Sunday 28 May 2023

Di Sela Perundingan ICA-CEPA, Indonesia-Kanada Bahas Sertifikasi Halal

Di Sela Perundingan ICA-CEPA, Indonesia-Kanada Bahas Sertifikasi Halal

Di Sela Perundingan ICA-CEPA, Indonesia-Kanada Bahas Sertifikasi Halal

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto, dan Menteri Perdagangan Internasional Kanada, Mary Ng/Ist

Indonesia dan Kanada mendorong segera direalisasikannya sertifikat halal, memanfaatkan momen rangkaian pertemuan menteri perdagangan Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) dan Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), di Detroit, Amerika Serikat, hari Jumat, 26/05/2023, waktu setempat.

Pertemuan bilateral antara Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Airlangga Hartarto, dan Menteri Perdagangan Internasional Kanada, Mary Ng, berlangsung hangat, pada hari Jumat pagi, 26/05/2023.

Pada kesempatan itu Menteri Mary Ng menyampaikan selamat atas sukses Indonesia menggelar Presidensi G20 2022 dan Keketuaan ASEAN 2023.

Dia juga menyampaikan harapan agar dapat segera menyelesaikan perundingan Indonesia?"Canada Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), serta dapat segera mewujudkan komitmen kerjasama halal untuk produk?"produk Kanada.

Menanggapi itu, Menko Airlangga menyampaikan, “Penyelesaian Indonesia-Kanada CEPA merupakan salah satu prioritas presiden, selain itu juga mendorong terwujudnya kerja sama sertifikat halal Indonesia-Kanada”.

Seperti diketahui, kedua negara akan kembali bertemu untuk Perundingan Putaran ke-5 Indonesia?"Kanada CEPA, di Otawa, Kanada, pada 29 Mei - 2 Juni 2023.

Dengan adanya perjanjian dagang yang komprehensif dan kerjasama sertifikat halal, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan hubungan ekonomi kedua negara, khususnya perdagangan dan investasi.

Kedua menteri juga berdiskusi tentang satuan tugas untuk kerja sama ekonomi Indonesia?"Kanada, sehingga implementasi kerja sama ekonomi dapat lebih pragmatis dan praktis.

Menteri Mary Ng juga menyampaikan ketertarikan Kanada untuk kerja sama dengan Indonesia di sektor critical minerals

“Kami baru saja bertemu Vale Indonesia, kami melihat potensi kerja sama perihal teknologi dan input pada mining value chain agar sesuai TSM (Towards Sustainable Mining),” kata Menteri Mary Ng.

Pertemuan kedua menteri juga membahas kemungkinan Kanada berpartisipasi dalam IPEF. Turut hadir dalam pertemuan bilateral tersebut Menteri Perindustrian. Agus Gumiwang, dan Duta Besar RI untuk AS, Rosan Roeslani

Diharapkan dengan adanya perjanjian dagang yang komprehensif dan kerja sama sertifikat halal dapat meningkatkan hubungan ekonomi kedua negara khususnya perdagangan dan investasi.

Kedua menteri itu juga berdiskusi tentang satuan tugas untuk kerja sama ekonomi Indonesia – Kanada, sehingga implementasi kerja sama ekonomi dapat lebih pragmatis dan praktis.

Sekilas Perdagangan Indonesia–KanadaPada 2022, total perdagangan kedua negara tercatat sebesar US$ 4,27 miliar. Pada periode tersebut, ekspor Indonesia sebesar US$ 1,27 miliar dan impor US$ 2,99 miliar. Kanada juga merupakan negara tujuan ekspor ke-30 dan asal impor ke-14 bagi Indonesia.

Sementara itu, pada Januari–Maret 2023, total perdagangan kedua negara mencapai US$ 971 juta atau naik 3,02 persen dari periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya.

