Sunday 21 May 2023

Russia’s Investigative Committee brings charges against ICC prosecutor, judge

Russia’s Investigative Committee brings charges against ICC prosecutor, judge

Russia’s Investigative Committee brings charges against ICC prosecutor, judge

©Aleksandr Scherbak/TASS

Russia’s Investigative Committee said on Sunday it has charged in absentia the prosecutor and judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC) who issued a warrant for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and children’s rights ombudswoman Maria Lvova-Belova.

"The Russian Investigative Committee has charged a prosecutor and a judge of the International Criminal Court in absentia … The investigation has now collected sufficient evidence to warrant the indictment in absentia of International Criminal Court prosecutor Khan Karim Asad Ahmad and International Criminal Court judge Rosario Salvatore Aitala," the investigative authority said, adding that the accused have been put on the wanted list.

The Russian Investigative Committee earlier initiated a criminal case against prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Karim Ahmad Khan, judges of the International Criminal Court Tomoko Akane, Rosario Salvatore Aitala, and Sergio Gerardo Ugalde Godinez. "By now, investigations have collected enough evidence to charge in absentia prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Khan Karim Assad Ahmad and judge of the International Criminal Court Rosario Salvatore Aitala," the Committee said.

The charges against the prosecutor include bringing criminal proceedings against a person known to be innocent, combined with unlawfully charging a person with a particularly serious offense. The judge faces charges of knowingly unlawful remand in custody. Both have been accused of preparing to attack a representative of a foreign state enjoying international protection, with the aim of complicating international relations.

The ICC prosecutor is charged under part 2 of article 299, part 1 of article 30, and part of article 360 of the Russian Criminal Court (criminal prosecution of a person known to be innocent, as well as preparation for an attack on a representative of a foreign state enjoying international protection in order to complicate international relations).

The judge is harged under part 2 of auricle 301, part 1 of article 30, and part 2 of article 360 of the Russian Criminal Court (knowingly illegal detention and preparation for an attack on a representative of a foreign state enjoying international protection in order to complicate international relations).

Both have been put on a wanted list.

On March 17, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova. The ICC statement said they could be liable "for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation."

On March 20, Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the ICC prosecutor and judges, saying that their actions are unlawful as there were no grounds to bring the Russian president and children’s rights ombudswoman to criminal liability.

Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons of December 14, 1973, heads of state enjoy absolute immunity from foreign states’ jurisdiction.

"As previously noted, criminal prosecution is knowingly unlawful as there are no grounds for criminal liability. Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons of 14 December 1973, heads of state enjoy absolute immunity from the jurisdiction of foreign states," the Russian Investigative Committee said.

On February 22, Prosecutor Khan applied to Pre-Trial Chamber II of the ICC to obtain an arrest warrant for Russian nationals, the investigative authority said. ICC judges Aitala, Tomoko Akane, and Sergio Gerardo Ugalde Godinez issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova, which Moscow has slammed as unlawful.

Military court in Rostov-on-Don to hear first two criminal cases of Azov fighters

Two criminal cases involving a total of 33 people, including members of the Azov nationalist battalion (outlawed in Russia and recognized as a terrorist organization) and the SS Bears group, have been filed with the southern district military court, a source told TASS on Sunday.

"The first case concerns a group of 24 members of the Azov nationalist battalion, while the second case involves nine people - members of the SS Bears Nazi sabotage and assault group," the source said.

All 33 members of the nationalist battalion were charged under the articles of the Criminal Code of the Donetsk People's Republic, according to the published materials of the case.

Thus, the commander and members of the SS Bears group were previously charged with actions aimed at the violent seizure of power in the DPR, participation in an illegal armed formation and training for the commission of the abovementioned crimes. According to the case materials, each of them is now charged with article 278 of the Russian Criminal Code (forcible seizure of power), part 2 of article 208 (participation in an illegal armed formation) and article 205.3 (training for the purpose of terrorist activities).

The 24 members of the Azov nationalist battalion face similar charges.

