Tuesday 16 May 2023

Over one million refugees from Donbass, Ukraine receive help from Russian Red Cross

Over one million refugees from Donbass, Ukraine receive help from Russian Red Cross

Over one million refugees from Donbass, Ukraine receive help from Russian Red Cross

A passenger bus destroyed by Ukrainian shelling in Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic, Russia. © Sputnik / Taisija Voroncova

The Russian Red Cross Society (RRC) has provided aid to more than one million refugees from Ukraine, RRC President Pavel Savchuk said on Monday.

"The RRC has been involved in the assistance efforts from the very beginning. Since February 22, 2022, more than one million refugees and migrants from Ukraine and Donbass have received assistance from the RRC. The overall number of those who received help in 2022 and in the five months of 2023 has reached two million, i.e. nearly half of them are migrants due to the Ukrainian crisis," he said.

The RRC, in his words, has been introducing new types of assistance, such as pharmacy and commodity vouchers. "We have introduced a system of vouchers to a certain sum, which can be used to pay for clothes, food, or medicine. Last year, more than 93,000 people received such vouchers, 620,000 people received humanitarian and hygienic kits," he said.

According to Savchuk, nearly 92,000 people have received direct payments totalling 300 million rubles ($3.75 mln). "These allowances help those in need to improve their lives," he said, adding that the allowances range from 5,000 (some 63 US dollars) to 15,000 rubles depending on the family. Allowances are paid to the elderly, families with many children, single-parent families, people with disabilities, and other categories.

Apart from that, in his words, the RRC helps those refugees who want to return to their homes. "For instance, a group of refugees from the Tambov Region want to return to Mariupol. A lot of infrastructure and housing has been built in the city. People are returning there and we want to support them, provide them with transportation, meals, and water," he added.

Acting LPR interior minister operated on after being wounded in blast in central Lugansk

Igor Kornet is now in stable condition.

Acting Interior Minister of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) Igor Kornet has been operated on after being wounded in a blast in central Lugansk and is in stable condition now, Kornet’s former adviser and military expert Vitaly Kiselev told TASS on Monday.

"Now, Igor [Kornet] is in stable condition. More time is needed to assess his condition. Doctors say he underwent a difficult surgery," he said.

An attempt on Kornet’s life was staged in central Donetsk on Monday. A grenade exploded inside a barber’s shop wounding seven people. Kornet was taken to a hospital with severe wounds. Later, a spokesman for local law enforcement told TASS that a passerby was killed in the blast. Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case. According to local emergency services, nine people were evacuated from apartment blocks near the blast site.

As Donetsk civilians live in constant fear of Ukrainian shelling, a reporter on the ground details the terror

Heavy Ukrainian shelling of central Donetsk on April 28 killed nine civilians – including an eight-year-old girl and her grandmother – and injured at least 16 more. The victims were burned alive when the minibus they were in was hit by a shell.

The attack also targeted a major hospital, apartment buildings, houses, parks, streets, and sidewalks. All civilian areas – not military targets.

According to the Donetsk People’s Republic's (DPR) Representative Office in the JCCC (Joint Monitoring and Co-ordination Center on Ukraine’s War Crimes), Kiev's forces fired high-explosive fragmentation missiles “produced in Slovakia and transferred to Ukraine by NATO countries.” Regarding an earlier shelling on the same day, the JCCC noted that US-made HIMARS systems were used, targeting “exclusively in the residential, central quarter of the city.”

I was outside of Donetsk interviewing refugees from Artyomovsk (also known as Bakhmut) when both rounds of intense shelling occurred, the first starting just after 11am. I returned to see a catastrophic scene, with a burnt-out bus – still smoking – and some of its passengers’ charred bodies melted onto the frame. This tragic picture was sadly not a one-off event.

