Sunday, 16 June 2024

New York Times Claims to Reveal 2022 Russia-Ukraine Peace Drafts - Key Details and Missed Opportunities

New York Times Claims to Reveal 2022 Russia-Ukraine Peace Drafts - Key Details and Missed Opportunities

New York Times Claims to Reveal 2022 Russia-Ukraine Peace Drafts - Key Details and Missed Opportunities

©Sputnik/POOL/Go to the mediabank

The New York Times has published what it claims is the full text of then 2022 draft peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine "Ukraine-Russia Peace Is as Elusive as Ever. But in 2022 They Were Talking".

Russia and Ukraine were close to concluding a peace treaty in April 2022, but the Kiev regime tore the deal up at the last minutes after then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson pressured Volodymyr Zelensky not to sign. The New York Times has published what it claims is the full text of then 2022 draft peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine.

The never-signed documents — treaty drafts dated March 17 and April 15, 2022 — were purportedly leaked to the newspaper by Ukrainian, Russian and European sources.

Representatives from the warring nations held peace talks in the early weeks of the Russian invasion. They fizzled. Documents from those talks show why any new ones will face major obstacles.

A draft Ukraine-Russia treaty from April 2022, published here in full for the first time.

Kiev ultimately pulled out of the deal, brokered by Turkey over several weeks of talks in Istanbul between Russian and Ukrainian negotiating teams from February to April of 2022, after then-British prime minister Boris Johnson promised huge arms supplies from NATO countries.

With Russia and Ukraine locked in their third year of all-out war, there is no clear path to military victory for either side. Nor are there immediate prospects for a ceasefire and an eventual peace plan, with both sides sticking to irreconcilable positions.

Yet the issues that would need to be tackled in any future peace settlement are evident, and in fact were at the center of negotiations two years ago that explored peace terms in remarkable detail.

Documents reviewed by The New York Times shed light on the points of disagreement that would have to be overcome.

The documents emerged from negotiating sessions that took place in the weeks after the start of the war, from February to April of 2022. It was the only time that Ukrainian and Russian officials are known to have engaged in direct peace talks.

According to the key points from the document:

  • Ukraine had to maintain permanent neutrality and not engage in wars on the side of a guarantor state or any third country

  • The guarantors of Ukraine's security and neutrality would be Great Britain, China, Russia, the US and France, with Belarus and Turkiye also mentioned Ukraine would not be allowed to conduct military exercises involving foreign armed forces without the consent of the guarantors

  • The guarantors pledged not to form military alliances with Ukraine, not to interfere in its internal affairs and not to deploy troops on its territory

  • All mutual sanctions and bans between Russia and Ukraine were to be lifted, but certain provisions of the agreement did not apply to Crimea, Sevastopol and territories marked on a map in the appendices — which the NYT did not provide

  • Pages 11 and 12 specified personnel, weaponry and equipment limits for the Ukrainian Armed Forces during peacetime: no more than 342 tanks, 1,029 armoured vehicles and 96 multiple rocket launchers, based on Russia's demands

  • The maximum firing range for multiple rocket launchers and missiles was set at under 280 km. Ukraine also pledged not to produce or domestically purchase weaponry of greater range

After Moscow launched its special military operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russian and Ukrainian delegations engaged in several rounds of peace talks. Talks in Turkiye took place in March 2022 but ended without signing any documents. In November 2023, Ukraine’s former chief negotiator with Russia, David Arakhamia, said then-UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson talked Kiev out of signing an agreement with Moscow to end the conflict. In October 2022, Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree stating that Kiev could not hold peace talks as long as President Vladimir Putin is in power in Russia.

German newspaper Welt Am Sonntag claimed in April it had obtained the 17-page draft peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine. It stated that while the sides had come close to sealing a peace treaty, The Zelensky regime objected to terms restoring Russian as an official language and Kiev’s repudiation of Nazism.

Efforts to strike a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine were thwarted by Johnson at the behest of the US, Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrey Kelin said in February.

"He blocked the peace efforts with Washington's blessing, obviously, because he could not do it on his own accord," Kelin told Turkish broadcaster TRT World.

After Johnson arrived in Kiev, "the document, which had already been initialled by the head of the Ukrainian delegation, [David] Arakhamia, was thrown into the wastebasket, and Ukraine started fighting," he added. "These are the consequences of what the prime minister of the United Kingdom did."

