Saturday 12 November 2022

Russia has more weapons in its arsenal for use in Ukraine, Medvedev says

Russia has more weapons in its arsenal for use in Ukraine, Medvedev says

Russia has more weapons in its arsenal for use in Ukraine, Medvedev says

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev
©Ekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS

Today, Russia is building an equal world order for the future and is fighting alone against the West, while protecting its citizens and returning its lands, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday.

"(I’d like) to reiterate that it is Russia who is protecting its citizens. And that it is this country who has been returning and has already retuned Russian lands, not the other way round. And it will continue returning its lands," he wrote on his Telegram channel, summing up the result of 2022.

"It is Russia, and not the [United] States or Great Britain or the gloomy Kiev, who is building a future world order," and "such an equal world order will be built," he added. "Russia is fighting alone against NATO and the West, so drawing any parallels with the past is either incorrect or conventional," he maintained.

According to Medvedev, Russia is doing its best to save the lives of its service people and civilians while performing combat tasks.

Commenting on the weapons being used by Russia in its special military operation in Ukraine, he said: "For reasons that are obvious to all sensible people, Russia has not yet used its entire arsenal of weapons. Nor has it hit all possible enemy targets in localities....Everything in its time.

Medvedev concluded saying that only unity, everyday hard work and the highest morale would help the country to win.

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