Sunday, 20 August 2023

Aceh punya Cerutu Gayo yang berpita cukai dan ekonomis

Aceh punya Cerutu Gayo yang berpita cukai dan ekonomis

Aceh punya Cerutu Gayo yang berpita cukai dan ekonomis

Bagi Anda pecinta cerutu, coba rasakan sensasi dari gulungan daun tembakau khas Gayo Aceh ini. Cerutu Gayo terkenal dengan ciri khas aromanya yang kuat dan sensasi rasanya yang cenderung manis.

Gayo Mountain Cigar ini, merupakan cerutu pertama di Provinsi Aceh yang memiliki pita cukai serta harganya tergolong ekonomis sehingga dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh kalangan.

Setahun yang lalu, pernah disampaikan oleh Menteri Koperasi dan UKM (MenKopUKM), Teten Masduki. Menurut Teten, produk Cerutu Gayo dengan brand atau merek dagang Gayo Mountain Cigar (GMC) bisa menjadi produk unggulan khas Aceh Tengah. Produk Cerutu Gayo diketahui sudah diluncurkan ke pasaran di Galeri Kopi Indonesia, Aceh Tengah dan bahkan sudah beredar ke luar negeri.

Kehadiran produk handmade (bukan pabrikan) ini disebut bakal menjadi cikal bakal lahirnya industri tembakau lainnya di daerah Takengon.

Hal itu mengingat semakin maraknya permintaan tembakau Gayo belakangan ini.

Secara tradisional, tembakau Gayo cukup dikenal karena aroma dan cita rasanya. Bahkan, tembakau Gayo pernah mengalami masa keemasan pada era 1980-an.

"Ini bisa dijadikan sebagai produk unggulan dari daerah Aceh Tengah. Dan kita harus terus angkat produk-produk unggulan dari daerah seperti ini," ungkap Teten dalam siaran pers.

Dengan market demand yang sudah jelas, Teten menyebutkan cerutu khas Gayo ini tinggal dipoles dengan perkuatan branding dan perluasan pasar.

"Artinya, produk unggulan dari Aceh Tengah tidak hanya kopi dan produk holtikultura, melainkan juga cerutu," jelas Teten

Kakanwil Bea Cukai Aceh, Dr Safuadi menyatakan, melihat data permintaan cukai rokok di Aceh setiap tahun terus meningkat, mengindikasikan permintaan tembakau Aceh, dari tujuh pabrik rokok lokal yang ada di daerah ini, terus bertambah, bahkan berpeluang untuk diekspor ke luar negeri.

“Alasan kami menyatakan hal tersebut, karena tembakau hijau Aceh miliki rasa khas yang nikmat, sehingga potensinya untuk diekspor cukup besar. Komoditi kopi saja bisa diekspor, apalagi tembakau,” kata Safuadi pada acara pertemuan dengan wartawan di Kantor Wilayah Bea Cukai Aceh, Jumat, 14/07/2023.

Safuadi mengatakan, kalau dilihat dari penerimaan nilai cukai yang diterima dari Januari-Juni 2023, senilai baru Rp 281 juta, dari cukai rokok sebesar 77,93 persen atau senilai Rp 219,4 juta.

Cerutu Gayo dengan brand atau merek dagang Gayo Mountain Cigar (GMC)(Dok. Humas KemenKopUKM)

Tapi, pertumbuhan bulanannya cukup tinggi. Bulan Januari tumbuh sebesar 339,42 persen, Februari tumbuh 249,35 persen, Maret pertumbuhannya rendah, hanya 3,62 persen, April minus 23,17 persen, tapi bulan Mei tumbuh lagi sebesar 164,55 persen dan Juni 23,38 persen.

Ini artinya dalam enam bulan atau satu semester, permintaan pita cukai rokok di Aceh, mengalami pertumbuhan 5 kali, satu kali turun. Kondisi itu, menunjukkan prospek penjualan rokok lokal di Aceh, cukup besar di dalam negeri. Sekarang ini tinggal siapa yang siap mengembangkan tanaman tembakau Aceh, untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan bahan baku rokok lokal Aceh itu, yang permintaan pasarnya cukup tinggi, di luar Aceh.

Sampai Juni ini, sebut Safuadi, ada tujuh pabrik rokok yang terdapat di Aceh, yaitu PT Hawa Makmu Beurata, Rampago Jaya, Keretek Gayo, Gayo Mountain Cigar, SWY Gayo Cigar, CV Seulanga dan Muger. Ketujuh pabrik rokok tersebut, ada yang memproduksi rokok cerutu dan rokok keretek.

