Friday, 25 November 2022

Electricity in Kiev to Be Restored for Two-Three Hours for Now, Says Energy Company

Electricity in Kiev to Be Restored for Two-Three Hours for Now, Says Energy Company

Electricity in Kiev to Be Restored for Two-Three Hours for Now, Says Energy Company


Executive director of the Ukrainian energy company DTEK Dmytro Sakharuk said on Thursday on air on the national television that electricity in Kiev would be restored for only two-three hours.

“We will start switching a little bit, for two-three hours, until the energy volume coming to Kiev is restored,” Sakharuk said.

He confirmed reports of the military administration of Kiev that about 70% of the city had no power at the moment.

“We have approximately 30% of people connected [to the powergrid],” he said. Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy reported earlier in the day that Russian missile strikes had temporarily disconnected all nuclear power plants as well as majority of thermal and hydropower stations from the national powergrid, which left millions of people with no electricity.

Russia has been delivering air strikes on Ukraine's military and energy infrastructure since October 10, two days after the bombing of the Crimean bridge, which Moscow has blamed on the Ukrainian special services.

On Wednesday, the Russian Armed Forces launched a massive attack on the Ukrainian military command and control system and related energy facilities, the aim of the attack was achieved, says the Russian Defense Ministry.

Russia Slams 'Unacceptable' US Bio Weapons Research Near Its Borders

Russia believes that the US has been researching pathogens near the Russian border for use in its biological weapons program, the deputy Russian foreign minister in charge of arms control said Thursday.

"Russia has every reason to believe that components of biological weapons have been developed in the immediate vicinity of Russian borders. In particular, we have observed the US and its allies conducting biological warfare research beyond their national borders, including on our neighbors' territory, " Sergei Ryabkov told reporters in Moscow.

Statement of Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the heads of the security services and special services of the CIS countries:

  • Ukraine has been turned into a testing ground for biological experiments, and now they are pumped up with weapons.

  • The potential for conflict in the world and the region around Ukraine is still very high. The world is becoming multipolar, but some participants try to maintain hegemony by any means necessary.

  • On the Nord Stream sabotage: a pan-European energy network is being destroyed.

  • The deployment of foreign mercenaries with combat experience in the region poses a threat to the CIS countries.

  • About the spread of weapons from the Ukrainian black market: there is still a risk of MANPADS and high-precision weapons falling into the hands of terrorists.

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Sekolah Binaan Astra di Kabupaten Bogor Raih Predikat Sekolah Unggul

Sekolah Binaan Astra di Kabupaten Bogor Raih Predikat Sekolah Unggul

Sekolah Binaan Astra di Kabupaten Bogor Raih Predikat Sekolah Unggul

Sejumlah sekolah binaan PT Astra International Tbk melalui Yayasan Pendidikan Astra – Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR) di Kabupaten Bogor berhasil mendapat predikat unggul.

Sejumlah sekolah binaan PT Astra International Tbk melalui Yayasan Pendidikan Astra – Michael D. Ruslim (YPA-MDR) di Kabupaten Bogor berhasil mendapat predikat unggul. Ini merupakan upaya nyata dari Astra dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Indonesia.

Sektretaris pengurus YPA-MDR, Wedijanto Widarso menjelaskan predikat sekolah unggul yang diraih oleh sekolah ditentukan berdasarkan hasil asesmen yang dilakukan oleh YPA-MDR berkerjasama dengan Politeknik Astra setiap tahunnya.

“Ada 4 kriteria dalam penentuan predikat sekolah unggul ini, diantaranya akademik, karakter, non akademik, dan program pendukung,” papar Wedi saat acara Media Tour bertajuk Sekolah Unggul untuk Indonesia di SMKN 1 Leuwiliang, hari Rabu, 23/11/2022.

Untuk kriteria Akademik, jelas Wedi memiliki bobot 40 persen yang meliputi kurikulum, kepala sekolah, guru, siswa, kesiswaan, bp/bk, perpustakaan, literasi, akreditasi sekolah.

Sedangkan untuk kriteria karakter memiliki bobot 20 persen yanh meliputi implementasi karakter CerDAS (Cermat, Dinamis, Antusias, Sinergi).

“Untuk kriteria Non akademik memiliki bobot 20 persen yang meliputi program kecakapan hidup dan seni budaya. Dan kriteria Program pendukung bobotnya 20 persen meliputi kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, komite sekolah, prestasi, sinergi dengan dinas pendidikan, pemanfaatan sarana-prasarana sekolah,” kata Wedi.

