Wednesday 7 December 2022

Viral Aksi Heroik Penjaga Perlintasan KA Tanpa Palang di Lamongan Selamatkan Pemotor

Viral Aksi Heroik Penjaga Perlintasan KA Tanpa Palang di Lamongan Selamatkan Pemotor

Viral Aksi Heroik Penjaga Perlintasan KA Tanpa Palang di Lamongan Selamatkan Pemotor

Penjaga perlintasan kereta api di Lamongan [Foto: Tangkapan layar Instagram]

Video rekaman CCTV yang memperlihatkan detik-detik seorang penjaga perlintasan kereta api (KA) yang ada di Desa Sumlaran, Kecamatan Sukodadi, Lamongan, Jawa Timur, menyelamatkan seorang pengendara sepeda motor, viral di media sosial.

Penjaga tersebut sampai rela tersungkur demi menghalau pemotor itu agat tak melintas.

Dalam video berdurasi singkat yang diunggah oleh akun instagram @berita_lamongan_, tampak seorang pengendara motor yang akan melintasi rel. Dalam waktu bersamaan, ada KA yang tengah melaju.

Mengetahui hal itu, penjaga perlintasan tak berpalang itu langsung berlari dan mendorong mundur pengendara beserta motornya. Pasalnya, saat itu diduga mesimln motor mati tepat di tengah perlintasan.

Namun saat berlari mendekat, sang penjaga perlintasan terjatuh dan tersungkur.

Karena posisi kereta sudah dekat, ia pun berusaha berguling menjauhi rel dan nyaris tersambar KA yang melaju kencang.

Namun saat berlari mendekat, sang penjaga perlintasan terjatuh dan tersungkur.

Karena posisi kereta sudah dekat, ia pun berusaha berguling menjauhi rel dan nyaris tersambar KA yang melaju kencang.

Beruntung, si penjaga beserta pengendara motor selamat dari kejadian itu. Hanya saja, penjaga perlintasan diketahui mengalami luka-luka karena terjatuh.

Unggahan tersebut pun ramai komentar dari warganet. Tak sedikit yang mengapresiasi aksi heroik si penjaga perlintasan KA.

"Bapaknya luka-luka bagian kaki. Sekarang masih menjalani perawatan di rs, minta doanya agar bapaknya gak kenapa-kenapa ya gaes," ujar fitri***

"Bapak-bapak itu ingat tanggung jawabnya meskipun nyawa taruhannya," kata fniam***

"Kenapa masih ada perlintasan KA tanpa palang pintu di lamongan? Di bojonegoro jalan kecil pun sudah ada palang pintunya," komen yasin***

"Respek banget sama penjaganya, panjang umur orang baik," ujar lintang***

"Panjang umur orang baik, semoga penjaga perlintasan kereta senantiasa diberi keselamatan oleh Allah," imbuh rahma***

Putting ZNPP under IAEA’s control impossible — Rosenergroatom

Putting ZNPP under IAEA’s control impossible — Rosenergroatom

Putting ZNPP under IAEA’s control impossible — Rosenergroatom

Zaporozhye NPP
©Sergei Malgavko/TASS

Putting the Zaporozhye NPP under the control of the IAEA will be impossible, because that organization does not have the authority to manage nuclear power plants, Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the CEO of the Rosenergoatom concern, said on the Rossiya-24 TV channel on Tuesday.

"The idea of putting the power plant under the control of the IAEA and, in fact, under the control of Ukraine, raises a legitimate question: how can the power plant be placed under the control of the IAEA? Such a procedure is not described anywhere: either in the IAEA Charter or any other international regulatory documents. This is impossible in principle," Karchaa said, while commenting on statements by Ukrainian politicians that the ZNPP should be placed under the control of Kiev and the IAEA.

Karchaa explained that the IAEA did not have the mandate to manage nuclear power plants.

