Thursday 19 October 2023

Killing Palestinians will ‘never, never’ make Israel more secure, Palestine’s envoy tells Security Council

Killing Palestinians will ‘never, never’ make Israel more secure, Palestine’s envoy tells Security Council

Killing Palestinians will ‘never, never’ make Israel more secure, Palestine’s envoy tells Security Council

Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour speaks at the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question at the United Nations on October 18, 2023 in New York. (AFP)

The permanent observer of the State of Palestine to the UN on Wednesday expressed disbelief that “some still speak of the right to self-defense of a power that seeks the forced transfer and annihilation” of Palestinians.

Riyad Mansour was speaking during a Security Council meeting to discuss the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. It followed a vote in which the US vetoed a draft resolution that called for “humanitarian pauses” in the conflict and condemned the attack on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7. As justification for the decision, America’s envoy cited the failure of the resolution to mention “Israel’s right to self-defense.”

The meeting took place amid the biggest escalation in the war since it began, a day after an attack on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza on Tuesday that killed hundreds of patients and civilians who had been asked to shelter in the hospital. Israel accuses the Palestinian armed group Islamic Jihad of carrying out the attack.

“Had this council called for a ceasefire two days ago, it would have saved hundreds of lives,” Mansour told council members, referring to a previous draft resolution proposed by Russia on Monday. It had also called for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds but was similarly voted down by the council. Those members who voted against it cited as their reason its failure to mention Hamas.

“Stop the bloodshed. I repeat, stop the bloodshed,” Mansour told the council, adding that “killing Palestinians will never, never make Israel more secure.”

He urged members to “heed the call of the UN secretary-general, of religious leaders around the world, the Pope, the Arab states, Muslim countries of the global south, billions of people around the world, including millions who marched in your streets. Listen to them and stop the bloodshed. Stop it now.”

Speaking on behalf of Gulf Cooperation Council member states, Omani envoy Mohammed Al-Hassan told the Security Council that its failure to stand united has resulted only in more bloodshed.

“For decades, this council has been unable to find a lasting, fair solution to the question of Palestine on the basis of the international law, including resolutions adopted by the council itself. The result is victims on both sides and full lack of security,” he said

He added that “double standards have led Israel to defy this council and its resolutions. Countless times, (Israel) has committed massacres against Palestinians.”

The massacre at Al-Ahli Hospital is a “dangerous escalation, and a violation of international law and international humanitarian law,” Al-Hassan said.

“Israel (is) tearing Palestinian civilians to pieces before the eyes of the world. Isn’t this a terrorist act and a flagrant violation of international law?” he asked the ambassadors.

“Israeli criminal acts, from causing famine to collective punishment, were practiced by Nazis in World War II and have no place in today’s world.”

He called for the council to uphold international law and added: “Prove to us that no one is above the law, even if it’s Israel.”

Speaking on behalf of the Arab Group at the UN, Jordanian envoy Mahmoud Hmoud said Arab countries condemn “in the strongest terms the massacre by the criminal IDF (Israel Defense Forces) of innocent civilians who were receiving care” in Al-Ahli Hospital. Israel is solely responsible for “this heinous war crime,” he added.

Hmoud, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the Arab Group, urged the Security Council to take “immediate action for an immediate ceasefire and end Israeli aggression on Gaza.”

He said the Israeli occupation is the reason that lies behind this conflict, and called for an independent Palestinian state to be established based on 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, “if we want peace and security.”

Egypt’s permanent representative to the UN, Osama Abdelkhalek, described the attack on Al-Ahli Hospital as an “attempt to uproot Palestinian people and drive them away from their territority.”

He added: “This war did not begin on Oct. 8 but much earlier than that. It began when occupation began.”

He warned that “occupation cannot go on. Israel’s crimes cannot be overlooked.”

Gilad Erdan, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, asked council members: “What is going on here? The most barbaric terrorist attacks in decades, bigger than 9/11, happened 10 days ago and it seems this council has already forgotten it, and I must remind some of you what happened.

