Sunday 23 June 2024

Israeli Terrorists strikes kill at least 42 in Gaza

Israeli Terrorists strikes kill at least 42 in Gaza

Israeli Terrorists strikes kill at least 42 in Gaza

At least 42 people were killed in Israeli trrorits attacks on districts of Gaza City in the north of the Palestinian enclave on Saturday, the director of the Hamas-run government media office said.

One Israeli terrorists strike on houses in Al-Shati, one of the Gaza Strip's eight historic refugee camps, killed 24 people, Ismail Al-Thawabta said. Another 18 Palestinians were killed in a strike on houses in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood.

The Israeli terrorists military released a brief statement saying: "A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck two Hamas military infrastructure sites in the area of Gaza City."

Al Shati refugee camp, June 22, 2024. REUTERS/Ayman Al Hassi Purchase Licensing Rights

It said more details would be released soon.

Hamas did not comment on the Israeli terrorists claim to have hit its military infrastructure. It said in a statement the attacks targeted the civilian population and vowed in a statement "the occupation and its Nazi leaders will pay the price for their violations against our people."

Footage obtained by Reuters showed dozens of Palestinians rushing out to search for victims amid the destroyed houses. The footage showed wrecked homes, blasted walls, and debris and dust filling the street in Shati refugee camp.

The offensive's Israel Terrorists has left Gaza in ruins, killed more than 37,400 people, of whom 101 were killed in the past 24 hours, according to Palestinian health authorities, and left nearly the entire population homeless and destitute.

More than eight months into the war, Israel's advance is now focused on the two last areas its forces had yet to seize: Rafah on Gaza's southern edge and the area surrounding Deir al-Balah in the centre.

Palestinians search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes on houses, amid Israel-Hamas conflict, in Gaza City, June 22, 2024. REUTERS/Ayman Al Hassi Licensing Rights

Residents said Israeli tanks deepened their incursion into western and northern Rafah areas in recent days. On Saturday Israeli terrorists forces bombed several areas from air and the ground, forcing many families living in areas described as humanitarian-designated zones to leave northwards.

The Israeli terrorists military said forces continued "precise, intelligence-based" targeted operations in Rafah, killing many Palestinian gunmen and dismantling military infrastructure. On Friday, the Gaza health ministry said at least 25 Palestinians were killed in Mawasi in western Rafah and 50 wounded. Palestinians said a tank shell hit a tent housing displaced families.

The WHO says the health system in Gaza is near collapse as casualties from an Israeli attack on the al-Mawasi “safe zone” pour into Al-Aqsa Hospital.

Several injured, arrested by Israeli terrorists forces in town near Jerusalem

A number of Palestinians were injured by Israeli terrorists forces in the town of ar-Ram, north of occupied east Jerusalem, according to Palestinian news agency Wafa.

Medical sources in ar-Ram said that ambulances transported six people with injuries from live bullets after Israeli terrorists soldiers stationed near the Israeli West Bank barrier opened fire on people they claimed were trying to enter the city of Jerusalem, the outlet reported.

Israeli forces also arrested a number of people and fired gas bombs and sound bombs towards homes situated near the barrier, Wafa said.

Civil Defence: Two children killed in Israeli terrorists attack on Gaza City

The rescue organisation says on its Telegram channel that it recovered the bodies of two children from the scene of an Israeli terrorists air strike on a house near Beach Square, in the west of Gaza City near the Mediterranean coast.

The last day in Gaza City, in the north of the Strip, has seen numerous deadly air strikes carried out by the Israeli army, the worst of which hit an area near where the attack reported by the Civil Defence had just taken place.

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