Saturday 10 June 2023

5 killed in explosion at rocket and explosives factory in Turkey

5 killed in explosion at rocket and explosives factory in Turkey

5 killed in explosion at rocket and explosives factory in Turkey

ANKARA, Turkey - An official says an explosion at a rocket and explosives plant in Turkey caused a building to collapse, killing all five workers inside. The explosion occurred at around 8:45 a.m. Saturday at the compound of the state-owned Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation, on the outskirts of the capital, Ankara. Gov. Vasip Sahin said the explosion is believed to have been caused by a chemical reaction during the production of dynamite. Shop and house windows in surrounding areas were shattered by the force of the blast, NTV television reported.

An explosion at a rocket and explosives plant in Turkey caused a building to collapse on Saturday, killing all five workers inside, an official said.

The explosion occurred at around 8:45 a.m. at the compound of the state-owned Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation, on the outskirts of the capital, Ankara, Gov. Vasip Sahin told reporters.

Sahin said the explosion was likely to have been caused by a chemical reaction during the production of dynamite. Prosecutors have launched a formal investigation, he said.

Gray smoke was seen rising from the compound as ambulances and fire trucks rushed to the area, private NTV television reported.

Shop and house windows in surrounding areas were shattered by the force of the blast, the report said.

Family members rushed to the compound for news of their loved ones, the station said.

The explosion rocked the missile and explosives factory in Ankara's Elmadag district, according to the report. A fire brigade and an ambulance were dispatched to the scene.

"An explosion occurred at the MKE missile factory in the Elmadag district of Ankara. The explosion killed five of our workers. A judicial and administrative investigation has been launched," the Turkish Defense Ministry said.

After receiving the information about the explosion, Turkish Defense Minister Yasar Guler canceled his tour to the southern province of Hatay on the border with Syria and is now on his way to Ankara, the local newspaper reported.

The factory hit by the explosion belongs to the Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKE). The MKE is a state-owned company that manufactures weapons and equipment for the Turkish armed forces

The explosion occurred at around 8:45 am at the compound of the state-owned Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation, on the outskirts of the capital, Ankara, Gov. Vasip Sahin told reporters.

Sahin said the explosion was likely to have been caused by a chemical reaction during the production of dynamite. Prosecutors have launched a formal investigation, he said.

Gray smoke was seen rising from the compound as ambulances and fire trucks rushed to the area, private NTV television reported.

Shop and house windows in surrounding areas were shattered by the force of the blast, the report said.

Snowden weighs in on Trump’s classified docs indictment

Snowden weighs in on Trump’s classified docs indictment

Snowden weighs in on Trump’s classified docs indictment

An image from the indictment against former President Donald Trump unsealed on June 9, 2023 © Justice Department via AP

Donald Trump’s alleged mishandling of state secrets is common behavior in Washington and typically goes unpunished, former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has argued in response to the former US president’s indictment.

“All kidding aside, it’s not wrong to say that the indictment of Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents is a case of selective prosecution,” Snowden said on Friday in a Twitter post. “Spilled secrets are very much the currency of Washington, and Trump was not alone in splashing them around. He was just the least graceful.”

Trump was charged with 37 felonies in a federal grand jury indictment that prosecutors unsealed on Friday. He’s accused of knowingly retaining classified documents after leaving office, conspiring to keep federal authorities from retrieving them and obstructing an investigation into their whereabouts.

Snowden marked the 10-year anniversary this week of his exposure of mass spying on US citizens by their government. He said Trump failed to fix the system that has now come back to haunt him.

“It’s hard to feel sorry for a man who had four years in the White House to reform that broken system and instead left it in place to the detriment of the American public. He is caught within the same gears his own hands once turned,” Snowden tweeted.

Some observers pointed out that Trump is being prosecuted under the same law – the Espionage Act – that Washington has wielded against Snowden and WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange. As president, Trump declined to issue pardons for both men, who were charged with crimes after exposing US government wrongdoing.

