Wednesday 17 May 2023

George Soros ‘hates humanity’ – Elon Musk

George Soros ‘hates humanity’ – Elon Musk

George Soros ‘hates humanity’ – Elon Musk

©AP Photo / Ronald Zak

Elon Musk used his Twitter platform to attack fundraiser George Soros on Tuesday, claiming that the prominent Democratic Party financier “hates humanity,” and comparing him to comic-book super villain Magneto.

In a tweet which has been viewed more than 20 million times, Musk wrote without explanation that “Soros reminds me of Magneto” – the mutant comic book anti-hero of the X-Men series. Musk elaborated on Soros when pressed by journalist Brian Krassenstein, claiming the Hungarian-American businessman was a frequent right-wing punching bag because some people object to his “good intentions” as “they disagree with his political affiliations.”

“You assume they are good intentions,” Musk responded on Twitter early on Tuesday. “They are not. He wants to erode the very fabric of civilization. Soros hates humanity.” The SpaceX and Tesla CEO offered no further evidence to substantiate his claim.

Magneto is a principal character in the Marvel Comics X-Men franchise. The arch-villain of the series, Magneto was played by the British actor Ian McKellan in several feature films, and possesses the ability to control magnetic fields with his mind. Like Soros, Magneto is a survivor of the Holocaust in X-Men canon.

Soon after his Tuesday Twitter salvo, Musk was accused by David Kaye, the former UN special rapporteur on freedom of expression, of promoting anti-Semitic tropes often linked to Soros. “Twitter under Musk really brings it: grade school versions of free speech, quisling in the face of government demands, Soros-baiting anti-Semitism, 2nd amendment extremism – and that’s just his account.”

Musk’s attack on Soros came days after it was revealed in financial filings to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that the billionaire investor’s Soros Fund Management hedge fund group had sold the entirety of its shares in Musk’s electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla in late March.

The filing indicated that Soros’ group had around 132,000 Tesla shares on its books at the end of 2022 but dumped its entire stake in the opening months of 2023 after stock rose by 68% from January to March of this year. However, Tesla shares have fallen by around 11% in the past month. The Soros-backed hedge fund also sold other stocks from its portfolio, including Amazon and Alphabet.

In a recent interview, Soros dismissed what he called “far-fetched” allegations that he uses his finances as a means to meddle in political affairs.

Did George Soros Dump Tesla Shares to Spite Elon Musk?

Musk has stirred up a Twitstorm after it was reported that Soros sold his large stake in the electric vehicle giant. But was the Hungarian-born billionaire just cashing in on rising share prices?

Billionaire NGO kingpin George Soros has sparked rumours of a spat with Twitter owner Elon Musk by dumping his entire stake in Tesla Motors.

Reports emerged on Monday that Soros had sold his holding of some 132,000 shares in the electric vehicle maker during the first quarter of the year, apparently cashing in as they soared in value by 68 per cent.

That surge has since subsided — possibly due to Soros' share dump — but the Tesla stock price remains 37 per cent higher than it was a year ago.

Late on Monday night, Musk posted a tweet comparing Soros to X-Men supervillain Magneto — before doubling down and saying the Hungarian tycoon "hates humanity."

The two billionaires may have several reasons for disliking each other, although it is unclear whether the two have ever met.

Ongoing Conflict

Soros is a major supporter of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. His Open Society Foundations organisation funded Ukrainian NGOs involved in the 2014 Euromaidan riots by neo-nazi militias that forced out elected president Viktor Yanukovych. In February this year Musk tweeted that the events were "indeed a coup."

Two weeks before that comment, Musk cut off Ukrainian armed forces' access to his Starlink remote satellite telecoms service, fearing that they had found a way to "weaponize" it and wanting to avoid "escalation of conflict that may lead to WW3."

And in October last year, Musk floated his own framework for a peace settlement in Ukraine, which included Kiev recognising Crimea's overwhelming vote in 2014 to reunite with Russia and giving up its ambition of joining the US-led NATO military alliance — the latter one of Moscow's main conditions for ending hostilities.

