Tuesday 30 May 2023

Djokovic declares ‘Kosovo is Serbia’

Djokovic declares ‘Kosovo is Serbia’

Djokovic declares ‘Kosovo is Serbia’

Novak Djokovic celebrates after winning the first round match of the French Open at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris, France, May 29, 2023 © AP / Jean-Francois Badias

Serbian tennis legend Novak Djokovic wrote a message proclaiming that “Kosovo is the heart of Serbia” after a first round win over American Aleksandar Kovacevic at the French Open on Monday. Fighting broke out between Serb protesters and NATO troops in northern Kosovo earlier in the day.

Immediately after defeating Kovacevic, Djokovic approached a video camera – where players traditionally sign autographs – and wrote “Kosovo is the heart of Serbia. Stop the violence.”

The longest-reigning champion in ATP history expanded on his message in a post-match press conference.

“As a Serb, it hurts me a lot what is happening in Kosovo,” he said. “The least I could do is this, I feel responsible as a public figure and the son of a man who was born in Kosovo. I feel the need to show support to all of Serbia. I don’t know what the future holds for the Serbian people and Kosovo but it is very necessary to show support.”

“I am against wars and any conflict, I have always expressed this in public,” he continued, adding that “Kosovo is our hearth, our stronghold, the biggest battle took place there, the most important monasteries are located there.”

Historically a province of Serbia, Kosovo’s Serb population plummeted due to expulsions during World War II and after NATO waged an air war against Serbia in 1999 on behalf of Albanian terrorists. More than 150 Serbian Orthodox churches, graveyards, and monasteries were destroyed by Albanian separatists between 1999 and 2004, and Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008, backed by the US and most of its NATO allies.

Serbs remain the largest ethnicity in some pockets of northern Kosovo, and violence broke out on Monday in one of these locations: the town of Zvecan. NATO troops used tear gas, stun grenades, and allegedly rubber bullets against Serb demonstrators protesting the installation of an ethnic Albanian mayor after an election they boycotted.

Around 50 protesters and 25 NATO troops were injured in the melee, with Western officials blaming the Serbs for instigating the violence, and the Serbs blaming NATO forces. After the brawl, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic accused Kosovo’s Albanian prime minister, Albin Kurti, of trying to “provoke a major conflict between the Serbs and NATO,” and warned that Serbia “will not allow a pogrom or the killing of its people.”

President Vucic: Goal of Aggravation in Kosovo is to Cause Clash Between Serbia and NATO

The security situation in the breakaway Serbian province of Kosovo took a turn for the worse late last week after Pristina used force to try to install ethnic Albanian mayors in Serb-majority municipalities in the province's north after a boycott of municipal elections by local residents in April.

Self-proclaimed Kosovo prime minister Albin Kurti is interested in spreading unrest in the province's north to try to provoke a clash between Serbia and NATO, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said.

"All of this was organized by Albin Kurti out of his big desire for a conflict between the Serbs and NATO. He is the solely responsible for what is happening, but washes his hands like Pontius Pilate and says this has nothing to do with him," Vucic said in an address to the nation on Monday evening.

©Sputnik / Lola Djordjevic

"Over the past three days, even the politically illiterate could understand what was being prepared for us today," Vucic said, referring to Monday's localized clashes between ethnic Serb protesters in Kosovo and KFOR, or Kosovo Force, the NATO-led 'peacekeeping' force operating in the breakaway province.

Vucic called on Kosovar Serbs to protest the situation in the province, but to "do it peacefully... Because then no one can defeat them. We will do our best to keep the peace."

Vucic went on to detail the causes of the escalation, saying that as Serbs "from the north of Kosovo and Metohija gathered in front of the municipalities of Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok to express dissatisfaction" with Pristina's appointment of puppet mayors, they were "met with KFOR soldiers and barbed wire."

According to Vucic, KFOR allowed the Kurti-appointed mayors to enter municipal buildings, and then "protected them from the Serbs," instead of protecting local Serbs from Pristina.

"The Serbs proposed that KFOR should stay, that the fake mayors and Kurti's special forces should leave. But no agreement could be reached and KFOR went into action," beating protesters, throwing stun grenades and tear gas, with part of the crowd taking cover, and another part fighting back, the Serbian president said.

