab Saudi, Uni Emirat Arab, Kuba, Republik Demokratik Kongo, Komoro, Gabon, dan Kazakhstan semuanya telah menyatakan minatnya.

Afrika Selatan menghadapi dilema dalam menjadi tuan rumah KTT tersebut. Sebagai anggota Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional (ICC), yang mengeluarkan surat perintah terhadap Putin pada bulan Maret, akan diwajibkan untuk menangkap presiden Rusia jika dia menghadiri tuduhan kejahatan perang oleh Rusia selama invasi ke Ukraina, tuduhan yang dibantah oleh Putin.

Tetapi pada hari Rabu tuan rumah mengkonfirmasi bahwa Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergei Lavrov akan hadir menggantikan presidennya.

Afrika Selatan mendapat kecaman dari negara-negara Barat atas apa yang mereka lihat sebagai sikap yang terlalu ramah terhadap Rusia, sekutu lama Kongres Nasional Afrika (ANC) yang berkuasa karena itu adalah gerakan pembebasan yang melawan kekuasaan minoritas kulit putih. Afrika Selatan mempertahankan sikap netral terhadap perang Ukraina, yang ingin diakhiri melalui negosiasi.

South Africa has come under fire from Western countries for what they see as an overly friendly stance towards Russia, a longstanding ally of the governing African National Congress (ANC) since it was a liberation movement fighting white minority rule. South Africa maintains it has a neutral stance on the Ukraine war, which it wants to end through negotiation.

Diplomats addressing the press on Thursday said that position had been vindicated by South Africa's acceptance by both sides as a mediator in the conflict, in contrast to sabre-rattling by Western powers.

Russia listened to but did not ultimately accept a peace plan put forward by President Cyril Ramaphosa and other African leaders last month.

"Has condemnation, isolation brought us closer to peace? No," Zaheer Laher, South Africa's acting director general for global governance said. "But engagement would bring the parties closer to negotiation."

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Pemerintah akan mengevaluasi penerapan zonasi dalam PPDB

Pemerintah akan mengevaluasi penerapan zonasi dalam PPDB

Pemerintah akan mengevaluasi penerapan zonasi dalam PPDB

Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan dan Moderasi Beragama Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan Warsito. (ANTARA/HO-Kemenko PMK)

Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan dan Moderasi Beragama Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan Warsito menyatakan bahwa pemerintah akan mengevaluasi penerapan zonasi dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB).

Sebagaimana dikutip dalam siaran pers kementerian di Jakarta, Jumat, Warsito menyampaikan bahwa evaluasi yang komprehensif perlu dilakukan untuk menindaklanjuti keluhan dari masyarakat mengenai masalah regulasi dan penerapan sistem zonasi dalam PPDB.

Dia mengemukakan rencana pemerintah untuk mengevaluasi penerapan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 17 Tahun 2017 tentang PPDB pada taman kanak-kanak, sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, sekolah menengah atas, sekolah menengah kejuruan, atau bentuk lain yang sederajat.

Selain itu, menurut dia, sosialisasi PPDB maksimal akan dilakukan pada Oktober untuk memudahkan pemerintah daerah menyampaikan perubahan mengenai peraturan PPDB.

Warsito mengatakan bahwa kementerian juga akan melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak terkait dua sampai tiga bulan sebelum pelaksanaan PPDB supaya pemerintah daerah bisa menyiapkan langkah untuk mencegah terjadinya kecurangan dalam proses penerimaan peserta didik baru.

"Pemerintah daerah diharapkan ikut proaktif dalam pelaksanaan PPDB," katanya.

Warsito mengemukakan bahwa selanjutnya Dinas Pendidikan sebaiknya menyampaikan sosialisasi mengenai PPDB lebih awal guna mencegah munculnya masalah dalam pelaksanaan penerimaan siswa baru.

"Perlu adanya sosialisasi pelaksanaan PPDB pada semester pertama untuk kelas 6, 9, dan 12," ujar Warsito.

Apabila sosialisasi mengenai pelaksanaan PPDB dilakukan lebih awal maka para orang tua dan calon siswa dapat lebih awal memperhitungkan pilihan sekolah yang bisa diambil.

