Thursday 25 April 2024

Russia freezes assets of largest US bank

Russia freezes assets of largest US bank

Russia freezes assets of largest US bank

The seizure order, published in the Russian court register on Wednesday, targets funds in JPMorgan’s accounts and shares in its Russian subsidiaries © Mike Segar/Reuters

A Russian court sided with state-run lender VTB Bank in its efforts to recoup $439.5 million from JPMorgan Chase that the American lender froze in U.S. accounts after the Ukraine invasion.

The court ordered the seizure of funds in JPMorgan's Russian accounts and "movable and immovable property," including the bank's stake in a Russian subsidiary, according to a court order published Wednesday.

JPMorgan declined to comment. VTB didn’t immediately respond to a request to comment.

Russia has retaliated against sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies over the war in Ukraine by limiting the access of companies from so-called unfriendly states to the assets they hold domestically.

JPMorgan has previously warned that it faces “actual and threatened litigation in Russia seeking payments on transactions that the firm cannot make, and is contractually excused from paying, under relevant sanctions laws.” The lender said that assets it holds in that country could be seized as a result.

A St. Petersburg court ordered the freezing of funds owned by US banking giant JPMorgan Chase in Russia on Wednesday. The ruling was made in favor of the country’s second-largest lender VTB, which filed a lawsuit seeking to recover $439.5 million that is blocked abroad under US-led sanctions.

VTB sued JPMorgan and its subsidiaries in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region on April 17, court filings showed on Monday. The order targeted funds in JPMorgan’s Russian accounts and “movable and immovable property,” including the bank’s stake in a Russian subsidiary.

The dispute centers on $439.5 million in funds that VTB held in a JPMorgan account in the US, which were blocked by Washington as part of Ukraine-related sanctions in 2022.

The court ordered the seizure of all funds in JPMorgan bank accounts in Russia, including correspondent accounts and those opened in the name of a subsidiary.

It also revealed that VTB had requested interim steps because the respondents were “taking measures to withdraw their assets” from Russia, while the Russian lender was seeking to recover money from the US bank.

In its own lawsuit against VTB last week in the Southern District of New York, JPMorgan sought to block the Russian bank’s efforts, noting that US law prohibited the bank from releasing the $439.5 million owned by VTB.

JPMorgan is concerned that VTB will try to seize its Russian assets, Reuters reported on Wednesday, citing the US lender.

The Wall Street bank admitted to the outlet that VTB’s prospects were good, since Russian courts had granted at least six other local lenders relief against US and EU banks that were required to comply with sanctions laws.

The next hearing in the JPMorgan case is scheduled for July 17.

3 Anggota TNI Tersambar Petir di Dekat Mabes Cilangkap

3 Anggota TNI Tersambar Petir di Dekat Mabes Cilangkap

3 Anggota TNI Tersambar Petir di Dekat Mabes Cilangkap

3 anggota TNI tersambar petir saat berteduh di pohon dekat gerbang masuk Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, pada hari Rabu, 24/04/2024.

Insiden tersebut pun viral pada sejumlah akun media sosial melalui rekaman video milik warga sekitar, tampak anggota TNI itu tergeletak di tanah. Warga sekitar yang melihat hal itu berusaha menolong korban dan mengevakuasi ke dalam mobil.

Ryan seorang saksi mata insiden tersebut mengatakan peristiwa bermula dari tiga anggota TNI yang tengah meneduh di bawah pohon saat hujan turun.

"Kronologis sementara korban sedang berteduh di bawah pohon. Kemudian sambil main hp dan setelah itu tersambar petir," katanya kepada awak media, Jakarta, hari Rabu, 24/04/2024.

Ryan mengungkap insiden sabaran petir itu cepat terjadi hingga dirinya hanya mengetahui saat kondisi korban telah terjatuh.

Kata ia, saat itu terdengar suara dentuman yang sangat keras hingga disusul teriakan minta tolong dari korban.

"Jadi kebetulan itu depan kantor saya, pas posisi ada petir tiba-tiba nyamber kayak bom meledak, setelah itu selang beberapa menit terdengar oranh minta tolong, pas saya langsung ke luar dan di depan kantor tiba-tiba sudah banyak orang yang ngerubungin seperti divideo," ungkapnya.

