Friday 30 June 2023

Warga Surabaya, Jangan Nekat Buang Rumen Hewan Kurban di Sungai

Warga Surabaya, Jangan Nekat Buang Rumen Hewan Kurban di Sungai

Warga Surabaya, Jangan Nekat Buang Rumen Hewan Kurban di Sungai

Tim gabungan dari DLH Surabaya menggelar operasi di pasar. []

Warga Surabaya jangan nekat membuang rumen atau organ lambung pada hewan kurban di sungai, karena Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan tim yustisi dari Pemkot Surabaya akan terus melakukan patroli untuk memastikan tidak ada yang membuang rumen ke sungai.

Petugas dengan menggunakan perahu motor berkeliling mengecek masih adakah warga yang membuang rumah ke dalam rumah.

"Kami halau orang yang mencuci rumen dan mereka kami beri glangsing (karung) agar mereka tidak membuang rumen di sungai," ujarnya.

Dia mengungkapkan, larangan mencuci dan membuang rumen hewan kurban ini untuk menjaga kondisi lingkungan.

"Nanti kalau wisatawan terganggu bagaimana? Ditakutkan sapinya ada penyakit, sehingga bisa berdampak pada kondisi sungai. Kemudian juga melihat pada sisi estetika," ujarnya.

Sebelumnya Pemerintah Kota Surabaya teah mengimbau masyarakat agar tidak membuang limbah rumen atau organ lambung hewan kurban sembarangan, seperti di sungai karena dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan, pada hari Rabu, 28/06/2023.

"Untuk warga Surabaya yang memotong hewan kurban tolong jangan dibuang di sungai, sehingga nanti bisa dilakukan di tempat pembuangan yang sudah disediakan," kata Wali Kota Surabaya Eri Cahyadi di Surabaya, Rabu.

Selain itu, Wali Kota Eri juga mengimbau masyarakat agar tidak membagikan daging hewan kurban menggunakan kantong plastik. Hal ini sebagaimana telah diatur dalam Peraturan Wali Kota (Perwali) Nomor 16 tahun 2022 tentang Pengurangan Penggunaan Kantong Plastik di Kota Surabaya.

"Karena plastik ini sulit dihancurkan ketika kita akan menghancurkan sampah dan ini membuat polusi. Sehingga saya berharap warga Surabaya ayo dijaga kebersihan lingkungannya," tuturnya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLH) Kota Surabaya Agus Hebi Djuniantoro menyatakan, pihaknya telah menyebarkan Surat Edaran tentang Sosialisasi Penyembelihan Hewan Kurban kepada masyarakat. Surat tersebut telah disebarkan melalui kecamatan/kelurahan pada tanggal 17 Juni 2023.

"Intinya satu, kalau untuk menyembelih kurban bisa langsung ke Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH). Kedua, apabila menyembelih sendiri tidak boleh mencuci rumen di sungai, kami persiapkan di TPS (Tempat Pembuangan Sampah) untuk membuang rumen," kata Agus Hebi.

Selain dua poin tersebut, Hebi menjelaskan dalam surat edaran masyarakat atau takmir masjid juga diimbau agar tidak membagikan daging hewan kurban menggunakan kresek. "Untuk membagikan daging hindari menggunakan kresek. Kalau bisa pakai besek," ucapnya.

Hebi menyatakan, pihaknya telah menyiapkan TPS sebagai lokasi pembuangan limbah rumen hewan kurban. Sebab, sebelum dibuang ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA), rumen akan disemprot dahulu di TPS menggunakan zat khusus agar tidak bau.

"Jadi yang di TPS, kami siapkan tempat pembuangan untuk rumen, sebab tidak bisa langsung dibuang ke TPA. Intinya jangan sampai bau. Jadi silahkan ke TPS terdekat, jangan dibuang dan mencuci di sungai," katanya.

Meski demikian, Hebi juga berharap besar kepada masyarakat atau panitia Idul Kurban agar membersihkan dahulu limbah rumen sebelum dibuang ke TPS. Menurutnya, membersihkan rumen sebelum dibuang bisa dilakukan dahulu di lokasi pemotongan hewan kurban.

Walaupun begitu, Hebi juga memastikan, pihaknya berkoordinasi bersama Satpol PP untuk melakukan pengawasan saat penyembelihan hewan kurban. Pengawasan ini diharapkan dapat mengantisipasi adanya warga atau panitia kurban yang membuang limbah rumen ke sungai.

