Saturday 6 May 2023

Peneliti ungkap penyebab sikap intoleransi di dunia pendidikan

Peneliti ungkap penyebab sikap intoleransi di dunia pendidikan

Peneliti ungkap penyebab sikap intoleransi di dunia pendidikan

Pendidikan budi pekerti masih kurang karena pelaksanaannya masih melalui ceramah atau pengajaran.

Peneliti senior Pusat Pengkajian dan Masyarakat Islam (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Didin Syafruddin. ANTARA/Dokumentasi Pribadi

Peneliti senior Pusat Pengkajian dan Masyarakat Islam (PPIM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Didin Syafruddin mengungkapkan bahwa penyebab tumbuhnya intoleransi dalam dunia pendidikan adalah kurangnya interaksi dan dialog antarsiswa dari berbagai latar belakang perbedaan.

Hal itu, menurut dia, mengakibatkan antara siswa yang memiliki perbedaan, dikhawatirkan memiliki prasangka negatif dan masih canggung dalam menghadapi perbedaan.

"Lembaga pendidikan harus menjadi teladan dalam mempraktikkan pendidikan kemanusiaan dan budi pekerti. Pendidikan kemanusiaan yang efektif dalam mengubah perilaku ialah dengan menjadikan lembaga pendidikan itu sendiri sebagai teladan mempraktikkan pendidikan kemanusiaan," kata Didin di Jakarta, Jumat.

Didin menilai tiap unsur yang terlibat di dalam lingkungan sekolah, seperti kepala sekolah, guru, petugas keamanan, petugas kebersihan, petugas kantin, baik laki maupun perempuan, harus saling memuliakan satu sama lain.

Menurut dia, semua unsur harus memperlakukan secara setara dan adil apa pun agama, suku, status ekonomi, warna kulit, dan lainnya. Siswa harus ditanamkan pemikiran yang kritis serta mempraktikkan demokrasi.

"Pendidikan budi pekerti masih kurang karena pelaksanaannya masih melalui ceramah atau pengajaran. Padahal, pendidikan budi pekerti memerlukan diskusi dan dialog terbuka kritis, pembiasaan, keteladanan, dan konsensus bersama melalui proses demokratis," ujarnya.

Didin mencontohkan kasus APH yang diduga melakukan ujaran kebencian terhadap warga Muhammadiyah, mengingatkan bahwa lembaga pendidikan harus menanamkan sikap ilmiah, sikap rasional, dan sikap objektif.

Dengan sikap tersebut, dia berharap berpendapat dan bersikap selalu berlandaskan data yang kuat serta mengurangi prasangka dalam menilai kelompok agama atau pihak-pihak lain.

"Untuk itu, perlu menyelaraskan antara keilmuan, pendidikan budi pekerti, dan nasionalisme untuk menumbuhkan rasa persatuan antaranak bangsa," katanya.

Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta itu juga meminta pemerintah harus mendorong lembaga pendidikan dengan latar belakang homogen untuk bergaul, berjumpa, dan berinteraksi dengan kelompok yang berbeda.

Didin berharap pendidikan mampu menjadi institusi penting untuk mencetak peserta didik menjadi manusia dan anggota masyarakat yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai universal kebaikan yang berpijak pada kemanusiaan.

"Penting terus-menerus menekankan bahwa Indonesia bukan negara NU, bukan negara Muhammadiyah, bukan negara salafi, dan bukan negara berdasar paham agama lainnya," katanya.

Menurut dia, lembaga pendidikan harus mempraktikkan dan menegaskan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang bersendikan kemuliaan setiap orang atau setiap warga negara.

Nadiem Sebut 3 Dosa di Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

"Ini adalah tiga hal yang akan kami basmi dari sistem pendidikan kita," ujar Nadiem dalam peluncuran buku penguatan moderasi beragama yang diikuti secara virtual dari Jakarta, Rabu 22 September 2021.

Eks bos Gojek yang juga lulusan Sekolah Bisnis Harvard, Amerika Serikat, itu mengatakan upaya penghapusan intoleransi, perundungan dan kekerasan seksual akan dilakukan melalui program Merdeka Belajar. Dalam program Merdeka Belajar itu, Nadiem menambahkan, salah satunya akan mengarusutamakan pendidikan karakter.