“Hamas killed Holocaust survivors who escaped Nazis only to be killed in their living room.”

Dismissing calls for a two-state solution, he said the only solution for “curing a cancer is the evisceration of every cancerous cell, just as it was done with ISIS and Al-Qaeda.” ISIS is an alternative name for the terrorist group Daesh.

Erdan condemned the Security Council for not having done “the most basic thing,” adding: “You have not condemned, as a council, Hamas’ brutal terror attacks. It is unfathomable that you cannot unite even on that basic thing.”

He also accused council members of playing “the exact role that Hamas has written for you in their script of death and terror.”

He added: “Where was the UN when Hamas exploited billions of dollars in international aid to embed terror infrastructure within and below densely populated residential areas? Where were you? The UN knew all of this but remained silent.”

Erdan said it is “ludicrous” that the council is discussing humanitarian corridors instead of condemning Hamas atrocities.

“Calling for calm restraint and a ceasefire is like putting a band aid on a bullet wound,” he added.

Regarding the attack on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital on Tuesday, Erdan accused the Security Council, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, of taking claims made by “baby-killing terrorists at face value, without a second thought.”

The hospital was hit by, “and only by,” a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, he added, and Israel has footage to prove this “beyond any doubt.”

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Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

Washington has given “unlimited cover” to Israel since its air campaign against Gaza began, militant leader Ismail Haniyeh said Hamas blames US for deadly hospital strike

FILE PHOTO: Ismail Haniyeh holds a press conference during his visit to the Dar al-Fatwa in Beirut, Lebanon, June 22, 2022 © AFP / Anwar Amro

By enabling Israel’s “brutality,” the US is ultimately responsible for the bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has declared. Haniyeh said that the bombing would “constitute a turning point” in his group’s struggle against the Jewish state.

“The Americans who gave unlimited cover bear responsibility for the Baptist [Hospital] massacre. Whoever supports Israel is responsible for its violations in Gaza,” he said in a televised statement on Tuesday night.

“The hospital massacre confirms the enemy’s brutality and the extent of his feeling of defeat,” Haniyeh continued, adding that “this massacre will constitute a turning point and a flood added to the flood of Al-Aqsa,” referring to the name of Hamas’ ongoing operation against Israel.

The Christian-run Al-Ahli Hospital, also known as the Baptist Hospital, was destroyed in an apparent missile strike on Tuesday. Palestinian officials accused Israel of targeting the facility, while Israel blamed the blast on a wayward rocket fired by the Islamic Jihad militant group, despite a government spokesman seemingly taking responsibility immediately after the strike.

Some 471 Palestinians were killed and more than 314 wounded in the strike, the Palestinian Health Ministry stated on Wednesday, calling the attack “an Israeli massacre.”

At the time of the strike, Israeli warplanes had been conducting continuous airstrikes on Gaza for over a week. Throughout this time, American officials have expressed solidarity with Israel and pledged increased military aid to the Jewish state. Speaking to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, US President Joe Biden claimed that the attack “was done by the other team, and not by you.”

Biden explained that he visited Israel “for a simple reason – I want the people of Israel and the people of the world to know where the US stands.”

The hospital's destruction sparked protests and riots across the Muslim world and led Jordan to cancel a planned summit between Biden and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Amid condemnation from Arab governments, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev declared on Wednesday that the “final responsibility” for the “war crime” at the hospital “lies with those who cynically make money from wars… With those who thoughtlessly distribute colossal amounts of money for weapons to load its military-industrial complex with work and falsely proclaim their global mission to protect democratic values. The United States of America.”

The US has vetoed Brazil’s UN effort to impose “humanitarian pauses” in Gaza

The US has vetoed Brazil’s UN effort to impose “humanitarian pauses” in Gaza and cancel Israel’s North Gaza evacuation order. In total, 12 countries voted in favor of the resolution. The UK and Russia abstained from voting. Moscow explained its decision by saying that the resolution lacked direct calls for a ceasefire. Earlier, the UN Security Council, specifically the US, UK, France, and Japan, rejected a Russian resolution on the matter, saying that the condemnation of Hamas in the proposed document was not strong enough.