"Benar. Sekarang sudah mendapat perawatan di RS," kata Nugraha kepada kumparan.

Berdasarkan keterangan saksi mata kejadian, Ryan (25), peristiwa itu terjadi sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB.

"Jadi kebetulan itu depan kantor saya, pas posisi ada petir, tiba-tiba nyamber kayak bom meledak. Setelah itu selang beberapa menit terdengar orang minta tolong. Pas saya langsung keluar dan di depan kantor tiba-tiba sudah banyak orang yang ngerubungin seperti di video," tutur Ryan saat dihubungi.

"Kalau dari kronologi sementaranya katanya korban sedang berteduh di bawah pohon. Kemudian sambil main HP dan setelah itu tersambar petir," jelas Ryan.

Kapuspen TNI, Mayjen Nugraha Gumilar, membenarkan hal itu. Saat ini ketiga anggota TNI tersebut dirawat di rumah sakit.

Kepala Pusat Penerangan (Kapuspen) TNI Mayjen Nugraha Gumilar menungkapkan kronologi satu dari dua prajurit TNI yang tersambar petir di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta, meninggal dunia.

Dia menjelaskan dua prajurit yang tersambar petir itu tengah melintas di Delta 1 Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur. Insiden terjadi pada hari Rabu, 24/04/2024, pukul 15.20 WIB saat beberapa orang mendengar bunyi petir, kemudian pada pukul 15.22 WIB, melihat orang-orang membantu korban.

“Ada dua korban ditemukan jatuh," kata Gumilar dikutip dari Antara.

Kemudian, setelah keduanya ditemukan tersambar, prajurit TNI AL yang luka-luka itu mendapat pertolongan pertama di Satuan Kesehatan (Satkes) Mabes TNI AL, sementara korban lainnya sempat dirawat di Satkes Mabes TNI.

"Sekira pukul 16.00 WIB, korban tersambar petir (prajurit) TNI AL dievakuasi oleh tim satkes ke RS Ridwan Meuraksa, Jakarta Timur. Berselang 5 menit, korban dari TNI AD dievakuasi juga ke rumah sakit yang sama," kata Gumilar.

“Yang terkena petir dua orang atas nama Prada Ardiansyah, dan KLS (Kelasi Satu Perbekalan) Dani. Prada Ardiansyah meninggal dunia,” kata dia.

Korban meninggal dunia adalah prajurit TNI Angkatan Darat berpangkat prajurit dua (prada) atas nama Ardiayansyah, sementara korban luka-luka yang saat ini dirawat ialah prajurit TNI Angkatan Laut berpangkat kelasi satu (KLS) perbekalan (Bek) atas nama Dani Sidiq.

Ardiansyah berdinas di Markas Komando Akademi TNI, dan Dani berdinas di Dinas Administrasi Personel TNI Angkatan Laut (Disminpersal) Mabes TNI AL Cilangkap.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

NATO Maneuvers Near Russian Borders Raise Risks of Possible Military Incidents - Zakharova

NATO Maneuvers Near Russian Borders Raise Risks of Possible Military Incidents - Zakharova

NATO Maneuvers Near Russian Borders Raise Risks of Possible Military Incidents - Zakharova

©AP Photo

The NATO maneuvers near Russia's borders scheduled to kick off on Friday in Finland increase the risks of possible military incidents, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said.

"The alliance continues its practical military exploration of a once neutral state, a respected participant in discussions on strengthening stability and security. The mentioned maneuvers near Russia's borders increase the risks of possible military incidents," Zakharova said.

Russia, for its part, is closely monitoring "the aggressive actions of the collective West," she said.

"Beyond any doubt, all necessary measures of political, military and technical nature to counter threats to the defense capability of our country will be taken," Zakharova said.

NATO Pressuring Greece and Spain to Give Europe's Remaining Air Defense Systems Away to Ukraine

Russia dramatically ramped up its air and missile strikes inside Ukraine in March in the wake of a coordinated campaign by the Ukrainian military targeting Russian infrastructure using drone warfare. The strikes created large holes in Ukraine’s air defenses, which Kiev’s NATO patrons are now hoping to patch up.

