Wednesday 14 December 2022

Paris’ rhetoric on Ukraine resembles split on two chairs – diplomat

Paris’ rhetoric on Ukraine resembles split on two chairs – diplomat

Paris’ rhetoric on Ukraine resembles split on two chairs – diplomat

The official representative of the Russian Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian Foreign Ministry Press Office/TASS

The rhetoric of Paris, comprised of peaceful statements by President Emmanuel Macron and belligerent statements by the Foreign Ministry, looks like a split performed on two chairs, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Telegram channel Tuesday.

The diplomat pointed to the statement made by Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, who said that Paris will soon ship a new batch of air defense systems to Kiev.

"Is Paris roleplaying a good President that advocates peace and a bad Foreign Ministry that exacerbates hostilities? On the other hand, is looks more like a split on two chairs," Zakharova said.

Previously, Macron said in an interview for TF1 after his visit to the US that the future security architecture must include guarantees for Russia. According to Macron, this issue will be a part of peace discussions, so it is necessary to think how France and the EU can defend its allies and at the same time provide Russia with guarantees of security when the sides return to the negotiation table.

At the same time, Macron underscored that he sees no military options to resolve the Ukrainian conflict and said that the only way out of the situation is through negotiations.

The Progress of The Special Military Operation in Ukraine

Russia’s MoD report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

  • The Russian Army eliminated up to 70 Ukrainian servicemen, three armored combat vehicles, and five cars in the Kupyansk and Krasny Liman directions;

  • Russian troops eliminated up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen, two infantry fighting vehicles, and three pickup trucks in the Donetsk direction;

  • Ukrainian forces suffered losses in manpower and equipment in 156 districts;

  • Russian troops destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Zaporozhye region;

  • The Russian Army destroyed a Smerch MLRS in the Kharkov region and a Grad MLRS in the DPR;

  • Russia air defense systems shot down two Ukrainian MiG-29 jets and two Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters;

  • Russian troops destroyed six UAVs;

  • Russian forces intercepted two Ukrainian Tochka-U missiles and two HIMARS shells.

Tuesday 13 December 2022

The Establishment is Outraged After Elon Musk Tweeted "Fauci Lied to Congress, People Died"

The Establishment is Outraged After Elon Musk Tweeted "Fauci Lied to Congress, People Died"

The Establishment is Outraged After Elon Musk Tweeted "Fauci Lied to Congress, People Died"

In the first hour, Lee and Carmine Sabia spoke with Jason Goodman about the Twitter files part five, Dr. Fauci's daughter, and Viktor Bout's attitude since his release. Jason discussed the recent Twitter files dump and how the media colluded to censor President Trump. Jason commented on the mainstream narrative about Elon Musk and the IRS's failures to investigate non-profits.

As Dr. Anthony Fauci prepares to step down as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the end of the year, the leading immunologist faced derision on social media over the weekend from tech billionaire and Twitter CEO Elon Musk.

"My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci," Musk tweeted on Sunday. The jibe, shared largely without context, drew support from prominent conservatives such as right-wing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene — whose account was reinstated with Musk's decision to end the platform's COVID-19 misinformation policy last month, and who has been criticized in the past for her own comments mocking the use of gender pronouns — as well as backlash.

While Musk's tweet acquired roughly half a million likes in its first few hours online, health experts like Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist and virology professor, defended Fauci's work at the forefront of U.S. pandemic mitigation efforts and urged Musk to remove the post.

"For the record: Dr. Fauci has done nothing wrong, except serve our nation. In the meantime, Mr. Musk should know that 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives from Covid due to this kind of antiscience rhetoric and disinformation. Elon, I'm asking you to take down this Tweet," Hotez wrote. Musk has not responded publicly.

While others supported Elon Musk's tweet

About an hour before posting the tweet about Fauci, Musk shared a meme with a caption that read in part, "Just one more lockdown," which could be interpreted as an allusion to Fauci's advocacy for safety mandates that public health specialists, including those at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agreed were helpful in slowing the spread of COVID-19 before vaccines became widely available.

Lawmakers react to Musk's call to prosecute Fauci

Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle responded on Sunday to Twitter owner Elon Musk's call to prosecute National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci.