"The IAEA has many mandates, it is an organization in charge of nuclear safety, and not of operating nuclear power plants. There are no such provisions," he pointed out.

Situation around ZNPP

On December 2, IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi told the international conference Mediterranean Dialogues in Rome that an agreement on establishing a security zone around the ZNPP could be reached soon. Earlier, the head of Rosatom, Alexey Likhachev, said that the safety model discussed with Grossi required a stop to any shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

On November 17, the IAEA adopted a new resolution on the ZNPP to call on Russia to immediately relinquish its "baseless claims" of ownership of this nuclear power plant. Russia and China voted against the resolution, while India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, South Africa, Kenya and Namibia abstained.

The Russian Permanent Mission in Vienna said the IAEA’s resolution had gone beyond the agency's mandate.The 6-gigawatt Zaporozhye NPP - the largest nuclear power plant in Europe - is located in the city of Energodar. In March 2022, the facility was put under the control of Russian forces. Since then, the Ukrainian army has systematically shelled both the residential areas of Energodar and the territory of the nuclear plant, using drones, heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems.

Blasts heard in southern Ukraine’s Odessa Region — TV

Blasts were heard in southern Ukraine’s Odessa Region on Tuesday night, the country’s state-run Freedom television reported.

According to Ukrainian media, explosions were also reported in the Sinelkovsky District of the Dnepropetrovsk Region.

An air raid alert was issued in Ukraine’s regions of Kiev and Cherkassy in the early hours of Wednesday, according to the country’s official air raid alert service.

No warning was issued for the Ukrainian capital itself.

Earlier, air raid alert was issued in Ukraine’s regions of Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava and Kirovograd, as well as in the Kiev-controlled areas of the Zaporozhye Region.

Shortly after midnight Moscow time, air raid sirens also sounded in the eastern Ukrainian Kharkov Region.

Ukrainian media reported on Tuesday that explosions rocked the city of Dnepr and its outskirts. Also, air raid warning was issued for Odessa and Nikolayev, but later lifted.

Vladimir Rogov, who heads the "We are Together with Russia" movement, said explosions were also heard in the Kiev-controlled city of Zaporozhye late on Tuesday

Power outages to continue in Ukraine at least till March — energy company CEO

Blackouts in Ukraine will be practiced at least till March, Sergey Kovalenko, director general of YASNO electricity supply company, said on Tuesday.

"There are many questions when we finally drop outage schedules and ensure 100% electricity supplies. At the end of March, under the basic scenario, which will be quite good for us, if we survive the winter and early spring with stabilization schedules," Ukraine’s TSN ndews agency quoted him as saying.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said on December 6 that power shortages in Ukraine’s grids amounted to 19% and the practice of blackouts will be continued.

According to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, the most difficult situation with electricity supplies is in seven Ukrainian regions, namely Vinnitsa, Kiev, Zhitomir, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Khmelnitsky, and Cherkassy regions.

An air raid warning was issued across entire Ukraine on Monday. Explosions and power outages were later reported from several cities and regions.

Tuesday 6 December 2022

US Congressman Gosar Calls Washington's Support for Kiev 'Immoral'

US Congressman Gosar Calls Washington's Support for Kiev 'Immoral'

US Congressman Gosar Calls Washington's Support for Kiev 'Immoral'

©AP Photo / Matt York

Republican Congressman Paul Gosar, in response to the shelling of a church by Ukrainian troops in the city of Donetsk, called Washington's support for Ukraine "immoral", adding that the Kiev regime is "authoritarian".

"Our continued support of this war in Ukraine is immoral. The deaths continue and Ukraine (in addition to comprising nazi regiments) has become an authoritarian regime not worthy of any support. I support peace talks, not death and destruction. Not bombing churches," Gosar tweeted.

On Monday, a Sputnik correspondent reported that the Church of Nativity of Christ in Donetsk was shelled by Ukrainian troops.

