Saturday 29 July 2023

Scorching heatwave bakes US as heat index soars past 100°F

Scorching heatwave bakes US as heat index soars past 100°F

Scorching heatwave bakes US as heat index soars past 100°F

Tens of millions of Americans were confronted with a one-two punch of brutally hot temperatures and oppressive humidity on Friday as an unrelenting heatwave settled over the Midwest and East Coast and was expected to persist into the weekend.

More than 175 million people in the U.S. were under excessive heat warnings and advisories until at least Saturday afternoon as midday heat index readings in many spots rose well above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 C), the National Weather Service (NWS) said.

Some of the nation's biggest cities, including Chicago, New York and Philadelphia, have opened cooling centers in public libraries and community centers for those who are unable to escape the hot temperatures.

"Extreme heat can be dangerous to health, and even fatal," the city of Boston said on its website after it declared a heat emergency, adding that its street outreach teams will provide water on their routes.

U.S. city officials and forecasters are urging people to stay out of the hot weather as it has the potential to cause heat-related illnesses, especially for those working or participating in outdoor activities, people aged 65 and older, children and those with chronic illnesses.

"Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors," the NWS said.

In Philadelphia, where the heat index could top out at 108 degrees F (42 C), officials extended public pool and spray grounds hours on Friday and Saturday.

In New York City, where the heat index was to reach 103 degrees F (39 C), officials posted a public service announcement video on social media urging owners to keep their pets well hydrated.

"It's very hot outside. Extreme heat like this can be dangerous. We have to be very strategic in how we combat this," said New York City Deputy Mayor Philip Banks during a public safety briefing on Friday, telling residents to check on neighbors and loved ones.

Electric grid operators across the nation declared hot weather alerts this week and told energy companies to put off unnecessary maintenance. Despite the extreme heat, however, no U.S. grid operators had taken more extreme actions.

The growing frequency and intensity of severe weather is symptomatic of global, human-driven climate change that is fueling extremes, experts in the field say, with heat waves in much of the world expected to persist through August.

Last month was the hottest June on record in the United States, dating back to 1850. It also was the 47th consecutive June and the 532nd consecutive month with temperatures above the 20th-century average, according to the weather service.

The hot weather through much of the U.S. is expected to dissipated by late Saturday, leaving behind chances of thunderstorms and mild temperatures into next week, the weather service said.

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Tradisi Nyadran Kyai Kramat di Temanggung

Tradisi Nyadran Kyai Kramat di Temanggung

Tradisi Nyadran Kyai Kramat di Temanggung

Warga mengusung tenong berisi makanan saat tradisi Nyadran Kyai Kramat di kawasan hutan Pinus Desa Tlogopucang, Kandangan, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (29/7/2023). Tradisi nyadran rutin dilaksanakan masyarakat petani kopi setempat setiap bulan Muharam yang diikuti oleh ribuan orang untuk mengirim doa kepada arwah leluhur dan permohonan doa kepada Tuhan agar panen kopi mendapat hasil yang memuaskan. ANTARA FOTO/Anis Efizudin/tom.

Di sebuah dusun kecil di wilayah Kecamatan Tembarak Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah pada hari Sabtu, 29/07/2023, melangsungkan tradisi Nyadran. Tradisi ini oleh masyarakat NU setempat dinilai sebagai salah satu implementasi dari kaidah "Melestarikan tradisi lama yang baik dan mengambil hal yang baru yang lebih baik".

Nyadran adalah suatu rangkaian budaya yang berupa pembersihan makam leluhur, tabur bunga, dan puncaknya berupa kenduri selamatan di makam leluhur.

Nyadran berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta “Sraddha”yang artinya keyakinan. Tradisi Nyadran merupakan suatu budaya mendoakan leluhur yang sudah meninggal dan seiring berjalannya waktu mengalami proses perkembangan budaya sehingga menjadi adat dan tradisi yang memuat berbagai macam seni budaya.

Nyadran dikenal juga dengan nama Ruwahan, karena dilakukan pada bulan Ruwah. Tradisi Nyadran berdasarkan sejarahnya merupakan suatu akulturasi budaya jawa dengan islam.