Driving the news: "My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci," Musk tweeted early Sunday morning, prompting a barrage of replies from officials.

Musk hinted at a fifth "Twitter files" release of internal documents that purport to reveal how Twitter operated under prior management and which Musk has framed as an effort to show that his predecessors at the company engaged in censorship.

What they're saying: "Re Musk tweet? Courting vaccine-deniers doesn’t seem like a smart business strategy, but the issue is this: could you just leave a good man alone in your seemingly endless quest for attention?" Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) tweeted Sunday.

  • "Elon Musk wants to criminalize Anthony Fauci because he disagrees with him. Elon is no champion of free speech," Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.) tweeted.

  • "It’s America. You can select any pronouns you damn well please. But Anthony Fauci has likely saved more human lives than any living person in the world. Shame on you," Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) tweeted.

  • "Dr. Fauci is a national hero who will be remembered for generations to come for his innate goodness & many contributions to public health. Despite your business success, you will be remembered most for fueling public hate & divisions. You may have money, but you have no class," former CIA director John Brennan tweeted.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre condemned the tweets as "incredibly dangerous" when asked at a briefing on Monday.

Republicans made clear prior to the 2022 midterm elections they intended to investigate Fauci's role in the COVID pandemic if they won control of the House or Senate. Fauci has previously said he would testify before Congress if called to do so.

"If I become a punching bag, I’m a punching bag. But I am very happy to testify before any congressional oversight committee, I have nothing to hide, I can explain and validate everything that I’ve done," Fauci said during an interview in a new episode of "Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace" that dropped Friday.

Muncul Kepgub Atur Usia Maksimal Tangis Petugas PJLP DKI Terancam dipecat 'Saya Mengabdi 8 Tahun Ditendang Begitu Saja'

Muncul Kepgub Atur Usia Maksimal Tangis Petugas PJLP DKI Terancam dipecat 'Saya Mengabdi 8 Tahun Ditendang Begitu Saja'

Muncul Kepgub Atur Usia Maksimal Tangis Petugas PJLP DKI Terancam dipecat 'Saya Mengabdi 8 Tahun Ditendang Begitu Saja'

Raut wajah kecewa pria yang sudah mengabdi selama 8 tahun sebagai pegawai UPK Badan Air itu mengaku, tidak ada sosialisasi sebelumnya dari pihak Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Bahkan aturan tersebut disebutnya muncul secara dadakan.

Perasaan kecewa tampak dari raut wajah anggota UPK Badan Air Palmerah Jakarta Barat, Azwar Laware (56). Kekecewaan itu ia rasakan setelah dirinya membaca Keputusan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Nomor 1095 Tahun 2022 tentang pedoman pengendalian penggunaan Penyedia Jasa Lainnya Perorangan (PJLP).

Azwar menilai, aturan tersebut sangat merugikan sejumlah pegawai berstatus pengadaan PJLP yang ada di Jakarta. Sebab, dalam pedoman tersebut, tercantum batas usia PJLP yakni minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 56 tahun.

"Dengan hal ini kami merasa keberatan, satu karena kesannya keputusan (Pj Gubernur DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono) ini mendadak untuk diterapkan," kata dia kepada wartawan, pada hari Selasa, 12/12/2022.

Azwar bilang, batas usia maksimum 56 tahun itu merupakan hal yang baru pertama kali didengar para pegawai. Sehingga, pegawai yang baru memasuki usia 56 tahun sepertinya, terancam tidak bisa melanjutkan perpanjangan kontrak tahun depan.

"Di UPK Badan Air Palmerah saja ada 12 termasuk saya, Tamansari 25. Belum kecamatan lain, bahkan dinas lainnya. Di Jakarta bisa mencapai seribuan barangkali," kata Azwar.

"Artinya kami ini bulan depan terancam menganggur, situasi lagi serba sulit, cari kerja di mana dalam waktu singkat? Mau buka usaha, modal dari mana, kami ini tidak ada pesangon," ungkap Azwar.