Partisan Battles

Musk has drawn fire from US liberals since his private equity buy-out of social media giant Twitter last October, promising more freedom of speech on the platform.

He ordered an overhaul of censorship policies and sacked thousands of staff, prompting alarmist claims that Twitter would soon be overrun by the far-right.

Since then, many high-profile Conservative and "alt-right" commentators who had been suspended had their accounts re-instated, along with those of left-wingers and feminists banned for criticising transgender ideology.

Musk also released the bombshell Twitter files to journalist Matt Taibbi which showed how the company worked with government agencies like the FBI to silence dissenting voices.

Soros is a major contributor of election funds to the Democratic Party, which had previously enjoyed near-hegemony of its ideas on US-based social media — although former Republican president Donald Trump has so far refused to return to Twitter since his banning in January 2020.

Simple Economics?

However, Soros also sold shares in Tesla's competitor Rivian Automotive. That may indicate that he has lost confidence that the trend in electric car sales, driven by government reguulations banning new petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles in the next decade, would continue to rise.

The Hungarian-born billionaire also sold 14.37 per cent of his huge stake in First Horizon Bank, although that still left him with 7.31 million shares.

Attorney David Tawil, co-founder of Pro-Chain Capital, told Sputnik that it was simply "impossible that these things are connected."

"Soros' stake that has been reduced has been documented not because Soros went ahead and volunteered that information," he explained, adding that all major investment funds, Soros' had 45 days from the end of the first quarter on March 31 to release details of its stock holdings.

"So from December 31st, 2022 until through March 31st, 2023, Soros dumped his stock," Tawil noted "In that period of time, January to March 2023, the price of Tesla stock was up 68 per cent. So Soros said, 'Oh, I made a lot of money. Let me go ahead and prudently take a bunch of profits off the table.'"

"For all we know, Soros bought Tesla back. For all we know Soros is shorting," the fund manager conjectured. "I don't know. But at the end of the day, what's happening today has nothing to do with what Soros just reported, which is as of March 31, 2023."

Tuesday 16 May 2023

SEA Games 2023 - Timnas Indonesia Tumbangkan Thailand 5 -2 Tanpa Ampun

SEA Games 2023 - Timnas Indonesia Tumbangkan Thailand 5 -2 Tanpa Ampun

SEA Games 2023 - Timnas Indonesia Tumbangkan Thailand 5 -2 Tanpa Ampun

Hari indah bagi Indonesia, Indra Sjafri dan timnas Indonesia U-22 berhasil menutup perjalanan mereka di SEA Games 2023 dengan hasil yang manis. Garuda Nusantara berhasil menyumbangkan emas dan mengalahkan Timnas Thailand U-22 di final dengan skor 5-2.

Dua gol Indonesia di laga ini dicetak oleh Ramadhan Sananta di babak pertama. Thailand berhasil menyamakan kedudukan berkat gol Anan Yongsangwal dan Yotsakorn Burapham di babak kedua. Di babak tambahan waktu, Indonesia mencetak tiga gol melalui Irfan Jauhari Fajar Fatur Rahman dan Beckham Putra.

Berkat kemenangan ini, timnas Indonesia menjadi juara cabang olahraga sepak bola Putra dan berhasil membawa pulang medali emas.

Bermain di Olympic Stadium Phnom Phen, Garuda Nusantara langsung mengambil inisiatif serangan terlebih dahulu. Anak asuh Indra Sjafri itu langsung tancap gas sejak awal laga.

Pesepak bola Timnas Indonesia U-22 Marselino Ferdinan (kiri) berebut bola dengan pesepak bola Timnas Thailand Chayapipat Supunpasuch (kanan) saat pertandingan Final Sepak Bola SEA Games 2023 di National Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh, Kamboja, Selasa (16/5/2023).(Antara Foto/M Agung Rajasa)

Thailand sendiri agak keteteran menghadapi permainan Indonesia. Alhasil tim Gajah Perang lebih memilih mengandalkan serangan balik.