Untuk menuju tujuan tersebut, Kemendikbudristek di bawah kepemimpinannya sampai mengubah sistem pemetaan mutu pendidikan nasional untuk bisa mengukur nilai-nilai Pancasila. Jika dahulu pemetaan mutu pendidikan lewat Ujian Nasional saat ini diubah lewat Asesmen Nasional.

"Lebih penting lagi bahkan ada survei karakter dan ada survei lingkungan belajar," katanya lagi. Dari survei-survei itu terlihat akses nilai-nilai Pancasila yang ada yaitu nilai kebhinekaan, toleransi, keamanan dalam lingkungan sekolah. "Dan dari situlah kami akan mengukur peta mutu pendidikan di Indonesia, tidak hanya berbasis pada kemajuan kognitif."

Nadiem mengungkapkan, Kemendikbudristek juga tengah merancang materi terkait moderasi beragama untuk disisipkan dalam kurikulum program Sekolah Penggerak yang disusun bersama Kementerian Agama. Dia menyebutnya sebagai kurikulum prototipe yang sedang diuji dalam sekolah-sekolah penggerak.

"Kami akan juga akan melakukan risetnya dan melakukan implementasi di 2.500 sekolah yang akan terus berkembang setiap tahunnya," kata Nadiem.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Agama merilis buku pedoman penguatan moderasi beragama yang akan jadi panduan di lembaga pendidikan, baik madrasah, sekolah, maupun perguruan tinggi.

Ada empat buku yang dirilis, yakni buku saku moderasi beragama bagi guru, buku modul pelatihan penguatan wawasan moderasi bagi guru, buku pedoman mengintegrasikan moderasi pada mata pelajaran agama dan buku pegangan siswa.

Video: Russian T-80 Battle Tanks in Action During Special Military Op

Video: Russian T-80 Battle Tanks in Action During Special Military Op

Video: Russian T-80 Battle Tanks in Action During Special Military Op

The T-80 battle tank was designed as an upgraded version of the T-64 and T-72 tanks and was intended to be more effective. One of the key features of the T-80 is its gas turbine engine, which provides high power-to-weight ratio and allows it to reach top speeds of up to 70 km/h.

Airborne units and tank crews continue to destroy the enemy in the Artemovsk (Bakhmut) direction, restraining the actions of Ukrainian forces and covering the assault groups from the flanks, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

The Airborne Forces' UAV crews observed a group of Ukrainian militants huddled in a dilapidated house in one of the settlements. The coordinates of the enemy positions were immediately transmitted to the command post, after which a decision was made to destroy it using a T-80 tank.

Having moved swiftly to the specified area, the tank crew requested the coordinates of the Ukrainian military fortifications and destroyed them with accurate fire from a 125mm cannon.

Russian MoD briefing on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine:

▪️In the Kupyansk direction, up to 30 Ukrainian troops, two armored fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, as well as one ammunition depot were eliminated. In addition, the actions of six sabotage and reconnaissance groups were thwarted;

▪️In the Krasny Liman direction, Ukrainian losses amounted to 70 troops, one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, two pick-up trucks, and one Msta-B howitzer;

▪️In the Donetsk direction, Ukrainian losses amounted to 255 troops, two armored fighting vehicles, six motor vehicles, two D-20 howitzers, one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, as well as one ammunition depot;

▪️In the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, Ukrainian losses amounted to 30 troops, two armored fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, two D-30 howitzers, and one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer;

▪️In the Kherson direction, up to 35 Ukrainian troops, six motor vehicles, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, two D-30 and Msta-B howitzers, as well as one ammunition depot were destroyed;

▪️Russian air defense forces intercepted nine HIMARS, Uragan, and Smerch MLRS projectiles and 14 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the Zaporozhye region, Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic.

