Monday 29 May 2023

Jail white men to save the planet – Jane Fonda

Jail white men to save the planet – Jane Fonda

Jail white men to save the planet – Jane Fonda

©Getty Images / Cheriss May

Humanity’s best chance to save the planet from climate change lies is locking up white men, Hollywood actress Jane Fonda told an audience at the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday.

“This is serious – we’ve got about seven, eight years to cut ourselves in half of what we use of fossil fuels, and unfortunately, the people that have the least responsibility for it are hit the hardest – Global South, people on islands, poor people of color,” the ‘Barbarella’ star explained, insisting: “It’s a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop.”

We have to arrest and jail those men – they’re all men.

Without naming any of the men she believed to be responsible for the looming demise of the planet, Fonda went on to draw connections between Earth and its minority inhabitants, arguing: “There would be no climate crisis if there was no racism.

There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom.

“If we solve the climate crisis, and we haven’t solved all those other things, we’re gonna be in trouble,” the ‘Klute’ actress warned.

Fonda, a frequent environmental campaigner, was arrested several times in 2019 protesting outside the US Capitol alongside other celebrities aiming to bring attention to climate change (and themselves) through civil disobedience.

The actress defended her telegenic lawbreaking from critics who derided the “publicity stunts,” arguing “if you’re a celebrity, you have a responsibility to use that celebrity, especially when the future of mankind is at stake.” Her critics included then-US President Donald Trump, who complained “she’s always got the handcuffs on!”

Fonda has engaged in political activism throughout her career, drawing harsh criticism in the 1960s for her outspoken opposition to the Vietnam War. She recently drew attacks following an appearance on ‘The View’ in which she suggested women resort to “murder” in defense of their right to abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court’s reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision.

Fonda on Saturday called for those in positions to act quickly as she says there is less than a decade to save the planet from the effects of climate change.

'This is serious. We've got about seven, eight years to cut ourselves in half of what we use of fossil fuels, and unfortunately, the people that have the least responsibility for it are hit the hardest,' she said.

'Global South, people on islands, poor people of color,' the actress continued.

Her comments came after a question from the audience at the famed film fest.

'It's good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy,' Fonda stated.

'A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom,' she explained.

The 'Grace and Frankie' actor has previously sparked headlines for her head-turning comments on the highly politicized issue.

In a blog post from July 2020 titled 'White Supremacy and the Climate Crisis,' Fonda touched on the connected relationship between the two.

She argued that white supremacy is rooted in all cultural institutions and therefore impacts all economic, political and climate-rooted issues.

Earlier this year during her appearance on 'The Kelly Clarkson Show' alongside her '80 for Brady' costars, Fonda doubled down on her racism and climate ideas.

'Well, you know, you can take anything — sexism, racism, misogyny, homophobia, whatever, the war,' Fonda said.

'And if you really get into it, and study it and learn about it and the history of it, everything’s connected. There’d be no climate crisis if it wasn’t for racism,' she said.

When costar Rita Moreno asked her to clarify, she spoke on how she believes billionaires are sending pollution to communities that can't speak up.

'Put it there. They can’t fight back. And that’s why a big part of the climate movement now has to do with climate justice,' Fonda said.

Her recent comments have received backlash from those who said she is making a connection where there is not one.

Social media users referred to the actress as 'crazy' for her remarks and said she missed the mark with her ideas.

Some, however, applauded Fonda for sharing her thoughts and said her assertions are spot on.

The 'Book Club: Next Chapter' star has a long standing history of activism dating back to the Vietnam War and has been arrested several times while protesting.

Fonda was known for backing the Civil Rights Movement and then she opposed US involvement in the Vietnam War.

She took trips to Hanoi and outraged many Americans when she was photographed sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun.

Fonda was even later to be unveiled as a person under government surveillance during his opposition to the war.

In 1970, Fonda was arrested in Ohio on drug charges, which she claimed was at on the orders the White House. The charges were later dropped when her 'drugs' turned out to be vitamins.

In more recent years, Fonda has supported LGBTQ and feminist causes.

Saturday's comments were the only time during this year's Cannes Film Festival that Fonda found herself in headlines. She also drew ire for her actions against a famous director.

While presenting the Palme d'Or to French director Justine Triet, Fonda threw the award at Triet after she accidentally left a scroll on the lectern.

As Justine walked away oblivious to her mistake, Fonda hurried to the lectern and grabbed the certificate to give it to her.