Di menit ketujuh, serangan balik Thailand sempat membuat Indonesia dalam masalah. Ernando Ari, kiper Indonesia harus keluar dari sarangnya untuk menghentikan pergerakan Poeiphimai. Karena halauannya tidak mengenai bola, Ernando mendapatkan kartu kuning dari wasit.

Di menit ke-21, timnas Indonesia berhasil memecah kebuntuan. Berawal dari umpan jauh Alfeandra Dewangga, Ramadhan Sananta sukses menanduk bola itu dan sedikit mengenai bek Thailand dan bola masuk ke gawang lawan. Skor 1-0 berubah untuk keunggulan Indonesia.

Gol Sananta ini membuat Thailand memberikan respon. Anak asuh Issara Sritaro itu langsung meningkatkan intensitas serangan mereka.

Thailand sebenarnya membuat beberapa peluang yang bagus. Namun koordinasi antar penyerang mereka tidak berjalan dengan baik sehingga peluang-peluang itu terbuang sia-sia.

Di menit-menit akhir babak pertama, intensitas serangan Thailand semakin meninggi, namun Garuda Nusantara mampu meredam serangan-serangan tersebut.

Di masa injury time, Garuda Nusantara berhasil menambah keunggulan. Berawal dari umpan jauh Rizky Ridho, Ramadhan Sanata berhasil melepaskan tembakan spekulatif saat dikawal dua bek Thailand, dan bola masuk ke gawang Thailand. Skor 2-0 menutup jalannya pertandingan babak pertama.

Tertinggal 2-0 di babak pertama, Thailand tampil agresif di awal babak kedua. Tim Gajah Perang langsung tancap gas untuk memperkecil kedudukan.

Di menit ke-51, Thailand mengancam melalui tembakan Suvannaseat namun Ernando dengan sigap berhasil menepis bola itu sehingga gawang Indonesia tetap aman.

Thailand benar-benar membuat Indonesia kerepotan. Alhasil Marselino Ferdinan dkk hanya bisa memanfaatkan serangan-serangan balik untuk menebar ancaman.

Timnas Indonesia U-22 menjadi juara SEA Games 2023 setelah mengalahkan Thailand 5-2. (REUTERS/CHALINEE THIRASUPA)

Usaha terus menerus Thailand itu akhirnya membuahkan hasil di menit ke-65. Berawal dari skema sepak pojok, bola berhasil disambar Anan Yongsangwal dengan tandukannya dan bola masuk ke gawang Indonesia. Kedudukan berubah menjadi 2-1.

Gol ini membuat Indonesia mulai memberikan perlawanan. Garuda Nusantara mulai memberikan tekanan bagi Thailand.

Di menit ke-79, Indonesia nyaris memperlebar kedudukan melalui tembakan bebas Marselino Ferdinan. Namun sayang kiper Thailand, Sponwit Rakyart berhasil menepis tembakan terukur tersebut.

Di menit ke-84, serangan balik Indonesia nyaris menciptakan gol. Namun sayang tembakan Irfan Jauhari masih melambung di atas gawang Thailand.

Di menit 89, serangan balik Indonesia kembali menjadi ancaman bagi Thailand. Witan Sulaeman nyaris mencetak gol, namun Rakyart keluar dari sarangnya dan menghalau bola.

Di detik-detik akhir injury time, timnas Thailand malah berhasil mencetak gol penyama kedudukan. Melalui skema tendangan bebas, Yotsakon Burapham berhasil melewati adangan bek Indonesia dan menaklukkan Ernando. Skor 2-2 menutup babak kedua dan pertandingan harus dilanjutkan ke babak tambahan.

Babak Tambahan Waktu

Di babak tambahan waktu, Timnas Indonesia U-22 langsung tancap gas. Tidak lama berselang, Garuda Nusantara kembali unggul dengan skor 3-2.

Melalui serangan balik, Irfan Jauhari berhasil melewati adangan bek Thailand dan melepaskan tendangan chip ke gawang Thailand ketika ia mengetahui posisi kiper Thailand agak terlalu maju. Skor berubah menjadi 3-2 untuk keunggulan Indonesia.