According to the DPR Prosecutor's Office, more than 100 people were victims of these individuals. All the defendants cooperated with the investigation and gave detailed testimony.

Toko Gunung Agung Akan Tutup Semua Toko dan Outlet

Toko Gunung Agung Akan Tutup Semua Toko dan Outlet

Toko Gunung Agung Akan Tutup Semua Toko dan Outlet

Gerai Toko Buku Gunung Agung di mal Margo City, Depok, Jawa Barat. (Instagram/@gunungagung)

Kabar suram datang dari toko buku legendaris, yaitu Toko Buku Gunung Agung akan menutup seluruh cabang toko dan outlet di berbagai daerah karena terus mengalami kerugian.

Pengelola Toko Buku Gunung Agung, yakni PT GA Tiga Belas akan menutup seluruh gerai toko buku tersebut secara bertahap hingga akhir 2023 ini. Penutupan dilakukan karena perusahaan tak bisa lagi menanggung rugi dari toko buku gunung tersebut.

"Keputusan ini harus kami ambil karena kami tidak dapat bertahan dengan tambahan kerugian operasional per bulannya yang semakin besar," bunyi keterangan resmi Direksi PT GA Tiga Belas yang dikutip hari Minggu, 21/05/2023.

Gerai Toko Gunung Agung sudah ditutup bertahap sejak 2020

Sebelumnya tersiar kabar, Toko Buku Gunubg Agung ini disebut-sebut telah melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) secara massal kepada ratusan pegawainya. PT Gunung Agung Tiga Belas yang menaungi Toko Buku Agung.

Manajemen mengatakan, penutupan gerai Toko Gunung Agung telah dilakukan sebelumnya pada tahun 2020, kemudian dilanjutkan tahun ini.

"PT GA Tiga Belas atau Toko Buku Gunung Agung sejak era pandemi COVID-19, pada tahun 2020, memang telah melakukan langkah efisiensi dengan menutup beberapa toko/outlet yang tersebar di beberapa kota seperti Surabaya, Semarang, Gresik, Magelang, Bogor, Bekasi dan Jakarta," tulis manajemen.

Bahkan, manajemen mengatakan telah melakukan efisiensi sejak tahun 2013, demi mempertahankan kelangsungan usaha. Namun, kerugian usaha terus meningkat, yang tak diiringi dengan pertumbuhan penjualan. Apalagi, ada pandemik COVID-19 yang makin menekan bisnis perusahaan.

Manajemen juga membantah, kalau kerugian perusahaan semata karena dampak pandemi Covid-19. Toko buku yang berkantor pusat di Kwitang, Jakarta Pusat ini mengumumkan, kalau kerugian bisnis sudah terjadi sejak bertahun-tahun sebelumnya.

"Dan tidak sebanding dengan pencapaian penjualan usaha setiap tahunnya, yang mana semakin berat dengan terjadinya wabah pandemi Covid-19 di awal tahun 2020," tulis manajemen. Sebagai informasi saja, Gunung Agung merupakan salah satu toko buku paling legendaris di Jakarta. Toko ini sudah ada sejak 1953 di Jakarta.

Toko Gunung Agung lakukan PHK massal

Sebelumnya, Presiden Asosiasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia (ASPEK Indonesia), Mirah Sumirat mengatakan PT GA Tiga Belas telah melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) massal kepada 220 pekerja secara sepihak.

ASPEK juga memprediksi, jumlah pekerja Toko Buku Gunung Agung yang di-PHK akan bertambah menjadi 350 pekerja tahun ini, mengikuti penutupan seluruh gerai yang akan dilakukan hingga akhir 2023.

"Ironisnya para pekerja yang di-PHK tersebut, tidak mendapatkan hak-hak sesuai ketentuan perundangan yang berlaku, karena hanya diberikan kompensasi sebesar 1 bulan gaji," kata Mirah dikutip dari keterangan resmi.

ASPEK juga menyatakan, manajemen Toko Buku Gunung Agung telah mempekerjakan pekerja kontrak yang tidak sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. "Pekerja dikontrak berulang-ulang, dengan masa kerja yang terus-menerus," tulis pernyataan ASPEK.