In a video that has gone viral on social media, Fonda failed to get Justine's attention was eventually so exasperated that she flung the award at her.

Siswi SMP di Jaktim terseret motor saat ponselnya dijambret

Siswi SMP di Jaktim terseret motor saat ponselnya dijambret

Siswi SMP di Jaktim terseret motor saat ponselnya dijambret

Tangkapan layar rekaman CCTV milik warga yang menyoroti aksi penjambretan handphone siswi SMP di Jalan Bambu Kuning I, Pondok Ranggon, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur, pada Sabtu (27/5/2023). ANTARA/Syaiful Hakim

Sebuah aksi penjambretan terjadi di Jalan Bambu Kuning I, Pondok Ranggon, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur. Korban, merupakan siswi SMP berinisial AN yang saat itu sedang berjalan di area tersebut.

Seorang siswi Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), AN terseret motor saat mempertahankan telepon selulernya dari rampasan pelaku jambret di Jalan Bambu Kuning I, Pondok Ranggon, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur.

Kejadian itu mengakibatkan korban mengalami luka di bagian pinggul dan kakinya.

Kakak korban, Yulia di Jakarta, Senin, mengatakan, adiknya menjadi korban jambret saat akan membeli makan pada Sabtu siang, 27/05/2023

"Kejadiannya 'pas' mau beli makan sama sepupunya. Sambil jalan kaki, adik saya main ponsel dan tiba-tiba dijambret oleh orang yang mengendarai sepeda motor," kata Yulia kepada wartawan.

Adiknya, mencoba mempertahankan telepon seluler (ponsel)-nya hingga terseret sekitar tiga meter.

"Ponselnya tidak diambil, tapi adik saya luka di pinggul sama kaki karena tarik-menarik ponsel," ujarnya.

Menurut dia, saat kejadian adiknya sempat berteriak meminta tolong kepada warga sekitar. Akhirnya, pelaku kabur memacu kendaraan ke arah Jalan Cilangkap Baru, Jakarta Timur (Jaktim).

Dari rekaman CCTV dari rumah warga, tampak pelaku terlebih dulu mengawasi keadaan di sekitar lokasi sebelum melancarkan aksinya.

Setelah memastikan tidak ada warga di lokasi, pelaku memepet korban yang sedang berjalan kaki lalu seketika merampas ponsel yang sedang digenggam AN.

Merujuk keterangan AN, kata Yulia, kedua pelaku jambret merupakan remaja tanggung,. Namun korban tidak mengenali identitas atau pernah melihat pelaku sebelumnya di sekitar lokasi.

Yulia menambahkan di wilayah tersebut memang rawan tindak kejahatan.

Alasan itu disampaikan lantaran minggu sebelumnya, motor yang dimiliki juga hampir menjadi korban pencuri.

"Memang kondisi jalan di lokasi sepi dan sekarang lagi rawan. Minggu lalu sepeda motor saya juga nyaris dicuri, tapi kepergok, jadi tidak terambil. Sekarang lebih waspadalah," katanya.

"Sekarang lagi rawan, motor saya juga nyaris dicuri namun kepergok, jadi tidak terambil," katanya.

Atas 2 kejadian yang beriringan, dirinya mengaku akan lebih waspada agar bisa hidup aman.

"Sekarang lebih waspada," tukasnya. *

Hingga saat ini korban belum melaporkan kasus tersebut ke kantor polisi.

LIVE UPDATES: Erdogan Gains Over 54% of Vote in Presidential Runoff - Preliminary Results

LIVE UPDATES: Erdogan Gains Over 54% of Vote in Presidential Runoff - Preliminary Results

LIVE UPDATES: Erdogan Gains Over 54% of Vote in Presidential Runoff - Preliminary Results

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan handed out money to supporters gathered outside the polling station where he cast his ballot in a presidential election runoff on Sunday (May 28).

The second round of the presidential election is taking place in Turkiye on Sunday, with incumbent head of state Recep Tayyip Erdogan and opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu vying for the nation's highest office.

The first round two weeks ago saw Erdogan clinch 49.52% of the votes, and Kilicdaroglu 44.88%. To win the election, a candidate must receive a simple majority of the votes.

Erdogan said that on May 28, Turkish voters would have to make "the most important choice of their lives, a decision concerning the future" of the country and its children. Kilicdaroglu, for his part, noted that "for the first time, Turkish citizens will have to choose between two candidates and two worldviews.