Karena itu, ia berharap kepada Pemprov DKI untuk menunda penerapan batas maksimal tersebut hingga tahun depan. Hal itu agar dirinya dan para PJLP lain dapat mengumpulkan modal untuk membuka usaha.

"Mohon kepada PJ Gubernur, Pak Heru Budi, saya yakin dan percaya beliau adalah orang baik. Beliau hadir di Pemprov tidak mungkin untuk membinasakan masyarakatnya, saya yakin hadir untuk membina masyarakat. Di masa sulit, kalau bisa, ditunda lah aturan itu, setidaknya setahun," harap Azwar.

Sebelumnya, Pj Gubernur Heru Budi Hartono telah menandatangani Keputusan Gubernur DKI Jakarta Nomor 1095 Tahun 2022 pada 1 November 2022. Aturan tersebut mengatur batas usia PJLP yakni minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 56 tahun.

Former FTX CEO Bankman-Fried arrested in Bahamas after U.S. files charges

Former FTX CEO Bankman-Fried arrested in Bahamas after U.S. files charges

Former FTX CEO Bankman-Fried arrested in Bahamas after U.S. files charges

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried poses for a picture, in an unspecified location, in this undated handout picture, obtained by Reuters on July 5, 2022. FTX/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas at the behest of U.S. prosecutors on Monday, the day before he was due to testify before Congress about the abrupt failure last month of one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges.

The arrest marks a stunning fall from grace for the 30-year-old entrepreneur widely known by his initials SBF, who rode a boom in bitcoin and other digital assets to become a billionaire many times over until FTX's rapid demise.

The exchange, launched in 2019 and based in the Bahamas, filed for bankruptcy Nov. 11 after it struggled to raise money to stave off collapse as traders rushed to withdraw $6 billion from the platform in just 72 hours.

The arrest came as Bankman-Fried prepared to lash out at his former lawyers at Sullivan and Cromwell, new FTX CEO John Ray and rival exchange operator Binance at a Congressional hearing.

In the testimony, a draft copy of which was seen by Reuters, Bankman-Fried planned to say he was pressured by Sullivan and Cromwell lawyers to nominate Ray as CEO following the sudden exodus of customer funds. And when within minutes he changed his mind, following an offer of billions of dollars of fresh funding, he was told it was too late.

Bankman-Fried will now be unable to testify, according to Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who said in a statement she was surprised to hear of his arrest.

Bankman-Fried was arrested shortly after 6:00 pm Monday (2300 GMT) at his apartment complex, a luxury gated community called the Albany, and will appear in a magistrate court on Tuesday, Bahamian police said. The Bahamas attorney general's office said it expects he will be extradited to the United States.

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan confirmed Bankman-Fried had been arrested in the Bahamas but declined to comment on the charges.

U.S. prosecutors said they had a sealed indictment against Bankman-Fried and charges would be revealed on Tuesday. The New York Times reported Bankman-Fried faces fraud and money laundering charges. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission separately authorized charges relating to Bankman-Fried's violations of securities laws, the regulator said on Monday.

Bankman-Fried and his lawyer Mark Cohen did not immediately respond to requests for comment, nor did Sullivan and Cromwell, FTX, Ray and Binance.


FTX's demise sent shockwaves through an already-battered cryptocurrency industry, which has seen a string of meltdowns this year that have taken down other key players including Voyager Digital and Celsius Network.

More trouble might be on the horizon for the industry.

Reuters reported Monday that some Justice Department prosecutors believe they have gathered sufficient evidence in their long-running investigation of Binance to charge the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange and some top executives.

A Binance spokesperson told Reuters for the article: "We don't have any insight into the inner workings of the U.S. Justice Department, nor would it be appropriate for us to comment if we did."

Bitcoin was steady at $17,150. It is down more than 60% this year.


Since the collapse of FTX, Bankman-Fried has given numerous media interviews apologizing for his mistakes and explaining what happened at the company, something that legal experts said could allow prosecutors to point to inconsistencies to undermine his credibility with a jury.

"The defense is going to be completely boxed in by the prior statements SBF has made and the very incisive questions he has answered in the press and on social media,” said criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti.

In his written testimony, Bankman-Fried repeated his mea culpa: "I would like to start by formally stating, under oath: I fucked up," he wrote.