Untuk itu, ASPEK telah mengirimkan surat permohonan audiensi kepada direksi PT GA Tiga Belas untuk menindaklanjuti laporan dan mencari solusi terbaik bagi para pihak. Namun, ASPEK menyatakan manajemen menolak dengan alasan tidak memiliki hubungan hukum dengan ASPEK dan menyatakan bahwa permasalahan yang terjadi adalah permasalahan internal perusahaan.

Manajemen Toko Buku Gunung Agung buka suara soal PHK massal sepihak

Menanggapi pernyataan aspek, manajemen Toko Buku Gunung Agung mengatakan telah melakukan proses PHK sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan.

"Terkait pemberitaan yang beredar, di mana Toko Buku Gunung Agung seolah-olah dianggap telah melakukan PHK massal sebanyak 350 orang secara sepihak dan tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah tidak benar, karena kami selalu mengikuti pelaksanaan proses efisiensi dan efektivitas usaha sesuai dengan koridor hukum yang berlaku," tulis manajemen.

Perusahaan juga mengaku telah merespons surat yang dikirim ASPEK yang meminta solusi terbaik bagi pada eks-karyawan yang keberatan dengan proses PHK yang sudah terjadi.

"Kami telah menanggapi seluruh surat yang kami terima sesuai dengan proporsi dan keadaan yang sebenarnya namun kami tidak mendapatkan tanggapan kembali dari ASPEK Indonesia mau pun dari bekas pekerja yang bersangkutan. Di mana dalam surat yang kami terima disebutkan bahwa jumlah bekas pekerja Toko Buku Gunung Agung yang menyampaikan tuntutan melalui ASPEK Indonesia kepada kami adalah sebanyak 16 orang, yang kontrak kerjanya telah berakhir pada tahun 2022," tulis manajemen.

Watch Russia's Tulpan Self-Propelled Mortar Wreak Havoc on Ukrainian Troops

Watch Russia's Tulpan Self-Propelled Mortar Wreak Havoc on Ukrainian Troops

Watch Russia's Tulpan Self-Propelled Mortar Wreak Havoc on Ukrainian Troops

©Sputnik / Valery Melnikov / Go to the mediabank

The 2S4 Tyulpan is a self-propelled heavy mortar system that is designed to provide long-range indirect fire support to ground troops, and is capable of unleashing a variety of ammunition types.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released footage of the Southern Military District's 240-mm Tyulpan self-propelled mortars, disrupting an attempt by Ukrainian nationalists to rotate troops in one of the tactical areas of the special military operation.

After advancing to unprepared firing positions, the mortar struck the front line of the Ukrainian forces defense and halted a possible counterattack.

The target was pinpointed at a distance of over 15 km according to the coordinates of the drone operators. The enemy's reserves and armored vehicles were destroyed with accurate cursory fire, and the adversary suffered significant casualties, according to the defense ministry.

Russian air defenses intercept 12 HIMARS rockets and Storm Shadow missiles in past day

Russian air defenses intercepted 12 HIMARS rockets and Storm Shadow cruise missiles in the past day, as well as a US-made GBU-32 bomb, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday, 05/20/2023.

"Air defenses intercepted 12 HIMARS rockets and Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles in the past 24 hours, as well as a US-made GBU-32 guided munition," he pointed out.

According to Konashenkov, 18 Ukrainian drones were destroyed near Verkhnetoretskoye, Novoandreyevka and Sladkoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, and Kremennaya, Ploshchanka and Novodruzhesk in the Lugansk People’s Republic.

According to the Defense Ministry, a total of 428 planes, 234 helicopters, 4,236 unmanned aerial vehicles, 423 missile systems, 9,326 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,100 multiple launch rocket systems, 4,859 field artillery systems and mortars, as well as 10,322 special military motor vehicles, have been destroyed since the start of Russia’s special military operation.