"Kami mengimbau agar jangan dibuang ke sungai. Kami juga koordinasi sama Satpol PP untuk mengantisipasi warga membuang rumen ke sungai. Ada (petugas DLH) dari sembilan rayon setiap wilayah," ucapnya.

Hebi menyebutkan, tim menemukan orang yang mencuci rumen hewan kurban di sungai. "Di sana masih ada satu dua orang sudah kami imbau soal larangan mencuci dan membuang rumen," katanya.

50 Rumah di Cibinong Bogor Terendam Banjir Usai Hujan Deras

50 Rumah di Cibinong Bogor Terendam Banjir Usai Hujan Deras

50 Rumah di Cibinong Bogor Terendam Banjir Usai Hujan Deras

Puluhan rumah di wilayah Kampung Balong, Kelurahan Nanggewer, Kecamatan Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor terendam banjir, Kamis (29/6/2023) malam. (Foto: Istimewa)

Sebanyak 50 unit rumah di Kampung Balong, Kelurahan Nanggewer Mekar, Kecamatan Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor terendam banjir pada Kamis malam, 29/6/2023. Banjir melanda kawasan tersebut setelah hujan deras turun dan ada drainase yang tersumbat.

Kabid Kedaruratan dan Logistik Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Kabupaten Bogor, Aris Nurjatmiko, mengatakan banjir mulai memasuki permukiman warga sekitar pukul 18.05 WIB. Diperkirakan, air yang meluap ke permukiman warga mencapai tinggi sekitar 30 sentimeter.

"Diperkirakan dampak hasil kaji cepat 50 unit rumah dan 60 KK/240 jiwa," ucapnya.

"Disebabkan hujan dengan intensitas tinggi yang cukup lama dan adanya material longsoran yang menyumbat aliran drainase, sehingga mengakibatkan air meluap dan banjir kepermukiman warga setempat," kata Aris, hari Kamis, 29/06/2023.

Aris menyebutkan, dari hasil kaji cepat petugas di lapangan ada 50 unit rumah berisi 60 kepala keluarga (KK) dengan 240 jiwa terendam. Tak hanya itu, fasilitas umum berupa masjid di kawasan tersebut juga turut terendam.

Tim sedang melakukan evakuasi penyedotan air dengan menggunakan mesin sedot portable dan air mulai berangsur surut.

"Bila material longsoran tidak secepatnya dibersihkan kemungkinan besar di saat hujan turun akan terjadi banjir kembali," tuturnya.

Setelah menerima laporan, sambung Aris, Tim Rescue Cepat (TRC) BPBD Kabupaten Bogor melakukan koordinasi dengan aparatur setempat. Kemudian melakukan tindakan sesuai standar operasional prosedur (SOP) kebencanaan.

“Di lokasi bencana kami melakukan kaji cepat dan analisa. Serta memberikan edukasi kebencanaan dan imbauan kepada warga setempat,” ujarnya.

Hingga hari Jumat dini hari, 30/6/2033, Aris mengatakan, TRC BPBD Kabupaten Bogor masih melakukan penyedotan air dengan menggunakan mesin sedot portable. Sehingga air mulai berangsur surut.

“Bila mana material longsoran tidak secepatnya dibersihkan kemungkinan besar disaat hujan turun akan terjadi banjir kembali,” tegas Aris.

Ukrainians can’t break through our defenses – Chechen commander

Ukrainians can’t break through our defenses – Chechen commander

LIVE UPDATES - Russia’s Strike on Kramatorsk Eliminates Two Ukrainian Generals, 50 Officers

File photo: Apty Alaudinov, commander of the 'Akhmat' Rapid Reaction Force © social media

Ukraine’s much-heralded attack has not been able to breach any of the Russian defensive lines, but Kiev keeps sending men to their deaths, the commander of the Chechen special force ‘Akhmat’, Apty Alaudinov, told Russia 1 TV on Thursday.

“The picture we see is that the enemy, having reached our first line of defense, can’t advance through it. We warned them about this. They realistically do not have the forces and resources, for all that they’ve built them up, to break through our three echelons,” Alaudinov said on the ‘60 Minutes’ evening news show.

“Let them waste [their people], as they planned, to the last Ukrainian. They only make things worse for themselves. The realistic result, I’ve always said, will be the same. We will definitely win this battle,” he added.