Rokok keretek dan cerutu dari Aceh, kata Safuadi, pasarnya lebih banyak di luar Aceh, dari pada di daerahnya sendiri. Perokok dari luar Aceh, sangat suka dengan cita rasa tembakau dari Aceh, makanya peluang ekonomis untuk pengembangan tembakau Aceh, cukup besar di daerah ini.

Safuadi menyatakan, kenapa dalam pertemuan hari ini dengan wartawan, ia lebih banyak menjelaskan soal pengembangan peluang bisnis tembakau. Alasannya, karena dilihat dari permintaan pita cukai rokok lokal, pertumbuhannya cukup besar. Kondisi ini membuktikan, kalau permintaan pita cukai rokok dari ketujuh pabrik rokok itu, dalam satu semester pertumbuhannya cukup besar, berarti permintaan tembakaunya juga cukup banyak.

Sebagai Kakanwil Bea Cukai Aceh, kata Dr Safuadi, informasi ini harus kami sampaikan kepada media online dan cetak, untuk disebar luaskan kepada masyarakat Aceh, agar ada investor lokal yang berminat untuk mengembangkan tanaman tembakau di Aceh secara luas.

Keuntungan tanam tembakau itu, sebut Safuadi, cukup lumayan besar. Informasi yang kami dapatkan dari petani yang sudah tanam bakong Aceh tersebut, dalam satu hektar tanam tembakau, keuntungan bersih bisa mencapai Rp 16 juta.

Kakanwil Ditjen Bea Cukai Aceh menginginkan pengembangan tanaman tembakau Aceh bisa dilakukan seperti Konsorsium Bawang Merah Pidie, mengembangkan tanaman bawang merah lokal yang dimulai dari luasan kecil sekitar 2 – 5 hektar, kemudian naik menjadi 10 – 20 hektar dan kini sudah mencapai ratusan hektar.

Selanjutnya, panen bawang merahnya sudah mampu menstabilisasikan harga bawang merah lokal di pasar lokal dan menekan laju inflasi. Kalau peluang bisnis tanaman tembakau Aceh ini, tidak disebarluaskan di wilayah Aceh, peluang bisnis tersebut bisa saja diambil pihak luar Aceh.

Menurut pengakuan tujuh pabrik rokok keretek dan cerutu di Aceh, ungkap Safuadi, jenis tembakau Aceh, sudah mulai ada yang menanamnya di luar Aceh, terutama di wilayah dingin Provinsi Sumut dan Pulau Jawa.

Sejumlah pabrik rokok yang ada di Aceh, jika stok tembakau lokal khas Aceh di tingkat petani habis, mereka harus membelinya di Sumut dan dari Pulau Jawa. Gerakan menanam tembakau Aceh, menurut Safuadi, bisa menjadi komoditi pengganti tanam ganja.

Tanam ganja, bila ketahuan aparat penegak hukum, bisa ditangkap dan dipenjara/pidana. Tanam tembakau, memberikan keuntungan besar bagi petaninya. “Oleh karena itu, mari kita sama-sama tanam, agar industri rokok keretek dan cerutu di Aceh, bisa tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi industri rokok keretek dan cerutu yang besar, yang bisa mengekspor produk rokoknya ke luar negeri.

Jangan seperti sekarang ini, masyarakat membeli rokok seludupan non pita cukai rokok dari luar negeri, seperti Rokok Lukman dari Vietnam dan lainnya. “ Padahal, rokok lokal yang dibuat tujuh pabrik yang ada sekarang ini, cita rasa rokoknya cukup nikmat dan harganya juga terjagkau sekitar Rp 12.000/bungkus,” ujar Safuadi.

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Hasil Kejuaraan Voli Asia - Indonesia Bangkit, Gulung Kazakhstan 3-1

Hasil Kejuaraan Voli Asia - Indonesia Bangkit, Gulung Kazakhstan 3-1

Timnas voli putra Indonesia memimpin klasemen Grup C Kejuaraan Voli Asia 2023. (ANTARA FOTO/YULIUS SATRIA WIJAYA)

Timnas voli putra mengalahkan Indonesia Kazakhstan di Shahidan Ahandoust Hall, Urmia, Iran, Minggu sore, 20/08/2023.

Saling serang berbalas poin mengawali laga. Timnas voli Indonesia dan Kazakhstan kerap menghasilkan poin. Situasi tersebut membuat skor terus seimbang.