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated in his February interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson that talks with Ukraine in 2022 were close to agreement, but Ukraine broke the deal after Russian pulled its troops back from Kiev as a good-will gesture requested by western European leaders.

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Pabrik Garmen, Tokopedia Tiktok Phk Karyawan - Bertambah Ribuan Pengangguran Solusi Pemerintah Apa?

Pabrik Garmen, Tokopedia Tiktok Phk Karyawan - Bertambah Ribuan Pengangguran Solusi Pemerintah Apa?

Pabrik Garmen, Tokopedia Tiktok Phk Karyawan - Bertambah Ribuan Pengangguran Solusi Pemerintah Apa?

Setelah tahun 2022 ada 18 pabrik Garmen tutup, kini kembali terjadi lagi, satu per satu pabrik tekstil, garmen, hingga alas kaki dan perusahaan ecommerse di Indonesia menghentikan operasionalnya, alias tutup. Gelombang Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) pun tak terelakkan lagi. Salah satunya pabrik garmen di daerah Cileungsi, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Pantauan Aha Dua Permata di lokasi, Jumat, 14/06/2024, terlihat kondisi pabrik yang biasanya ramai dipenuhi pekerja serta suara mesin jahit yang saling bersahutan, kini sunyi senyap, tidak ada lagi aktivitas menjahit. Ribuan mesin jahit pun tertutup kain, sudah tak lagi dipakai.

Ada 3.000 buruh yang terpaksa harus kehilangan pekerjaannya, imbas dari penghentian operasional pabrik garmen ini. Sang pemilik pun mengaku sudah tidak mampu dalam mempertahankan bisnisnya. Lantaran sepinya order yang masuk, dengan ditambah beban upah minimum yang terus naik setiap tahun.

Adapun pabrik garmen ini sebelumnya memproduksi pakaian dalam yang juga untuk dipasok ke pasar ekspor. Namun sayangnya, kejayaan pun meredup ketika isu geopolitik, resesi global, hingga kenaikan upah tinggi membuat pabrik tak mampu bertahan dan melakukan PHK terhadap ribuan pekerjanya.

Anggota Perkumpulan Pengusaha Produk Tekstil Provinsi Jawa Barat (PPTPJB) Bidang Hukum, Desi Sulastri menyebut kenaikan upah yang signifikan, dengan tidak dibarengi permintaan order yang tinggi membuat pabrik tekstil beserta turunannya bertumbangan.

"Penetapan upah dengan Otoda (otonomi daerah) sejak 10 tahun terakhir membuat industri yang ada mengalami penekanan-penekanan dalam penetapan upah. Karena seyogyanya penetapan kenaikan upah kan diiringi dengan pertambahan order atau peningkatan produktivitas, tetapi dengan beralihnya penetapan UMK dengan melalui Otoda, itu tidak lagi menjadi perhitungan," kata Desi hari Jumat, 14/06/2024.

Desi mengatakan, pandemi Covid-19, resesi global, hingga memanasnya tensi geopolitik telah menjadi tantangan besar bagi industri padat karya, khususnya yang berorientasi ekspor. Namun, yang menjadi isu utama banyaknya pabrik tekstil dan produk tekstil (TPT) bertumbangan, menurut Desi, adalah upah minimum yang naik signifikan setiap tahunnya. Sehingga pabrik yang nafasnya sudah tersengal-sengal, ditambah beban upah tinggi, terpaksa berguguran.

Bertambah lagi PHK yang datangnya dari perusahaan ecommerse, yaitu perusahaan hasil penggabungan Tokopedia dan TikTok Shop mengumumkan kebijakan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK). Namun mereka tidak menyebutka jumlah pekerja yang terkena PHK tidak dipublikasikan.

Direktur Corporate Affairs Tokopedia dan ShopTokopedia Nuraini Razak mengatakan kebijakan PHK harus dilakukan untuk mendukung strategi pertumbuhan perusahaan ecommerce anak usaha ByteDance tersebut.

Alasan utama yang dikemukakan masalah perampingan struktur organisasi adalah bagian dari penyelarasan organisasi setelah merger TikTok Shop dan Tokopedia. Kebijakan ini, lanjutnya, juga merupakan upaya memperkuat organisasi.

"Kami harus melakukan penyesuaian yang diperlukan pada struktur organisasi sebagai bagian dari strategi perusahaan agar dapat terus tumbuh," katanya, pada hari Jumat, 14/06/2024.