Later, on his Telegram channel, Alaudinov repeated that Ukrainian forces “did not even pass our first line of defense in any sector.” While Kiev’s troops have “temporarily occupied” some patches of land here and there, none of those positions pose a strategic threat, he maintained.

Alaudinov also downplayed the small Ukrainian presence near the destroyed Antonovsky Bridge in Kherson, calling it a public relations stunt without any significant military results – but at the cost of high casualties as Russian forces “systematically destroy them.”

The Ukrainian offensive, which was originally supposed to begin in the spring, kicked off on June 4 on the southern front. Kiev had hoped for a battlefield victory ahead of the July 11 NATO summit in Lithuania.

A series of company-sized attacks ran into minefields, artillery fire, attack helicopters and dug-in infantry and tanks. Russian President Vladimir Putin has described Kiev’s losses as “catastrophic,” and ten times greater than Moscow’s.

In the three weeks of heavy fighting, Kiev’s forces have suffered upwards of 13,000 casualties, along with hundreds of tanks and other armored vehicles, many supplied by the West. 

Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, acknowledged on Wednesday that the fighting is “hard work” and asked the West to have patience. 

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted that his troops had encountered “very tough resistance” on the ground. Meanwhile, Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has tried to present the attacks as a “preparation operation,” and not the offensive itself.

Watch Russian Air Force Navigators Guide Aviation Missile Strike on Enemy Positions

The long-anticipated and repeatedly delayed Ukrainian "counteroffensive" started on June 4, along the South Donetsk, Artemovsk (Bakhmut) and Zaporozhye directions.

The Russian Defense Ministry has released video footage showing Battlegroup Tsentr's specialists provide guidance for aviation missile strike on enemy positions near Krasny Liman.

The work of aviation spotters is especially dangerous because it rarely gets caught on camera, but it's these inconspicuous fighters who determine the accuracy of air strikes and the safety of aircrews.

LIVE UPDATES - Russia’s Strike on Kramatorsk Eliminates Two Ukrainian Generals, 50 Officers

LIVE UPDATES - Russia’s Strike on Kramatorsk Eliminates Two Ukrainian Generals, 50 Officers

LIVE UPDATES - Russia’s Strike on Kramatorsk Eliminates Two Ukrainian Generals, 50 Officers

©National Police of Ukraine via AP

Two Ukrainian generals and up to 50 officers along with about 20 foreign mercenaries and military advisers were eliminated in Russia’s strike on the Kiev forces’ deployment site in Kramatorsk, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Thursday.

"According to the updated information, a June 27 precision strike on the temporary deployment site of the Ukrainian army’s 56th motorized infantry brigade in the city of Kramatorsk eliminated two generals, up to fifty officers of the Ukrainian armed forces and also up to twenty foreign mercenaries and military advisers who participated in a staff meeting," the spokesman said.

Ukrainian troops continue offensive attempts in three directions Ukrainian troops continue attempts to advance in three directions, Konashenkov said.

"In the past 24 hours, Ukrainian armed formations continued attempts to advance in the Donetsk, Krasny Liman and south Donetsk directions," the spokesman said.

Russian forces destroy over 25 Ukrainian troops in Kupyansk area over past day

Russian forces destroyed over 25 Ukrainian troops in the Kupyansk area in the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Kupyansk direction, operational/tactical and army aircraft and artillery of the western battlegroup struck the Ukrainian army’s manpower and equipment in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka and Krasnoye Pervoye in the Kharkov Region. Over 25 Ukrainian personnel, three motor vehicles, an Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, a D-30 howitzer and a Grad multiple rocket launcher were destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian forces eliminate 65 Ukrainian troops in Krasny Liman area over past day

Russian forces eliminated roughly 65 Ukrainian troops and neutralized an enemy subversive group in the Krasny Liman area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Krasny Liman direction, forces of the battlegroup Center, air strikes, artillery and heavy flamethrower fires inflicted damage on units of the Ukrainian army’s 21st, 42nd and 67th mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements Nevskoye, Kremennaya and Chervonaya Dibrova in the Lugansk People’s Republic. Near the settlement of Kuzmino in the Lugansk People’s Republic, the activity of a Ukrainian subversive/reconnaissance group was thwarted," the spokesman said.

In all, Russian forces eliminated as many as 65 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two pickup trucks, two D-30 howitzers and two Gvozdika motorized artillery systems in the Krasny Liman direction in the past 24 hours, the general reported.