Sinan Ogan, the third-placed candidate in the first round, who received 5% of the votes, announced on Monday that he was throwing his support behind Erdogan in the upcoming run-off and called on his supporters to vote for the incumbent president.

Turkiye, with a population of 85 million, has more than 64 million eligible voters.

Erdogan Beats Kilicdarogly 53.41% Against 46.59% After All Ballots Tabulated in Turkiye, Abroad - Preliminary Results From Turkish Election Commision

Erdogan Gains Over 54% of Vote in Presidential Runoff - Preliminary Results of Turkish Electoral Commission

Preliminary results unveiled by the Turkish election commission on Sunday put President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu in the runoff election with 54.47% support after nearly 55% of ballots processed.

"We counted 54.6% of the votes. [As many as] 45.53% voted for Kilicdaroglu and 54.47% for Erdogan," Ahmet Yener, the head of the election commission, told a press conference

Erdogan Ahead of Kilicdaroglu by Over 5 Points After 91% Ballot Boxes Counted

Initial results of Turkey's runoff election show incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan leading his rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu by over 5 percentage points, with votes from 91.55% of ballot boxes processed, the state-run TRT Haber broadcaster reported.

Erdogan got 52.61% of the vote versus Kilicdaroglu with 47.39%, the report said

Results of Turkish Presidential Election Runoff

The second round of the 2023 presidential election in the Republic of Turkiye has taken place today, May 28.

The first round of the election on May 14 failed to produce a clear winner as none of the candidates managed to get the absolute majority of the votes.

The runoff is expected to determine which of the two candidates - incumbent president and People’s Alliance’s candidate Recep Tayyip Erdogan or opposition Nation Alliance candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu - will lead Turkiye for the next five years.

Turkey headed for a runoff vote after President Tayyip Erdogan led over his opposition rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu in Sunday's election but fell short of an outright majority to extend his 20-year rule of the NATO-member country.

Neither Erdogan nor Kilicdaroglu cleared the 50% threshold needed to avoid a second round, to be held on May 28, in an election seen as a verdict on Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian path.

The presidential vote will decide not only who leads Turkey but also whether it reverts to a more secular, democratic path, how it will handle its severe cost of living crisis, and manage key relations with Russia, the Middle East and the West.

Kilicdaroglu, who said he would prevail in the runoff, urged his supporters to be patient and accused Erdogan's party of interfering with the counting and reporting of results.

But Erdogan performed better than pre-election polls had predicted, and he appeared in a confident and combative mood as he addressed his supporters.

"We are already ahead of our closest rival by 2.6 million votes. We expect this figure to increase with official results," Erdogan said.

With almost 97% of ballot boxes counted, Erdogan led with 49.39% of votes and Kilicdaroglu had 44.92%, according to state-owned news agency Anadolu. Turkey's High Election Board gave Erdogan 49.49% with 91.93% of ballot boxes counted.

Thousands of Erdogan voters converged on the party's headquarters in Ankara, blasting party songs from loudspeakers and waving flags. Some danced in the street.

"We know it is not exactly a celebration yet but we hope we will soon celebrate his victory. Erdogan is the best leader we had for this country and we love him," said Yalcin Yildrim, 39, who owns a textile factory.


The results reflected deep polarization in a country at a political crossroads. The vote was set to hand Erdogan's ruling alliance a majority in parliament, giving him a potential edge heading into the runoff.

Opinion polls before the election had pointed to a very tight race but gave Kilicdaroglu, who heads a six-party alliance, a slight lead. Two polls on Friday showed him above the 50% threshold.

The country of 85 million people - already struggling with soaring inflation - now faces two weeks of uncertainty that could rattle markets, with analysts expecting gyrations in the local currency and stock market.

"The next two weeks will probably be the longest two weeks in Turkey's history and a lot will happen. I would expect a significant crash in the Istanbul stock exchange and lots of fluctuations in the currency," said Hakan Akbas, managing director of Strategic Advisory Services, a consultancy.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, accompanied by his wife Ermine Erdogan, greets supporters at the AK Party headquarters in Ankara, Turkey May 15, 2023. REUTERS/Umit Bektas TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

"Erdogan will have an advantage in a second vote after his alliance did far better than the opposition's alliance," he added.

A third nationalist presidential candidate, Sinan Ogan, stood at 5.3% of the vote. He could be a "kingmaker" in the runoff depending on which candidate he endorses, analysts said.

