Wednesday 22 February 2023

US realizes that no one believes in its non-involvement in Nord Stream sabotage - diplomat

US realizes that no one believes in its non-involvement in Nord Stream sabotage - diplomat

Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian foreign Ministry press service/TASS

The United States administration realizes that no one believes that it played no role in the blasts that damaged the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"The Americans claim they "had nothing to do" with the explosions of the Nord Stream pipelines even though the findings by renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh are widely available," she wrote on her Telegram channel late on Tuesday. "We know that they know that everyone knows that this is a lie."

"The problem is not that "the US" is the only logical answer to the oldest question in legal practice, Cui bono (who benefits?) that makes any sense; the problem is that the Americans are simply lying. I could tell you again about US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s vial hoax, but if you are tired of this story, I have plenty of others," the spokeswoman continued.

The US trace

As an example, the diplomat cited the situation in the Republic of Haiti, which has remained under the US occupation for decades.

"And now a few words about the real assistance from the United States. In 2010, a terrible earthquake occurred on the island, killing hundreds of thousands of people; the total number of victims, including those killed and injured, exceeded half a million. The US allocated $380 million. Does this seem like a lot? But a US presidential election is 15 times more expensive. By the way, Joe Biden promised Zelensky much more than to their ‘allies and friends’ from Haiti during the most terrible period of their history," she wrote.

In this regard, she also recalled the 2021 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise and the failed assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

"In 2021, Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated; his wife, Martine, was also shot in the attack. And what was found? Suspicions that the Americans were responsible again emerged in the Western information landscape immediately," Zakharova continued. "Also that week, the US Department of Justice issued a short press release declaring that several Americans associated with American PMC CTU Security had been arrested. Official Caracas reported that CTU had earlier been involved in the failed assassination attempt on Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro."

"This is a very thought-provoking story for Zelensky, who so affectionately embraced Joe Biden in the centre of Kiev. How much must one hate their own people to consider a prospect similar to that of long-suffering Haiti for themselves?" she said.

"So, to what extent is the US "not responsible" for sabotaging Nord Stream - as much as for the assassination of Haiti's president? Or for the vial hoax of the invasion of Iraq?" the spokeswoman asked rhetorically.

Russia views Nord Stream blasts as act of international terrorism — envoy to UN

Russia views the blasts that damaged the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines as an act of international terrorism, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya has said.

"As many of you surely remember, back then [in late September 2022] it was already clear who may be standing behind that act of international terrorism, for this is how we qualify this incident," he told a meeting of the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

The Russian diplomat also underscored the importance of bringing those responsible to justice in order to prevent "an era of chaos and unspeakable harm to the entire humanity."

"Odds are huge that this era may truly come, unless those responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream are identified and held duly accountable. And unless those who masterminded this crime reimburse for the damage that occurred with the affected states - the way international law (and basic principles of justice) see it. Then and only then we will have a chance to avoid this chaos," the diplomat said.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines. On September 26, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions on the pipeline routes. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched a criminal case based on charges of international terrorism.

On February 8, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article, which said, citing sources, that US Navy divers had planted explosive devices under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines under the cover of the BALTOPS exercise in June 2022, and Norwegians activated the bombs three months later.

According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by US President Joe Biden personally, following nine months of discussions with White House security specialists. White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a comment to TASS that Hersh’s account was "utterly false and complete fiction.".

Russia sees no West’s desire to cooperate on Nord Stream — envoy to UN

Western countries are showing no intention to cooperate with Russia on an inquiry into last year’s blasts targeting the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Russia’s UN envoy has said.

"We have strong reasons to doubt the effectiveness, transparency, and impartiality of investigations that are being carried out under some national jurisdictions," Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council on Tuesday. "We do not see our partners being eager to cooperate."

He noted that Germany, Denmark and Sweden "ignored the communications that Prime Minister of Russia, [Mikhail] Mishustin, addressed to them in October 2022 regarding participation of relevant Russian agencies and PJSC Gazprom in the investigations," while "relevant requests of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation were declined."

"Since we talk about a crime that was committed by means of an explosive device, which makes it subject to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings of 15 December 1997, we expect that all states that have to do with the incident, namely the US, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, will fulfill their obligations under this document. But leadership of these states do not show any political will or rather do not have any," the Russian diplomat said.

The national investigations of Germany, Denmark and Sweden into the sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines are aimed at protecting the United States, Russia’s UN envoy said.