“Then said Jesus unto him, put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword,” Snowden said, using a Bible verse to point out the irony of Trump’s latest legal predicament.

Snowden has railed against the US government’s abuse of secrecy since 2013, when he exposed the widespread NSA spying on American citizens. He was forced to seek refuge in Russia after Washington annulled his passport mid flight, eventually becoming a Russian citizen.

Asked on Friday what he’d do if he were the US president, he said, “I’d surely reduce the number of things we classify by more than 99% – and you would not find the remainder in my bathroom or behind my Corvette.”

Snowden’s quip alluded to allegations that Trump had classified records stored in a bathroom at his Florida resort, as well as revelations earlier this year that President Joe Biden improperly kept secret documents and stored them in multiple locations, including the garage at his home in Delaware.

Trump and his allies have argued that Biden weaponized the justice system to take out his top opponent in the 2024 presidential election, all while being excused for his own mishandling of state secrets. Trump also argued that he had the authority to declassify the records in his possession, unlike Biden, whose documents were acquired when he served as vice president. The former president blasted Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing the indictment against him, as a “deranged lunatic” with a history of political bias.

Edward Snowden Suggests Way to Resolve Biden, Trump Document Scandals

National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed on Saturday what he thinks it'll take to fix the "secret-document scandals" now looming over two presidents: a hard reset.

Snowden, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and NSA contractor, shared his idea via Twitter.

"One way of resolving all these secret-document scandals is to acknowledge that after 75 years of experimentation, the chief accomplishment of the 'classification system' has been to make our government less trustworthy and our country less free," he wrote. "Abolish and reform it. All of it."

Over the past several days, the media has reported on the discovery of classified documents in a locked garage at President Joe Biden's Delaware home, as well as an earlier batch in Washington, D.C., at his former office. Although the materials from the office had been found days ahead of the midterm election, the public didn't learn about them until earlier this month.

Snowden previously weighed in on Biden's documents debacle, claiming that the "real scandal" isn't that they'd been in the president's possession. Rather, he alleged that the Department of Justice (DOJ) prevented the bombshell from dropping ahead of November's midterm elections, thereby "conferring a partisan advantage."

Former President Donald Trump has dealt with his own classified documents headache. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided his Mar-a-Lago estate last summer, where agents searched for a cache of materials, including some that reportedly pertained to nuclear weapons. Trump, however, has maintained his innocence in the matter.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Thursday fielded reporters' questions about the documents. She insisted that Biden takes such materials "seriously," adding that the administration is cooperating with the DOJ.

"We are confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced, and the president and his lawyers acted promptly upon discovery of this mistake," Jean-Pierre said.

Afterward, Snowden shared a video of the moment, along with the sarcastic caption: "Man, I should have thought of that one."

Roughly a decade ago, Snowden provided journalists with classified information relating to the widespread surveillance of citizens conducted by intelligence agencies, according to NPR. Russia granted Snowden permanent residency in 2020, and he remains overseas to this day to avoid U.S. espionage charges.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and then-President Donald Trump are seen on November 4, 2020. Inset: Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor, is seen in Moscow in December 2013. Snowden recently weighed in on the documents scandals surrounding Biden and Trump.

Snowden has also compared Biden's alleged mishandling of classified documents with other whistleblowers. In a tweet on Wednesday, he name-checked Reality Winner, a former NSA contract worker and Air Force member who was sentenced to more than five years behind bars after leaking "just one document" detailing Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election.

"Meanwhile Biden, Trump, Clinton, Petraeus... these guys have dozens, hundreds," Snowden tweeted. "No jail."

Trump’s Lawyer Predicts His Client Will be Charged Under the Espionage Act

Former President Donald Trump "will be charged" with federal crimes under the Espionage Act, according to Ryan Goodman, former special counsel to the general counsel of the U.S. Department of Defense

Goodman, a New York University law professor and co-editor-in-chief of the website Just Security, suggested in a series of tweets on Wednesday that a "bombshell" CNN report had changed the dynamics of Special Counsel Jack Smith's investigation into issues surrounding Trump's post-presidency handling of classified documents.