Pada 2022, komoditas ekspor utama Indonesia ke Kanada antara lain karet alam, alas kaki kulit, alas kaki bahan kain, jaket, dan kertas. Sementara itu, komoditas impor utama Indonesia dari Kanada antara lain pupuk mineral, gandum dan meslin, serbuk kayu kimia, kedelai, dan serbuk kayu semi kimia.

Saturday 27 May 2023

Malaysia Masters 2023 - Gregoria Mariska Tunjung Ke Final

Malaysia Masters 2023 - Gregoria Mariska Tunjung Ke Final

Malaysia Masters 2023 - Gregoria Mariska Tunjung Ke Final

Pebulutangkis Indonesia, Gregoria Mariska Tunjung ketika tampil di Malaysia Masters 2023.(c) AP Photo/Kien Huo

Satu - satunya tunggal putri Indonesia dengan gemilang lolos ke final turnamen badminton Malaysia Masters 2023. Gregoria Mariska Tunjung sukses dengan luar biasa menundukkan jagoan India, Pusarla Venkata Sindhu asal India di semifinal dengan straight set langsung, 21-14dan 21-17, pada hari Sabtu pagi WIB, 27/05/2023.

Bertanding di Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur, Gregoria secara meyakinkan tampil luar biasa menang dengan dua set langsung, masing-masing dengan kedudukan 21-14 dan 21-17.

Laga diset pertama, Gregoria tampil apik, ia sempat tertinggal 0-3, namun Gregoria mampu mengejar bahkan memimpin hingga 4-3. Laga makin seru saling kejar poin,Gregoria kembali unggul 6-4, namun kali ini Sindhu yang berbalik dengan melesat unggul 9-7.

Bola tanggung yang diangkat Grgeoria di depan net disambar Sindhu. Andalan India di sektor tunggal putri itu pun unggul 11-8 pada interval set pertama.

Usai interval Sindhu pun sempat menambah poin menjadi 10-12. Gregoria berupaya mendekat dengan menipiskan jarak menjadi 11-12. Pengamatan yang kurang sempurna dari Sindhu membuat Gregoria menyamakan skor ajdi 12-12.

Empat poin beruntun kembali didapat Gregoria untuk unggul 16-12. Akan tetapi drive menyilang membuat Sindhu menambah skor jadi 13-16.

Cukup banyak kesalahan yang dibuat Sindhu pada gim pertama ini. Pengembalian menyilang dari Sindhu yang terlalu melebar membuat Gregoria unggul 19-13.

Sambaran Sindhu yang gagal melewati net mengantar Gregoria meraih game point 20-14. Gregoria pun menutup gim pertama dengan smes menyilang untuk unggul 21-14.

Pada gim kedua Gregoria kembali mendapat start buruk usai tertinggal 1-4. Namun perlahan tapi pasti, Gregoria menambah pundi-pundi poin.

Empat poin beruntun yang didapat Gregoria membuatnya berbalik unggul 5-4. Usai unggul 7-5, Gregoria seperti tidak tersentuh Sindhu. Dorongan bola ke belakang yang gagal dikembalikan Sindhu membuat Gregoria unggul 11-9 pada interval gim kedua.

Gregoria bermain konsisten dalam pertandingan ini. Setelah mendorong ke belakang pemilik peringkat kesembilan dunia ini kerap meraih poin dengan smes menyilang atau lurus.

Drive menyilang ke belakang dari Gregoria yang tidak bisa diantisipasi Sindhu membuatnya kembali unggul empat angka 18-14.

Pengembalian Sindhu yang kembali menyangkut di net menempatkan Grgeoria meraih match point 20-14. Permainan net yang gagal dari Sinhu membuat Grgeoria menang 21-17. Gregoria Mariska lolos ke final Malaysia Masters 2023 usai duel 44 menit.

Gregoria kemudian meningkatkan peak performace dengan hanya sedikit membuat kesalahan. Hasilnya Gregoria berhasil merebut set pertama 21-14.

