Thursday 2 November 2023

Hamas fighters seek to block Israeli advance on Gaza City

Hamas fighters seek to block Israeli advance on Gaza City

Hamas fighters seek to block Israeli advance on Gaza City

Palestinians search for casualties at the site of Israeli strikes on houses, in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, November 2, 2023. REUTERS/Anas Al-Shareef Acquire Licensing Rights

Israeli tanks and troops pressed towards Gaza City on Thursday but met fierce resistance from Hamas militants using mortars and hit-and-run attacks from tunnels as the Palestinian death toll from nearly four weeks of bombardments mounted.

The war is closing in on the Gaza Strip's main population centre in the north where Israel has been telling people to evacuate as it vows to annihilate the Islamist group.

"We are at the gates of Gaza City," said Israeli military commander Brigadier General Itzik Cohen.

A child looks on as Palestinians gather to collect water, amid water shortages, as the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas continues, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, November 2, 2023. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Acquire Licensing Rights

Fighters of Hamas and its ally Islamic Jihad were emerging from tunnels to fire at tanks, then disappearing back into the network, residents said and videos from both groups showed, in guerrilla-style operations against a far more powerful army.

"They never stopped bombing Gaza City all night, the house never stopped shaking," said one man living there, asking not to be identified by name. "But in the morning we discover the Israeli forces are still outside the city, in the outskirts and that means the resistance is heavier than they expected."

Aware of the difficulties of fighting in an urban environment, Israeli officers' strategy appears for now to be concentrating large forces in the northern Gaza Strip rather than launching a ground assault on the entire territory.

The latest war in the decades-old conflict began when Hamas fighters broke through the border on Oct. 7. Israel says they killed 1,400 people, mostly civilians, and took more than 200 hostages in the deadliest day of its 75-year history.

Israel's ensuing bombardment of the small Palestinian enclave of 2.3 million people has killed at least 8,796 people, including 3,648 children, according to Gaza health authorities.

Though Western nations and the United States in particular have traditionally supported Israel, harrowing images of bodies in the rubble and hellish conditions inside Gaza have triggered appeals for restraint and street protests around the world.


Residents reported mortar fire around Gaza City and said Israeli tanks and bulldozers were sometimes driving over rubble and knocking down structures rather than using regular roads.

The south of Gaza was not spared either, with three Palestinians dead from tank shelling near the town of Khan Younis and an air strike killing five outside a U.N. school in Beach refugee camp, Gaza health officials said.

Brigadier General Iddo Mizrahi, chief of Israel's military engineers, said troops were in a first stage of opening access routes in Gaza but were encountering mines and booby-traps. "Hamas has learned and prepared itself well."

Drone view of a junk yard for Israeli vehicles destroyed in a Hamas attack, on a field in Netivot, Israel, November 1, 2023. Reuters/Amir Cohen Acquire Licensing Rights

With Secretary of State Antony Blinken again en route to the region after saying the U.S. and others were looking at options for Gaza's future, Hamas blasted outside meddling.

"Our great Palestinian people and their valiant resistance will prevail over this fascist occupation," it added, demanding an independent state.

After a total blockade of Gaza for more than three weeks, foreign passport-holders and some wounded were allowed out at the southern end. Palestinian border official Wael Abu Mehsen said 400 foreign citizens would leave for Egypt via the Rafah crossing on Thursday, after some 320 on Wednesday.

Dozens of critically injured Palestinians were to cross too.

"I want to pass. We are not animals," said Ghada el-Saka, an Egyptian at Rafah waiting to return home after visiting relatives. "We've seen death with our own eyes," she added, describing a strike near her siblings' house that had made her and her daughter live on the street.

Israel's latest strikes have included the heavily-populated area of Jabalia set up as a refugee camp in 1948.

Gaza's Hamas-run media office said at least 195 Palestinians were killed in the two hits on Tuesday and Wednesday, with 120 missing and at least 777 people hurt.

Israel, which accuses Hamas of hiding behind civilians, said it killed two Hamas military leaders in Jabalia.

"We are fighting on all fronts and hitting Hamas wherever it is found," Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz said, warning of a long and complex fight. "We will hunt them down through night and day, in their cities and in their beds."

