Wednesday 21 June 2023

US, NATO’s aggressive policies may result in clash between nuclear powers — Russian MFA

US, NATO’s aggressive policies may result in clash between nuclear powers — Russian MFA

US, NATO’s aggressive policies may result in clash between nuclear powers — Russian MFA

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
©Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

Aggressive policies by the United States and NATO, leading towards an ever-deeper involvement in military confrontation, can result in a direct clash between nuclear powers, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Wednesday.

"The greatest danger is that with the aggressive policies of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia in the Ukrainian conflict they have provoked themselves the United States and NATO continue to raise the stakes and become drawn ever deeper into military confrontation. It is obvious that such a policy, which we qualify as reckless, is capable of leading to a direct armed clash between nuclear powers," she said.

"I think there is no need to explain once again the essence of the strategic risks that arise in this connection and the potentially catastrophic nature of further developments of events according to the worst-case scenario."

Zakharova said that Russia was fully aware of the seriousness of the situation and "systematically sends sobering signals to the Western countries."

"The problem, however, is that the West is simply obsessed with anti-Russian hysteria and a total hybrid war against our country. It shows no willingness to adequately perceive our position. The entire responsibility for the further degradation of the situation lies with the Western capitals. For our part we can only firmly reiterate that Russia is determined to defend its security interests and we would not recommend the West to doubt this," Zakharova concluded.

New catastrophe looms in Kosovo as West 'toys' with international law — diplomat

The West is toying with international law in an attempt to create alternative ways to resolve the Kosovo problem, and this may lead the region down a path to calamity, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing Wednesday.

The diplomat underscored that the US and the EU continue to turn a blind eye towards Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s subversive actions and deliberately bring the settlement to a deadlock in order to "force the Serbs to surrender their vital interests."

"Since April 2013, Pritstina has been shirking its commitments to Serb municipalities in Kosovo. Instead of pressing the Kosovars, US mediators are laying the groundwork to radically decrease the community’s authority, and, of course, its replacement with some mechanism on protection of language rights, supporting Kurti’s claim about, as he put it, the non-territorial nature of this structure," she noted. "Amid these circumstances, there is a growing risk that the West will toy with international law in an aim to create alternative options for resolution of the Kosovo problem, taking the region to a new catastrophe, yet another one."

The diplomat noted that there is a reliable foundation for settling the situation, which remains fully in effect.

"That being the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 - the basis for negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, for any mediation efforts of the international community - the foundation is the same," she added.

West sees CSTO as threat, tries to breed discord — Lavrov

The West sees the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) as a threat to its dominance in the international arena, which explains why it has been trying to split its ranks, as well as to breed discord within the BRICS group (Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the media after the meeting of heads of delegations participating in the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) session with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
©Sergey Bobylev/TASS

"We noted that this organization, as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS are considered by the West as a threat to its dominance in the international arena, as the emerging centers of a future multipolar world order, which the West sees as a threat to its interests and its hegemony," Lavrov said.

"In this regard, we also observe the West's vigorous and aggressive actions to split the CSTO members, as well as the BRICS group, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other organizations independent of it, including attempts to resort to some dishonest methods to drive a wedge between members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization," said Lavrov.

He said that the two sides had an hour and a half-long conversation with the president of Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko explained his vision of the situation in the world, which was in line with common actions and furnished the basis for the further development of the CSTO. The participants in the meeting came to the conclusion that it was necessary to resist the pressure of the West and to fully implement the allied obligations and strengthen solidarity.

"The president of Belarus stressed that this is required, in his opinion, which we share, not only by the allied moral duty, but also by purely pragmatic interests. Ultimately, we all have to live together within the CSTO, within the Commonwealth of Independent States, within the Eurasian Economic Union and, of course, within the Union State, and solve our problems together. We are destined to live side by side with each other," Lavrov concluded.

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