Laga di set kedua, Sindhu kembali memimpin 1-4. Namun setelah kedudukan imbang 5-5, Gregoria terus unggul dalam perolehan skor hingga akhirnya mengamankan set kedua 21-17.

Dengan hasil ini, Grego pun berhak atas tiket final Malaysia Masters 2023. Di final.

Di partai final pada hari Minggu, 28/05/2023, Gregoria Mariska Tunjung akan menghadapi pemenang laga semifinal lainnya yang mempertemukan tunggal Jepang, Akane Yamaguchi melawan pemain China, Han Yue.

Gregoria Mariska lolos ke final Malaysia Masters 2023. (Arsip PBSI)

Hasil Lengkap Tunggal Putri Semifinal Malaysia Masters 2023

Malaysia Master 2023 - Leo/Daniel Lolos ke Semifinal

Malaysia Master 2023 - Leo/Daniel Lolos ke Semifinal

Ganda putra Indonesia, Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin ( Iqbal Ichsan)

Indonesia menempatkan satu lagi di semifinal Malaysia Masters, dari ganda putra. Pasangan Leo Daniel Marthin/Rolly Carnando setelah menyingkirkan Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik dari Malaysia di Axiata Arena, pada hari Jumat malam WIB, 26/05/2023.

Jalannya pertandingan berlangsung dengan ketat sejak set pertama. Pasangan Leo/Daniel mendapatkan perlawanan sengit dari ganda Malaysia, selisih poin kedua pasangan tak pernah lebih dari tiga poin.

Ganda putra Indonesia pun akhirnya berhasil mampu menyelesaikannya dengan kemenangan straight set langsung 21-18 21-19, sebuah perjuangan yang menegangkan dalam durasi 52 menit

Di semifinal nanti, Leo/Daniel akan melakoni duel kontra utusan Malaysia, Man Wei Chong/Kai Wun Tee,

Leo/Daniel unggul tipis 11-9 saat interval. Sejak saat itu, baik Leo/Daniel maupun Chia/Soh tak ada yang bisa meraih poin beruntun lebih dari tiga angka.

Leo/Daniel mampu terus mempertahankan keunggulannya. Mereka mengamankan gim pertama dengan skor 21-18.

Laga ketat berlanjut di gim kedua. Lee/Daniel cuma unggul tipis 11-10 saat interval. Meski sempat disalip, Leo/Daniel mampu kembali unggul dengan merebut tiga poin beruntun untuk unggul 15-14.

Tekanan demi tekanan yang dilakukan Leo/Daniel mampu membuat Aaron/Soh cukup kerepotan. Sebuah kesalahan dari Aaron Chia membuat ganda Indonesia unggul tiga poin 18-15.

Kemudian permainan net ciamik dari Daniel gagal dikembalikan sempurna Aaron Chia dan memaksa skor berubah 19-16 untuk keunggulan pasangan Indonesia.

Pengembalian servis yang dilakukan Daniel Martin ke arah pojok kiri sempat dikembalikan Soh Wooi dengan susah payah. Namun, pukulan tipuan Daniel di bibir net sukses membuat ganda Malaysia mati langkah sekaligus menutup gim pertama 21-18.

Tak mau menyerah di depan publik sendiri, Aaron/Soh mencoba tampil lebih agresif di gim kedua. Namun, penampilan bersemangat dari Leo/Daniel membuat ganda tuan rumah cukup kerepotan.

Saling kejar angka terjadi sejak awal permainan dan membuat pertarungan berlangsung sengit. Akan tetapi, ganda Indonesia mampu unggul tipis 11-10 hingga jeda laga.

Sebuah reli panjang yang diakhiri smes Soh Wooi ke arah tengah yang tak mampu dikembalikan Daniel membuat tuan rumah berbalik unggul 12-11. Namun, serangan balik The Babbies tak terbendung dan menyamakan skor 12-12.