Russia destroys ammo depot of Ukrainian territorial defense brigade in Kherson Region

Russian troops have destroyed an ammunition depot near the village of Stanislav in the Kherson Region, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.

"An ammunition depot of the 123rd territorial defense brigade was destroyed near the Stanislav settlement in the Kherson Region," Konashenkov said.

According to him, Russian troops also wiped out up to 15 Ukrainian servicemen, six vehicles and an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery unit in the Kherson area over day.

Russian troops destroy more than 120 Ukrainian servicemen in Donetsk area over day

Russian troops destroyed over 120 Ukrainian servicemen in the Donetsk area over day, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov said on Sunday.

"In the Donetsk area, artillery fire, air strikes and active actions of the southern battlegroup destroyed over 120 Ukrainian servicemen, a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, seven vehicles, a US-made M777 artillery system, a US-made M109 self-propelled artillery unit, as well as D-20 and D-30 howitzers over the past day," Konashenkov said.

According to him, the ammunition depot of the 67th Ukrainian mechanized brigade was also destroyed near Kramatorsk in the Donetsk People's Republic.

On the Artyomovsk tactical direction in the area of Krasnoye, an automobile bridge was destroyed, along which enemy reinforcements were transferred to Artyomovsk, and an ammunition depot of the 60th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was also destroyed, the RF Ministry of Defense reported.

During the day, up to 100 Ukrainian servicemen and mercenaries, as well as a Polish-made Krab self-propelled gun, were destroyed in this direction. In the area of liberated Artemovsk, aviation made six sorties in a day, the artillery of the group completed 69 fire missions.

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

▪️In the Kupyansk direction, Russian forces destroyed up to 85 Ukrainian troops, two armored combat vehicles, and one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer;

▪️In the Krasny Liman direction, Russian forces neutralized up to 60 Ukrainian personnel, three armored combat vehicles, as well as one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer and one D-20 howitzer;

▪️In the Artemovsk direction, the liberation of the city of Artemovsk has been completed. Ukrainian losses amounted to more than 100 servicemen, one tank, an infantry fighting vehicle, a Polish Krab self-propelled howitzer, one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, one US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter mortar radar, as well as an ammunition depot. An automobile bridge was destroyed on which UAF reinforcements were transferred to Artemovsk.

▪️In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian losses amounted to more than 120 servicemen, two infantry fighting vehicles, one US-made M777 artillery system, a US-made M109 self-propelled artillery unit, as well as D-20 and D-30 howitzers;

▪️In the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, Russian forces destroyed over 50 Ukrainian troops, one US-manufactured M777 artillery system, a Msta-B howitzer, as well as one ammunition depot;

▪️In the Kherson direction, Russian troops neutralized up to 15 Ukrainian servicemen, one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer, as well as one ammunition depot;

▪️A Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed in the DPR;

▪️Russian air defenses shot down one US-made GBU-32 guided bomb, 15 Storm Shadow cruise missiles and HIMARS missiles, Uragan projectiles, and 9 unmanned aerial vehicles in the LPR, DPR, and Kharkov region.

The Southern District Military Court will soon begin consideration of the merits of two criminal cases against the Azov militants (recognized as a terrorist organization, banned in the Russian Federation) and the neo-Nazi group Medvedi SS, RIA Novosti was told in court. A total of 33 defendants are involved in cases brought to court.

investigation of the burning of the Koran in Volgograd

Chechen investigators will investigate the case against a resident of Volgograd, who burned alQuran on behalf of the Ukrainian special services, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported.

Anyone who confesses to desecrating the Koran must serve his sentence in a correctional facility in one of Russia's regions with a predominantly Muslim population after sentencing, Justice Minister Chuichenko said.

China questions ‘credibility’ of G7 members

China questions ‘credibility’ of G7 members

China questions ‘credibility’ of G7 members

©Sputnik / Anna Ratkoglo / Go to the mediabank

The international community will not fall in line with the pro-Western rules pushed by the G7 and will not allow the US-led group to dominate world affairs, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday. 