Belgrade responded to the escalation in Kosovo by raising the army's combat readiness to its highest level.

Vucic plans to monitor the situation in Kosovo from the administrative border with the breakaway Monday night, and to meet with the US, British, French, Italian and German ambassadors, as well as the head of the European Union delegation in Serbia, on Tuesday morning.

"I am calling on the international community for the last time to reason with Albin Kurti. If they don't, I'm afraid it will be too late. The people of Serbia must know that they have a responsible leadership, and that we will not allow for pogroms and killings of our people," Vucic stressed during Monday's address.

Over 50 Serbs were injured in clashes with KFOR forces in the Kosovo municipality of Zvecan on Monday afternoon, with one protester suffering gunshot injuries. Some Western media have tried to shift the blame onto the demonstrators, reporting up to 41 injuries among KFOR troops, among them 11 Italians. Four Serbs were arrested in the unrest. KFOR commander Angelo Michele Ristuccia slammed protesters for their "unprovoked attacks" on KFOR forces, and assured that KFOR will "continue to impartially carry out its mandate."

Moscow has condemned the violence in Kosovo, and the West's response. Speaking to reporters in Nairobi during his visit to Kenya on Monday afternoon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that a "huge explosion may happen in the center of Europe" if tensions are not calmed. Calling the situation "alarming," Lavrov lamented that Western powers have "of course set a course for the total subjugation of everyone who somehow expresses their own opinion."

Serbia's Open Wound

Kosovo has witnessed several rounds of escalating tensions between local ethnic Serbs and the Pristina government throughout the past year over a variety of pretexts, from measures by Pristina to force Serbs to get Kosovo-issued license plates, to a push by prime minister Kurti to expand NATO's presence in the region to "strengthen security."

Tensions between Kosovar Serbs and Kosovar Albanians began growing after the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and escalated into a full-fledged shooting war in the late 1990s, when ethnic Albanian militants kicked off a guerilla warfare campaign against Serbian police and the military. NATO intervened in the crisis, conducting a 78-day bombing campaign against the rump Yugoslav state between March and June 1999, and later setting up Camp Bondsteel, the largest US military base in the Balkans, in southern Kosovo. The United States and several dozen of its allies recognized Kosovo as an independent state in 2008. Belgrade never recognized Pristina's independence claims. Neither have Russia, China, India, Iran, Brazil, South Africa, Spain and dozens of other countries around the world.

NATO soldiers injured in Kosovo clashes with Serb protesters

Around 25 NATO peacekeeping soldiers defending three town halls in northern Kosovo were injured in clashes with Serb protesters on Monday, while Serbia's president put the army on the highest level of combat alert.

KFOR, the NATO-led peacekeeping mission to Kosovo, condemned the violence.

"While countering the most active fringes of the crowd, several soldiers of the Italian and Hungarian KFOR contingent were the subject of unprovoked attacks and sustained trauma wounds with fractures and burns due to the explosion of incendiary devices," it said in a statement.

Hungary's defense minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky said that 7 Hungarian soldiers were seriously injured and that they will be taken to Hungary for treatment. He said 20 soldiers were injured. Italian soldiers were also injured in clashes.

"What is happening is absolutely unacceptable and irresponsible," Italy's Giorgia Meloni said in a statement. "It is vital to avoid further unilateral actions on the part of the Kosovar authorities and that all the parties in question immediately take a step back to ease the tensions."

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that 52 Serbs were injured, three of them seriously.

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani accused Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic of destabilising Kosovo.

"Serb illegal structures turned into criminal gangs have attacked Kosovo police, KFOR (peacekeeping) officers & journalists. Those who carry out Vucic's orders to destabilise the north of Kosovo, must face justice," Osmani tweeted.

Vucic accused Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti of creating tensions. He called on Serbs in Kosovo to avoid clashes with NATO soldiers.

The tense situation developed after ethnic Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo's Serb majority area after elections the Serbs boycotted - a move that led the U.S. and its allies to rebuke Pristina on Friday.