In late October, the US congressman invited Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for peace talks in the state of Arizona. Two weeks later, Gosar said he would continue opposing additional US aid to Ukraine.

Paul Gosar believes Washington is not acting in its self interest during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Paul Gosar has called on Washington to cut foreign aid to Ukraine, which he argued is being used to fund a conflict that the US should have “no involvement in.” On Capitol Hill, a number of Republican lawmakers have condemned President Joe Biden’s open checkbook for Kiev.

“NO MORE Foreign Aid, especially not to fund a war that we should have NO involvement in,” Gosar tweeted on Monday. “Biden and his crime family may owe Zelensky, but America doesn't owe him a damn thing,” the lawmaker added.

A staunch anti-interventionist and a member of the Republican Party’s unofficial ‘America First’ caucus, Gosar has emerged as one of the loudest critics of the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy. The Arizona congressman voted against a $40 billion military and economic aid package for Kiev in May, and against a spending bill offering Kiev another $12 billion last month.

“The border is open, fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands and inflation is raging,” he wrote as his colleagues voted to pass the latter bill. “Yet the left and the establishment right just voted to send another 12 billion to Ukraine? This is more America Last policy.”

Gosar’s mentioning of Biden’s “crime family” owing Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensy a favor is likely a reference to the theory held by some US conservatives that Zelensky aided Biden’s 2020 election win by refusing a request by former President Donald Trump to reopen a corruption investigation into Biden’s son’s lucrative position on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm.

Gosar bukan satu-satunya anggota Partai Republik yang meminta kedua belah pihak untuk menutup aliran dana dan senjata ke Ukraina. Perwakilan Georgia Marjorie Taylor Greene menyatakan minggu lalu bahwa bantuan AS ke Kiev telah “membunuh ribuan dan ribuan orang (dan) secara drastis meningkatkan biaya hidup di seluruh dunia,” sementara Perwakilan Florida Matt Gaetz menulis pada hari Minggu bahwa “mempertahankan Ukraina sebagai pencucian uang internasional Mekkah tidak sebanding dengan ancaman perang nuklir.

Monday 5 December 2022

Blame Your Woes on Putin: How Russia’s President Became ‘Scapegoat’ For West’s Failings

Blame Your Woes on Putin: How Russia’s President Became ‘Scapegoat’ For West’s Failings

Blame Your Woes on Putin: How Russia’s President Became ‘Scapegoat’ For West’s Failings

©Sputnik / Aleksei Babushkin / Go to the mediabank

In yet another example of the ‘blame game’ spawned by the collective west, Britain’s Conservative party chairman, Nadhim Zahawi, recently drew ridicule after claiming that nurses going on strike and demanding inflation-matching pay rises was “exactly what Putin wants to see.”

'Blame Putin' has increasingly become a go-to mantra for the so-called collective west, as it struggles with its economic woes and policy failings. Why bother to dig deep into the reasons behind one's own shortcomings when there is a readily designated scapegoat - Russia's President Vladimir Putin?

In one latest incident, more ridiculous than offensive, the chairman of the British conservatives, Nadhim Zahawi, found himself mocked after comments made in connection with the strike action mulled by the UK’s nurses. After years of diminishing real-term wages, the latter were seeking to rectify this by locking in an increase in pay that goes 5 percent above inflation. The nurses threatened to go on strike on December 15 and 20 unless the government complied.

Nadhim Zahawi, refusing to look any further, opted deflect blame, saying that strikes by UK nurses was “exactly what Putin wants to see.” The lame attempt to link the government's failings with economic and political fallout from NATO’s ongoing proxy war against Russia in Ukraine immediately set Zahawi in the crosshairs, with commentators suggesting that “Putin Derangement Syndrome is getting out of control."

But while this last instance of the “blame game” may seem ludicrous, in effect, throughout the past few months, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been labeled as responsible for a plethora of grievances and policy shortcomings plaguing the so-called collective west.