“China will never accept the so-called rules imposed by the few. The international community does not and will not accept the G7-dominated Western rules that seek to divide the world based on ideologies and values,” the statement read.

The Foreign Ministry went on to accuse the group of acting on behalf of “America-first” policies and attempting to impose its will on others. “That simply shows how little international credibility means to the G7,” the ministry said. 

Gone are the days when a handful of Western countries can just willfully meddle in other countries’ internal affairs and manipulate global affairs.

The Group of Seven is an informal club consisting of the US, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. The annual meetings are also typically attended by officials representing the EU.

In a joint communique adopted at the summit in Hiroshima, Japan on Saturday, the G7 listed multiple allegations aimed at Beijing, including technology theft, “economic coercion,” and human rights abuses at home. The group said that it strongly opposes “any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force” regarding Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Beijing responded by saying that “affairs related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet are purely China’s internal affairs.” China accused the G7 of endangering peace in the region by providing “support for ‘Taiwan independence’ forces.”

Although G7 members refrain from formally establishing diplomatic ties with Taiwan, the US has sold weapons to Taipei and promised to defend it from a potential attack from the mainland. US politicians have also met with officials from Taiwan, prompting harsh criticism from Beijing, which opposes any form of diplomatic contacts with the Taipei authorities.

Earlier on Saturday, G7 leaders issued a final communique at a summit in Hiroshima, which mentioned China, among other matters. In particular, they expressed their concerns about Taiwan, the South China Sea, China's "non-market policies and practices" and the human rights situation.

"Regardless of China's serious concerns, the Group of Seven insists on manipulating China-related issues, smearing and attacking China, and violently interfering in China's internal affairs. China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this, and has made serious representations to the summit organizer, Japan, and other relevant parties," the ministry said.

Beijing also pointed to the mismatch between the G7's statements on peace and stability and its actions, which it said were "hindering international peace, damaging regional stability and suppressing the development of other countries."

"The G7 keeps claiming to maintain peace across the Taiwan Strait, but never mentions its opposition to 'Taiwan independence.' No one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity," the ministry stressed.

Chinese FM spokesperson slams G7 summit's hyping up of China-related issues

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Saturday made remarks on G7 Hiroshima Summit's hyping up of China-related issues, urging the countries to stop ganging up to form exclusive blocs.

According to reports, the G7 Hiroshima Leaders' Communique and other documents adopted at the G7 Hiroshima Summit contain comments on the situation in the Taiwan Strait and accusations regarding the East China Sea, the South China Sea, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet and China's nuclear power, professed G7 opposition to any unilateral attempts to change the status quo and claims about "economic coercion" that allude to China.

The spokesperson said the G7 makes high-sounding claims about "promoting a peaceful, stable and prosperous world," but what it does is hindering international peace, undermining regional stability and curbing other countries' development. That simply shows how little international credibility means to the G7.

Despite China's serious concerns, the G7 used issues concerning China to smear and attack China and brazenly interfere in China's internal affairs. China strongly deplores and firmly opposes this and has made serious demarches to the summit's host Japan and other parties concerned, the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson stressed that resolving the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese, a matter that must be resolved by the Chinese. The one-China principle is the solid anchor for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Noting that the G7 keeps emphasizing cross-Strait peace, and yet says nothing about the need to oppose "Taiwan independence," the spokesperson said this in effect constitutes connivance and support for "Taiwan independence" forces, and will only result in having a serious impact on cross-Strait peace and stability.

Affairs related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet are purely China's internal affairs, the spokesperson said, stressing that China firmly opposes interference by any external force in those affairs under the pretext of human rights.

China is a firm defender and contributor to international maritime rule of law, the spokesperson said, adding that the East China Sea and the South China Sea have remained overall stable. Relevant countries need to respect regional countries' efforts to uphold peace and stability and stop using maritime issues to drive a wedge between regional countries and incite bloc confrontation.

On "economic coercion", the spokesperson said the massive unilateral sanctions and acts of "decoupling" and disrupting industrial and supply chains make the US the real coercer that politicizes and weaponizes economic and trade relations, urging the G7 not to become an accomplice in economic coercion.