Advertisement · Scroll to continue The opposition said Erdogan's party was delaying full results from emerging by lodging objections, while authorities were publishing results in an order that artificially boosted Erdogan's tally.

Kilicdaroglu, in an earlier appearance, said that Erdogan's party was "destroying the will of Turkey" by objecting to the counts of more than 1,000 ballot boxes. "You cannot prevent what will happen with objections. We will never let this become a fait accompli," he said.

But the mood at the opposition party's headquarters, where Kilicdaroglu expected victory, was subdued as the votes were counted. His supporters waved flags of Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and beat drums.


Kilicdaroglu has pledged to revive democracy after years of state repression, return to orthodox economic policies, empower institutions that lost autonomy under Erdogan and rebuild frail ties with the West.

Thousands of political prisoners and activists could be released if the opposition prevails.

Critics fear Erdogan will govern ever more autocratically if he wins another term. The 69-year-old president, a veteran of a dozen election victories, says he respects democracy.

In the parliamentary vote, the People's Alliance of Erdogan's Islamist-rooted AKP, the nationalist MHP and others fared better than expected and were headed for a majority.

Sunday 28 May 2023

Helikopter Bell 412 Milik TNi AD Yang Jatuh di Perkebunan Teh Ciwidey

Helikopter Bell 412 Milik TNi AD Yang Jatuh di Perkebunan Teh Ciwidey

Helikopter Bell 412 Milik TNi AD Yang Jatuh di Perkebunan Teh Ciwidey

Sejumlah warga sibuk memberikan pertolongan pada dua orang korban diduga penumpang helikopter latih yang jatuh di Ciwidey. (Foto: tangkapan layar akun robe_187)

Helikopter Bell 412 yang terjatuh di kawasan Ciwidey, Bandung, Jawa Barat disebut milik TNI AD. Hal itu disampaikan Kadispenad Hamim Tohari. Hamim Tohari mengatakan helikopter jenis BEL 412 milik TNI AD itu mengalami kecelakaan pada pukul 13.30 WIB, hari Minggu, 28/05/2023.

Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AD Brigjen Hamim Tohari memastikan bahwa helikopter yang mengalami insiden di Ciwidey adalah helikopter TNI AD.

Kecelakaan menimpa Helikopter Bell 412 yang dioperasikan oleh Pusat Penerbangan Angkatan Darat (Penerbad) dalam latihan pra tugas, baik dalam mobilisasi udara maupun dukungan logistik.

"Kecelakaan helikopter jenis BEL 412 milik TNI AD di Kampung Bayongbong, Desa Patenggang, Kecamatan Rancabali kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat dalam rangka mendukung latihan Yonif 300 R/ BJW," kata Hamim lewat keterangan tertulis.

"Heli tersebut diperkirakan jatuh sekitar pukul 13.30 waktu setempat, hingga terbakar," kata Brigjen Hamim Tohari dalam keterangannya.

Meski helikopter jatuh hingga terbakar, TNI AD memastikan tak ada korban meninggal dari insiden tersebut.

Hamim memastikan seluruh kru helikopter selamat, namun sejumlah kru mengalami luka-luka benturan dan sudah dievakuasi ke RS Dustira, Cimahi untuk mendapatkan pengobatan dan perawatan7.

Lima kru yang bertugas pun telah dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Dustira, Cimahi.

"Hanya mengalami luka-luka akibat benturan. Saat ini seluruh kru heli telah dievakuasi ke RS Dustira guna mendapatkan penanganan medis," katanya.

Belum diketahui pasti kronologi dan penyebab jatuhnya hlikopter tersebut, sebab masih dalam pendalaman oleh pihak-pihak berwenang.

"Hingga saat ini kronologi kejadian masih dalam investigasi," katanya.

"TNI AD telah mengirimkan tim investigasi untuk menangani kasus kecelakaan heli tersebut," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, beredar gambar sebuah helikopter yang terbakar di kawasan perkebunan Ciwidey, Bandung pada Minggu, 28/5/2023.

Saat dikonfirmasi Kapolresta Bandung, Kombes Pol Kusworo Wibowo, membenarkan adanya helikopter yang jatuh di wilayah Rancabali Ciwidey.

Kapolresta Bandung Kombes Kusworo Wibowo membenarkan peristiwa helikopter latih terjatuh di kawasan Ciwidey, Bandung.

"Betul ada heli latihan terjatuh di Ciwidey," kata Kusworo saat dikonfirmasi, Minggu, 28/05/2023.