Putin’s ‘War’

In an impassioned verbal outburst at the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in late September, US President Joe Biden lashed out at President Vladimir Putin for Russia's “war on Ukraine”.

According to Biden, Russia "invaded its neighbour," and "shamelessly violated" the core tenets of the UN charter by launching a special military operation in Ukraine. He also referred to the then upcoming referendums to join Russia in the Donbass republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions a "sham." The rhetoric had come from the president of a country that was itself complicit in violating the UN charter, as when it attacked Yugoslavia in 1999.

Furthermore, Washington had been determined to fan the flames of the Ukraine conflict, helping stage a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and aiding the overthrow of the elected government there. At the UNGA Joe Biden blamed "Putin's war," totally disregarding the fact that Russia had been forced to act to stop an invasion by the Ukrainian forces in February-March 2022.

In July, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey signed an UN-brokered deal to secure a humanitarian corridor via the Black Sea to allow exports of food and fertilizers. Moscow has repeatedly said, however, that the deal is not effective in bringing grain and fertilizer to developing countries, as European nations take a big share of the deliveries. Russia noted that sanctions continue hindering its grain and fertilizer exports even though the deal is supposed to guarantee their free flow to global markets.

The Russian President weighed in on the 'blame game' he had found himself at the heart of.

As Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko during a televised meeting with Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi in May 2022 underscored, western sanctions had served to give both countries the impetus to focus on self-development, he added that the elites of the West were deluded about the causes of their economic woes.

"On the economy, thanks are really due to them (in the West) as they have given us such a push to our own development... What is happening over there is that they really underestimated it by reading their own media. They got inflation yet the truth is 'Putin is to blame', 'Putin is to blame for everything'," Lukashenko said.

Vladimir Putin menanggapi dengan menyindir, "Kami akan berbicara serius dengan mereka."

Ekses APG Semeru Jalur Curah Kobokan Ditutup Total

Ekses APG Semeru Jalur Curah Kobokan Ditutup Total

Ekses APG Semeru Jalur Curah Kobokan Ditutup Total

Jalur Curah Kobokan di Tutup Akibat Erupsi Semeru, 4/12/2022)

Akibat Awan Panas Guguran (APG) Gunung Semeru pada hari Minggu, 04/12/2022, Jalur penyeberangan Curah Kobokan untuk sementara waktu ditutup total, Personil Polres Lumajang bersiaga, bersinergi dengan Personel TNI dan BPBD berikut sejumlah stakeholder, meminta warga yang hendak menyebrang agar tidak melewati jalur tersebut.

Hasil koordinasi dengan pihak BPBD Kabupaten Lumajang, akses curah kobokan tdk bisa dilalui karena pada posisi kisaran jembatan kajar kuning tertutup endapan material APG... dan ini suhunya cukup tinggi diatas 400 drajat celcius..jadi perlu bapak ibu ketahui dg suhu yg masih tinggi itu membutuhkan waktu 2 minggu menuju normal tetapi ini tergantung ketebalan endapan APG nya..jadi dihimbau agar tdk dilakukan pembukaan akses ini karena sangat berbahaya jika melitasi area tersebut.

“Untuk sementara waktu, sambil menunggu perkembangan lebih lanjut, jalur penyeberangan di Curah Kobokan ditutu demi keamanan,” kata Kapolres Lumajang AKBP Dewa Putu Eka D, S.I.K M.H melalui Kasubsipenmas Aidpa Eko Budi Laksono dihari yang sama.

Hingga saat ini, pihaknya terus berkoordinasi dengan sejumlah pihak, guna terus memantau kondisi terkini. Tegas Eko sebagai dasar pengambilan langkah dan tindakan selanjutnya, menyikapi situasi yang ada.

Sebagai informasi, mengutip laporan Badan Geologi Kementerian Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral ( ESDM ), sumber awan panas guguran, berasal dari tumpukan material di ujung lidah lava yang berada sekitar 800 meter dari puncak gunung Semeru.