Noting that China is firmly committed to a defensive nuclear strategy, the spokesperson said China has honored its pledge to "no first use" of nuclear weapons and always kept its nuclear capabilities at the minimum level required by national security.

China is the only one among the five nuclear weapon states to have made those pledges. China's position is above board and should not be distorted or denigrated, the spokesperson added.

The international community does not and will not accept the G7-dominated Western rules that seek to divide the world based on ideologies and values, still less will it succumb to the rules of exclusive small blocs designed to serve "America-first" and the vested interests of the few, the spokesperson said, urging G7 to reflect on its behavior and change course.

"We urge G7 members to catch up with the trend of the times, focus on addressing the various issues they have at home, stop ganging up to form exclusive blocs, stop containing and bludgeoning other countries, stop creating and stoking bloc confrontation and get back to the right path of dialogue and cooperation," said the spokesperson

Semburan Api dari Galian PDAM Depok, Warga Sebut Ada Jaringan Pipa Gas

Semburan Api dari Galian PDAM Depok, Warga Sebut Ada Jaringan Pipa Gas

Semburan Api dari Galian PDAM Depok, Warga Sebut Ada Jaringan Pipa Gas

Semburan api dari galian pipa PDAM Tirta Asasta membuat panik warga Kp. Lio RT. 2 RW. 13 Kelurahan Depok, Kelurahan Pancoran Mas, Depok, Sabtu, 20 Mei 2023. Berdasarkan saksi di lokasi, Giat, 40 tahun, api mendadak muncul saat para pekerja menggali tanah untuk pemasangan pipa pada Sabtu malam.

Giat mengatakan, awalnya dia pulang dari rawa sekitar pukul 21.30 masih melihat orang bekerja menggali tanah untuk pemasangan pipa air PDAM. "Pekerjanya kasihan pada basah ujan-ujanan, tadinya saya mau buatkan teh, tapi gelasnya tidak ada banyak. Pas keluar lagi malah sudah nyala apinya," kata Giat pada Sabtu, 20 Mei 2023

Setelah melihat semburan api keluar dari lubang galian dan tidak ada pekerja di lokasi, Giat melaporkan peristiwa itu ke ketua lingkungan setempat. "Lalu saya telepon Pak RT dan menghubungi Pemadam Kebakaran, untung dekat dengan Pemadam Kebakaran Pos Wali dan bisa dipadamkan," papar Giat.

Menurut pria itu, di jalur galian tersebut memang tertanam jaringan pipa gas untuk rumah tangga sejak dua tahun lalu. Pekerja galian pipa air PDAM sudah tahu ada jaringan pipa gas di area itu. "Pekerjanya tahu kalau ada pipa gas," ujarnya.

Warga lain bernama Heru, 52 tahun, menyebut kobaran api dari lubang galian pipa itu cukup tinggi, karena sampai mengenai talang rumah warga di sebelahnya.

"Warga menutupi lubang pakai pakai karung dan tanah, jadi apinya mengeci, kalau didiamkan tidak tahu jadinya bagaimana," ujarnya.

Ia menyayangkan pekerja galian pipa air PDAM Depok itu hanya bekerja menggunakan penerangan lilin. Tidak ada alat penerangan lampu yang memadai. "Pakai lilin dari magrib, bukan pakai lampu," ucap Heru.

Decisions of G7 Hiroshima summit aimed at containing both Russia and China — Lavrov

Decisions of G7 Hiroshima summit aimed at containing both Russia and China — Lavrov

Decisions of G7 Hiroshima summit aimed at containing both Russia and China — Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
©Aleksandr Shcherbak/TASS

The decisions adopted at the G7 summit in Hiroshima pursue the goal of dual containment of Russia and China, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the 31st Assembly of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy on Saturday.

"Could you take a look at those decisions which are being debated and adopted at the G7 summit in Hiroshima and which are aimed at dual containment of Russia and the People’s Republic of China?" he said.