Usai gol tersebut, terjadi kericuhan di dekat bench Indonesia. Ada perkelahian yang melibatkan banyak pihak, sehingga aparat keamanan harus melerai kedua pihak. Wasit kemudian memberikan kartu merah kepada Rakyart, Komang, dua staff pelatih Thailand dan manajer timnas Indonesia, Sumardji.

Setelah kondisi sudah mereda, pertandingan kembali dilanjutkan. Namun beberapa menit berselang, Thailand harus bermain dengan sembilan pemain. Jonathan Khemdee mendapatkan kartu kuning kedua setelah ia melakukan pelanggaran kepada Ilham Rio Fahmi.

Unggul jumlah pemain tidak disia-siakan oleh Indonesia. Tekanan-tekanan terus dibuat dan ada beberapa peluang yang seharusnya bisa menambah keunggulan Indonesia. Namun hingga babak tambahan waktu pertama berakhir, skor masih bertahan 3-2.

Timnas U-22 Indonesia. REUTERS/Cindy Liu

Memasuki babak tambahan wakut kedua, Indonesia kembali tancap gas. Memanfaatkan keunggulan jumlah pemain, Garuda Nusantara menerjang pertahanan Thailand.

Baru dua menit berjalan, Indonesia berhasil unggul dengan skor 4-2. Menerima umpan Ilham Fahmi, Fajar menerima bola, mengontrolnya lalu melepaskan tembakan yang masuk ke gawang Thailand. Skor berubah menjadi 4-2 untuk keunggulan Indonesia.

Timnas Thailand harus bermain dengan delapan pemain. Pasalnya Anan Yongsawal mendapatkan kartu kuning kedua.

Satu menit jelang bubaran, Timnas Indonesia kembali menambah keunggulan. Beckham Putra berhasil mencatatkan namanya di papan skor setelah tembakannya gagal diantisipasi kiper pengganti Thailand. Skor berubah menjadi 5-2 dan Indonesia menjadi pemenang laga ini.

Keberhasilan Timnas Indonesia U-22 untuk memenangkan medali emas SEA Games 2023 ini menyudahi dahaga panjang skuat Garuda.

Timnas Indonesia sudah lama sekali tidak memenangkan cabor sepak bola SEA Games pada tahun 1991 alias 32 tahun yang lalu.

Setelah SEA Games 1991, Indonesia sebenarnya tiga kali masuk final yaitu pada tahun 2011, 2013 dan 2019. Sayang Indonesia kalah di tiga edisi tersebut dari Malaysia, Thailand dan Vitenam.

Ini juga menjadi medali emas ketiga Indonesia di sepak bola SEA Games setelah tahun 1987 dan 1991.

Timnas Indonesia U-22: Ernando Ari Sutaryadi; Alfeandra Dewangga, Rizky Ridho, Komang Teguh, Bagas Kaffa; Muhammad Taufany, Marselino Ferdinan; Fajar Fatur Rahman, Ramadan Sananta, Witan Sulaeman

Pelatih: Indra Sjafri

Timnas Thailand U-22: Soponwit Rakyart; Bukkoree Leemdee, Chatmongkol Rueang, Jonathan Kemdee, Songchai Tongchan; Airfan Doloh, Channarong Promsrikaew, Teerasak Poeihimai; Achitpol Keereerom, Settasit Suvannaseat, Chayapipat Supupanpasuch.

Pelatih: Issara Sritaro

Indonesia keluar sebagai juara umum bulu tangkis di SEA Games 2023

Indonesia keluar sebagai juara umum bulu tangkis di SEA Games 2023

Indonesia keluar sebagai juara umum bulu tangkis di SEA Games 2023

Pramudya Kusumawardana dan Yeremia Rambitan melengkapi kesuksesan cabang bulu tangkis di SEA Games 2023 dengan meraih medali emas. Keduanya berhasil melibas wakil Thailand Peeratchai Sukphun/Pakkapon Teeraratsakul pada final ganda putra, Selasa (16/5). (Amita Putri Caesaria/Yogi Rachman/Denno Ramdha Asmara/Rully Yuliardi Achmad)

Tim nasional Indonesia keluar sebagai juara umum untuk cabang olahraga bulu tangkis pada ajang SEA Games 2023 Kamboja.