Disisi lain, Eko mengimbau masyarakat agar tidak panik. Terus berkoordinasi dengan petugas yang sudah berada di lapangan dalam ranah informasi terkini.

Menurutnya, jangan serta merta menerima informasi yang belum tentu benar adanya.

“kepada masyarakat juga kami sangat mengimbau, agar tidak memberikan informasi hoaks. Tunggu informasi resmi dari PVMBG yang akan diteruskan oleh BPBD atau pihak berkewenangan di Kabupaten Lumajang,” pungkasnya.

Cucu Bung Hatta yang Gugat Jokowi ke PTUN, Sudah Malang Melintang di Forum Internasional

Cucu Bung Hatta yang Gugat Jokowi ke PTUN, Sudah Malang Melintang di Forum Internasional

Cucu Bung Hatta yang Gugat Jokowi ke PTUN, Sudah Malang Melintang di Forum Internasional

Gustika Fardani Jusuf/Net

Cucu Sang Proklamator, Mohammad Hatta, Gustika Fardani Jusuf ikut menggugat Presiden Jokowi dan Mendagri Tito Karnavian. Gugatannya terkait pengangkatan dan pelantikan 88 Penjabat (Pj) kepala daerah di Indonesia dalam rangka Pemilu 2024

Cucu Proklamator Bung Hatta, Gustika Jusuf Hatta, ada tiga orang dan satu LSM yang ikut menggugat. Mereka antara lain Adhito Harinugroho, Lilik Sulistyo, Suci Fitriah Tanjung, dan Yayasan Perludem.

Pengangkatan dan pelantikan 88 Penjabat (Pj) kepala daerah digugat Cucu Wakil Presiden Pertama RI Mohammad Hatta, Gustika Fardani Jusuf. Bersama beberapa rekannya, Gustika melayangkan gugatan tersebut ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) Jakarta.

Dikutip dari laman Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara (SIPP) PTUN Jakarta, gugatan tersebut teregister dalam perkara 422/G/TF/2022/PTUN.JKT, Senin (28/11).

Dalam pokok perkaranya, penggugat yang salah satunya merupakan cucu Wakil Presiden Pertama RI, Mohammad Hatta, yakni Gustika Jusuf, menyatakan tindakan Jokowi dan Mendagri melantik 88 Pj kepala daerah berpotensi penyalahgunaan kekuasaan.

“Menyatakan tindakan pemerintahan berpotensi mengandung unsur penyalahgunaan kekuasaan (abuse of power) sebab dilakukan tanpa terlebih dahulu menerbitkan peraturan pelaksana sebagai tindak lanjut dari keberlakuan Pasal 201 ayat (9), (10), dan (11) UU 10/2016 sebagaimana dimandatkan ketentuan Pasal 205 C UU 10/2016, jo Putusan MK 67/PUU-XIX/2021, tertanggal 20 April 2022, jo Putusan MK 15/PUU-XX/2022 merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum oleh badan/ penjabat pemerintahan (Onrechtmatige Overheidsdaad),” demikian salah satu pokok perkara yang dikutip redaksi, pada hari Sabtu, 03/12/2022.

Hal ini dianggap sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum, penggugat meminta PTUN Jakarta untuk membatalkan tindakan Jokowi dan Tito yang mengangkat dan melantik 88 Pj kepala daerah.

“Menghukum para tergugat untuk membayar biaya perkara yang timbul dalam gugatan ini,” demikian gugatan cucu Proklamator Bung Hatta, Gustika Jusuf Hatta, dan empat pihak lainnya itu.

"Mengabulkan gugatan para penggugat untuk seluruhnya," ujar Gustika dkk dalam petitum permohonannya dikutip pada hari Jumat, 02/12/2022.

