Friday 2 June 2023

Scott Ritter - Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand

Scott Ritter - Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand

Scott Ritter - Sanctions Against Russia Failed. I Saw It Firsthand

©Photo : Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter
All Materials

I just returned from a month-long visit to Russia, during which time I had the opportunity to see a dozen different cities covering nearly the entire expanse of the Russian Federation. Prior to my departure, I was filling up the tank of my car, when I noticed a sticker on the gas pump.

The sticker portrayed a smiling Joe Biden, the President of the United States, gesturing to his right. Underneath the image were printed the words, "I did this!"

Far from being a compliment, the sticker was a form of humorous protest against the Russia sanctions adopted last year after the start of the special military operation. Many of these sanctions involved Russian energy, and the resulting economic chaos in global energy markets prompted gas prices to surge. Biden was quick to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming on June 22, 2022, that "the simple truth is gas prices are up almost $2.00 a gallon because of Vladimir Putin’s ruthless attack on Ukraine."

Biden called the increase in cost "Putin’s Price Hike", but the American people saw through the subterfuge, as the sticker on the pump proved. If anything, the increase in gas prices prompted many Americans to look at the sticker after examining the bill, and sarcastically proclaim, "Thank you, Joe Biden."

Upon my arrival to Russia, I expected to see a nation heavily impacted by the consequences of American-led sanctions. Instead, I saw a nation undergoing an economic revival, in large part thanks to the policies Russia was compelled to undertake because of Western sanctions. When I told my Russian hosts about the sticker at the gas pump and my sarcastic appreciation, they laughed. “Send us the stickers," they said. "And we will thank Joe Biden with all the sincerity we can muster!"

The best way to judge a man is most often based upon the weight of his own words, and when it comes to sanctions and the Russian economy, Joe Biden is no exception. On March 26, 2022, Joe Biden spoke before an audience in Warsaw, Poland about the conflict in Ukraine. One of Biden’s main objectives for his speech was to engender a sense of confidence among the crowd that his administration had the situation under control. The heart of Biden’s argument was the detrimental impact the program of systemic economic sanctions championed by the US, the European Union, the G-7, and NATO were having on the Russian economy.

A little more than a year later, Biden’s words have come back to haunt him.

“As a result of these unprecedented sanctions,” Biden then crowed, “the ruble almost is immediately reduced to rubble. The Russian economy—that’s true, by the way, it takes about 200 rubles to equal $1.”

Military analyst and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter during his travel across Russia, May 2023.
© Photo : Scott Ritter

While I was in Russia, the exchange rate hovered between 79 and 81 rubles to the dollar. The Russian currency is stable, backed by a strong and vibrant economy. Moreover, unlike during the pre-sanction period, the ruble today is a convertible currency, used to pay for Russia’s international business transactions, especially in the field of energy, once the exclusive domain of the petrodollar. Far from being reduced to rubble, the ruble today serves as a foundational currency for global economic activity, part of a new “basket of currencies” that is responsive to the needs of a new multilateral reality that is rapidly supplanting the previous era of US economic hegemony.

“Thank you, Joe Biden!”

“The [Russian] economy is on track,” Biden then bragged, “to be cut in half in the coming years. It was ranked, Russia’s economy was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this invasion. It will soon not even rank among the top 20 in the world.”

The Russian economy currently retains its rank as the 11th in the world, based upon standard gross domestic product (GDP) comparisons. However, when one converts Russia’s $1.78 trillion GDP using the “basket of goods” formulation of purchasing power parity (PPP) (i.e., what similar goods cost in the United States versus Russia), Russia’s actual economic strength converts to $4.80 trillion, making it the world’s sixth largest economy, surpassing all but China, the US, India, Japan, and Germany.

“Thank you, Joe Biden.”

“Taken together these economic sanctions,” Biden then pontificated, “a new kind of economic statecraft with the power to inflict damage that rivals military might. These international sanctions are sapping Russian strength, its ability to replenish its military, and its ability to project power. And it’s Putin, it is Vladimir Putin who is to blame. Period.”

