Wednesday 13 December 2023

Zelensky's Magic Failed: US Congress Rejects Throwing Good Money After Bad

Zelensky's Magic Failed: US Congress Rejects Throwing Good Money After Bad

Zelensky's Magic Failed: US Congress Rejects Throwing Good Money After Bad

U.S. Republican Senator from Alabama Tommy Tuberville © Getty Images / Alex Wong

Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Washington DC has fallen short of convincing US lawmakers to approve $61 billion in funding for Ukraine this year, as per the US press.

Zelensky's Tuesday meeting with US lawmakers reportedly came in sharp contrast with his December 2022 triumphal visit, when he was welcomed by a standing ovation in the House and was gifted an encased American flag that flew over the US Capitol during his visit.

This time, Zelensky got a chillier welcome at a close-door meeting after which House Speaker Mike Johnson told the press: "What the Biden administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win and none of the answers that I think the American people are owed." As a result, media outlet Bloomberg did not rule out Ukraine failing to get any more funding this year.

In Ukraine, the risk isn’t stalemate. It’s defeat. It springs from two more immediate causes. One is opposition from House Republicans to further U.S. assistance. The GOP lawmakers are holding future weapons packages hostage to the unrelated issue of blocking migrants from illegally crossing the southern border. The other is aid from the European Union that is imperiled by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

House Republicans stand in the way of the Biden administration’s proposed $61 billion package of arms and other help that is critical to Kyiv’s ability to hold the line against Russian forces on the battlefield. Orban, exercising Hungary’s veto as an E.U. member, is blocking $54 billion in budget support that would help pay Ukraine’s bills through 2027. He is also impeding talks that would lead to Ukraine’s eventual membership in the 27-nation group.

Without those infusions of cash, arms and munitions, even the disappointing status quo over the past year, in which Ukraine has not managed to recapture much territory, is unlikely to endure.

Zelensky’s pleas fell flat, at least for now, with congressional Republicans, who are insisting that additional aid to Ukraine can come only with a clampdown on migration at the United States’ southern border. After meeting with Mr. Zelensky, Mike Johnson, the speaker of the House, said his skepticism had not changed.

Mr. Johnson said money for Ukraine required more oversight of spending, and “a transformative change” in security at the U.S. border with Mexico. “Thus far, we’ve gotten neither,” he said.

Yermak, a top aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, told a Washington forum last week that the “big risk” is that Kyiv’s troops could “lose this war.”

"Ukraine is losing all along the front," Dr. Jack Rasmus, a professor of economics and politics at St. Mary's College in California, told Sputnik's Critical Hour podcast. "They're being pushed back. They're not being provided because the US simply can't provide all the ammunition and weapons. The days are numbered."

"There's coup talk in Kiev. Zelensky is feuding with his generals. He tried to fire Zaluzhny in July and they told him, go to hell. The mayor of Kiev has come out against Zelensky. Zelensky's days are numbered and everybody knows that. And everybody knows that there's no new offensive that Ukraine can put up. So the days are numbered there. And throwing bad money after bad is pretty obvious. But Biden is desperate. He's got to get some money out of Congress to at least get through the next couple of months because they will run out of money for Ukraine in the next couple of months. And he's got to get them over the hump until February."

Rasmus believes that at the end of the day, Biden will make concessions concerning border reforms demanded by Republicans in order to ram the Ukraine funding bill through Congress. However, the academic expects that the final package would be far less than the $61 billion initially requested by Joe Biden.

The next year is going to become a year of "finger pointing" as Ukraine is set to lose big and neither Democrats nor Republicans want to parent this defeat.

"What's going on is the Republicans want to end the war, and they can they just choke it off. But Biden will say: 'Oh, look, you lost Ukraine'. But they'll say: 'Oh, no, you lost it. You lost it on your watch'. So, finger pointing time is going on. And of course, finger pointing time is going on big time in Ukraine. And that's a sure sign that the whole policy and strategy is bust. And it's just a question of the turn of events in 2024 and who gets blamed, but they're going to both be pointing fingers at each other as to who's going to be blamed."