Pertahanan solid yang diperagakan Leo/Daniel benar-benar membuat Aaron/Soh frustrasi. Serangan bertubi-tubi yang dilancarkan pasangan Malaysia mampu diantisipasi dan malah membuat Indonesia unggul 20-18.

Sebuah smes keras Daniel yang memaksa Soh Wooi melakukan kesalahan menutup pertandingan dengan skor 21-19. Dengan demikian Leo/Daniel berhak melangkah ke semifinal Malaysia Masters 2023.

Leo/Daniel mencapai match point di kedudukan 20-16 dengan meraih tiga angka beruntun. Meski Chia/Soh sempat mendekat, Leo/Daniel akhirnya mengunci kemenangan usai pengembalian Soh memanjang ke belakang.

Leo/Daniel selanjutnya akan menghadapi Man Wei Chong/Kai Wun Tee di semifinal Malaysia Masters 2023. Man/Tee lolos usai mengalahkan Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan.

Dengan demikian, Indonesia punya tiga wakil di semifinal Malaysia Masters 2023. Sebelumnya, Gregoria Mariska Tunjung dan Christian Adinata sudah lebih dulu mengamankan tiket ke semifinal.

Hasil Lengkap Tunggal Putra Perempatfinal Malaysia Masters 2023

Brazil not to yield to G7 pressure to pit developing countries against Russia

Brazil not to yield to G7 pressure to pit developing countries against Russia

Brazil not to yield to G7 pressure to pit developing countries against Russia

FILE PHOTO: Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva gestures during a ministerial meeting to celebrate the first 100 days of his government, in Brasilia

Brazil will not toe the line with the Group of Seven, which sought to set the guests of its Hiroshima summit against Russia over the situation in Ukraine, a source cited Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as saying during a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday.

"Lula shared his impressions from the recent G7 summit in Hiroshima. He said that he got the impression that other participants in the summit who are not G7 members were invited only to be turned against Russia. He said that it won’t work with Brazil," the source told TASS, adding that, according to Lula da Silva, Indonesia, India, and Vietnam, whose presidents he met with in Hiroshima, have a similar position.

The Brazilian president reassured Putin that despite the calls from Western nations, Brazil will not supply any weapons or munitions to Ukraine because it understands that they would be used against Moscow. He also reiterated Brazil's willingness to work with other interested parties to help create conditions for negotiations and peace.

Speech by President Lula at the G7 working session

I want to thank Prime Minister Kishida for inviting Brazil to participate in the outreach segment of the Hiroshima Summit.

This is the 7th time I have been invited to a G-7 meeting.

The last time I was attending this forum, at the L'Aquila Summit in 2009, we were facing a global financial crisis of catastrophic proportions, which led to the creation of the G-20 and exposed the fragility of the dogmas and mistakes of neoliberalism.

The reforming impetus of that moment was insufficient to correct the excesses of market deregulation and the apology of the minimal State.

The international financial architecture has changed little and the foundations of a new economic governance have not been launched.

There were important setbacks, such as the weakening of the multilateral trading system. The protectionism of rich countries gained strength and the World Trade Organization remains paralyzed. No one remembers the Doha Development Round.

Challenges piled up and escalated. Each threat we do not face produces new urgencies.

The world today is experiencing the overlapping of multiple crises: the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, geopolitical tensions, a war in the heart of Europe, pressures on food and energy security and threats to democracy.

To face these threats, there needs to be a change of mentality. It is necessary to debunk myths and abandon paradigms that have collapsed.

The global financial system must be at the service of production, work and employment. We will only have real sustainable growth by directing efforts and resources towards the real economy.

The external debt of many countries, which afflicted Brazil in the past and today devastates Argentina, is the cause of blatant and growing inequality, and requires from the International Monetary Fund an approach that considers the social consequences of adjustment policies.

Unemployment, poverty, hunger, environmental degradation, pandemics and all forms of inequality and discrimination are problems that demand socially responsible responses.

