Saturday 23 March 2024

Catherine, Princess of Wales says she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy

Catherine, Princess of Wales says she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy

Catherine, Princess of Wales says she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy

Catherine, the Princess of Wales, has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy, she said Friday in a stunning announcement that follows weeks of speculation about her health and whereabouts.

Her condition was disclosed in a video message recorded Wednesday in Windsor and broadcast Friday, coming after relentless speculation on social media ever since she was hospitalized in January for unspecified abdominal surgery.

Kate asked for “time, space and privacy” while she is treated for an unspecified type of cancer, which was discovered after her surgery.

“I am well,” she said. “I am getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal.”

Kate, 42, hadn’t been seen publicly since Christmas until video surfaced this week of her with her husband, Prince William, heir to the throne, walking from a farm shop near their Windsor home.

The news is another jolt for the royal family since the announcement last month that King Charles III was being treated for an unspecified type of cancer that was discovered while undergoing a procedure for a benign enlarged prostate.

Charles said he is “so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did,” according to a statement released by Buckingham Palace. He had remained in the “closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law” in the past weeks.

Kensington Palace had given little detail about Kate’s condition beyond saying it wasn’t cancer-related, the surgery was successful and recuperation would keep the princess away from public duties until April. Kate said it had been thought that her condition was non-cancerous until tests revealed the diagnosis.

“This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family,” she said.

Kate said it had taken her time to recover from major surgery before starting preventative treatment, which she said was in the early stages.

“Preventive chemotherapy after surgery is given to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back in the future — a bit like mopping a floor with bleach when you’ve spilt something on it, chemotherapy kills any spilt cells,” said Professor Andrew Beggs, a senior clinical fellow at the University of Birmingham.

Kate said it has been “an incredibly tough couple of months” for her family. She said it had taken time to tell her three children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis in a way “appropriate for them” and reassure them she will be OK.

The news comes after the start of the Easter holidays, which will shield the children from media coverage of the news.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement that Kate “has shown tremendous bravery.” He added: “In recent weeks she has been subjected to intense scrutiny and has been unfairly treated by certain sections of the media around the world and on social media.”

Keir Starmer, leader of the main opposition Labour Party, also sent his best wishes to the princess at this “distressing time.”

“We are incredibly sad to hear of the news,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who opened her briefing with reporters moments after news of cancer treatment broke. “We are taking this in, this terrible news, as all of you are.”

Charles, 75, has withdrawn from public duties while he has cancer treatment, though he’s appeared frequently in photos carrying on meetings with government officials and dignitaries and was even seen going to church.

Kate, on the other hand, had been out of view instead of appearing at charity events and promoting causes such as early childhood, leading to weeks of speculation and gossip. Attempts to put rumors to bed by releasing a photo of her on Mother’s Day in the UK surrounded by her three smiling children backfired when The Associated Press and other news agencies retracted the image because it had been manipulated.

Kate issued a statement the next day acknowledging she liked to “experiment with editing” and apologizing for “any confusion” the photo had caused. But that did little to quell the speculation.

Even the footage published by The Sun and TMZ that appeared to show Kate and William shopping sparked a new flurry of rumor-mongering, with some armchair sleuths refusing to believe the video showed Kate at all.

Earlier this week, a British privacy watchdog said it was investigating a report that staff at the private London hospital where she was treated tried to snoop on her medical records while she was a patient for abdominal surgery.

The former Kate Middleton, who married William in a fairy-tale wedding in 2011, has boosted the popularity and appeal of the British monarchy worldwide more than any royal since Princess Diana.

The princess is the oldest of three children brought up in a well-to-do neighborhood in Berkshire, west of London. The Middletons have no aristocratic background, and the British press often referred to Kate as a “commoner” marrying into royalty.

Kate attended the private girls’ school Marlborough College and then University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where she met William around 2001. Friends and housemates at first, their relationship came to be in the public eye when they were pictured together on a skiing holiday in Switzerland in 2004.