Per Rasmus, the US government has a lot on its plate at home, and time is ripe for solving burning domestic issues. He drew attention to the fact that the US is "running chronic trillion and a half deficits every year."

"Why do we have the big gap?" he said. "Well, because we're throwing $1 trillion a year at the defense establishment. The Pentagon gets like $800 [billion] and then $340 billion more for other things. The war is costing $100 billion, $150 billion. Who knows how much now for Israel and Taiwan?"

Presently, the Pentagon has just $4.6 billion in additional authority to provide weapons from its stockpiles to Ukraine, but just $1 billion to replace them, the US media has said, adding that it's not enough to support the Kiev regime's military.

Meanwhile, next year’s €50 billion ($54 billion) in Ukraine assistance from Europe is also in limbo amid opposition from Hungary. Europe is also failing to deliver on its earlier commitment to help get 1 million rounds of 155 mm ammo for Ukraine by next spring. As per Reuters, European countries have so far placed orders for just 60,000 artillery shells under the scheme through the bloc's European Defense Agency (EDA). The small volume of orders highlights "bigger struggles" that the EU is facing while trying to deliver on its pledge, according to the media outlet.

Ukraine was never going to win – US senator

Ukraine always faced the prospect of losing the conflict with Russia in the event that Washington cut off its aid, US Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has said.

His comments came after the US Senate last week blocked a bill by President Joe Biden that was intended to allocate a further $60 billion in funding to Kiev, on top of the $110 billion already spent. Republicans opposed to the package have demanded tougher immigration control on the US-Mexico border in exchange for approving the bill, rejected by the White House.

Speaking to CNN on Tuesday, Tuberville was asked whether cutting off funding to Kiev could result in Ukraine being defeated. The senator replied that he personally “never thought they can win to begin with,” especially with the way the US “eased into” the conflict.

Tuberville also dismissed claims by Kiev’s backers that Russia will advance elsewhere into western Europe once it defeats Ukraine’s forces. The Republican argued that Moscow “can’t beat Ukraine on the eastern side,” and questioned how it was expected to push further across Europe. “I’ve never believed that scenario. I think it’s a good selling point to send more money,” Tuberville suggested. The US has so far provided Ukraine with an estimated $111 billion in military and economic assistance since the outbreak of its conflict with Russia in February 2022. While Washington has increasingly warned that funds are beginning to run out, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has nevertheless continued to insist on receiving more money.

The Ukrainian leader traveled to Washington on Tuesday to hold a series of meetings with top US officials, in an attempt to save Biden’s $60 billion aid package. However, Zelensky appears to have failed to convince key Republicans to change their mind about opposing the bill. Instead, some senators left the meeting while describing it as “the same old stuff” and “very scripted.”

Biden has continued to urge Congress to approve the funding package and has also pledged an additional $200 million in emergency military aid for Kiev through the Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows him to send weapons from US stocks without congressional approval.

Meanwhile, Moscow has brushed off Zelensky’s latest visit to Washington as inconsequential for the outcome of the conflict. Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, claimed that “everyone is tired of the Kievan beggarman.” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has also stressed that no amount of money would change the situation on the front lines.

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Displaced people ‘killed point-blank’ in Gaza school

Displaced people ‘killed point-blank’ in Gaza school

Displaced people ‘killed point-blank’ in Gaza school

Exclusive video and images obtained by Al Jazeera show bodies piled up inside the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in al-Faluja area, west of the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.

The Israeli army says 10 of its soldiers, including a colonel who commanded a forward base for the Golani infantry brigade, were killed in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday.

The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly passed a nonbinding resolution urging a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza as the Israeli bombardment continues.

After being displaced from Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, Ihsan Abu Sharkh and his family arrived in the Brazil neighborhood of the southernmost Palestinian city of Rafah, adjacent to the Egyptian border.

After their homes were destroyed in Israeli airstrikes, Abu Sharkh and his family, consisting of his elderly father, wife, their seven children and several other family members, have no other place in the besieged strip where they can seek refuge. The family’s situation is similar to that of tens of thousands of families displaced from northern and central Gaza, forced to move multiple times to escape Israeli bombardment across Gaza until they reach the Egyptian border.