With Arab nations vocal in their outrage at Israel's actions, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights also expressed concern that Israel's "disproportionate attacks" may constitute war crimes.

Israel says it has lost 18 soldiers and killed dozens of militants since ground operations were expanded on Friday.

Violence has also spread to the occupied West Bank, with Israeli raids touching off confrontations with gunmen and people throwing stones.

Son of Palestinian woman Salwa Najar lies in a bed as his mother sits by, at a school turned to a shelter, as hospitals are overwhelmed, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Khan Younis, in the southern... Acquire Licensing Rights

Palestinian medics and the health ministry said three teenagers and a 25-year-old were killed there in clashes on Thursday. Israel's army had no immediate comment.

Separately, the military and medics said Palestinian gunmen killed an Israeli motorist in the West Bank.


As international calls for a "humanitarian pause" in hostilities go unheeded, Palestinians are suffering shortages of food, fuel, drinking water and medicine. Sewage is leaking, some are drinking salt water and the trickle of aid permitted in by Israel is a tiny proportion of what is needed.

Hospitals, including Gaza's only cancer hospital, are struggling due to fuel shortages.

"The situation is beyond catastrophic in the hospitals in Gaza," said the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians, describing packed corridors, dwindling fuel, refugees in the courtyard and many medics themselves having lost homes and loved ones.

Drone view of a junk yard for Israeli vehicles destroyed in a Hamas attack, on a field in Netivot, Israel, November 1, 2023. Reuters/Amir Cohen Acquire Licensing Rights

Ashraf Al-Qudra, a spokesperson for the Gaza health ministry, said the main power generator at the Indonesian Hospital was no longer functioning. The hospital was switching to a back-up generator but would no longer be able to power mortuary refrigerators and oxygen generators.

The United Arab Emirates offered to treat 1,000 children accompanied by families, while Turkey offered to take cancer patients from Gaza's Turkish-Palestinian Friendship hospital, which went out of service after running out of fuel.

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Israel willing to cause ‘mass civilian casualties’ – NYT

Israel willing to cause ‘mass civilian casualties’ – NYT

Israel willing to cause ‘mass civilian casualties’ – NYT

A Palestinian carries a dead child found under the rubble after the Israeli airstrikes on Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza, November 1, 2023.
©AP Photo/Abed Khaled

The Israeli government is willing to kill large numbers of civilians in order to defeat Hamas in Gaza, and told its US partners this in “private conversations,” the New York Times has reported.

President Joe Biden’s administration continues to support Israel but has become “more critical” of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to Hamas, due to the “humanitarian crisis in Gaza,” according to a news analysis the outlet published on Monday.

“It became evident to US officials that Israeli leaders believed mass civilian casualties were an acceptable price in the military campaign,” the New York Times claimed, adding that Israeli officials brought up the “devastating bombings,” including the use of atomic weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that the US has employed against Germany and Japan during World War II.

The New York Times included the story in Tuesday’s print edition, where it caught the eye of lawyer and activist Steven Donziger.

“This might help explain the massive scale of civilian and child death currently taking place in Gaza,” Donziger noted on Instagram. “This mentality also might explain why Israel just dropped a huge bomb on the densely populated Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza and why it appears to be targeting civilians.”

MSNBC host Mehdi Hassan also flagged the article on Wednesday, describing the paragraph as “almost buried” in the middle of the piece.

Focusing on Washington, the NYT article revealed how the Biden administration initially believed it could get support for Israel just as they had for Ukraine, given the nature of the Hamas atrocities on October 7, but soon realized this would be “impossible.”

“If anything, countries around the world, especially developing nations, are moving the other way as the Palestinian death toll grows. Even European allies of the United States are divided on Israel’s war,” according to the outlet.

US officials also believe that Netanyahu has “no plans for what to do with Gaza” after Israel Defense Forces ground troops take “some or all of it.”

Last Wednesday, the Pentagon reportedly asked Israel to delay the ground attack, in order to give the US more time to deploy air defenses in Iraq and Syria and buy time for negotiations to free some of the estimated 200 hostages held by Hamas.

The ground invasion began last Friday with a complete communications blackout of the Palestinian enclave. On Wednesday, the IDF said 15 of its soldiers have been killed so far in the ongoing operations.