Elsewhere, city workers were already removing debris and had begun repaving damaged sections of the roads. I’ve seen this following Ukrainian shelling many times, including on January 1 this year, when Ukraine fired 25 Grads into the city centre. Similarly, in July 2022, Ukrainian shelling downtown killed four civilians, including two in a vehicle likewise gutted by flames. When I arrived at the scene about an hour later, workers were repaving the affected section of the street.

The damage to the Republican Trauma Center hospital was quickly cleaned up, but videos shared on Telegram immediately after the shelling show a gaping hole in one of the walls. The room concerned contained what was, apparently, Donetsk’s sole MRI machine.

Along Artyoma street, the central Donetsk boulevard targeted countless times by Ukrainian attacks, the destruction was evident: Two cars caught up in the bombing, residents of an apartment building boarding up shattered windows and doors, the all-too-familiar sound of glass and debris being swept away. In the residential area, the first to be targeted that day, in a massive crater behind one house, the walls and roof of another home were intermixed with rocket fragments.

Another year of Ukrainian war crimes

In April 2022, following strikes on a large market area in Kirovsky district, in western Donetsk, which killed five civilians and injured 23, I went there to document the aftermath, not expecting to see two of the five dead still lying in nearby lanes. This shelling was just before noon, a busy time of day in the area. Bombing at such periods is an insidious tactic to ensure more civilians are maimed or killed.

Double and triple striking the same areas is another method used by Ukrainian forces. In an interview last year, the director of the Department of Fire and Rescue Forces of the DPR Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergey Neka, told me, “Our units arrive at the scene and Ukraine begins to shell it. A lot of equipment has been damaged and destroyed.”

Andrey Levchenko, chief of the emergency department for the Kievsky district of Donetsk, also hit by Ukrainian attacks, said: “They wait for 30 minutes for us to arrive. We arrive there, start assisting people, and the shelling resumes. They wait again, our guys hide in the shelters, as soon as we go out, put out the fire, help people, then shelling resumes.”

I was here in Donetsk in mid-June, during a day of particularly intense Ukrainian shelling of the very centre of the city, which killed at least five civilians. The DPR authorities reported that “within two hours, almost 300 MLRS rockets and artillery shells were fired.” One Grad rocket hit a maternity hospital, tearing through the roof.

The following month, Ukraine fired rockets containing internationally-banned ‘petal’ mines. The streets of central Donetsk, as well as the western and northern districts and other cities, were littered with the hard-to-spot mines designed to grotesquely maim, but not necessarily kill, anyone stepping on them. These mines keep claiming new victims to this day – when I last wrote about them here, 104 civilians had been maimed, including this 14-year-old boy. Three had died of their injuries. Since then, the number of victims has risen to 112.

I was here in Donetsk in mid-June, during a day of particularly intense Ukrainian shelling of the very centre of the city, which killed at least five civilians. The DPR authorities reported that “within two hours, almost 300 MLRS rockets and artillery shells were fired.” One Grad rocket hit a maternity hospital, tearing through the roof.

The following month, Ukraine fired rockets containing internationally-banned ‘petal’ mines. The streets of central Donetsk, as well as the western and northern districts and other cities, were littered with the hard-to-spot mines designed to grotesquely maim, but not necessarily kill, anyone stepping on them. These mines keep claiming new victims to this day – when I last wrote about them here, 104 civilians had been maimed, including this 14-year-old boy. Three had died of their injuries. Since then, the number of victims has risen to 112.

The November 12 shelling of Gorlovka damaged a beautiful historic cultural building, destroying parts of the roof and the theatre hall within. According to the centre’s director, it was one of the best movie theatres in Donetsk Region, one of the oldest, most beautiful, and most beloved buildings in the city. He noted that the HIMARS system is a very precise weapon, so the attack was not accidental.

The shelling goes on

Early morning during Easter Mass on April 16, the Ukrainian army fired 20 rockets near the Cathedral of the Holy Transfiguration in the centre of Donetsk, French journalist Christelle Neant reported, noting that one civilian was killed and seven injured. The shelling extended to the central market just behind the cathedral. Just over a week prior, on April 7, another shelling of that market killed one civilian and injured 13, also considerably damaging the market itself.

