Sunday 7 May 2023

US, Ukraine to blame for terror attack against Prilepin — Russian MFA

US, Ukraine to blame for terror attack against Prilepin — Russian MFA

US, Ukraine to blame for terror attack against Prilepin — Russian MFA

©Alexander Shcherbak/TASS

Kiev and its Western patrons, in the first place, the US are primarily responsible for the terrorist attack against writer Zakhar Prilepin, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

"Responsibility for this and other terrorist acts lies not only with the Ukrainian authorities, but with their Western patrons, in the first place, the United States, who since the coup d'etat of February 2014 have painstakingly nurtured the anti-Russian neo-Nazi project in Ukraine," the statement reads.

"The lack of Washington’s condemnation of another in a string of terrorist attacks against a Russian journalist and public figure is an act of self-exposure by the US authorities. The silence of international organizations concerned is impermissible."

Car of Russian Author Zakhar Prilepin Blown Up in Nizhny Novgorod Region

"The terrorist attack against Prilepin is yet another manifestation of the systemic approach to liquidating ideological opponents, which has been actively cultivated in Ukraine by Washington since 2014 to have becoming a basic reflex of the Kiev regime," the Foreign Ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry offered condolences to the near and dear ones of the man who died in the attack and wished Prilepin a prompt recovery.

Details of terrorist attack

On Saturday morning, an explosive device went off in an Audi Q7 carrying Zakhar Prilepin. The incident occurred in the village of Pionersky, the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The writer was wounded and his driver killed. There were no other victims, the police said.

A criminal case was launched under article 205 of the Criminal Code (an act of terrorism). Law enforcement officials told TASS that a group of saboteurs might have been behind the attack.

The investigators are probing into the complicity of a detainee, identified as Alexander Permyakov, in the assassination attempt. The suspect has testified he has been acting on instructions from Ukrainian secret services.

Russia’s response to drone attack on Kremlin to be proportional — diplomat

Russia is working on a proportionate response to Ukraine’s drone attack on the Kremlin, Konstantin Gavrilov, head of the Russian delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, said on Friday.

"Our response will follow. The country’s leadership is thinking it over. I completely agree with speaker of the State Duma (lower parliament house) Vyacheslav Volodin who says that the response should be well-weight so that those who did it - both Kiev and its sponsors - had no intention to repeat such actions," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel.

"The response should be proportionate but felt by all," he added.

He slammed calls for the use of nuclear weapons as inappropriate. "We have a military doctrine about when nuclear weapons can be used, and empty calls for the use of nuclear weapons are premature and inappropriate," he stressed.

On May 3, Kiev tried to use two drones to carry out a night-time strike on the Kremlin residence of the Russian president. The Russian military and special services promptly disabled the drones that were targeting the Kremlin. The press service of the head of state said that Vladimir Putin was not harmed, his schedule was not changed, and his work continued as usual.

The Kremlin slammed the attack as a pre-planned act of terrorism and an attempt on the life of the head of state. Moscow reserved the right to retaliate in a suitable way and at an appropriate moment.

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