In Zvecan, one of the towns, Kosovo police - staffed by ethnic Albanians after Serbs quit the force last year - sprayed pepper gas to repel a crowd of Serbs who broke through a security barricade and tried to force their way into the municipality building, witnesses said.

Serb protesters in Zvecan threw tear gas and stun grenades at NATO soldiers. Serbs also clashed with police in Zvecan and spray-painted NATO vehicles with the letter "Z", referring to a Russian sign used in war in Ukraine.

In Leposavic, close to the border with Serbia, U.S. peacekeeping troops in riot gear placed barbed wire around the town hall to protect it from hundreds of angry Serbs.

Later in the day protesters threw eggs at a parked car belonging to the new Leposavic mayor.

Vucic, who is the commander-in-chief of the Serbian armed forces, raised the army's combat readiness to the highest level, Defence Minister Milos Vucevic told reporters.

"This implies that immediately before 2:00 p.m. (1200 GMT), the Serbian Armed Forces' Chief of the General Staff issued additional instructions for the deployment of the army's units in specific, designated positions," Vucevic said, without elaborating.

NATO peacekeepers also blocked off the town hall in Zubin Potok to protect it from angry local Serbs, witnesses said.

Igor Simic, deputy head of the Serb List, the biggest Belgrade-backed Kosovo Serb party, accused Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti of fuelling tensions in the north.

"We are interested in peace. Albanians who live here are interested in peace, and only he (Kurti) wants to make chaos," Simic told reporters in Zvecan.


Serbs, who comprise a majority in Kosovo's north, have never accepted its 2008 declaration of independence from Serbia and still see Belgrade as their capital more than two decades after the Kosovo Albanian uprising against repressive Serbian rule.

Ethnic Albanians make up more than 90% of the population in Kosovo as a whole, but northern Serbs have long demanded the implementation of an EU-brokered 2013 deal for the creation of an association of autonomous municipalities in their area.

Serbs refused to take part in local elections in April and ethnic Albanian candidates won the mayoralties in four Serb-majority municipalities - including North Mitrovica, where no incidents were reported on Monday - with a 3.5% turnout

Serbs demand that the Kosovo government remove ethnic Albanian mayors from town halls and allow local administrations financed by Belgrade resume their work.

On Friday, three out of the four ethnic Albanian mayors were escorted into their offices by police, who were pelted with rocks and responded with tear gas and water cannon to disperse the protesters.

The United States and its allies, which have strongly backed Kosovo's independence, rebuked Pristina on Friday, saying imposing mayors in Serb-majority areas without popular support undercut efforts to normalise relations.

Kurti defended Pristina's position, tweeting after a weekend phone call with the European Union's foreign policy chief: "Emphasized that elected mayors will provide services to all citizens."

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS it was "not possible to have mayors who have not been elected by Serbs in Serb-majority municipalities".

Advertisement · Scroll to continue After meeting Kurti, U.S. ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier told reporters: "We are concerned about reports today about violence against official property."

"We've seen pictures of graffiti against KFOR cars and police cars, we've heard about attacks on journalists, we condemn that, that is not appropriate response."

Golkar: Sistem Pemilu Tertutup Abaikan Keinginan Mayoritas Masyarakat Indonesia

Golkar: Sistem Pemilu Tertutup Abaikan Keinginan Mayoritas Masyarakat Indonesia

Golkar: Sistem Pemilu Tertutup Abaikan Keinginan Mayoritas Masyarakat Indonesia

Politisi Golkar Muhamad Nur Purnamasidi/Ist

Klaim vonis MK terkait hasil Judicial review UU 7/2017 yang akan mengembalikan sistem pemilu dari terbuka menjadi tertutup, menuai pendapat banyak pihak. Berbagai pihak itu memiliki komitmen menjaga amanat reformasi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan mayoritas publik.

Politisi Golkar Muhamad Nur Purnamasidi mengatakan bahwa kebocoran keputusan MK seolah menafikan keinginan mayoritas masyatakat yang ingin mempertahankan sistem pemilu legislatif dengan sistem proporsional terbuka.

"Termasuk di dalamnya adalah 8 Partai politik yang sekarang duduk di DPR RI, Yakni; Partai Golkar, Gerindra, PKB, Nasdem, Demokrat, PKS, PPP dan PAN," demikian kata pria yang karib disapa Bang Pur ini, pada hari Senin, 29/05/2023.

