Thursday 1 December 2022

Lavrov says NATO returned to Cold War agenda, Russians aren’t wanted in Europe

Lavrov says NATO returned to Cold War agenda, Russians aren’t wanted in Europe

Lavrov says NATO returned to Cold War agenda, Russians aren’t wanted in Europe

©Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a press conference on European security issues on Thursday that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has reverted back to its Cold War priorities and Russians aren’t wanted in Europe.

The Russian diplomat noted that NATO policies in Europe degraded back to the Cold War era, as Washington is bent on exercising total control over the EU, so any meaningful cooperation between Russia and Europe is unlikely in the near future. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that the EU is trying to create a security system against Russia, not with it.

In his brief on European security issues, the foreign minister stressed that the old format of relations between Russia and the West is gone. Lavrov added he is not sure it is possible to restore cooperation between Russia and the EU on the European security issue, but Moscow is ready to hear what the Western countries have to say.

"If our Western colleagues understand their mistakes and express readiness to return to the discussion of the documents that we have proposed in December, I think it will be a positive factor. Although I doubt that they will have the strength and will to do it, but if it happens, then of course we will be ready to return to the discussion," Lavrov said.

The minister said Moscow remembers how NATO was set up when the alliance’s first secretary general, Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, "came up with a formula to keep the Russians out of Europe, the Americans in and the Germans down."

"What’s happening now signifies NATO’s return to the conceptual priorities that were developed 73 years ago. Nothing has changed: the Russians are not welcome in Europe, and the Americans have already subjugated the entire Europe and it’s not just Germany that’s kept down, but all of the European Union. So, the philosophy of domination and unilateral advantages hasn’t gone anywhere following the end of the Cold War," Lavrov said.

The minister urged not to forget that during its existence, NATO "could hardly take credit for even one real success story."

"It brings devastation and suffering. I have already mentioned the aggression against Syria, the aggression against Libya, the destruction of the Libyan statehood," the minister continued. "While in 1991 NATO consisted of 16 countries, now there are already 30 of them. Sweden and Finland are on the cusp of accession. The alliance deploys its forces and military infrastructure ever closer to our borders.".

Lavrov recounted the words of NATO's first Secretary General, Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, who described the core policy of the alliance regarding Europe as "keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down".

“What is happening now means that NATO is returning to those conceptual priorities that were developed 73 years ago. Nothing has changed: they want to keep the Russians outside of Europe, the Americans have already enslaved all of Europe, and not only the Germans, but the entire European Union. So, the philosophy of dominance and unilateral advantages did not disappear anywhere after the end of the Cold War," he said.

Decaying Organizations

The diplomat also elaborated on the sad state of European intergovernmental organizations, noting that Western policies had crippled the Council of Europe beyond repair, while the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe also suffers from multiple problems.

He noted that Sweden, which presided over the OSCE last year, had abandoned a balanced stance, and had facilitated the subjugation of the organization by Washington and Brussels.

"Of course, the OSCE special monitoring mission in Ukraine contributed to the discrediting of the OSCE's work in Ukraine, which, in gross violation of its mandate, did not respond to the daily violations of the Minsk agreements by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The OSCE mission essentially sided with the Kiev regime," Lavrov stressed, noting that that after the closure of the mission it was revealed that its officials cooperated with Western special services.

In the meantime, Poland, which has presided over it in 2022, is "digging a grave" for the OSCE, undermining any consensus that is left in there, he said. "I can responsibly say that Poland's anti-presidency in the OSCE will occupy a most unattractive place in the history of this organization. No one has ever done such damage to the OSCE at its helm," Lavrov told reporters.

The security space in Europe is fragmenting, and the OSCE itself is becoming a marginalized entity, the diplomat added.

Earlier in the day, the annual conference of the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council started in the Polish city of Lodz. Warsaw did not allow Lavrov to take part in the meeting, as it believes that it is necessary to "absolutely isolate" Russia in the international arena amid its military operation in Ukraine, according to senior Polish diplomat Pawel Jablonski.

Moscow Will Retaliate if EU Confiscates Russian Assets, Foreign Ministry Says

Moscow Will Retaliate if EU Confiscates Russian Assets, Foreign Ministry Says

Moscow Will Retaliate if EU Confiscates Russian Assets, Foreign Ministry Says

Moscow will take "adequate measures" if the EU confiscates Russian state and private assets, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday, as the bloc's chief proposed a plan to compensate Ukraine for its reconstruction.

"We once again warn that if it comes to the real confiscation of the property of the Russian Federation and Russian citizens, enterprises, state reserves of our country, then adequate measures will inevitably follow from the Russian side," Zakharova told a press briefing in Moscow.