Nyadran atau Sadranan adalah tradisi yang dilakukan oleh orang jawa yang dilakukan di bulan Sya’ban (Kalender Hijriyah) atau Ruwah (Kalender Jawa) untuk mengucapkan rasa syukur yang dilakukan secara kolektif dengan mengunjungi makam atau kuburan leluhur yang ada di suatu kelurahan atau desa.

Pelaksanaan tradisi nyadran bulan Sya'ban ini selain terdapat bancaan ingkung (ayam) juga diadakan beberapa rangkaian kegiatan yang sangat baik untuk dilestarikan.

Warga berdoa bersama saat tradisi Nyadran Kyai Kramat di kawasan hutan Pinus Desa Tlogopucang, Kandangan, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (29/7/2023). Tradisi nyadran rutin dilaksanakan masyarakat petani kopi setempat setiap bulan Muharam yang diikuti oleh ribuan orang untuk mengirim doa kepada arwah leluhur dan permohonan doa kepada Tuhan agar panen kopi mendapat hasil yang memuaskan. ANTARA FOTO/Anis Efizudin/tom.

Di antaranya adalah melakukan ziarah kubur ke makam dusun (berseh-red), tahlilan dan haul masal dusun yang dihelat di serambi masjid, kepungan dengan 'ingkung' ayam panggang jago yang diikat posisi terkungkung seperti orang sujud, sedekahan, yang dilanjutkan pada malam harinya dengan pengajian yang menghadirkan tokoh kiai untuk memberikan siraman rohani bagi warga.

    Tradisi Nyadran terdiri dari berbagai kegiatan, yakni
  • Melakukan besik, yaitu pembersihan makam leluhur dari kotoran dan rerumputan. Dalam Kegiatan ini masyarakat dan antar keluarga saling bekerjasama gotong-royong untuk membersihkan makam leluhur.

  • Kirab, merupakan arak-arakan peserta Nyadran menuju ketempat upacara adat dilangsungkan.

  • Ujub, menyampaikan Ujub atau maksud dari serangkaian upacara adat Nyadran oleh Pemangku Adat.

  • Doa, Pemangku Adat memimpin kegiatan doa bersama yang ditujukan kepada roh leluhur yang sudah meninggal.

  • Kembul Bujono dan Tasyukuran, setelah dilakukan doa bersama kemudian dilanjutkan dengan makan bersama. Masyarakat menggelar Kembul Bujono atau makan bersama dengan setiap keluarga yang mengikuti kenduri harus membawa makanan sendiri.

    Makanan yang dibawa berupa makanan tradisional, seperti ayam ingkung, sambal goreng ati, urap sayur dengan lauk rempah, prekedel, tempe dan tahu bacem, dan lain sebagainya.

    Setelah masyarakat telah berkumpul dan membawa kendurinya masing-masing, kemudian makanan yang dibawa diletakkan didepan untuk didoakan oleh pemuka agama setempat untuk mendapatkan berkah dan kemudian tukar menukar makanan yang tadi dibawa oleh masyarakat, untuk mengakhiri acara kemudian masyarakat melakukan makan berasama dengan saling bersendau gurau untuk saling mengakrabkan diri.

Tata cara pelaksanaan tradisi nyadran tidak hanya sekedar ziarah ke makam leluhur tetapi juga terdapat nilai-nilai sosial budaya seperti gotong royong, pengorbanan, ekonomi, menjalin silaturahmi, dan saling berbagi antar masyarakat di suatu lingkungan.

Tradisi Nyadran dilakukan dengan kearifan lokal masing-masing sehingga dibeberapa tempat terdapat perbedaan-perbedaan dalam prosesi pelaksanaannya.

Dalam perjalanannya terdapat pengembangan-pengembangan dalam prosesi Nyadran yakni dengan memasukkan unsur-unsur budaya, salah satunya yakni dengan menampilkan bebagai kesenian khas daerah tersebut sebagai unsur pertunjukan. Nyadran termasuk sebagai salah satu tradisi menjelang datangnya bulan Ramadan.