Officials in the European Union and NATO have launched a pressure campaign targeting Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to give their advanced air defense systems away to Ukraine.

“We all know who has them, we all know where they are, and we all know who really needs them,” a person briefed on the campaign told London-based business media in an article published Monday.

The campaign mirrors increasingly loud appeals by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asking NATO allies to donate their air defenses to Kiev amid Russia’s strikes. “Patriots can only be called air defense systems if they work and save lives rather than standing immobile somewhere in storage bases,” Zelensky wrote in an X post on Sunday.

Germany agreed to give one additional Patriot to Kiev, but other countries, among them Greece and Spain, have hesitated, reportedly sharing more than a dozen Patriots and a handful of S-300 launchers between them (the latter bought by Greece in the 1990s). Greece previously ruled out handing off its S-300s to Ukraine, citing the need to keep its forces balanced with the capabilities of Turkiye – which possesses Russian-made S-400s.

Mitsotakis and Sanchez were reportedly asked to give up their air defense systems to Ukraine at a summit in Brussels last week, and pressure was expected to “intensify” at a Monday meeting of EU foreign and defense ministers, according to officials.

“There are countries that are not in an immediate need of their air defense systems, to be very honest. Each country is being asked to decide what it can spare,” an EU diplomat involved in Monday’s negotiations said. “The most important discussion will be to identify what member states can do to support Ukraine’s air defense. That’s the most important thing,” a senior EU official said. EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell confirmed to reporters on Monday that Brussels has been “asking all member states to do whatever they can in order to increase the air defense capacity of Ukraine.”

NATO has engaged in its own push lobbying members to surrender their air defense systems, with alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg announcing Friday at a defense ministers meeting attended by Zelensky that allies had agreed to provide additional air defense support.

“NATO has mapped out existing capabilities across the alliance and there are systems that could be made available to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said, elaborating that “this mapping confirms that there are systems including Patriot systems available to be provided to Ukraine.”

Weeks of Russian strikes targeting Ukrainian military positions, defense factories, ammunition depots, and electricity-generating infrastructure have left Ukraine’s air defense network in a shambles, with the national air defense system disintegrating and forces reduced to operating on a local level.

“Their [unified] radar field has been completely lost, and the automated control system has been lost. Their air defenses act locally: what they see, they shoot down. That is, there is no centralized leadership there, like we have with a central command post,” former Commonwealth of Independent States’ Integrated Air Defense System deputy commander Aytech Bizhev said last week.

Russia’s Defense Ministry says it has destroyed over 508 pieces of Ukrainian air defense equipment since February 2022, including 63 systems destroyed since the start of the current year. Along with Patriots and S-300s, Russia has targeted an array of other systems, from mobile tracked Flakpanzer Gepard anti-air artillery to SAMP-T extended range air defense systems, IRIS-T short-range SAMs, NASAMS short-to-medium-range air defense systems, AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel radars, and other equipment.

The NATO and EU pressure campaign asking members to throw even more pricy air defense equipment into the Ukraine crisis contrasts sharply with claims by bloc officials that Russia may be preparing to attack European countries, and warnings from military officials in Germany, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, and other countries that the depletion of weapons and ammo stocks has left allies with enough supplies to last just days in case of a full-scale conflict.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirmed Monday that the risk of a direct clash between Russia and the West exists, but said this was the result of NATO’s continued sponsorship of the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

US Congressman Says Facing $500 Fine for Sharing Video of Lawmakers Waving Ukrainian Flag

US Congressman Says Facing $500 Fine for Sharing Video of Lawmakers Waving Ukrainian Flag

US Congressman Says Facing $500 Fine for Sharing Video of Lawmakers Waving Ukrainian Flag

©AP Photo/Bryan Woolston

US Congressman Thomas Massie said on Tuesday that he faces a $500 fine for posting a video to social media of US House lawmakers waving Ukrainian flags during a passage vote on a bill with nearly $61 billion in Ukraine-related funding.