Earlier on Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission, said the EU and its partners "will make sure that Russia pays for the devastation it caused, with the frozen funds of oligarchs and assets of its central bank."

Von der Leyen said the bloc has already blocked €300 billion of the Russian Central Bank reserves and has frozen €19 billion of Russian oligarch's money.

She said the funds should be used as "full compensation to Ukraine" for damage caused by Russia's "special military operation" that started in February.

"We will work on an international agreement with our partners to make this possible," she said.

Zakharova called the decision of the EU Council to recognize the circumvention of sanctions a crime as legal arbitrariness

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, expressed confidence that the decision of the Council of the European Union to recognize the circumvention of sanctions as a criminal offense is a legal arbitrariness.

“We are dealing with double legal arbitrariness.

This is all from the category of pseudo-legal exercises, ”she said during the briefing.

Zakharova stressed that the implementation of this initiative will lead to the end of the EU's reputation as a reliable jurisdiction for doing business.

On November 28, the Council of the European Union included sanctions circumvention in the list of criminal offences.

Turkey previously noted that anti-Russian sanctions imposed because of the situation in Ukraine will be considered legitimate only if the decision on them is made under the auspices of the UN.

Russia Launches Soyuz Rocket With Military Satellites

Russia Launches Soyuz Rocket With Military Satellites

Russia Launches Soyuz Rocket With Military Satellites

©Sputnik/Maksim Blinov/Go to the mediabank

Russia successfully launched a Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with a military satellite from Plesetsk Cosmodrome, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday.

"On December 1, 2022, from the Plesetsk cosmodrome [Russia's Arkhangelsk region], a combat crew of the space forces of the Aerospace Forces launched a Soyuz-2.1b medium-class launch vehicle with spacecraft in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry," the ministry said in a statement.

It was the third launch in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry in one month. The previous launches took place on November 2 and 28, when other Russian military spacecraft were put into orbit.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a Soyuz-2-1b rocket with a Fregat upper stage lifted off from Pad 4 at Site 43 in Plesetsk on Nov. 2, 2021, at 09:48 Moscow Time.

No official information on the nature of the payload has been released but at the end of October, authorities in the Komi Republic issued warnings to the local population in two drop zones for the upcoming launch scheduled for Nov. 2, 2022, between 09:00 and 12:00 Moscow Time, with backup dates of November 3, 4 and 5.

One closed region was at the Vashka drop zone in the Udorskiy Municipal District, matching the approximate distance downrange from Plesetsk necessary for the impact of four boosters separating from Soyuz rockets.

The second closed area was at the Zheleznodorozhny drop zone, which spanned the Knyazhpogostsky and Kortkerossky Municipal Districts and it was appropriate for the impact of the payload fairing segments.

Further downrange from Plesetsk, along the same flight path, a third area was later closed in the Uvatsky District of the Tyumen Region, which matched the impact site for the core booster of the Soyuz rocket.

The resulting ground track indicated an ascent trajectory to an orbit inclined 64.77 degrees toward the Equator, which was used by the GLONASS navigation satellites, however, as of November 2022, the GLONASS-K2 No. 13L spacecraft, believed to be the next in line for launch into the constellation, was still undergoing final testing at its manufacturing site, according to a poster on the Novosti Kosmonavtiki forum.

That left the Kupol military satellite, which was known to be prepared for launch from Plesetsk before the end of 2022 for the continuing deployment of Russia's new-generation early warning constellation. Although Kupol satellites are deployed in orbit with an inclination 63.8 degrees, the Soyuz rocket could use an available ascent corridor from Plesetsk to a 64.77-degree orbit to drop its booster stages before maneuvering to a lower inclination orbit at the expense of some lifting capability.

Launch profile

The sixth Kupol launch likely followed the usual scenario for the deployment of satellites in the EKS constellation.

The four-stage Soyuz/Fregat booster lifted off under the simultaneous thrust of the first and second stages, heading southeast from Plesetsk. The four boosters of the first stage were jettisoned around two minutes into the flight and fell around 350 kilometers downrange. The second (core) stage continued the powered ascent.

The payload fairing then split into two halves around a minute after the separation of the first stage, as the rocket exited the dense atmosphere at an altitude of under 100 kilometers.

Less than five minutes into the flight and moments before the second stage completed its burn, the third stage ignited its four-chamber RD-0124 engine, initially firing through the lattice structure connecting the two stages. The second stage then separated and crashed around 1,500 kilometers downrange from the launch site, northeast of the city of Tobolsk in the Tyumen Region.