In January and February 2023, Russia spent 2 trillion rubles ($26 billion) on defense, a 282% jump on the same period a year ago. Far from being unable to replenish its military strength and sustain the conflict in Ukraine, Russia is far outpacing NATO in terms of rushing military material to the frontlines by 4 to 1 in terms of tanks and armored fighting vehicles and 5 to 1 in artillery ammunition.

When calculated with kill ratios that are overwhelmingly in favor of Russia, the fact is that Russia is sapping the strength of NATO and its Ukrainian proxy, while expanding its own. In addition to nearly tripling the size of its special military operation contingent, Russia is simultaneously building up the forces necessary to meet the expansion of its army from its pre-conflict size of 1 million, to a force of more than 1.5 million.

Moreover, Russia’s increase in military production has not only softened the economic impact of the US-sponsored sanctions, but also helped reverse their impact across Russia’s industrial base.

Military analyst and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter during his travel across Russia, May 2023.
©Photo : Scott Ritter

Everything I saw while touring Russia underscored the incontrovertible fact that, because of Western sanctions, the Russian economy has been compelled to undertake changes which have not only made it more resilient, but also more productive and efficient. Foreign investments are surging in, proving that there is a world that exists beyond that controlled by the American economic hegemon.

Moreover, because sanctions have curtailed the previous practice of Russian business tycoons sending their wealth abroad, there is a huge amount of domestic economic capital available for reinvestment into the Russian economy. This truth was evident in every city I visited, where there were unprecedented levels of infrastructure improvements and new construction taking place.

I thought about this upon my return to the US, contrasting my journey from JFK airport through New York City with a similar journey I made from Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport into Moscow. My New York journey took me from a decaying airport, through decaying highways and bridges, into a decaying city. The Moscow equivalent was, by comparison, one of pristine facilities, roads, and a city that was not only composed of recently constructed buildings, but alive with new construction as well.

I still see the “I did this!” stickers on the gas pump, and I still mutter my words of thanks to the American President that I hold accountable for the high prices. And I laugh when I think of my Russian hosts making the same exclamation. The sarcasm is evident, whether uttered in the US or Russia, but for diametrically opposed reasons. Biden, a man who promised to revitalize the US economy, has done the opposite. And yet while he has pledged ruin in Russia, a revival has occurred. “Thank you, Joe Biden!”

Thailand Open 2023 - Wakil Indonesia Yang Lolos Ke Perempatfinal

Thailand Open 2023 - Wakil Indonesia Yang Lolos Ke Perempatfinal

Thailand Open 2023 - Wakil Indonesia Yang Lolos Ke Perempatfinal

Marcus/Kevin pasangan ganda putra Indonesia berjuluk Minions kala berlaga di Thailand Open 2023 mengalahkan wakil China He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong (Dok/PBSI)

Tiga wakil Indonesia ke perempatfinal Toyota Gacoo Racing Thailand Open 2023 yang berlangsung di Indoor Stadium Huamark, Kamis, 01/06/2023, ketiganya dari nomor ganda putra, yaitu Marcus/Kevin, Sabar/Reza, dan Fikri/Bagas.

Hasil turnamen bulutangkis Thailand Open 2023 hari ini Kamis (1/6/2023). Ganda putra Indonesia Marcus Fernaldi Gideo/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo berhasil lolos ke babak perempat final.

Minions julukan Marcus/kevin berhasil melaju usai mengandaskan wakil China, He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong di babak 16 besar. Marcus/Kevin berhasil menang dua set langsung atas pasangan ganda putra China itu.

Marcus/Kevin tampil mendominasi dengan merebut set pertama dengan keunggulan 22-20. Pada set kedua Marcus/Kevin meneruskan dominasinya atas wakil China He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong.Mantan ganda putra nomor satu dunia itu mengakhiri pertarungan dengan skor 23-21.

Ganda putra Indonesia lainnya Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani juga berhasil lolos ke babak perempat final. Sabar/Reza berhasil menekuk wakil Chinese Taipei, Shu Ching Heng/Ye Hong Wei juga dengan memenangi dua set langsung, yakni dengan skor 21-13, 21-19.

Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia, Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/Bagas Maulana juga berhasil lanjut ke babak perempat final usai mengentaskan perlawanan wakil India, Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Setty. Bagas/Fikri berhasil menang usai dipaksa wakil India bermain rubber game.

Bagas/Fikri sempat kejar mengejar angka pada set pertama sehingga harus mengakui keunggulan wakil India dengan skor 24-26. Namun pada set kedua Bagas/Fikri berhasil mengejar ketertinggalan dengan skor 21-11.

Akhirnya pada set ketiga Bagas Fikri mempertahankan dominasinya dan menaklukkan wakil India Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Setty.

Sayang langkah ketiga pasangan ganda putra ini tidak bisa diikuti oleh pasangan ganda putra Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan yang harus takluk dari pasangan Wakil China Ren Xiang Yu/Tan Qiang dengan skor 21-16, 7-21, 21-23.

Pada nomor ganda putri, pasangan Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadant belum berhasil dan harus takluk dari wakil Jepang Rin Iwanaga/Kie Nakanishi. Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva harus kalah dengan skor 12-21, 13-21.

Ganda putri lainnya, Lanny Tria Mayasari/Ribka Sugiarto juga belum berhasil ke babak selanjutnya usai dikalahkan wakil Korea Selatan, Kim So Yeong/Kong Hee Yong dengan skor 18-21, 9-21.

Pada sektor ganda campuran, andalan Indonesia Adnan Mualana / Nita Violina Marwah dikalahkan pasangan tuan rumah Thailand, Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Sapsiree Taerattanachai. Adnan/Nita kalah dengan skor 16-21 dan 11-21.

Sementara itu pada sektor tunggal putra, Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo kalah dari wakil Thailand, Kunlavut Vitidsarn. Sempat memenangi set pertama dengan skor 21-16. Chico harus rela kehilangan dua set berikutnya. Pada dua set berikutnya Chico dikalahkan Kunlavut dengan skor 10-21, 20-22.

Akhirnya hasil pertandingan Thailand Open 2023 hari ini. Indonesia yang menurunkan delapan wakilnya pada babak 16 besar ini, harus puas hanyak bisa meloloskan 3 wakil yang semuanya pada nomor ganda putra

Rekap Hasil Toyota Gacoo Racing Thailand Open 2023 16 Besar

Shooting Sharply: Watch Russian Snipers Eliminate Enemy in Special Op Zone

Shooting Sharply: Watch Russian Snipers Eliminate Enemy in Special Op Zone

Shooting Sharply: Watch Russian Snipers Eliminate Enemy in Special Op Zone

©Sputnik / Anton Denisov

Snipers are elite troops that are quite effective at destroying targets - that's why they need to be extremely secretive since any force considers them to be target number one. How do Russian snipers shoot at Kiev militants and avoid being spotted?

Russian snipers play a crucial role in the special military operation. These elite troops look to take out high-profile targets, including enemy officers, machine gun operators, tank crews and artillerists.

Snipers operate in Maryinka, DPR, one of the main hotspots of the Ukrainian crisis. Since the enemy wants to neutralize them, the sharpshooters have a complex set of rules of combat conduct – move in dashes from shelter to shelter, work in pairs and always stay silent. If the enemy sees you – you are already dead.

Snipers dwell deep inside the buildings waiting for prey and use flash and sound suppressors to stay unseen and unheard. Sometimes, they have to wait for hours – that’s why they use chemical heaters to speed up their circulation.

Collapsed Iowa Building Used in US to Portray Drone Strike in Moscow

A US media outlet has rolled footage of a building collapse in the state of Iowa while doing a segment about a recent Ukrainian drone strike against the Russian capital.

The attack occurred earlier this week when several Ukrainian UAVs managed to penetrate Russia’s airspace and reach Moscow.

However, the segment about that attack that aired on Newsmax’s "The Record With Greta Van Susteren" featured footage of a partially-collapsed building in Davenport,

Moreover, the rest of the segment did feature actual footage of what appears to be the aftermath of the drone attack in question.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a total of eight aircraft-type drones were employed by the Kiev regime in the attack: five of the drones were shot down by air defenses while the other three failed to reach their intended targets due to electronic warfare interference.