Kate graduated in 2005 with a degree in art history and a budding relationship with the prince.

40 Dead, Over 100 Injured in Mass Shooting at Moscow Concert Venue, FSB Says

40 Dead, Over 100 Injured in Mass Shooting at Moscow Concert Venue, FSB Says

40 Dead, Over 100 Injured in Mass Shooting at Moscow Concert Venue, FSB Says

At least three people in camouflage opened fire at the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow on Friday, a Sputnik correspondent reported.

More than 100 people were injured in the shooting, while the concert hall caught fire, according to the correspondent.

"At least three people in camouflage burst into the ground floor of Crocus City Hall and opened fire with automatic weapons. There are definitely wounded," the correspondent said. "After that [the gunmen] threw a grenade or an incendiary bomb, which started a fire."

"People in the hall laid down on the ground to avoid the fire, laying there for about 15-20 minutes, after which they began to crawl out. Many managed to get out," the correspondent said.

Law enforcement has arrived and are working at the scene. Local authorities said that "all forces and means have been directed to the scene of the incident," and that "information about victims is being confirmed."

The Emergencies Ministry said about a hundred people have been evacuated from the venue's basement.

Moscow Region governor Andrei Vorobyov is on route to the scene of the emergency, and an operational headquarters has been created. Moscow Mayor has ordered authorities to provide "all necessary assistance," and expressed "condolences to the relatives of the victims."

Members of the musical group Piknik, at whose concert the shooting occurred, were not injured, the director of the show told Sputnik.

Moscow's Department of Transit said the nearby Myakinino metro station is operating as normal, but said that vehicular traffic in and out of the area has been complicated by traffic jams.

A White House spokesperson said the United States is aware of the reports of the mass shooting in Moscow, and considers footage from the scene "terrifying." The US Embassy in Moscow and those of other NATO countries have spent the past several weeks warning of a heightened risk of terror attacks in Moscow and other Russian regions, and urging American nationals to avoid traveling to Russia.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has urged the international community to condemn incident at Crocus City Hall, which it characterized as a "terror attack."

Friday 22 March 2024

Gunung Semeru erupsi, lontaran abu vulkanik setinggi 1 kilometer

Gunung Semeru erupsi, lontaran abu vulkanik setinggi 1 kilometer

Gunung Semeru erupsi, lontaran abu vulkanik setinggi 1 kilometer

Gunung Semeru erupsi terekam CCTV pada Jumat (22/3/2024), pukul 20.59 WIB (ANTARA/HO-PVMBG)

Lumajang, Jawa Timur (ANTARA) - Gunung Semeru di Jawa Timur yang berstatus siaga atau level III mengalami erupsi dengan lontaran abu vulkanik setinggi 1 kilometer di puncak gunung tersebut pada Jumat, pukul 20.59 WIB.

Petugas Pos Pengamatan Gunung Semeru, Ghufron Alwi, dalam laporan tertulis menyebutkan bahwa telah terjadi erupsi Gunung Semeru pada Jumat malam dengan tinggi kolom letusan teramati sekitar 1.000 meter di atas puncak gunung setinggi 4.676 meter di atas permukaan laut itu.

"Kolom abu teramati berwarna putih hingga kelabu dengan intensitas tebal ke arah utara dan timur laut. Erupsi terekam di seismograf dengan amplitudo maksimum 22 mm dan durasi 138 detik," katanya di Pos Pengamatan Gunung Semeru di Desa Sumberwuluh, Kecamatan Candipuro, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jatim.

Sebelumnya, Gunung Semeru juga erupsi pada pukul 17.21 WIB, namun visual letusan tidak teramati dan erupsi itu terekam di seismograf dengan amplitudo maksimum 22 mm dan durasi 121 detik.