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Jambore Sispala 2023 Diikuti 280 Siswa hadir Digelar di Jakarta Utara

Jambore Sispala 2023 Diikuti 280 Siswa hadir Digelar di Jakarta Utara

Jambore Sispala 2023 Diikuti 280 Siswa hadir Digelar di Jakarta Utara

Jambore Sispala 2023 di TWA Angke Jakarta. @Foto: Dok Kedai Pena

Sebanyak 280 siswa dari 43 SMA/SMK dan yang sederajat dari wilayah Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan, Bekasi, dan Bogor, mengikuti Jambore Siswa Pencinta Alam (Sispala) 2023 yang diselenggarakan di Ekowisata Mangrove PIK Pluit, Jakarta Utara.

Acara yang bertema ‘Membangun Karakter Bersama Alam” ini, berlangsung pada 28-30 Juli 2023, dan dibuka oleh Wakil Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup DKI Jakarta, Sarjoko, mewakili Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.

Pembukaan Jambore oleh Sarjoko diawali dengan apel Sispala di lapangan Ekowisata Mangrove PIK, Pluit, Jumat (28/7). Apel ini antara lain diisi dengan menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya, pembacaan Pancasila, dan pembacaan Ikrar Sispala.

“Kami memberikan apresiasi yang luar biasa (atas terselenggaranya acara ini). Ini sesuatu yang harus dimulai dari kita, karena menjaga dan melestarikan alam tidak bisa diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada negara, kepada pemerintah, tetapi bagaimana semua unsur masyarakat, di mana semua stakeholder mengambil peran sesuai kemampuan masing-masing,” kata Sarjoko, hari Sabtu, 29/07/2023.

Dalam amanatnya, Sarjoko menekankan tentang bagaimana semua unsur masyarakat dan semua stakeholder mengambil peran sesuai kemampuan masing-masing dalam menjaga lingkungan.

Dia mengingatkan soal kegaduhan di media sosial tentang penurunan kualitas udara, dan tentang pentingnya setiap orang untuk berpartisipasi agar kualitas udara tetap baik. Termasuk juga, mencegah terjadinya pencemaran air, dan menjaga kelestarian keragaman hayati.

"Peran inilah yang diambil Sispala dengan kegiatan Jambore ini, dan Sispala ini sudah bertahun-tahun eksis untuk menjaga lingkungan sesuai dengan kemampuannya," kata Sarjoko.

Sejumlah kegiatan telah disiapkan sepanjang acara ini digelar. Kegiatan dibagi dalam empat sesi seminar dan kegiatan simulasi di hari terakhir.

Sementara itu, Ketua Forum Alumni Sispala Jakarta (Fasta) Adji Rimbawan mengatakan, Sispala merupakan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang positif di sekolah-sekolah, namun termasuk kegiatan yang berisiko, sehingga perlu didampingi.

"Jambore ini bertujuan selain untuk mempererat silaturahmi agar dapat saling membantu, juga untuk memberikan pelatihan, peningkatan wawasan tentang Sispala atas dasar tata kelola kegiatan yang sesuai tujuan pendidikan sekolah," katanya.

Selain itu, kata Adji, Jambore ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan pandangan, wawasan dan pemahaman kepada siswa, alumni, dan pihak sekolah tentang kegiatan alam bebas yang baik dan berkarakter.

Acara digelar pada hari Jumat, 28/07/2023 hingga hari Minggu, 30/07/2023, ada sejumlah kegiatan yang diagendakan, yang dibagi dalam empat sesi.

Sesi I: Seminar Pendidikan dengan materi “Peran Kelahiran Remaja dalam Konteks Pembangunan Manusia”. Sesi ini diselenggarakan Jumat (28/7/2023) pukul 15:30 – 16:30 WIB dengan narasumber dari Direktorat Bina Ketahanan Remaja BKKBN Pusat.

Sesi II: Karir di Wisata Petualang dengan materi “Potensi Karir di Kegiatan Wisata Petualang”. Sesi ini diselenggarakan Jumat (28/7/2023) pukul 16:30 – 17:30 WIB dengan narasumber dari Asosiasi Pemandu Gunung Indonesia DKI Jakarta.

Pada sesi ini terdapat dua seminar. Seminar yang kedua bertajuk “Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Pembentukan Karakter Kaum Muda” dengan narasumber Dinas pendidikan DKI Jakarta. Seminar ini diselenggarakan hari Jumat, 28/07/2023, pukul 19:30 – 20:30 WIB.