The attack caused no deaths or injuries and resulted in minor damage to several residential buildings on the city's outskirts

IN BRIEF: What is known about Kiev’s attack on city of Shebekino in Belgorod Region

Russian forces thwarted a Ukrainian attempt to break into the city of Shebekino in the Belgorod Region, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters Thursday.

According to the spokesman, Kiev lost over 60 servicemen and 6 vehicles; several civilians were injured as a result of Ukraine’s attack on Shebekino.

Here are the key facts about the incident.

Shelling and breach attempt

  • Ukrainian forces shelled Shebekino with Grad multiple launch rocket systems several times Thursday night. According to Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov, the city was shelled at midnight, 3:40 a.m. and 5:15 a.m.

  • Early in the morning, messages circulated on social media claiming that Ukrainian forces had allegedly infiltrated Russian territory near Shebekino, but these reports were debunked by the regional anti-crisis center.

  • Later, the Defense Ministry reported that the Russian armed forces, together with border security forces, thwarted "a new attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terror attack against the civilian population of the city of Shebekino." According to the Ministry, the attack took place at about 3:00 a.m. by a force of up to two motorized companies with tanks.

  • Russian forces repelled three Ukrainian attacks with rocket systems, artillery, army Aviation and heavy flamethrower systems, preventing the state border from being invaded, the Ministry said.

  • Kiev’s losses included killed 30 servicemen, four armored vehicles, a Grad rocket launcher and a pickup truck.

Victims and damage

  • On Thursday morning, Gladkov reported that eight people were injured as a result of Ukrainian shelling in Shebekino. Later, he reported another injured person.

  • Two administrative buildings were damaged by the shelling, with one catching fire. Fires were reported in a residential house and a dormitory. The total number of damaged buildings was not reported.

  • There is currently no electricity in Shebekino, the governor reported.

  • A bus was also hit by Ukrainian shelling. Initially, reports on social media claimed that the bus was transporting evacuated residents, but later, it was found that the bus was empty.

Evacuation of residents

  • On Thursday morning, Gladkov debunked reports about the mass emergency evacuation of residents in the Shebekinsky District, but stated the authorities were ready to house people leaving the city in temporary accommodation facilities.

  • Later, the governor said that the authorities are moving forward with evacuating residents. He warned that evacuation amid shelling can be dangerous.

  • A total of 6 temporary accommodation points for more than 3,000 residents of the Shebekinsky District were set up in Belgorod, city administration head Valentin Demidov said. About 1,000 people will be accommodated at the Belgorod Arena athletic complex, with approximately 300 people already there.

  • A total of 200 people - children and accompanying adults - will be transported to recreational facilities in Penza, with 600 people to be transported to Kaluga and Yaroslavl.

Reaction of authorities

  • Graduating students were excused from taking final exams. The matter of their admission to college is currently being decided, Gladkov said.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin receives reports about the situation in Shebekino, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

  • The Belgorod anti-crisis center warned that phone calls urging residents to leave the region are fake and aim to sow panic.

Previous attack

  • This is Kiev’s second attempt to attack the Belgorod region in two weeks: on May 22, a sabotage group breached the Grayvoronovsky District. A counter-terrorist operation regime was declared in the region.

  • According to available reports, one civilian was killed during the attack, and one elderly woman died during evacuation. In addition, 13 people were reported to have been injured.

  • The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Ukrainian forces were defeated the next day, on May 23. According to the Ministry, Kiev lost over 70 militants and 9 vehicles.

Thursday 1 June 2023

US’ denial of support for Ukraine’s attacks in Russia ‘not worth a penny’ — ambassador

US’ denial of support for Ukraine’s attacks in Russia ‘not worth a penny’ — ambassador

US’ denial of support for Ukraine’s attacks in Russia ‘not worth a penny’ — ambassador

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov
©Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

Washington is demonstrating indifference to Kiev’s crimes by allocating another package of military assistance to a sum of 300 million US dollars to it and its statements that it allegedly doesn’t support Ukrainian army’s attacks inside Russia "are not worth a penny," Russian Ambassador said on Wednesday, commenting on the US security assistance to Ukraine announced on May 31.

