Friday 6 September 2024

Indonesian Team Vs Saudi Arabia Team, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, FiFA and Referee

Indonesian Team Vs Saudi Arabia Team, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, FiFA and Referee

The World Cup Qualification is a FIFA agenda, it is a source of money for the West and not purely a form of sportsmanship. This can be seen several times in various FIFA tournaments, and most recently the Asian Zone World Cup Qualification.

The Asian Zone World Cup Qualification between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, we saw how the referee tried to win Saudi Arabia's victory with an unreasonable 9-minute extra time, even the realization exceeded the extra time when the Saudi Arabian player was holding the ball.

So you sports fans expect sportsmanship in FIFA?

This is the same as expecting a life that fulfills the values of humanity in the West that does not show its true face, that they are a nation that never upholds the values of humanity that you can see the full support of the West for Israeli terrorists committing Genocide under the command of the UK, USA, Germany and France.

In the match between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, what is unfortunate is that Indonesia scored first, then equalized by Saudi Arabia. Since the score was a draw, the referee tried to do something so that Saudi Arabia would add goals, besides the penalty prize and unreasonable extra time. It would be a different story if Indonesia lost in 2x45 minutes, the referee would not give extra time.

So is it possible that there is an allegation of dirty play by the Saudi Arabian kingdom? Of course yes, but this is not the work of the Saudi Arabian kingdom alone but also in collaboration with FIFA. And this suspicion was also seen in last year's Olympic qualification, where the Indonesian team was again defeated by the referee. FIFA and IOC.

The final score was a draw because the referee had given 11 minutes of additional time beyond the 9 minutes of additional time, after the ball was successfully seized by an Indonesian player. When the Indonesian player was about to give a long pass, the referee blew the long whistle to signal the end of the match.

That's how FIFA tricks people so that the cheating they do doesn't appear.

And as a conclusion, never think again about the FIFA tournament, the IOC fulfills the values of sportsmanship, in which politics is very dominant. Especially the western agent.

Lastly, congratulations to the Indonesian national team and coach Sean Tae Yong.

Lastly, congratulations to the Indonesian national team and coach Shin Tae-yong.

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