Sekolah binaan YPA-MDR di Kabupaten Bogor yang telah mendapatkan predikat sekolah unggul yakno SDN Karyasari 1, SDN Karysari 2, SDN Karyasari 3, SDN Hegarmanah, SDN Pabangbon 1, SMPN 4 Leuwiliang dan SMKN 1 Leuwiliang.

Melalui pencapaian predikat sekolah unggul ini, YPA-MDR berharap sekolah-sekolah binaan dapat termotivasi untuk menorehkan prestasi baik pada bidang akademik dan non akademik pada skala nasional bahkan internnasional hal ini sejalan dengan cita-cita Astra untuk Sejahtera Bersama Bangsa.

Sementara itu Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Bogor, Hartono Anwar mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Astra melalui YPA-MDR atas perhatian dan bantuan pendidikan kepada masyarakat di Kabupaten bogor khususnya Leuwiliang.

“Saya berharap sekolah yang telah unggul ini bisa diimbaskan ke sekolah-sekolah lain,” katanya.

Sedangkan Kasubag Tata Usaha Kantor Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah 1 Provinsi Jawa Barat, Cucu Salman mengatakan kepedulian YPA-MDR yang menggurita kepada daerah tertinggal melahirkan sekolah yang luar biasa, terutama keunggulan yang telah diraih oleh SMKN 1 Leuwiliang.

“Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada YPA-MDR yang turut berkontribusi membangun sekolah ini,” kata Cucu.

YPA-MDR sendiri berdiri sejak tahun 2009 merupakan yayasan yang secara khusus didirikan dan dimiliki oleh PT Astra International Tbk sebagai pelaksana kontribusi sosial berkelanjutan bidang pendidikan dengan membina sasaran sekolah-sekolah di daerah tertinggal di Indonesia dan menjadi wujud dari pilar Astra untuk Indonesia Cerdas.

Visi, misi dan goal YPA-MDR adalah menjadi lembaga yang mewujudkan Sekolah Unggul di daerah tertinggal dan yang mampu mencetak Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) berkualitas sebagai agent of change menuju masyarakat sejahtera.

Pola pembinaan yang dilakukan berdasarkan 4 Pilar, yang meliputi Pilar Akademis, Pilar Karakter, Pilar Kecakapan Hidup dan Pilar Seni Budaya.

Selain itu, YPA-MDR juga memberikan bantuan berupa sarana prasarana penunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar sesuai Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah.

Hingga saat ini, YPA-MDR telah membina 110 sekolah (jenjang SD, SMP dan SMK/SMA) yang tersebar di 13 Kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Serang, Tangerang, Bogor, Majalengka, Kapuas, Kutai Barat, Barito Utara, Bantul, Gunungkidul, Pacitan, Kupang dan Rote Ndao.

Sepinya Mal Elit Ratu Plaza Dulu Tempat Syuting Film Warkop

Sepinya Mal Elit Ratu Plaza Dulu Tempat Syuting Film Warkop

Sepinya Mal Elit Ratu Plaza Dulu Tempat Syuting Film Warkop

Mall Ratu Plaza adalah salah satu mal elit di era 1980-an hingga menjadi pusat tren di Jakarta Jakarta. Ratu Plaza yang masih berdiri kokoh sejak pandemi hingga kini semakin sepi.

Ratu Plaza terletak di Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan yang bersebelahan dengan gedung Bank Panin dan masih menjadi bagian dari kawasan komplek olahraga Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta.

Dikutip dari Encyclopedia Jakarta, Ratu Plaza adalah salah satu pusat perbelanjaan dan perkantoran di Jakarta yang dibangun pada tahun 1970-an.

Bangunan Ratu Plaza ada yang difungsikan khusus untuk perkantoran dan ada pula yang dipakai sebagai pusat perbelanjaan. Pada tahun 1980-an pusat perbelanjaan Ratu Plaza sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat Jakarta.

Kini jumlah pengunjung yang mendatangi mal itu bisa dihitung jari. Kios-kios di mal ini juga lebih banyak yang sudah tutup ketimbang yang beroperasi.

Tulisan Ratu Plaza yang berada di depan gedung pintu masuk pun semakin memudar seiring dengan pudarnya kejayaan mal. Hal ini juga ternyata terjadi juga di mall lainnya di Jakarta.