"We have noted the persistence of the administration in the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis. The authorities are again proudly talking about providing financial assistance and another batch of materiel to their crazed Kiev puppets. At the same time, they are inciting European satellites to fetter Russia's technological development with additional trade barriers," he was quoted as saying on the Russian embassy’s Telegram channel.

"And this is right after a series of terrorist attacks by US proteges in Moscow and the Moscow region. Instead of calling the [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky regime to account, Washington is demonstratively showing indifference to the crimes of Banderites. Public statements by the White House that they allegedly do not support the attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the very heart of our Motherland are not worth a penny," he stressed.

"The new US "security package", totaling $300 million, effectively fuels the rotten regime in Kiev," he noted. "Nothing stops the administration. Neither the crisis in the economy, nor the calls of the states of Latin America, Africa, and Asia for assistance in socio-economic development."

"Numerous questions remain unanswered about why Washington is unprepared to address acute migration issues on the southern borders of the United States. The problem of the miserable existence of migrants could be solved quite simply by redirecting at least part of the military aid that burns in the furnace of the conflict in Ukraine to noble goals," Antonov stated.

"However, the American authorities do not want to see the reality. It seems that they are zombified by the desire to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, by trying to wear down our economy. At the same time, they continue to encourage the reckless actions of their "clients", supplying them with ever more deadly weapons. It seems that the lessons that the Russian Armed Forces teach neo-Nazis in the special military operation zone are not enough for the patrons of Kiev."

Ukrainian drones attacked Moscow and the Moscow Region on Tuesday morning. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the attack involved eight drones, five of which were shot down and another three disabled by electronic warfare means. Two people in Moscow turned to medics for assistance. Neither required hospitalization. A number of buildings suffered minor damage.

Washington announced on Wednesday that it is providing Ukraine with a next package of military aid worth 300 million US dollars, which will include Stinger anti-aircraft systems, Avenger air defense systems, additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems and for HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems).

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a regular briefing on Tuesday that the American side does not support Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory with the use of US-made weapons. According to the press secretary, Washington publicly and privately communicates this to Kiev. Jean-Pierre also pointed out that the US is allegedly gathering information on the incident.

US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby also said on Wednesday that the US doesn’t support attacks inside Russia.

Operational HQ in Russia's Belgorod Denies Info on Ukrainian Forces Allegedly Breaking Into Region

The operational headquarters of Russia's Belgorod region denied on Thursday media reports claiming that Ukrainian armed forces broke into the territory of the region.

"A number of telegram channels are spreading false information about the Ukrainian armed forces breaking into the Shebekinsky direction at night. The operational headquarters officially declares that this information is false and does not correspond to reality. The situation in the Shebekinsky district is difficult at the moment, shelling is underway, sounds of battle are heard. Russian armed forces are working, but there is no breakthrough of Ukraine's armed forces," the operational headquarters said in a statement.


Shebekino is a town in Russian Belgorod Region located 30 kilometers southeast of Belgorod. Shebekino's population is roughly 40,000.

According to regional authorities, eight people were injured in the Ukrainian shelling of the town overnight. Almost 20 buildings are damaged. The were no fatalities.

“There was and is no enemy on the territory of Russia's Belgorod region, but there is constant bombardment”, the governor of the region said.

The Russian Armed Forces, border guards, Federal Security Service, and National Guard are on the spot, the governor added.

"The lives of civilians, the population is under threat. First of all, in Shebekino and in the surrounding villages. The administration of districts and cities is now engaged in the evacuation of people. Of course, this cannot be done under fire. We need to wait for the end of shelling, the end of the explosions, the end of the risks of being injured or killed by the shells of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

Russian lower house to discuss denunciation of agreement with Ukraine on Sea of Azov

Russia’s State Duma, or lower house of parliament, on Thursday will discuss the denunciation of the agreement with Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait.

The relevant bill was submitted to the State Duma by Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 24.