Daily summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

▪️Air defense systems destroyed two Ukrainian Su-25s in the areas of Zolotaya Balka and Tyaginka, Kherson region

▪️Up to 95 Ukrainian soldiers were destroyed in the Kupyansk direction, as well as the Acacia self-propelled guns, one M777 artillery system (USA)

▪️Near Chasov Yar, the bridge was destroyed, along which the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to bring ammunition and transfer reserves to Artemovsk

▪️Up to 65 Ukrainian military, one armored vehicle and other equipment were destroyed in the Krasnoliman direction

▪️An ammunition depot of the 127th territorial defense brigade was destroyed near the village of Ogurtsovo, Kharkiv region

▪️The actions of three groups of Ukrainian saboteurs were stopped near the settlements of Sinkovka, Timkovka and Berestovoe in the Kharkiv region

▪️Two ammunition depots of mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed in the regions of Kramatorsk and Avdiivka

▪️More than 90 soldiers were destroyed in the South-Donetsk and Zaporozhye directions, as well as a tank, a D-30 howitzer, and an M777 system

▪️Up to 80 Ukrainian military, 15 armored vehicles and other equipment were destroyed in the Kherson direction

⚡️Theses of the head of the RCBZ troops Kirillov based on the results of the analysis of documents about the military biological activities of the United States:

▪️The US Department of Energy recruited specialists in Ukraine with experience and knowledge in the field of weapons of mass destruction

▪️The US Department of Energy, along with the Pentagon, is a key organizer and customer of military biological research in Ukraine

▪️The US Department of Energy has the exclusive right to fund military biological programs without a request from Congress

▪️In the interests of the Pentagon, Ukraine studied the conditions under which uncontrolled transmission of bird flu is possible

▪️The mass death of birds in 2021 in the reserve in the Kherson region could be associated with the experiments of the Ukrainian laboratory

▪In the Ukrainian laboratory in the Kherson region, research was carried out in the interests of the Pentagon, strains that could cause epidemics were studied

Special operation, May 5th. Main:

▪️Near Chasov Yar, a bridge was destroyed, along which Ukrainian troops tried to bring ammunition and transfer reserves to Artemivsk, the Russian Defense Ministry reported

▪️Shoigu set the task of Deputy Defense Minister Kuzmenkov to keep under special control the issues of supplying troops in the special operation zone with all the necessary weapons and equipment

▪️Peskov said that the Kremlin saw Prigozhin's statement about Artemovsk, but left it without comment

▪️Peskov did not rule out contacts between Russia and the United States: they are possible if necessary to achieve our goals, ensure our interests

▪️The Council of the European Union approved the allocation of 1 billion euros within the framework of the European Peace Fund for the joint purchase of shells and missiles for Ukraine

▪️Russia will respond with deed to the attack of drones, and not talk about whether this was a pretext for war, Lavrov said. The solution to the conflict in Ukraine does not rest only on the line of demarcation, the essence is more global, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry noted

▪️The authorities of the Zaporizhia region decided to temporarily transport residents of 18 frontline settlements deep into the region due to increased Ukrainian shelling, Acting Governor Balitsky said

▪️According to Balitsky, the offensive of Ukrainian troops in the Zaporozhye region will take place in the coming days or hours, this is evidenced by the accumulation of large forces near the line of contact

▪️A sabotage and terrorist group, consisting of agents of the Ukrainian special services, was exposed in the Zaporozhye region, it was preparing a terrorist attack against one of the leaders of the ZNPP, the FSB reported.

Polisi jelaskan asal senjata "air gun" pelaku penembakan di gedung MUI

Polisi jelaskan asal senjata "air gun" pelaku penembakan di gedung MUI

Polisi jelaskan asal senjata "air gun" pelaku penembakan di gedung MUI

Direktur Reserse Kriminal Umum (Dirreskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Hengki Haryadi (kedua dari kiri) saat melakukan konferensi pers di Jakarta, Jumat (5/5/2023) ANTARA/Ilham Kausar

Polda Metro Jaya menjelaskan asal usul kepemilikan senjata jenis air gun yang digunakan pelaku M (60) saat melakukan penembakan di gedung MUI Pusat pada hari Selasa, 02/05/2023.

"Senjata ini ternyata dibeli dari Lampung, dari seseorang yang berinisial H, yang profesinya adalah jual beli airsoft gun dan air gun, " kata Direktur Reserse Kriminal Umum Kombes Pol Hengki Haryadi saat konferensi pers di Jakarta, Jumat.