Indonesia mengumpulkan keunggulan 8-6 pada saat official time out pertama pada set pembuka. Keunggulan tak bisa dijaga, lantaran serangan Kazakhstan kembali menerobos pertahanan Indonesia.

Serangkaian kesalahan dilakukan Kazakhstan, namun hal tersebut tak bisa dimanfaatkan anak asuh Jiang Jie. Skor masih tetap imbang. Kazakhstan kemudian mengambil alih posisi pimpinan perolehan poin.

Indonesia kembali mendulang poin dan kembali unggul 16-15, namun setelah official time out kedua malah tertinggal 17-19. Keunggulan Kazakhstan disamakan di poin kritis. Sempat imbang pada skor 24-24, Kazakhstan meraih dua poin beruntun dan menang di set pertama.

Pada awal set kedua, Indonesia sempat menorehkan keunggulan 6-3. Hanya saja deretan kesalahan anak asuh Jiang Jie membuat skor menjadi sama. Indonesia kembali mengumpulkan poin dan membuat keunggulan tiga poin kembali tercipta. Kazakhstan terus membuntuti sembari menjaga jarak. Indonesia tampil apik dan kemudian mencatatkan skor 18-13.

Farhan Halim dan kawan-kawan tak mengendurkan permainan sehingga terus melaju dan kemudian mengamankan set kedua dengan kemenangan 25-19.

Awal gim ketiga kembali ketat sebelum Indonesia bisa melepaskan diri dari kejaran Kazakhstan. Perlahan namun pasti, serangan-serangan Indonesia tidak bisa dibendung lawan. Papan skor menunjukkan angka 14-9 untuk Indonesia.

Jarak menjauh seiring dengan penampilan gemilang Hendra Kurniawan cs. Skor untuk Indonesia bertambah secara konstan lantaran serangan dan pertahanan yang sama bagus. Margin 10 poin tercipta pada kedudukan 22-12.

Tiga poin beruntun lantas diraih Indonesia. Skor 25-12 memastikan tim Merah Putih membalikkan keadaan menjadi 2-1.

Awal set keempat tak ubahnya dengan tiga set sebelumnya. Kejar mengejar poin terjadi. Kazakhstan melakukan banyak blunder, Indonesia kemudian memimpin 8-6. Upaya Kazakhstan memangkas jarak berbuah hasil, namun Indonesia kembali pada performa apik dan kemudian unggul 13-9.

Awal set keempat tak ubahnya dengan tiga set sebelumnya. Kejar mengejar poin terjadi. Kazakhstan melakukan banyak blunder, Indonesia kemudian memimpin 8-6. Upaya Kazakhstan memangkas jarak berbuah hasil, namun Indonesia kembali pada performa apik dan kemudian unggul 13-9.

Kazakhstan terus berupaya mengejar, namun serangan Indonesia begitu tajam dan jarak empat poin terjaga pada skor 16-12.

Timnas voli Indonesia terus mengumpulkan poin, sementara Kazakhstan tak mau menyerah. Laga menjadi sengit menjelang poin kritis seiring Kazakhstan yang mendekat.

Setelah skor 22-20, Indonesia berhasil menjauh dan mengemas kemenangan 25-21 pada set keempat sehingga memastikan skor 3-1 atas Kazakhstan.

Klasemen Grup C Kejuaraan Voli Asia 2023

  1. Indonesia 4 poin

  2. China 2

  3. Kazakhstan 0

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Preliminary data shows Luna-25 lunar probe collided with Moon’s surface – Roscosmos

Preliminary data shows Luna-25 lunar probe collided with Moon’s surface – Roscosmos

Preliminary data shows Luna-25 lunar probe collided with Moon’s surface – Roscosmos

©Sergei Savostyanov/TASS, archive

The Luna-25 automatic lunar station, according to unconfirmed data, has been destroyed after colliding with the Moon’s surface, Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos told journalists on Sunday.

The agency recalled that on August 19 that the lunar probe was scheduled to receive propulsion thrust to descend into its landing trajectory on the Moon's elliptical orbit.

"At about 2:57 p.m. Decree time, the connection with the Luna-25 automatic lunar probe was lost," according to Roscosmos.

The Russian space agency noted that all measures regarding the location of the spacecraft and establishing communications with it on August 19 and 20 yielded zero results.

"Preliminary analysis results suggest that a deviation between the actual and calculated parameters of the propulsion maneuver led the Luna-25 spacecraft to enter an undesignated orbit and it ceased to exist following a collision with the surface of the Moon," Roscosmos stated.