Menyimak tanggapan Wali Kota Tangerang atas polemik PPDB SMA

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Putin points to Kiev’s huge losses, depleted Western arsenals in failed counteroffensive

Putin points to Kiev’s huge losses, depleted Western arsenals in failed counteroffensive

Putin points to Kiev’s huge losses, depleted Western arsenals in failed counteroffensive

©John Moore/Getty Images

Russian President Vladimir Putin pointed to the Ukrainian army’s huge losses, depleted Western arsenals and a change in public mood in Ukraine and Europe as the consequences of Kiev’s much-trumpeted counteroffensive that yielded no results.

"It is obvious today that the Kiev regime’s Western handlers are clearly disappointed over the results of the so-called counteroffensive loudly trumpeted by the current Ukrainian authorities in the previous months," Putin told a meeting with permanent members of the country’s Security Council.

"There are no results [of Ukraine’s counteroffensive], at least for the time being. Neither huge resources pumped into the Kiev regime nor the deliveries of Western weapons - tanks, artillery, armor and missiles - nor thousands of foreign mercenaries sent there and most actively used in attempts to break through our army’s front are of any help," the Russian leader said.

The Russian supreme commander-in-chief highly praised the military command in the zone of the special military operation in Ukraine.

"The military command of the special military operation acts professionally. Our soldiers and officers, units and formations fulfil their duty to their Motherland courageously, perseveringly and heroically," the Russian leader stressed.

Depleted Western arms inventories

"Meanwhile, the entire world sees that the much-touted Western and allegedly invulnerable equipment is torched and is frequently inferior even to some Soviet-made armaments by its operational characteristics," the head of state said.

"Yes, of course, Western armaments can still be additionally supplied and thrown into battle. This, of course, causes certain damage to us and prolongs the conflict," the head of state said.

"However, firstly, NATO arsenals and old Soviet weaponry inventories in some states have already been considerably depleted. Secondly, the available production capacities in the West do not allow for quickly replenishing stocks of expended hardware and ammunition," Putin stressed.

As the Russian leader pointed out, "additional and, moreover, large resources and time are needed" to replenish the Western arms inventories.

Ukrainian army’s irreparable losses

The Ukrainian military lost tens of thousands of troops in its counteroffensive, the Russian president said.

"The main thing is that Ukrainian armed formations suffered huge losses as a result of suicidal attacks. They run into tens of thousands, exactly tens of thousands of people," Putin said.

As the Russian leader pointed out, "despite constant raids, incessant waves of total mobilization across cities and villages in Ukraine, it is increasingly difficult for the current regime to send new reinforcements to the front. The country's mobilization resource is running out."

Change in public sentiment

The Russian leader also pointed to a change in public mood in Ukraine and Europe.

"People in Ukraine increasingly often pose this question, a legitimate question: for the sake of what, for the sake of whose mercenary interests their relatives and friends are being killed. They are sobering up, even if gradually and slowly," the head of state said.

"We see that public opinion in Europe is also changing. Both Europeans and representatives of the European elites see that this so-called support of Ukraine is essentially a deadlock, a futile and endless waste of money and effort and in actual fact the servicing of someone else’s, far from European interests: the interests of the global hegemon from across the ocean that benefits from a weaker Europe," the Russian leader said.

Advantageous flames of war

As Putin pointed out, "the endless prolongation of the Ukraine conflict is also advantageous" for the United States.

"Judging from what is happening in real life, the current US ruling elites are doing precisely this. In any case, they are acting following this logic," the Russian leader said.

"Whether this policy corresponds to the true and vital interests of the American people is a big question and certainly a rhetorical question and let them deal with it themselves," the head of state said.

"However, the flames of war are being intensely fueled at present," Putin said. The Russian leader pointed out that the United States "exploits for this purpose the ambitions of leaders of some Eastern European states who have long turned their hatred of Russia and Russophobia into their chief export commodity and an instrument of their internal policy and now want to benefit from the Ukrainian tragedy."

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Friday, 21 July 2023

Joint Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian military unit may be used to occupy Ukraine, Putin warns

Joint Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian military unit may be used to occupy Ukraine, Putin warns

Joint Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian military unit may be used to occupy Ukraine, Putin warns

© Alexander Kazakov/Russian presidential press service/TASS

Plans may be in the works to use an intended Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian joint military unit as an occupation force in western Ukrainian territories, and any Polish forces entering Lvov are certain to remain there, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a working meeting of the Security Council.