Then, he launched into an explanation of how things went badly at FTX and his hedge fund Alameda Research, while criticizing Sullivan and Cromwell and Ray as well as arch rival Binance for their actions as his firm imploded.


Describing his decision to give up his role as CEO of FTX and appoint Ray, Bankman-Fried said he was pressured to do so by Sullivan and Cromwell and the general counsel of FTX's U.S. unit, who he said was a former lawyer at the law firm.

Bankman-Fried said less than 10 minutes after he had signed a document at 4.30 am on Nov. 10 to make Ray the CEO of FTX, he received "a potential funding offer for billions of dollars." Bankman-Fried said he told his counsel to rescind the CEO appointment a few minutes later but was told it was already too late to do so.

Bankman-Fried said he had since been cut off from FTX's systems and Ray had not responded to his emails offering help or other information.

Bankman-Fried, who had become a prominent and unconventional figure known for his wild hair, t-shirts and shorts during crypto's boom, said the fortunes of FTX and his trading firm Alameda declined rapidly this year as crypto currencies crashed amid rising interest rates.

In late 2021, he said Alameda had net asset value of more than $50 billion and manageable levels of debt. That became unsustainable as digital assets declined.

"Last year, my net worth was valued at $20b,” Bankman-Fried wrote. “Last I saw, I believe my bank account had about $100k in it.”

Masalah DBH Bupati Meranti Marah Besar ke Anak Buah Sri Mulyani

Masalah DBH Bupati Meranti Marah Besar ke Anak Buah Sri Mulyani

Masalah DBH Bupati Meranti Marah Besar ke Anak Buah Sri Mulyani

Bupati Meranti, M Adil (Foto: Arjuna/Batamnews)

Bupati Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti Muhammad Adil meluapkan kekesalannya ke Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu), saat bertemu dengan Direktur Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan Kemenkeu Lucky Alfirman.

Kekesalan itu ia curahkan dalam acara Rakornas Pengelolaan Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Se-Indonesia yang ditayangkan channel Diskominfotik Provinsi Riau akhir pekan lalu. Kalimat-kalimat bernada ancaman pun sempat dilontarkan Adil saat berbincang dengan Lucky.

Adil kesal bukan tanpa alasan, melainkan karena dana bagi hasil (DBH) produksi minyak dari Meranti yang semakin ke sini semakin minim besarannya diberikan Kemenkeu, padahal produksi minyak Meranti terus meninggi di tengah terkereknya harga minyak dunia dan naiknya nilai tukar dolar AS.

"Meranti itu daerah termiskin se-Indonesia, penghasil minyak, termiskin, ekstrem lagi, pertanyaan saya bagaimana kami tidak miskin, uang kami tidak dikasihkan," ujar Adil.

Menurut Adil, Meranti merupakan salah satu daerah produsen minyak terbesar di Indonesia. Daerah itu kata dia mampu memproduksi minyak mentah hingga 7.500 barel per hari saat ini, dari sebelumnya hanya di kisaran 3.000-4.000 barel per hari. Produksi itu pun telah membuat 103 sumur minyak kering.

"Minyak kami pak, 103 sumur kering, kalau 100 sumur lagi kering miskin total, kami tidak perlu bantuan dari provinsi, dari pempus, serahkan saja duit minyak kami, sudah selesai itu," ucap Adil.

Jumlah produksi itu pun menurutnya sudah hampir menyamai target yang diberikan SKK Migas, yaitu 9.000 barel per hari. Untuk mengejar target itu, Meranti menurutnya terus gencar melakukan penggalian sumur dari tahun ini 15 sumur, hingga 2023 sebanyak 19 sumur minyak mentah.

Tapi, dengan kinerja produksi itu, Adil mengungkapkan, uang dari hasil produksi yang telah diserahkan Meranti ke pemerintah pusat tidak diberikan secara benar. Bahkan dari yang tahun ini sebesar Rp 114 miliar, hanya naik sekitar Rp 700 juta untuk tahun depan.