Hamas will release proof that the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza had been “intentionally” struck by the Israeli forces, the Palestinian armed group’s spokesman, Fawzi Barhoum, told Newsweek. “There’s a lot of evidence, eyewitnesses, and videos from Hamas about the occupation committing the Baptist Hospital massacre and the wreckage of rockets,” he insisted. Barhoum didn’t say when exactly this data will be made public.

US President Joe Biden was asked by reporters what made him support Israel’s claim that it had nothing to do with the deadly strike on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. “The data I was shown by my Defense Department,” Biden replied.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has evacuated the staff of the country's embassies in Rabat, Morocco and Cairo, Egypt, Ynet reported, due to the protests which rocked the two Muslim nations in response to the IDF's deadly airstrikes on Gaza. The move comes as West Jerusalem has placed all of its diplomatic missions around the globe on high alert, the news outlet added.

The latest figures from Gaza’s Health Ministry suggest that 3,478 Palestinians have been killed and another 12,000 wounded in Israeli airstrikes on the enclave since October 7.

A total of 471 Palestinians were killed and more than 314 wounded in the strike on Al-Ahli hospital, Gaza Healthy Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qidra has said. He called the attack on the medical facility an “Israeli massacre.”

An Al Jazeera correspondent earlier reported from the scene that most of the victims were men and children, who were sleeping outside the facility when the missile hit the parking lot. Most of the women and babies were inside the building at the moment of the blast, he added.

The Foreign Minister of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian has called on Muslim nations to slap restrictions on Israel over its continued bombardment of Gaza. During an urgent meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the Saudi city of Jeddah, Amirabdollahian proposed “an immediate and complete embargo on Israel by Islamic countries, including oil sanctions, in addition to expelling Israeli ambassadors if relations with the Zionist regime have been established,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

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Wednesday 18 October 2023

Saudi Arabia leads condemnation of Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital that killed hundreds

Saudi Arabia leads condemnation of Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital that killed hundreds

Saudi Arabia leads condemnation of Israeli airstrike on Gaza hospital that killed hundreds

People stand over bodies of Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes on the Ahli Arab hospital in central Gaza after they were transported to Al-Shifa hospital, on October 17, 2023. (AFP)

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday led global condemnations of the Israeli airstrike on a Gaza hospital that killed hundreds.

The Kingdom condemned in the “strongest terms” an Israeli air strike that killed about 500 Palestinians at a Gaza City hospital crammed with patients and displaced people on Tuesday.

“Saudi Arabia categorically rejects this brutal attack, which is a flagrant violation of all international laws and norms, including international humanitarian law,” the foreign ministry said.

The ministry also denounced Israel for its “continuous attacks against civilians despite many international appeals” to stop.

“This dangerous development forces the international community to abandon double standards and selectivity in applying international humanitarian law when it comes to Israeli criminal practices. It requires a serious and firm stance to provide protection for defenseless civilians,” a ministry statement said.

The Kingdom also stressed the necessity of opening safe corridors immediately to deliver food and medicine to civilians trapped in Gaza, and said it holds Israeli forces fully responsible for their continued violation of all international norms and laws.

Russia’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday that the strike on the hospital in Gaza was a shocking crime, adding that Israel should provide satellite images to prove that it was not involved in the attack.

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Radio Sputnik that the attack was a shocking “dehumanizing” crime.

Here are some of the other global reactions to the brutal strike:

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi issued a statement on Tuesday, saying: “I condemn in the strongest of terms Israel’s bombardment” on a hospital in Gaza, and calling it a “clear violation of intl law.”