Around nine minutes into the flight, the third stage released the payload section, which was comprised of the Fregat upper stage and the Kupol satellite, into a suborbital trajectory before reentering the Earth's atmosphere. Any surviving debris from the third stage should have fallen into the Pacific Ocean just South East of Tasmania.

Around half an hour after the launch, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the fact of the liftoff and its exact time.

Fregat space tug maneuvers

During the orbital part of the mission, the Fregat was expected to conduct multiple maneuvers to insert the EKS satellite into its release orbit. Most likely, three main engine firings were made.

Approximate ground track during the launch of the EKS (Tundra) satellite.

The first maneuver, initiated within a minute after the separation from the third stage, likely placed the stack into an initial parking orbit. The Fregat then probably fired its engine again with the goal of stretching the orbit so that the apogee (the highest point) of this intermediate orbit reached the perigee (lowest point) of the final orbit. Finally, the third Fregat burn increased the apogee to the required altitude by firing near the peak of the target orbit.

Following the separation of the EKS spacecraft, the Fregat upper stage typically conducts collision avoidance and deorbiting maneuvers. In turn, the satellite has its own propulsion system to make necessary orbit adjustments.

Around six hours after the launch, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the spacecraft had successfully entered its orbit, established reliable telemetry contact with ground control and that all its systems functioned nominally. At that point, the spacecraft was officially identified as Kosmos-2563.

Within hours after the launch, the US Space Force published orbital elements for two objects associated with the launch, which were probably the satellite and the Fregat upper stage after their separation in the target orbit:

Kepulan Asap Keluar dari Basement MOI Kelapa Gading

Kepulan Asap Keluar dari Basement MOI Kelapa Gading

Kepulan Asap Keluar dari Basement MOI Kelapa Gading

Asap tebal mengepul dari lantai basement Mall of Indonesia (MOI) Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, pada hari Rabu, 30/11/2022.

Peristiwa ini viral usai diunggah akun Instagram @updateinfojakarta. Dalam video singkat ini terihat kepulan asap hitam dari basement itu.

"Untuk penyebabnya dikarenakan ada motor yang mogok dan mencoba diperbaiki oleh pengguna akhirnya terjadi kebakaran," demikian dilansir akun Instagram @jktnewss.

Dalam video terlihat petugas securiti berlarian dengan APAR mencoba melakukan pemadaman. Sementara itu asap hitam pekat tampak keluar dari ruangan basement.

"Untuk informasi tidak ada korban jiwa dan area sudah dibersihkan," lanjutnya.

Berdasarkan keterangan yang dihimpun, kebakaran tersebut sudah dapat dipadamkan.

Terlihat juga beberapa pihak keamanan yang berupaya memadamkan api dengan alat pemadam api ringan (APAR).

Sementara itu, Kasiops Suku Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan Jakarta Utara, Abdul Wahid, mengatakan dalam pemadaman itu tidak melibatkan pihaknya.

“Tadi enggak ada laporan ke kita. Mereka sudah bisa madamin sendiri itu. Kita terima laporan sudah padam,” katanya.

"Untuk informasi tidak ada korban jiwa dan area sudah dibersihkan," lanjutnya.

Berdasarkan keterangan yang dihimpun, kebakaran tersebut sudah dapat dipadamkan.

Hingga saat ini, Abdul masih mencari data tentang peristiwa tersebut.

Dapur Diva Karaoke di Kalibata City Kebakaran

Kebakaran juga terjadi di tempat karaoke daerah Kalibata, kebakaran disebabkan mesin pemanas ditinggalkan juru masak, di dapur Diva Karaoke di Kalibata City Kebakaran.

Perwira Piket Sudin Gulkarmat Jakarta Selatan, Moch Arief mengatakan, kebakaran tersebut terjadi sekiranya pukul 13.05 WIB.

“Objek yang terbakar Dapur Diva Karoke,” kata Moch Arief, dalam keterangannya, Rabu, 30/11/2022.

Lebih lanjut ia mengatakan kebakaran ini diakibatkan oleh pemanas perangkat yang sedang digunakan ditinggal oleh juru masak hingga menimbulkan api.

Lebih lanjut ia mengatakan kebakaran ini diakibatkan oleh pemanas perangkat yang sedang digunakan ditinggal oleh juru masak hingga menimbulkan api.

“Terjadi penyalaan api pada kitchen, api tidak sempat membesar. Karena segera dipadamkan menggunakan apar oleh karyawan Diva dan petugas kebersihan gedung,” ujar Moch Arief.