Pada kesempatan yang sama Kasubdit Jatanras Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga menjelaskan bahwa pelaku membeli senjata dari H tersebut melalui perantara dua orang berinisial D dan N.

"Jadi pelaku M menemui saudara D yang berprofesi sebagai polisi kehutanan menanyakan soal senjata yang dijual oleh H," katanya.

Kemudian saudara D menghubungi temannya N yang berprofesi sebagai guru honorer untuk menanyakan tentang senjata yang dicari oleh pelaku M.

"Saudara N yang memiliki akses ke H kemudian menghubunginya yang berdomisili di Bandar Lampung yang diketahui menjual senjata air soft gun dan air gun sejak tahun 2012," kata Indra.

Kemudian pelaku M membayar senilai Rp5,5 juta kepada D dan N untuk kemudian dibelikan senjata dari H.

"Setelah pelaku membayar Rp5,5 juta kepada D dan N, kemudian senjata dikirimkan oleh H kepada keduanya, dan mereka sempat memberitahukan kepada pelaku M cara menggunakan air gun tersebut," ucap Indra.

Indra menjelaskan pengembangan penyelidikan tentang izin senjata air gun masih akan terus dilakukan oleh Polda Metro Jaya.

"Kami akan terus kembangkan perkara permasalahan jual beli senjata air gun ini sampai dengan yang menerbitkan surat (izin), jadi kita akan cari tahu bagaimana prosedurnya, penerbitan surat-surat senjata yang dimiliki oleh H, " ucapnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan Penembak kantor Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) pada hari Selasa, 02/05/2023, berinisial M (60) menggunakan senjata angin bertekanan tinggi (air gun).

"Untuk senjata yang digunakan dari pemeriksaan itu adalah jenis 'air gun'. Pistol model Glock 17 dengan kaliber enam mm," jelas anggota Tim Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor) Polri Kombes Pol Ari Kurniawanjati saat konferensi pers di Jakarta, Jumat.

Ia menjelaskan, senjata itu pelurunya didorong menggunakan gas karbon dioksida (CO2).

Ari menjelaskan senjata tersebut sampai saat ini secara regulasi tidak diizinkan untuk dipergunakan karena sangat berbahaya apabila beredar bebas.

Polisi: Tak Ada Aktor di Belakang Pelaku Penembakan Kantor MUI

Direktur Reskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi menegaskan berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan kasus penembakan di Kantor Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Pusat yang dilakukan oleh pelaku Mustopa NR tidak terafiliasi dengan kelompok teror atau ekstrimis. Polisi memastikan tidak ada aktor intelektual yang bermain dibalik Mustopa.

Direktur Reskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi mengatakan pihaknya telah berkoordinasi dengan Densus Antiteror 88 Polri untuk mendalami profil Mustopa ini. Hasil penyelidikan menyatakan Mustopa tidak terafiliasi dengan kelompok teror atau kelompok ekstremis.

"Penyelidikan Densus 88 dari database, sekali lagi tersangka atas nama Mustopa ini tidak masuk jaringan teror, bukan wujud lone wolf, serangan teror seorang diri. Kemudian tidak terkooptasi ideologi agama bersifat ekstrem," kata Hengki dalam konferensi pers di Mapolda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, pada hari Jumat, 05/05/2023.

Hengki menambahkan tidak ada aktor intelektual di belakang aksi penembakan Mustopa ini.

"Tidak ada aktor yang ada di belakangnya," kata Hengki.

Hal ini didapatkan dari hasil penyelidikan komprehensif, yang mana polisi telah memeriksa 39 saksi. Saksi tersebut mulai dari pihak MUI, keluarga, hingga pihak lain terkait senjata api yang dibawa Mustopa.

"Hasil penyelidikan kami, pemeriksaan kami dari saksi kami dapatkan tersangka ini sudah memulai menulis surat yang ditujukan pada pihak Pemda mulai level kecamatan, kabupaten, provinsi sampai presiden itu sejak tahun 2003," kata Hengki.

Mustopa diketahui pernah demo di DPRD Lampung pada 2016. Keterangan tetangga mengungkap Mustopa pernah melakukan perusakan.