The agreement was signed in Kerch on December 2003. It noted the importance of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait for the economic development of the two countries. It was denunciated by Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) in February.

According to the explanatory note to the bill, "a cardinally new situation around the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait emerged" after the accession of new regions to Russia, with the coasts of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait now belonging solely to Russia.

Pertamax Jabodetabek Turun Jadi 12.400 Perliter

Pertamax Jabodetabek Turun Jadi 12.400 Perliter

Pertamax Jabodetabek Turun Jadi 12.400 Perliter

Foto: Pengendara mengisi BBM di Salah satu SPBU, Kuningan, Jakarta, Minggu, 10/02. (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki)

PT Pertamina resmi menurunkan sejumlah harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) non-subsidi pada hari Kamis, 01 Juni 2023. Secara umum semua produk non-subsidi Pertamina mengalami penurunan harga.

Pertamina kembali melakukan penyesuaian harga (BBM) non-subsidi, antara lain, harga BBM Pertamax (RON 92), Pertamax Turbo (RON 98), Dexlite (CN 51), dan Pertamina Dex (CN 53).

Mengutip informasi situs MyPertamina, hari Kamis,01/06/2023,harga BBM Pertamax di Jabodetabek yang sebelumnya dibanderol Rp 13.300 per liter turun Rp 900 menjadi Rp 12.400 per liter.

Untuk harga Pertamax (RON 92) telah turun menjadi Rp 12.400 per liter dari sebelumnya Rp 13.300. Sedangkan Pertamax Turbo (RON 98) kini berada di Rp 13.600 per liter dari yang sebelumnya Rp 15.000.

Kemudian untuk produk BBM jenis Dexlite (CN 51), kini Rp 12.650 per liter, dari sebelumnya Rp 13.700. Sedangkan harga Pertamina Dex (CN 53) menjadi Rp 13.250 per liter dari sebelumnya Rp 14.600.

Meski begitu harga baru ini berlaku untuk wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi). Sementara itu harga diluar wilayah tersebut masih mengalami penyesuaian.

Misalkan saja untuk wilayah Prov. Jawa Barat (Jabar) dan Banten, harga Pertaline saat ini berada di Rp 12.500 per liter sedangkan Pertamax Turbo Rp 13.600 per liter.

Harga yang sama juga berlaku untuk Kab. Kepulauan Seribu, Prov. Jawa Tengah (Jateng), Jawa Timur (Jatim), Bali, NTB, dan NTT. Sedangkan untuk provinsi lain harga BBM Pertamina masih sedikit lebih tinggi, kecuali Batam.

Sebagai informasi, Direktur Utama Pertamina Patra Niaga, Alfian Nasution menjelaskan harga BBM non subsidi bersifat fluktuatif, sehingga dievaluasi secara berkala mengikuti tren dan mekanisme pasar. Pertamina melakukan penyesuaian harga mengikuti tren harga minyak dunia dan harga rata-rata publikasi minyak.

"Harga BBM Pertamina mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek diantaranya minyak mentah, publikasi MOPS dan Kurs, agar tetap dapat menjamin keberlangsungan penyediaan dan penyaluran BBM hingga ke seluruh pelosok Tanah Air. Harga baru tersebut mulai berlaku per 1 Juni dan telah memenuhi ketentuan batas atas yang ditetapkan untuk setiap jenis BBM," jelas Alfian.

Adapun ketentuan batas atas penetapan harga yang dimaksud sudah diatur dalam Kepmen ESDM No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 sebagai perubahan atas Kepmen No.62/K/12/MEM/2020 tentang formulasi harga JBU atau BBM non subsidi.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, daftar harga BBM Pertamina di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, di bawah ini:

Pertamax (RON 92):

  • Rp 11.900 (Free Trade Zone/FTZ Batam)

  • Rp 12.400 per liter (Jabodetabek)

  • Rp 12.500 per liter (Aceh, Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kodya Batam)

  • Rp 12.800 per liter (Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bangka-Belitung, Lampung, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Utara, Sulawesi Utara, Gorontalo, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Barat, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Papua, Papua Barat)

  • Rp 13.100 per liter (Riau, Kepulauan Riau, Kodya Batam (FTZ), Bengkulu)

Pertamax Turbo (RON 98):

  • Rp 12.900 per liter (FTZ Batam)

  • Rp 13.600 per liter (Aceh, Jabodetabek, Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur)

  • Rp 13.900 per liter (Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Bangka-Belitung, Lampung, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Utara, Sulawesi Utara, Gorontalo, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Barat, Papua, Papua Barat)

  • Rp 14.200 per liter (Riau, Kepulauan Riau, Bengkulu).