Dia mengatakan semua kru helikopter latih tersebut dikabarkan selamat. Pihaknya juga telah meninjau lokasi kecelakaan.

"Informasinya, semua kru bisa selamat, terselamatkan," imbuhnya.

Watch Footage of Russian Forces Destroying Ukrainian Firing Point With Anti-Tank Missile

Watch Footage of Russian Forces Destroying Ukrainian Firing Point With Anti-Tank Missile

Watch Footage of Russian Forces Destroying Ukrainian Firing Point With Anti-Tank Missile

Russian forces hit four Ukrainian ammunition depots in the Zaporozhye region, Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, as well as two Ukrainian Army brigade control points, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video of Russian forces destroying a Ukrainian firing point by an anti-tank missile in the Avdeevka direction.

Anti-tank missiles are powerful weapons that are designed to disable or destroy armored vehicles. They are effective against heavily armored vehicles such as tanks and can also be used against fortifications, bunkers, and other hardened targets.

Russian Air Defenses Intercept Three UK-Supplied Ukrainian Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles

Ukraine lost up to 340 military personnel in combat with Russian forces near the eastern city of Donetsk in the past day, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a daily update on Saturday.

"In the direction of Donetsk, up to 340 Ukrainian service members... were eliminated by strikes conducted by the operational-tactical and army aviation, artillery and in combat with units of the 'South' group of armed forces in the past 24 hours," the Russian military said.

Russian troops also destroyed three armored vehicles, a Polish-made Krab gun-howitzer and several ammo depots near the cities of Kramatorsk and Georgievka.

During the same period, Russian air defenses struck down three Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles, six HIMARS long-range guided missiles, and four Ukrainian combat drones in Donetsk, Kharkov and Zaporozhye regions.

In the Kharkov Region, Russian troops eliminated two sabotage and intelligence-gathering groups near the villages of Liman Pershiy and Berestovoe, eliminating more than 30 Ukrainian military personnel and destroying their vehicles.

Russian air defenses intercept two Storm Shadow missiles, 19 HIMARS rockets – top brass

Russian air defenses intercepted two Storm Shadow missiles, 19 HIMARS rockets, two HARM missiles and shot down 12 Ukrainian combat drones in the past 24 hours, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Saturday.

"The air defenses have intercepted two Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles, 19 rockets fired from the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and two HARM antiradar missiles," he said.

In addition, according to Konashenkov, twelve Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were brought down near Zatishnoye, Kremennaya, Chervonopopovka of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR); Kremenets, Yasnoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR); and Pology and Removka of the Zaporozhye Region.

The lieutenant-general added that in total, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 429 Ukrainian warplanes, 235 combat helicopters, 4,353 unmanned aerial vehicles, 424 surface-to-air missile systems, 9,310 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,100 multiple rocket launchers, 4,919 field artillery guns and mortars and 10,481 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine.

Air Raid Sirens Go Off in Several Regions of Ukraine, Including Kiev - Authorities

Air raid warnings were issued in multiple regions of Ukraine late on Saturday night, including Kiev, according to air raid data from the country’s Ministry of Digital Transformation.

Air raid sirens went off in the Ukrainian region of Nikolaev, Kirovograd, Chernigov, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kiev, as well as the Ukraine-controlled parts of Kherson region, shortly after midnight, the ministry’s online map showed.

Precision strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure have been carried out by Russia since October 10 (two days after the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge).

In February, the head of Ukrainian power grid operator Ukrenergo said that direct damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure caused by Russian strikes may amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, with economic losses ranging in billions.

Russia ready for peace talks with Ukraine, but on its conditions – ambassador

Russia ready for peace talks with Ukraine, but on its conditions – ambassador

Russia ready for peace talks with Ukraine, but on its conditions – ambassador

Russia’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom Andrei Kelin
©Yuri Mikhailenko/TASS

Russia is ready for peace talks with Ukraine but it will not give up its conditions, Russian Ambassador to Great Britain Andrey Kelin said in an interview with the BBC on Sunday.

"We want peace, but on certain conditions, of course. For us, two things are important. That there will be no threat from Ukraine to Russia - this is one thing. And second, that Russians in Ukraine will be treated like all other nations in the world. Like French people are being treated in Belgium, or like Italians and Germans are being treated in Switzerland, not differently... That’s a grave violation of the Human Rights Declaration and of all documentation," Kelin said, as he described the developments in Ukraine in recent years as "extreme nationalism."