"Hasil pemeriksaan ini semua identik dari tetangga dan sebagainya, dan melakukan tindak pidana melakukan perusakan dan divonis 3 bulan di PN Tanjung Barat," katanya.

Penjelasan Keluarga soal Rekening Mustopa

Pusat Pelaporan dan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan (PPATK) mendapatkan laporan mutasi janggal di rekening Mustopa NR, pelaku penembakan di kantor Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Pusat, Jakarta Pusat, yang mencapai Rp 800 juta. Keluarga menjelaskan terkait mutasi rekening tersebut.

Detikcom menerima video pernyataan Laila Dewi, istri Mustopa NR. Laila menerangkan transaksi Rp 800 juta tersebut merupakan uang pribadinya yang dikirim anak-anaknya yang bekerja di luar negeri.

"Dana di rekening tersebut berasal dari anak saya. Yang pertama Hediansyah, yang bekerja di Korea Selatan. Kedua Fauziah, yang bekerja di Taiwan. Ketiga Lidia Sartika, yang bekerja di Hong Kong," kata Laila dalam video, hari Jumat, 05/05/2023.

Laila mengatakan dana tersebut merupakan dana pribadi dan mulai dihimpun sejak 2014. Dia pun menyebut siap mempertanggungjawabkan pernyataannya soal mutasi rekening tersebut.

Friday 5 May 2023

Jihadist Killed in Ukraine Got NATO Weapons, SAS Training - Investigation

Jihadist Killed in Ukraine Got NATO Weapons, SAS Training - Investigation

Dead Pro-Daesh Militant in Ukraine Bragged About SAS Training


Russia has repeatedly slammed the United States over the recruitment of terrorists and criminals for deployment to Ukraine, and has charged Ukrainian ultra-nationalist fighters with war crimes, not just since 2022, but going back to the start of the crisis in Donbass in 2014.

Daniil Lyashuk, a Belarusian-born ultra-right volunteer fighter, convicted criminal and self-proclaimed holy warrior with pro-Daesh (ISIS ) views, operated a glamorous social media channel in which he posed with arms sent to Ukraine by the US and the UK, and bragged about receiving training from Britain’s elite Special Air Service special forces unit before his death.

The fighter, going by the moniker "Mujahid," was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2017 for the torture of civilian and Donbass militia detainees in the Lugansk region while serving in the infamous Tornado special patrol police volunteer battalion, but was released after just four years later in the summer of 2021.

Returning to the front in 2022, Lyashuk was filmed and snapped posing with and walking around with NATO-supplied weapons and supplies, including assault rifles and NLAW and Javelin man-portable anti-tank missiles.

As first reported on by Declassified UK, in late March of this year, "Mujahid" posted a commentary to Telegram in which he mocked a video clip of Belarusian servicemen breaking bricks over their heads, calling them "goblins" and boasting that his "teacher from the British SAS always said that a single blow to the head does not add to a soldier’s intelligence."

"Also, he constantly repeated that war is a special art and severe discipline. At the same time, he periodically quoted Sun Tsu – saying that war is the way of deception! It looks like the communists never understood the essence of these words, and deceived their degenerate masses, which they call the army! The result is on the face – well, more like on the head," Lyashuk wrote.

The fighter did not elaborate on what else his SAS teacher "taught" him. He was killed a month later in fighting with Russian forces outside Artyemovsk (Bakhmut).

Britain’s Defense Ministry declined to comment to investigators on SAS activity in Ukraine, but an MoD spokesperson did assure, regarding weapons, that the UK conducts “a rigorous assessment of the risks associated with providing weapons and ensure[s] an End-User Agreement is signed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine upon receipt of lethal aid.”

Lyashuk received a Golden Cross and a ceremonial pistol from the Ukrainian military after his death. Anton Gerashchenko, a notorious advisor to Ukraine’s interior minister, lauded the dead fighter as a "hero."

Sputnik conducted an extensive investigation into Lyashuk and his comrades from the Tornado Battalion last May, revealing that the fighter had a penchant for extreme violence, torture, and homosexual rape. "There would be no life without torture. There's nothing like raising your vitality when you have someone's life in your hands," he was heard saying in a recording.