"Those so-called investigations by Scandinavian states and Germany not only lack transparency, but, and this has become obvious by now, are aimed at covering up the tracks and exculpating the big American brother," Vasily Nebenzya told. "We are not allowed to partake, and all our requests are ignored with arrogance."

"With the Nord Stream sabotage, neither the motive of the crime nor the perpetrators or the method raise any doubts," Nebenzya added.

On September 27, 2022, Nord Stream AG reported unprecedented damage that occurred the day before on three strings of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 offshore gas pipelines. On September 26, Swedish seismologists registered two explosions on the pipeline routes. The Russian Prosecutor General's Office launched a criminal case based on charges of international terrorism.

On February 8, US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article, which said, citing sources, that US Navy divers had planted explosive devices under the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines under the cover of the BALTOPS exercise in June 2022, and Norwegians activated the bombs three months later. According to the journalist, the decision to conduct the operation was made by US President Joe Biden personally, following nine months of discussions with White House security specialists. White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a comment to TASS that Hersh’s account was "utterly false and complete fiction.".

Dari Pertumbuhan Ekonomi & Kemajuan Militer Rusia hingga Penangguhan START Baru - Pidato Putin

Dari Pertumbuhan Ekonomi & Kemajuan Militer Rusia hingga Penangguhan START Baru - Pidato Putin

Dari Pertumbuhan Ekonomi & Kemajuan Militer Rusia hingga Penangguhan START Baru - Pidato Putin

©Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabank

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin pada 21 Februari menyampaikan pidato utama yang ditujukan kepada Majelis Federal. Meskipun Barat menargetkan ekonomi, masyarakat, dan militer Rusia, mereka gagal menimbulkan kerusakan pada bangsa, menurut Putin.

"Kesan pribadi saya adalah bahwa itu adalah pidato yang sangat percaya diri dari presiden sebuah negara yang tidak hanya berjuang melalui perang yang sulit, tetapi juga berkembang dan menatap masa depan dengan optimisme," kata Dmitry Suslov, wakil direktur dari Pusat Studi Eropa dan Internasional di Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Rusia dan wakil direktur penelitian di Dewan Rusia untuk Kebijakan Luar Negeri dan Pertahanan, mengatakan kepada Sputnik.

"Dan kesimpulan utama yang saya buat secara pribadi dari pidato ini, kesan utama yang saya dapatkan dari pidato tersebut adalah bahwa meskipun upaya Barat untuk menimbulkan kekalahan strategis di Rusia, Rusia telah berhasil beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru."

Pertumbuhan & Transformasi Ekonomi yang Percaya Diri

Rusia telah beradaptasi dan terus beradaptasi dengan sukses, secara ekonomi, sosial, dan dalam dimensi lain, menurut cendekiawan Rusia tersebut. Bangsa tidak "menahan" krisis, tetapi menggunakannya sebagai tangga dan peluang.

Beberapa angka, dikutip oleh presiden, menunjukkan bahwa produk domestik bruto (PDB) Rusia hanya turun sebesar 2,1% tahun lalu meskipun ada pembatasan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, sementara pengangguran negara mencapai 3,7%, yang merupakan level terendah dalam sejarah. Pada saat yang sama, bisnis Rusia telah menjalin kemitraan baru dan rute logistik baru yang menunjukkan ketahanan dan potensi pertumbuhan. Perekonomian negara tumbuh pada kuartal ketiga dan keempat tahun 2022, beralih ke pasar baru dan mengeksplorasi kemampuan produksi baru dengan nilai tambah yang tinggi. “Rusia berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan teknologi tinggi, sains, dan industri penelitian, dan sebagainya,” kata Suslov.

Tentara Rusia menyaksikan pesan Presiden di garis depan

“Putin mengklaim dan menekankan bukti bahwa terlepas dari pergeseran paradigma, pembangunan ekonomi Rusia sangat berkelanjutan, cukup dinamis dan masa depan yang positif juga terbentang di depan,” tegas cendekiawan Rusia itu.

“Pada saat yang sama, elemen krusial dari konteks baru, implikasi krusial dari perang hibrida yang dilakukan Barat melawan Rusia, adalah bahwa bagi pengusaha Rusia dan rakyat Rusia, satu-satunya tempat di dunia yang benar-benar aman dalam segala hal dimensi, ekonomi, keuangan, dan fisik, adalah Rusia sendiri."

Pada saat yang sama, presiden Rusia menjelaskan bahwa semua tujuan yang ditetapkan pada awal operasi militer khusus akan tercapai. Suslov menunjukkan bahwa menilai dari pidato Putin, kepemimpinan negara berkomitmen untuk "kesuksesan dan kemenangan" dari operasi militer khusus, tidak peduli berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan.