Medali emas pertama Indonesia dipersembahkan oleh tim beregu putra yang mengalahkan Malaysia 3-1 di babak final. Sementara tim beregu putri harus puas dengan mendapat perak setelah kalah 0-3 dari Thailand.

Pasukan Merah Putih mendulang banyak medali di nomor pertandingan individual. Total ada sembilan medali yang terdiri dari empat emas, tiga perak, dan satu perunggu.

Ganda campuran Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto / Lisa Ayu Kusumawati menjadi wakil pertama yang memperoleh emas di nomor perorangan. Mereka menang comeback atas pasangan Malaysia Roy King Yap / Cheng Su Yin dengan skor 20-22, 21-8, 21-16.

Lalu, dari sektor ganda putri, ada all Indonesian final yang mempertemukan Febriana Dwipuji Kusuma / Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi dengan Meilysa Trias Puspitasari / Rachel Allesya Rose. Ana / Tiwi menang atas juniornya dengan skor 21-17, 21-16.

Pebulu tangkis ganda putri Indonesia Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi (kanan) dan Febriana Dwipuji Kusuma (kiri) memberi hormat saat pengibaran bendera Merah Putih pada upacara penganugerahan medali bulu tangkis ganda putri SEA Games 2023 di Badminton Hall, Morodoc Techo National Stadium, Phnom Penh, Kamboja, Selasa (16/5/2023). ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa/rwa.

All Indonesian final juga terjadi di sektor tunggal putra. Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo berjumpa dengan Christian Adinata di partai puncak. Laga berjalan sengit, kedua atlet sama-sama ngotot ingin memenangkan permainan hingga memaksa rubber game.

Sepanjang permainan, mereka mempertontonkan permainan cepat yang diiringi pukulan kencang. Hingga akhirnya, Adinata mampu menyudahi perlawanan sengit seniornya dengan kemenangan 21-12, 18-21, 21-18.

Medali terakhir Indonesia disumbangkan oleh Pramudya Kusumawardana / Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan yang menaklukan wakil Thailand Peeratchai Sukphun / Pakkapon Teeraratsakul di sektor ganda putra. Walau hanya berjalan dua game, laga sangat ketat terutama di game kedua.

Selepas jeda interval, kedua pasangan saling berbalas angka hingga skor sama kuat 19-19. Pada fase poin kritis, wakil Thailand melakukan dua kesalahan beruntun yang memberi kemenangan untuk Indonesia. Pertandingan berakhir dengan skor 21-17, 21-19.

All Indonesian final juga terjadi di sektor tunggal putra. Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo berjumpa dengan Christian Adinata di partai puncak. Laga berjalan sengit, kedua atlet sama-sama ngotot ingin memenangkan permainan hingga memaksa rubber game.

Sepanjang permainan, mereka mempertontonkan permainan cepat yang diiringi pukulan kencang. Hingga akhirnya, Adinata mampu menyudahi perlawanan sengit seniornya dengan kemenangan 21-12, 18-21, 21-18.

Rehan/Lisa, salah satu penyumbang emas Indonesia di final bulutangkis SEA Games 2023. Foto: ANTARA FOTO/M Agung Rajasa

Medali terakhir Indonesia disumbangkan oleh Pramudya Kusumawardana / Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan yang menaklukan wakil Thailand Peeratchai Sukphun / Pakkapon Teeraratsakul di sektor ganda putra. Walau hanya berjalan dua game, laga sangat ketat terutama di game kedua.

“Alhamdulillah kita senang sekali kita bisa menjadi juara umum, menyusul esports, balap sepeda, hingga tenis yang juga juara umum. Ini membuktikan Indonesia kuat berjuang meraih emas hingga bisa meraih juara umum,” kata Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Dito Ariotedjo saat ditemui di Stadion Nasional Morodok Techo, Phnom Penh, Kamboja, Selasa.

