Thursday, 4 April 2024

Taiwan's strongest earthquake in 25 years kills 9 people, 50 missing

Taiwan's strongest earthquake in 25 years kills 9 people, 50 missing

Taiwan's strongest earthquake in 25 years kills 9 people, 50 missing

The strongest earthquake in a quarter-century rocked Taiwan during the morning rush hour Wednesday, killing nine people, stranding dozens of workers at quarries and sending some residents scrambling out the windows of damaged buildings.

The quake, which also injured more than 1,000, was centered off the coast of rural, mountainous Hualien County, where some buildings leaned at severe angles, their ground floors crushed. Just over 150 kilometers (93 miles) away in the capital of Taipei, tiles fell from older buildings, and schools evacuated students to sports fields as aftershocks rattled the island nation.

Rescuers fanned out in Hualien, looking for people who may be trapped and using excavators to stabilize damaged buildings. The numbers of people missing, trapped or stranded fluctuated as authorities learned of more in trouble and worked to locate or free them.

Some 70 workers who were stranded at two rock quarries were safe, according to Taiwan’s national fire agency, but the roads to reach them were damaged by falling rocks. Six workers were going to be airlifted on Thursday.

In the hours after the quake, TV showed neighbors and rescue workers lifting residents, including a toddler, through windows and onto the street. Some doors had fused shut in the shaking.

Taiwan is regularly jolted by quakes and its population is among the best prepared for them. But authorities expected a relatively mild earthquake and did not send out alerts. The eventual quake was strong enough to scare even people who are used to such shaking.

“I’ve grown accustomed to (earthquakes). But today was the first time I was scared to tears by an earthquake,” said Hsien-hsuen Keng, who lives in a fifth-floor apartment in Taipei. ”I was awakened by the earthquake. I had never felt such intense shaking before.”

At least nine people died in the quake, according to Taiwan’s fire agency. Most of the fatalities were caused by falling rocks, including four people who were struck inside Taroko National Park, according to the state Central News Agency. One died in a residential building that was damaged, the news agency said.

Farther north, part of the headland of Guishan Island, a tourist attraction also known as Turtle Island because of its shape, slid into the sea. In the capital, Taipei, several people were rescued from a partly collapsed warehouse, and tiles fell from buildings.

Although it was measured at 7.7 in Japan, Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency gave the magnitude of Wednesday’s quake as 7.2, making it Taiwan’s strongest since 1999, when a 7.6-magnitude quake 93 miles (150km) south of Taipei killed 2,400 and injured 10,000.

Hualien’s last big quake in 2022, recorded as 6.9 magnitude, toppled buildings and derailed a train, killing one person and cutting off power for thousands of residents.

Wednesday’s quake caused TSMC, Taiwan’s leading semiconductor manufacturer, which is responsible for the production of most of the world’s advanced semiconductors, to evacuate its production lines, according to Bloomberg News.

A general view as workers carry out operations while on an elevated platform of a firefighting truck at the site where a building collapsed, following the earthquake, in Hualien, Taiwan April 4,... Purchase Licensing Rights

Taiwan’s CST said more than 15 aftershocks exceeding a magnitude of 4.0 had occurred so far, but the magnitude had been decreasing.

Damage was visible on some buildings in central Taipei, such as outside the Howard Plaza hotel, where the earthquake had damaged brickwork and dislodged some of the lettering on the hotel’s sign.

People ride motorcycles near the site where a building collapsed, following the earthquake, in Hualien, Taiwan April 4, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Purchase Licensing Rights

Mike Hung Hsu, a hotel guest from the US, said he was woken up by the earthquake. “I’ve never felt this kind of earthquake in LA, even though we have earthquakes pretty often,” he said. “I used to live in Taiwan, in my memory we never had an earthquake like this one.”

Japanese media initially said the quake could trigger waves as high as 3 metres in some areas of Okinawa prefecture, located roughly 1,600km south of Tokyo, but the forecasts were later downgraded. Japan’s meteorological agency lifted all tsunami advisories at around noon local time, while the chief cabinet secretary, Yoshimasa Hayashi, said there had been no reports of injury or damage.

Workers carry out operations at the site where a building collapsed, following the earthquake, in Hualien, Taiwan April 4, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Purchase Licensing Rights

However, an official from Japan’s meteorological agency urged people to continue evacuating until the advisory was lifted. Some residents of the main Okinawa island had evacuated to a nearby US military base, media reports said, while footage showed others watching the sea from the safety of high ground in the prefectural capital, Naha.

