Monday 8 May 2023

Bus Enters Abyss In Guci Tegal, Police Investigate Alleged Children The Handbreak Prison

Bus Enters Abyss In Guci Tegal, Police Investigate Alleged Children The Handbreak Prison

Bus Enters Abyss In Guci Tegal, Police Investigate Alleged Children The Handbreak Prison

The chronology of the parked tourism bus suddenly plunged into the river in the tourist area of an jars in Tegal Regency, Central Java, Sunday afternoon, May 7, 2023, is still speculation. The police also investigated the alleged child who played and accidentally took off the handbrake.

A passenger named Muhammad Alwi (52) revealed that the bus was parked in a condition where the engine was on and the car was on the brakes. At that time the passengers had not fully boarded the bus because at that time it was just preparation to return to Tangerang.

However, he saw leaving the bus while heating the engine to return to Tangerang. "At the time of the incident I was behind the bus and the bus was braked, including blocking the bus tires," he said.

The bus suddenly plunged into the river which was right under the parking area until the final position rolled over on the river. According to witnesses, at that time some of the passengers were about twenty people already on the bus.

The police tell the chronology accident the bus fell into the river in the tourist area JarTegal, Central Java, on Sunday morning, May 7.

The bus was carrying a group of passengers originating from Jakarta.

Central Java Regional Police Traffic Director, Kombes Pol Agus Suryo, said the group was staying at the Guci tourist area and wanted to travel home in the morning.

Agus said the driver or kernet managed to start the bus engine.

The bus was also blocked because the road contour went down. Not all passengers got on the bus when the unfortunate incident occurred.

“When they wanted to return, several passengers had already gotten into the car and then turned on the car, then the brakes were working or not working, of course in the investigation process, they were blocked. Then they were left behind, the position of the bus was blocked, the driver and the driver were left. Then he drove without the driver, he continued to enter into the abyss,” Agus told CNNIndonesia TV, Sunday (7/5).

Two passenger was reported dead, while the other was injured in the incident.

Agus stated that his party immediately coordinated with a number of related parties after receiving the report. The passengers were rushed to the nearest health center to be referred to the Hospital (RS) in Tegal.

“Indeed, while we rushed to the nearest health center, so at that time there were already two ambulances. Later they will also be sent from [Polres] We will immediately evacuate Slawi from the puskesmas and we will take him to the hospital,” he added.

Agus added that currently his party is conducting a crime scene (TKP) process. In parallel, the bus driver was also secured for examination.

“We are securing the driver, later we will ask for his statement, events and chronology, of course also what kind of accountability,” said Agus.

“This is still processing the TKP. Our main priority is securing the victim, then we will evacuate, then we will carry out investigations and investigations as well,” he concluded.

Initially, there was one victim who died in this accident, namely Maja (58).

Maja’s body was taken by ambulance from Dr. Soeselo Slawi Hospital, Tegal Regency, Central Java, to the funeral home in Serpong.

South Tangerang Mayor Benyamin Davnie and Tegal Regent Umi Azizah let go of the ambulance.

“The bodies were brought home for burial, while those who still needed treatment, we handed them over here,” said Benyamin, who immediately left for Tegal after receiving news that the bus of pilgrims from Serpong had an accident.

Meanwhile, Maja and his wife joined this pilgrimage group. Maja was declared dead after receiving help at a health center in Tegal.

The victim’s daughter, Linda (33), admitted that she received news that her father had died at 09.30 WIB.

“(Received the news that my father was gone) around 09.30 WIB. Thank God I was aware at that time,” said Linda at the funeral home, Sunday on May 7, 2023.

Maja’s body arrived at the funeral home on Monday morning, May 8,2023. The body was then immediately washed and buried on the spot.

Meanwhile, the victim named Ibin breathed his last on Monday morning.

Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang, Pilar Saga Ichsan said, Ibin, as the victim of serious injuries, died at around 02.00 WIB.

“The information we just got, on behalf of Mr. Ibin, died around 02.00 WIB,” said Pilar.

Pilar said, Ibin had received treatment at Dr Soeselo Hospital. Ibin’s body is currently being delivered to Serpong, to be buried at the funeral home.

The Mayor of South Tangerang, Benyamin Davnie, visited the victims of a pilgrim bus accident that fell into the river at the Guci Tourism Object, who are being treated at RSUD dr. Soeselo Slawi, Tegal Regency, on Sunday Evening, May 7, 2023.

Apart from the death toll, currently there are two critical victims being treated at Dr Soeselo Slawi Hospital.

“Two injured victims are still critical and are being treated in the ICU,” said Mayor Benyamin Davnie.

Meanwhile, 23 victims who suffered minor, moderate and severe injuries have been brought to South Tangerang. The 23 victims were treated at two hospitals in South Tangerang.

They were taken using dozens of ambulances that had been prepared by the South Tangerang City Government.

Pilar Saga said, 11 victims with moderate-severe injuries would be treated at the South Tangerang General Hospital, while the rest who suffered minor injuries would be treated at the North Serpong Regional Hospital.

“Because (at the South Tangerang Hospital) the equipment and health workers are more complete,” said Pilar Saga.

Testimony of surviving bus passengers

One of the pilgrims who survived, Herman (40), said dozens of passengers panicked and screamed hysterically when the parked bus suddenly started without a driver and a driver in it.

“I was in the car, seat number 4. My wife and I. More or less 45 people have entered,” said Herman at the emergency room of Dr. Soeselo Slawi Hospital, Sunday afternoon.

Herman said, after the bus was started, the doors immediately closed.

“When it was turned on, the door was closed, the car immediately went down by itself. It hit a river rock or barrier,” said Herman.

“(All) people have all made istighfar, Allahu Akbar, panicked,” he added.

Herman at that time immediately embraced his wife and cornered himself into the passenger seat.

“Thank God I’m safe. My wife is also healthy,” said Herman.

Police investigate cause of accident The Tegal Police is currently

investigating the cause of the pilgrim bus falling into the river.

“The cause is still being sought, whether it was negligence, intentionality, or vehicle factors, including the condition factor due to the decreased location,” said Tegal Police Chief AKBP Mochammad Sajarod Zakun.

Sajarod said that his party received information that there were small children playing on the bus and had time to apply the bus’ handbrake.

“We are currently investigating this information, is it true or not that a small child used the handbrake, because the bus was still downstairs and had not been evacuated, still waiting for the crane to lift it,” said Sajarod.

Sajarod said that the results of the preliminary investigation found that the bus slid about 100 meters from the parking lot and fell into the river as deep as five meters from the road.

“Initially the bus parked in the Guci parking area. It was blocked and stopped using the handbrake, unable to move,” said Sajarod.

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