Secara total, bulu tangkis Indonesia telah menyumbangkan lima emas, dua perak, dan tiga perunggu di SEA Games 2023. Lima emas masing-masing diraih oleh beregu putra, ganda campuran Rehan/Lisa, ganda putri Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi/Febriana Dwipuji Kusuma, tunggal putra Christian Adinata, dan ganda putra Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan/Pramudya Kusumawardana.

Sementara, perak diraih oleh ganda putri Meilysa Trias Puspita Sari/Rachel Allessya Rose dan tunggal putra Chico Aura. Selain itu, perunggu diraih oleh tunggal putri Komang Ayu Cahya Dewi dan Ester Nurumi Tri Wardoyo, serta ganda putra Bagas Maulana/Muhammad Shohibul Fikri.

Kemenangan Yere/Pram menjadi emas pamungkas yang melengkapi raihan medali tertinggi untuk tim bulu tangkis Indonesia di SEA Games ke-32 tersebut. Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia menang atas pasangan ganda putra Thailand Peeratchai Sukphun/Pakkapon Teeraratsakul melalui dua set langsung 21-17 dan 21-19.

“Ini meningkatkan kepercayaan diri kami yang sempat ada pikiran-pikiran negatif pasca comeback. Semoga ini memotivasi kami untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi,” kata Pramudya.

Hasil lengkap final bulutangkis (perorangan) SEA Games 2023

  • XD - Rehan Naufal Kusharjanto/Lisa Ayu Kusumawati vs Roy King Yap/Cheng Su Yin: 20-22, 21-8, 21-16

  • WD - Febriana Dwipuji Kusuma/Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi vs Meilysa Trias Puspitasari/Rachel Allessya Rose: 21-17, 21-16

  • WS - Supanida Katethong vs Lalinrat Chaiwan: 21-12, 21-14

  • MS - Christian Adinata vs Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo: 21-12, 18-21, 21-18

  • MD - Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Rambitan vs Peeratchai Sukphun/Pakkapon Teeraratsakul: 21-17, 21-19

Sementara itu, per hari Selasa, 16/05/2023, pukul 16.28 WIB, Indonesia telah mengumpulkan total 252 medali, dengan rincian 84 emas, 71 perak, dan 97 perunggu. Raihan itu membuat Indonesia masih kokoh berdiri di posisi ketiga klasemen sementara, tepat di bawah Vietnam dan Thailand.

Capaian Indonesia sebagai juara umum ajang bulu tangkis Sea Games 2023 ini lebih bagus dari capaian di Sea Games 2021. Di Sea Games 2021, Thailand menjadi juara umum dengan empat medali emas. Sementara, Indonesia ada di posisi dua dengan dua medali emas.

LIVE UPDATES - Battlegroup East Took Out Ukrainian Unit In Pickup Trucks, Recon Group

LIVE UPDATES - Battlegroup East Took Out Ukrainian Unit In Pickup Trucks, Recon Group

LIVE UPDATES - Battlegroup East Took Out Ukrainian Unit In Pickup Trucks, Recon Group

©Press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federatio/ TASS

The battlegroup East detected and destroyed a Ukrainian unit riding in two pickup trucks in southern Donetsk Region and a reconnaissance group in the Zaporozhye Region, Alexander Gordeyev, a spokesman for the battlegroup, told TASS on Tuesday.

"Reconnaissance forces and means detected a mobile enemy group starting movement in two pickup trucks in the area of Novomikhailovka. Crews of self-propelled artillery guns Akatsiya destroyed both vehicles and the militants.

The crew of a heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 inflicted damage to the enemy's strongpoint south of Prechistovka. The crew of an Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system shot down a Furia unmanned aerial vehicle," he said.

Also, according to the spokesman, a rocket attack was repelled in the same area: Three HIMARS rockets were shot down by the crews of Buk anti-aircraft missile systems.

During aerial reconnaissance in the area of the settlement of Chervonaya in the Zaporozhye area, an enemy's reconnaissance group was detected and destroyed by the crews of Akatsiya self-propelled artillery guns.

Artillery fire was inflicted on the clusters of militants in the areas of the settlements Malinovka and Novodanilovka, and also destroyed two pickup trucks and enemy personnel in a hangar in Lobkovoye, an observation post with a car and militants in the area of Novosyolovka," Gordeyev continued.