On Saturday, the US House of Representatives passed a series of foreign aid bills, including funds for Ukraine, Israel, and Indo-Pacific partners, totaling approximately $95 billion in funding. Some House lawmakers cheered and waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor during a passage vote, drawing criticism from numerous Republican colleagues.

“Instead of fining democrats for waving flags, the House Sergeant at Arms just called and said I will be fined $500 if I don’t delete this video post. [US House Speaker] Mike Johnson really wants to memory hole this betrayal of America,” Massie said in a statement via social media platform X.

Republicans were split roughly down the middle on Saturday’s vote to provide Ukraine with $60.8 billion in aid, but in the aftermath, Speaker Mike Johnson tried to project unity on at least one aspect of the ordeal.

A tide of blue and yellow washed over the House during the vote, as dozens of Democrats held up mini Ukrainian flags. Others tucked them in their breast pockets, while New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. draped a larger version over his shoulders like a cape

It was a striking scene, and one that drew immediate rebukes from Republicans. Banging the gavel repeatedly as he called for order, presiding Rep. Marc Molinaro of New York reminded his colleagues to “observe proper decorum,” adding that “flag-waving on the floor is not appropriate.” Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna was even blunter: “Put those damn flags away.”

The outrage has sparked debates about decorum, prompted eye rolls from some Democrats and given new meaning to the concept of political flag-waving.

Florida Republican Rep. Kat Cammack vowed to draft legislation that would ban the display of foreign flags on the House floor. That measure could be introduced as early as this week, according to a spokesperson, who did not provide details on the exact form it would take.

“Watching American representatives pass out & wave Ukrainian flags in the United States House of Representatives chamber infuriated me,” Cammack wrote on the social media platform X. 

“If there is one room in our country that should only have the American flag present, it is this room,” continued Cammack, who voted against the aid for Ukraine.

House rules state that members may not engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct. While the rules bar things like smoking or wearing nonreligious headdresses or hats, waving a mini flag is not explicitly mentioned.

Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie seized on the moment to attack Johnson, posting a shaky video to his social media showing the Democratic side of the chamber erupting. 

“This is the U.S. House of Representatives under the direction of Speaker Mike Johnson. Democrats are celebrating his total capitulation with no victory for securing our border,” wrote Massie, who has been sharply critical of his fellow Republican and supports a potential effort to oust him from the speakership led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

Massie kept his criticism alive on Tuesday afternoon, saying he received a call from the House sergeant-at-arms threatening a $500 fine if he didn’t remove the clip. “Mike Johnson really wants to memory hole this betrayal of America,” he wrote.

If members violate House rules by taking photos or videos on the floor, they can in theory be fined $500 for a first offense and $2,500 for a subsequent offense. Massie declined to provide further comment, but Johnson quickly posted a response on social media: “Upon viewing Rep. Massie’s tweet, our team reached out to the Sergeant at Arms. I do not agree with this assessment and there will be no fine imposed on Rep. Massie.”

According to some House Democrats, all the Republican outrage over the flag-waving episode is just sour grapes.

“There’s much ado about nothing. There are so many other things we should worry about,” Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley, a co-chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, said in an interview. “Some of them are just upset because this happened and because the vote went the way it did.”

“To all the [R]epublicans who just booed me and my colleagues on the House floor for Ukraine flags here’s my answer — screw [Vladimir P]utin and Slava Ukraini!” Pascrell wrote, more pointedly, in a post on X.

Pascrell also posted a picture of rioters brandishing a Confederate flag inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, suggesting lawmakers should reserve their outrage for displays like those.

After Russian forces invaded Ukraine in 2022, some House members wore blue and yellow to the State of the Union or attached a Ukrainian pin to their lapels. Those fashion statements were meant to signal their support for sending military aid to the war-torn country, as the issue became increasingly contentious. 

Quigley said he can remember other times that members have displayed flags to show their support for foreign nations or leaders.

“People have had little flags sometimes when foreign heads of state come in. It’s just not that big a deal,” Quigley said.

In one instance, when Pope Francis came to Washington to address a joint meeting of Congress, members could be seen displaying the yellow and white flag of Vatican City.