Menurut pria yang anggota Komisi X DPR ini, jika MK benar benar memutuskan Proporsional tertutup menjadi sistem pemilu legislatif di tahun 2024 ini, ini artinya MK harus bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas mundurnya demokrasi di Indonesia.

Dikatakan legislator dapil Jatim 4 ini, seluruh elemen bangsa wajib menjaga mandat dalam menjalankan amanah reformasi yang di gulirkan sejak tahun 1990 an.

"Termasuk bagaimana memastikan sistem politik yang di jalankan di dalamnya dapat mencegah tumbuh kembangkangnya oligarchi politik yang berdampak berkurang dan hilangnya partisipasi publik dalam politik dan pengambilan kebijakan di negeri ini," jelas Bang Pur.

Ia mengaku tidak bisa menerima sebuah keputusan yang nantinya memundurkan demokrasi Indonesia. Maka dari itu, ia menyatakan menolak skenario yang informasinya sempat diutarakan oleh Denny Indrayana itu.

Ia berharap MK benar-benar mempertimbangkan suara mayoritas publik dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait dengan penetapan sistem pemilu legislatif yang sebentar lagi akan diputuskan.

"Saya yakin hati nurani dan komitmen reformasi masih bersarang di dalam hati dan jiwa Para hakim MK," pungkas politisi yang juga petinggi DPP MKGR ini

HASIL survei dari Skala Survei Indonesia (SSI), pada 5 Januari 2023, menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas publik yakni sebesar 63 persen menginginkan agar Pemilu 2024 tetap menggunakan sistem proporsional terbuka.

"Mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia, yakni 63 persen masih setuju agar Pemilu 2024 tetap menggunakan sistem proporsional terbuka," kata Direktur Eksekutif SSI Abdul Hakim sebagaimana rilis yang diterima di Jakarta, hari ini.

Abdul menyebut hanya sebesar 4,8 persen responden yang menyatakan setuju agar Pemilu 2024 diubah menggunakan sistem proporsional tertutup. Sisanya, lanjut dia, sebanyak 32,2 persen responden menjawab tidak tahu/tidak jawab/rahasia.

Ia menyebut dari yang menyatakan agar Pileg 2024 tetap menggunakan sistem proporsional terbuka, mayoritas responden yakni sebanyak 19 persen beralasan karena memandang dapat mengetahui/melihat calon-calon legislatifnya.

"(Alasan lainnya) dapat memilih langsung calonnya 17,1 persen, hak rakyat dalam menentukan pilihannya 13,8 persen, lebih transparan/terbuka 12 persen dan masyarakat harus mengetahui calon serta partai yang mereka pilih 6,3 persen," ujarnya.

Nasdem: Hak Rakyat Direnggut Jika Pemilu Sistem Tertutup

Hak rakyat akan terenggut jika Pemilu 2024 dilaksanakan dengan sistem proporsional tertutup. Diberlakukannya sistem tersebut merupakan kemunduran demokrasi.

Demikian disampaikan Anggota DPR RI, Taufik Basari menanggapi pernyataan mantan Wakil Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Denny Indrayana yang mengaku mendapat informasi terkait putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK).

“Jika Mahkamah Konstitusi memutus untuk kembali ke sistem tertutup seperti sebelum 2009, maka hak rakyat yang telah dinikmati dan telah berjalan dengan memberikan dampak positif bagi jalannya demokrasi, direnggut dan tidak dapat lagi dinikmati,” kata Taufik dalam keterangan resminya, hari Senin, 29/05/2023.

Anggota Komisi III DPR itu berharap informasi yang disampaikan Denny Indrayana tidak benar. Menurutnya, sistem proporsional terbuka yang dipakai sejak Pemilu 2009 memberikan hak rakyat sepenuhnya dalam memilih wakilnya.

“Rakyat mendapatkan tambahan hak berupa hak untuk mengetahui siapa calon anggota DPR yang akan diberikan kepercayaan suaranya, bagaimana kualitas dan rekam jejaknya dan dapat menagih amanat yang telah diberikan langsung kepada anggota yang terpilih,” bebernya.