Ia berpendapat, dana yang tidak terserahkan ini menjadi masalah karena Meranti merupakan daerah miskin esktrem dengan jumlah penduduk miskin mencapai 25,68%. Padahal, Presiden Joko Widodo ditegaskannya telah memeintahkan penuntasan kemiskinan ekstrem pada 2024.

"Ini karena kami daerah miskin kalau kami kaya kami biarkan saja mau diambil Rp10 triliun pun enggak apa. Kami daerah miskin, daerah ekstrem. Jadi kalau daerah miskin, bapak ibu ambil uangnya entah dibawa ke mana, pemerataan, pemerataan ke mana?" ujar Adil.

Karena permasalahan ini, Adil sempat mengungkapkan, sebaiknya pemerintah pusat menyerahkan daerah Meranti ke negara tetangga saja, terutama jika tak lagi mau mengurus daerah itu karena hanya mengambil dana dari hasil produksi minyaknya saja.

"Kasihkan kami ke negeri sebelah, kan saya ngomong. Atau bapak tak paham juga omongan saya. Apa perlu meranti mengangkat senjata? Kan tak mungkin kan, ini menyangkut masalah meranti yang miskin ekstrem," ujarnya.

Lucky pun sebetulnya sudah berulang kali menjelaskan kepada Adil saat itu formulasi pembagian DBH sudah ditentukan dalam undang-undang. Dalam Undang-Undang Hubungan Keuangan antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintahan Daerah (HKPD) pun juga pembagiannya sudah diperluas ke daerah lain, bukan hanya dikembalikan ke daerah penghasil saja.

"Itukan ada formulanya, saya sampaikan tadi, misalnya ditetapkan di UU, 85% itu diberikan kepada pusat, daerah sebesar 15%, kemudian bukan hanya daerah penghasil, tapi juga diberikan yang namanya daerah pemerataan," kata Lucky.

Kendati begitu, Adil tak kunjung puas dengan jawaban Lucky. Dia mengaku telah lama bersurat ke Menteri Keuangan sampai 3 kali untuk audiensi mengenai permasalahan ini, namun selalu ditanggapi dengan hanya pertemuan melalui layanan zoom.

"Terus terang pak, saya sudah lapor ke pembina saya Pak Tito (Mendagri), kalau tidak bisa juga nanti kita ketemu di mahkamah. Izin pak, saya enek mandang bapak di sini, aku tinggalkan lah ini ruangan," kata Adil.

Staf Khusus Menteri Keuangan Bidang Komunikasi Strategis Yustinus Prastowo pun telah turut memberikan penjelasan mengenai permasalahan DBH yang digaungkan Adil. Menurutnya, permasalahan ini seharusnya sudah selesai jika mengacu UU yang berlaku.

"Terkait pernyataan Sdr. Bupati Kep Meranti yang tidak puas dengan alokasi DBH Kep. Meranti, dapat kami sampaikan bahwa perhitungan TKD tahun 2023, khususnya DBH Migas untuk Kab. Kep. Meranti sudah dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan UU 1/2022 tentang HKPD. Sangat clear dan legitim!" ujar Prastowo melalui akun twitter @prastow.

Prastowo menjelaskan, total alokasi DBH 2023 Meranti adalah Rp207,67 miliar, naik 4,84% dari 2022 dengan DBH SDA Migas Rp115,08 miliar atau turun 3,53% dari 2022. Ini karena data lifting minyak 2022 dari Kementerian ESDM menunjukkan penurunan dari 2.489,71 ribu menjadi 1.970,17 ribu barel setara minyak.

"Penurunan lifting ini berpengaruh terhadap alokasi DBH Migas untuk Kab. Kepulauan Meranti pada tahun 2023. Dengan adanya penurunan lifting ini, Pemerintah Kab. Kepulauan Meranti perlu memikirkan terobosan agar lifting di Kabupaten Kep. Meranti bisa ditingkatkan," tuturnya.

Menurut Prastowo, meskipun alokasi DBH Migas turun, alokasi DAU Kab. Kep. Meranti justru naik 3,67% menjadi Rp422,56 miliar. Sayangnya, indikator kinerja pengelolaan anggaran DTU (DAU dan DBH) di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti masih lebih rendah dibandingkan daerah lain di Indonesia.