The Abu Sharkh family currently resides in an UNRWA school, where they face harsh living conditions with no access to water, food, medicine, or shelter suitable for humans. Ihsan describes the situation as a “war of starvation.”

The aid that enters the strip is of no help, Abu Sharkh tells Mada Masr. UNRWA provides his family of ten with only one and a half liters of drinking water, and food is scarce. After a weeklong search, he barely managed to obtain a 25 kg bag of flour for US$100.

Abu Sharkh describes the situation of displaced people in shelter schools as a “tragedy” due to overcrowding and power outages, adding that disease is spreading, especially among children. His own children, as well as his brother’s children, have been afflicted by severe gastrointestinal infections.

Amid this catastrophic situation in the shelters, the influx of displaced people from central Gaza and Khan Younis continues as the Occupation military expands its operations and ground incursions toward the south. Residents were forced to move to Mawasi, Tal al-Sultan, and Shabura, which are only a few kilometers away from the Egyptian border.

A few days ago, Tarek Abu Elwan, a resident of Palestinian Rafah, told Mada Masr: “If you climb the wall [the barrier separating Egypt and Gaza] and look over, you will find us at its foot.”

The European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Joseph Borrell commented on the pattern of Israel’s military operation on Monday and expressed concern over the “extraordinary intensity” of the continuous bombing. “Thousands of people are being pushed against the border with Egypt and all the prospects are really, really bleak in Gaza,” he said.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini warned that “the developments we are witnessing point to an attempt to move Palestinians into Egypt, regardless of whether they stay there or are resettled elsewhere,” in an op-ed published by the Los Angeles Times on December 9.

On the other side of the border, two tribal sources residing in Egyptian Rafah and Sheikh Zuweid, near the Gaza border, stated that the Egyptian authorities have recently completed the construction of a graded sand barrier along the Gaza border, which they began erecting in mid-November.

In 2014, Egypt established a buffer zone in Egyptian Rafah, adjacent to the Gaza border at a depth of 5 kilometers and a length of 13 kilometers. The military forcibly evacuated the entire population of Egyptian Rafah at the time.

When the barrier’s construction was complete in early December, elders from the tribes in North Sinai published appeals, claiming to relay messages from the military leaders, urging tribe members to refrain from venturing within a distance of 4 km near the border, in areas outside the buffer zone. They emphasized that they will not intercede should the military apprehend any individuals found in violation of these instructions.

These instructions were confirmed by another tribal source in Sheikh Zuwayed, stating that the elders of the border villages of Nagaa Shabana, Ajra, Mahdiyya, Berth and Km 17 Salah Eddin have asked residents not to venture near the border in the coming period.

On Monday, the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, launched two rocket attacks on Tel Aviv, resulting in the injury of one person by rocket shrapnel. The Iron Dome, Israel’s US-funded missile defense system, failed to intercept the rockets, which caused some material damage.

In direct conflict zones in the strip, the Qassam Brigades targeted an Israeli military force taking cover in a house in Beit Lahia and a number of vehicles and soldiers in Khan Younis, where fighting has intensified in recent days.

The brigades also announced the destruction of 44 Israeli military vehicles, either partially or completely, in the past two days, inflicting “confirmed casualties” on dozens of Israeli soldiers through the use of anti-fortification and anti-personnel shells and engaging them from point-blank range.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military announced that one of their soldiers was killed on Tuesday along with seven Israeli on Monday, six of whom were officers, bringing the total number of Israeli military casualties to 434, with 109 killed since the start of the ground operations on October 26.

To fortify the Occupation’s operations in Gaza, the Israeli military “dropped 7 tonnes of logistical supplies to hundreds of soldiers from the commando formation in Khan Younis,” the military spokesperson announced on Tuesday, noting that it was the “first airdrop operation since the Second Lebanon War [in 2006].”

