Saturday 15 April 2023

US military-biological activity in CIS threatens security — Lavrov

US military-biological activity in CIS threatens security — Lavrov

US military-biological activity in CIS threatens security — Lavrov

©Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images

Military-biological activities by Washington and its allies in the CIS countries pose a direct threat to biological security, namely, to public health and the environment, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference following his visit to Uzbekistan on Friday.

"Our joint work [with the CIS countries] for neutralizing threats to the security of our countries is of particular importance. There are threats of terrorism and threats posed by military-biological activities in our space by the United States and its allies, which create very dangerous precedents in terms of biological security. Also, there is a direct threat to public health and the environment," he said.

The State Duma and the Federation Council in March 2022 passed a resolution to conduct a parliamentary investigation of the biolaboratories in Ukraine.

Earlier, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said that during the special military operation in Ukraine, Russian forces unearthed evidence pointing to an emergency cleanup by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program, carried out in Ukraine and bankrolled by the US Department of Defense.

According to Konashenkov, staff from these Pentagon-run Ukrainian-based labs revealed the emergency disposal of particularly dangerous pathogens on February 24, namely, plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases.

US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland on March 9, 2022, speaking at a hearing at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Senate, said that there were facilities in Ukraine that did research in the field of biology and that Washington was trying to prevent them from falling under the control of Russian forces.

She said the Department of State was "concerned that the Russian military may be trying to take control of them," and is working with Ukraine to ensure that Kiev can "prevent any of these research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces." The Russian Defense Ministry stated that in fact Nuland had confirmed the Pentagon’s involvement in biological programs in Ukraine.

Earlier, the Russian embassy in Armenia also said that there were "organizations involved in bio-projects in Ukraine." Yerevan denies the existence of biolaboratories using the services of US Department of Defense personnel. According to the Armenian government, all "biolaboratories operate in accordance with the legislation and in the interests of the republic and employ only Armenian

Lavrov Holds Presser After CIS Foreign Ministers' Council in Uzbekistan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov came to Uzbekistan for a 2-day visit. He has discussed various foreign policy issues with his counterparts.

The top diplomat will discuss issues of diplomatic consultation of CIS countries and the cooperation of top diplomats of the CIS. Separately, they will discuss the issues of training journalists.

Lavrov came to Uzbekistan for official 2-day visit. Russian FM already held talks with Qin Gang – his Chinese counterpart and Bakhtiyor Saidov - Uzbekistan’s Acting FM. Also top diplomat participated in the 4th Ministerial Conference of Afghanistan's neighbouring countries (Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan).

Russia’s military takes into account West’s attempts to trigger conflicts around — Lavrov

Russia in its military-political and diplomatic planning takes into account attempts by the West to foment conflicts near its borders, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference following his visit to Uzbekistan on Friday.

"We stay on guard, we see this (Western attempts to provoke conflicts near Russia's borders - TASS), and we take it all into account in our planning in political, military, diplomatic and other respects," he said.

The West has tried to drag the Georgian leadership into creating a so-called second front, Lavrov stressed, but the current Georgian leaders "show a responsible approach," which is based on the fundamental interests of their people, and "reject this kind of schemes."

"There have been reports of attempts of turning Moldova into such a second or third front, too," Lavrov went on to say. "The way the West treats this or that leadership was clearly demonstrated when there were protests in Moldova against the pro-Western president and government and against neglect of the interests of economic development. The West condemned it as almost an attempt to overthrow legitimate authorities."

In the meantime, in the case of Georgia, "the protests were actively supported [by the West], and the protesters were in every way stimulated to stage another color revolution. We have a clear understanding what methods the West employs," Lavrov said.

He recalled that Poland had amassed major military contingents on the border with Belarus.

"Let's not forget that the Polish leadership also offered its territory for deploying US nuclear weapons," he added. "The combination of these factors, of course, does not let anyone feel at ease."

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