Palestinian health authorities said the deaths at the hospital in Gaza were caused by an Israeli air strike, but the Israeli military blamed a failed rocket launch by a Palestinian militant group

French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday “nothing can justify targeting civilians” after the deadly strike on a Gaza hospital and called for humanitarian access to the coastal strip “without delay.”

“Nothing can justify a strike against a hospital. Nothing can justify targeting civilians. France condemns the attack on the Al-Ahli Arabi hospital in Gaza which caused so many Palestinian victims. We think of them,” he wrote on X.

“Humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip must be opened without delay.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was “horrified” by the deadly strike on a hospital in Gaza, he said in a social media post Tuesday.

“My heart is with the families of the victims. Hospitals and medical personnel are protected under international humanitarian law,” Guterres said in the message on X.

The UAE strongly condemned the Israeli attack in a foreign ministry statement saying it “expresses its deep regret for the loss of life and conveys its condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a swift recovery for all those injured.”

It stressed “the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities and to ensure that civilians and civilian institutions are not targeted.”

The UAE called on the international community to intensify efforts to reach an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life.

Kuwait on Tuesday “strongly condemned and denounced the Israeli occupation forces' barbaric airstrike on the Baptist Al-Ahli Hospital in the Gaza Strip, where hundreds of innocent civilians were killed,” the state news agency said.

“The occupation forces targeting of hospitals and public facilities is a violation of the International Humanitarian Law,” a statement by the foreign ministry said.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation also denounced the attack.

OIC chief Hissein Taha considered the attack a “war crime” and a “crime against humanity,” the OIC said on X.

Taha held the Israeli occupation accountable for its crimes, terrorist practices, and brutal attacks against the Palestinian people, which contradict all human values and constitute a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.

The Muslim World League condemned “in the strongest terms” the attack.

MWL chief Sheikh Abdulkarim Al-Issa denounced in a statement this “brutal crime that devoids its perpetrators of all religious and human values, calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards protecting civilians from these horrific massacres.”

Qatar’s foreign ministry also issued a statement in which it strongly condemned the Israeli airstrike saying, “the expansion of Israeli attacks over the Gaza Strip to include hospitals, schools, and other population centers is a dangerous escalation.”

Jordan’s foreign ministry issued a statement on Tuesday strongly condemning the Israeli attack. King Abdullah said Israel’s bombing of the Gaza hospital was a “massacre” and a “war crime” that one cannot be silent about.

Meanwhile, Turkiye’s foreign ministry condemned in the strongest terms Israel’s “barbaric attack” on the Gaza hospital.

“We are deeply indignant that hundreds of Palestinians lost their lives and many more were injured as a result of the targeting of a hospital in Gaza today, and we condemn these barbaric attacks in the strongest terms,” the Turkish statement said.

EU chief Charles Michel said targeting civilian infrastructure in Gaza breaks international law after a deadly strike on a hospital.

“We got this information when we were together during this virtual meeting with the leaders. It seems to be to be confirmed and an attack against a civilian infrastructure is not in line with international law,” Michel said after a videoconference of EU leaders.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the Israeli strike on the hospital in Gaza was “horrific and absolutely unacceptable.”

Trudeau told reporters that “it’s not acceptable to hit a hospital.”

The World Health Organization condemned the deadly Tuesday strike and demanded the immediate protection of civilians and health care in the Palestinian enclave.

“WHO strongly condemns the attack on Al Ahli Arab Hospital,” the UN health agency’s director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

The health ministry in the Hamas-run Palestinian territory said Israeli air strikes on the hospital compound sheltering displaced people had killed over 200 people.

“Early reports indicate hundreds of deaths and injuries,” said Tedros.

“We call for the immediate protection of civilians and health care, and for the evacuation orders to be reversed.”

Iran’s foreign ministry strongly condemned the Israeli air strike, saying it had killed and injured hundreds of “unarmed and defenceless people.”