In the northern Gaza Strip, sources told Mada Masr on Sunday that the Occupation forces have imposed a siege on Jabalia refugee camp from all directions. They have also separated the Shujaiyya neighborhood east of Gaza City from the Zaytoun neighborhood with military vehicles that advanced via Mansoura street south of the neighborhood. The Occupation forces are attempting to tighten the siege on the neighborhood from the western side, where clashes are taking place between their forces and Palestinian resistance elements in the old town of Gaza city.

In the southern strip, sources said that the Occupation military has advanced from the east of Deir al-Balah toward the northeastern part of Khan Younis, where Occupation vehicles have infiltrated in recent days, adding that the Israeli forces are employing a strategy of slow advancement, imposing a siege, intensive shelling with various weaponry, and using scorched earth tactics.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza stated on Monday that camps and shelters have become breeding grounds for diseases and infections due to a lack of resources, the collapse of the healthcare system, the absence of a sewage system and water scarcity, resulting in approximately 326,000 people contracting infectious diseases and seeking treatment at healthcare centers. Medical teams have been attempting to provide the necessary care, according to a Palestinian Health Ministry statement reviewed by Mada Masr.

The ministry also announced 207 deaths and 450 injuries admitted to hospitals in the past few hours as a result of the Occupation forces’ shelling of residential areas and shelters. This raises the casualties since the beginning of the aggression to 18,412 deaths and 50,100 injuries.

This high number of injuries comes amid the collapse of the healthcare system in the strip, especially in the north. According to the Health Ministry’s statement, 22 hospitals and 46 healthcare centers have been rendered inoperable, among 137 healthcare facilities in the Gaza Strip.

With the Israeli military incursion toward the south and intensified bombardment, especially on Khan Younis and central Gaza, the health situation has become catastrophic. The capacity to treat the injured, arriving at hospitals in large numbers, has been entirely diminished due to the lack of medical resources and supplies, as well as the loss of 300 medical staff and the injury of hundreds more due to the aggression.

Amid the collapse of the healthcare system and the slow mechanism of transferring patients for treatment outside of Gaza through the Rafah crossing, which often sees the death of many in their wait for approvals to exit, the Palestinian Health Ministry has called on medical teams worldwide, especially from the field of orthopedics, to come to the strip.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club and the Commission of Detainees Affairs announced that the Occupation is holding 142 women and girls, including infants, who were arrested from the strip following the start of the ground operations, explaining that, according to available information, some of them are held in Damon and Hasharon prisons.

The statement noted that the Occupation refuses to disclose the fate and exact numbers of these women, their places of detention, or any information on their health conditions. The statement also pointed out that the Occupation announced at the end of November the presence of 260 hostages, both men and women, all from Gaza, who were classified as illegal combatants. Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir instructed their transfer to the underground wing of the Nitzan prison in Ramla, which is considered one of the worst and oldest prisons.

The Commission of Detainees Affairs warned on Monday of the Israeli government’s breach of conditions set for recent prisoner exchange deals by pursuing detainee Fadwa Hamada from Jerusalem. This comes after Haifa’s Magistrate Court, during an in-absentia trial for Hamada on Monday, decided to summon her, accompanied by her lawyer, to attend the sentencing hearing.

The commission stated that the judge considered the detainee to have committed violations against the prison administration and police during her years of imprisonment, and that she should be held accountable regardless of the official exchange deal. The commission also regarded the trial as a “legal dilemma for Hamada and all those released in exchange deals, as it reveals that their cases are still being circulated within the Israeli courts.”

The Commission called on Egypt, Qatar, and the mediators involved in the recent exchange deal to “take a stand on this incident, and force the Occupation state to abide by the conditions of the deal, and not pursue those who were released.”

Today, a general strike spread across the cities of the West Bank in response to a global call to end the aggression on Gaza. Demonstrations also took place in Ramallah, coinciding with the ongoing incursions by the Occupation army into the cities and towns of the West Bank and sparking clashes with residents in the town of Abu Dis. The clashes resulted in fires in several homes due to the Israeli army’s use of incendiary bombs and poisonous gas against protestors.

Surveillance cameras captured the moment today when a Palestinian was assassinated on the ground in a camp in the West Bank city of Tubas during incursions carried out by the Occupation army on Friday, resulting in the killing of 6 Palestinians and the injury and arrest of others.