The agency added that a special interdepartmental commission is already investigating the cause of the Russian lunar spacecraft’s crash.

Luna-25 lunar mission

A Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with the Luna-25 automatic lunar station blasted off from the Vostochny spaceport in the Russian Far East at 2:10 a.m. Moscow time on August 11. On August 12 and 14, the automatic probe adjusted its flight path twice. The lunar lander was set to enter lunar orbit on August 16 and softly touch down on the Moon’s surface on August 21.

The Luna-25 mission aimed to test a soft landing on the surface of the Earth’s natural satellite. The automatic station could have become the first mission to land on the Moon’s south pole. The station was to study the internal structure of the Moon and explore natural resources, including water, and also study the impact of cosmic rays and electromagnetic radiation on the Moon’s surface.

Several video cameras were installed aboard the Luna-25 automatic station. They were intended to record a time-lapse of the landing, a panorama of the Earth’s natural satellite in the HDR format and settling dust for its study. The Luna-25 was to make a programmed video-recording and take photos of the Moon on a command from Earth.

Soyuz rocket with Progress MS-24 cargo spacecraft installed on Baikonur’s launch pad

A Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with Porgress MS-24 cargo spacecraft has been installed on a launch pad of the Baikonur spaceport, the State Space Corporation Roscosmos announced on Sunday.

"The Soyuz rocket with Progress is on the launch pad… After putting the rocket in its vertical position at the launch pad 31, Roscosmos specialists will continued with its preparation for the launch," Roscosmos said in a statement.

The launch of the Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with the Porgress MS-24 cargo spacecraft is scheduled for 4:08 a.m. Moscow time on August 23. Two days after the launch the spacecraft will approach the International Space Station (ISS) and dock with the Zvezda module of the orbital outpost.

Progress MS-24 is set to deliver about 2,500 kilograms of cargo to the ISS, including 500 kilograms of fuel, 420 liters of potable water, 40 kilograms of compressed nitrogen in cylinders, and about 1,535 kilograms of various equipment and materials.

Currently, Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev, Dmitry Petelin who is also a TASS special reporter in space and Andrey Fedyayev, NASA astronauts Frank Rubio, Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg and UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi are working aboard the orbital outpost.

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Scott Ritter - For NATO and Ukraine, Reality Bites

Scott Ritter - For NATO and Ukraine, Reality Bites

Scott Ritter - For NATO and Ukraine, Reality Bites

©Sputnik/Viktor Antonyuk/Go to the mediabank

All Materials

There’s an iconic scene in the 1990's cult classic movie, Reality Bites, where Leilaina, played by Winona Ryder, delivers the valedictory address. "What are we going to do now?" she asks, before following up with an even more pertinent question: "How can we repair all the damage we inherited?"

She then answers her questions with a plaintive, "I don't know."

In watching NATO and Ukrainian officials struggle to comprehend the reality of the situation they find themselves in, with the long-awaited and much-anticipated counteroffensive floundering against Russian defenses that have proved to be impenetrable, Leilaina's words came immediately to mind.

Ukraine has dispatched the last of its strategic reserves, led by the elite 82nd Airlanding Brigade, into the battle for the Zaporozhye village of Rabotino. Here, in fields made fallow by conditions of war, Ukraine’s best fighting forces have been eviscerated by Russian defenders who have refused to yield. Based upon the experience of the lead elements of the 82nd Brigade, this fate awaits them as well.

With the Ukrainian strategic reserve committed and soon to be defeated, there are no more forces of significance available to Ukraine and their NATO overseers capable of influencing the conduct of the battles raging all along the 1,000-mile line of contact between the armies of Ukraine and Russia.

Russia, meanwhile, retains an uncommitted reserve of some 200,000-plus fresh, well-trained and equipped forces which are leaning into the bit to be committed to battle. When they are eventually unleashed, Ukraine will lack the resources necessary to fend off their attack, signally the culminating moment in a Russian campaign designed to achieve just this result—the collapse of the Ukrainian ability to sustain large-scale ground combat.

Reality bites.

The situation had become so dire that Stian Jenssen, the chief of staff to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, opined in from a Norwegian audience that a solution for the end of the conflict with Russia "could be for Ukraine to give up territory, and get NATO membership in return."

But even here, Jenssen was delusional. While reality dictates that Ukraine will never get back its former territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea, and that the wisest choice would be to concede the inevitability of a Russian victory while avoiding the potential for the loss of even more territories, Jenssen seemed to forget that one of the primary goals behind the Russian decision to initiate the special military operation was to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.