Entah persaingan bisnis atau perpu usaha yang kurang memihak ataupun perhatian serius pemerintah terhadap pelaku usaha yang seharusnya mampu sebagai penyangga untuk menyelamatkan tenaga kerja produktif Indonesia, peristiwa ini bukan kejadian sederhana, karena akan berdampak kepada masalah krisis sosial dengan bertambahnya angka pengangguran usia produktif.

Apa Solusi Pemerintah

Semenjak setelah pandemi 2019, berguguran pabrik - pabrik dikawasan Industri hingga hari ini kami tidak melihat langkah serius dari pemerintah menangani masalah ini, bahkan seperti dibiarkan begitu saja.

Sebaliknya pemerintah hanya gencar mencari investor dengan pemanis yang ditawarkan aturan omnibus law cipta kerja, sekalipun ini benar, pemerintah seharusnya mampu menyelamatkan perusahaan yang sudah ada agar tidak terjadi keputusan akhir dari pelaku usaha melakukan PHK.

Aha Dua Permata dalam tulisan tahun 2010 jika pemerintah tidak mampu memberikan solusi bagi sumber daya manusia produktif maka 10 tahun kedepan angka kriminalitas akan meningkat seperti di Las Vegas dan Chicago. Dan Kita bisa melihat hari ini hampir tiap hari disuguhkan berbagai kriminalitas.

Dan pesan untuk Presiden baru nanti, jangan biarkan terjadi lagi pelaku usaha melakukan PHk besar - besaran, jika mimpinya benar - benar dari satunya kata dan perbuatan, yakni menjadikan megara maju dan bangsa yang bermartabat.

Hendaknya Pemerintah dapat membuktikan mimpi itu tidak hanya sekedar slogan yang digaungkan tiap kali merayu rakyatnya (kampanye).

How the US government uses NGOs to corrupt ‘civil society’ around the world

How the US government uses NGOs to corrupt ‘civil society’ around the world

How the US government uses NGOs to corrupt ‘civil society’ around the world

FILE PHOTO: Security forces take measures as protesters gather to stage protest against 'transparency of foreign influence' bill during voting near Georgian Parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia on May 14, 2024.
©Davit Kachkachishvili/Anadolu via Getty Images

By Glenn Diesen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Substack.

In the West, and beyond, pressure groups operating under the banner of “human rights non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) have become key actors in disseminating war propaganda, intimidating academics, and corrupting civil society. These outfits act as gatekeepers determining which voices should be elevated and which should be censored and canceled.

Civil society is imperative to balance the power of the state, but governments are increasingly seeking to hijack it through NGOs they fund. They can enable a loud minority to override a silent majority.

In the 1980s, the Reagan doctrine exacerbated the problem as these “human rights NGOs” were financed by the government and staffed by people with ties to intelligence agencies, to ensure civil society won’t deviate significantly from government policies.

The ability of academics to speak openly and honestly is restricted by these gatekeepers. In a case in pointtoday, NGOs limit dissent in academic debates about the great power rivalry in Ukraine. Well-documented and proven facts that are imperative to understanding the conflict are simply not reported in the media, and any efforts to address these facts are confronted with vague accusations of being “controversial” or “pro-Russian,” a transgression that must be punished with intimidation, censorship, and cancellation.

I (Glenn Diesen) will outline here first my personal experiences with one of these NGOs, and how they are hijacking civil society.

In the West, and beyond, pressure groups operating under the banner of “human rights non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) have become key actors in disseminating war propaganda, intimidating academics, and corrupting civil society. These outfits act as gatekeepers determining which voices should be elevated and which should be censored and canceled.

Civil society is imperative to balance the power of the state, but governments are increasingly seeking to hijack it through NGOs they fund. They can enable a loud minority to override a silent majority.

In the 1980s, the Reagan doctrine exacerbated the problem as these “human rights NGOs” were financed by the government and staffed by people with ties to intelligence agencies, to ensure civil society won’t deviate significantly from government policies.

The ability of academics to speak openly and honestly is restricted by these gatekeepers. In a case in pointtoday, NGOs limit dissent in academic debates about the great power rivalry in Ukraine. Well-documented and proven facts that are imperative to understanding the conflict are simply not reported in the media, and any efforts to address these facts are confronted with vague accusations of being “controversial” or “pro-Russian,” a transgression that must be punished with intimidation, censorship, and cancellation.