Ukraine continues to shell the western and northern districts of Donetsk, also pounding Gorlovka, as well as Yasinovatya just north of Donetsk (killing two civilians some days ago).

On April 23, shelling in Petrovsky, a hard-hit western Donetsk district, killed one man and injured five more. The same day, in a village northeast of Donetsk, a rocket killed two women in their 30s. Security camera footage shows the moment when the women attempted to take cover. The munition that killed them hit directly next to where they huddled.

A few days later, on my way to interview refugees from Artyomovsk sheltering in another city, I passed along the tiny village where those women were killed. It’s a road I’ve driven a dozen times or more, a quiet, calm, scenic region of rolling hills, a lovely river, a beautiful church. It’s far from any front line. The murder of these two women was another Ukrainian war crime.

The people here are constantly terrorized by Ukrainian shelling or the threat of it, and have been since Kiev started its war on the Donbass in 2014.

Prabowo dan Airlangga Muncul di Musra, Golkar: Kombinasi Patriot Teknokrat

Prabowo dan Airlangga Muncul di Musra, Golkar: Kombinasi Patriot Teknokrat

Prabowo dan Airlangga Muncul di Musra, Golkar: Kombinasi Patriot Teknokrat

airlangga bertemu prabowo di hambalang. ©2021 Merdeka.com/istimewa

Ketua DPP Golkar, Nusron Wahid menyambut gembira nama sang ketua umum Airlangga Hartarto masuk dalam tiga besar capres pilihan Musra (Musyawarah Rakyat) Relawan Jokowi. Nusron berterima kasih kepada para relawan yang telah menyelenggarakan Musra dengan sukses.

"Musra merupakan bentuk kreasi dalam rangka menjaring aspirasi rakyat dalam rangka mencari pemimpin yang ideal yang mampu membawa kesejahteraan bangsa Indonesia," ujar Nusron, pada hari Senin, 15/05/2023.

Seperti diketahui, hasil Musra memunculkan tiga nama capres. Selain Airlangga, ada pula nama Ketum Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto dan Politikus PDIP Ganjar Pranowo.

Dalam acara Puncak Musra, Jokowi menyinggung kriteria pemimpin. Misalnya, pemberani, dekat dengan rakyat dan mampu menangani ketidakpastian ekonomi global ke depan.

Nusron menilai, kriteria yang diungkap Jokowi tersebut mengarah pada pasangan dua menteri Jokowi. Yakni Prabowo sebagai Menhan dan Airlangga sebagai Menko Perekonomian.

"Kami yakin dengan kriteria yang disampaikan oleh Pak Jokowi, mengarah pada pasangan yang ideal sesama menteri Pak Jokowi yaitu; Prabowo-Airlangga," kata Nusron.

Menurut dia, Prabowo dan Airlangga adalah pasangan yang ideal jika disandingkan sebagai capres dan cawapres. Menurut dia, pasangan ini juga jauh dari praktik politik aliran.

"Sebab keduanya kombinasi ideal. Jauh dr politik aliran. Prabowo tentara yang patriotik dan Pak Airlangga sosok teknokrat yang cakap dan handal dalam menyelesaikan problem mikro dan ekonomi," tegas Nusron.

Ditemui Airlangga, Jokowi Ternyata Belum Buka Isi Amplop Musra

Amplop hasil Musyawarah Rakyat (Musra) sampai pagi ini, belum dibuka oleh Presiden Joko Widodo, sejak diterima dalam acara di Istora Senayan, Jakarta, pada hari Minggu, 14/05/2023.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan Menko Perekonomian yang juga Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto, usai bertemu Presiden Jokowi di Istana Negara, pada hari Senin, 15/05/.

"Bapak Presiden kemarin mengatakan beliau sudah terima amplop tapi belum dibuka. Tadi pagi, saya tanya belum dibuka juga," kata Airlangga.