"I cannot but comment on what has just been said (by Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin) and on the press reports that have appeared about plans to create a so-called Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian unit. We’re not talking here about some motley crew of mercenaries - there are enough of them there (in Ukraine) already, and they are being destroyed - but rather about a regular, well-oiled, well-equipped military formation that is planned to be used for operations on the territory of Ukraine," Putin said.

"In particular [this is being done] purportedly for ensuring the security of contemporary western Ukraine, but in fact - if you call things by their proper names - for the subsequent occupation of these territories. After all, the future outlook is obvious; if Polish units enter Lvov, for example, or some other territories in Ukraine, then they will be staying put there. And they will remain there for good," he added.

History lessons for Poland

According to the Russian head of state, "this will not represent anything new," recalling that after the defeat of Germany and the other Central Powers in World War I, Polish units occupied Lvov and adjacent lands, which were then part of Austria-Hungary.

"Goaded by the West, Poland took advantage of the tragedy of Russia’s Civil War to annex certain historically Russian provinces. Our country, which was then going through a difficult period, was forced to sign the Treaty of Riga in 1921 and de facto recognize the alienation of its own territories," Putin noted.

Moreover, even before 1920, Poland seized part of Lithuania - the Vilna region, which includes modern-day Vilnius.

"Together with the Lithuanians, they [the Poles] were supposedly battling against so-called Russian imperialism, but as soon as the opportunity arose, they immediately ‘carved out’ a chunk of land from their neighbor," the Russian president noted. He further recited how, "Poland also took part in the carve-up of Czechoslovakia resulting from the Munich agreement with Hitler in 1938," completely occupying Cieszyn Silesia.

"In the 1920s and 1930s, the so-called Kresy Wschodnie of Poland [‘Eastern Borderlands’ in Polish - TASS] - and this includes the territory of western Ukraine, western Belarus and part of Lithuania - were subjected to a harsh policy of Polonization and forced assimilation of local residents, [including the] suppression of ethnic cultures and Orthodox Christianity," Putin noted.

He recalled that such an aggressive policy ultimately ended for Poland with the loss of national independence and statehood in 1939, which were later restored "to a large extent thanks to the Soviet Union." Moreover, "the western territories of present-day Poland were Stalin's gift to the Poles. Have our friends in Warsaw forgotten about this? We will remind them," the Russian leader added.

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Elon Musk fortune down $20 billion – Bloomberg

Elon Musk fortune down $20 billion – Bloomberg

Elon Musk fortune down $20 billion – Bloomberg

Elon Musk.
©Win McNamee/Getty Images

Elon Musk’s wealth plunged by $20.3 billion on Thursday after Tesla’s shares experienced their worst slump on fears of a drop in the company’s profits, Bloomberg has reported.

The drop comes as Tesla shares fell dramatically on Thursday, the outlet has said Elon Musk. © Win McNamee/Getty Images

Elon Musk’s wealth plunged by $20.3 billion on Thursday after Tesla’s shares experienced their worst slump on fears of a drop in the company’s profits, Bloomberg has reported.

Tesla shed 9.7% to $262.90 per share during trading hours in New York on Thursday, the steepest decline since April 20. It comes after Musk, the company’s CEO, announced on Wednesday that Tesla would have to keep lowering prices if interest rates continue to rise.

Musk’s net worth dropped to $234.4 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index, in the seventh-largest decline ever among the world’s richest people on the list, the outlet noted.

This has further narrowed the wealth gap between the world’s two richest people – Musk and Bernard Arnault, chairman of luxury goods maker LVMH.

Even after the slump, however, Musk’s fortune still exceeds that of Arnault by about $33 billion.

In June, Musk overtook Arnault and became the world’s richest person after shares in the Paris-listed LVMH fell 2.6%. Tesla’s CEO and the luxury goods tycoon have been neck-and-neck for the top spot this year in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Musk owns about 13% of all Tesla stock, which ties his personal wealth directly to the value of the EV manufacturing firm. He also derives wealth from holdings in Space Exploration Technologies and Twitter.

His net worth surged by about $118 billion to over $250 billion this year through Wednesday, after shares in Tesla climbed 136% year-to-date.

Billionaire Arnault has added $39 billion to his net worth, which climbed to $201.2 billion this year after shares in LVMH, the parent company of Louis Vuitton, Moët & Chandon and Hennessy as well as brands including Givenchy, Christian Dior, Bulgari and Sephora, gained 26% in 2023.

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