Other Democrats pointed out that symbols of foreign nations, especially American allies, can be seen throughout the Capitol. Democratic Rep. Seth Magaziner of Rhode Island, who helped distribute the Ukrainian flags on the floor over the weekend, cited the portrait of the Marquis de Lafayette that hangs in the House chamber. There’s a bust of Winston Churchill in the building, and many members, including Cammack, have hung the Israeli flag outside their House offices since the war with Hamas broke out last year, Magaziner noted.

A little more than half of Republicans voting on Saturday opposed the Ukraine aid bill, while Democrats unanimously supported it. The final tally was 311-112, plus one “present” vote.

Sah KPU Tetapkan Prabowo-Gibran Jadi Presiden & Wapres Terpilih 2024 - Video

Sah KPU Tetapkan Prabowo-Gibran Jadi Presiden & Wapres Terpilih 2024 - Video

KPU (Komisi Pemilihan Umum) RI telah resmi menetapkan Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden terpilih. Penetapan tersebut berdasarkan hasil dari rapat pleno.

Rapat pleno digelar di kantor KPU, Jakarta Pusat, pada hari Rabu, 24/04/2024. Prabowo-Gibran hadir langsung dalam pleno terbuka ini.

Pembacaan berita acara KPU tentang penetapan Prabowo-Gibran sebagai Presiden-Wapres terpilih dilakukan oleh Ketua KPU RI Hasyim Asy'ari. Turut hadir Komisioner KPU RI lainnya beserta Sekjen KPU RI.

Penetapan tersebut tertuang dalam berita acara nomor 252/PL.01.9-BA/05/2024 tentang Penetapan Pasangan Calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Terpilih Dalam Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2024.

"Komisi Pemilihan Umum menetapkan Pasangan Calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Nomor Urut 2 (dua) H. Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka sebagai Pasangan Calon Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Terpilih periode 2024-2029 dalam Pemilihan Umum 2024 dengan perolehan suara sebanyak 96.214.691 suara atau 58,59%," kata Ketua KPU RI Hasyim Asy'ari.

Dia menjelaskan Prabowo-Gibran berhasil meraih sebanyak 96.214.691 suara atau 58,59 persen dari total suara sah nasional dan memenuhi sedikitnya 20 persen suara di setiap provinsi yang tersebar di 38 provinsi di Indonesia.

"Demikian berita acara ini dibuat dalam 24 rangkap dan masing-masing rangkap ditandatangani oleh Ketua dan Anggota KPU," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Anggota KPU RI Idham Holik mengatakan penetapan pasangan presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih paling lambat 3 hari setelah pembacaan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) mengenai perselisihan hasil pemilu sesuai dengan Pasal 4 Peraturan KPU (PKPU) Nomor 6 Tahun 2024.

Dia menjelaskan penetapan Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka sebagaimana pembacaan putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) pada Senin (22/4) yang menolak seluruh permohonan Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar dan Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md dalam sidang perkara Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU) Pilpres 2024.

"KPU RI akan menetapkan pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih sebagaimana yang kita ketahui pada tanggal 22 April 2024, Mahkamah Konstitusi sudah membacakan putusan untuk dua permohonan," kata Idham di Kantor KPU RI, Jakarta, Selasa, 23/04/2024.

KPU akan memberikan kesempatan kepada presiden dan wakil presiden terpilih untuk menyampaikan pidatonya dalam Sidang Pleno Terbuka Penetapan Paslon Terpilih.

MK pada hari Senin, 22/04/2024, memutus dua perkara sengketa Pilpres 2024 yang diajukan oleh Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-Mahfud. Sidang pembacaan putusan dipimpin oleh Ketua MK Suhartoyo.

Dalam amar putusan, MK menolak seluruh permohonan yang diajukan Anies-Muhaimin dan Ganjar-Mahfud. Menurut MK, permohonan kedua kubu tersebut tidak beralasan menurut hukum untuk seluruhnya.

Atas putusan itu, terdapat pendapat berbeda (dissenting opinion) dari tiga Hakim Konstitusi, yakni Saldi Isra, Enny Nurbaningsih, dan Arief Hidayat. Pada intinya, ketiga Hakim Konstitusi tersebut menyatakan seharusnya MK memerintahkan pemungutan suara ulang di beberapa daerah.