Ukraine’s military sustains 530 casualties in Donetsk area over past day

Russian forces killed and wounded about 530 Ukrainian troops in the Donetsk area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Donetsk direction, four enemy attacks were successfully repelled by skilled and courageous actions of units from the southern battlegroup near the settlements of Belogorovka in the Lugansk People’s Republic and Tonenkoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The Ukrainian army’s casualties in that area during the battles amounted to 530 personnel killed and wounded," the spokesman said.

Russian forces also destroyed a Ukrainian tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, five motor vehicles, Msta-B and D-20 howitzers, the general specified.

"In addition, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 54th mechanized brigade was destroyed near the settlement of Viyemka in the Donetsk People’s Republic," he said.

Russian forces repel Ukrainian attack at Vremevka bulge in DPR

Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian attack at the Vremevka bulge in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"At the Vremevka bulge in the south Donetsk direction, an attack by Ukrainian army units was repulsed by artillery and heavy flamethrower fires of the battlegroup East near the settlement of Staromayorskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic," the spokesman said.

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian ammo depot in DPR

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the area of the settlement of Viyemka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian army’s 10th mountain assault brigade was destroyed," the spokesman said.

During the last 24-hour period, operational/tactical and army aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian groupings of forces struck 85 Ukrainian artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 102 areas, the general reported.

Russian forces destroy 135 Ukrainian troops in south Donetsk, Zaporozhye areas

Russian forces destroyed roughly 135 Ukrainian troops in the south Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"The enemy’s losses in those directions in the past 24 hours amounted to 135 Ukrainian personnel, two armored combat vehicles, four motor vehicles, three D-20 howitzers, Msta-B and D-30 howitzers and a Gvozdika motorized artillery system," the spokesman said.

Russian forces strike Ukrainian army brigade in Zaporozhye area

Russian forces delivered a strike on amassed Ukrainian troops and equipment in the Zaporozhye area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In the Zaporozhye direction, Russian forces delivered a strike against amassed manpower and equipment of the 106th territorial defense brigade near the settlement of Lugovskoye in the Zaporozhye Region," the spokesman said.

Russian forces wipe out Ukrainian ammo depot in Kherson area

Russian forces destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"Near the settlement of Kizomys, an ammunition depot of the 123rd territorial defense brigade was destroyed," the spokesman said.

In all, Russian forces destroyed as many as 40 Ukrainian personnel, six motor vehicles and a Msta-B howitzer in the Kherson direction in the past 24 hours, the general reported.

Russian forces destroy two US-made radars in Ukraine operation

Russian forces destroyed two US-made counter-battery radar stations in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Kharkov Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"In areas near the settlements of Vasiltsovka in the Kharkov Region and Peschanoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, two US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar stations were destroyed," the spokesman said.

Russian air defenses intercept two HIMARS rockets, HARM anti-radar missile

Russian air defense forces intercepted two rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and a HARM anti-radar missile and shot down 11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the past day, Konashenkov reported.

"During the last 24-hour period, air defense capabilities intercepted two rockets of the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system and a HARM anti-radiation missile," the spokesman said.

In addition, Russian air defense systems destroyed 11 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Ivanovka in the Kharkov Region, Volodino and Yevgenovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Golikovo in the Lugansk People’s Republic and Novaya Zburyevka in the Kherson Region, the general reported.

In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 444 Ukrainian warplanes, 240 helicopters, 4,823 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 surface-to-air missile systems, 10,402 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,133 multiple rocket launchers, 5,269 field artillery guns and mortars and 11,276 special military motor vehicles since the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, Konashenkov reported.

Desecrating the Qur’an a crime in Russia, Putin says in visit to Dagestan

Desecrating the Qur’an a crime in Russia, Putin says in visit to Dagestan

Desecrating the Qur’an a crime in Russia, Putin says in visit to Dagestan

The desecration of Al-Qur’an is a crime and will be penalized in Russia, President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.

During a visit to Derbent in the Muslim-majority Dagestan Autonomous Republic, Putin visited the historical mosque and met with Muslim representatives. Putin said despite other countries failing to respect the sanctity of Al-Qur’an, it would always be respected in Russia.

“In our country, this is a crime both according to the Constitution and the penal code,” he said as he received a copy of the holy book during a visit to the historic mosque of Derbent, where he met Muslim representatives from Dagestan.

“Al-Qur’an is sacred for Muslims and should be sacred for others,” he said as he thanked the representatives for the gift. “We will always abide by these rules.”