"Dalam rangka membantu masyarakat miskin dari dampak inflasi, Pemda wajib mengalokasikan 2% dari DTU (DBH dan DAU) untuk perlindungan sosial. Akan tetapi, per 9 Desember 2022, Meranti baru merealisasikan belanja wajib 9,76%, jauh dari rata-rata secara nasional yang mencapai 33,73%. Prihatin!" ucap Prastowo.

Pernyataan Keras Bupati Meranti

Bupati Meranti Muhammad Adil melontarkan sejumlah pernyataan pedas dalam rapat koordinasi dengan Kementerian Keuangan RI.

Bupati Meranti Muhammad Adil bikin heboh media sosial. Karena lembaga negara isinya setan dan iblis.

Adil menyebut hal itu lantaran merasa daerah yang dipimpinnya diperlakukan tidak adil oleh Kementerian Keuangan yang dipimpin oleh Sri Mulyani.

Berikut pernyataan Bupati Adil yang bikin heboh:

  1. Jangan Hisap Uang Kami Bupati Meranti ini lebih memilih hidup dari usaha sendiri daripada mengandalkan pemerintah pusat yang menurutnya sudah mengeksploitasi Meranti.

    “Gapapa, kami juga masih bisa makan, daripada uang kami dihisap oleh pusat,” tegas Adil.

  2. Serahkan Meranti ke Negara Tetangga

    Saking ‘hopeless-nya’, Muhammad Adil meminta pemerintah pusat untuk menyerahkan Meranti ke negara tetangga.

    “Bapak mau tahu, akibat pandemi covid, warga Meranti nggak bisa pergi ke Malaysia, 41 ribu penganggurannya, kalau bapak nggak mau mengurus kami, pusat tidak mau mengurus Meranti, kasihkan kami ke negeri sebelah,” katanya.

  3. Apa Perlu Meranti Angkat Senjata?

    Ancaman yang tak kalah serius, adalah saat Muhammad Adil mencetuskan ide angkat senjata.

    “Kan saya ngomong, apa bapak tidak paham omongan saya? Apa perlu Meranti angkat senjata?” ujar Muhammad Adil.

  4. Sudah Muak dengan Kemenkeu

    Bupati Meranti Muhammad Adil mengaku muak melihat perwakilan Kementerian Keuangan yang hadir di rapat Koordinasi Pengelolaan Pendapatan Belanja Daerah se-Indonesia. Pengakuannya itu terekam dalam video yang sudah beredar luas di media sosial.

    “Izin pak, saya eneg lihat bapak di sini,” kata Bupati Meranti Muhammad Adil dalam video tersebut.

Awalnya, Adil mempertanyakan langsung kepada Direktur Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan Kemenkeu, Lucky Alfirman perihal Dana Bagi Hasil (DBH) minyak di Kepulauan Meranti dengan Kemendagri dan Kemenkeu.

Muhammad Adil mengklaim, Kepulauan Meranti memproduksi 8 ribu barel minyak per hari. Tapi tidak mendapat laporan rincian penerimaan daerah.

Bupati Meranti tersebut juga meminta kepada pemerintah pusat agar tidak usah lagi mengambil minyak yang diproduksi Kabupaten Meranti.

“Ini orang keuangan isinya iblis atau setan, jangan diambil lagi minyak di Meranti itu,” ucap Muhammad Adil.

Still no apologies from Vatican: MFA diplomat comments on venue offer for Ukraine talks

Still no apologies from Vatican: MFA diplomat comments on venue offer for Ukraine talks

Still no apologies from Vatican: MFA diplomat comments on venue offer for Ukraine talks

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS

Representatives from the Vatican have not yet apologized for Pope Francis’ remarks about the cruelty of Buryat and Chechen soldiers, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel, commenting on statements from the Vatican’s Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, who said the city-state could be a suitable place to host negotiators for dialogue on Ukraine.

"I’m afraid the Chechen and Buryat brothers and I did not appreciate that. As far as I remember, there have been no words of apology from the Vatican," Zakharova said.

Pietro Parolin said on Monday that the Vatican wanted "to offer a space where the sides could meet and start a dialogue without any preliminary conditions" on Ukraine.