Jakarta sebagai kota metropolitan menjadi pusat trend memiliki banyak mal yang paling banyak dibanding kota-kota lain di Indonesia yang juga bisa dikatakan mall legendaris.

Tren pembangunan mal di Jakarta mulai menggeliat pada tahun 90-an. Saat itu banyak pengusaha atau konglomerat negeri ini yang membangun mal mewah di beberapa tempat strategis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan warga Ibu Kota yang senang berbelanja.

Tapi, memasuki 2020, beberapa mal di Jakarta yang dulu ramai, nge-hits, dan sering jadi tempat nongkrong anak muda, sekarang kondisinya sepi, bahkan mulai sejak pandemi ada yang mati suri. Berikut 4 mal lainnya selain mal Ratu Plaza di Jakarta yang dulunya ramai, sekarang sepi.

Blok M Mall

Blok M Mall, yang terletak di Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan ini dulunya adalah pusat perbelanjaan yang sangat terkenal di era 90an. Mal ini terbilang unik, karena menjadi mal pertama di Indonesia yang dibangun di bawah tanah. Di atasnya dibangun terminal bus yang juga paling modern saat itu. Karena letaknya yang menyatu dengan terminal bus, maka wajar kalau Blok M Mall yang mulai dibuka pada 1992, dulunya sangat ramai dikunjungi, karena aksesnya yang begitu gampang.

Foto: Mall Blok M (CNBC Indonesia/Ferry Sandi)

Setelah turun dari bus, kita bisa langsung masuk ke mal lewat tangga peron yang ada di setiap jalur bus. Blok M Mall terkenal sebagai pusat penjualan fashion remaja. Banyak toko-toko yang menjual baju, celana, sepatu, dan berbagai jenis aksesoris dengan harga yang terjangkau.

Tapi, masa keemasan Blok M Mall saat ini memang sudah pudar. Tidak ada lagi keramaian orang-orang seperti yang dulu bisa kita temui di sini. Selasar Blok M Mall yang dulu sering membuat kita susah jalan karena saking ramainya orang yang lalu lalang, sekarang kondisinya sangat sepi karena banyak toko-toko yang sudah tutup. Tinggal menyisakan beberapa toko saja yang masih bertahan buka, itu pun kata pedagangnya omzetnya menurun drastis.

Meski demikian, pihak pengelola mengklaim kondisi saat ini sudah lebih baik dibandingkan beberapa waktu lalu. Pada masa awal Covid, keberadaan pengunjung saat minim, namun saat ini diklaim lebih baik.

Meski diklaim sudah lebih baik, namun nasib Blok M Plaza berbeda jauh dengan yang terjadi di mal Pakuwon lainnya. Kota Kasablanka dan Gandaria City selalu ramai setiap harinya. Stefanus pun mengakui bahwa okupansi mal tersebut sangatlah tinggi.

"Macam-macam tergantung mal. Di kita (yang) sudah di atas 80-90% Kota Kasablanka, Gandaria City," kata Dewan Pembina DPP Asosiasi Pengusaha Pusat Perbelanjaan Indonesia (APPBI) tersebut.

Masyarakat memang lebih senang mengunjungi mal-mal baru dengan konsep yang unik dan Instagramable. Alhasil, mal legendaris mulai ditinggalkan, termasuk Mal Blok M yang kini sepi dan tak lagi dipadati pengunjung muda dan tua.

Pasaraya Manggarai

Pasaraya adalah salah satu mal legendaris di Jakarta, yang didirikan oleh pengusaha Abdul Latief pada 1974. Pasaraya Manggarai adalah toko kedua Pasaraya, setelah yang pertama berdiri di Blok M. Dulunya, Pasaraya dikenal sebagai departemen store eksklusif dan terbesar di Indonesia, yang menjual segala kebutuhan, dari mulai fashion, kerajinan, peralatan rumah tangga, buku, serta dilengkapi pula dengan supermarket dan beberapa restoran.

Pasaraya Manggarai dulu punya tagline “Young and Trendy”, yang artinya mal ini menyasar kelompok masyarakat muda yang ingin tampil trendi. Dulu, di atas bangunan Pasaraya Manggarai juga terdapat kolam renang yang besar, dan kantor stasiun radio anak muda terkenal di Jakarta, yaitu Radio SK. Radio humor yang banyak melahirkan selebritis top, seperti Eko Patriot, Parto, Komeng, alm Taufik Savalas, dan Ulfa Dwiyanti.