Only someone totally separated from reality could articulate a scenario that has Russia conceding an issue that is linked to its existential survival (i.e., the expansion of NATO into Ukraine) in exchange for accepting an already accomplished fact—Russian control of the former Ukrainian territories.

Both the Ukrainian government and Jenssen's boss, Stoltenberg, pushed back against the notion of a territory-for-membership swap. "NATO will support Ukraine until it wins the conflict," Stoltenberg told a gathering of reporters in Oslo a day after Jenssen's gaffe, implying that Ukraine’s contention that a key condition for conflict resolution remained evicting Russia from all of the former Ukrainian territories liberated by Russian troops and claimed by Russia as a result of referenda held in 2014 (for Crimea) and 2022 (for the other four territories.)

But it is becoming increasingly clear that reality is trumping desire. There is no chance for Ukraine to achieve its stated objectives, something Jennsen’s comments reflected, and Stoltenberg’s did not. NATO struggles to generate new sources of equipment for the rapidly depleting Ukrainian Army, which has lost much of the tanks, armored fighting vehicles, and artillery systems provided by NATO and other nations in preparation for the failed counteroffensive.

Equipment previously considered to be too provocative, such as the F-16 fighter, have now been greenlighted for release to Ukraine. But none of this matters — even if Ukraine were to receive everything it wanted, the fact is that Ukraine cannot generate the manpower, either in quantity or quality, necessary to competently operate such equipment on a modern battlefield against a Russian Army which, by any honest measure, has emerged from this conflict as the most lethal, capable fighting force in the world.

The US and NATO are both struggling with how to manage a situation where a strategic Russian victory is inevitable. While Jenssen later expressed "regret" for his suggestion of a territory-for-membership swap, the fact is that Ukraine’s hardline position regarding the conditions it will accept regarding conflict termination is not realistic, and the longer Ukraine’s allies and partners continue to play along with such fantasy, the more difficult the path toward an eventual solution will become.

Indeed, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov's recent rejection of negotiations with the West over an end to the conflict shows this to be the case. Lavrov cited as the main reason for the Russian stance the fact that any such negotiation would be little more than a "tactical trick" designed to give the Ukrainian Army a chance to rest and rebuild.

It appears more and more likely that the end of the conflict will take the form of capitulation, not negotiation, where Ukraine plays the role of Imperial Japan in a replay of the surrender ceremony in September 1945 in Tokyo Bay onboard the USS Missouri. The terms under such a scenario would be unconditional, Ukraine's defeat total and NATO's route unmitigated. Ukrainian and NATO officials would do well to reflect on this reality before deciding to continue the conflict to "the last Ukrainian."

The Russian conditions that were set forth in the peace deal Ukraine initialed before backing out under pressure from former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson appear to be on the table, except for Russia's newly acquired territories. The alternative, as Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko recently explained to a Ukrainian journalist, could be the dismemberment of Ukraine where what remained of the nation was a pathetic shadow of its former self, stripped of economic viability.

Reality does, indeed, bite.

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Hurricane Hilary barrels toward southwest US amid flood warnings

Hurricane Hilary barrels toward southwest US amid flood warnings

Hurricane Hilary barrels toward southwest US amid flood warnings

Caution tapes prevent the passage at El Medano beach, as Hurricane Hilary hits Mexico's Baja California peninsula, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico August 19, 2023. REUTERS/Monserrat Zavala Acquire Licensing Rights

Rest of World News: Hurricane Hilary hurtled towards Mexico's Baja California peninsula on Saturday, a US government agency said, blanketing the region with heavy rain am.

The hurricane poised to make landfall in Baja California and the US as a tropical storm is the latest major climate disaster to wreak havoc across Canada, Mexico and the U.S.

Hurricane Hilary roared toward Mexico’s Baja California peninsula early Sunday as a weakened but still dangerous Category 1 hurricane likely to bring “catastrophic and life-threatening” flooding to the region and cross into the southwestern U.S. as a tropical storm, the National Weather Service said.

The National Weather Center in Miami said in the most recent advisory at 12 a.m. that the maximum sustained wind speed was 85 mph, down from 90 mph hours earlier. The storm was about 90 miles (145 kilometers) south of Punta Eugenia, Mexico, and 450 miles (720 kilometers) from San Diego, California.