Sebelumnya, Mendagri, Tito Karnavian melantik sejumlah penjabat (Pj) kepala daerah untuk sejumlah wilayah. Pada Juli lalu misalnya, Mendagri melantik 36 Pj kepala daerah antara lain untuk Aceh, Banten, dan Gorontalo.

Para pj kepala daerah mengisi kekosongan kekuasaan hingga ada kepala daerah definitif hasil Pilkada Serentak 2024. UU Pilkada meniadakan pilkada serentak pada 2022 dan 2023. Semua pilkada akan digelar pada 27 November 2024.

Pj kepala daerah punya masa jabatan paling lama satu tahun, tetapi bisa diperpanjang untuk satu tahun berikutnya.

Kiprahnya sebagai seorang pelajar Indonesia di luar negeri membentuknya sebagai seorang wanita yang aktif mengkritisi dunia sosial dan politik.

Perempuan yang lahir pada 19 Januari 1994 ini, sebelum menempuh pendidikan di King's College London pada tahun 2015 sudah aktif di beberapa forum internasional.

Tepatnya pada tahun 2012, Gustika sudah mengikuti forum Youth Delegate for COP 18/CMP 8 yang diselenggarakan United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) di Doha, Qatar.

Kala itu dia mewakili kelembagaan pemerintah, mengingat saat itu dia bekerja di bawah Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim Indonesia, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.

Selain itu, pada tahun 2013 Gustika juga berpartispasi menjadi Delegetion of Indonesia at the 37th General Conference, kemudian juga menjadi Youth Observer at the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum di UNESCO.

Pada masa-masa perkuliahannya di King's College London, Gustika juga aktif membantu kerja-kerja pemeirntahan. Tepatnya pada tahun 2016, dirinya bekerja sebagai anggota tim asistensi Menko Polhukam selama satu bulan. Setelah itu, dia diangkat menjadi ajudan deputi luar negeri selama dua bulan di Kemenko Polhukam.

Tak cuma itu, pada tahun 2017 Gustika mengikuti misi tetap Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) sebagai political intern selama 2 bulan. Selang dua tahunnya, atau pada 2019 dia aktif sebagai Summer Research Intern di Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia selama lima bulan.

Sudah Tiga Kali Amblas Pengguna Jalan yang Mau Melintas di Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor Diminta Waspada

Sudah Tiga Kali Amblas Pengguna Jalan yang Mau Melintas di Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor Diminta Waspada

Sudah Tiga Kali Amblas Pengguna Jalan yang Mau Melintas di Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor Diminta Waspada

Para petugas Satlantas Polres Bogor saat memasang police line di area jembatan Cikereteg. (dok. Humas Polres)

Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor yang berada di Jalan raya H.E Sukma penghubung Bogor Sukabumi mengalami ambles di titik jembatan Cikereteg, Caringin, Kabupaten Bogor.

Amblesnya Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor yang dimilik Provinsi Jawa Barat itu, merupakan kali ketiga sejak 2014. Dampaknya, jalur yang biasa dilalui kendaraan industri itu kini sering macet.

“Itu padahal belum lama, sejak longsor 2014. Ada sekitar dua tahun ke belakang Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor itu di bangun dan diperlebar,” ucap Seftian Nugraha, warga setempat.

Seftian menuturkan dulu di jembatan Cikereteg banyak pedagang kaki lima yang membuka lapak di sana.

Namun, saat amblas dan longsor sebelumnya, tidak ada lagi pedagang di sana.

Pemerintah pun memutuskan untuk memperlebar jalan dan membangun jembatan itu.

Seftian bercerita sebelum jalan itu diperlebar, ia dan keluarganya merupakan salah satu pedagang yang mengisi kios di sana sejak 1990-an.

Waktu kejadian Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor yang amblas sebelumnya, Seftian menyebut ia dan keluarga berada di dalam warung dan melihat lantai mereka retak menganga.

Dia beruntung tidak ada kerugian materil atau korban saat Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor amblas pertama kali. Takut kejadian itu terulang, Seftian menjual lapaknya ke orang lain.