I will outline here first my personal experiences with one of these NGOs, and how they are hijacking civil society.

My Encounter with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is financed by the US government and CIA-cutout the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). They regularly publish hit pieces about me and rarely miss their weekly tweets that label me a propagandist for Russia. It is always name-calling and smearing, rather than anything that can be considered coherent argument.

The standard formula for cancellation is to shame my university in every article and tweet for allowing academic freedom, with the implicit offer of redemption by terminating my employment as a professor. Peak absurdity occurred with a seven-page article in a newspaper in which it was argued I’d violated international law by spreading war propaganda. They grudgingly had to admit that I have opposed the war from day one, although for a professor in Russian politics to engage with Russian media allegedly made me complicit in spreading war propaganda.

Every single time I am invited to give a speech at any event, this NGO will appear to publicly shame and pressure the organizers to cancel my invitation. The organization also openly attempts to incite academics to rally against me to strengthen their case for censorship in a trial of public opinion. Besides whipping up hatred in the media by labeling me a propagandist for Russia, they incite anonymous online troll armies such as “NAFO” to cancel me online and in the real world. After subsequent intimidations through social media, emails, SMS and phone calls, the police advised me to remove my home address and phone number from public access. One of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee recently posted a sale ad for my house, which included photos of my home with my address for their social media followers.

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee also infiltrates and corrupts other institutions. One of the more eager Helsinki Committee employees is also a board member at the Norwegian organization for non-fictional authors and translators (NFFO) and used his position there to cancel the organization’s co-hosting of an event, as I had been invited to speak. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is also overrepresented on the Nobel Committee, to ensure the right candidates are picked.

Why would a humanitarian NGO act like modern Brownshirts by limiting academic freedom? One could similarly ask why a human rights NGO spends more effort on demonizing Julian Assange rather than exploring the human-rights abuses he exposed.

This “human rights NGO” is devoted primarily to addressing abuses in the East. Subsequently, all great power politics is framed as a competition between good values versus bad ones Constructing stereotypes for the in-group versus the out-groups as a conflict between good and evil is a key component of political propaganda. The complexity of security competition between the great powers is dumbed down and propagandized as a mere struggle between liberal democracy versus authoritarianism. Furthermore, they rest on the source credibility of being “non-governmental” and merely devoted to human rights, which increases the effectiveness of their messaging.

By framing the world as a conflict between good and evil, mutual understanding and compromise are tantamount to appeasement while peace is achieved by defeating enemies. Thus, these “human rights NGOs” call for confrontation and escalation against whoever is the most recent reincarnation of Hitler, while the people calling for diplomacy are denounced and censored as traitors.

NGOs Hijacking Civil Society

After the Second World War, American intelligence agencies took on a profound role in manipulating civil society in Europe. The intelligence agencies were embarrassed when they were caught, and the solution was to hide in plain sight.

The Reagan Doctrine entailed setting up NGOs that would openly interfere in the civil society of other states under the guise of supporting human rights. The well-documented objective was to conceal influence operations by US intelligence. The “non-governmental” aspect of the NGOs is fraudulent as they are almost completely funded by states and staffed with people connected to the intelligence community. Case in point, during Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution” in 2004, an anti-corruption protest was transformed into a pro-NATO/anti-Russian government. The head of the influential NGO Freedom House in Ukraine was the former Director of the CIA. Reagan himself gave the inauguration speech when he established the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in 1983. The Washington Post has called NED the “sugar daddy of overt operations” and “what used to be called ‘propaganda’ and can now simply be called ‘information’.” Documents released reveal that NED cooperated closely with CIA propaganda initiatives. Allen Weinstein, a cofounder of NED, acknowledged: “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” Philip Agee, a CIA whistle-blower, explained that NED was established as a “propaganda and inducement program” to subvert foreign nations and style it as a democracy promotion initiative. NED also finances the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

The NGOs enable a loud Western-backed minority to marginalize a silent majority, and then sell it as “democracy.” Protests can therefore legitimize the overthrow of elected governments. The Guardian referred to the Ukrainian Orange Revolution in 2004 as “an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in Western branding and mass marketing” for the purpose of “winning other people’s elections.” Another article by the Guardian labeled the Orange Revolution as a “postmodern coup d’état” and a “CIA-sponsored third world uprising of cold war days, adapted to post-Soviet conditions.” A similar regime-change operation was repeated in Ukraine in 2014 to mobilize Ukrainian civil society against their government, resulting in overthrowing the democratically elected government against the will of the majority of Ukrainians. The NGOs branded it a “democratic revolution” and was followed by Washington asserting its dominance over key levers of power in Kiev.