A report published earlier in the day by the cable news network claimed that federal prosecutors had obtained an audio recording of Trump discussing, with several people who lacked the appropriate security clearances, his possession of a classified document detailing a potential attack on Iran, during a July 2021 meeting at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Goodman noted that "war plans are among the most highly classified documents," while arguing that the purported recording would put "pressure" on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to indict the former president and on a jury to eventually convict him of espionage.

"Make no mistake. This is squarely an Espionage Act case," Goodman tweeted. "It is not simply an 'obstruction' case. There is now every reason to expect former President Trump will be charged under 18 USC 793(e) of the Espionage Act. The law fits his reported conduct like a hand in glove."

The statute cited by Goodman says that a person in possession of information "relating to the national defense" that could "be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation" is in violation of the law if they "willfully" retain the information and fail "to deliver it to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it."

Goodman said that while Trump merely possessing the document would be enough to convict him, the purported recording cited by CNN also indicates the former president's potential "motive" for not relinquishing the document to the appropriate authorities.

The recording reportedly captures Trump telling his associates that the document would undermine a contemporaneous New Yorker report about concerns expressed by Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair General Mark Milley that Trump would launch an unjustified strike on Iran during the final days of his presidency.

"Prosecutors do not need to show motive for conviction, but it helps with a jury," tweeted Goodman. "CNN report suggests motives: To hold onto docs as trophies, to use to settle scores or try to retain control over the narrative."

The purported recording also "appears to knock a hole" in Trump's claim that he automatically "declassified" the documents he retained after leaving the White House, according to Goodman, as the former president is reportedly heard saying that the document was classified and that he had a limited ability to declassify records after leaving office.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing. A spokesperson for the former president said in a statement emailed to Newsweek that "leaks from radical partisans behind this political persecution are designed to inflame tensions and continue the media's harassment of President Trump and his supporters."

"It's just more proof that when it comes to President Trump, there are absolutely no depths to which they will not sink as they pursue their witch hunts," the spokesperson continued. "The DOJ's continued interference in the presidential election is shameful and this meritless investigation should cease wasting the American taxpayer's money on Democrat political objectives."

Goodman is not the only legal expert to suggest that the purported recording could spell serious trouble for the former president.

Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Weissmann said during an MSNBC appearance on Wednesday that it was "game over" for Trump if the CNN report is true, adding that there is "no way that he will not be charged."

Hasil Rakernas Bukti Kecerdasan Airlangga Memimpin Golkar

Hasil Rakernas Bukti Kecerdasan Airlangga Memimpin Golkar

Hasil Rakernas Bukti Kecerdasan Airlangga Memimpin Golkar

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto/Ist

Hasil rapat kerja nasional (Rakernas) 2023 Partai Golkar menunjukkan internal kader dan pengurus Golkar solid di bawah kepemimpinan Airlangga Hartarto.

Pengamat politik Ujang Komarudin berujar, Golkar adalah partai besar yang memiliki struktur kuat, pengalaman, dan jaringan luas. Maka dengan status partai besar, kunci kesuksesan Golkar adalah soliditas.

"Jika mereka ingin kembali berjaya, maka tidak ada pilihan lain harus memperkuat internal secara lebih bersatu. Poin-poin yang dihasilkan rakernas adalah bentuk kecerdasan dan kekuatan Golkar di bawah kepemimpinan Airlangga,"kata Ujang kepada wartawan, Kamis, 08/06/2023.

Airlangga, kata Ujang, mampu membaca dan menempatkan situasi Partai Golkar dalam situasi politik yang dinamis saat ini.

Dalam Rakernas tersebut, dihasilkan beberapa poin penting, di antaranya mandat menetapkan capres atau cawapres diberikan kepada Ketua Umum Golkar. Lalu soal sistem pemilu, seluruh daerah dan ormas meminta agar dilakukan secara proporsional terbuka.