Crews of air defense systems Tor, Strela-10 and small arms fire shot down three Furia drones in the Zaporozhye area.

Situation in Artyomovsk 'tense', but Russian forces continue to advance, says DPR head

The situation in Artyomovsk (Ukrainian name: Bakhmut) remains tense, but Russian forces continue to advance after redeploying reinforcements, Acting Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin said on Tuesday.

©Valentin Sprinchak/TASS

"As for Artyomovsk, we see that the situation remains tense. However, there are fewer and fewer high-rises controlled by the Ukrainian units," he said during a Soloviev Live TV broadcast.

Pushilin pointed out that the situation on the flanks is not easy, as active combat operations continue due to Ukraine's redeployment of reserves. "But we've also reinforced our units, so I think the situation there should level out. There is no need to talk about a turning point right now. It's certainly difficult, but these are not the only areas," he added.

According to him, the Russian forces "are advancing despite all difficulties."

Artyomovsk, located in the Kiev-controlled area of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), has been a major transport hub supplying the Ukrainian battlegroup in Donbass. Fierce fighting for the city is underway.

Situation near Maryinka still tense, says DPR leader

Acting leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin on Tuesday described the situation in the Maryinka area as tense amid a constant redeployment of Ukrainian troops.

"The situation is quite tense near Maryinka now..., but even in these circumstances we have been improving our positions," Pushilin told Soloviev Live TV show.

According to the acting DPR head, the enemy is entrenched on major fortifications and it’s hard to knock them out of there. "Things have not been easy, and the situation is tense, but we have been advancing anyway," he said.

Maryinka lies west of Donetsk. On April 11, Pushilin reported "a very serious" improvement in the positions of Russian troops in the Maryinka direction where he said a Ukrainian stronghold on the premises of a tire repairing shop was taken under control. The DPR also said the liberation of Maryinka would make it impossible for the Ukrainians to shell Aleksandrovka and the Petrovsky and Tekstilshchik districts of Donetsk.

Russian forces thwart Ukrainian attempts to rotate troops in Kupyansk area — spokesman

The western battlegroup has successfully thwarted three Ukrainian attempts to rotate troops in forward positions in the Kupyansk area, Battlegroup West Spokesman Sergey Zybinsky reported.

"(The battlegroup West) has thwarted three Ukrainian attempts to rotate troops in forward positions in the area of the settlements of Sinkovka, Pershotravnevoye and Kislovka," the Defense Ministry quoted the spokesman as saying in a video published on Tuesday.

According to Zybinsky, Russian aviation hit personnel, weapons and equipment of the 14 separate mechanized brigade and the territorial defense units. The spokesman added that a Tor anti-aircraft missile system destroyed a Furia reconnaissance drone.

Russia’s Kinzhal Missile Destroys Patriot System in Kiev

The Russian Kinzhal hypersonic missile has destroyed the Patriot air defense system in Kiev, the Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

"The high-precision strike of the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system in the city of Kiev hit a US-made Patriot anti-aircraft missile system," the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry also said that the Russian air defense systems have intercepted seven Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles over the past day. In addition, the ministry said that Ukraine lost up to 215 military in the Donetsk direction over the past 24 hours, while fighting in western part of Atemovsk is ongoing.

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

▪️In the Kupyansk direction, Russian forces destroyed up to 60 Ukrainian troops;

▪️In the Krasny Liman direction, Russian forces neutralized up to 65 Ukrainian personnel and one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer;

▪️In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian losses amounted to more than 215 troops, five armored combat vehicles, as well as Msta-B and D-30 howitzers;

▪️In the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, Russian forces destroyed over 135 Ukrainian troops, a Msta-B howitzer and one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer;

▪️In the Kherson direction, Russian troops neutralized up to 25 Ukrainian soldiers and one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer;

▪️Russian air defenses shot down a Ukrainian a Mi-24 and Mi-8 helicopter, seven Storm Shadow cruise missiles, three HARM anti-radar missiles, seven HIMARS projectiles, and 22 unmanned aerial vehicles in the LPR, DPR, and Kharkov region.