Beberapa event anak muda pun kerap digelar di sini. Maka wajar pula kalau dulu Pasaraya Manggarai sangat ramai pengunjungnya, apalagi bila akhir pekan. Apalagi lokasinya juga berseberangan dengan terminal bus Manggarai.

Tapi sayang, kejayaan Pasaraya Manggarai sepertinya saat ini hanya tinggal kenangan saja. Setelah pengunjungnya kian sepi, sejak masuknya pandemi Covid-19, Pasaraya Manggarai sudah tidak pernah dibuka lagi. Sekarang tinggal gerai J.Co Bakery dan KFC yang masih membuka gerainya di lantai dasar.

Pasaraya Manggarai kian sepi pengunjung sejak tahun 2017, saat itu hanya tiga lantai gerai Matahari saja yang dipadati pengunjung. Masyarakat beramai-ramai memburu barang yang diberi label potongan harga mulai dari 20-75 persen.

Meski lokasinya berdekatan dengan ITC Roxy, keadaan di dalamnya jauh berbeda. Saat itu pula di pintu utama Roxy Square, terasa begitu hening, tanpa musik ataupun suara layaknya tempat perbelanjaan, banyak toko-toko yang ditutup dengan rolling door. Hal itu menandakan tidak ada lagi aktivitas yang berlangsung. Kemungkinan lain, toko-toko tersebut sedang tutup dan akan kembali buka dalam beberapa hari.

Bahkan di tahun yang sama dua gerai Matahari di Pasar Raya Manggarai dan Pasar Raya Blok M akhir bulan ini tidak lagi beroperasi. Pengunjung sepi menjadi alasan kedua gerai tersebut gulung tikar.

Mal Golden Truly Gunung Sahari

Sebelum adanya Transmart atau Hypermart, Golden Truly merupakan pusat perbelanjaan dengan konsep super store pertama di Indonesia yang dibangun oleh pengusaha lokal Sudwikatmono. Setelah membuka toko swalayan dan departemen store di beberapa lokasi di Jakarta, Golden Truly lantas membangun toko yang paling besar dengan konsep mal di daerah Gunung Sahari, Jakarta Pusat, pada 1990.


Ketika dibuka, mal ini langsung ramai diserbu pengunjung, karena isinya lengkap dan barang-barangnya juga berkualitas. Beberapa gerai resto ternama juga pernah buka di sini, termasuk toko buku Gramedia. Ada kebanggaan bagi warga ibukota saat itu bila bisa berbelanja di Golden Truly. Tapi, lagi-lagi karena pengunjungnya yang kian sepi, per 1 Desember 2020 Golden Truly Gunung Sahari resmi berhenti beroperasi. Sementara toko Golden Truly di lokasi yang lain sudah tutup lebih dulu. Sekarang tinggal beberapa gerai resto seperti HokBen, KFC yang masih buka di lantai dasar bangunan malnya.

Istana Pasar Baru

Pasar Baru merupakan salah satu pusat perbelanjaan tertua di Indonesia karena sudah ada sejak tahun 1820, atau dibangun oleh Belanda. Sampai 1990-an, Pasar Baru masih menjadi tempat belanja yang menarik karena berkonsep street walk dan open air.

Pada 1987 di sini dibangun Istana Pasar Baru, sebuah mal yang memiliki fasilitas gedung parkir setinggi 10 lantai. Sejak adanya Istana Pasar Baru, pengunjung Pasar Baru pun jadi tambah ramai, karena pengunjung nggak kesulitan lagi untuk mencari parkir.

Tapi, kejayaan Pasar Baru sebagai pusat perbelanjaan tertua kian pudar seiring makin banyaknya mal-mal baru berdiri di Jakarta. Sekarang Pasar Baru termasuk Istana Pasar Barunya hanya dikenal sebagai pusat penjualan bahan tekstil, yang pengunjungnya tidak seramai dulu.

Johnson Admits 'Sound Economic Reasons' for Wanting Ukraine to Surrender

Johnson Admits 'Sound Economic Reasons' for Wanting Ukraine to Surrender

Johnson Admits 'Sound Economic Reasons' for Wanting Ukraine to Surrender

©AP Photo / Ukrainian Presidential Press Office

Boris Johnson led the charge on arming Ukraine — both before and during Moscow's military operation — and imposing sanctions and embargoes on Russian exports that prompted a Europe-wide inflationary crisis.