The Occupation forces continued to demolish Palestinian homes in the West Bank and carried out attacks on military checkpoints on Tuesday. The number of arrests has reached 3,810 prisoners since October 7, after the Occupation forces arrested 30 Palestinians yesterday evening, according to data published by the Commission of Detainees Affairs.

The situation continues to escalate daily on the northern border of Israel, where the Lebanese Hezbollah is based in south Lebanon.

On Monday, the Occupation announced that it intercepted six missiles among a number of missiles launched from Lebanese territories toward Israel. The military stated that “artillery fired toward the source of shooting.”

Meanwhile, alarm sirens blared in towns near the Israeli-Lebanon border, following a day marked by heightened Hezbollah attacks on northern Israeli settlements. According to separate statements released by the party on Telegram, Hezbollah targeted an Israeli military meeting point in the vicinity of the Samaka site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa farms, as well as the Hadab al-Bustan site with “appropriate weapons.” Additionally, Hezbollah targeted the Brannit barracks and the Baghdadi site with artillery shells and launched Burkan rockets at the Raheb site.

In neighboring Syria, three civilians, including a woman and at least five military personnel were injured as a result of the Israeli shelling on sites where Hezbollah and Iran-affiliated militias are present near residential areas in Damascus, according to the Syrian Observatory, which reported that Israel has targeted Syrian territories 30 times since the aggression on Gaza, resulting in the “killing of 32 military personnel and 2 civilians.”

For its part, the Syrian Defense Ministry stated that the Occupation aircraft carried out an aerial attack from “the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the vicinity of Damascus,” confirming that the air defense managed to shoot down some missiles, with “losses confined to material damage.”

A Norwegian STRINDA tanker delivering crude oil to Israel was attacked with a rocket launched by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi militant rebels on Monday. This was denied by the tanker’s owner, the Norwegian Mowinckel Chemical Tankers, who said the vessel was headed to Italy with a cargo of palm oil. The attack comes as the Houthis recently vowed to block any ships traveling to Israel until the country puts an end to its offensive on Gaza and provides aid to Palestinians.

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Pegipegi Resmi Tutup Usai Setelah Beroperasi Hampir 12 Tahun

Pegipegi Resmi Tutup Usai Setelah Beroperasi Hampir 12 Tahun

Pegipegi Resmi Tutup Usai Setelah Beroperasi Hampir 12 Tahun

Aplikasi pemesanan tiket dan penginapan 'Pegipegi' milik PT Go Online Destinations, resmi pamit berhenti beroperasi, menutup layanannya di Indonesia pada 11 Desember 2023.

Pegipegi menuliskan pesan perpisahannya di halaman

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Dalan halaman resminya,, perusahaan mengungkap rasa sedihnya karena harus tutup. “Hampir genap 12 tahun menjadi solusi travel kamu merupakan pengalaman yang tak tergantikan bagi Pegipegi, namun dengan berat hati, Pegipegi harus pamit,” tulis manajemen, dikutip Selasa, 12 Desember 2023.

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Pegipegi didirikan oleh perusahaan Indonesia dan Jepang yang membentuk perusahaan patungan.

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5.600 lulusan vokasi Kemenperin langsung diserap industri

5.600 lulusan vokasi Kemenperin langsung diserap industri

5.600 lulusan vokasi Kemenperin langsung diserap industri

Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) mencatat sepanjang tahun 2023, sebanyak 5.673 orang lulusan sekolah dan kampus vokasi langsung diserap industri.

"Tingkat serapan kerja untuk siswa SMK kami sebesar 87,34 persen, dan untuk yang pendidikan tinggi sebesar 74,04 persen," kata Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Industri (BPSDMI) Kemenperin Masrokhan di Jakarta, Senin.

Masrokhan mengungkapkan pentingnya peran sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang kompeten dalam mewujudkan industri yang tangguh dan berdaya saing global karena sebagai salah satu pilar pembangunan nasional.

Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut, Kemenperin aktif menggelar berbagai program pendidikan dan pelatihan vokasi.