Sesi III: Sosiologi Pedesaan dengan materi “Pemahaman Kearifan Lokal Kawasan Petualangan” dengan narasumber Reiza Patters dan Vita Cecilia. Sesi ini diselenggarakan Jumat (28/7/2023) pukul 20:30 – 21:30 WIB.

Usai seminar, acara dilanjutkan dengan hiburan musik dan pengarahan kegiatan pada pukul 21:30-22:00 WIB.

Sesi IV dimulai Sabtu (20/7/2023) pukul 08:30 – 09:00 WIB dengan seminar bertajuk “Gerakan Waspada Bencana” dengan narasumber dari BPBD DKI Jakarta.

Setelah itu, hingga Minggu (30/7/2023) yang merupakan hari terakhir Jambore, peserta akan menjalani serangkaian kegiatan yang berkaitan langsung dengan alam, seperti water rescue, PPGD dan coaching clinic orienteering, kayak, snake Handling/animal rescue, malam keakraban, atraksi seni budaya, dan pengenalan olahraga air.

Ketua FASTA Adji Rimbawan mengatakan, Sispala merupakan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler (Ekskul) yang positif di sekolah-sekolah, namun termasuk kegiatan yang berisiko, sehingga perlu didampingi.

“Nah, Jambore ini bertujuan selain untuk mempererat silaturahmi agar dapat saling membantu, juga untuk memberikan pelatihan, peningkatan dan wawasan pemahaman tentang Sispala atas dasar tata kelola kegiatan kepecintaalaman yang sesuai tujuan pendidikan sekolah, serta berkegiatan yang aman, nyaman dan mempunyai muatan pembangunan karakter dan nilai edukasi,” kata Adji.

Selain itu, kata Adji, Jambore ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan pandangan, wawasan dan pemahaman kepada siswa, alumni dan pihak sekolah tentang kegiatan alam bebas yang baik dan berkarakter.

Salah seorang peserta Jambore, Nima Syagina Rapati, siswa SMAN 28 Jakarta dengan Sispala bernama Ural 28, mengatakan, ia berminat untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini karena Jambore ini selain mencintai alam, juga karena Jambore ini dapat dijadikan sebagai wadah bersilaturahmi dengan Sispala-Sispala lain.

“Kami rasa Jambore ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai motivasi dan evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan Ural dan bagaimana kami dapat membandingkan kegiatan Ural dengan Sispala-Sispala lainnya,” kata dia.

Gima berharap, ke depannya, setelah Jambore ini, Sispala Ural 28 dengan Sispala lainnya guna meningkatkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait dengan alam, seperti penanaman mangrove dan lainnya.

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Putin Holds Meetings With His African Counterparts

Putin Holds Meetings With His African Counterparts

Putin Holds Meetings With His African Counterparts

©Sputnik/ Pavel Bednyakov/ Go to the mediabank

Putin will hold bilateral talks with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Interim President of Burkina Faso Ibrahim Traore, the Interim President of Mali Colonel Assimi Goita and the President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso.

Sputnik is live from Saint Petersburg, where Russian President Vladimir Putin is holding talks with leaders of the African nations in the aftermath of the Russia-Africa Summit. Putin repeatedly stressed the role of African nations in the emerging multi-polar world order and observed that the African continent has become a new center of power in international relations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of the African peace mission will adopt a joint statement following their talks on Ukraine, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"A brief joint statement is being prepared following the meeting. It will be released as soon as it is agreed," Peskov said.

The meeting kicked off at about 11:15 p.m. on Friday. Putin and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered their addresses during the open part of the event. According to Peskov, the meeting ended at about 2:00 a.m.

The first talks in the series took place at the Constantine Palace outside St. Petersburg on June 17. Putin pointed out then that Moscow had never refused to hold talks with Kiev, while it was Ukraine that had dumped a draft agreement initialed in Istanbul in March 2022 into "the landfill of history.".

The African leaders spoke about the importance of cooperation in security, food security included, while Russia shared its plans to increase its democratic presence on the continent.