Pihak Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologo (PVMBG) memberikan rekomendasi terkait dengan status siaga Gunung Semeru, yakni masyarakat dilarang melakukan aktivitas apapun di sektor tenggara di sepanjang Besuk Kobokan, sejauh 13 km dari puncak (pusat erupsi).

Di luar jarak tersebut, masyarakat diminta tidak melakukan aktivitas pada jarak 500 meter dari tepi sungai (sempadan sungai) di sepanjang Besuk Kobokan karena berpotensi terlanda perluasan awan panas dan aliran lahar hingga jarak 17 km dari puncak.

Masyarakat tidak boleh beraktivitas dalam radius 5 km dari kawah/puncak Gunung Semeru karena rawan terhadap bahaya lontaran batu (pijar).

Masyarakat juga diimbau mewaspadai potensi awan panas, guguran lava, dan lahar di sepanjang aliran sungai/lembah yang berhulu di puncak Gunung Semeru, terutama sepanjang Besuk Kobokan, Besuk Bang, Besuk Kembar, dan Besuk Sat serta potensi lahar pada sungai-sungai kecil yang merupakan anak sungai dari Besuk Kobokan.

Russia, China veto US-initiated UNSC draft resolution on Gaza

Russia, China veto US-initiated UNSC draft resolution on Gaza

Russia, China veto US-initiated UNSC draft resolution on Gaza

©AP Photo/ Yuki Iwamura

Russia and China have vetoed a US-initiated UN Security Council draft resolution on the Middle East conflict, which notes the need for an immediate ceasefire but doesn’t explicitly call for it, a TASS correspondent reported.

According to the correspondent, eleven out of the 15 members of the Security Council, namely the United Kingdom, Malta, Mozambique, South Korea, Slovenia, the United States, Sierra Leone, France, Switzerland, Ecuador, and Japan, supported the resolution. Along with Russia and China, the draft was voted down by Algeria. Guyana abstained.

The resolution points to the need for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and support international diplomatic efforts towards the ceasefire and hostages release.

It rejects any actions that might reduce the Gaza Strip’s area, including by means of establishing any buffer zones, condemns calls for displacing the Palestinian civilians, and rejects any attempts at demographic or territorial changes in the enclave. Apart from that, the resolution demands that Hamas and other armed groups immediately provide humanitarian access to the hostages still held in the Gaza Strip.

Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said earlier that the UN Security Council resolution must contain either a demand or a call for a ceasefire rather than merely note the need for it.

Ahead of the voting, Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya called on UN Security Council member nations not to support the US-initiated document, saying that another draft had been submitted by several non-permanent members. He said he called for supporting this other draft because it unequivocally calls for a ceasefire and unconditional release of hostages.

‘Hypocritical spectacle’: Russia

Moscow accused Washington of a “hypocritical spectacle” that does not pressure Israel.

Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said the draft was exceedingly politicised and contained an effective green light for Israel to mount a military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where more than 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering.

Nebenzia said there was no call for a ceasefire in the resolution’s text and accused the US leadership of “deliberately misleading the international community”.

He told fellow ambassadors that if they passed the resolution, “you will cover yourselves in disgrace.”

On Friday, Algeria’s UN ambassador, Amar Bendjama, said that had the Council passed its February resolution, thousands of innocent lives could have been saved. More than 32,000 people – mostly women and children – have been killed since the war began last October.

These figures represent lives and “hopes that have been destroyed”, Bendjama said, adding that the US text made no mention of Israel’s responsibility for their deaths.

Insfrastruktur dan rumah di Bawean Gresik rusak akibat gempa Tuban

Insfrastruktur dan rumah di Bawean Gresik rusak akibat gempa Tuban

Insfrastruktur dan rumah di Bawean Gresik rusak akibat gempa Tuban

Bangunan di Tuban rusak akibat gempa. (Foto: BPBD Tuban)

Tuban Diguncang 8 Kali Gempa Susulan, Terbesar Magnitudo 5,3 Karyawan Kantor di Surabaya Berhamburan Amankan Diri Akibat Gempa Tuban Gempa Magnitudo 6 Guncang Tuban Hari jumat, 22/03/2024, Tak Berpotensi Tsunami

Gempa yang berpusat di Tuban mengakibatkan infrastruktur dan sejumlah rumah di Pulau Bawean, Kabupaten Gresik, rusak.