Politikus Nasdem itu menambahkan, semestinya hasil musyawarah hakim konstitusi tidak boleh beredar keluar. Jikapun informasi tersebut benar adanya, ia berharap keputusan itu belum final dan para hakim secara bijak akan melindungi hak rakyat dalam putusannya nanti. “Publik jangan diam, jangan biarkan hak rakyat direnggut. Demokrasi tidak boleh mundur,” pungkas Taufik.

Benny Demokrat: Mahfud Harusnya Terima Kasih ke Denny Indrayana

Waketum Partai Demokrat Benny K Harman heran dengan Menko Polhukam Mahfud Md yang meminta Polri mengusut sumber yang memberi informasi kepada mantan Wamenkumham Denny Indrayana soal klaim Pemilu 2024 akan diputuskan proporsional tertutup oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Benny menyebut Mahfud harusnya berterima kasih kepada Denny Indrayana.

Pernyataan itu disampaikan Benny lewat akun Twitter resminya @BennyHarmanID. Dia mempertanyakan kenapa Mahfud justru menginstruksikan polisi mengusut Denny Indrayana.

"Pak Mahfud ini benar-benar sudah menjadi corong rezim otoriter. Mestinya harus berterima kasih kepada Pak Denny, bukan malah menginstruksikan Polri untuk kriminalisasi yang bersangkutan. Quo vadis Pak Mahfud, quo vadis domine?" kata Benny K Harman dalam cuitannya seperti dikutip detikcom, pada Senin, 29/05/2023. Cuitan Benny sudah disesuaikan dengan ejaan yang benar.

"MK harus diawasi dan diperingatkan. Denny telah melakukan hal ini agar MK tidak membuat putusan yang sesat dan menyesatkan jalannya demokrasi kita. Terima kasih Bung Denny atas keberaniannya menjadi jubira, juru bicara rakyat. Prof Mahfud mau peralat polisi untuk kriminalisasi Denny? Mari kita semua berdoa agar pak polisi kuat dan berani menolak menjadi alat kekuasaan yang sewenang-wenang," lanjut Benny.

Lebih lanjut, anggota Komisi III DPR ini juga membahas soal kekuasaan kehakiman. Dia menyebut lembaga Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi tidak lagi independen di negara yang menganut sistem pemerintahan otoriter.

"Apa kaabar kekuasaan kehakiman? Di negara dengan sistem pemerintahan otoriter, badan peradilan yang menjalankan kekuasaan kehakiman seperti MA dan MK tidak lagi independen. Mereka disandera sedemikian rupa agar mau bekerja untuk melayani kepentingan rezim," kata Benny.

"Di zaman Orla, di zaman Orba juga, para hakim dan hakim agung pada MA bekerja untuk mensukseskan revolusi dalam rangka demokrasi terpimpin. Putusan hakim sekadar jadi rubber stamp kebijakan penguasa. Para hakim hidup dalam ketakutan. Tak kuasa melawan. Keadilan untuk rakyat menjadi barang mewah! Bagaimana zaman now?" lanjut dia.

Mahfud Minta Sumber Denny Indrayana Diusut

Sebelumnya, Mahfud Md angkat bicara terkait klaim Denny Indrayana yang mengaku mendapatkan informasi bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) akan mengembalikan sistem pemilu legislatif ke sistem proporsional tertutup atau coblos partai. Mahfud menyebut putusan MK tak boleh dibocorkan sebelum dibacakan.

"Terlepas dari apapun, putusan MK tak boleh dibocorkan sebelum dibacakan," kata Mahfud dalam cuitan di akun Twitter pribadinya @mohmahfudmd, seperti dikutip detikcom, Minggu (28/5).

Mahfud menilai informasi dari Denny Indrayana bisa dikategorikan pembocoran rahasia negara. Menurutnya, kepolisian harus turun tangan menyelidiki sumber informasi dari Denny Indrayana tersebut.

"Info dari Denny ini jadi preseden buruk, bisa dikategorikan pembocoran rahasia negara. Polisi harus selidiki info A1 yang katanya menjadi sumber Denny agar tak jadi spekulasi yang mengandung fitnah," ucap Mahfud.

