Saturday 7 September 2024

Jokowi Bids Farewell During Surabaya Visit Residents Using Megaphone

Jokowi Bids Farewell During Surabaya Visit Residents Using Megaphone

Jokowi Bids Farewell During Surabaya Visit Residents Using Megaphone

President Joko Widodo said goodbye to the public while visiting Soponyono Market, Surabaya, East Java, Friday (6/9/2024). BETWEEN/HO-Biro Press of the Presidential Secretariat

SURABAYA - President Joko Widodo took the time to say goodbye before retiring and apologize to residents via megaphone while inspecting Soponyono Market, Surabaya, East Java, Friday.

After walking around the market to check the prices of basic necessities accompanied by First Lady Iriana, President Jokowi suddenly climbed a ladder outside the market and asked his aide for a megaphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh," said President Jokowi using a loudspeaker which was then answered by residents who surrounded him, quoted from an official statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, Jakarta, Friday, September 6, 2024.

President Jokowi said that in general, the prices of basic commodities were still stable and well controlled, except for garlic which reached Rp. 45 thousand per kilogram. After that, President Jokowi said goodbye to the people present. His term of office as President of the Republic of Indonesia will end on October 20, 2024.

"Finally, because next month I will retire on October 20, I beg you to say goodbye. I want to say goodbye and apologize, Pangapunten (Sorry) if there are things that are not pleasing to your heart, ladies and gentlemen. I think that, thank you," he concluded.

When giving a press statement after reviewing the market, the President revealed his reason for saying goodbye because the momentum was right when he met the community.

"Yes, this is right for the community, yes, while saying goodbye, next month it will be retired," said the President, as shown by a video from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube channel, monitored in Jakarta.

When asked how the public responded, the President also imitated the public's answer, "Nggih, nyuwun pangapunten, sophisticated."

"I met with the public and took this opportunity to bid farewell, as I will retire next month," the president told reporters.

During his Surabaya visit, Jokowi also inaugurated a state-of-the-art hospital, which was built with a budget of Rp 1.6 trillion ($104 million).

"Many Indonesians travel to Singapore or Malaysia for medical treatment. With this new hospital, that will no longer be necessary. The facilities here offer services comparable to a five-star hotel, as I just witnessed during my inspection," Jokowi said.

According to the president, the new hospital is expected to prevent an estimated Rp 180 trillion in foreign exchange losses that occur when Indonesians seek treatment abroad.

Designed to address some of the deadliest health issues in the country, including stroke, heart disease, and cancer, the hospital spans over 163,380 square meters and features three specialized buildings dedicated to treating these critical conditions. Additionally, there is a general medical treatment building.

The hospital boasts 772 treatment rooms, 59 intermediate care rooms, 95 ICU rooms, 16 surgery rooms, and 20 chemotherapy rooms.

President Joko Widodo has been in office since October 20, 2014. During the presidential election, President Joko Widodo was elected with his running mate Vice President Jusuf Kalla.In the 2019 presidential election, President Joko Widodo was re-elected for his second term. This time, President Joko Widodo was accompanied by Vice President Ma’ruf Amin and inaugurated on October 20, 2019 for a term of office until October 20, 2024.

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