Adapun Airlangga menjadi salah satu nama yang masuk nominasi calon presiden yang diusulkan Musra. Atas usulan itu, dia mengaku bersyukur.

"Tentu berterima kasih kepada Musra, kepada yang telah bekerja di 29 tempat, dan tentu yang menjadi kemarin juga pidato Bapak Presiden koalisi antarpartai ini yang harus terus dimatangkan," katanya.

Adapun Musra relawan Jokowi menyodorkan tiga nama untuk ditentukan Jokowi sebagai capres pilihan. Namun, ternyata Jokowi belum juga menentukan dari ketiga nama itu siapa yang harus didukung oleh relawannya di 2024.

Tiga nama itu yakni Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto, Airlangga Hartarto, dan Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo.

Perolehan Medali SEA Games 2023 - Angkat Besi Sapu Bersih Medali Emas

Perolehan Medali SEA Games 2023 - Angkat Besi Sapu Bersih Medali Emas

Perolehan Medali SEA Games 2023 - Angkat Besi Sapu Bersih Medali Emas

Ini merupakan medali emas kedua Indonesia di SEA Games 2023 pada hari ini. Sebelumnya Indonesia sukses meraih emas melalui cabang sepak takraw nomor men's double. REUTERS/Cindy Liu

Sampai dengan hari ke-10 Selasa pagi, 16/06/2023, Indonesia kokoh berada di peringkat ketiga klasemen perolehan medali SEA Games 2023. Kontingen Merah Putih berada di bawah Vietnam dan Thailand setelah meraih tambahan enam medali emas pada sepanjang hari Senin, 15 Mei 2023.

Hari Senin, 15/05/2023, pundi medali emas bertambah dari cabang olahraga angkat besi. Cabang olahraga angkat besi berhasil sapu bersih seluruh nomor yang dipertandingkan, dengan memborong tiga emas sekaligus.

Atlet angkat besi Rahmat Erwin Abdullah tampil sempurna oada kelas 81kg putra dengan meraih emas sekaligus memecahkan tiga rekor SEA Games.

Atlet angkat besi putri dari Indonesia Tsabitha Alfiah Ramadani beraksi di cabang angkat besi nomor 64kg putri di Olympic Taekwondo Hall, Phnom Penh, Senin (15/5). REUTERS/Cindy Liu

Atlet angkat besi Tsabitha Alfiah Ramadani dan Mutiara Ayuningtias juga menambah pundi-pundi emas Indonesia setelah berhasil menjadi yang terbaik masing-masing di kelas 64 kg putri dan 53 kg putri.

Pada cabang olahraga Sepak takraw menyumbang medali emas kedua bagi kontingen Indonesia melalui nomor double putra usai menundukkan Malaysia pada babak final.

Tambahan emas juga didapat dari Tamesti Maheswari Megawati yang menjadi terbaik di taekwondo nomor Kyorugi 53 kg putri dan Abdul Aziz di kickboxing nomor kick light 63kg putra. Raihan enam emas tersebut membuat Indonesia mempertahankan posisinya di peringkat ketiga dengan total koleksi 74 emas hingga Senin malam.

Kamboja masih membuntuti kontingen Merah Putih di urutan empat dengan selisih tiga keping emas. Sementara itu, Vietnam masih kokoh di puncak klasemen dengan perolehan 123 medali emas. Thailand berada tepat di belakang tim Negeri Paman Ho tersebut dengan 94 medali emas.

Closing ceremony atau upacara penutupan pesta olahraga negara-negara Asia Tenggara tersebut akan digelar di Morodok Techo National Stadium, Phnom Penh.

Hingga menjelang upacara penutupan SEA Games 2023, peluang tim Indonesia menambah perolehan medali masih besar, karena pada hari ini, hari Selasa 16 Mei 2023, ada banyak peluang emas yang dapat diraih oleh Indonesai. Seperti dari cabang olahraga (cabor) sepakbola dan bulu tangkis.