PSSI Umumkan Harga Tiket Indonesia Vs Argentina

PSSI Umumkan Harga Tiket Indonesia Vs Argentina

PSSI Umumkan Harga Tiket Indonesia Vs Argentina

PSSI resmi mengumumkan harga tiket FIFA Matchday, Indonesia vs Argentina pada 19 Juni nanti, yang akan berlangsung di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno. Harganya dibanderol mulai Rp 600 ribu.

Pada hari Senin, 29/05/2023, PSSI menggelar jumpa pers di GBK, Jakarta, bertajuk 'Launching Tiket FMD Indonesia vs Argentina'. Seperti diketahui, Indonesia vs Argentina akan bermain di FIFA Matchday di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno pada 19 Juni mendatang.

Timnas Indonesia dan Argentina sudah mengumumkan skuad masing-masing. Nama Lionel Messi, megabintang Tim Tango masuk di dalamnya.

Ketua Umum PSSI, Erick Thohir bersama wakilnya, Zainudin Amali hadir dalam sesi jumpa pers. Erick Thohir menjelaskan harga tiket laga Indonesia vs Argentina.

"Insya Allah 19 Juni kita punya pertandingan kelas dunia di Indonesia," buka Erick Thohir.

Erick Thohir menambahkan, pembelian tiket di mulai pada 05 Juni untuk pemegang kartu BRI. Kemudian berlanjut pada 06 dan 07 Juni untuk penjualan umum.

"Kita mulai penjualan tiket pada 05 Juni khusus untuk pemegang kartu BRI, lalu 6 dan 07 Juni baru ada public sales," ungkapnya.

"Jumlah tiket yang dijual adalah 60 ribuan. Pembeliannya bisa di website PSSI, dan tiket.com. Kick off pertandingannya pukul 07.30 WIB malam," sambungnya.

"Untuk kategori III Rp 600 ribu, kategori II Rp 1,2 juta, kategori satu Rp 2,5 juta, dan untuk VIP barat dan timur Rp 4,250 juta," jelas Erick Thohir.

Kedatangan Argentina ke Tanah Air merupakan bagian dari tur Asia mereka. Sebelum melawan Indonesia, Lionel Messi dan kawan-kawan akan lebih dulu berhadap dengan Australia di Beijing, Cina pada 15 Juni 2023.

Sementara Indonesia juga bakal bertanding melawan timnas Palestina pada 14 Juni 2023 di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya. Setelah itu, barulah anak asuh Shin Tae-yong bersua dengan Argentina di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Jakarta pada 19 Juni 2023.

"Ini menjadi bagian kita juga mendorong tahun depan pertandingan internasional lagi. Jadi ini tes untuk pertandingan naikan rankging dan ngetes nyali," tutur Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara itu.

Laga FIFA Matchday, Indonesian melawan Argentina akan berlangsung di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Senayan, Jakarta pada 19 Juni 2023. Walau berstatus persahatan, laga itu dipastikan akan disaksikan banyak penonton.

PSSI sudah menyiapkan 60 ribu lembar tiket. Terdapat sejumlah kategori dan VIP untuk pencinta sepak bola Indonesia menyaksikan Lionel Messi dkk bertanding di SUGBK.

Akun instagram timnas Argentina @afaseleccion juga telah mengumumkan skuad yang akan dibawa tur Asia pada Juni mendatang.

Sebagian besar merupakan nama-nama pemain yang sukses membawa Tim Tango juara Piala Dunia.

Seperti kiper Emiliano Martinez, Rodrigo De Paul, Julian Alvarez, Angel Di Maria hingga mega bintang Lionel Messi.

Timnas Indonesia juga telah mengumumkan nama-nama pemain yang dipanggil pada FIFA Matchday ini.

Tak banyak perubahan dalam skuad Shin Tae Yong tersebut.

Yang menarik ialah masuknya para pemain naturalisasi baru seperti Sandy Walsh, Ivar Jenner, Rafael Struick serta Shayne Pattynama.

1 KTP 2 Tiket

Penjualan tiket, PSSI memberikan kesempatan kepada para pemegang kartu dari Bank BRI untuk dapat mengakses terlebih dahulu penjualan tiket Timnas Indonesia vs Argentina pada tanggal 5 Juni 2023.