The agency has warned that aftershocks, with a similar intensity to those felt in Taiwan, may be likely over the next week.

Workers carry out operations at the site where a building collapsed, following the earthquake, in Hualien, Taiwan April 4, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Purchase Licensing Rights

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake’s epicentre was 18km (11 miles) south of Taiwan’s Hualien city at a depth of 34.8km.

The Philippines’ seismology agency on Wednesday issued a tsunami warning for coastal areas fronting the Pacific Ocean, saying they were expected to experience “high tsunami waves” but later lifted the warning.

Workers walk at the site where a building collapsed, following an earthquake, in Hualien, Taiwan April 3, 2024. REUTERS/Walid Berrazeg Purchase Licensing Rights

It has been only three months since a magnitude-7.6 quake and tsunami killed 244 people and caused widespread damage on the Noto peninsula in Ishikawa prefecture on the Japan Sea coast.

Japan’s biggest earthquake on record was a 9.0-magnitude undersea jolt in March 2011 off Japan’s north-east coast, which triggered a tsunami that left about 18,500 people dead or missing.

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said it was “highly concerned” about the earthquake, which was also felt in coastal cities in China’s Fujian province, and offered to provide assistance.

Workers carry out operations at the site where a building collapsed, following the earthquake, in Hualien, Taiwan April 4, 2024. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins Purchase Licensing Rights

Hasil Sidak BPOM RI Pada 731 Klinik Kecantikan Ditemukan 51.791 Kosmetik Ilegal Berbahaya

Hasil Sidak BPOM RI Pada 731 Klinik Kecantikan Ditemukan 51.791 Kosmetik Ilegal Berbahaya

Hasil Sidak BPOM RI Pada 731 Klinik Kecantikan Ditemukan 51.791 Kosmetik Ilegal Berbahaya

BPOM temukan peredaran kosmetik berbahaya (Foto: Pattricia)

Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (Badan POM) RI menemukan peredaran kosmetik dan skincare beretiket biru berbahaya yang tak layak edar di seluruh Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 19-23 Februari 2024. Total ditemukan 51.791 produk kosmetik ilegal yang beredar di 731 sarana klinik kecantikan. Temuan itu memiliki nilai ekonomis Rp 2,8 miliar.

Deputi Bidang Pengawasan Obat Tradisional, Suplemen Kesehatan, dan Kosmetik Badan POM RI, Mohamad Kashuri mengatakan perkembangan kosmetik secara nasional melamagi pertumbuhan yang cukup pesat. Sejalan dengan itu, terjadi berbagai pelanggaran yang dilakukan para produsen.

"Yang kita periksa adalah produknya. Kenapa dikelilingi pak? Balik lagi, ternyata para wanita kita itu lebih banyak mengunjungi klinik kecantikan dan hasil pengawasan kami sebelumnya juga dikelilingi klinik kecantikan, kita temukan produk yang tidak memiliki ketentuan," imbuh Deputi Bidang Pengawasan Obat Tradisional, Suplemen Kesehatan, dan Kosmetik Badan POM RI, Mohamad Kashuri saat media briefing di Jakarta Pusat, hari Rabu, 03/04/2024.

"Yang kita periksa tidak hanya klinik kecantikan yang hanya usaha melayani estetika saja, yang kita periksa juga klinik kecantikan yang juga berperan atau bertindak sebagai Badan Usaha Pemilik Notifikasi (BUPN) Kosmetik," tuturnya.

Adapun produk-produk tersebut, kata Kashuri, meliputi produk yang tak memiliki izin edar, kosmetik yang mengandung bahan berbahaya, kosmetik beretiket biru yang tak sesuai ketentuan, serta produk injeksi kecantikan dan kosmetik yang kadarluwarsa.

Kashuri menjelaskan dari hasil temuan intensifikasi tersebut, sebanyak 33% klinik kecantikan yang menjual atau menggunakan kosmetik yang tidak memenuhi syarat. Jika dibandingkan tahun lalu, terjadi penurunan data sekitar 9% dengan jumlah 41% klinik kecantikan yang tidak memenuhi syarat.