Lalu untuk pemilu legislatif, urutan bakal calon legislatif (Bacaleg) Partai Golkar akan diurut berdasarkan nomor urut, bukan lagi menurut alfabetis.

Rakernas juga menjadi bagian dari manuver partai dalam mengelola situasi politik saat ini, sekaligus menjadikan Airlangga sebagai penentu atau playmaker. Golkar dan Airlangga dinilai menjadi penentu bagi konfigurasi riil koalisi partai politik yang akan mengusung capres cawapres nantinya.

Airlangga sukses menjadikan Partai Golkar sebagai 'playmaker' menentukan yang mengatur ritme permainan perkembangan konstelasi koalisi partai politik menuju Pilpres 2024," tambah pengamat politik dari UIN Sjech M Djamil Djambek, Heru Permana Putra.

Airlangga: Golkar Terus Perjuangkan Sistem Proporsional Terbuka

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, memastikan partainya kukuh memperjuangkan sistem proporsional terbuka untuk Pemilu 2024.

“Golkar terus berjuang untuk sistem pemilihan proporsional terbuka, dan kemarin saya berterima kasih kepada Fraksi Golkar yang terus mengkonsolidasikan 8 partai yang telah berjuang untuk terbuka,” tegasnya, pada pembukaan Rakernas, di Jalan Anggrek Neli, Jakarta Barat, hari Minggu, 04/06/2023.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian itu juga mengatakan, demokrasi dan kekuatan partai politik harus dijaga dengan baik. Dalam rangka menjaga kekuatan demokrasi di Indonesia, Partai Golkar tegas menjaga konstitusi UUD 1945 dan Pancasila, serta empat pilar.

Karena itu Golkar akan memperjuangkan agar Pemilu 2024 mendatang bisa dilaksanakan dengan sistem proporsional terbuka.

“Golkar masih berjuang soal Pemilu 2024, terkait pemilihan yang terbuka, karena susunan Bacaleg Golkar mencerminkan pemain yang disiapkan untuk bermain terbuka,” katanya.

“Kalau pemain tertutup, yang kita siapkan bendera saja. Bendera urusan partai,” imbuhnya.

Dia juga mengatakan, untuk sistem Pemilu telah berdiskusi dengan PDIP, dan secara tersirat sejumlah kader partai banteng moncong putih itu menginginkan sistem proporsional terbuka.

“Saya sudah berkomunikasi dengan seluruh partai, termasuk PDIP, dan kalau saya lihat, bakal calon yang diajukan juga siap untuk pemilihan terbuka,” tutupnya.

Pengamat: Punya Kapasitas Kepemimpinan, Airlangga Capres Paket Lengkap

Ketua Umum Partai Golkar Airlangga Hartarto menjadi sosok calon presiden yang diprioritaskan untuk diusung oleh Koalisi Indonesia Bersatu (KIB).

Hal ini disampaikan oleh Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan saat Pertemuan KIB, pad hari Rabu setahun yang lalu, 30/11/2022.

“Prioritas ya tentu Golkar sebagai pemenang pemilu nomor dua. Pak Airlangga prioritas, ya pantas, layak, pemenang pemilu nomor dua untuk jadi capres," ujar Ketum PAN yang akrab disapa Zulhas itu.

Sementara pengamat politik dari Akar Rumput Strategic Consultant (ARSC) Akbar Nugraha menilai, kompetensi dan kualitas kepemimpinan seorang capres merupakan faktor yang sangat penting khususnya pada Pilpres 2024 nanti.

Menurutnya, Airlangga memiliki kekuatan kapasitas kepemimpinan yang dibutuhkan tersebut. Menurut dia, berdasarkan berbagai riset, di era paska Jokowi, Indonesia butuh sosok pemimpin kapabel yang kompeten dalam memimpin bangsa dan negara.

Khususnya, dalam menghadapi situasi geopolitik dan global ekonomi yang kritikal.