Sepakbola hari ini

Yang tidak boleh dilewatkan adalah Final Sepakbola SEA Games 2023

Laga Final cabor sepakbola SEA Games 2023 antara Indonesia vs Thailand dijadwalkan pada hari Selasa , 16/05/2023, pukul 19.00 WIB. Babak perebutan medali emas digelar di Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh.

Sekali lagi, yang tidak boleh dilewatkan adalah Final Sepakbola SEA Games 2023

Laga Final cabor sepakbola SEA Games 2023 antara Indonesia vs Thailand dijadwalkan pada hari Selasa , 16/05/2023, pukul 19.00 WIB. Babak perebutan medali emas digelar di Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh.

Dua lagi, yang tidak boleh dilewatkan adalah Final Sepakbola SEA Games 2023

Laga Final cabor sepakbola SEA Games 2023 antara Indonesia vs Thailand dijadwalkan pada hari Selasa , 16/05/2023, pukul 19.00 WIB. Babak perebutan medali emas digelar di Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh.

Timnas U22 Indonesia saat menghadapi Kamboja pada laga pamungkas Grup A sepak bola putra SEA Games 2023. Laga Indonesia vs Kamboja digelar di Olympic National, Stadium, Phnom Penh, Kamboja, hari Rabu, 10/05/2023. Selanjutnya, timnas U22 Indonesia bakal melawan Thailand dalam final sepak bola SEA Games 2023, hari Senin, 15/05/2023.(Dok. PSSI)

Tim nasional Indonesia U-22 akan bertarung melawan Thailand dalam laga final cabang olahraga sepak bola SEA Games 2023. Skuad Merah Putih melangkah ke final SEA Games 2023 setelah menumbangkan Vietnam pada Sabtu Sore, 13/5/2023. Laga sengit dan alot yang berlangsung selama 90 menit itu berakhir setelah Vietnam gagal menyamakan skor untuk kali ketiga.

Pada babak final, Timnas Indonesia ditantang raja sepakbola ASEAN, Thailand. Negeri Gajah Putih lolos setelah menaklukkan Myanmar 3-0.

Bulutangkis hari ini

Indonesia meloloskan enam wakil ke final badminton SEA Games 2023 dan menggaransi minimal dua medali emas dalam genggaman karena tercipta All Indonesian Final.

Indonesia telah lebih dulu memastikan terjadinya All Indonesian Final di nomor tunggal putra di Morodok Techo Hall, Phnom Penh, hari Senin sore WIB, 15/05/2023. Christian Adinata dan Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo berhasil melangkah ke partai puncak.

Duo ganda putri turut sama-sama ke final yakni Meilysa Trias Puspitasari/Rachel Allessya Rose yang menang atas wakil Malaysia Cheng Su Hui/Cheng Su Yin 21-10 dan 21-17. Lalu Febriana Dwipuji Kusuma/Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi menang atas wakil Malaysia Lee Xin Jie/Low Yeen Yuan 21-9, 21-9.

Tunggal putra Indonesia, Cristian Adinata.

Ganda campuran Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto/Lisa Ayu Kusumawati berhak ke final setelah menang rubber atas ganda campuran Thailand Ratchapol Makkasasisthorn/Chasinee Korerap 19-21, 21-18, dan 21-19.

Jam tayang final bulutangkis akan berlangsung mulai pukul 12.00 WIB atau pukul 14.00 WIT. Siaran langsung final badminton SEA Games 2023 melalui live streaming INews TV.