Former British PM Boris Johnson has revealed that European leaders hoped for a quick Russian victory in Ukraine.

In a TV interview on Tuesday night with a US channel, Johnson also conceded that there were "sound economic reasons" for Germany wanting Kiev to swiftly agree to a peace deal with Moscow, but that he "couldn't support" it.

It was Johnson — backed by Washington — who persuaded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to break off peace talks with Russia just a month into the conflict, when they were on the verge of a breakthrough, during a visit to Kiev in late March.

But a US military analyst has told Sputnik that Johnson "miscalculated" by encouraging the clash with Russia.

"The Germans, for all sorts of sound economic reasons, really didn’t want it," Johnson told the broadcaster. "I’ll tell you a terrible thing, the German view was at one stage that if it were going to happen, which would be a disaster, it would be better for the whole thing to be over quickly and for Ukraine to fold."

"I couldn’t support that, I thought that was a disastrous way of looking at it. But I can understand why they thought and felt as they did," the former PM added. Johnson was also among the most strident voices for sanctions and embargoes on imports of Russian fuels, food and fertilizers, which prompted the inflationary crisis that is set to tip most of Europe into recession.

His government was also one of the biggest providers of military assistance to Ukraine before and after the launch of Russia's military operation on February 24, which Moscow says pre-empted a Ukrainian offensive on the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics it formally recognized days earlier.

Meanwhile, BoJo also accused French President Emmanuel Macron of being too optimistic of a diplomatic solution even as "we could see the Russian battalion tactical groups amassing."

"Be in no doubt that the French were in denial right up until the last moment," the politician claimed.

Western Miscalculation

Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychological warfare officer, told Sputnik that Johnson had always harbored delusions of being another Winston Churchill, Britain's Second World War leader.

"Churchill was a former military commander and diplomat, while Boris Johnson is a clown in search of a circus," he said.

Johnson had "miscalculated regarding Ukraine and Russia, and foolishly expected the Russian government to allow NATO and the US and Britain to launch an invasion into the Donbass region in a final extermination of the Russian-speaking people" who had rejected the "puppet" government in Kiev "installed by the United States" in 2014, Bennett said.

"Russia’s special military operation was a necessary defensive move against the growing NATO aggression and Ukrainian proxy army threat," the former officer said, "and this defense operation by Russia was fully justified and indeed absolutely necessary in order to preserve the lives of Russians."

Bennet said Johnson's reliance on accusations, threats and insults against Russian president Vladimir Putin led him to "miscalculate and commit errors in his political judgment, communication strategy and policy agenda."

The former PM's downfall came when Brits grew "increasingly dissatisfied" with the conflict in Ukraine and "Britain’s wasteful and foolish expenditures of money and resources" and he lost the confidence of his Conservative Party.

Bennett said the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines from Russia, which Moscow has blamed on "Anglo-Saxon" nations, was designed to force Germany to "abandon its agenda of removing itself from the conflict and abandoning the US economic sanction war against Russia."

He argued that the sabotage served Washington's agenda since "an enslaved Germany has always been the essential cornerstone of a US-dominated Europe," but stressed it was likewise a miscalculation.

"The German people are increasingly viewing the United States as a slavemaster rather than a friend and ally, and this will most likely lead to violent political and social unrest — if not revolution — in Germany over the next six months," Bennett said.

No Will for Peace

Dan Kovalik, adjunct professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh and the author of 'No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using 'Humanitarian' Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests,' told Sputnik that there was no country in the West willing to negotiate with Russia.

"The US, which does not want to negotiate with Russia, and is putting pressure on the EU not to do so as well," he said.

"I think the US wanted this war," Kovalik added. "That's why it did not address Russia's security concerns that could have been easily addressed."

The academic believes the West's aim is simply to "destroy Russia."

"They thought if they could suck Russia into Ukraine, they could then turn around and destroy Russia economically and or militarily, which has not happened," Kovalik said. "And so they want this war to continue and that's why they don't want to negotiate."

He stressed that Russia had always been willing to talk peace, but that the talks had been sabotaged by Kiev's allies. "Russia and Ukraine probably had a deal, at least the outlines of a deal sometime in March or April," Kovalik pointed out, but "Boris Johnson went to scuttle the deal."