Earlier, in an interview published by America The Jesuit Review magazine, the Pope called military personnel from Buryatia and Chechnya "the cruelest" soldiers in Ukraine. His remark sparked a wide public outcry both in these republics and in Russia as a whole. Russia’s Ambassador to the Vatican, Alexander Avdeyev expressed indignation and made a statement to that effect to the leadership of the diplomatic service of the Holy See. Maria Zakharova called such statements a distortion of the truth.

Pope Francis claims that his remarks about the cruelty of Buryat and Chechen soldiers were misinterpreted and were only a "figure of speech," the chairman of the World Union of Old Believers, Leonid Sevastyanov, said later, citing a letter he had received from the pontiff.

Russian troops wipe out over 230 military targets in Ukraine operation — top brass

Russian forces struck over 230 Ukrainian army sites in the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Monday.

©Kementerian Pertahanan Rusia/TASS

"Operational-tactical aircraft, missile troops and artillery destroyed 83 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, and also manpower and military hardware in 156 areas," the spokesman said.

Russian forces inflicted damage on the Ukrainian military by firepower in the Kupyansk and Krasny Liman areas, eliminating about 70 militants in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk and Krasny Liman areas, as many as 70 Ukrainian troops, three combat armored vehicles and five motor vehicles were eliminated as a result of inflicting damage on the areas of amassed Ukrainian manpower and military equipment by combined firepower," the spokesman said.

Russian forces continue offensive operations in the Donetsk area, successfully repelling Ukrainian army counter-attacks, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continued their offensive operations. A preemptive strike thwarted an enemy attempt to counter-attack the Russian positions near the settlement of Peski in the Donetsk People’s Republic by a company of the Ukrainian army’s 59th motorized infantry brigade," the spokesman said.

The Ukrainian army’s losses in that direction amounted to 30 personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles and three pickup trucks, the general said.

Russian air defense forces shot down two MiG-29 fighter jets and two Mi-8 helicopters of the Ukrainian Air Force in the Donetsk People’s Republic in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Russian air defense capabilities shot down two MiG-29 planes of the Ukrainian Air Force in areas near the settlements of Rodinskoye and Pavlovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. In addition, they shot down two Mi-8 helicopters in the areas of the communities of Kurakhovo and Konstantinovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian air defense forces intercepted two Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles and two HIMARS rockets in the Kherson Region in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Two Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles and two HIMARS rockets were intercepted in the area of the settlement of Yubilyeinoye in the Kherson Region," the spokesman said.

In addition, Russian air defense capabilities destroyed six Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Golikovo, Ploshchanka, Melovatka and Popasnaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Terny in the Kharkov Region and the city of Donetsk, the general specified.

Russian troops obliterated an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 102nd territorial defense brigade in the Zaporozhye Region in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Gulyaypole in the Zaporozhye Region, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 102nd territorial defense brigade was obliterated," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroyed a Grad multiple launch rocket system of the Ukrainian army in the Donetsk People’s Republic in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Krasny Liman in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a Grad rocket launcher was destroyed," the spokesman said.

In counter-battery warfare, a Ukrainian Smerch rocket launcher was destroyed in the area of the settlement of Zelyony Gai in the Kharkov Region, the general specified.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 343 Ukrainian warplanes, 183 helicopters, 2,653 unmanned aerial vehicles, 396 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,076 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 928 multiple rocket launchers, 3,678 field artillery guns and mortars and 7,568 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Monday 12 December 2022

Young Girl Palestinian Killed in Clashes With Israeli Forces - Health Ministry

Young Girl Palestinian Killed in Clashes With Israeli Forces - Health Ministry

Young Girl Palestinian Killed in Clashes With Israeli Forces - Health Ministry

©Photo : @haim_goldberg

A 16-year-old Palestinian girl died in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank, the Palestinian health ministry informs.

The teenager named Jana Zakarneh was shot and killed on Sunday night in the West Bank city of Jenin, the health ministry said in a statement.

According to The Jerusalem Post, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that they were aware of the report and were looking into the incident.