“Jadi ada progres penurunan, tetapi saya belum puas karena hanya turun kurang lebih 9% sedangkan Badan POM berharap penurunan ini bisa dikendalikan hingga dibawah satu persen atau bahkan kami harapkan mencapai zero cases,” ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut, Kashuri memaparkan dari 33% tersebut, terdapat 11,5 % atau setara 5.937 produk kosmetik yang mengandung bahan berbahaya, 4,8% atau setara 2.475 produk skin care etiket biru tidak sesuai ketentuan, diikuti 73,4% atau 37.998 produk tidak memiliki izin edar.

“Kasus produk skincare dan kosmetik yang tidak memiliki izin edar menjadi yang paling tinggi, kemudian disusul kategori obat produk injeksi kecantikan yang disuntikkan seperti vitamin C sekitar 0,2% atau sekitar 104 produk dan selanjutnya kosmetik yang sudah kadaluarsa kita temukan 10,2% atau 5.277 produk,” jelasnya.

Proses intensifikasi terseru dilakukan tidak hanya di klinik kecantikan yang hanya usaha melayani estetika, tetapi pemeriksaan juga dilakukan pada klinik kecantikan yang berperan atau bertindak sebagai Badan Usaha Pemilik Notifikasi (BUPN) kosmetik.

“Temuan itu terjadi pada 5 UPTD kaitannya dengan total temuan terbesar yaitu di Pekanbaru didominasi oleh Skin Care beretiket biru tidak sesuai ketentuan, Kabupaten Bungo ditemukan dominikasi Skin Care beretiket biru tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan. Selain itu ada Surabaya yang didominasi Skin Care beretiket biru yang tidak sesuai ketentuan, lalu disusul oleh Tarakan didominasi kosmetik tanpa izin edar, dan selanjutnya ada Samarinda didominasi dengan temuan kosmetik tanpa izin edar yang lebih,” jelasnya.

Selain pengawasan secara offline, BPOM juga melaksanakan pengawasan secara daring melalui patroli cyber. Hasil patroli cyber terkait kosmetik yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan periode tahun 2023 hingga Februari 2024 menemukan jumlah toko yang ada direkomendasikan untuk diblokir sebesar 108.141 tautan.

“BPOM tidak bisa melakukan pengawasan secara optimal tanpa dukungan berbagai stakeholder terutama pelaku usaha yang memiliki tanggung jawab sangat besar untuk memastikan keamanan dan mutu terhadap produk yang dijual. Masyarakat juga harus lebih cerdas lagi, oleh karenanya kita tidak henti untuk memberikan edukasi ke masyarakat bagaimana memilih kosmetik yang aman,” ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut, BPOM bersikap agile terhadap dinamika peredaran kosmetik dan skincare yang terus tumbuh ini. Salah satunya dengan menjadikan Peraturan BPOM Nomor 8 Tahun 2020 tentang Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan yang Diedarkan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan BPOM Nomor 32 Tahun 2020 sebagai rujukan pengawasan.

“Setiap hasil pengawasan ditemukan, maka produk akan langsung dimusnahkan, lalu diberikan peringatan dan perintah penarikan jika produsen masih punya jaringan atau distribusi di tempat lain. Kemudian jika kosmetik ada izin edar akan dilakukan pencabutan sebagai langkah sanksi administrasi,” jelasnya.

Kendati demikian, jika produsen terus mengulangi berbagai pelanggaran, peringatan yang dikenakan BPOM bisa sampai pada prejudicial melalui jalur hukum.

“Peringatan tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan upaya-upaya pembinaan supaya mereka bisa berusaha lebih baik lagi, tetapi jika pelanggaran yang dilakukan berulang oleh pelaku usaha maka bisa diperbesar secara pidana sebagai upaya terakhir jika pembinaan ini tidak diindahkan,” jelasnya.

Melalui data tersebut dipaparkan jenis temuan kosmetik mengandung bahan berbahaya atau dilarang ditemukan di klinik kecantikan ditemukan sejumlah 5.937 jenis dengan nilai ekonomis sekitar Rp 323.401.000 dan ditemukan pada 10 UPT. Sementara untuk jenis temuan SkinCare bertiket biru tidak sesuai ketentuan, ditemukan 2.475 jenis dengan nilai ekonomi Rp 170.416.000 ditemukan di 21 UPT.