Penjualan khusus pemegang kartu BRI tersebut juga dapat dilakukan melalui website tiket.com.

PSSI juga menerangkan, bahwa masyarakat dapat membeli tiket maksimal dua buah per satu kartu identitas (KTP). Hal tersebut diberlakukan untuk menghindari pemebelian dalam jumlah besar untuk kemudian dijual kembali oleh para calo tiket.

Teruntuk waktu dimulainya penjualan tiket, PSSI akan memberikan informasi yang lebih lanjut dalam waktu dekat setelah berkoordinasi dengan tiket.com dan BRI sebagai official partner

Monday 29 May 2023

Business Lookahead: jobs, prices and AI

Business Lookahead: jobs, prices and AI

Business Lookahead: jobs, prices and AI

From U.S. jobs numbers that could give the Fed pause for thought, to signs the AI bandwagon is picking up speed, these are the big stories to watch out for in business and finance in the coming days. Rachel Faber has the details

From key U.S. jobs figures, to the AI boom gathering pace, these are the business and finance stories to watch out for in the days ahead.

Investors hope U.S. employment numbers on Friday will come in just right… strong enough to suggest there won’t be a recession, but not so strong that they force the Federal Reserve into another big rate hike.

The forecast is for a gain of 180,000 jobs.

Thursday’s eurozone inflation numbers will stoke a debate over whether the ECB is likely to raise rates again.

Stubborn price rises have led some to think more increases are still to come.

HSBC predicts rates will peak at 4%, up from today’s 3.25%.

Hopes are fading for signs of an upturn in China’s economy.

Closely watched purchasing managers’ indexes aren't expected to change the mood, following a slew of dreary data.

After a slump in sales at Lenovo, hit by the fading of the work-from-home boom, we’ll get more clues about the health of the PC market.

Earnings are due from U.S. rivals Dell and HP during the week. And the AI bandwagon shows no signs of slowing down.

Forecast-smashing numbers from chipmaker Nvidia have only stoked the excitement.

It said it was benefiting as its chips were used for AI products like ChatGPT.

Generative AI for everyone

Imagine every employee in your company had an assistant that "knew" everything your organization had ever known—the entire history, context, nuance and intent of the business and its operations—and could process, analyze and use that information in a matter of seconds, in infinitely repeatable ways.

We're at a phase in the adoption cycle when most organizations are starting to experiment by consuming foundation models "off the shelf." However, the biggest value for many will come when they customize or fine tune models using their own data to address their unique needs.


Generative AI and LLM applications are ready to consume and easy to access. Companies can consume them through APIs and tailor them, to a small degree, for their own use cases through prompt engineering techniques such as prompt tuning and prefix learning.


To increase the value of generative AI and foundation models in specific business use cases, companies will increasingly customize pretrained models by fine-tuning them with their own data—unlocking new performance frontiers.

A look ahead at the fast-paced evolution of technology, regulation and business

The coming years will see outsized investment in generative AI, LLMs and foundation models. What’s unique about this evolution is that the technology, regulation, and business adoption are all accelerating exponentially at the same time.

The technology stack

Each layer of the generative AI tech stack (applications, fine-tuning, foundation models, data and infrastructure) will rapidly evolve – as the technology matures and as the compute demands grow exponentially. Cost and carbon emissions are central considerations in adopting energy-intensive generative AI.

The risk and regulatory environment

ChatGPT raises important questions about the responsible use of AI. The speed of technology evolution and adoption requires companies to pay close attention to any legal, ethical and reputational risks they may be incurring. They will have to answer key questions on intellectual property, data privacy and security, discrimination, product liability, trust and identity.

The scale of adoption in business

Companies must reinvent work to find a path to generative AI value. Business leaders must lead the change, starting now, in job redesign, task redesign and reskilling people. Ultimately, every role in an enterprise has the potential to be reinvented, once today’s jobs are decomposed into tasks that can be automated or assisted and reimagined for a new future of human + machine work.

ChatGPT’s explosive global popularity has given us AI’s first true inflection point in public adoption. Finally, everyone, everywhere can see the technology’s disruptive potential for themselves.