Putin’s comments came as a man tore up and burned a copy of Al-Qur’an outside Stockholm’s central mosque on Wednesday, drawing widespread condemnation from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim nations.

Police later charged the man with agitation against an ethnic or national group.

A series of demonstrations in Sweden against Islam has offended the Muslim world, including Turkey, whose foreign minister said it was "unacceptable" to allow anti-Islam protests in the name of freedom of expression.

In January, when a similar incident occurred in Sweden, the Russian Foreign Ministry had blasted the burning of the Holy Quran "as another provocative act of Islamophobia."

"These blasphemous actions predictably provoked a harsh reaction in the Islamic world, including the Russian Muslim community," spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a news conference.

“These hateful and repeated acts cannot be accepted with any justification, and they clearly incite hatred, exclusion and racism, and directly contradict international efforts seeking to spread the values of tolerance, moderation and rejection of extremism, and undermine the necessary mutual respect for relations between peoples and states,” a Saudi foregin ministry statement said

Swedish police later charged the man with agitation against an ethnic or national group.

This is not the first time Russia has expressed its condemnation of Al-Quran burnings. In a previous incident in Sweden, the Russian Foreign Ministry denounced the act as an Islamophobic provocation that triggered a strong reaction in the Islamic world and among the Russian Muslim community.

Putin’s declaration reaffirms Russia’s stance on protecting religious sensitivities and treating the desecration of Al-Quran as a punishable offense under both the country’s Constitution and penal code.

Ethiopia applies to join BRICS

Ethiopia applies to join BRICS

Ethiopia applies to join BRICS

©Getty Images / Yannick Tylle

Ethiopia has applied to join the BRICS group of major emerging economies, according to The Reporter, citing the country’s Foreign Ministry. The issue could be discussed at the BRICS summit scheduled for South Africa in August.

Ethiopia hopes for a positive decision on its application to join BRICS member states, Ethiopian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Meles Alem said.

"We expect BRICS will give us a positive response to the request we have made," the ENA news agency quoted him as saying at a media briefing. The diplomat noted that Ethiopia had officially applied to join the alliance.

Earlier, official requests to join BRICS were filed by Algeria, Bangladesh and Egypt. BRICS unites Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Argentina, Iran, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have already expressed interest in joining the group. In 2023, the chairmanship of the alliance was passed from China to South Africa.

The BRICS Summit is scheduled for August 22-24 in Johannesburg. South African Presidential Spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said at a press briefing that in the near future, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa would complete consultations with BRICS leaders on the details of holding the summit.

“We have applied for membership and are hoping for a positive response,” ministry spokesman Meles Alem reportedly told a press briefing on Thursday. “As a country that has been a founding member of global institutions like the AU [African Union] and the UN, and as we seek to guarantee our national interests, it is important to join blocs like BRICS,” Meles stressed.

About a dozen countries have so far applied to join BRICS, which consists of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Among those aiming for membership are Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh, Algeria, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia. The bloc hopes to introduce a framework for admitting new members before the August summit in South Africa.

Beijing Calls on US, Japan, Philippines to Stop Undermining China's Sovereignty, Interests

Japan and the Philippines must stop making remarks and taking actions that undermine China's territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests and complicate the situation in the region, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Zhang Xiaogang said on Thursday.

On June 16, the first meeting of the security advisers of the United States, the Philippines and Japan was held in Tokyo, where the three countries agreed to enhance their trilateral defense and security capabilities to maintain peace in the Indo-Pacific amid China's military activities in the South and East China Seas. The parties also pledged to cooperate in the economy to counter Beijing's alleged "economic coercion."

"China is a staunch defender and builder of international rule of law at sea. China has been committed to properly resolving disputes through negotiation and consultation. We urge relevant countries to stop harming China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and stop saying or doing anything that would further complicate the situation," Zhang told a briefing.

He stressed that the current situation in the South and East China Seas is generally stable, although some countries outside the region have tried to create chaos, engage in military provocations, create bloc confrontation and escalate tensions in the region in order to promote their personal interests.

"Countries in the East China Sea and South China Sea should refrain from bringing harm to themselves while taking risks for others," the spokesman said.

The Chinese military will closely monitor any changes in the situation and take resolute measures to safeguard China's state sovereignty, security and development interests, he added. The meeting of US, Philippine and Japanese security advisers was organized at Japan's initiative. Its main purpose was to secure the support of the Philippines, which has a long-standing territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea and could become another deterrent.