Lyashuk's crimes were so severe that even Anatolii Matios, the former prosecutor-general of Ukraine, characterized him as someone who "committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of the Lugansk region, organized and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit." He was "the most dangerous and cruelest" of all members of Tornado, Matios said.

During his second "tour" in Donbass between 2022 and his death in 2023, Lyashuk founded and commanded the so-called "Vendetta" combat group.

US presidential candidate condemns Kremlin drone attack

US Democrat party presidential hopeful, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thursday denounced the drone attacks that targeted the Kremlin, responsibility for which Moscow has pinned on Washington.

The contender challenging President Joe Biden for the presidential nomination also reminded Americans how his uncle helped prevent nuclear war with the USSR.

“Imagine how we would respond if Russian-backed forces launched a drone strike on the Capitol. We must stop these deranged attempts to escalate the war,” Kennedy tweeted.

“After successfully defusing the Cuban Missile Crisis, President John Kennedy warned against ever again forcing Russia to choose between national humiliation and nuclear war. We should heed his advice,” he added.

The 1962 standoff almost resulted in a shooting war between the US and the USSR, involving atomic weapons. It was resolved when Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed to a withdrawal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba and US missiles from Türkiye.

RFK Jr. announced his presidential candidacy last month, somewhat leveraging his family name as the nephew of President Kennedy and son of his brother Robert. He outlined his position on US-Russia relations in an interview published on Wednesday, arguing that Washington has repeatedly lied to Moscow and trampled its “red lines.”

Kennedy also accused the US establishment of sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives in a proxy war against Russia, while condemning the Russian “invasion” and noting that his own son had volunteered to fight for Kiev. Washington needs a leader who can think like JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis and “put yourself in the other guy’s shoes,” he said.

Two drones were disabled by Russian air defenses while attempting to strike the Russian president’s residence early on Wednesday. President Vladimir Putin was elsewhere and no one was injured in the incident. Kiev has officially denied any responsibility.

The Kremlin described the incident as an attempted assassination and said Russia reserved the right to retaliate against the perpetrators at a time and in a manner of its choosing. On Thursday, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed Kiev’s denials as “laughable” but said the true culprits were overseas.

“We know full well that decisions to carry out such terrorist actions are made not in Kiev, but in Washington,” Peskov told reporters.

Lavrov - Ukraine's Denial of Kremlin Drone Attack Does Not Deserve to Be Believed

Lavrov - Ukraine's Denial of Kremlin Drone Attack Does Not Deserve to Be Believed

Lavrov - Ukraine's Denial of Kremlin Drone Attack Does Not Deserve to Be Believed

©Photo : Russian Foreign Ministry's press service/Go to the mediabank

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that Kiev's and Washington's denial that they were involved in the attack on the Kremlin does not mean they can be believed.

"If you believe that just because the United States and Ukraine have denied the allegations, we should jettison what we know, that's not how it works," Lavrov said during a press conference after a foreign ministers meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

A number of foreign ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organization member countries, including Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, condemned the drone attack against the Kremlin, Sergey Lavrov added.

"As for the terrorist attack on the Kremlin and the residence of the head of state, all our assessments were set out. Almost all of my counterparts with whom we spoke yesterday expressed their condemnation. In particular, the Pakistani foreign minister directly condemned this terrorist act and expressed hope for the speedy establishment of the truth and the identification of those responsible," Lavrov said.

Lavrov said that he had taken heed of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's assessments of the UAV attacks on Russian President Vladimir Putin's Kremlin residence, noting that they speak for themselves.

"As far as Washington's attitude goes, I pointed out a statement by Antony Blinken, who said that the US would not dictate to Ukraine the methods by which it defends its sovereignty. Well, I guess that says it all," Lavrov said at his briefing.

Russia will respond with action to the drone attack rather than speculate on whether it was a pretext for war, Lavrov said.

"I wouldn't think about the name or the terms here either. It was clearly a hostile act, it is quite clear that the Kiev terrorists could not have committed it behind their masters’ back. We will respond not by talking about whether it is a casus belli or not, but by concrete actions. We have a lot of patience - there is such a proverb 'Russians take long time to harness,' and so on," Lavrov said. The negotiations to resolve the current crisis do not concern Ukraine alone, they will take place sooner or later, but not with Volodymyr Zelensky - he is a Western puppet - but with his masters, Lavrov stressed.