Civilian casualties in Gaza don’t matter – top US senator

Lindsey Graham insists no amount of Palestinian deaths should make the Washington put the brakes on Israel.

US Senator Lindsey Graham. © Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The US should stand by Israel in its campaign against Hamas no matter how heavy a toll it takes on the civilian population in Gaza, Senator Lindsey Graham has argued. He likened Israel’s military operation against the militants to the allies’ struggle against Nazi Germany and Japan during World War II.

In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Graham was asked if there was a “threshold” for him, after which he would start questioning Israel’s tactics. The Republican replied in the negative, saying there is no limit as to “what Israel should do to the people who are trying to slaughter the Jews.”

“This idea that Israel has to apologize for attacking Hamas, who’s embedded with their own population, needs to stop,” the senator insisted, adding that it is Hamas that is “creating these casualties – not Israel.”

Graham noted that Israel does need to “be smart” by trying to “limit civilian casualties.” The lawmaker also called for the delivery of humanitarian aid to “areas that protect the innocent.”

During his visit to Israel last month, US President Joe Biden assured Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that “as long as the United States stands, and we will stand forever, we will not let you ever be alone.”

Soon after Hamas’ deadly attack on Israel last month, Washington scrambled to provide its long-standing ally with additional defense aid worth billions of dollars.

The US has also deployed two aircraft carrier groups and other naval assets, a squadron of F-16 fighter jets, air-defense systems, and 900 troops to the Middle East, saying this increased military presence should serve as a deterrent to other states tempted to join the conflict.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the director of the UN’s human rights office (OHCHR) in New York, Craig Mokhiber, described Israel’s actions in Gaza as a “text-book case of genocide” and the “wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in an ethno-nationalist settler colonial ideology.”

The official handed in his resignation, arguing that the UN had failed in its duty to prevent the killing of Palestinian civilians. He claimed that the international organization had “surrendered to the power of the US” and given in to the “Israeli lobby.”

Mokhiber also accused European nations of being “complicit in the horrific assault” on Gaza and “giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities.”

Echoing Mokhiber’s assessment on Tuesday in Geneva, a spokesman for the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), James Elder, claimed that “Gaza has become a graveyard for thousands of children,” and a “living hell for everyone else.” He called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave.

The conflict has so far left more than 1,400 Israelis and over 8,000 Palestinians dead, with thousands more injured.

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Sunday 29 October 2023

Hamas-Israel talks slowed by Gaza escalation – Reuters

Hamas-Israel talks slowed by Gaza escalation – Reuters

Hamas-Israel talks slowed by Gaza escalation – Reuters

Israeli army soldiers stand by a tracked vehicle at a position in the upper Galilee region of northern Israel on October 28, 2023.
©Jalaa MAREY / AFP

Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian armed group Hamas are continuing despite West Jerusalem’s decision to expand its ground operations in Gaza, Reuters reported on Saturday, citing sources.

According to a person familiar with the diplomatic process, the de-escalation talks mediated by Qatar, which has close ties to Hamas and hosts its political bureau in Doha, have not broken down but are now proceeding at a “much slower pace.”

Speaking to CNN on Saturday, Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed al-Ansari confirmed backchanneling, saying that “various sides” had pushed Doha to help maintain ties between the two belligerents. “This channel has been very instrumental in countering the escalations that took place,” he said, adding that “as long as this channel is useful in creating peace,” “we cannot afford to lose it.”

The official emphasized that it “is the only way that we are mediating the release of… hostages” held by Hamas. Still, he lamented that the escalation on the ground was making the situation “considerably more difficult.”

Since the beginning of the violence on October 7, the militant group has captured more than 200 people, including soldiers, civilians, and foreign nationals.

Qatar has previously played an instrumental role in securing the release of four Hamas hostages, including a mother and daughter from Chicago and two elderly Israeli women, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres applauding the country’s efforts on that front.