Here are the key events and statements of the Summit.

Moscow writes off debts

Russia will allocate more than $90 mln for lowering the debt burden of African countries, with their indebtedness written off by Moscow totaling $23 bln.

According to Russian Ambassador at Large, head of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Secretariat Oleg Ozerov, African countries’ debt issues before Russia have currently been settled by 90%.

"There are some financial issues, but we are not talking about the direct debt. We are talking about certain financial agreements and obligations of sides," he noted.

The West seeks to maintain its "dominant position in Africa, prevents reforms and exerts pressure, using the financial debt, which destroys the economy and increases poverty," Libyan Presidential Council Chairman Mohamed al-Menfi said.

Colonialism heritage

Africa’s allies, including Russia, India and China could buy finished products from Africa instead of raw materials, resident of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni said.

Using coffee as an example, Museveni pointed out that added value for finished goods is being produced beyond African territory.

"This is a problem that slowed down Africa’s growth," he stated.

Putin pointed out that some displays of colonialism have not been eliminated to this day and are "still being practice by metropoles - in particular, in economy, informational and humanitarian areas."

Cooperation on security

The summit participants agreed that a new permanent Russian-African security mechanism will be established. The new structure will work on combating terrorism and extremism, ensuring food security and non-deployment of weapons in space.

Noting that the development of the African Continent is being hampered by the spread of extremist ideology, trans-national crime and piracy, the Russian leader pointed out that Russia offers aid in countering all mentioned threats. In particular, Russia will continue training African servicemen and law enforcement officers in its education facilities. In addition, Moscow supplies a "wide array of weapons and vehicles" to African nations, including for free - "in order to reinforce security and sovereignty of these states."

Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera underscored that Russia’s support helped saving democracy in his country.

"Fearing no geopolitical problems, Russia provides aid to our country, our armed forces and security agencies in their fight against terrorist organizations," he said.

Mali was able to reinforce its armed forces and ensure its security thanks to Russia’s aid, said Interim President Assimi Goita.

"Mali has military partnership with Russia, and we thank it for support and friendship. […] The Malian Armed Forces Armed are currently on the offensive; we have significantly reduced the number of [terrorist] attacks on [our] military bases, we were able to ensure security in many places," he noted.

Search for peace in Ukraine

A number of African leaders advocated searching for ways to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa stated that "negotiations and dialogue, as well as commitment to the UN Charter are necessary for a peaceful and fair resolution of conflicts."

"The African initiative deserves the greatest attention and it should not be underestimated," President of the Republic of Congo Denis Sassou Nguesso said, calling to "end the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

This conflict affected the entire world in a negative way, African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat said.

"Of course, we are concerned over the grain supply issue," he said, adding that it is "necessary to immediately and promptly resolve the problem of food shipments to countries in need."

Putin pointed out that Russia has repeatedly stated its readiness for negotiations, but Moscow cannot force them. He agreed that "all controversies must be resolve at a negotiation table," but added that "negotiations with Russia are being rejected.

"President Putin showed us that he was ready to engage in dialogue and search for a solution, and now we need to persuade the other party. I hope that we will succeed," Azali Assoumani, President of the Comoros, who also chairs the African Union, said.

Via diplomatic channels

"Russia’s attention to Africa keeps growing steadily," Putin stated. According to the president, Moscow will build up its diplomatic presence on the continent, by expanding its network of Russian centers of science and culture, and will help African states to open their embassies and consulates in Russia.

First and foremost, Moscow seeks to reopen embassies in those countries, where embassies were shut down in the 1990s, Ozerov said.

Russia will also work on cancelling visa regime with African states.

"The slogan of Russia’s return to Africa implies our physical, diplomatic, official presence. Therefore we will work on this issue," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa Mikhail Bogdanov told TASS.

The agreements

Four declarations were adopted, including one on prevention of arms race in space, one on cooperation in informational security and one on strengthening of cooperation in combating terrorism, as well as the action plan of the Russia-Africa Partnership, which will implement the decisions of the summit. In addition, the Russian government signed memorandums of understanding with the African Development Organization and the Economic Community of Central African States.