“Eh, benar saja, tidak lama dihuni oleh pedagang lain itu longsor dan beberapa bangunan jatuh ke bawah. Untungnya lagi kosong dan tidak ada korban jiwa. Setelah itu diperbaiki 2018 atau 2019, pokoknya belum lama ini. Eh, sekarang ambles lagi dan kondisinya sekarang jauh lebih berbahaya karena lahan di bawah jalan udah kosong,” ucap Seftian.

“Eh, benar saja, tidak lama dihuni oleh pedagang lain itu longsor dan beberapa bangunan jatuh ke bawah. Untungnya lagi kosong dan tidak ada korban jiwa. Setelah itu diperbaiki 2018 atau 2019, pokoknya belum lama ini. Eh, sekarang ambles lagi dan kondisinya sekarang jauh lebih berbahaya karena lahan di bawah jalan udah kosong,” ucap Seftian.

Saat ditanya apa yang menjadi penyebab amblesnya jalan itu, Seftian bercerita bahwa di bawahnya terdapat gorong-gorong saluran air Cibolang yang mengalir ke Cisadane. Menurut dia, gorong-gorong itu dibangun pada zaman kolonial Belanda sekitar abad ke 18.

Dengan berjalannya waktu, gorong-gorong atau drainase Cibolang itu tertutup oleh beberapa bangunan yang ada saat ini. “Makanya tempat ini dulu dinamainya Gonggo Burung, atau gorong-gorong air yang sudah mati,” ujar dia,

Meski gorong-gorong itu disebut sudah mati, sepengetahuan Seftian masih ada air Cibolang yang mengalir ke Cisadane melalui jembatan itu meski debitnya kecil. “Saya menduga itu menjadi penyebabnya,” katanya.

Sebab membahayakan pengemudi, Satuan Lalu Lintas atau Satlantas Polres Bogor memberlakukan buka tutup jalan untuk menghindari adanya hal yang tidak diinginkan. Bahkan pemberlakuan buka tutup jalan itu dipimpin langsung Kapolres Bogor AKBP Iman Imanuddin dengan memasang Police line dan Road Water Barrier.

Kapolres Bogor menghimbau kendaraan hati-hati saat melintasi Jembatan Cikereteg Bogor, lalu untuk kendaraan besar dan atau menuju langsung Sukabumi disarankan untuk melintasi jalur tol Bocimi.

Imbas Keretakan Jembatan Cikereteg Caringin Bogor, Polisi Akan Berlakukan Rekayasa Lalu Lintas

Kapolres Bogor, AKBP Iman Imanuddin melakukan pengecekan ke lokasi jembatan Cikereteg yang hampir amblas di Jalan Raya Bogor Sukabumi, Kampung Ciderum RT 02 RW 06, Desa Ciderum Kecamatan Caringin, Kabupaten Bogor.

Dalam pengecekan, Iman mengaku polisi akan melakukan rekayasa dan membatasi kendaraan yang melintas diseputaran jembatan Cikereteg.

“Untuk kendaraan kendaraan besar akan kami arahkan untuk masuk ke gate tol rancamaya dan gate tol ciawi. Kemudian kendaraan yang akan menuju ciawi atau jakarta dari arah Cigombong dan Caringin kami akan arahkan untuk masuk ke gate tol cigombong-caringin sehingga kendaraan kendaraan dengan notase yang besar itu tidak melalui jembatan cikereteg,” kata Iman kepada wartawan, hari Sabtu, 03/11/2022.

“Untuk kendaraan-kendaraan kecil, lanjut Iman, bisa dilalui namun pihaknya akan melakukan pembatasan dengan melakukan buka tutup dari arah sukabumi ke bogor maupun sebaliknya dari bogor mengarah ke sukabumi secara bergantian.