Selain itu, untuk temuan kosmetik tanpa izin edar ditemukan sebanyak 37.998 pieces dengan nilai ekonomi Rp 1.727.178.000 yang ditemukan pada 71 UPT. Diikuti dengan produk injeksi kecantikan tanpa izin edar dan tidak sesuai ketentuan seperti injeksi vitamin C dan injeksi Botox ditemukan 104 jenis di 11 UPT dengan nilai ekonomi Rp 121.517.000. Terakhir terdapat nilai jenis temuan terkait dengan kosmetik kadaluarsa dengn jumlah 5.277 jenis di 36 UPT dengan nilai ekonomi Rp 462.306.000 juta.

Sementara itu, Anggota Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia, Dokter Fitria Agustina mengatakan bahwa produk kosmetik yang ber-etiket biru masih banyak ditemukan kandungan berbahaya atau bahan obat seperti hidroquinon, clindamycin, asam retinoat, fluocinolon, steroid yang berdampak serius terhadap kesehatan kulit.

“Kami sering dikeluhkan atau didatangi oleh pasien dengan berbagai macam efek samping karena penggunaan kosmetik ilegal tersebut. Seiring dengan efek samping yang ditimbulkan. Awalnya memang membuat kulit putih kinclong tapi akhirnya membuat iritasi kemerahan dan menjadi flek hitam,” jelasnya.

Menurut Fitria, saat ini konsumsi skincare dan kosmetik saat ini lebih banyak didominasi oleh kalangan gen-z yang banyak terpapar oleh iklan di media sosial. Hal ini harus menjadi perhatian khusus untuk memberikan edukasi lebih masif kepada para generasi muda.

“Permintaan mereka terkait dengan skin care itu meningkat, khususnya dalam menggunakan produk skincare, bisa dilihat bahwa pembeli di mall hingga di media sosial didominasi gen-z. Harus ada edukasi yang menyeluruh karena mereka adalah generasi digital, jangan sampai salah paham dan menjadi korban bahaya kosmetik dan skincare ilegal,” ujarnya.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

BPBD DKI catat ketinggian banjir 190 sentimeter di Cawang

BPBD DKI catat ketinggian banjir 190 sentimeter di Cawang

BPBD DKI catat ketinggian banjir 190 sentimeter di Cawang

BPBD DKI catat ketinggian banjir 190 sentimeter di Cawang Petugas Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) DKI memonitor banjir di kawasan Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan, hari Rabu, 03/04/2024. ANTARA/Handout/aa.

Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) DKI mencatat ketinggian banjir mencapai 190 sentimeter (cm) di Cawang, Jakarta Timur, hingga pukul 22.00 WIB.

"Lima RT di Cawang tercatat memiliki ketinggian air mencapai 160 hingga 190 cm," kata Kepala Pelaksana BPBD DKI Jakarta Isnawa Adji kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Rabu.

Isnawa menuturkan penyebab banjir tersebut lantaran curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Ciliwung.

BPBD DKI mencatat 26 Rukun Tetangga (RT) dan tujuh ruas jalan di wilayah DKI tergenang banjir. Yakni 2 RT di Sukabumi Selatan, Jakarta Barat, dengan ketinggian 45 cm yang penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi.

Lalu, 13 RT di Jakarta Selatan, yakni dua RT di Cilandak Barat dengan ketinggian 70 cm. Penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Krukut.

Satu RT di Lebak Bulus dengan ketinggian 60 cm yang penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Grogol serta 1 RT di Petogogan dengan ketinggian 70 cm. Penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Krukut.

Empat RT di Rawajati dengan ketinggian 30 cm yang penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan dua RT di Cilandak Timur dengan ketinggian 175 cm. Penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Krukut.

Empat RT di Jati Padang dengan ketinggian 50 cm. Penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan PHB Serua.

Dua RT di Kebagusan dengan ketinggian 60 hingga 160 cm dan satu RT di Ragunan dengan ketinggian 55 cm. Penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi.

Kemudian, tujuh RT di Jakarta Timur yakni satu RT di Lubang Buaya dengan ketinggian 100 cm. Penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Molek. Lalu, satu RT di Baru dengan ketinggian 50 cm yang penyebabnya curah hujan tinggi dan luapan Kali Cijantung.

Selain itu, terdapat tujuh ruas jalan tergenang banjir. Yakni Jalan Ciledug Raya, Cipulir (Jakarta Selatan) dengan ketinggian 10 cm yJalan Kemang Utara IX, Duren Tiga (Jakarta Selatan) dengan ketinggian 60 cm.