Lavrov pointed out that the Western track has "completely outlived itself" in the form it had been developing in the Russian foreign policy until recently, as Russia embarked on the path "of most dramatic confrontation with the aggressive bloc comprising the Unites States, the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance."

"The objective was announced loudly and frankly, which is to defeat Russia on the battlefield, and without stopping at this, to eliminate it later as a geopolitical rival, so to speak, along with any other country that claims an independent place in the world, they will be suppressed as opponents," the minister added.

The top diplomat also pointed out that the Western countries’ expert community is overtly discussing the order to work out scenarios aimed at Russia’s breakup, and "they do not conceal that the existence of Russia as an independent center is incompatible with the goal of the West’s global domination."

Beijing Expresses Strong Protest Over China-Related Topics in G7 Summit Statement

The Chinese Foreign Ministry voiced a strong protest on Saturday over the statements related to Beijing made by Group of Seven leaders at the summit in Japan.

Earlier on Saturday, G7 leaders issued a final communique at a summit in Hiroshima, which mentioned China, among other matters. In particular, they expressed their concerns about Taiwan, the South China Sea, China's "non-market policies and practices" and the human rights situation.

"Regardless of China's serious concerns, the Group of Seven insists on manipulating China-related issues, smearing and attacking China, and violently interfering in China's internal affairs. China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this, and has made serious representations to the summit organizer, Japan, and other relevant parties," the ministry said.

Beijing also pointed to the mismatch between the G7's statements on peace and stability and its actions, which it said were "hindering international peace, damaging regional stability and suppressing the development of other countries."

"The G7 keeps claiming to maintain peace across the Taiwan Strait, but never mentions its opposition to 'Taiwan independence.' No one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity," the ministry stressed.

The ministry also argued that the era "when a few developed countries in the West wantonly interfered in the internal affairs of other countries and manipulated global affairs" was gone forever and urged the G7 to "focus on solving their own problems, stop forming closed and exclusive 'cohorts,' stop containing and oppressing other countries, stop creating and provoking confrontation between camps, and return to dialogue and cooperation."

Nobody in the Muslim world supports sanctions on Russia – Russian deputy PM

Islamic countries do not support the West’s sanctions on Russia, and the agreements signed at this week’s Kazan economic forum prove this, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin told RT on Saturday.

Bringing together delegations from Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the ‘Russia-Islamic World’ forum in the city of Kazan resulted in hundreds of meetings and more than 100 trade agreements being signed, Khusnullin said.

“The forum has become a place where political and economic interests have gathered, because the countries of the Muslim world support us,” he stated. “None of the countries of the Muslim world support sanctions against us.”

While a handful of Arab nations – most notably Saudi Arabia and Egypt – formally condemned Russia over its military operation in Ukraine, no Islamic nation has followed the West’s lead and imposed economic sanctions on Moscow.

Trade between the Islamic world and Russia has continued largely unimpeded, and Khusnullin revealed that more deals are in the works, including bilateral agreements on agricultural products and Halal food, crude oil processing, and banking.

Increased trade will be facilitated by the construction of the International North South Transport Corridor, a 7,200-kilometer span of ship, rail, and road routes for moving cargo between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia, and Europe. Moving freight from Russia to India is quicker and cheaper than via the traditional Suez Canal route, while eliminating the risk posed by EU sanctions.

“A lot of ground has been covered here,” Khusnullin said. “People have exchanged connections, questions, and contacts, and this will give more and more momentum for the future.”

This year’s Kazan forum took place at a time of upheaval in the Islamic world. Aside from the broad refusal to join the West’s sanctions regime, the oil-producing Gulf states have refused to increase production at the US’ request, Saudi Arabia and Iran have resumed diplomatic relations after Chinese-brokered talks, and Syria has been welcomed back into the Arab League amid protests from the West.

Russia and Islamic nations share a common geopolitical vision, Syrian Ambassador to Russia Bashar Jaafari told RT on Friday. “The world needs to quickly move from the unipolar system to a multipolar system,” Jaafari said, calling on Moscow and its Islamic partners to sign a “political declaration” in the near future.