"Sekolah dan kampus di bawah Kemenperin telah menunjukkan kualitas pendidikan vokasi dengan baik, dibuktikan dengan tingginya tingkat serapan lulusan dengan sertifikasi kompetensi dari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) ke dunia kerja," katanya.

Peningkatan serapan kerja para lulusan sekolah dan kampus di bawah Kemenperin, menurut Masrokhan, sejalan dengan meningkatnya pendaftar maupun penerimaan siswa atau mahasiswa di lembaga pendidikan vokasi tersebut.

"Tahun ini sekolah dan kampus Kemenperin mengalami kenaikan penerimaan siswa dan mahasiswa baru sebanyak 10 persen dari tahun sebelumnya," imbuhnya.

Masrokhan juga memberikan apresiasi kepada Politeknik APP Jakarta yang turut berkontribusi mencetak SDM industri kompeten sebanyak 413 lulusan melalui wisuda tahun ini, di mana dari total tersebut, sebanyak 285 lulusannya sudah bekerja di industri.

"Capaian ini tentunya menggembirakan dan menjadi bukti kualitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan vokasi Industri di Kemenperin," tegas Masrokhan.

Sementara itu, Direktur Politeknik APP Jakarta, Amrin Rapi menjelaskan, pihaknya akan terus memberikan bantuan kepada lulusan yang belum mendapatkan pekerjaan.

"Kami ingin dalam tempo enam bulan, mereka sudah bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan," ujarnya.

Secara rinci, 413 lulusan yang diwisuda tahun ini meliputi 388 orang di antaranya adalah berasal dari program D3. Sedangkan 25 orang lainnya berasal dari program D1. Berdasarkan program studinya, sebanyak 121 lulusan berasal dari Manajemen Logistik Industri Elektronika dengan 30 orang di antaranya meraih predikat Cumlaude.

Selanjutnya, untuk program studi Manajemen Pemasaran Industri Elektronika, terdapat 139 lulusan yang diwisuda dengan 64 orang berpredikat Cumlaude. Sedangkan, 128 lulusan berasal dari program studi Perdagangan Internasional Wilayah ASEAN dan RRT, dengan 57 orang yang berpredikat Cumlaude.

Menperin beberkan cara ukur IKI untuk dongkrak mutu SDM industri

Indeks Kepercayaan Industri (IKI) merupakan parameter optimisme pelaku usaha terhadap kondisi perekonomian yang kredibel dan terpercaya.dan dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi industri pengolahan, sekaligus prospek kondisi bisnis di Indonesia dalam enam bulan ke depan. Menteri Perindustrian saat berada di Padang, Sumatera Barat, membeberkan cara mengukur IKI sehingga dapat menjadi pedoman bagi kampus dan akademisi untuk meningkatkan mutu SDM industri di tanah air. (

IKI diluncurkan oleh Kemenperin untuk memenuhi kebutuhan diagnosis kinerja industri yang lebih menyeluruh. Pasalnya, indikator-indikator yang sebelumnya digunakan belum memberikan data sektor industri yang mendetail.

“IKI memiliki dua keunggulan, yaitu responden dalam jumlah yang jauh lebih besar bila dibanding indikator lainnya, berkisar antara 6.000 hingga 8.000 perusahaan. Kedua, responden IKI mewakili 23 subsektor industri manufaktur sehingga datanya lebih proporsional, komprehensif, dan detail,” kata Menteri Perindustrian, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita dalam kunjungan dan kuliah umum di Universitas Andalas, Padang, hari Senin, 04/09/2023.

Sejak pertama kali dirilis, IKI terus konsisten berada pada titik di atas 50, yang berarti industri sedang ekspansif. Hal ini juga menunjukkan optimisme dari pelaku usaha terhadap perkembangan industri nasional. Dalam paparan di kuliah umum yang bertajuk

Menperin menjelaskan bahwa IKI memiliki berbagai manfaat dalam pembangunan industri, yakni sebagai indikator penilaian industri yang terpercaya, mendiagnosis lebih awal permasalahan hingga ke subsektor industri, mengantisipasi terjadinya kerugian lebih besar apabila terjadi permasalahan pada industri, hingga dapat menggambarkan iklim usaha industri sehingga prospek bisnis di semester mendatang dapat diketahui.