The large language models (LLMs) and foundation models powering these advances in generative AI are a significant turning point. They’ve not only cracked the code on language complexity, enabling machines to learn context, infer intent, and be independently creative, but they can also be quickly fine-tuned for a wide range of different tasks.

This technology is set to fundamentally transform everything from science, to business, to healthcare, for instance, to society itself. The positive impact on human creativity and productivity will be massive.

Companies will use these models to reinvent the way work is done. Every role in every enterprise has the potential to be reinvented, as humans working with AI co-pilots becomes the norm, dramatically amplifying what people can achieve. Generative AI will impact tasks, not occupations. Some of those tasks will be automated, some will be transformed through AI assistance, and some will be unaffected.

We can also expect a large number of new tasks for people to perform, such as ensuring the accurate and responsible use of generative AI systems. It’s why organizations that invest in training people to work alongside generative AI will have a significant advantage.

Watch Russia's ‘Solntsepyok’ Heavy Flamethrower System Wipe Out Ukrainian Stronghold

Watch Russia's ‘Solntsepyok’ Heavy Flamethrower System Wipe Out Ukrainian Stronghold

Watch Russia's ‘Solntsepyok’ Heavy Flamethrower System Wipe Out Ukrainian Stronghold

The TOS-1A is a Russian-made heavy flamethrower system that is a highly effective weapon in urban warfare scenarios, where it can quickly clear out enemy positions and fortifications. The system is mounted on a tracked chassis, which allows it to traverse difficult terrain and keep up with mechanized units.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video of the TOS-1A Solntsepyok ("Scorching Sunlight") obliterating a Ukrainian stronghold with personnel during an advance on Svatovo in Donbass with a single thermobaric shell.

The TOS-1A uses a thermobaric warhead that creates a powerful shockwave upon detonation, which can cause significant damage to structures and personnel within a large radius. The warhead also releases a cloud of flammable gas, which is then ignited to create a massive fireball that can incinerate anything within its reach. This makes the TOS-1A an ideal weapon for destroying enemy bunkers, fortified positions, and underground tunnels.

Watch Russia's Buk Missile System in Action During Special Op

The BUK-M2 is a modernized version of the BUK missile system, which is designed for air defense purposes. The BUK-M2 is known for its high efficiency and effectiveness against various types of targets, including aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

While on combat duty, a BUK-M2 anti-aircraft missile system of the Central Military District detected and escorted an air target flying along a ballistic trajectory towards protected facilities.

The crew of the combat vehicle launched two anti-aircraft guided missiles and hit the enemy air target at a considerable distance

In total, the SAM crew destroyed more than 40 aerial and aerodynamic targets, such as Bayraktar unmanned aerial vehicles and HIMARS multiple rocket launchers.

Special operation, May 28. Main:

▪️Russian aviation and artillery attacked the temporary location of foreign mercenaries in the Kharkiv region, the Ministry of Defense reported;

▪️In the Kharkiv region, the actions of 2 Ukrainian DRGs were stopped, the Russian military department also reported;

▪️Russian air defense systems shot down 3 Ukrainian Storm Shadow missiles and 6 HIMARS rockets in a day, the Ministry of Defense reported;

▪️The Russian group of troops "Vostok" stopped the attempt of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack in the South Donetsk direction - 2 mortar crews, an anti-tank crew, manpower, as well as strong points in the areas of Novopolya and Novoselka were destroyed, the Ministry of Defense reported;

▪️The Vostok grouping also attacked enemy positions in the Zaporozhye direction, as a result, the Ukrainian side lost more than 100 military personnel, 4 vehicles, an ammunition depot and an American AN / TPQ-37 counter-battery radar in a day;

▪️In the direction of Kherson, Russian troops destroyed up to 10 Ukrainian soldiers, 3 pickup trucks and a Gvozdika self-propelled gun in a day;

▪️Ukrainian militants made an attempt to attack the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant with the help of a strike UAV, the device was planted and neutralized, a representative of the law enforcement agency said;

▪️Three people were killed in a HIMARS shelling of a residential sector in the city of Almaznaya in the LPR, local authorities said.