'Kami lihat salah satunya itu ada pada sosok Airlangga Hartarto. Sosok ini cukup menarik dan mengejutkan kiprahnya. Ia mampu mengawal Indonesia sukses memimpin G20, mengawal perekonomian keluar dari ancaman krisis akibat pandemi. Sebagai Ketum Parpol, Airlangga juga berhasil memperkuat positioning Golkar dan berhasil pula membentuk KIB," jelas Akbar saat dihubungi wartawan, Minggu (4/12).

Akbar mengungkapkan, tantangan bagi Airlangga adalah bagaimana meningkatkan elektabilitas. Meski menurutnya faktor elektabilitas ini hanya sebagian dari variabel kompleks yang menentukan keputusan seseorang untuk menjadi capres.

Ada faktor lainnya yang lebih menentukan antara lain faktor otoritas dan kapasitas. Dari matriks perhitungan ini, dengan indikator kepemimpinan Airlangga di Partai Golkar dan KIB, juga sebagai Menko Perekonomian, membuatnya bisa dikatakan relatif punya kapasitas "paket lengkap” ketimbang sosok-sosok lainnya yang juga kerap disebut sebagai kandidat capres 2024.

Hal yang sama diungkap pengamat politik dari UHAMKA Verdy Firmantoro. Ia menilai faktor 'kecerdasan politik' Airlangga memiliki pengaruh besar yang membuatnya sangat potensial sebagai calon presiden 2024.

“Dalam situasi politik saat ini yang rumit, Pak Airlangga mampu menakhodai KIB dengan baik, beliau berhasil membangun bargaining position yang strategis dalam konstelasi politik yang rumit sebagaimana hari ini,” ucap Verdy pada diskusi online yang diadakan platform sosmed Golkar2024, Kamis, 01/12/2022.

Gunung Anak Krakatau meletus tujuh kali

Gunung Anak Krakatau meletus tujuh kali

Gunung Anak Krakatau meletus tujuh kali

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) mencatat adanya letusan tujuh kali dari kawah Gunung Anak Krakatau di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Provinsi Lampung. [Foto: Istimewa].

Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) mencatat adanya letusan tujuh kali dari kawah Gunung Anak Krakatau di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Provinsi Lampung.

Kondisi erupsi itu bervariasi dengan ketinggian mulai dari 500 hingga 3.000 meter, terhitung sejak pukul 00.00 hingga 24.00 WIB, hari Jumat, 09/06/2023.

"Asap kawah utama berwarna putih, kelabu, dan cokelat dengan intensitas sedang hingga tebal tinggi sekitar 25 sampai 350 meter dari puncak," kata Petugas Pos Pantau Gunung Anak Krakatau Jumono dalam laporan yang diterima di Jakarta, Sabtu, dini hari.

Sebanyak tujuh kali letusan itu disertai gempa yang terekam melalui seismogram dengan amplitudo 29 sampai 75 milimeter dan lama gempa 25 hingga 802 detik.

PVMBG juga merekam satu kali gempa frekuensi rendah dengan amplitudo 21 milimeter dan lama gempa sembilan detik.

Selain itu, satu kali gempa tektonik lokal dengan amplitudo 49 milimeter, S-P 4,1 detik dan lama gempa 42 detik, gempa tremor menerus dengan amplitudo 2-51 milimeter, namun yang dominan 10 milimeter.

Gunung Anak Krakatau saat ini berada pada status level III atau siaga dengan rekomendasi masyarakat, pengunjung, wisatawan, dan pendaki tidak mendekati gunung api tersebut atau beraktivitas dalam radius lima kilometer dari kawah aktif.

Sejak kelahiran Gunung Anak Krakatau pada Juni 1927 hingga saat ini, erupsi berulang kali terjadi sehingga Gunung Anak Krakatau tumbuh semakin besar dan tinggi mencapai 157 meter di atas permukaan laut.

Karakter letusan Gunung Anak Krakatau berupa erupsi eksplosif dan erupsi efusif dengan waktu istirahat letusan berkisar 1-6 tahun.