Berikut klasemen perolehan medali SEA Games 2023 pada Selasa, 16 Mei 2023, hingga pukul 03.00 WIB menurut laman resmi panitia SEA Games 2023 Kamboja (CAMSOC) games.cambodia2023.com

Ranking Negara Emas Perak Perunggu Total Medali
1 Vietnam 123 100 98 321
2 Thailand 94 76 93 263
3 Indonesia 76 66 91 233
4 Kamboja 71 68 113 252
5 Filipina 51 77 103 231
6 Singapura 45 38 57 140
7 Malaysia 30 42 85 157
8 Myanmar 20 21 64 105
9 Laos 6 20 57 83
10 Brunei 2 1 6 9
11 Timor Leste 0 0 8 8

Monday 15 May 2023

LIVE UPDATE - Russian Air Defenses Destroy 21 Ukrainian Military Drones in Past Day

LIVE UPDATE - Russian Air Defenses Destroy 21 Ukrainian Military Drones in Past Day

LIVE UPDATE - Russian Air Defenses Destroy 21 Ukrainian Military Drones in Past Day

©Vitaly Nevar/TASS

Russian air defense forces shot down 21 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Monday.

"Twenty-one Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in areas near the settlements of Novopokrovka, Vodyanoye and Rabotino in the Zaporozhye Region, Lyubimovka and Novaya Kakhovka in the Kherson Region, Gorlovka, Peski and Volodino in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Kremennaya and Novokrasnyanka in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian air defenses down Storm Shadow cruise missile

Russian air defense forces shot down a Storm Shadow long-range cruise missile over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities intercepted seven HARM anti-radar missiles, a Storm Shadow long-range cruise missile and 10 rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 145 Ukrainian troops in Kupyansk area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 145 Ukrainian troops and two motorized artillery systems in the Kupyansk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, aircraft and artillery of the western battlegroup struck the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Berestovoye and Sinkovka in the Kharkov Region. The enemy’s losses in that area amounted to 145 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three motor vehicles, two Gvozdika motorized artillery systems and a D-20 howitzer," the spokesman said.

During the past night, Russian forces neutralized three Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance groups in the Kharkov Region, the general added.

Russian forces destroy over 75 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area

Russian combat aircraft and artillery destroyed over 75 Ukrainian troops and a motorized artillery system in the Krasny Liman area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, operational/tactical and army aviation and artillery from the battlegroup Center inflicted damage on the Ukrainian manpower and equipment near the settlement of Nevskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

"Over 75 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three pickup trucks, a Gvozdika motorized artillery system and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours," the general reported.

Russian forces destroy 235 Ukrainian troops, mercenaries in Donetsk advance

Russian forces destroyed roughly 235 Ukrainian troops and mercenaries in their advance in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, the enemy’s losses totaled as many as 235 Ukrainian personnel and mercenaries, one tank, four armored combat vehicles, seven motor vehicles, and also D-20, D-30 and Msta-B howitzers," the spokesman said.

Russian assault teams press ahead with offensive in western Artyomovsk

Russian assault teams continued their offensive in the western part of Artyomovsk over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, the tensest battles continued to be carried out by the assault teams in the western outskirts of the city of Artyomovsk and also by the units of the 4th motorized infantry brigade near the settlement of Krasnoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian operational/tactical and army aviation and artillery struck the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Chasov Yar and Bogdanovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the general specified.

"The aircraft flew seven sorties in that area in the past 24 hours. The battlegroup’s artillery accomplished 72 firing objectives," Konashenkov reported.

Russian forces eliminate over 150 Ukrainian troops in southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

Russian forces eliminated over 150 Ukrainian troops in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, aircraft and artillery from Russia’s battlegroup East struck the Ukrainian army units near the settlements of Vodyanoye and Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the spokesman specified.

"The enemy’s losses in those directions in the past 24 hours amounted to over 150 Ukrainian personnel and five motor vehicles," the general reported.