One man died in the Baja California Sur state when a family of five was swept away into the sea while crossing a stream, according to a Mexican official, who also shared images of flooded and roads that were swept away in the area. The last tropical storm to make landfall in southern California was 84 years ago, before the system of naming storms and hurricanes was put into place.

Dangerous rains and coastal storm surges remain a major concern, the National Hurricane Center said, with up to 10 inches (25 cm) of rainfall expected in some regions of Baja California and California.

"Flash and urban flooding, locally catastrophic, is expected, especially in the northern portions of the peninsula," the Miami-based agency said in its latest advisory.

Rainfall of 3 inches to 6 inches, with isolated amounts of 10 inches, was expected across portions of southern California and southern Nevada as well, the NHC added. "Dangerous to catastrophic flooding is expected," the NHC said

Preparing for Hurricane Hilary (Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)

Here’s what else to know:

  • According to the Hurricane Center, the tropical storm warning was the first ever issued for Southern California. The warning extended from the Mexico-California border to Point Mugu, about 40 miles west of Santa Monica by road. It also includes Catalina Island, where officials urged some residents to evacuate.

  • The San Bernardino Sheriff’s Office on Saturday night ordered residents of several communities, including Oak Glen, Forest Falls, and Mountain Home Village, to leave. Officials in Orange County urged people in Silverado Canyon and Williams Canyon to evacuate, and said the warning could become mandatory quickly if conditions changed.

  • The weather service said that parts of California, including the Mojave Desert and the Imperial Valley, could see a tornado or two on Sunday. Tornadoes are not common in the Golden State. But it sees about 11 per year, the service has said.

  • Mexico deployed more than 6,500 soldiers on Friday to the states of Baja California and Baja California Sur to help erect shelters, organize food banks and prepare for possible emergency rescues in areas popular with tourists this time of year.

What to know about the Category 4 storm

  • Hurricane Hilary strengthened to a Category 4 storm early Friday but is expected to weaken before reaching California.

  • The National Weather Service warned the system was expected to bring "significant impacts" to the Southwest into early next week.

  • The National Hurricane Center issued a tropical storm watch for parts of Southern California, a first for that part of the United States. Watches were later upgraded to a warning.

  • If the system makes landfall in California as a tropical storm, it will be a rarity. The last time this happened in the past century was in Long Beach in 1939.

U.S. authorities in affected areas warned residents and businesses to take precautions.

Nearly 200 flights scheduled for Sunday at the San Diego International Airport have been canceled and another 184 on Monday, according to the FlightAware website.

In California, Major League Baseball's Los Angeles-based Dodgers and Angels brought their Sunday games forward to Saturday to turn them into split doubleheaders.

The city's soccer teams, Los Angeles FC and LA Galaxy, both postponed their Sunday matches due to threat of heavy rains and flooding.

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Nigerien Military Leader Says Niger Does Not Want War

Nigerien Military Leader Says Niger Does Not Want War

Nigerien Military Leader Says Niger Does Not Want War


The leader of the mutineers who seized power in Niger, Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, said on Saturday that his country does not want war, but will be ready to defend itself if necessary.

"Neither the army nor the people of Niger want war, but we will resist any manifestation of it," Tchiani was quoted as saying by the Al Jazeera broadcaster.

He noted that the member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) do not realize that Niger has become the key to containing the region from destabilization against the backdrop of increased terrorist activity.

Tchiani added that the sanctions imposed against his country were aimed at putting pressure on the rebels, and not at finding a solution to the current situation.

In addition, Tchiani said that rebels do not seek to seize power in the country but rather seek to come to a solution that would meet the interests of the people. On Saturday, media reported that an ECOWAS delegation arrived in the capital of Niger and met with deposed President Mohamed Bazoum to assess conditions of his detention. Later in the day, Reuters reported that the delegation also held talks with Tchiani.

A takeover took place in Niger on July 26. Bazoum was ousted and detained by his own guard, led by Tchiani. Following the power shift, ECOWAS suspended all financial aid to Niger, froze rebels' assets and imposed a ban on commercial flights to and from the country. In early August, during a summit in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, ECOWAS leaders agreed to activate a standby force to potentially compel the Nigerien military to reinstate Bazoum.

On Friday, ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs Abdel-Fatau Musah said that ECOWAS general staff chiefs had agreed on a date for the beginning of military intervention, but would not make it public.

The UK government temporarily withdrew staff from its embassy in Niger following the takeover, the UK Foreign Office said on Saturday.

"We have temporarily withdrawn our UK staff from Niger and our embassy is operating remotely," the ministry said.

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