Erupsi-erupsi itu menghasilkan abu vulkanik dan lontaran lava pijar serta aliran lava yang perlahan membangun tubuh gunung api tersebut.

Menurut PVMBG, pemukiman terdekat berada di Pulau Sibesi yang berjarak 16,5 kilometer dari Pulau Anak Krakatau.

Kepala PVMBG Hendra Gunawan mengatakan, teramati tujuh kali letusan dengan tinggi 500-3000 meter dengan warna asap kelabu dan hitam. Laporan ini berdasarkan pemantauan pada pagi ini pukul 06:00 hingga 12:00 WIB, siang.

“Jumlah 7 letusan dengan amplitudo 29-75 mm, durasi 25-802 detik,” kata Hendra dalam keterangan resmi, Jumat (9/6/2023).

Hendra menyatakan dengan aktivitas ini, gunung Anak Krakatau masuk menjadi level tiga atau status siaga.

“Asap kawah bertekanan lemah teramati berwarna putih, kelabu, dan coklat dengan intensitas sedang hingga tebal dan tinggi 25-300 m di atas puncak kawah,” jelas Hendra.

Ia menambahkan, berdasarkan pengamatan tidak terdengar suara dentuman.

“Cuaca berawan. Angin bertiup lemah ke arah barat daya. Suhu udara 26-28 °C dan kelembaban udara 49-75 persen,” sambungnya.

Adapun petugas pos pemantau gunung api Anak Krakatau Pasauran, Deny Mardiono menyatakan gunung berapi tersebut mengeluarkan abu vulkanik yang mengarah ke barat daya.

“Tinggi kolom letusan teramati ± 800 m di atas puncak (± 957 m di atas permukaan laut),” ujar laporannya.

Sebelumnya erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau juga terjadi pada hari Jumat, 12 Mei 2023, pukul 09:20 WIB. Tinggi kolom letusan teramati lebih kurang 2.500 meter di atas puncak, kata Petugas Pos Pengamatan Gunung Anak Krakatau Deny Mardiono dalam keterangan yang diterima di Jakarta, hari Jumat, 12/03/2023, dikutip dari Antara.

Russian MoD releases VIDEO of Ukrainian vehicles destroyed in combat

Russian MoD releases VIDEO of Ukrainian vehicles destroyed in combat

Russian MoD releases VIDEO of Ukrainian vehicles destroyed in combat

©Russian Defense Ministry

The Russian Ministry of Defense published a video on Friday showing the destruction of armored vehicles supplied to Ukraine by the US and its allies, overlaid by a snippet from the iconic radio broadcast announcing the 1941 invasion by Nazi Germany.

The 45-second video opens with a group of armored cars getting caught by artillery in an open field, somewhere on the Zaporozhye front. This is followed by drone footage of exploding armored cars, personnel carriers and tanks. A still image shows a group of US-supplied Bradley infantry vehicles and a knocked-out Leopard tank. Another Leopard is then seen burning on a dirt road.

While the footage is accompanied by electronic music, the video opens with a blast from the past. “Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated,” says Yuri Levitan (1914-1983), known as the voice of Soviet radio, quoting from the June 22, 1941 broadcast announcing that Nazi Germany and its allies had invaded the USSR.

The Russian Defense Ministry frequently uses another quote from Levitan’s broadcast, “Victory will be ours!” to sign its announcements.

Ukrainian Troops Made 6 Failed Attempts to Break Through Russian Lines - Senior Official

The Ukrainian forces have attempted six times to break through the Russian defense lines over the past 24 hours and failed, Vladimir Rogov, a senior official of the Zaporozhye regional administration, said on Friday.

Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian offensive in the special military operation zone had started as Kiev was using its strategic reserves. He emphasized Ukrainian forces had failed to reach their goals in all of the combat sectors.