“Putin tidak mengidentifikasi kerangka waktu untuk penyelesaian operasi militer khusus, tetapi dia menekankan bahwa Rusia benar-benar berkomitmen untuk memenuhi semua tujuannya,” kata Suslov.

“Jadi tanpa pertanyaan, Rusia menganggap operasi militer khusus ini khususnya dan perang hibrida yang dilakukan Barat melawan Rusia secara umum sebagai realitas jangka panjang, bagian dari konteks baru yang akan mengelilingi Rusia untuk masa depan yang dapat diamati. Sekali lagi, terlepas dari konteks ini dan dalam konteks realitas baru ini, Rusia akan terus berkembang dengan sukses."

Putin Berhasil Saat Mengkritik Barat

Barat kemungkinan akan bereaksi agresif terhadap pidato Putin, terutama karena banyak isu yang dia sentuh sangat tepat, kata lawan bicara Sputnik.

"Itu akan dikritik karena pernyataan bahwa Barat telah mulai menyerang Rusia pada 2014, mempersenjatai pasukan Ukraina dan mengerahkan persenjataan NATO ke perbatasan Rusia," kata Paolo Raffone, seorang analis strategis dan direktur Yayasan CIPI di Brussel.. "Ini akan dianggap lemah terhadap ekonomi karena tidak mengakui efek negatif dari sanksi. Itu akan dianggap agresif karena tidak mematuhi penarikan pasukan Rusia dari Ukraina. Itu akan dianggap mengancam karena pembekuan (Baru) AWAL."

Barat telah menemukan dirinya dalam posisi yang canggung mengingat bahwa sanksi luas yang berulang kali dijatuhkan pada Rusia sejak awal operasi Ukraina tidak hanya gagal mengganggu ekonomi negara, tetapi juga menjadi bumerang bagi AS dan sekutunya, menurut pengamat.

"Sanksi telah sangat melemahkan Eropa dan membuatnya lebih bergantung pada AS," kata Tony Kevin, mantan duta besar Australia untuk Polandia dan Kamboja dan mantan perwira kapal induk Kementerian Luar Negeri Australia, penulis dua buku tentang Rusia, Return to Moscow (2017) dan Rusia dan Barat (2019).

“Rusia telah menangani sanksi dengan mudah karena sumber dayanya, hubungan perdagangannya yang saling percaya dan berkembang dengan Global South dan Global East, dan kapasitasnya sendiri untuk substitusi impor yang efisien.

Barat telah terjebak dalam narasi palsunya sendiri yang tetap berada di pusat tatanan ekonomi dunia, ketika tidak lagi jelas kedudukannya. Baik AS dan Eropa semakin tidak berfungsi secara ekonomi, dan Rusia dapat dengan aman melihat Timur dan Selatan. Barat telah kehilangan kekuatan untuk merugikan Rusia," kata Kevin kepada Sputnik.

Demikian pula, pasokan senjata Barat ke Kiev tidak menghentikan Rusia mencapai tujuannya. Dalam pidatonya, Putin memperingatkan bahwa jika Barat memasok senjata jarak jauh ke Ukraina, itu hanya akan memaksa Rusia untuk mendorong senjata ini lebih jauh dari perbatasannya.

“Ini adalah pesan yang jelas kepada AS, Inggris, dan NATO bahwa jika mereka memasok persenjataan jarak jauh ke Ukraina, Rusia akan memajukan garis keamanan di wilayah Barat, berpotensi menargetkan area yang lebih dalam di UE. Ini adalah respons militer yang normal menjadi ancaman," tegas Raffone.

Selain itu, Putin seharusnya tidak datang ke Barat seperti sambaran petir dari biru, mengingat Menteri Luar Negeri Rusia Sergey Lavrov dan pejabat Rusia lainnya telah mengatakan hal serupa selama berminggu-minggu, menurut Kevin.

"Ini jelas merupakan akal sehat yang penting - apa pun rudal target jarak jauh yang diberikan Barat ke Kiev, zona demiliterisasi yang jauh lebih luas harus dibuat di luar empat provinsi yang baru digabungkan untuk melindungi semua wilayah mereka dari serangan di masa depan dari kemungkinan pembalasan di masa depan. negara bagian Kiev," katanya.

"Perhatikan bahwa Putin tidak membuat klaim teritorial selain memastikan keamanan empat provinsi di masa depan. Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa tentang menyerang seluruh Ukraina, dia menyerahkan masalah tersebut kepada komando militer Rusia untuk melakukan apa pun yang harus dilakukan."