Iman juga mengungkapkan pihaknya akan menugaskan baik dari Polsek maupun dari Satlantas polres bogor untuk melakukan pengaturan terhadap lalu lintas yang ada di seputaran jembatan cikereteg.

“Kami menghimbau kepada para pengendara yan akan melalui jalur lintas bogor sukabumi khususnya di jembatan cikereteg bagi kendaraan pribadi tolong berhati hati dan ikuti apa yang menjadi pengaturan pengaturan dari petugas di lapangan untuk keselamatan kita bersama,” tutup Iman.

Gunmen Attack Mosque in Northern Nigeria, Abduct Nearly 20 People

Gunmen Attack Mosque in Northern Nigeria, Abduct Nearly 20 People

Gunmen Attack Mosque in Northern Nigeria, Abduct Nearly 20 People

©Arise News

Gunmen stormed a mosque in Nigeria's northern state of Katsina, kidnapping 19 worshippers and shooting an imam, local media reported on Sunday.

The perpetrators abducted 19 people from a local mosque on Saturday evening, the Punch newspaper said, adding that six victims were later rescued. Police spokesman confirmed the attack to the media.

"The terrorists stormed the mosque at Maigamji (village) while people were observing Issaih prayers. They shot and injured the Imam and one other person.

Those people are currently responding to treatment in the hospital. The terrorists also abducted some worshippers that night," state police spokesman Gambo Isah was quoted as saying by the newspaper.

While local media did not specify whether the attack claimed any lives, Reuters reported, citing a local resident, that around 12 people were killed in the attack, including the chief imam.

Armed gangs, known as bandits, attack communities where security is stretched, killing people or kidnapping them for ransom. The gangs also demand villagers pay protection fees to be allowed to farm and harvest their crops.

Lawal Haruna, a resident of Funtua, in President Muhammadu Buhari's home state of Katsina, told Reuters by phone the gunmen arrived at Maigamji mosque on motorbikes and started shooting sporadically, which forced worshippers to flee.

About 12, who were attending night prayers, were caught in the gunfire and killed, including the chief imam, said Haruna.

“They then gathered many people and took them to the bush. I'm praying that the bandits release the innocent people they abducted,” said Abdullahi Mohammed, another resident of Funtua.

Katsina state police spokesperson Gambo Isah confirmed the attack and said state-backed vigilantes, with the support of some residents, had managed to rescue some worshippers.

Katsina is among several states in the northwest of Nigeria which share a border with neighbouring Niger, allowing the gangs to move freely between the two countries.

Nigeria's military has been bombing bush camps used by the bandits, but the attacks continue, raising fears about the safety of voters who will go to the polls to choose Buhari's successor in February.

Diplomat slams Nuland’s words about Western influence on decisions during special op

Diplomat slams Nuland’s words about Western influence on decisions during special op

Diplomat slams Nuland’s words about Western influence on decisions during special op

Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova
©Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland's words that Russia has not resorted to the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine because of Western ‘warnings’ are nothing but an attempt to shift blame,

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on her Telegram channel on Saturday, noting that Moscow repeatedly stated that nuclear war was unacceptable.

The diplomat drew attention to Nuland's words in the Ukrainskaya Pravda newspaper that Russian President Vladimir Putin decided not to resort to the use of nuclear weapons allegedly because of "tough warnings" from other states, as well as the unacceptability of strikes on energy infrastructure.

"Victoria Nuland has once again defeated herself: first, through her own controlled media and think tanks, she inflated the topic of the nuclear threat from Russia, and now she is trying to put the blame where it belongs: allegedly nuclear Armageddon did not happen because of 'tough warnings' (and not because no one on this side of the border was planning it)," Zakharova said.

In this regard, the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman recalled the ministry's statement published on November 2 on the prevention of nuclear war.

"As for the 'unacceptability of strikes on the energy system,' it is not up to Nuland to teach the world: take a look at how many electrical grids the US destroyed, or even better, how many electrical grids the United States and NATO destroyed together," Zakharova added.