Lalu, Jalan Kemang Utara IX, Bangka (Jakarta Selatan) dengan ketinggian 60 cm. Jalan Raya Mabes Hankam (Titik Kenal Hanura), Bambu Apus (Jakarta Timur) dengan ketinggian 70 cm.

Jalan Pengantin Ali (Depan LRT City), Ciracas, Jakarta Timur dengan ketinggian 10 cm dan Jalan Raya Bogor KM 19 (HEK), Kelurahan Kramat Jati (Jakarta Timur) dengan ketinggian 20 cm. Lalu Jalan Diklat Depsos, Rambutan, Jakarta Timur, dengan ketinggian 100 cm.

Sedangkan wilayah yang sudah surut, yakni satu RT di Lebak Bulus dan satu RT di Lenteng Agung.

Lalu, dua jalan yang sudah surut, yakni Jalan Harun Raya RT 08/07, Sukabumi Utara (Jakarta Barat) dan Jalan Daud Raya RT 06/RW 08, Sukabumi Utara (Jakarta Barat). "Sebanyak 42 warga Cilandak Timur mengungsi Mushala Al Makmur dan Pendopo," ujarnya.

Israel continues to deny aid agency access

Israel continues to deny aid agency access

Israel continues to deny aid agency access

This video may contain light patterns or images that could trigger seizures or cause discomfort for people with visual sensitivities

Israel continues to block the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) from bringing food and other aid into northern Gaza, the aid agency said.

Worldwide condemnation rises as Israel’s military stands accused of deliberately targeting charity staff bringing food to thousands of Gaza Palestinians facing imminent famine

A UN-World Bank report estimates the infrastructure damage in the Gaza Strip at $18.5bn in the first four months of Israel’s devastating assault.

UN Secretary-General Guterres says the Israeli attack that killed seven World Central Kitchen staff brings the number of aid workers killed in Gaza to 196 – including more than 175 UN staff. “This is unconscionable.”

At least 32,975 Palestinians have been killed and 75,577 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. The death toll in Israel from Hamas’s October 7 attack stands at 1,139 with dozens still held captive.

Moscow strongly condemns Israeli airstrikes inside Syria — Russia’s UN envoy

Russia strongly condemns Israeli airstrikes inside Syria and regards them as a gross violation of the country's sovereignty, said Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya.

"The Russian Federation strongly condemns the ongoing airstrikes on the sovereign territory of Syria, viewing them as a gross violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of that country," he said at a meeting of the Security Council. "We believe such aggressive actions by Israel, which are designed to further inflame the conflict, are unacceptable and must be stopped."

The diplomat said Russia calls on West Jerusalem to abandon "the practice of provocative forceful actions on the territory of Syria" and other neighboring countries, as such actions are fraught with "extremely dangerous risks and consequences" for the entire region.

Nebenzya also added that the blame for a potential escalation in the Middle East due to Israel's strike on Iranian diplomatic facilities in Syria will lie entirely on the conscience of the US, the UK and France.

"There is no need to call on others to de-escalate and label the victims of this attack as aggressors. In this context, any possible escalation of the situation will be entirely... on your conscience," he said, addressing Western representatives of the permanent members of the UN Security Council.

On April 1, the Syrian news agency SANA reported that the Israeli Air Force struck a building in Damascus. Iranian news media said the building was an Iranian consulate. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said seven military advisers were killed: generals Mohammed Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, along with five other officers

Russia has strongly condemned the Israeli attack on the consulate and requested a UN Security Council meeting on the issue. A representative of the Israel Defense Forces declined to comment on reports about the Israeli strike on Damascus in response to a request from TASS.

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Russian diplomat demands probe into IOC chief’s role in politicization of sports

Russian diplomat demands probe into IOC chief’s role in politicization of sports

Russian diplomat demands probe into IOC chief’s role in politicization of sports

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach needs to be investigated after what he said about the politicization of sports, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.

Earlier, the IOC president said in a conversation with Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov ("Vovan") and Alexey Stolyarov ("Lexus") that the organization was keeping a close eye on any political statements made by Russian athletes, and Ukraine was helping them with this.