Russian forces destroy 30 Ukrainian troops, armored vehicle in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 30 Ukrainian troops and an armored combat vehicle in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson direction, as many as 30 Ukrainian personnel, an armored combat vehicle and four motor vehicles were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of damage inflicted by firepower," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminate two Ukrainian subversive groups in LPR

Russian forces eliminated two Ukrainian subversive groups in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Units of the 76th air assault division eliminated two subversive/reconnaissance groups in the area of the settlement of Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian combat aircraft down Ukrainian Mi-24, Mi-8 helicopters

Russian combat aircraft shot down two Ukrainian military helicopters in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down Ukrainian Air Force Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopters near the settlements of Selidovo and Brusovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian forces wipe out US-made counter-battery radar in DPR

Russian forces destroyed a US-made counter-battery radar in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Krivaya Luka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a US-manufactured AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar was destroyed," the spokesman said.

Operational/tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 68 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 97 areas in the past 24 hours, the general reported.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 425 Ukrainian combat aircraft, 233 helicopters, 4,156 unmanned aerial vehicles, 421 surface-to-air missile systems, 9,169 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,100 multiple rocket launchers, 4,821 field artillery guns and mortars and 10,214 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

SEA Games 2023 - Megawati Raih Emas Cabor Taekwondo

SEA Games 2023 - Megawati Raih Emas Cabor Taekwondo

SEA Games 2023 - Megawati Raih Emas Cabor Taekwondo

Tamesti Maheswari Megawati meraih medali emas SEA Games 2023 dari cabor taekwondo di kelas 53kg putri. Foto: Twitter

Atlet taekwondo Indonesia Tamesti Maheswari Megawati berhasil mempersembahkan medali emas di SEA Games 2023, hari Senin malam, 15/05/2023. Keberhasilan Megawati membuat cabor Taekwondo sukses mempersembahkan medali ke-76 untuk Indonesia dari nomor Women's Kyorugi 53kg.

Lagu Indonesia Raya pun berkumandang di Chory Changvar International Convention and Exhibition Center, Phnom Penh, hari Senin sore, 15/05/2023.

"Emas Ke-76 untuk Indonesia! Selamat kepada Megawati Tamesti Maheswari dari cabang olahraga Taekwondo yang berhasil mempersembahkan medali emas bagi Indonesia di nomor Women's Kyorugi 53Kg," ucap Megawati.

"Emas Ke-76 untuk Indonesia! Selamat kepada Megawati Tamesti Maheswari dari cabang olahraga Taekwondo yang berhasil mempersembahkan medali emas bagi Indonesia di nomor Women's Kyorugi 53Kg," ucap Megawati.

Tamesti Maheswari Megawati rebut emas SEA Games 2023. (gerakita.com)

Pada final di Chory Changvar International Convention and Exhibition Center, Phnom Penh, atlet yang akrab disapa Mega ini mengalahkan atlet Thailand Chutikan Jongkolrattanawattana.

Mega sempat kalah di babak pertama. Namun, dia mampu membalikkan keadaan. Tendangannya di penghujung waktu mampu menjatuhkan lawan dan membantunya menangkan babak kedua.

Pada babak ketiga, kepercayaan diri Mega semakin besar sehingga mampu mendominasi pertandingan. Ia pun mengakhiri pertandingan dengan kemenangan di SEA Games 2023. Tangis haru pun tak tertahan ketika keliling lapangan membawa bendera Merah Putih.

Ketua Umum (Ketum) Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Pusat Letjen TNI Purn Marciano Norman yang menyaksikan secara langsung mengucapkan selamat.

“Selamat kepada Tamesti Maheswari Megawati yang mampu menjadi juara Women’s Kyorugi 53kg SEA Games 2023 Kamboja. Ini merupakan prestasi yang membanggakan untuk Indonesia,” katanya.

Kesuksesan Megawati mempersembahkan medali emas membuat Indonesia tetap bercokol di peringkat ketiga klasemen medali SEA Games 2023 dengan torehan 76 medali emas.

Tak lupa Marciano Norman sampaikan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah berjuang keras hingga mampu meraih prestasi pada SEA Games 2023 Kamboja.