Penangguhan 'New START'

Keputusan Rusia untuk menangguhkan – bukan menarik, tetapi membekukan – Perjanjian START Baru juga berasal dari logika yang jelas, menurut para pengamat.

Selama pidatonya, presiden Rusia mengutip beberapa contoh upaya Washington untuk merombak tatanan dunia pasca-Perang Dunia II, yang disetujui oleh kekuatan sekutu utama di Yalta pada Februari 1945. Putin merujuk pada penarikan sepihak AS dari perjanjian senjata strategis penting serta contohnya, ketika Barat telah melakukan kecurangan langsung dengan memperluas NATO ke perbatasan Rusia dan mengerahkan instalasi rudal balistik besar-besaran di Eropa dengan kedok ancaman nuklir ilusi dari Iran.

Vladimir Putin menarik perhatian pada fakta bahwa New START dan perjanjian pengurangan senjata nuklir sebelumnya terkait erat dengan pembatasan penyebaran instalasi rudal balistik di Eropa. Selama era Soviet, ancaman ini dibatasi oleh Perjanjian Rudal Anti-Balistik (ABM) 1972 yang ditandatangani antara Amerika Serikat dan Uni Soviet yang membatasi kemampuan Moskow dan Washington untuk membangun pencegat rudal balistik. Namun, George W. Bush secara sepihak mencabik-cabiknya pada tahun 2002, sehingga membuka pintu bagi potensi perlombaan senjata.

Selain itu, presiden Rusia menunjukkan bahwa prinsip timbal balik dalam hal inspeksi timbal balik terhadap situs nuklir di bawah New START tidak sepenuhnya dipatuhi oleh AS. Selain itu, dua kekuatan nuklir NATO lainnya, Inggris dan Prancis, tidak pernah terikat oleh perjanjian tersebut. Selain itu, Barat secara terbuka memproklamasikan kekalahan strategis Rusia sebagai tujuan utamanya.

"Saya pikir itu taktis dan cerdik untuk menangguhkan START Baru," kata Kevin.

"Ini mengirimkan sinyal yang kuat. Putin mengatakan kepada Barat - 'mengapa kami harus terlibat dalam pembicaraan pembatasan senjata strategis baru dengan Anda ketika setidaknya sejak 2014, mungkin lebih awal, Anda telah secara sistematis mengkhianati kepercayaan kami kepada Anda, dan Anda telah menetapkan sengaja menggunakan Ukraina sebagai senjata proksi Anda untuk menghancurkan bangsa kita? (…) Setelah operasi militer khusus berakhir, Anda perlu memikirkan kembali sikap dasar Anda untuk berbagi kedaulatan planet ini dengan Rusia, Cina, dan Global Selatan. Anda masih terjebak dalam narasi fantasi hegemonik pascakolonial yang berarti Anda tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk memulihkan keseimbangan strategis global yang stabil. Anda harus kembali ke dasar.'"

Permintaan NATO agar Rusia memberikan akses ke situs nuklirnya kepada perwakilan blok di tengah perang hibrida habis-habisan yang dilakukan oleh aliansi melawan Moskow adalah upaya untuk "menormalkan" modus operandi Barat, menurut Suslov. Jika Rusia tunduk dan terus mematuhi perjanjian START Baru meskipun Barat secara terbuka menyebutnya sebagai "musuh" dan berjanji untuk berdarah putih akan menjadi langkah ke arah yang salah, saran sarjana itu.

"Itu akan mengirim pesan ke Amerika Serikat dan ke seluruh dunia bahwa kebijakan perang hibrida Amerika melawan Rusia benar-benar baik-baik saja," kata Suslov. "Sangat penting bagi Rusia untuk mengirim pesan bahwa ia tidak akan menyetujui gagasan normalisasi perang hibrida ini.

Dan sangat penting untuk membuktikan dan setidaknya meluncurkan dialog di Amerika Serikat untuk membuat mereka menyimpulkan bahwa tindakan mereka vis-a-vis konflik Ukraina benar-benar merusak stabilitas strategis, bahwa ini bukanlah dua hal yang terpisah. Mudah-mudahan akan ada dialog seperti itu di Amerika Serikat. Semoga mereka sekarang mengerti bahwa stabilitas strategis dan keamanan nasional mereka, yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari stabilitas strategis, sedang dipertanyakan. Sehingga mungkin memaksa mereka untuk mengubah kebijakan mereka saat ini vis-a-vis konflik Ukraina."