Thailand Open 2023 - 8 Wakil Indonesia Lolos 16 Besar Main Hari Ini, Jam Tayang

Thailand Open 2023 - 8 Wakil Indonesia Lolos 16 Besar Main Hari Ini, Jam Tayang

Thailand Open 2023 - 8 Wakil Indonesia Lolos 16 Besar Main Hari Ini, Jam Tayang

Pasangan ganda putra Indonesia, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, di sela-sela tes lapangan jelang Thailand Open 2023 di Stadion Hua Mark, Bangkok, Senin (29/5/2023). (PP PBSI)

Empat wakil Indonesia dari ganda putra berhasil lolos ke babak 16 besar Thailand Open 2023. Berikut jadwal delapan wakil Indonesia di babak 16 besar Toyota Gacoo Racing Thailand Open.

Ganda putra menjadi wakil Indonesia terbanyak ke babak 16 besar Toyota Thailand Open. Dua wakil dari sektor ganda putri, satu tunggal putra dan satu ganda campuran.

Bagas Maulana/ Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/, Sabar Karyaman Gutama/Moh Reza Pahlevi Isfahani, Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon, dan Pramudya Kusumawardana/Yeremia Erich Yoche Yacob Rambitan berhasil melewati hadangan lawan di babak pertama.

Laga berat akan dilalui para pemain Indonesia, dengan tiga di antaranya harus melawan unggulan pertama.

Ganda campuran, Adnan Maulana/Nita Violina Marwah yang melewati babak kualifikasi akan melawan unggulan pertama asal Thailand, Dechapol Puavaranukroh/Sapsiree Taerattanachai.

Secara head to head kedua pasangan belum pernah bertemu. Namun, secara peringkat BWF kedua ganda ini terpaut cukup jauh. Dechapol/Sapsiree berada di posisi ke-2 dunia, sedangkan Adnan/Nita di peringkat ke-48.

Lalu, ganda putra, Muhammad Shohibul Fikri/Bagas Maulana melawan unggulan pertama dari India, Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty.

Rekor pertemuan memang menjadi berat bagi Fikri/Bagas untuk memenangkan pertandingan kali ini. Tiga pertemuan, Fikri/Bagas selalu kalah dari pasangan Rankireddy/Shetty.

Sektor ganda putri, Lanny Tria Mayasari/Ribka Sugiarto yang akan melawan unggulan ke-1 asal Jepang, Kim So Yeong/Kong Hee Yong.

Lanny/Ribka belum pernah bersua pasangan Kim/Kong. Namun, secara peringkat BWF terpaut jauh dengan Kim/Kong di posisi ke-7, dan Lanny/Ribka di peringkat ke-29.

Sementara itu, pasangan ganda putri Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti akan ditantang wakil Jepang, Rin Iwanaga/Kie Nakanishi.

Tunggal putra Indonesia, Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo juga harus melawan unggulan kedua tuan rumah, Kunlavut Vitidsarn.

The Minions akan ditantang unggulan kedelapan asal China, He Ji Ting/Zhou Hao Dong. Ini akan menjadi pertemuan pertama antara kedua pasangan.

Seluruh pertandingan babak 16 besar Thailand Open 2023 akan berlangsung di Indoor Stadium Huamark, Bangkok, mulai pukul 12.00 WIB.

Jam tayang Thailand Open 2023 berlangsung mulai pukul 12.00 WIB atau 14.00 WIT.

Hari ini, siaran langsung Thailand Open 2023 babak 16 besar dapat disaksikan melalui live streaming INews TV.