Terkait hal ini petugas damkar juga tetap mengerahkan satu unit mobil dengan lima personel pemadam kebakaran ke lokasi.

“Pengerahan unit satu light pressure pump, personel lima anggota,” ucap Moch Arief.

Breaking! Harga BBM Non Subsidi Pertamina Resmi Naik di SPBU

Breaking! Harga BBM Non Subsidi Pertamina Resmi Naik di SPBU

Breaking! Harga BBM Non Subsidi Pertamina Resmi Naik di SPBU

Foto: Warga antre mengisi Bahan Bakar Minya (BBM) jenis Pertalite di SPBU Kuningan, Jakarta, hari Rabu, 31/8/2022. (CNBC Indonesia/Andrean Kristianto)

PT Pertamina (Persero) resmi melakukan penyesuaian harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) khususnya harga BBM jenis non subsidi di seluruh SPBU Pertamina yang ada di Indonesia. Penyesuaian harga BBM Non Subsidi ini resmi berlaku naik mulai 1 Desember 2022.

Sebagai contoh harga BBM non subsidi yang berlaku di DKI Jakarta, untuk harga BBM jenis Pertamax Turbo menjadi Rp 15.200 per liter dari sebelumnya Rp 14.300 per liter. Adapun harga BBM jenis Dexlite menjadi Rp 18.300 per liter dari sebelumya Rp 18.000 per liter dan untuk BBM Pertamax Dex menjadi Rp 18.800 per liter dari sebelumnya Rp 18.550 per liter.

Sementara untuk Harga BBM RON 92 atau Pertamax tidak mengalami penyesuaian atau tetap Rp 13.900 per liter. Begitu pun juga dengan harga BBM RON 90 atau Pertalite tetap Rp 10.000 per liter.

"PT Pertamina (Persero) melakukan penyesuaian harga BBM Umum dalam rangka mengimplementasikan Keputusan Menteri (Kepmen) ESDM No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 sebagai perubahan atas Kepmen No. 62 K/12/MEM/2020 tentang Formula Harga Dasar Dalam Perhitungan Harga Jual Eceran Jenis BBM Umum Jenis Bensin dan Minyak Solar yang Disalurkan Melalui SPBU," bunyi pengumuman, dikutip melalui Website resmi Pertamina, Rabu malam, 30/11/2022.

Berikut daftar lengkap harga BBM subsidi maupun non subsidi per liter di seluruh SPBU Pertamina, yang berlaku mulai Kamis 1 Desember 2022:

  1. Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  2. Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Sumatera Barat

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  3. Provinsi Riau & Kepulauan Riau

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.500

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.800

    • Dexlite Rp 19.000

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.600

  4. Kodya Batam

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.500

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.800

    • Dexlite Rp 19.000

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.600

  5. Provinsi Jambi

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  6. Provinsi Bengkulu

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.500

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.800

    • Dexlite Rp 19.000

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.600

  7. Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  8. Provinsi Bangka Belitung

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  9. Provinsi Lampung

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  10. Provinsi DKI Jakarta

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  11. Provinsi Banten

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  12. Provinsi Jawa Barat

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  13. Provinsi Jawa Tengah

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  14. Provinsi DI Yogyakarta

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  15. Provinsi Jawa Timur

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  16. Provinsi Bali

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  17. Provinsi NTB dan NTT

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 13.900

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.300

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 18.800

  18. Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Tengah, Selatan, Timur, Utara

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  19. Provinsi Gorontalo

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  20. Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Tenggara, Selatan, Barat

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

  21. Provinsi Maluku & Maluku Utara

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

  22. Provinsi Papua

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • Pertamax Rp 14.200

    • Pertamax Turbo Rp 15.500

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

  23. Provinsi Papua Barat

    • Solar Rp 6.800

    • Pertalite Rp 10.000

    • lPertamax Rp 14.200

    • Dexlite Rp 18.650

    • Pertamina Dex Rp 19.200

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Washington's Approach Could Destroy Ukrainian State, Ex-Pentagon Adviser Macgregor Says

Washington's Approach Could Destroy Ukrainian State, Ex-Pentagon Adviser Macgregor Says

Washington's Approach Could Destroy Ukrainian State, Ex-Pentagon Adviser Macgregor Says

Col. Douglas Macgregor, a former senior adviser to then-US Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, said on Tuesday that the United States' approach to the conflict in Ukraine could destroy the Ukrainian state in the next phase of Moscow's special military operation.

"(US President Joe) Biden’s 'take no prisoners' conduct of U.S. foreign policy means the outcome of the next phase of the Ukrainian War will not only destroy the Ukrainian state. It will also demolish the last vestiges of the postwar liberal order and produce a dramatic shift in power and influence across Europe, especially in Berlin, away from Washington to Moscow and, to a limited extent, to Beijing," Macgregor wrote for The American Conservative magazine.