Menurut Suslov, keputusan Putin "perlu" dan "menstabilkan". Pada akhirnya, bukanlah penangguhan New START yang dapat meningkatkan risiko konfrontasi nuklir, tetapi upaya tanpa henti Washington untuk menimbulkan kekalahan strategis di Rusia, untuk menghapus Rusia dari daftar kekuatan besar, untuk melemahkannya secara permanen dengan segala cara. langkah yang mungkin dilakukan – “ini adalah ancaman utama perang nuklir, karena kebijakan yang dilakukan Amerika Serikat ini menciptakan risiko besar bentrokan militer langsung antara Rusia dan NATO, Rusia dan Amerika Serikat,” sarjana Rusia itu menyimpulkan.

Putin's Speech - From Russia's Economic Growth & Military Advancements to New START Suspension

Putin's Speech - From Russia's Economic Growth & Military Advancements to New START Suspension

Putin's Speech - From Russia's Economic Growth & Military Advancements to New START Suspension

©Sputnik / POOL / Go to the mediabank

Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 21 delivered a keynote speech addressing the Federal Assembly. Even though the West targeted Russia's economy, society, and military, it has failed to inflict damage on the nation, according to Putin.

"My personal impression is that that was a very self-confident speech of the president of a country which is not just struggling through a difficult war, but is developing and looking forward into the future with optimism," Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of the Center for European and International Studies at Russia’s Higher School of Economics and deputy director of research at the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, told Sputnik.

"And the major conclusion that I personally make from this speech, the major impression that I have from the speech is that despite the Western efforts to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, Russia has successfully adapted to the new environment."

Confident Growth & Transformation of Economy

Russia has adapted and continues to adapt successfully, economically, socially, and in other dimensions, according to the Russian scholar. The nation is not "enduring" the crisis, but it uses it as a ladder and an opportunity.

Some figures, cited by the president, show that Russia’s gross domestic product (GDP) only decreased by 2.1% last year despite the unprecedented restrictions, while the nation's unemployment stands at 3.7%, which is a historic low. At the same time, Russian businesses have established new partnerships and new logistic routes demonstrating resilience and potential for growth. The country's economy grew in the third and fourth quarters of 2022, shifting to new markets and exploring new production capabilities with high added value.

Russian soldiers watched the President's message on the front line

"Russia is committed to developing its high tech, its science, and research industries, and so on," Suslov remarked.

"Putin claimed and emphasized the proof that despite the shift of the paradigm, Russian economic development is very sustainable, quite dynamic and that a positive future also lies ahead," the Russian scholar stressed.

"At the same time, a crucial element of the new context, the crucial implication of the hybrid war which the West conducts against Russia, is that for Russian businessmen and for Russian people, the only place in the world which is truly safe in all dimensions, economic, financial, and physical, is Russia itself."

At the same time, the Russian president made it clear that all the objectives set at the beginning of the special military operation will be achieved. Suslov pointed out that judging from Putin's speech, the country's leadership is committed to "a successful and victorious conclusion" of the special military operation, no matter how long it might take.

"Putin did not identify any time frame for the conclusion of the special military operation, but he did emphasize that Russia is absolutely committed to fulfillment of all its purposes," Suslov noted.

"So without question, Russia considers this special military operation in particular and the hybrid war that the West conducts against Russia in general as a very long-term reality, a part of the new context that will surround Russia for the observable future. Again, despite this context and in the context of this new reality, Russia will continue to develop successfully."

Putin Nailed It When Criticizing the West

The West is likely to react aggressively to Putin's speech, especially because many of the issues he touched upon were spot on, Sputnik's interlocutors said.

"It will be criticized because of the statement that the West has started attacking Russia in 2014, arming the Ukrainian forces and deploying NATO armaments to the borders of Russia," Paolo Raffone, a strategic analyst and director of the CIPI Foundation in Brussels, told Sputnik.

"It will be discounted as weak on the economy because it does not recognize the negative effect of sanctions. It will be considered aggressive because it does not abide by the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine. It will be considered threatening because of freezing [New] START."

The West has found itself in an awkward position given that the sweeping sanctions repeatedly slapped on Russia since the start of the Ukraine operation have not only failed to disrupt the country's economy, but backfired on the US and its allies, according to the observer.

"Sanctions have greatly weakened Europe and made it more energy-dependent on the US," echoed Tony Kevin, former Australian ambassador to Poland and Cambodia and former carrier officer of the Australian Foreign Ministry, the author of two books on Russia, Return to Moscow (2017) and Russia and the West (2019).