The sides agreed on a number of new dialogue formats between summits, which will be held once in every three years. In particular, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chairman of the African Union plan to regularly hold political consultations.

A permanent mechanism is expected to be created at the highest level, which is supposed to help in coordinating combating terrorism and extremism, as well as in solving ecological problems. In addition, a Russia-Africa parliamentary forum will be held annually.

Jojo Ke Final - Dahaitsu Japan Open 2023

Jojo Ke Final - Dahaitsu Japan Open 2023

Jojo Ke Final - Dahaitsu Japan Open 2023

Tunggal putra Indonesia Jonatan Christie melakukan selebrasi usai melaju ke final turnamen Japan Open lewat pertarungan tiga set melawan tunggal India Lakshya Sen di semifinal, Sabtu, 29 Juli 2023.

Tunggal putra Indonesia, Jonatan 'Jojo' Christie ke final turnamen bulutangkis Daihatsu Japan Open 2023. Jojo hempaskan pebulutangkis India Lakshya Sen dengan 21-15, 13-21, 21-16 di babak semifinal

Jonatan yang merupakan unggulan lima dalam turnamen tersebut mengungkapkan, memakai pendekatan permainan yang lebih sabar dalam menghadapi serangan-serangan dari Sen.

“Puji Tuhan terima kasih hari ini saya bisa bermain cukup baik. Sen adalah pemain yang ulet dan tidak mudah dimatikan, pertahanannya bagus jadi pendekatan pertandingannya pun tadi berbeda dengan pertandingan-pertandingan kemarin,” kata Jonatan dikutip dari keterangan resmi PBSI.

“Tadi saya bermain lebih sabar. menunggu kesempatan baru menyerang. Bila saya terlalu mengobral serangan malah lebih enak ke dia,” ujarnya menambahkan.

Lebih lanjut, tunggal putra peringkat sembilan dunia tersebut mengatakan dirinya juga mencoba untuk fokus dan menenangkan pikiran serta tidak tergesa-gesa dalam merebut poin. Hal itu mengingat Sen merupakan pemain yang tangguh dalam memberikan serangan-serangan.

“Secara pikiran, saya juga terus mengatur fokus saya poin demi poin. Terutama saat di gim ketiga setelah interval dimana dia dapat satu poin, lalu saya juga dapat satu poin. Begitu terus bergantian, momentum itu yang terus saya pertahankan agar tidak menjadi berbalik,” kata Jonatan.

Ini merupakan final kedua Jonatan di Japan Open setelah tahun 2019. Ia akan menghadapi pemenang dari laga antara Viktor Axelsen (Denmark) dan Kodai Naraoka (Jepang). Jonatan mengatakan dirinya akan fokus untuk mempersiapkan diri lebih baik dari segi fisik dan mental.

“Saya senang pastinya (kembali masuk final Japan Open). Terlebih karena saya bisa mengambil poin lebih banyak di sini setelah beberapa turnamen tidak cukup bagus. Untuk final, belum berpikir ke sana,” ujar dia.

Sementara itu, Jonatan menjadi salah satu dari tiga wakil Indonesia yang sukses melaju ke babak semifinal turnamen berkategori BWF Super 500 itu. Dua pebulu tangkis Indonesia lainnya yang bermain ialah ganda putra Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto dan tunggal putri Gregoria Mariska Tunjung.

Fajar/Rian telah tumbang di tangan wakil Taiwan Lee Yang/Wang Chi Lin dua gim langsung 19-21, 10-21. Sementara, Gregoria akan melawan tunggal putri China He Bing Jiao.

Hasil Semifinal Daihatsu Japan Open 2023

Niger Coup - What You Need To Know So Far

Niger Coup - What You Need To Know So Far

Niger Coup - What You Need To Know So Far

A delegation known as the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Country delivered a statement on Nigerien state television shortly after detaining President Mohamed Bazoum. Credit Credit... ORTN via Associated Press

After a days of uncertainty in Niger, the commander of country’s presidential guard claimed the leadership of the West African country Friday in a televised address after ousting Mohamed Bazoum, the country’s democratically elected president.

Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, who goes by the first name, Omar, said on state television Friday, “We have decided to intervene and seize our responsibilities” in asserting power over the country.