Infrastruktur dan sejumlah rumah di Pulau Bawean, Kabupaten Gresik, rusak akibat gempa bumi dengan magnitudo 6 yang berpusat di wilayah Tuban, Jawa Timur atau sekitar 40 km sebelah barat pulau tersebut, Jumat.

"Rumah saya retak beberapa saat setelah gempa," kata Halwiyati, warga Dusun Tanjung Anyar, Desa Lebak, Kecamatan Sangkapura, Bawean.

Demikian juga yang terjadi di Masjid As Sholihin Muhammadiyah di Desa Kotakusuma, Kecamatan Sangkapura, mengalami kerusakan. Beberapa dinding keramik retak dan berjatuhan.

Warga setempat, Kikin, mengatakan masjid itu bangunan lama dan sudah tidak digunakan untuk shalat karena sudah ada masjid yang baru.

Gempa juga berdampak pada bangunan salah satu bank di Bawean. Ada keretakan dinding di ruang ATM. Beberapa warga juga berhamburan keluar rumah. Jendela sekolah SMAN Sangkapura juga mengalami kerusakan akibat gempa.

Sejumlah barang-barang di toko di Pulau Bawean juga berjatuhan dari etalase akibat gempa tersebut. Getaran gempa di Bawean membuat warga panik.

Lalu, di Desa Kumalasa, Kecamatan Sangkapura, Pulau Bawean seorang jamaah mengalami luka-luka dampak gempa setelah shalat Jumat. Korban dijatuhi retakan keramik tiang masjid.

"Korban mengalami luka-luka di sekitar kepala. Kejadian sekitar pukul 12.34 WIB," kata Asep, warga setempat.

Sementara di Kecamatan Tambak, Pulau Bawean, sebuah rumah mengalami keretakan di Desa Telukjatidawang.

"Gempa ini seperti suara pesawat lewat di atas rumah, gluduk-gluduk begitu bunyinya," kata Nur Toatillah, warga Desa Sukaoneng.

Gempa menggoyang Tuban Jatim. (Istimewa) Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) melaporkan sejumlah daerah di Pulau Jawa mengalami getaran berkekuatan skala intensitas III-IV MMI akibat gempa bumi yang berpusat di wilayah Tuban, Jawa Timur, pada Jumat siang pukul 11.22 WIB.

BMKG mencatat gempa susulan terjadi lebih dari lima kali sejak gempa awal dengan magnitudo 6,0 pada Jumat pukul 11.22 WIB di 132 kilometer timur laut Tuban, Jawa Timur, dengan kedalaman 10 kilometer.

Hingga Jumat pukul 13.18 WIB masih terjadi gempa susulan dengan magnitudo 3,5, sebelumnya terjadi gempa susulan dengan magnitudo 3,0 pada pukul 13.09 WIB, kemudian pukul 13.06 WIB gempa dengan magnitudo 3,6, dan pukul 13.05 WIB gempa dengan magnitudo 4,1. Dari data BMKG, gempa tidak berpotensi tsunami.