The IDF spokesperson released a statement saying that Israeli security forces conducted three arrests in Jenin of Palestinians suspected of carrying out attacks against Israelis. During the operation, shots were fired and explosive devices were thrown towards the Israeli forces who returned fire, the IDF says.

Israeli forces entered the city of Jenin on Sunday night and arrested three Palestinians, according to Israeli media reports.

The Jerusalem Post said that three people were injured. There were no casualties among the Israeli troops.

The Israeli military said it was aware of the teenager’s death and that an investigation was underway.

Ata Abu Ramila, one of the leaders of Fatah in Jenin, announced that all Palestinian factions in the refugee camp and the city will strike tomorrow to mark Zakaran's death.

Earlier in the night, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported two Palestinians were wounded by Israeli army gunfire in Jenin. The two were hospitalized in moderate and light condition.

On Thrusday, three Palestinians were killed by Israeli military gunfire fire in Jenin, the Health Ministry in Ramallah reported. The Israeli military said its were conducting an operation to arrest 15 wanted men in Jenin when armed Palestinians began to fire at them.

Dalam Lima Jam Terakhir Terjadi 4 kali Gempa di Indonesia

Foto: Logo BMKG (Ist)

BMKG (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika) menginformasikan sejak hari Minggu malam, 11/12/2022, hingga Senin dini hari, 12/12/2022, sudah terjadi 3 kali gempa bumi.

Pertama, pada Minggu malam pukul 23/.13 WIB Gempa dengan kekuatan magnitudo 4,3 terjadi di Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Pusat gempa ada kedalaman 15 km.

Imbas gempa itu dirasakan di 3 lokasi yakni Trenggalek, Pacitan dan Sleman.

"Gempa di 8.88 LS dan 111.44 BR, dengan pusat gempa berada di laut 86 km tenggara Pacitan," demikian keterangan laman Twitter resmi BMKG, pada hari Senin, 12/12/2022.

Gempa kedua, terjadi di Maluku Barat Daya. Guncangan bumi berkekuatan magnituode 4,3. Gempa yang terjadi pada pukul 02.59 WIB itu ada di kedalama 10 km.

"Titik koordinat gempa ada pada 7,83 lintang selatan dan 128,01 bujur timur," demikian informasi BMKG.

Sementara, gempa terbaru terjadi di Labuan Bajo Nusa Tenggara Timur.

Melalui laman Twitter resmi BNKG, gempa di pulau Komodo itu magnitudonya 3,3. Gempa yang kembali terjadi pada pukul 3.27 WIB itu, koordinat lokasi gempa ada di 8,19 lintang selatan dan 120,14 bujur timur.

Pada pukul 3.54 WIB, gempa magnitudo 3,2 kembali terjadi di Barat Daya Seluma Bengkulu. Pusat gempa ada di kedalaman 10 km.

"Dalam beberapa menit pertama setelah gmp, parameter gmp dapat berubah dan boleh jadi belum akurat,kecuali telah dianalisis ulang seismologist," pungkas BMKG.

BMKG: Sebagian Jakarta Berpotensi Diguyur Hujan Disertai Angin Kencang

Menurut prakiraan BMKG, hari ini, Senin sore hingga malam, 12/12/2022, sebagian wilayah DKI Jakarta berpotensi diguyur hujan disertai angin kencang dan kilat/petir dengan durasi singkat.

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) telah mengeluarkan peringatan dini berdasarkan prakiraan cuaca.

"Waspada potensi hujan yang dapat disertai kilat/petir di sebagian wilayah Jakpus, Jaksel, dan Jaktim pada sore menjelang malam hari," kata BMKG.

Meski begitu, seluruh wilayah Jakarta akan cerah berawan dan berawan pada pagi hari. Kemudian pada siang hari, hujan ringan berpeluang mengguyur Jakarta Timur dan Jakarta Selatan, sementara wilayah lainnya berawan.

Pada malam hari hujan sedang diperkirakan mengguyur Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta Selatan dan Jakarta Timur. Sementara Jakarta Utara dan Kepulauan Seribu hujan ringan.

Adapun suhu udara di wilayah DKI Jakarta 22 derajat hingga 31 derajat celsius dengan kelembaban udara 60-100 persen.