Macgregor also believes that the US actions will lead to an increase in Russian military power after the end of the conflict in Ukraine - the opposite result from what Washington expected. The US military leaders "viewed Russia through a narrowly focused lens that magnified US and Ukrainian strengths but ignored Russia’s strategic advantages—geographic depth, almost limitless natural resources, high social cohesion, and the military-industrial capacity to rapidly scale up its military power," the colonel wrote.

Since Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, Western countries have been providing Kiev with humanitarian, military and financial aid. Moscow has denounced the flow of weapons to Ukraine from its Western allies, saying it adds fuel to the fire and warning that any arms shipments on Ukrainian territory would be "legitimate targets" for Russian forces.

While the United States and its NATO allies have so far been fairly eager to provide a steady flow of money and weapons to Kiev, effectively fanning the flames of the conflict, quite a few people have expressed concerns that this situation may develop into a global war between Russia and NATO.

While some critics of the Biden administration do not seem fond of the role the US plays in this conflict, there are also people who wonder aloud whether remaining a part of NATO – an alliance created decades ago solely to oppose the Soviet Union – is such a good idea.

Bruce Fein

Prominent US lawyer Bruce Fein, who served as associate deputy attorney general under the Reagan administration, has suggested that the United States could put an end to the conflict in Ukraine simply by withdrawing from NATO.

By remaining in NATO, which lost its purpose since the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, and by spearheading the military alliance’s expansion, the US essentially is helping to create an existential threat to Russia greater than “the existential threat the Cuban missile crisis posed to the United States," Fein argued in an op-ed published in a US media outlet last week.

Therefore, the lawyer suggested, US withdrawal from NATO could end this threat that “occasioned” Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, as well as “extinguish the executive branch’s ambition for regime change or weakening Russia.”

He also outlined a potential mechanism for this hypothetical withdrawal, noting how US Congress annulled a defense treaty with France in 1798.

Marjorie Taylor Greene

US politician and former Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene voiced similar concerns a few months earlier when she slammed the Biden administration for the military support it provides to Ukraine.

Arguing that the US leadership and NATO are basically dragging the United States into a war with Russia, Greene tweeted in June that there would be no winners in such a confrontation.

“Escalation over Ukraine, a non-member nation, risking nuclear war is a power play endangering the entire world,” she wrote. “We should pull out of NATO.”

Donald Trump

While the 45th president had been a vocal critic of the way other NATO members allegedly shirk their responsibilities, demanding that they pay their alliance dues in full, he also apparently questioned the US presence in that organization.

In June, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told media she has no doubt that the US would have left NATO if Trump were reelected in 2020.

In a book Trump penned in 2000, long before he became president, the then-real estate mogul argued that conflicts between warring factions in Europe simply aren’t worth US lives.

In June, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told media she has no doubt that the US would have left NATO if Trump were reelected in 2020.

In a book Trump penned in 2000, long before he became president, the then-real estate mogul argued that conflicts between warring factions in Europe simply aren’t worth US lives.

“Pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually. The cost of stationing NATO troops in Europe is enormous. And these are clearly funds that can be put to better use,” he wrote.

Collective Defense Issue

The concerns voiced by the proponents of US withdrawal from NATO got thrust into the limelight this month when an errant Ukrainian missile struck Poland, a NATO member.

While the NATO leadership and Poland concurred that the missile came from Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was quick to blame this incident on Russia, describing it as an attack on NATO members’ “collective security”.

If Zelensky’s accusations were true, this incident could have devolved into a full-blown direct conflict between the military alliance and Russia due to NATO’s collective defense mechanism that obliges all members to treat an attack against one of them as an attack against them all.

Members Only

The situation where at least some people advocate for the US leaving NATO can perhaps be considered somewhat ironic in light of the fact that, in the years following the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia proposed joining the military alliance on several occasions.

Though relations between Russia and NATO cooled following NATO’s attack on Serbia in 1999, Vladimir Putin, who became the president of Russia the following year, brought up the prospects of Moscow becoming a part of the alliance during the early years of his presidency.

Yet even as these initiatives ended being torpedoes by the NATO leadership, that did not deter the current NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg from claiming during his opening speech at the Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum on Tuesday that it was Russia who “walked away” from constructive dialogue with NATO.

“There is no way we can continue the meaningful dialogue we tried to establish for many years with the behavior and the aggressive actions by Russia against Ukraine as we see now," he said.