Adapun dalam petitumnya, Ganjar-Mahfud maupun Anies-Muhaimin pada intinya meminta MK membatalkan Keputusan KPU Nomor 360 Tahun 2024 tentang penetapan hasil pemilihan umum presiden dan wakil presiden tahun 2024.

China sebut AS munafik karena kritik hubungannya dengan Rusia

China sebut AS munafik karena kritik hubungannya dengan Rusia

China sebut AS munafik karena kritik hubungannya dengan Rusia

Juru Bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri China Wang Wenbin saat menyampaikan keterangan kepada media di Beijing, China padahari Selasa, 23/04/2024. (ANTARA/Desca Lidya Natalia)

Juru Bicara Menteri Luar Negeri China, Wang Wenbin, menyebut Amerika Serikat munafik karena mengajukan proyek untuk membantu Ukraina dan pada saat yang sama mengkritik hubungan normal antara Rusia dan China.

“Amerika Serikat, di satu sisi, mengajukan rancangan undang-undang bantuan skala besar kepada Ukraina. Di sisi lain, tanpa dasar mengkritik perdagangan normal dan interaksi ekonomi antara Rusia dan China. Tindakan seperti itu munafik dan sangat tidak bertanggung jawab," kata Wang kepada wartawan, Selasa.

Sebelumnya, surat kabar The Wall Street Journal yang mengutip orang-orang yang mengetahui masalah tersebut, melaporkan bahwa Washington sedang mengembangkan sanksi keuangan terhadap beberapa bank China untuk memaksa Beijing memutuskan hubungan komersial dengan Rusia.

Sanksi tersebut diberikan lantaran adanya kekhawatiran bahwa perdagangan dengan China akan memperkuat kekuatan produksi militer Rusia.

Mengomentari kemungkinan sanksi AS terhadap bank-bank China, Wang mengatakan bahwa Beijing mengontrol ekspor barang-barang penggunaan ganda berdasarkan hukum, dan menambahkan bahwa hak China untuk melakukan aktivitas ekonomi normal dengan negara lain, termasuk Rusia, tidak dapat dilanggar.

“Kami memperingatkan pihak AS bahwa dengan menambah bahan bakar ke dalam konflik, merendahkan pihak lain dan saling menyalahkan, konflik Ukraina tidak dapat diselesaikan,” ucapnya.

Satu-satunya pilihan yang tepat, lanjut Wang, mempertimbangkan kekhawatiran keamanan rasional semua pihak dan menciptakan struktur keamanan Eropa yang seimbang, efektif, dan stabil melalui dialog.

Adapun pada pada hari Senin, 22/04/2023, Juru bicara Departemen Luar Negeri AS Matthew Miller mengatakan AS mampu dan bersedia mengambil tindakan sepihak untuk mencoba memblokir perusahaan swasta China memasok barang ke Rusia yang dapat digunakan untuk basis industri pertahanannya.

Dan genosida Terorist Israel terhadap warga Palestina ini tentang Amerika Serikat, Amerika Serikat dalam membangun eksistensinya dengan melakukan genosida terhadap penduduk asli Amerika, bangsa Indian. Dan itu dilakukan AS di benua Afrika, termasuk Selatan hingga Asia Tengah, Afghanistan, Irak dan Suriah.

Sampai dengan hari ini pencurian minyak dan gandum di Suriah semakin masive dilakukan Amerika serikat.

AS yang memperdagangkan HAM dan persamaan hak martabat hidup manusia ke seluruh dunia yang dibanggakan oleh sebagian besar elite, tokoh dan anak muda Indonesia. Beberapa media, kompas, metrotv dan net tv adalah garda terdepan segala hal tentang kehebatan dan kemegahan AS, media tersebut selalu bangga apapu yang datangnya dari AS.

Dibalik itu AS menghalalkan segala untuk mempertahankan eksitensi hatta harus membumihanguskan manusia lain. AS adalah bangsa yang tidak bermoral dan bermartabat.

Sebagian negara mulai menyadari kejahatan AS, Nigeria dan Rwanda melakukan pengusiran militer AS di negaranya masing - masing