Returning to the raft of mutual security proposals that Russia presented to the US and other NATO members in December 2021 — only to have them rejected out of hand — Kovalik said their belligerent stance would continue "unless there is a change in governments in those countries."

"I don't think in terms of Germany and France that's their instinctual position," he said, but "the US is kind of running the show and pressuring those countries to take on Russia" — and that policy of trying to "undermine" Moscow would continue.

‘Don’t get your hopes up’: Medvedev skewers claims of Russia running out of weapons

‘Don’t get your hopes up’: Medvedev skewers claims of Russia running out of weapons

‘Don’t get your hopes up’: Medvedev skewers claims of Russia running out of weapons

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev
©Yekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday that contrary to the expectations of "enemies", Russia has sufficient inventories of weapons to continue strikes.

"Enemies continue to carefully count our launches and our stockpiles. They should know better than to hope for a depletion of our resources," he said on Telegram on Wednesday. "To be continued. There’s enough for everyone!"

Medvedev said he had traveled to the state-owned company Region where he discussed "a ramping up of supplies of high-precision weapons to the Russian armed forces." The official also posted a video filmed inside the workshops that shows bombs and torpedoes.

The company, which was established in 1969, is one of Russia’s largest developers of torpedoes and bombs.

NATO’s military buildup around Belarus provokes arms race — foreign minister

Minsk is concerned about the unprecedented militarization of NATO’s member-states bordering on Belarus, because it is fanning tensions and provoking a further arms race, as follows from a news release the Belarusian Foreign Ministry issued after Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei’s participation in the joint meeting of the CSTO foreign and defense ministers and security councils’ secretaries and the session of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Yerevan on Wednesday.

"In his speech, Makei underscored the deepening crisis of the existing world order, which has already affected all spheres of international relations. He pointed to the discrediting of the most important institutions of maintaining peace, security and stability, such as the UN and the OSCE, and the destruction of international instruments in the field of arms control and non-proliferation. He also expressed deep concern over the unprecedented scale of militarization of the NATO member-countries bordering on Belarus, which contributes to the growth of military-political tensions and provokes a further arms race," the statement reads.

Earlier, Minsk repeatedly pointed to the strengthening of NATO’s forces and national armies in Poland and the Baltic states. Minsk believes that the forces deployed near its borders can be used as strike groups against Belarus and Russia.

Beijing: NATO Must Stay Within Geographic Boundaries

NATO must stay within its geographic boundaries and not exceed the alliance's authority by imposing its own rules on other states as it has been trying to do since the end of the Cold War, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Wednesday.

On Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Beijing was seeking to strengthen its control over critical infrastructure, supply chains and key industrial sectors of Western countries. Stoltenberg added that allegedly authoritarian states must be prevented from using the West's weaknesses to carry out subversive activities.

"NATO has extended its collective defence clause to the domains of cyberspace and outer space, which should be handled by the UN and specialized international institutions. It has also stepped up intervention across a full range of civil domains including climate change, infrastructure, technological innovation, supply chains, health and energy. As a regional organization, NATO needs to stay within its geographical parameters and not attempt to impose rules that suit itself or seek to push or even cross the boundary," the Chinese diplomat told a press briefing.

He also dismissed Stoltenberg's allegations by saying that in recent years, Beijing had established positive and equal cooperation with countries and enterprises in various regions, including NATO member states. According to Zhao, such interaction has been beneficial to all sides.

Meanwhile, bringing ideological differences and value systems, and drawing dividing lines in economic cooperation will not only harm common interests of the international community, but will also be "backfire," he said.

Russia for arming CSTO peacekeepers with advanced weapons — Putin

Russia supports the decision to arm the CSTO peacekeeping forces with modern weapons, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit on Wednesday.

"It can be stated with satisfaction that the very valuable practical experience gained during the peacekeeping operation in Kazakhstan was analyzed by us and the organization’s secretariat. Russia unconditionally supports the important decision, submitted for our approval, to equip the CSTO peacekeeping force with modern weapons, military equipment, and also special gear," Putin said.

Russia firmly supports the decisions to improve the CSTO communications system, create a joint radiation, chemical, biological protection and medical support unit, and the functioning of a unified technical support system the CSTO railways.

The Russian leader also mentioned the expansion of military-technical cooperation among the CSTO member states. The CSTO interstate military-economic commission participates in activities along this track. Putin said that the special services and law enforcement agencies were taking joint action in combating extremism and terrorism, transnational crime, illegal migration and drug trafficking, and in providing protection from natural and man-made emergencies.