According to Kelin, Russia’s current military purpose is to liberate the Donbass from the occupation. He dismissed thinking that Ukraine may prevail as "a big idealistic mistake."

"We can make peace tomorrow, if the Ukrainian side is prepared to negotiate, but at the moment there are no preconditions for that, I am afraid, because the president of Ukraine has prohibited any negotiations," the Russian diplomat maintained, adding that he didn’t believe that simply freezing the conflict was a good idea. "It will not make a platform for a stable and long-term peace in Europe," Kelin explained.

The envoy reiterated the Russian nuclear doctrine does not envisage using nukes in the conflict in Ukraine. However, Kelin said that he was worried about a continued escalation of the conflict as he referred to weapons supplies to Kiev currently being ramped up.

West waging its war against Russia `on all fronts’ – Kremlin

Western countries are waging their war against Russia in all domains, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin" TV show on Sunday.

"War is being waged in a broader sense. A war is being waged against us on all fronts, be it the economy, international relations, or in terms of ownership," he explained.

President Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov
©Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

Peskov urged Russia not to succumb to emotions and keep a sober mind in these circumstances. "We should remain focused and strong, and do... what best suits our interests, be tough but open to what could help us clearly communicate our concerns, and what we find unacceptable for ourselves, what will be fighting against," he maintained.

Reporter Pavel Zarubin posted an excerpt of the interview on his Telegram channel on Sunday.

Lavrov on F-16s for Kiev: Some in US-Led West Grasp This as Unacceptable Escalation

NATO allies recently pledged to deliver F-16 fighter jets to the Kiev regime, the latest addition to the list of lethal weapons the collective West has provided to Ukraine as it allegedly gears up for a major offensive against Russian forces.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the recent escalation over arms supplies to Kiev is unacceptable, and many people in the West comprehend this fact.

"Of course, this is an unacceptable escalation. I think there are still people in the West who understand this, but everything is dictated by Washington, London and their satellites who are in the European Union," Lavrov said in an interview, commenting on where the limit of escalation lies given the continuing arms deliveries to Kiev.

Earlier, the US-led military bloc pledged to supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets, the latest addition to the list of lethal weapons the West has provided to Ukraine as it gears up for a large-scale offensive against Russian forces. Yuri Sak, an adviser to the Ukrainian Minister of Defense, said that Kiev hopes to receive the first F-16s from foreign donors in late September or early October.

During the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, US President Joe Biden told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Washington, along with its partners, was going to launch a program to train Ukraine’s military pilots to operate fourth-generation fighter aircraft, including F-16s.

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said the potential transfer of F-16 jets to Ukraine raises the question of NATO’s involvement in the conflict.

Moscow had earlier sent a note to NATO countries over arms supplies to the Kiev regime. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted that any cargo containing weapons for Ukraine would be a legitimate target for Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that NATO countries were "playing with fire" by supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that flooding Ukraine with weapons from the West would not contribute to the success of Russian-Ukrainian talks and would have a negative effect. Lavrov said the US and NATO were directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine "not only by supplying weapons, but also by training personnel... on the territory of [Great] Britain, Germany, Italy and other countries".

Lavrov lauds US general’s remark on Ukraine as first step toward understanding reality

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said a US general who questioned Kiev’s objective of regaining all of its territory was the first step toward understanding how things stand on Earth today.

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley's doubts about Ukraine's ability to recapture the territory it has lost to Russia since February 2022 in near future is a step forward toward the West's understanding the reality on the ground, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday.

"Today, I heard a statement by US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Mark Milley, who said that… Ukraine seemingly cannot expect to recapture all of its territory… in the near future; that is a step forward toward understanding how things stand on Earth now," Lavrov said in an interview with the "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin" TV show. An excerpt of the interview was posted by reporter Pavel Zarubin on his Telegram channel on Sunday.

"Of course, it is unacceptable escalation. I think that there are still people in the West who realize this, but it is Washington, London and their satellites inside the European Union that are dictating everything," Lavrov added.

Earlier in the week, Milley said that in the short term Kiev is likely unable to achieve its strategic objective, which is to return control of all the territory it has lost to Russia.

At a news conference following a virtual meeting of a West-led contact group of countries sending weapons to Kiev on Thursday, Milley said Ukraine is unlikely to recapture all of its territory in the near term. According to the US general, Kiev’s strategic objective of regaining the territories taken by Russian troops could be achievable militarily, but not any time soon.