This task is only possible with a State that induces public policies aimed at guaranteeing fundamental rights and collective welfare.

A State that promotes the ecological and energy transition, green industry and infrastructure.

The false dichotomy between growth and environmental protection should be overcome by now. The fight against hunger, poverty and inequality must return to the center of the international agenda, ensuring adequate financing and technology transfer.

We already have a multilaterally agreed compass for this: the 2030 Agenda.

We have no illusions. No country can face today's systemic threats alone.

The solution does not lie in the formation of antagonistic blocs or in responses that include only a small number of countries.

This will be particularly important in this context of transition to a multipolar order, which will require profound changes in institutions.

Our decisions will only be legitimate and effective if taken and implemented democratically.

It makes no sense to summon emerging countries to contribute to solving the “multiple crises” that the world is facing without addressing their legitimate concerns, and without them being adequately represented in the main institutions of global governance.

The consolidation of the G-20 as the main forum for international economic concertation was an undeniable advance. It will be even more effective with a composition that dialogues with the demands and interests of all regions of the world. This implies more adequate representation of African countries.

Coalitions are not an end in themselves, and serve to leverage initiatives in plural spaces such as the UN system and its partner organizations.

Without a Security Council reform that includes new permanent members the UN will not regain the effectiveness and the political and moral authority to deal with the conflicts and dilemmas of the 21st century.

A more democratic world in decision-making processes that affect everyone is the best guarantee of peace, sustainable development, the rights of the most vulnerable and the protection of the planet.

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Forces Hit Ukrainian Ammo Depots by Precision Strike

LIVE UPDATES - Russian Forces Hit Ukrainian Ammo Depots by Precision Strike

©Russian Defence Ministry Press Office/TASS

Russian forces delivered a multiple strike by airborne long-range precision weapons against the Ukrainian army’s ammunition storage sites in the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Friday.

"Last night, the Russian Armed Forces delivered a multiple strike by airborne long-range high-precision weapons against the Ukrainian army’s ammunition storage sites. The goal of the strike was achieved. All the designated targets were hit," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy 35 Ukrainian troops, howitzer in Kupyansk area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 35 Ukrainian troops and a howitzer in the Kupyansk area in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, artillery of the western battlegroup struck the Ukrainian army units in areas near the settlements of Dvurechnaya and Kislovka in the Kharkov Region. In addition, the activity of two Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance groups was thwarted near the settlements of Masyutovka and Ivanovka in the Kharkov Region. The enemy’s losses amounted to 35 Ukrainian personnel, three motor vehicles and an Msta-B howitzer," the general reported.

Russian forces destroy over 60 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area

Russian combat aircraft, artillery and heavy flamethrower systems destroyed over 60 Ukrainian troops, a motorized artillery system and two howitzers in the Krasny Liman area in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

In the Krasny Liman direction, army aviation and artillery of Russia’s battlegroup Center inflicted damage on the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Kuzmino in the Lugansk People’s Republic and Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, the spokesman specified.

"Over 60 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, an Akatsiya motorized artillery system, and also D-20 and D-30 howitzers were destroyed in the past 24 hours," the general reported.

Russian forces destroy 190 Ukrainian troops in Donetsk area

Russian forces destroyed roughly 190 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, as many as 190 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three pickup trucks and a D-30 howitzer were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of strikes by operational/tactical and army aviation, active operations by units and fire by artillery of the southern battlegroup," the spokesman said.

In the area of the settlement of Verkhnekamenskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Russian forces obliterated an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 54th mechanized brigade, the general specified.

Kiev suffers over 120 casualties in southern Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

Russian forces struck Ukrainian army units in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas, killing and wounding over 120 enemy troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, aircraft and artillery of Russia’s battlegroup East inflicted damage on the enemy units in areas near the settlements of Orekhov and Malaya Tokmachka in the Zaporozhye Region and Novosyolka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the spokesman specified.