Similar operations were also launched against Georgia. The NGOs staged Georgia’s “Rose Revolution” in 2003 which eventually resulted in war with Russia after the new authorities in Tbilisi attacked South Ossetia. Recently, the Prime Minister of Georgia cautioned that the US was yet again using NGOs in an effort to topple the government to use his country as a second front against Russia. Georgia’s democratically elected parliament passed a law with an overwhelming majority (83 in favor vs 23 against), for greater transparency over their funding. Unsurprisingly, the West decided that transparency over funding of its pressure groups was undemocratic, and it was labeled a “Russian law.” The Western public was fed footage of protests for democratic credibility, and they were reassured that the Georgian Prime Minister was merely a Russian puppet. The US and EU subsequently responded by threatening Georgia with sanctions in the name of “supporting” Georgia’s civil society.

Defending Civil Society

Society rests on three legs – the government, the market and civil society. Initially, the free market was seen as the main instrument to elevate the freedom of the individual from government. Yet, as immense power concentrated in large industries in the late 19th century, some liberals looked to the government as an ally to limit the power of large corporations. The challenge of our time is that government and corporate interests go increasingly hand-in-hand, which only intensifies with the rise of the tech giants. This makes it much more difficult for civil society to operate independently. The universities should therefore remain a bastion of freedom and not be policed by fake NGOs.

Friday, 14 June 2024

Watch Russian Military Eliminate Ukrainian Unit's German-Made Howitzer

Watch Russian Military Eliminate Ukrainian Unit's German-Made Howitzer

Watch Russian Military Eliminate Ukrainian Unit's German-Made Howitzer

The intel on the target was provided by Ukrainian citizens who believe that their future is with Russia.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense has published footage showing the destruction of a Ukrainian detachment armed with a German-made Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzer.

The information about enemy troops was provided by the Ukrainian underground movement – the people who oppose the Kiev regime and believe that their future is with Russia.

“The data was given to the people who knew what to do with it,” the coordinator of the underground said. Russian troops started hammering the Ukrainian detachment with artillery and as a result, the German-made howitzer was eliminated, as well as numerous militants.

The coordinator noted that this is one of many examples of Ukrainian resistance efforts against the Kiev regime, demonstrating that individuals risk their lives to do everything they can as ordinary civilians.

"Their help is invaluable – every report on the movement and location of the enemy saves the lives of Russian soldiers participating in the special military operation."

Ukraine Loses over 3,700 Soldiers in Clashes With Russia’s South Group in the Past Week

Russia’s Ministry of Defense reported on the progress of the special military operation and the key achievements of the Russian Armed Forces in the past week.

The Ukrainian armed forces have lost up to 3,785 servicemen in clashes with Russia’s Yug (South) group of forces in the past week, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

"The enemy lost up to 3,785 soldiers, 11 armored combat vehicles, 48 vehicles, 39 field artillery pieces, including 14 Western-made ones," the ministry said in a statement, adding that Ukraine also last 965 soldiers in clashes with Russia’s Vostok (East) group of forces and 555 more in clashes with the Dnepr group of forces.

Russia’s Sever (North) group of forces has repelled 45 counterattacks in the past week, while Ukraine has lost up to 1,710 soldiers in clashes, according to the ministry.

"The total 34 enemy counterattacks were repelled [by Russia’s Center group of forces]. During the week, in this direction, the total losses of the enemy amounted to 2,375 servicepeople, 14 armored combat vehicles, including four US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehiclesand two German-made Marder infantry fighting vehicles, six vehicles, as well as 52 field artillery guns, including ten US-made M777 howitzers," the ministry said.

In addition, Russia’s Zapad (West) group of forces have taken better positions in the past week, while Ukraine has lost up to 3,405 soldiers in clashes in this direction, the ministry said. Over the past week, the Russian troops launched 19 group strikes on Ukrainian military facilities, including the ones storing Strom Shadow missiles, the ministry said.

"During the week, 46 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered at the line of contact," the ministry said.