Apresiasi juga diberikan kepada atlet lain yang naik podium. Sebelum Mega, Naufal Khairudin Osanando turun di final kelas 80kg putra. Namun, dia harus mengakui keunggulan lawan dari Malaysia 1-2. Sementara M. Bassam berhasil meraih perunggu nomor putra 63kg.

“Tetap semangat dan terus berlatih lebih keras agar ke depan dapat terus menjadi juara,” kata Marciano Norman.

“Terima kasih atas kerja keras atlet-atlet Indonesia, pelatih dan juga Pengurus Besar Taekwondo Indonesia (PBTI) yang dipimpin Bapak Letjen TNI Purn Thamrin Marzuki,” sambungnya.

Posisi puncak klasemen SEA Games 2023 masih ditempati Vietnam yang sejauh ini telah meraih 118 medali emas, 95 medali perak, dan 97 medali perunggu.

Kemudian posisi kedua ditempati Thailand dengan torehan 94 medali emas 74 medali perak, dan 90 medali perunggu.

Sedangkan tuan rumah Kamboja berada di posisi keempat klasemen SEA Games 2023 dengan meraih 66 medali emas, 65 medali perak, dan 111 medali perunggu.

Golkar Percaya Diri Usai Nama Airlangga Muncul sebagai Kandidat Capres

Golkar Percaya Diri Usai Nama Airlangga Muncul sebagai Kandidat Capres

Golkar Percaya Diri Usai Nama Airlangga Muncul sebagai Kandidat Capres

Airlangga Hartarto

Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Partai Golkar Lodewijk F Paulus mengaku senang melihat hasil usulan Musyawarah Rakyat (Musra) soal nama calon presiden (capres).

Pasalnya, Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto menjadi salah satu dari tiga kandidat bacapres yang diberikan Musra kepada Presiden Jokowi.

Sebagai informasi, Golkar terus bersikukuh untuk mencalonkan Airlangga di kontestasi Pilpres 2024.

Untuk diketahui, Partai Golkar mendaftarkan kadernya sebagai bakal calon legislastif (bacaleg) untuk Pemilu 2024 ke KPU RI, pada hari Minggu, 14/05/2023.

“Karena Musra ini punya jaringan-jaringan di setiap kabupaten/kota di Indonesia dan mereka menyaring itu dan mendapatkan masukan,” papar dia.

Ditemui terpisah, Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Ahmad Doli Kurnia menyatakan hasil itu menunjukan Airlangga diterima oleh publik.

Namun, partai berlambang pohon beringin itu masih harus bekerja keras untuk bisa mendorongnya mengikuti kontestasi Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024.

“Nah tentu kepercayaan itu akan terus kami jaga, bagaimana terus meningkatkan daya pilih kepada Pak Airlangga,” tutur dia.

Untuk diketahui, Golkar selama ini terus bersikukuh untuk mencalonkan Airlangga di kontestasi Pilpres 2024. Salah satu cara memuluskannya yakni dengan membentuk Koalisi Indonesia Bersatu (KIB).

Belakangan, muncul gejolak di internal KIB terutama setelah Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) yang menjadi salah satu motornya, memutuskan untuk ikut PDI-P mengusung Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Ganjar Pranowo sebagai capres.

Manuver politik pun dilakukan Golkar. Salah satunya dengan mendekati Partai Demokrat dan yang terbaru mendekati Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) untuk membentuk Koalisi Besar, bersama Gerindra. Namun, Golkar dan PKB belum satu suara hingga kini soal siapaya yang akan diusung di Pilpres 2024.

Adapun Musra telah memberikan tiga nama capres untuk dipilih Jokowi.

Ketiganya adalah Airlangga, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo, serta Ketua Umum Partai Gerindra Prabowo Subianto.

Sedangkan figur cawapres yang diajukan adalah Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD, Kepala Staf Kepresidenan (KSP) Moeldoko, dan Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sandiaga Uno.

Nama-nama itu dipilih dari hasil Musra yang dilakukan di berbagai wilayah Tanah Air.