©Sputnik / Sputnik

"Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian armed forces have made six attempts to break through the frontline and into our defense positions. Four attacks have been repelled near the Vremevka salient and two south off the city of Orekhov," Rogov said.

He added that the enemy failed to achieve significant success and was thrown back with heavy personnel and material losses.

"Our army has actively engaged artillery and aircraft to strike against the enemy and its reserves," Rogov said.

The Ukrainian government has been planning a major "counteroffensive" against Russia for several months. Ukrainian and Western military experts have repeatedly named the Zaporozhye Region as one of Kiev's main targets, as it would open the access to the Azov Sea and cut off the land corridor to Crimea.

Russia has considered the Zaporozhye Region to be part of its territory since September 30, 2022, when Putin and the head of the region signed an agreement on its accession to the country following a referendum in which an overwhelming majority of the local population supported becoming part of Russia.

Around 70% of the region is currently controlled by Russia, but Ukrainian troops are still holding the region's capital and biggest city, Zaporozhye.

How Does Russian Kornet Anti-Tank Missile Work

The Ukrainian conflict has become a harsh reality check for people who thought that Western military hardware would be no match for Russian weaponry.

Russian air defense systems and electronic warfare systems have already displayed their effectiveness against Western UAVs, rocket artillery systems and cruise missiles used by the Kiev regime.

©Sputnik / Viktor Antonyuk / Go to the mediabank

However, Ukrainian crews operating Western-made tanks and armored vehicles have also learned the hard way that Russian anti-tank weapons do not discriminate.

Mobile Russian "tank hunter" teams armed with portable anti-tank missile launchers played an important role in overcoming the recent attempts by the Ukrainian forces to break through Russian defenses in the vicinity of Donetsk. In Donestsk, Kiev forces ended up losing scores of tanks and armored vehicles, including several German-made Leopard tanks and US-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

One such team operating an anti-tank missile launcher mounted on the back of a small buggy, has already managed to take out four enemy armored personnel carriers and two tanks.

Currently, Russian Armed Forces employ several types of anti-tank missile weapons, some of which have already displayed their effectiveness during the conflicts in the Middle East over the past two decades.

How Good is the Kornet Missile?

One of these weapons is the 9M133 Kornet, a man-portable anti-tank guided missile system that can hit targets at a range of up to 5,500 meters, with its tandem warhead capable of punching through about 1,200 mm of tank armor.

The Kornet-D modification, typically mounted on a vehicle, boasts even more impressive characteristics, with its missiles being able to strike at targets at a distance up to 10,000 meters and penetrating up to 1,300 mm worth of armor.

Kornet missiles are designed to defeat the explosive reactive armor used by modern tanks, while a particular feature of this weapon system also makes it capable of bypassing enemy active protection systems: two missiles can be fired in quick succession, thus giving enemy countermeasures little time to switch to the second threat.

Aside from being a potent tank-hunting weapon, Kornet can also be used to destroy buildings and fortifications.

Can a Kornet Take Out an Abrams?

During the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iraqi forces managed to take out at least two US M1 Abrams main battle tanks and one Bradley infantry fighting vehicle with Kornet missiles, while Hezbollah fighters successfully used Kornets against Israeli Merkava main battle tanks during the conflict in Lebanon in 2006.

Kornet Missile's Price

The price of a single Kornet missile was estimated by media at about $26,000 apiece in 2019, which makes it a real bargain considering that one such missile can take out an Abrams tank worth over $10 million.

Is Javelin Better Than Kornet?

The chief difference between Kornet and one of its Western counterparts, the US-made FGM-148 Javelin man-portable anti-tank missile system, is the guidance system: while Kornet missiles are guided by laser and require the system’s targeting module to keep the target in its sights until a hit is scored, Javelin is a “fire-and-forget” weapon whose missile homes in on a target by itself.

That said, the Kornet has a greater range than a Javelin (5,500 meters versus about 2,500 meters) and can punch through thicker armor, not to mention that Kornet missiles can also be used not just against armored vehicles, but against fortifications as well.