Boy dies of malnutrition in Gaza amid Israel Terrorists’s ‘normalised brutality

Boy dies of malnutrition in Gaza amid Israel Terrorists’s ‘normalised brutality’

Boy dies of malnutrition in Gaza amid Israel Terrorists’s ‘normalised brutality

According to the director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, there are more than 200 Palestinian children currently at risk of dying due to malnutrition.

Israeli terorists helicopter gunships, attack drones and warplanes strike Rafah as Palestinian fighters engage Israeli troops in running street battles.

At least 14 Palestinians were killed following Israeli terrorists air strikes on residential buildings in northern Gaza City.

At least 37,232 Palestinian people have been killed and 85,037 wounded in Israel terrorists’s war on Gaza since October 7, 2023.

A Lebanese woman has been killed and at least seven people were wounded by an Israeli terrorist air strike last night in the Tyre district, southern Lebanon. The Lebanese National News Agency reported that the air strike targeted a house in the village of Jennata.

As cross-border fighting between Hezbollah and Israeli terrorists forces continues, Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati said the “continuation of Israeli attacks and the deliberate killing of people, destruction of towns, and burning of crops, is not only a matter of condemnation and denunciation by us, but it is a destructive and terrorist aggression.”

“It is a terrorist attack that the international community must put an end to,” he said, Al Jazeera reported.

The Israeli terrorists regime’s politicians and its military officials have increased their rhetoric of war against Lebanon.

There is increasing concern the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border is reaching a critical point.

Meanwhile, the Zionist terrorist regime’s onslaught on Gaza continues to kill civilians.

Fresh Israeli terrorists bombing that targeted the Saudi neighborhood, west of Rafah city, has killed three Palestinians.

Displaced people in Jabalia scramble for drinking water

Footage shared online, and verified by Al Jazeera, shows a stampede and crowding among the displaced people at UNRWA schools trying to get drinking water on a daily basis.

In northern Gaza, the water crisis worsened after the massive destruction caused by the Israeli army in its recent military operation.

“See how people suffer from lack of water and the spread of sewage, shelter and other challenges, including lack of food and aid,” one of the displaced people said.

“I came for several days trying to get water but wasn’t successful,” said an elderly woman.

“We were displaced from Beit Hanoon after we lost our homes and now in Jabalia camp, we beg for water.”

Children were playing in courtyard in Deir el-Balah when Israeli forces attacked

Medical sources have told Al Jazeera that 20 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli raids on different areas in the Gaza Strip since dawn today.

Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary reports that Israeli forces targeted a house in Deir el-Balah, and killed at least two Palestinians. Four others were critically injured, among them children.

“Talking to the parents, they said they were playing in the courtyard when the air strike took place,” Khoudary said.

“There has been a couple of targets in Nuseirat and Bureij. The air strikes are ongoing from north to the south, despite the ceasefire negotiations.”

The Times investigation found that Israel bombed targets inside a camp that had existed for months, sheltering hundreds of people displaced by the war. The analysis raises questions about an assessment the Israeli military said it made before launching the strike that it was.

The camp, Kuwaiti Al-Salam Camp 1, was created several months ago, near the Tal al-Sultan area of northwestern Rafah. It eventually grew to include dozens of tents and about 40.

Videos and satellite imagery show. Each shed typically housed five to seven people, according to one of the charities that built the camp, though it is unclear how many people were in any of the sheds during the Israeli terrorists strike.

Earlier video of Kuwaiti Al-Salam Camp 1 shows the metal structures that were used to house displaced people."

On May 26, Mr. al-Hila and his 6-year-old daughter, Rehab, had been in his mother’s tent, but he went back to his own for evening prayers. His mother had asked him to return with her other grandchild, 2-year-old Mostafa. Her walker was broken; she was waiting for a new one.

Around that time, Israeli Terrorists jets were closing in. Their targets, the Israeli terrorists military later said, were Khaled al-Najjar and Yassin Rabia, Hamas officials accused of orchestrating attacks against Israelis. The Israeli terrorists military said the two were holding meetings in two of the camp’s sheds.

And in this strike, the combination of weapon, location and timing caused destruction well beyond the target. The explosions blasted the bombs’ steel casing into shards that could cause death and injury up to around 570 feet away. And they detonated in corrugated metal structures with the potential to create far more shrapne.

The sheds that were targeted stood within a few yards of several others, as well as parked vehicles. Israeli terrorists military drone video analyzed by The Times appears to show at least four people walking nearby when the bombs exploded.

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