"Russia has dealt easily with sanctions because of its resources, its trusting and growing trade links with the Global South and Global East, and its own capacities for efficient import substitution. The West has been trapped in its own false narrative that it remains at the center of the world economic order, when it clearly no longer does. Both the US and Europe are increasingly economically dysfunctional, and Russia can safely look East and South. The West has lost the power to harm Russia," Kevin told Sputnik.

Similarly, the West's weapons supplies to Kiev have not stopped Russia from achieving its objectives. During his speech, Putin warned that if the West supplies long-range weapons to Ukraine, then that will only force Russia to push these weapons even farther from its borders.

"It is a clear message to the US, UK and NATO that should they supply long-range armaments to Ukraine, Russia will move forward the line of security in Western territories, potentially targeting areas deeper in the EU. It is a normal military response to a threat," Raffone emphasized.

Furthermore, Putin should not come for the West like a bolt from the blue, given that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and other Russian officials have been saying similar things for weeks, according to Kevin.

"It is obviously essential commonsense - whatever long-range targeted missiles the West gives to Kiev, so much wider a demilitarized zone has to be created beyond the four newly incorporated provinces in order to protect all their territory from future attack from a possible future revanchist Kiev state," he said.

"Note that Putin is not making territorial claims beyond ensuring future security of the four provinces. He says nothing about invading all of Ukraine, he leaves such matters to the Russian military command to do whatever has to be done."

Suspension of New START

Russia's decision to suspend – not to withdraw, but to freeze – the New START Treaty also stems from clear logic, according to the observers.

During his speech, the Russian president cited several examples of Washington's attempts to overhaul the post-WW2 world order, agreed by major allied powers in Yalta in February 1945. Putin referred to the US' unilateral withdrawals from milestone strategic weapons treaties as well as instances when the West has resorted to outright cheating by expanding NATO towards Russia's borders and deploying massive ballistic missile installations in Europe under the guise of an illusionary nuclear threat from Iran.

Vladimir Putin drew attention to the fact that New START and previous nuclear arms reduction treaties were closely connected to limitations on the deployment of ballistic missile installations in Europe.

During the Soviet era, this threat was capped by the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) signed between the United States and the Soviet Union which limited Moscow and Washington’s ability to build ballistic missile interceptors. However, George W. Bush unilaterally tore it apart in 2002, thus opening the door to a potential arms race.

Furthermore, the Russian president pointed out that the principle of reciprocity when it came to mutual inspections of nuclear sites under New START was not fully observed by the US. Moreover, NATO's two other nuclear powers, the UK and France, have never been bound by the treaty. On top of that, the West has openly proclaimed Russia's strategic defeat as its primary goal.

"I think it is tactical and shrewd to suspend New START," Kevin said. "It sends a strong signal. Putin is saying to the West - 'why should we engage in renewed strategic arms limitation talks with you when since 2014 at least, probably earlier, you have systematically betrayed our trust in you, and you have set out deliberately to use Ukraine as your proxy weapon to destroy our nation? (…) After the special military operation ends, you need to rethink your basic attitudes to sharing the planet’s sovereignty with Russia, China and the Global South. You are still trapped in your hegemonic post-colonial fantasy narrative which means you cannot see clearly what needs to be done to restore a stable global strategic balance. You need to go back to basics.'"

NATO's request that Russia provide access to its nuclear sites to the bloc's representatives amid an all-out hybrid war waged by the alliance against Moscow was an attempt to "normalize" the West's modus operandi, according to Suslov. If Russia bowed down and continued to comply with the New START agreements despite the West openly naming it as an "adversary" and pledging to bleed it white would have been a step in the wrong direction, the scholar suggested.

"It would send a message to the United States and to the rest of the world that the American policy of hybrid war against Russia is absolutely okay," Suslov said. "It was absolutely necessary for Russia to send a message that it will not agree to this idea of normalization of this hybrid war. And it is absolutely necessary to prove and to at least launch a dialogue in the United States to make them conclude that their actions vis-a-vis the Ukraine conflict really undermine strategic stability, that these are not two separate things. Hopefully there will be such a dialogue in the United States. Hopefully they will now understand that strategic stability and their national security, which is inseparable from strategic stability, is in question. So that might compel them to change their current policy vis-a-vis the Ukraine conflict."