"The enemy’s losses in those directions in the past 24 hours amounted to over 120 Ukrainian personnel killed and wounded and four motor vehicles," the general reported.

Russian forces wipe out 30 Ukrainian troops in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed about 30 Ukrainian troops in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kherson direction, as many as 30 Ukrainian personnel, five motor vehicles, a D-30 howitzer and an Akatsiya motorized artillery system were destroyed in the past 24 hours as a result of damage inflicted by firepower," the spokesman said.

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian air defense radar in Nikolayev Region

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian air defense radar in the Nikolayev Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Novonikolayevka in the Nikolayev Region, a Ukrainian ST-68UM low-altitude target detection and tracking radar was destroyed," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, operational/tactical and army aviation and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 78 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 92 areas, the general reported.

Russian air defenses intercept two Storm Shadow cruise missiles

Russian air defense forces intercepted a Grom-2 ballistic missile, two Storm Shadow cruise missiles and shot down 20 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Air defense capabilities intercepted a Grom-2 operational/tactical missile, ten rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and two Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, Russian air defense systems destroyed 20 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Olshana in the Kharkov Region, Zolotaryovka and Nikolayevka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Artyomovsk in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Golaya Pristan and Velikaya Lepetikha in the Kherson Region, Komsomolskoye and Tokmak in the Zaporozhye Region, the general reported.

In total, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 429 Ukrainian warplanes, 235 combat helicopters, 4,341 unmanned aerial vehicles, 424 surface-to-air missile systems, 9,302 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,100 multiple rocket launchers, 4,908 field artillery guns and mortars and 10,464 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Watch: Russian Airborne Forces Hammer Ukrainian Militants Near Artemovsk

While Ukrainian forces attempt to probe Russian defenses in the vicinity of Artemovsk (Bakhmut), their efforts end up being thwarted by the valiant actions of Russia’s airborne troops.

A new video recently released by the Russian Ministry of Defense shows how servicemen of Russia’s Airborne Forces battle soldiers of the Kiev regime on the southern flanks of Artemovsk, a city recently liberated by Russian forces.

Even as Ukrainian troops try to conceal themselves among the trees in preparation for an attack on Russian positions, they are quickly shown the error of their ways by Russian paratroopers operating a D-30 howitzer.

Having established a network of strongpoints in the area, Russian airborne units continue to repel all attacks by Ukrainian forces, destroying and dispersing anything the Kiev regime throws at them.

Russian Air Defense Intercepted Grom Missile, 10 HIMARS and 2 Storm Shadow LRM

Russian air defense systems intercepted Hrim-2 operational-tactical missiles, 10 HIMARS missiles, and two Storm Shadow long-range missiles, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.

Ukraine lost up to 190 military, six equipment units and an ammunition depot in the Donetsk direction in the past day.

"In the Donetsk direction... up to 190 Ukrainian military, two armored combat vehicles, three pickup trucks, as well as a D-30 howitzer were destroyed during the day in the Donetsk direction," the ministry said.

The ministry also stated that Kiev had lost around 120 servicepeople in the Kupyansk and the Krasnyi Lyman directions over the past day.

Moscow Summons US Diplomats Over Sullivan's Comments About Strikes on Russia

Moscow Summons US Diplomats Over Sullivan's Comments About Strikes on Russia

Moscow Summons US Diplomats Over Sullivan's Comments About Strikes on Russia

©Sputnik / Evgeny Odinokov

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Friday that it had summoned senior US diplomats and expressed a strong protest in connection with the words of White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan about strikes on the territory of Russia.

On May 21, Sullivan said Washington does not allow Kiev to use Western weapons to strike at the territory of Russia, noting that he does not consider Crimea to be part of it.