His address came after anti-coup demonstrators had clashed with security forces in Niamey, the capital, and the military putschists subsequently declared a nationwide curfew, announcing that they would also shutter the country’s borders.

Here’s what to know about the takeover

What happened in Niger? Members of the country’s Presidential Guard encircled the president’s palace in Niamey on Wednesday morning and held Mr. Bazoum hostage. For hours, an anxious country waited to see whether the crisis would be resolved quietly, with little clear information about either the rebels’ identities or whether the president was safe.

Hundreds of demonstrators against the coup briefly took to the streets of Niamey on Wednesday afternoon to demand Mr. Bazoum’s release before being violently dispersed by security forces.

Trying to help an injured person at a demonstration to protest the detention of Mr. Bazoum in Niamey, Niger, on Wednesday. Demonstrators fled the rally after warning shots were fired. Credit... Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

That night, the mutineers declared that they had “put an end to the regime.”

Col. Amadou Abdramane, a spokesman for those who carried out the coup, read out a printed statement justifying their actions as a response to “the deteriorating security situation and bad social and economic governance.” Niger faces several Islamist insurgencies in its southern region, and people across the country have been feeling the strain from the rising cost of living.

Understand the Military Coup in Niger

A takeover. Military officers in the West African nation of Niger announced on July 26 that they had ousted the country’s president, throwing into uncertainty the future of one of the West’s few reliable partners in a region marred by coups and insecurity. Here is what to know:

How did the coup unfold? Members of the country’s presidential guard encircled the president’s palace in Niamey, Niger’s capital, and detained Mohamed Bazoum, the country’s president. A group of army officials representing different branches of the military later declared on national television that they had “put an end to the regime” of Bazoum and a general was announced as the head of the transitional leadership.

How have people in Niger reacted? Hundreds briefly demonstrated in the streets of Niamey to demand Bazoum’s release before being violently dispersed by security forces. The Nigerien government called on the public to reject the takeover, but the military officers who appeared on television said that it was necessary to avoid strife between branches of the country’s security forces.

What could the events mean for Niger? A successful coup could further destabilize a poor country and nascent democracy. Bazoum became president in 2021, taking the reins in Niger’s first peaceful, democratic transition since it gained independence from France in 1960 and ending a period during which it experienced four military coups. The events could also affect dynamics in a region plagued by violent militants, poverty and coups.

Colonel Abdramane was flanked by the deputy military chief of staff and senior members of the National Guard and Presidential Guard. And on Thursday, the country’s military appeared to formally back the takeover, saying that it was necessary to avoid strife between branches of the country’s security forces .

What could the events mean for the region? The developments could deal a fatal blow to Niger’s nascent democracy.

The country has been subjected to four military coups since gaining independence from France in 1960. Mr. Bazoum, president since 2021, had taken the reins in Niger’s first peaceful, democratic transition since independence — though elements in the military also attempted an unsuccessful takeover just two days before his swearing-in.

Mr. Bazoum had recently begun making changes in the ranks, pushing out the army chief of staff and forcing some other top generals into retirement, moves that may have antagonized the military, said Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim, an expert in the stretch of Africa known as the Sahel, which includes Niger, for the International Crisis Group.

But the military was also exploiting growing Nigerien public “disenchantment” with the country’s democratic experiment, Mr. Ibrahim said. Mr. Bazoum “had achievements, but when you compare the achievements to people’s expectations, they were much higher,” he added.

Mr. Bazoum became president in 2021. Credit... Pool photo by Yves Herman

The events could also affect dynamics in the region, which has been marred by insurgencies, aging dictators and military coups.

Niger’s U.S.-backed government has been a critical ally for Western countries seeking to quash Islamist insurgencies in the Sahel. Over 1,100 American troops are based in Niger.

Mr. Bazoum’s alignment with France had drawn the ire of some in the military who opposed the presence of Western forces in the country, Mr. Ibrahim said.

At least three other countries in West Africa — Burkina Faso, Guinea and Mali — have had military coups since 2020. Western observers fear that a military junta in Niger could mimic events in neighboring Mali, whose putschists eventually expelled a United Nations peacekeeping force, while building close ties with Russia’s Wagner mercenaries.