According to Suslov, Putin's decision was "necessary" and "stabilizing." At the end of the day, it's not the suspension of New START that could heighten the risk of nuclear confrontation, but Washington's relentless efforts to inflict strategic defeat on Russia, to wipe Russia off the list of great powers, to weaken it irreversibly with all possible moves – "this is the major threat of nuclear war, because this policy which the United States conducts creates an immense risk of direct military clash between Russia and NATO, Russia and the United States," the Russian scholar concluded.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Russia issues demarche to US envoy over Washington's military aid to Ukraine — statement

Russia issues demarche to US envoy over Washington's military aid to Ukraine — statement

Russia issues demarche to US envoy over Washington's military aid to Ukraine — statement

US Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy
©Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS, archive

Since the start of the Russian special op in Ukraine, the United States has poured billions into the Ukrainian armed forces, supplying vast amounts of military equipment and intel data to Kiev while claiming that Washington is not part of the conflict.

On Tuesday, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the US ambassador to Moscow, Lynne M Tracy, because of Washington's growing involvement in the Ukraine crisis.

"The head of the American diplomatic mission, summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry, was presented with a demarche on 21 February in connection with the growing involvement of the United States in hostilities on the side of the Kiev regime", the document posted on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry says.

Moscow stressed that the US should withdraw American and NATO military from Ukraine.

Furthermore, the ministry said in a statement that the American side should not interfere in the investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline blast.

"Russia emphasized that the United States should confine itself to giving explanations about the explosions on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines and not interfere with an impartial investigation to identify those responsible," the ministry said in a statement.

The statement came after Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly. The Russian leader said that the Western countries instigated the war in Ukraine, and proceeded to add fuel to the fire by spending $150Bln on military aid to Kiev

Putin noted that over the past few years Moscow has tried to resolve the Ukrainian crisis peacefully, whereas the US and its allies have pumped Kiev with weapons and trained Ukrainian troops, preparing for a big conflict, as the West's goal has been to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.

Vast majority of Russians supported special military operation in Ukraine, says Putin

The vast majority of Russians have taken a principled stance in support of the special military operation in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday in his annual address to the Federal Assembly.

"I am proud and believe that we are all proud that our multinational people, the vast majority of our citizens, took a principled stance regarding the special military operation, grasped the meaning of what we are doing and voiced their support of our actions to protect Donbass," he said.

"A real sense of patriotism emerged as the prime reason for this outward support, a feeling that is historically inherent in our people. It astounds you with its dignity and deep awareness of each - I emphasize each - of their own destiny with the destiny of their Fatherland," Putin stressed.

"Dear friends, I would like to thank the people of Russia for their courage and determination," the Russian president stated.

Putin expressed his gratitude to all Russian soldiers for their heroic efforts in the course of the special military operation in Ukraine.

"I would like to thank our heroes - Navy and Army soldiers and officers, Russian National Guardsmen, the staff of special services and all law enforcement bodies, fighters of the Donetsk and Lugansk corps, volunteers, patriots, who are fighting in the Bars army combat reserve," he continued. "I would like to extend my apologies for being unable to name everyone on the list during today’s address."

"You should know that when I worked on the text of this address I included an extremely long list of these heroic formations, but then decided against including it, because, as I have said, it is impossible to name everyone involved and I was just afraid that I would offend someone by leaving them out," Putin noted.

"My deepest bows to the parents, wives, and families of our defenders, doctors and paramedics, nurses, who save the wounded; railway workers and [transportation] drivers, who supply the battlefront; construction workers, who erect fortifications, rebuild houses, roads, civilian facilities; workers and engineers of defense-oriented plants, who work round-the-clock in endless shifts; farmers, who we depend on to ensure the country’s food security."

The Russian president also praised the contribution of volunteers and journalists, particularly war correspondents, who risk their lives carrying out their duties on the battlefront in order to tell the truth to the world, as well as the contribution of pastors of Russia’s traditional religions, military priests, civil servants and businessmen.

Russia’s special military operation

On February 21, 2022, President Vladimir Putin announced that Moscow was recognizing the sovereignty of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, (the DPR and LPR respectively). Russia signed agreements on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance with their leaders. Moscow recognized the Donbass republics in accordance with the DPR and LPR constitutions within the boundaries of the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions as of the beginning of 2014.

Russian President Putin announced on February 24, 2022, that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics for assistance, he had decided to carry out a special military operation in Ukraine. The DPR and the LPR launched an operation to liberate their territories under Kiev’s control.

From September 23 to September 27, 2022, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic as well as the Kherson Region and the Zaporozhye Region held a referendum where the majority of voters opted to join Russia.

On September 30, 2022, President Putin and the heads of the DPR, the LPR, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson Regions signed treaties on their entry to Russia. Later, the State Duma and the Federation Council (the lower and upper houses of Russia’s parliament) approved legislation on ratifying these treaties, as well as federal constitutional laws on the accession of the four regions to Russia.