Pakar Geologi ITS, mengatakan gempa Tuban Dipicu Sesar Aktif di Laut Jawa Gempa Magnitudo 6,5 Kembali Guncang Tuban, Getarannya Terasa hingga Jakarta Rumah dan Balai Desa di Tuban Roboh Terdampak Gempa, Tidak Ada Korban Jiwa

Di Surabaya lima bangunan roboh terdampak gempa Tuban

Di Surabaya lima bangunan roboh terdampak gempa Tuban

Di Surabaya lima bangunan roboh terdampak gempa Tuban

Sejumlah petugas memantau kondisi bangunan rumah yang roboh di Jalan Ngaglik Surabaya, hari Jumat, 22/03/2024. ANTARA/Ananto Pradana

Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kota Surabaya mencatat sebanyak lima bangunan roboh terdampak gempa yang berpusat di 132 kilometer Timur Laut Tuban, Jawa Timur.

Adapun bangunan yang roboh, di antaranya, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Soewandi, bangunan kosong di Jalan Tambak Adi, RS Unair, rumah di Jalan Ngaglik, dan gedung di Jalan Kenjeran Surabaya.

Kepala BPBD Kota Surabaya Agus Hebi Djuniantoro di Surabaya, Jumat, mengatakan bahwa catatan tersebut masih bersifat sementara, karena saat ini semua tim masih menyisir dan mencatat.

"Kami akan terus berkeliling untuk melihat-lihat, terutama di gedung-gedung tinggi, objek vital, seperti rumah sakit dan mal-mal," ucapnya.

Dampak gempa tersebut, kata Hebi, selain bangunan, ada juga korban jiwa yang mengalami dislokasi kaki kanan.

"Atas nama Mohayaroh, warga Kenjeran, dia terkena material bangunan di Jalan Tambak Adi," katanya.

Hebi menjelaskan saat petugas sampai dilokasi, langsung melakukan kordinasi dengan warga sekitar dan menutup akses jalan di tempat kejadian perkara.

Hebi menjelaskan saat petugas sampai dilokasi, langsung melakukan kordinasi dengan warga sekitar dan menutup akses jalan di tempat kejadian perkara.

"Bangunan yang roboh itu kosong, tidak berpenghuni, korbannya seorang pengendara yang kebetulan melintas dan langsung dibawa ke RS Soewandi," ujarnya.

Sementara untuk bangunan lainnya, kata Hebi, ada yang masih belum tertangani, karena sesuatu hal.

"Salah satu rumah di Nganglik itu pemilik rumahnya masih di luar kota, yang gedung di Kenjeran itu kacanya ada yang pecah, juga belum tertangani," tuturnya.

Tak hanya itu, pihaknya juga belum mengetahui total kerugian akibat dampak gempa yang terjadi berulang kali tersebut. "Setelah ada laporan akan kami sampaikan," tuturnya.

Oleh karena itu, ia mengimbau agar masyarakat bisa melaporkan jika ada yang terdampak gempa di Laut Timur Tuban tersebut.

"Yang paling penting, jika ada yang melihat atau butuh evakuasi segera laporkan, akan kami evakuasi," ucap Hebi.

‘LGBT movement’ added to Russia’s terrorist list

‘LGBT movement’ added to Russia’s terrorist list

‘LGBT movement’ added to Russia’s terrorist list


Russia’s Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) on Friday expanded its list of persons and organizations involved in extremist activities or terrorism to include the LGBT movement. The updated list could be found on the agency’s website.

According to the law, banks are required to freeze the funds of persons included in this list and suspend services to them.

Last November, the Russian Supreme Court upheld the Ministry of Justice’s recognition of the international LGBT movement as extremist. The court also recognized its structural divisions as extremist and banned them.

According to Interfax sources, the law “does not affect the right of citizens to privacy and will not entail any negative legal consequences.” The restrictions are related to the need to comply with the ban on LGBT propaganda, advertising, generating interest, and involvement in the LGBT movement.

In 2022, Russia expanded an existing ban on ‘LGBT propaganda’ to minors by outlawing it altogether. Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the State Duma, said at the time that the ban would shield “our children and the future of the country from the darkness spread by the US and European states.”

President Vladimir Putin clarified last month that the authorities do not have issues with what members of the community do in their personal lives, as long as they “don’t flaunt it” in public and do not involve children.