Monday 6 March 2023

Closer ties with Islamic countries among Russian foreign policy priorities — Lavrov

Closer ties with Islamic countries among Russian foreign policy priorities — Lavrov

Closer ties with Islamic countries among Russian foreign policy priorities — Lavrov

©Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service/TASS

The further strengthening of relations with the countries of the Islamic world is among the priority areas of Russia’s foreign policy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"Russia, the biggest Eurasian power, a state, a civilization, maintains good, fair, mutually respectful relations with all countries of the Islamic world," he said at a meeting of the Russia - Islamic World Strategic Vision Group. "Their (the relations - TASS) further development is among the continuing priorities of Russia’s foreign policy."

Russia "along with its friends from Muslim states insists on the formation of a fairer, more democratic multipolar world order, which is based on the principles of the United Nations Charter," Lavrov stressed. "We reject the ultraliberal values the collective West is aggressively seeking to impose.".

This was also conveyed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov on February 2, 2006, said that Russia intends to strengthen relations with Islamic countries. Lavrov said closer relations with Islamic countries could avoid international conflicts.

Lavrov emphasized that closer ties could help resolve key international problems, such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the row over Iran's controversial nuclear program, as well as the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lavrov made the comments at a reception for ambassadors from the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) member states in Moscow, February 2006.

Malaysian Ambassador Dato Mohamed Khalis, whose country held the OIC's rotating chairmanship at the time, said Russia could help build bridges between the West and the Islamic world.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov also made a statement about Russia's foreign policy priorities and answers to questions during Government Hour at the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Moscow, December 1, 2021

We highly value the principled position of Russian senators on topical matters of the international agenda and their invariable readiness to help promote Russia’s priorities on the global stage, both in bilateral relations and at various multilateral parliamentary platforms.

We attach great importance to further expanding our interaction with both houses of the Federal Assembly and their committees in the interests of strengthening the country’s international positions. Diplomats have to feel the pulse of society and to sense the mood of the public.

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