"Senior diplomats of the US diplomatic mission in Moscow were summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on May 26, a strong protest was expressed about the unacceptable statements of the White House National Security Advisor J. Sullivan, who actually approved the strikes of the armed formations of the regime in Kiev on Russian territory, including the Republic of Crimea and the Belgorod region," the statement said.

"Washington's words about strikes on Crimea are hypocritical and false", the ministry said.

"The assurances of US officials that the United States does not encourage such attacks on Russia are hypocritical and false, given the direct evidence of the use of weapons and equipment supplied for the needs of the Ukraine military by the Pentagon for the preparation and implementation of terrorist acts by Ukrainian militants," the ministry stated.

It is high time that the US understands that any forms of aggression against Russia will trigger a serious response from Moscow, the ministry added.

"The Russian side emphasized that the hostile actions of the United States, which has long been a party to the conflict, plunged Russian-US relations into a deep and dangerous crisis, fraught with unpredictable consequences. It is high time for Washington to understand that any form of aggression against Russia will continue to be met with the most serious response," the ministry concluded.

Russian Ambassador Warns Against Strikes on Crimea, Raises F-16 Issue

The United States must understand that Ukrainian strikes on Crimea would be viewed as an attack on any other region of Russia, while the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Kiev raises the question of NATO’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said.

US President Joe Biden told his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky at the G7 summit in Japan that the US, along with its partners, was going to launch a training program for Ukraine’s military pilots on the fourth generation fighter aircraft including F-16s.

"I would like to warn representatives of the administration against frivolous judgments on Crimea, especially in terms of ‘blessing’ the Kiev regime for air attacks on the peninsula. I’d like to remind you that strikes on this territory are considered by us as an attack on any other subject of the Russian Federation. It is important that the United States be fully aware of the Russian response," Antonov said.

He added that "every specialist knows that in Ukraine there is no infrastructure for the operation of the F-16, nor is there the required number of pilots and maintenance personnel. What will happen if American fighters take off from NATO airfields, controlled by foreign ‘volunteers’?"

On Saturday, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that the time was yet not right for Ukraine to have F-16s, adding that the United States and its allies were going to decide which countries would supply these aircraft to Kiev and in what number.

A senior Russian diplomat said his country is analyzing the potential delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Kiev and cautioned Western regimes against further escalation in their efforts to defeat Moscow via Ukrainian proxies.

Western plans to send F-16 aircraft to Ukraine carry "enormous risks," but Moscow is taking the possibility "into account" in its military strategy, according to recent statements by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko.

When asked about the possibility that the Zelensky regime will be given F-16 aircraft on the sidelines of the 31st Assembly of the Council for Foreign and Defense Policy in Moscow Grushko described Russia’s position:

"We can see that Western countries continue to stick to an escalation scenario, which carries enormous risks for them."

"In any case, we will take it into account when making plans," Grushko explained, adding that Russia has "all the necessary means to achieve our goals."

It was a significant reversal from Washington, which repeatedly downplayed Kiev’s need for the advanced fighter jets. As recently as February, Biden declared that there’s “no basis upon which there is a rationale, according to our military, now, to provide F-16s.”

According to Western media, “Secretary of State Antony Blinken was a major force within the administration in pushing to allow [US] allies to transfer the jets, and worked extensively with different countries within NATO to move the policy forward.”

According to Western media, “Secretary of State Antony Blinken was a major force within the administration in pushing to allow [US] allies to transfer the jets, and worked extensively with different countries within NATO to move the policy forward.”

The move is seen by Moscow as a major escalation in NATO nations’ efforts to target Russia via Ukrainian proxies, and Kiev’s recent drone attacks on Russian territory have increased concerns among Russians that any new military hardware funneled into the conflict zone could be used for offensive operations outside of Ukraine.

The F-16 has an offensive range of up to 800 kilometers, and the AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles carried by the jets Ukraine is likely to receive from Poland have an additional 100 kilometer range – meaning the aircraft could hypothetically be used for another attempted strike on Moscow.