Turkey's stocks and dollar bonds tumble as Erdogan in pole position for runoff

Turkey's stocks and dollar bonds tumble as Erdogan in pole position for runoff

Turkey's stocks and dollar bonds tumble as Erdogan in pole position for runoff

Woman holds Turkish Lira banknotes in this illustration taken May 30, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/

Turkey's sovereign dollar bonds and equities tumbled, and the cost of insuring exposure to the country's debt spiked as Turkey's presidential race heads to a runoff with incumbent Tayyip Erdogan leading his opposition rival.

Turkey's main banking stock index (.XBANK) tumbled 9.6% as markets gauged potential fallout from a possible continuation of Erdogan's unorthodox policies including combating high inflation with low interest rates. The index rose last week 26%, the largest weekly gain since late 2002.

The Istanbul bourse benchmark (.XU100) fell 6.1% on Monday, its largest daily percentage drop since early February.

The tightly controlled lira posted its largest percentage drop in over six months to end at 19.67 per dollar -a closing record low. It earlier touched 19.70, not far from the record intraday low of 19.80 hit in March.

Turkey's election board confirmed a May 28 runoff between Erdogan and opposition rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu after neither candidate secured the 50% threshold to win in Sunday's election. With most votes counted, Erdogan led with 49.51% of the vote over Kilicdaroglu's 44.88% share.

In the parliamentary vote, the People's Alliance including Erdogan's AKP appeared headed for a majority.

"From the market reaction so far it's very conclusive that the market is expecting Erdogan to win in the second round and we will get more of the same," said Dan Wood, portfolio manager of emerging market debt at William Blair.

"You can see on the sovereign bonds, investors really voted with their feet."

Some of Turkey's dollar-denominated sovereign bonds fell by more than 7 cents, while the five-year Turkey credit default swap spread jumped 141 basis points (bps) to 634 bps, the highest since November 2022, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence.

"I haven't been ensuring credit risk or sovereign payment risk in Turkey for the last three years. I’ve been declining it," said Crispin Hodges, head of trade political risk at Canopius Group, commenting on the big spike in CDS pricing.

"Erdogan retaining power would mean the status quo would be maintained for us, where we continue to decline Turkish business because of the state of the economy, because of the inflation, because of the weak currency and because of his policy strategy.

Hard-currency bonds of Turkish lenders also came under pressure. Akbank saw its 2026 bond slip over 3 cents on the dollar to trade at just under 93 cents, the lowest since November.

The presidential vote will decide not only who leads Turkey and shapes the foreign policy of the NATO-member country of 85 million people, but also how it is governed and how it tackles a deep cost-of-living crisis.

Last week, Turkish stocks and bonds rallied when third-party presidential candidate Muharrem Ince withdrew from the race, boosting expectations of a Kilicdaroglu win.

"Now we are back to square one," said Emre Akcakmak, senior consultant with East Capital.

"I think if Erdogan is continuing, which is the strong base case, then foreign investors will be on the sidelines," Akcakmak added.

Richard Briggs, Candriam senior fund manager for emerging market debt, said that an Erdogan win could mean a continuation of economic imbalance, unorthodox monetary policy and costly efforts to prop up the lira.

"If Turkey continues to run large current account deficits, once those flows halt or reverse, pressure on the currency and the economy could be severe without a credible policy framework which is less likely under the existing administration," Briggs said.

JPMorgan (JPM.N) had forecast that the lira, which has weakened 5% since the start of the year, could reach 24-25 to the dollar. Goldman Sachs calculations showed the market was pricing the lira to weaken by 50% in the next twelve months.

On Monday, lira volatility gauges fell, suggesting it could remain stable in the short term.

"We suspect that policymakers will pull out all the stops needed to ensure stability ahead of the second round run-off," James Reilly, assistant economist with Capital Economics wrote in a note.

"But we think they will gradually loosen their grip on the lira thereafter, allowing a (relatively) smooth deprecation against the U.S. dollar."