Once Mekel Gandeng Gitaris Guns N Roses untuk Rilis Album Solo 'Sigma'

Once Mekel Gandeng Gitaris Guns N Roses untuk Rilis Album Solo 'Sigma'

Once Mekel Gandeng Gitaris Guns N Roses untuk Rilis Album Solo 'Sigma'

Once Mekel dalam perilisan album Sigma di kawasan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa sore, 21/2/2023. Foto/Thomas Manggalla

Once Mekel rilis Album terbarunya yang bertajuk 'Sigma', berisi 9 lagu karya orisinal dirinya sendiri. Once Mekel menggandeng Ron Bumblefoot yang merupakan mantan gitaris Guns N Roses dan Son of Apollo.

"Jadi untuk judul album Sigma dipilih karena merepresentasikan kepribadian di album ini. Sebagai album yang berdiri sendiri dari berbagai album dan produksi musik yang ada dan dengan karakter kuat," kata Once Mekel dalam jumpa pers di kawasan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Selasa, 21/02/2023.

Album Sigma dirilis dalam bentuk CD oleh Musik & Sport KFC Indonesia berkolaborasi dengan Matapala Music. Dalam penggarapannya, Once mengaku dia sendiri yang menciptakan hingga memproduksi album tersebut.

"Album ini menarik ya, 9 lagu saya yang buat, saya yang produksi, saya juga yang memasarkannya," kata Once

Salah satu lagu yang menjadi sorotan Once dalam album ini berjudul "Kau & Aku". Once mengatakan, pengisi suara gitar dalam lagu itu adalah Ron "Bumblefoot", eks gitaris Gun's N Roses.

"Menariknya lagu itu suara gitar diisi oleh Mr Ron. Dia teman baik saya. Kami bertemu sudah lama. Saat itu saya langsung ajak ke studio saya di Pondok Indah dan langsung saat itu juga kita rekaman," tutur Once.

Once Mekel dan Ron Bumblefoot ternyata bukan baru kenal sesaat, keduanya sudah enam tahun saling mengenal.

Ia menuturkan bahwa Ron lah yang meminta untuk bisa ikut mengisi gitar dalam album solo terbarunya itu.

"Saya sudah berteman sejak 6 tahun lalu sama Ron Bumblefoot, akhirnya saya minta dia isi lagu itu. Orangnya asyik," terang Once.

Once mengakui penggarapan album solonya itu memang memakan waktu cukup panjang. Sebab, ia harus membagi waktu antara menyelesaikan album pribadi dan album musisi lain.

"Biasanya mengurus album orang lain, sekarang urus album sendiri," jelas pria berusia 52 tahun itu.

"Once Mekel adalah salah satu penyanyi terbaik di Indonesia. Sigma bagaikan kumpulan lagu yang sangat personal dibalut berbagai macam genre," timpal CEO Jagonya Musik & Sport Indonesia, Steve Lillywhite

Beberapa lagu di album Sigma diantaranya adalah Ditentukan untuk Bersama, Abadi Untukmu, Telah Berlalu, Gemuruh, Sweetest Place, dan lainnya.

Steve Lilywhite selaku CEO Jagonya Musik & Sport Indonesia menyebut Sigma sebagai salah satu masterpiece seorang Once.

"Saya bisa sebut Once sebagai penyanyi terbaik di Indonesia sekaligus teman baik saya di sini. Sigma adalah kumpulan lagu Once yang sangat personal dan dibalut dalam beragam genre," ungkap Steve.

Mantan vokalis Dewa 19 kelahiran Makassar, 21 Mei 1970, bernama Elfonda Mekel atau yang akrab disebut Once, mengatakan, bahwa tidak mudah untuk mencari judul album yang mewakili identitas dari materi karya yang disuguhkan dalam album ini.

Alhasil, Once pun mengaku bersyukur akhirnya kembali rilis album lagi selepas 2015 atau berjarak 8 tahun keluarkan album solo lagi ‘ditengah kesibukan selama ini mengurusi album orang lain karena kerja di Jagonya musik dan sport. Selain itu, dia ingin memberikan warna lain dalam karya album solonya ini.

“Saya pikir timming dan karakter memang harus dipikirkan karena itu penting dan harus karena saya gak mau menggarami lautan jadi kalo buat karya musik itu memang harus berkarakter kalo banyak yang lain gak mau saya ingin lagu saya punya warna sendiri,” katanya.

Album Sigma dari Once Mekel sudah bisa didapatkan di seluruh outlet restoran cepat saji KFC di Indonesia.