The Reuters report comes after Axios earlier claimed, citing sources, that Israel had moved to expand its ground and air operations in Gaza after negotiations with Hamas hit an impasse. However, a CNN report contradicted that assessment, with its sources saying that there had been “significant progress” on freeing hostages

On Saturday, Yahya al-Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza, said that the group was “ready to conduct an immediate prisoner swap deal” and release all captives in its custody on condition that the agreement include “the release of all Palestinian prisoners from the Israeli jails.”

On the same day, as representatives of the families of the hostages met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, they urged him to agree to an “everyone for everyone” prisoner swap. The Israeli leader made no commitments but promised to “exhaust every possibility” to bring the captives home.

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Saturday 28 October 2023

Internet blackout in Gaza as Israel expands operations

Internet blackout in Gaza as Israel expands operations

Internet blackout in Gaza as Israel expands operations

"Humanitarian organizations and international media have lost contact with their colleagues amid intensified Israeli bombardment"

A near-total blackout of internet and cellphone service has taken hold across much of the Gaza Strip, according to witnesses there and companies that monitor global connectivity.

The largest telecommunications provider in Gaza that was still largely operational, Paltel, said Friday that it had suffered a complete disruption of all services after heavy Israeli bombing earlier in the day destroyed its last remaining infrastructure connecting it to the global internet.

"Dear people in our beloved homeland, we regret announcing a complete severance of all communications and Internet services with the Gaza Strip in light of the ongoing aggression," Paltel said in a statement translated by NBC News. "The intense bombing in the last hour caused the destruction of all remaining international routes linking Gaza to the outside world, in addition to the routes previously destroyed during the aggression, which led to the interruption of all communications services from the beloved Gaza Strip. May God protect you and protect our country."

Isik Mater, the director of research at NetBlocks, a U.K. company that tracks global internet connectivity, said the bombing created the biggest internet blackout since the conflict began.

“Today’s incident is the largest single disruption to internet connectivity in Gaza since the beginning of the conflict and will be perceived by many as a total or near-total internet blackout,” Mater said. “The loss of international routes is likely to severely limit residents’ ability to communicate with the outside world.”

The Palestine Red Crescent Society issued a statement Friday saying that the disruption would likely cause significant problems for emergency medical services in Gaza.

“We have completely lost contact with the operations room in Gaza Strip and all our teams operating there due to the Israeli authorities cutting off all landline, cellular and internet communications,” the group said. “We are deeply concerned about the ability of our teams to continue providing their emergency medical services, especially since this disruption affects the central emergency number ‘101’ and hinders the arrival of ambulance vehicles to the wounded and injured.”

A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces said Friday it had "increased the bombing in Gaza" including targeting infrastructure it says is used by terrorists.

Smoke over Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip from an Israeli strike on Oct. 27, 2023. Smoke over Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip from an Israeli strike Friday.Amir Levy / Getty Images

Telecommunications services in Gaza had already been severely degraded since the start of the conflict. Some wrote on social media that outages were due to bombs hitting their infrastructure.

Internet providers and cell towers require significant power to run. Israel cut power to Gaza after Hamas attacked, and Gaza’s sole power plant ran out of fuel on Oct. 11.

Doug Madory, the director of internet analysis at Kentik, an internet monitoring company, said that the current blackout is significantly worse than the last major outage in Gaza, when limited electricity forced many internet service providers to limit access and rely on generators.

“By every metric of internet connectivity, things are in bad shape,” Madory said.

Belal Khaled, a photographer based in Gaza, told NBC News in a WhatsApp chat that there was a total internet and cell service blackout. He was only able to speak because he had brief access to satellite internet, he said.

Hamas said in an official press statement that cutting off internet and phone access "warns of the occupation’s intention to commit more massacres and genocides away from the eyes of the press and the world."

Husam Mekdad, a telecommunications specialist in Gaza, told NBC News earlier this week in a Signal chat that some internet providers there had stored fuel for generators, though supplies are invariably limited.

Connectivity was already limited because so much infrastructure had been severed by bombing, Mekdad said. With no electricity, he was forced to charge his own cellphone from a neighbor’s solar panel.

Mekdad could not be reached for comment Friday.

Hamas claims that by cutting off communications from Gaza, Israel is attempting to “cover up the crimes of the occupation without any oversight or accountability,” and tries to “create an image of victory,” a senior official, Osama Hamdan, told Al Jazeera.

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