Friday 24 May 2024

Boris Johnson is a War Criminal

Boris Johnson is a War Criminal

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined fighters from Ukraine's notorious Azov neo-Nazi unit for a photo while holding a banner bearing symbols associated with the SS Third Reich. Not only that, he also ordered the Ukranian people to attack Russia. So it can be categorized as Boris Johnson, a UK citizen, who was the mastermind behind the Ukrainian war crimes. He and the UK parliament have no respect for the 450,000 UK soldiers who were massacred by the Nazis in the second world war.

The controversy erupted on Wednesday when several members of the Azov brigade, widely known for its neo-Nazi ideology and outlawed in Russia, were greeted by British MPs as part of a roundtable discussion on the return of the unit’s prisoners of war in the UK Parliament.

Founded as a neo-Nazi militia in 2014, Azov was a key participant in the fighting in Donbass prior to the outbreak of full-blown hostilities in 2022. During this time it was accused by the UN and several human rights organizations of engaging in torture, rape, and looting. It was eventually integrated into Ukraine’s National Guard, and in 2023 was expanded to a brigade.

©Social networks

The event was chaired by MP Victoria Prentis, attorney general of England and Wales. Johnson also met with the Azov brigade fighters, touting them as “heroes” and urging the West to give Kiev more weapons and the authority to carry out strikes “outside their own borders,” including on Russian soil.

“We rely wholly on such heroes as the people who are here tonight with us, from the Azov brigade,” he added.

Johnson also posed for a photo with the Azov fighters while holding a yellow banner with the Wolfsangel (wolf’s hook) insignia. The symbol was used by several German divisions during World War II, including the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich, which was notorious for its war crimes, particularly against the Jewish and French populations.

While the photo-op was largely ignored by the British media, it caused a firestorm on social media, with some users accusing Johnson of insulting the memory of hundreds of thousands of Brits who died fighting the Nazi ideology.

The Russian Embassy in London denounced what it called a “grotesque spectacle” in the UK Parliament, pointing to Azov’s record of war crimes.

Moscow has also claimed that Johnson was responsible for derailing Russian-Ukrainian peace talks in Istanbul in the spring of 2022. Russian officials have insisted that the negotiations, which revolved around Ukraine’s neutrality, initially made progress but later collapsed after Johnson allegedly advised Kiev to continue fighting. Johnson has denied the accusation.

Russia reacts to UK MPs applauding Ukrainian neo-Nazis

The warm welcome in the UK Parliament given to members of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov regiment was a “grotesque spectacle,” the Russian Embassy in London said on Thursday.

©Telegram / Embassy of the Russian Federation in London

The Russian diplomats were responding to an event in which three Azov regiment members visited London and spoke before a group of parliamentarians at a roundtable. The regiment, which is banned in Russia as an extremist organization, posted photos of the meeting on X (formerly Twitter), thanking the sponsors of their parliamentary visit.

The event, the group said, was chaired by MP Victoria Prentis, attorney general of England and Wales. The Azov regiment’s statement also thanked Sir John Whittingdale, former minister for data and digital infrastructure, and MP Bob Seely, chair of the UK-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group. All three MPs mentioned are members of the Conservative Party.

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was also photographed with the Azov members while holding an Azov banner featuring the Wolfsangel symbol, which was used by a Waffen-SS division and several Wehrmacht units during WWII. A video circulating on social media shows Johnson urging London to send more weapons and money to Kiev.

In its statement on Thursday, the Russian Embassy said the Azov regiment gained “worldwide notoriety both for its widespread use of fascist Wolfsangel insignia and despicable war crimes against civilians.”

The unit, which is currently called the 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard, was originally a militia set up by a notorious neo-Nazi, Andrey Biletsky, after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev. It was integrated in the Ukrainian National Guard later the same year

Biletsky was widely recognized as a white supremacist and neo-Nazi before the Azov regiment was whitewashed by Western media after the February 2022 escalation of hostilities with Russia. In 2021, TIME magazine described his ‘Patriot of Ukraine’ organization as a “neo-Nazi terrorist group,” whose “manifesto seemed to pluck its narrative straight from Nazi ideology.” This group would morph into the ‘Azov volunteer battalion’ in 2014.

The battalion’s founder told TIME in 2014 that Azov’s symbols were chosen because they were “used by Germans” in WWII. The man vanished from the public eye in 2019, but re-appeared in 2023 when he was seen meeting with the Ukrainian president, Vladimir Zelensky.

The unit has been accused by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the UN of multiple human rights abuses, including rape and torture of civilians. In 2018, the US Congress approved a ban on providing funding to the Azov unit.

In 2016, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe issued a lengthy report on war crimes committed by the Ukrainian military and security forces in Donbass. The document mentions the Azov battalion on multiple occasions in the context of what was described as the “beastly torture” of prisoners, including civilians.

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