"Of course, all of us are firmly united by the common work for preserving the memory of the common history of our states and of our peoples’ common victory in the Great Patriotic War," Putin stressed.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Update Korban Gempa Cianjur: 271 Orang Tewas, 40 Masih Dalam Pencarian

Update Korban Gempa Cianjur: 271 Orang Tewas, 40 Masih Dalam Pencarian

Update Korban Gempa Cianjur: 271 Orang Tewas, 40 Masih Dalam Pencarian

Brimob Polda Jawa Barat melakukan pencarian korban gempa Cianjur (Foto: Polda Jabar)

Hari ini Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, Suharyanto mengumumkan adanya kenaikan jumlah korban yang ditemukan tewas akibat gempa Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Berdasar data temuan BNPB pada hari Rabu 23 November 2022, total jumlah korban meninggal dunia yang telah ditemukan adalah 271 orang.

"Ini kami sudah mengidentifikasi mencocokkan data dengan Kemenkes, khususnya Pusat Krisis Kesehatan di semua rumah sakit dan puskesmas yang sudah betul-betul ada jenazahnya," kata Suharyanto di Pendopo Cianjur,hari Rabu, 23/11/2022.

Selain itu, menurut dia masih ada 40 orang yang berstatus dalam pencarian. Dia mengatakan 39 orang di antaranya merupakan warga Kecamatan Cugenang dan satu orang warga Kecamatan Warungkondang.

"Jadi 271 ini yg sudah terkonfirmasi, kami mohon waktu besok pagi kami kumpulkan kepala desa mendata kembali, yang sudah dimakamkan ini apakah sudah dilaporkan," kata dia.

Dari kegiatan pencarian hari ini, menurutnya ada empat orang hilang yang ditemukan. Menurut dia tiga orang meninggal dunia dan satu orang selamat yakni bocah laki-laki bernama Azka berusia 6 tahun.

"Kegiatan hari ini, tadi pencarian dan evakuasi, sudah ada hasil, ini dilakukan terus-menerus meski hujan, tim tetap melakukan pencarian," kata dia.

Namun Suharyanto juga meminta agar masyarakat dari daerah lain untuk menghormati korban bencana alam yang kini tengah berada di pengungsian.

“Banyak juga masyarakat di luar masyarakat terdampak yang datang dari luar kota, masuk seolah-seolah bencana ini jadi tontonan,” ujar kepada wartawan di kantor Bupati Cianjur pada hariSelain hal tersebut bertentangan dengan rasa empati, kedatangan warga dari luar daerah untuk melihat kondisi korban juga menjadi salah satu penyebab kemacetan arus jalan. Akibatnya, proses evakuasi serta distribusi bantuan kepada para korban banyak yang mengalami hambatan.

"Jadi ini juga diimbau mohon rekan-rekan media sampaikan, jangan sampai kegiatan-kegiatan itu mengganggu proses penanganan masyarakat terdampak,” ujarnya. Rabu, 23 November 2022.

Selain hal tersebut bertentangan dengan rasa empati, kedatangan warga dari luar daerah untuk melihat kondisi korban juga menjadi salah satu penyebab kemacetan arus jalan. Akibatnya, proses evakuasi serta distribusi bantuan kepada para korban banyak yang mengalami hambatan.

"Jadi ini juga diimbau mohon rekan-rekan media sampaikan, jangan sampai kegiatan-kegiatan itu mengganggu proses penanganan masyarakat terdampak,” ujarnya. Suharyanto juga menyebut data yang masuk kepada BNPB pada hari ini belum termasuk korban meninggal yang langsung dimakamkan oleh pihak keluarga. Oleh karena itu, ia berkata BNPB akan melakukan pendataan kepada para jenazah yang langsung dimakamkan oleh pihak keluarga. "Oleh karena itu besok pagi kita akan telusuri terkait pendataan warga yang meninggal yang langsung dimakamkan," kata Suharyanto.

"Jadi ini juga diimbau mohon rekan-rekan media sampaikan, jangan sampai kegiatan-kegiatan itu mengganggu proses penanganan masyarakat terdampak,” ujarnya.

Suharyanto juga menyebut data yang masuk kepada BNPB pada hari ini belum termasuk korban meninggal yang langsung dimakamkan oleh pihak keluarga. Oleh karena itu, ia berkata BNPB akan melakukan pendataan kepada para jenazah yang langsung dimakamkan oleh pihak keluarga. "Oleh karena itu besok pagi kita akan telusuri terkait pendataan warga yang meninggal yang langsung dimakamkan," kata Suharyanto.