“Untuk itu, saya mengajak para akademisi dan mahasiswa untuk menggunakan indikator-indikator pengukuran yang dibuat oleh pemerintah, karena lebih sesuai dengan kondisi di dalam negeri dan lebih akurat karena menggunakan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dari industri nasional,” lanjut Menperin.

Dalam kaitan antara peningkatan IKI dengan pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) industri, Menperin menyampaikan tantangan yang saat ini masih dihadapi di bidang SDM antara lain tingkat pendidikan usia produktif di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh lulusan pendidikan menengah ke bawah. Selanjutnya, terdapat sekitar 4,45 juta pencari kerja baru setiap tahun dari berbagai sektor. “Kemudian, data Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas) Agustus 2022 menunjukkan terdapat 8,42 juta pengangguran, sedangkan sektor industri manufaktur membutuhkan setidaknya 682 ribu orang pertahun yang belum seluruhnya terpenuhi, akibat adanya mismatch antara kompetensi lulusan pendidikan dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha industri,” jelas Menperin.

Rendahnya daya saing SDM industri juga menjadi isu utama pembangunan industri nasional. Hal ini disebabkan oleh rendahnya tingkat produktivitas tenaga kerja industri. Terlebih, disrupsi di sektor industri menuntut adaptasi yang cepat. Di samping itu, agenda sustainability yang melibatkan green technology, green industry, dan green economy, juga memberikan tantangan baru dalam penguasaan keahlian pada bidang-bidang yang dinamakan sebagai green jobs.

Karenanya, Kemenperin membuka diri untuk menjalin kerja sama lebih lanjut, baik dengan akademisi maupun pemerintah daerah. Kerja sama tersebut bertujuan meningkatkan peran stakeholder dalam kolaborasi yang efektif untuk percepatan pembangunan industri nasional. “Banyak sekali yang dapat dikerja samakan, baik dalam hal pengembangan SDM melalui Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Industri (BPSDMI), penguatan mesin dan peralatan untuk mendukung hilirisasi di IKM, maupun melalui Badan Standardisasi Kebijakan dan Jasa Industri (BSKJI) untuk pengembangan teknologi, dan lain-lain,” terang Menperin.

Juru Bicara Kemenperin sekaligus Staf Khusus Menteri Bidang Hukum dan Pengawasan Febri Hendri Antoni Arif mengungkapkan, IKI merupakan referensi untuk mengetahui kinerja industri manufaktur Indonesia. Akademisi dan para mahasiswa dapat menggunakannya sebagai referensi dan menyandingkannya dengan data PDB dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Dengan adanya data dari 23 subsektor, performa industri manufaktor dapat terlihat dengan lebih detail. “Sebelumnya, para investor memantau kinerja sektor manufaktur dengan menggunakan indikator lain, seperti Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) manufaktur. Kemenperin membangun IKI agar mendapatkan indikator yang lebih detail,” terang Febri.

IKI terdiri dari tiga variabel penyusun, yaitu pesanan baru, produksi, dan persediaan produk. Febri menjelaskan, IKI dapat menjadi referensi terkait kondisi sektor industri, termasuk mengenai SDM industri. “Misalnya, bila salah satu subsektor sedang ekspansi maupun kontraksi, hal ini berhubungan dengan peningkatan serapan tenaga kerja,” jelasnya.

Kepala BPSDMI Kemenperin Masrokhan menjelaskan, Kemenperin menyelenggarakan pendidikan vokasi dalam rangka menciptakan SDM industri yang terampil dan kompeten dalam rangka mendukung hilirisasi industri serta dapat membantu meningkatkan Indeks Kepercayaan Industri. Keunggulan sekolah dan politeknik vokasi industri Kemenperin dalam mencetak SDM kompeten adalah melalui penyelenggaraan pendidikan dual system dengan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning model berstandar global yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industri sehingga siap kerja.

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