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Gaza hospital strike ignites riots in Muslim countries - VIDEOS

Gaza hospital strike ignites riots in Muslim countries - VIDEOS

Gaza hospital strike ignites riots in Muslim countries - VIDEOS

Protesters throw bricks at the US Embassy during a protest in solidarity with the people of Gaza, in the Beirut suburb of Awkar on October 17, 2023.
©Joseph Eid/AFP

A strike on a Gaza hospital that killed at least 500 Palestinians has sparked protests and riots in Muslim-majority countries, including Lebanon, Jordan, and Türkiye.

Palestinian officials have blamed Israel for Tuesday's deadly incident, although the Israeli government has denied responsibility, saying "terrorists" in Gaza hit the facility with a misfired rocket.

In Beirut, the militant group Hezbollah called for “a day of unprecedented anger,” and protesters massed in front of the US embassy in the Awkar neighborhood.

Protesters also reportedly attempted to break into the office of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in downtown Beirut.

Similar scenes unfolded in Jordan’s capital Amman, where an angry crowd burned Israeli flags and tried to storm the Israeli embassy. An AFP correspondent reported that they broke through the first security barrier, but were later pushed back by the police, which used tear gas.

“Police handled and drove away a group of protesters who grouped near an embassy in an attempt to reach the [the building],” Jordan’s Public Security Directorate said, as quoted by the Roya News website.

Amman was to host a summit of the leaders of the US, Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority on Wednesday. The Jordanian authorities have since canceled the event in solidarity with the victims in Gaza.

Rallies were held in multiple Turkish cities, including Istanbul, Malatya, Gaziantep, and Kayseri.

In Istanbul, Türkiye’s largest city, a huge crowd gathered outside the Israeli consulate, with some protesters launching fireworks, scaling the security fence, and attempting to set the building on fire. Others threw stones and set a US flag on fire, local media reported.

Police intervened, dispersing the rioters. Fahrettin Altun, spokesman for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, urged those wanting to express “justified anger” over the deaths in Gaza to respect the law and “preserve common sense.”

The Palestinian authorities claim an Israeli aerial bomb hit the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, claiming at least 500 lives on Tuesday.

People take part in a protest outside the Israeli Consulate to show solidarity with Palestinians, in Istanbul early on October 18, 2023.
©Umit Turhan Coskun / AFP

The Israeli army and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, have said the hospital was hit by a rocket launched by a Palestinian militant group that veered off course. Israeli officials have previously accused Hamas, which controls Gaza, of using hospitals, schools, and mosques as a cover for its operatives.

The Israel Defense Forces have been conducting retaliatory strikes on Gaza since Hamas and allied militants launched a surprise attack on Israeli cities on October 7.

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Ukraine Uses ATACMS Missiles With Cluster Munitions to Attack Russian Cities

Ukraine Uses ATACMS Missiles With Cluster Munitions to Attack Russian Cities

Ukraine Uses ATACMS Missiles With Cluster Munitions to Attack Russian Cities

Ukrainian forces used ATACMS missiles with cluster warheads to attack the suburbs of the city of Berdyansk in Russia’s Zaporozhye region, Russian officials say.

Vladimir Rogov, senior official of the Zaporozhye regional administration, has announced today that M74 cluster submunitions were discovered at the site of a Ukrainian missile strike in Berdyansk suburbs.

He also suggested that Ukrainian forces also used a “cheaper” type of munitions, the Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB), in this attack.

The fact that this strike took place while the talks between Washington and Kiev about providing the ATACMS missiles to Ukraine are yet to be concluded reveals that “all these talks are just for show,” Rogov wrote in a social media post on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Kiev regime head Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed the use of ATACMS missiles by Ukrainian forces, writing online that these weapons have “performed very accurately.”

He also thanked US President Joe Biden and insisted that Kiev’s agreements with the POTUS are “being implemented.”

Early on Tuesday, Ukrainian forces used ATACMS missiles to attack at targets at the Russian cities of Berdyansk and Lugansk.

The United States is yet to formally announce the transfer of these long-range missiles to the regime in Kiev.

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