"It is necessary to carry out an internal investigation, perhaps even an external one, because everything related to the Olympic Games is of great journalistic interest, especially in Western countries. An investigation is necessary, it is important to know exactly how Thomas Bach is using the powers entrusted to him. Why do we hear about a conspiracy from a man who heads the IOC with a certain country in order not to allow athletes from another country to participate in international sports competitions? Why do we hear words that directly point to the dream, the desire that in reality turns into a politicization of sport, from a person who swore to obey completely different values?" the diplomat said.

Zakharova also called Bach's statements "a horrific revelation, a confession of how the post occupied by him is used in contradiction to all international legal norms promoting sport in the name of peace, development and cooperation." "All of this requires a deep, thorough analysis and investigation," the spokeswoman pointed out.

According to the diplomat, "people like Thomas Bach do a disservice to the world of sport, to the Olympic movement, they not only violate, but directly contradict global Olympism."

Russia accused International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach on Tuesday of taking part in a "conspiracy" with Ukraine to exclude its strongest athletes from this year's Paris Games.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made the allegation after two Russian pranksters known as Vovan and Lexus published a recording of a conversation with Bach in which he was falsely led to believe he was speaking to an African sports official.

Bach said in the call that the IOC had established a special panel to monitor the media and the internet and ensure that Russian athletes who had made political statements in support of their government could not take part in the Olympics. "We have also offered to the Ukrainian side - not only offered, but asked them - to provide us with their knowledge of the behaviour of such (Russian) athletes or officials," Bach could be heard saying in English on the recording.

She added: "The relationship of IOC President Bach with the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine and its officials, and the admissions of a 'request to monitor Russian athletes' should be the subject of a thorough investigation."

Relations between Russia and the IOC have worsened sharply in the run-up to the Olympics, at which Russian and Belarusian athletes will compete as neutrals, without their flags and anthems, because of the war in Ukraine. They have also been banned from taking part in the opening parade.

Watch Russia's Tetrahedron Electronic Warfare System Being Tested in Special Op Zone

Watch Russia's Tetrahedron Electronic Warfare System Being Tested in Special Op Zone

Watch Russia's Tetrahedron Electronic Warfare System Being Tested in Special Op Zone

In addition to advanced combat drones, Russia is also rapidly developing electronic warfare systems to counter enemy weaponry. A brand new such system has just passed military performance tests with flying colors.

The Tetrahedron electronic warfare system is specifically designed to combat all sorts of modern first-person view (FPV) kamikaze drones and has been successfully tested in the special military op zone, Andrei Ivanov said, a representative of the developer.

"The Tetrahedron electronic warfare system is intended for covering [our] equipment against modern strike drones of various manufacturers. This is how it works – a wide-band obstacle is set up on control channels, including using offset frequencies. (This is a) simple and reliable suppressor that has passed complex testing and proved its effectiveness," he noted.

According to the designer, the system is fit to be used on both military and civilian objects. Tetrahedrons are equally capable of covering military equipment, ambulances, or public transport alike. It can also be used to protect fixed objects such as roadblocks or bus stops.

Tetrahedron systems have been successfully tested against a number of different size FPV-drones operating at different frequencies that are manufactured by independent developers.

Watch Russian Su-25 Jet Unleash Torrent of Fire on Ukrainian Positions

Su-25 attack aircraft play a crucial role in the special military operation, providing air support to Russian troops.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has released footage showing the combat work of Su-25 fighter jets in the north of the Donetsk People's Republic. A squadron of jets carried out a sortie against Ukrainian positions, unleashed a barrage of unguided air-to-ground missiles and returned to base in one piece.

The pilot of the attack aircraft explained that they provide air support for the Russian infantry.

Su-25s are able to launch missiles at extremely low altitudes and evade enemy air defenses with sophisticated maneuvers and state-of-the-art devices that deceive heat-seeking systems by creating false targets.

Watch Russian Drone Operators Explain How They Disrupt Ukraine's Military Plans

Conducting troop rotation and resupplying units in the field has become a nigh impossible task for Ukrainian commanders due to incessant Russian drone strikes.

Previously, Ukrainian convoys could feel relatively safe deep in home territory, but the increased range of new Russian drones has quickly put an end to that.

Ukrainian troop movements are being monitored around the clock and are constantly being disrupted by drone strikes, one Russian drone operator has revealed.

“Previously, they could drive around like they were moving through peaceful cities, delivering their load and driving away,” the serviceman said, referring to Ukrainian convoys conducting troop rotation. “Since we got our hands on FPV [first-person view] drones, it became nearly impossible for them.”