The minister added that the Chinese initiative in particular covers global issues - ensuring the indivisibility of security, refraining from actions that infringe on any other country, refraining from illegitimate sanctions. Ukraine is only mentioned in the title.

Moscow has never given up on talks concerning Ukraine despite the US pumping weapons into Kiev, but resolving the issue is not just about the line of contact, but is more global, according to Lavrov.

Western countries have been supplying military aid to Ukraine since the start of hostilities in February 2022. The aid evolved from artillery munitions and training in 2022 to heavier weapons, including tanks, later that year and in 2023. For the past several months Ukraine has been pushing to be supplied with fighter jets. The Kremlin, in turn, has repeatedly warned against continued arms deliveries to Kiev.

Zelensky is a ‘puppet’ – Lavrov

The West and Russia will eventually sit down to discuss their differences, but this dialogue should be held not with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky but with those using him as a stooge, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting of the foreign ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Goa, India, Lavrov reiterated that Moscow had “never refused to settle issues arising from the actions of the US and their satellites to pump Ukraine with weapons” so that it could fight Russia.

The minister noted that many countries around the world are growing increasingly aware that these tensions cannot be defused solely by freezing the Ukraine conflict. “Everyone understands that the ongoing events are geopolitical in nature,” he said.

“Without solving the main geopolitical problem – that of the West aspiring to hold onto its hegemony and impose its own will on all the others, – it is impossible to resolve crises in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world,” Lavrov added.

The Russian diplomat pointed to China’s 12-point plan for a political settlement in Ukraine, which was released in late February. Lavrov said that while the plan does seek to settle the conflict itself, it also focuses on much more global and comprehensive issues.

“All this has to be discussed, of course, not with Zelensky, who is a puppet in the hands of the West, but directly with his masters,” Lavrov said, noting that such talks would take place “sooner or later.”

In early April, amid speculation about an imminent Ukrainian spring counteroffensive, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken ruled out any peace negotiations between Kiev and Moscow, suggesting that such talks would only help Russia to "ratify" its territorial gains.

Moscow has repeatedly said it is open to talks with Kiev if the latter recognizes “the reality on the ground,” including the new status of four former Ukrainian regions that overwhelmingly voted to join Russia last autumn. However, around the same time as the referendums, Zelensky signed a decree prohibiting negotiations with the current Russian leadership.

Lavrov Holds Presser Following India-Hosted SCO Foreign Ministers' Meeting

On Friday, top diplomats from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be gearing up for the SCO Heads of State summit, scheduled to be held from July 3-4 in India's capital, New Delhi.

Sputnik comes to you live as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds a press conference following the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Panaji, India.

Russia's diplomacy chief has already held talks with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Pakistan’s top diplomat, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.

The key topic of the SCO meeting is expanding the organization.

On the sidelines of the event, the ministers are expected to sign memorandums granting the status of SCO dialogue partners to Bahrain, Kuwait, Myanmar, the Maldives, and the United Arab Emirates.

Special attention will be given to foreign policy collaboration in order to strengthen the central coordinating role of the United Nations in ensuring reliable global security and sustainable economic development.

US tries to meddle in Afghanistan’s affairs again — Lavrov

Washington is trying to interfere in Afghanistan again and there is solid evidence to confirm this, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday after a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member-states.

He expressed the hope that the decision to activate the SCO-Afghanistan group would be implemented. In this regard he stressed that the situation "really requires quite urgent measures."

"The reason is the Americans are trying to interfere in Afghanistan's affairs again," Lavrov said. "There is convincing evidence that the Americans support the terrorist groups remaining on the territory of Afghanistan and opposed to the Taliban (radical movement banned in Russia - TASS)."

Also, Lavrov stated that the Americans "do not abandon attempts to re-inject their military infrastructure into the region around Afghanistan and in Central Asia," he said.

"Everyone is well aware of the most serious dangers that such attempts are fraught with," Lavrov added, stressing that Russia would "firmly resist them."