Selain data korban meninggal, BNPB juga mendapati laporan warga yang dilaporkan hilang. Suharyanto menyebut data warga yang masih belum ditemukan sudah mencapai 40 orang dengan sebagian besar korban hilang berasal dari wilayah Cugenang. "Tadi kami sudah berkoordinasi dengan kepada para camat terkait laporan warga yang hilang," kata dia kepada para wartawan.

One dead, several injured in two explosions in Jerusalem

One dead, several injured in two explosions in Jerusalem

One dead, several injured in two explosions in Jerusalem


According to Israeli media, the first blast occurred at the Central Bus Station, and the second one happened at Ramot Junction; medics suggest that at least two of those injured remain in serious or critical condition.

Israeli medics said that up to 22 people were wounded by Wednesday's twin explosions. Previously, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum stated on Twitter that the blasts injured 18 people. According to official data, one of the victims succumbed to wounds inflicted by the blast.

A clip purportedly showing the site of the first incident after the explosion is circulating online.

The second explosion was reported soon after the first one at Ramot Junction near the bus station; however, there is no information available about whether or not the incidents are connected.

According to reports, three Palestinians have been detained in connection with the explosions.

Authorities shut down traffic from the direction of Tel Aviv merging onto Road One, which is the main transport artery leading into Jerusalem. Police raised the alert level in the city, and Defense Minister Benny Gantz is holding an emergency meeting to address the blasts.

The blasts occurred amid another round of Israeli-Palestinian tensions in the region. Previously, Israeli troops have conducted raids in the West Bank, prompted by a spate of deadly attacks across the country.

Israeli authorities have shut down major roads and set up checkpoints in the eastern and western parts of Jerusalem as they conduct an investigation into the explosions and search for suspects.

Based on a decision by the defence minister, the Israeli army also announced the closure of two key checkpoints in the Jenin area – Jalameh and Salem.

The Israeli police commissioner said the kind of attack that took place in Jerusalem “has not been seen for years,” and that authorities are searching for the assailants. He added that police are searching for more possible explosives in the city.

Surveillance camera footage from the first explosion was shared on social media.

Yosef Haim Gabay, a medic who was at the scene when the blast occurred, told Army Radio that there was “damage everywhere here” and that some of the wounded were bleeding heavily.

While the cause was still being determined, the incident came as tensions on the ground continue to rise since last year. Israeli army raids and killings of Palestinians in towns and villages in the occupied West Bank have increased recently in parallel with a rise in Palestinian armed attacks, as well as an increase in settler attacks against Palestinians.

At least 200 Palestinians, including more than 50 children, have been killed by Israel in the territories of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip that it illegally occupies – in the deadliest year for Palestinians since 2006.

More than 25 people have also been killed on the Israeli side.

Just after midnight on Wednesday, Palestinian health officials confirmed the killing of 16-year-old boy, Ahmad Amjad Shehadeh, with a bullet in the heart in Nablus.

Israeli forces had raided Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank to secure the entry of Israeli settlers to the sensitive site of Joseph’s Shrine, which lies about a kilometre away from Nablus’s city centre.

At least five other Palestinians were injured after being shot with live ammunition and stun grenades, the health ministry said, including one in serious condition with a bullet to the stomach.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said it dealt with 22 other injuries from rubber-coated bullets and dozens from tear-gas inhalation. It added that “the Red Crescent ambulance was targeted with live ammunition by the occupation forces”.

The explosions come as Prime Minister-elect Benjamin Netanyahu continues negotiations to form a new governing coalition with far-right and ultranationalist parties. They won a majority in parliament in this month’s general election.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, a far-right politician who has called for the death penalty for Palestinians who carry out attacks, and who is set to become the internal security minister in charge of police in the country’s new government, said the Jerusalem explosions mean he will enforce stronger measures.

“We have to renew targeted assassinations and make them pay,” said Ben-Gvir, in reference to an increase in targeted Israeli army assassinations of Palestinian fighters in the occupied West Bank.

Hamas, the Palestinian group which governs the Israeli-besieged Gaza Strip, praised the attack, calling it a heroic operation, but stopped short of claiming responsibility.

“The occupation is reaping the price of its crimes and aggression against our people.”